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Emily Yang

U.S. History
Annotated Bibliography
"Eakins' Vision of American Recreation"In the Good Old Summer Time" | EDSITEment."
EDSITEment | The Best of the Humanities on the Web. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2016.
EDSITEments article provides information that allows readers to distinguish leisure time
activities from the past and the present. This website also allows readers to analyze one of the
most well-known images of sculling, which was a leisure time activity. The website seems to
seek to expand information about two important examples of leisure time activity. This website
will be used to provide information of partial background information and two key individuals
that made contributions to leisure time activities. I do not find partisan judgement within the
article of the author as he/she does not provide much about his/her opinion of the topic but facts.
"Sports and Leisure []." US History. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2016.
The Sports and Leisure website provides a myriad of information on various sports.
Background information of how sports as leisure time activities emerged and specific
information is given about each other the sports provided in the article, such as baseball and
bicycling. I will use this article to incorporate information on particular sports and activities the
site mentions. The website seems to aim to allow readers to have an extended knowledge of the
formation and creation of these sports. Although the author presents a picture of baseball from
the Detroit News before mentioning any sports, I dont really find any bias with the author
because he is equitable in the amount of information he presents about each sport/leisure time
activity mentioned.
"Entertainment In The Gilded Age :: American History." Free Essays, Term Papers, Research
Paper, and Book Report. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2016.
The website Entertainment In the Gilded Age goes in depth in great detail of the history
of how leisure activities came to formation. It explains that of the most popular forms of
entertainment during the Gilded Age was theater, particularly Vaudeville, and provides a great
amount of information about the subject. The website seems to aim to explain mostly theater,
what it was like during that time period, and its impacts. As a result, this website will mostly be
used to expand information on theater for my website. I dont find much bias