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Pemrenr encontraron TRUTH AIS Lying for a Living: How Washington Survives and Thrives ~ A Six-Pack of Li JUSTICELME CER < Pte crete White Collar Crime: Se ent or) Vigilante Justice: Common Law Courts Behind the Razor Wire: Inside INS Detention Centers Perret PVC cre CTE Risking the World: Nuclear Proliferation ft Are the Feds Sniffing Your Re-mail? by John Dillon The rules of privacy are changing with electronic comemeenications, the eagerness af government to pry into our personal communicatim, apparently is not. cw \\ ae Email user lke thoes patrone ofa cybercate, probably assume ‘that when thay wea remaior, dey ensure the anonymity of thew comeepondence, oreign and domestcintelignce gotcienereactively monitoring ‘worldwide Internet trae and lve alogedly running “anonymous re rmailer"tervces designed vo protect the ‘Privacy oflectonie mall user. ‘Thestarlingelaim that government snoops may be surepstoualy operat- ing computer privacy prtection ays- toms usedby privat czens was made ‘air this yoar ata Harearé Univer sty Lew Schoo! Symporiam on the (Gaba Information nirstroctare, The source was not tome crexed compar hacker paranoid abost government sveadropping- Rather, the information ‘ras presented by two dafenae exper, Former Assistant Secretary of Defoe ‘Wiest Point and the National Defense University in Washington, D.C, along ‘with Wiliam Marlow, atop ofa et Science Applications International (Corp, leadingascrity contractor “Anonymous re-mailor service are prtty much what th name implies ‘Stepping dentitying sours information {fom email message, they alow poop to post electronic messages without ‘raceclereearn aren ‘But Strazsmenn and Marlow eid shar te anonymous remaller, Fused ‘propery —and intandem with eneryp ontoftware — pose anunprecedented atonal eearitythret fom “informa tion terrorists” Intelligence services “have an op their own reales ino der ta collect data on potential sple, ‘iminal and erreriat they sald Following thelr Harvard talk, Strasermann and Marlow “expt Inowledgod that a number of enony- ‘mou remallers isthe US are run by igvernment agence seaning ra” feid Viktor Mayor Schoenberg, lav- “Ser fom Austria who etodod the en: ference. ‘Marlow avid thatthe (US) (government runs et least a doves re- {hale and thatthe moot popular re ‘mallereinPrance and Germany ators ty respective agencies in thous coun: ‘mall meaaage to Hototred, te orine ‘ersion of Wired magazine. Although ‘he etry di not make headlines, is ‘icky became the eal mes: fags relayed ound the word, gast- ing over 900 messages to Strassmann ‘and Marlow twas followed by the lee: ‘onl version opin contra. ‘Strasemann quickly posted denial Iman interview, he sad the Aastrian ‘campltaly misundarstend what heard (gers message "That wos tho persons Inuerpretation of what we eal We ‘id not specially mention any gor. ferment. What we ead wa thet gor- ‘rnmentseresohervily waved inthis Tinterne sce that coms plausile ‘hat governments would seit inmany swaye"(Mrow didnot return cal or Comment) "But Harvard Law Sebool Profesor Charlee Neaton, wha heardtbo original "he emaled fam Vienne. "They i a couple of adationl things Pm ure they dot want people to remem- ‘er, But the statement bos mailer ie the one most people heard tnd! thinkis quite explosive news, int ere Pagers ees me 8 ‘Encino ‘Sbeattenes ‘Marioy sad that actly a fair percentage of emailrs around the Wrerldareoperatodbyintligneeery- im: "What aboot the US, athe seme fae here aswell? Maslow as you Harvard aympe- stam, posted on the World Wida Web, ‘so londerodonote Mayer Schoerber- Snonymous rem {ilyeonedthenarnet woal require 17/00 to 14000 around Uh world he ‘ote quote Marlow an aging. @ Ease With Eavesdropping Pryinginte ema is probably as odes ‘mall iat. The Internet fv olor. ‘unly inne; semeagen are kept on. ‘Computer for month or years I they tre stored safely they canbe viewed. tyanyone who rummage through le- tronic archives —by searching through he harddrive by using sophie tienedeavndroppngctniguas ory Ibeeinginla modem fom aremotelo- ‘tion On all i ebtained, legally root ean be encrmocsly valuable Lawyers ere increasingly oeing 7. chived eal es evidonesin cv iga- ‘monitoring personal communica: ‘dentites to real user names, These tervicen tre mare accurately called “pecudonymous" remaller since they assign anew name and adres tothe Sender Casually a erie of mumbers or Characters) and are the mot walner ‘ble tosecunty breathes, enc hogs ‘an be aubpoensed or talen: The most popular paeudonymous” remaller ee Finnish erie aanon ponet. 6 “Tlieve that ifyou want protection ‘against n governmental body, you ‘wold be felis foe anon. pane 8° ‘aid Jeffrey Shiller, manager ofthe ‘MassachunttaTratite of Technology ‘computer network and an expert on - tallandnetworksecurty. Last year it fac authorities aided anon pane. look forthe dont ofa Church of Se- ‘sing the supped private sorvie® "The eecond kind of remaile “eypherpunke services ran by Experts privately acknowledged — Stes'somems sect ane. —and publicly denied — that USand foreign spy agencies Rv rrrem ‘nymiiy detoure the message ‘hrowgh the rem formation identifying the i i ‘return adres," and senda it are covertly running re-mailers, ("yay Schlier aye hata tion, And & was Oliver Norkis email (ehich he thought was deleted) that showed ths dept of the Reagan ad ‘nlnatraicas volvement nthe Ian (Conta ate ‘Moreovs, i easier to tap e-mail messages than vole talephone tal fie, according tothe paper weiten by Strasamann and Marlow. “Aa email ‘raffle tas over an ever-increasing share ofpeesonal eommunication, in spection cf e-mall trafic can yild ‘more comprehensive evidence then Just about any wire Supping effert" ‘hey wrote "E-mail tapping les ex- Densve, more thorough and las for iving than any ether means for ‘Enftcnaarsheu hap spene arts ‘Stoeltne ieee ‘exphorpunk resmeiler in its ‘ples form is program run on i Coming esl that loos fr messages Containing a "request-resmalingo" header line. When the program sees sachin, removes the information ‘dentityng the sendy and "rer ala? the metsage? Some remallrs replace the return addres with omething ke “nobodynowhere org” "Further protetion canbe obtained byusingtie, publicly avalableeeryp- tion programe such as Pretty Good Pr- Sore eas ae cAQ caQ ‘racy and by chaining messages and re Thalers together Sending the message ffom remaller to remailer—oning en ‘eryption at each hap—allds up an on- fon skin arrangement of encrypted mesanges inside encrypted messages ‘Some rematlere wil vary tha ing af the outgoing mal, sending the mes- ‘ages out in random sequence in erder {athwartattompletatracemailbacky Tnkingitto whan twaesent. @ Issue: The Right to Privacy Linking encrypted measage together ‘ean be tricky ad time-consuming. So ‘who weldbethar? A. Michael Freakin, ‘tnassstan professor oflawatthe Uae ‘eri of Miami and an expert on In- {erne! legal issues, says anonymity Allows people to practice plitcal free speech without fear of retribution. ‘Whistleblowers eat identity corporate 1 while redoing their rk of detection. People with ‘belt robles at are embarraueing cormigitthranten thelr ability to getin surance ean seek advice without com. ‘corn that thelr nanis would be lerted ‘loctroneallyaund tho wer." Abat- {ered woman.can ineresmalerstocom- runieate with friends without he ‘pre indag be "Tha Amnesty International hsman rights group hs used enonymeus re ‘alors to protect information supplied by poltieal dasidente, said Wayne Matson, a computer security expert fandcoathor of snow edition of The uacle Palace, a book onthe National Security Ageney. "Amnesty Intern tonal has people who ute romaine because {fan intelligence service in ‘Turkey tracks down [pallial oppo ents)» they take Wher ot and shoot them,” aid “T would rather err on fhe side of those peopl, I would rather five the benef ofthe doubt to human, esta ‘Stracemana and Marlow, onthe cher hand, see the thet to ational tecurityasanoverridingconce. Their Daper, “Riek-Pree Access into the Gaba Infermation Inratractre win ‘Anonymts Rewnalers? prevented et the Harvardcanerenc,iaacalltclee: tronic arm. Tn i, they warn that re- aller wil be employed in nancial A Meta Peis Timer Some ese te her pee 2 hae SS etre nt o fraud and used by “information terror- late toepread stolen government se eros or to dirupttelooommuication, finance and power geoeraton ayers, Internet anonymity has rewristen the rales of modern warfre by making re {alaton impo, since the dentisy tf the sealant a uakown, they sid "Since bial ines erimes have been deterred by the prospect of punish- ‘ent Fr that, the eriminal had tobe spprehended. Yet information crimes Ihave th unique characteriate thet ap. prehension is impossible. Informa: ‘om erimes ean be commitied eaily various opportunistic companies look- Ingo ways tocashin: really aap fal about a lot of it.The problem is ‘lneenths hype and elghttenth bed Security practice,"he sad. Already ex- tng Internet security systems “Ike neryption and frewal fareofthe problem.” "The public should ot havetofstsy why it needs privacy be eid. "Why do {yuineed window blinds? Privacy ene ff thone fundamental human rights that tis ito other human eights such st freedom of expresin, the right to ‘sioclate with who you wen, Un right te speakyour minds you Ieeliko i. Th question ‘The public should not have to shoulda’ be what de you justify why it needs privacy. ‘The question shouldn't be what do srament with constte. you have to fear, it should be why are they listening in? without leeving enytalliale evidence suchas fingerprint, races ofplson or bullets" they wrote * ‘Asanexample they eit the Finish ‘emailer (anon pene. claiming that Is frequently used by the ex KGB Raseisn criminal slement. Asked for proof or further detail, Sirassmann ‘Sni"That paper ina rin the pic omainasyou' goingtoget"™ "At tho Harvardayzpostum,the pelt provided addtional allegations that ‘onymousrermallers are used com tit erimes “There ware rs not to tarnadout tobe anargmoss e-males. ‘Thar was amaacive exchange around | the world ofthe vlnerailien ef his banisnetwork*Mariow sald" | ‘Bot David Bisa, an analy! with he Washington, D.C based Beetronie Privecy Information Canter G210) dbwnplayed this Kind of enaedteany- etions are always when they want totbreath the privacy rights oetizens Lehi thin information warfare etl seams toboa way fr thomltary trying tofindnew reason frexistence and fot Eee eee cAQ ‘onal limit to democratic power, they nv take ‘heargument they moods listenin, not theathor way coal ‘Froomkin, from the University of Mami, alae questioned ‘Strassmann and Mayers coselusons. “Firat ofl, tho statistics about where he remaiare ‘confirm them,” he anid “I completely ‘degree with their aaearment of fet ‘andthe conclusions they draw from ‘hem... Having sald tha, there's no ‘gestion there are bad things you can {with anonymous re mallere There Ispotntial for erminalbehavian™ ‘Banisar double that intelligence gence are ata renning tema: fr." would ental fury high prose that they tend to shy away from,” he said However, iti tkly that agendas freeing? monitoring —tealege- Ingto and ftom thee site, esa. @ Work Sniffing the Wot [Not in doubt, however, is that the gor srnmont is ucng the Internat to gather {ntelligonce and i exploring the net potential ureulnee fr eovert oper tons Charis Sel, a Department of Defense poly aaatan fo special op ations and ow intenlty cont pre lucedarepert last summer saying hat by szanaing computer meceage trie, the goverament might scaly warm setae a ‘SUN 3086 Inge of impending olgnifcant developments.” Swott added thatthe "Tnternot ould lao be used offensively x an adai- tional medium inpayehalogieal erations earpaigns Belp achieve unconventional warfare chjecives The one ausfed Swett paper was {sit posted on the Tateret by ‘Steven AMtergod ofthe Fed- ‘ration ofAmerizan Scientia "The dniment omer inpart ‘ntniaret use leistpaiteal Tnsititefor lol Communica: Hons (100), which operates Peaconet and other networks ‘sed by eetivists. ICC shows, ‘Swett write, “the breadth of DoDreevant infration aval ‘Sie enthe arnt” ‘The National Seeurity ‘Agency in aaa actively ni ing" key Internet sites that til in the Brteh newsletter Com puter Fraud and Security Bulletin, Madcon reported that soureos within the government and private industry teldhim thatthe NSAlemonitoringtwo ay Internet routers — which eect ‘lectronie mall trafic —In Marylond by Ameritech end Bell Communes ‘lone Renan) aa San Franco (op: ‘ratedby PacibeBel)™ ‘Madecrteevesthat NA mentoring our lwayssiopat the US border ae ‘in itroe RSA ating charter, ‘hich imits the agoney spying i ternational activiie “People friar withthe The National Security Agency is also. ssstngcmtnathe Program Is one oft actively “sniffing” key Internet sites XsAs'aeceprjecte’but that route electronic mail traffic. wwf astose sndCalioriaInanintervion Madson tid ho wast that the NSA was" {ng fr heed of eign and the od- (rae of detiaton’ofeleronie ma "The NSA sao allgedy monitor. Ing traffic passing through large Tn- 1 gateway sito in Pennsauken, NI (operated Sprint), Chicago operated but enh Feta Gt ee Need aie rg ar pe Se Rete slnieationsinduttrybe Electronic communietons open up ‘pportanites to bronden democratic ‘eras ta information and ergeining. ‘Thay aio provide a moans and an op portly for governments to py Bat jistas people have aright toaendalet- ter through the pote without ae tamaddresoreventadropltinaal bow in another ety, 0 ton, elactrnle Fights edvocatos argue, they have the "ght to send en anoqymaus, untrace- able electronic communiation. And Just este post fe can be used mal- ‘ously ote commie or hide eerie ‘mailorecanbe sod eos eininal caQ people to send hate mai or engage ame wars” And ike the poe oes, the highway, and the telephone, the Tnteroet could be uae by epi orto. rerlte, Thos abuses, however, do net Jositycarsaling th right of tho ast ‘number of people who uve privy erect logal ways Robert Els Smith editor ofthe Pri- ‘snonymous remallers, “They wers eet ‘up by people with avery lagna p= ‘acy ro" e si. “Law enforcement Ine ta keep up with the pace ftachza- ‘ny oa opposed to tying to inlrato teetnology. Law enforcement seams to ‘want torhut downorretardtechnlogy, ‘tnd het not realeie.Anonymau r- ‘mallerg.are nota threat to national ve re ee ‘CORRECTION: Bacar of anadira wo arisarectyrparadn ta Sng 586 el aera Cuban Morten ased na’! Ora Gat res [eines aroaarnee Iectesvenas Oma: Rint apareborin {helgu acon

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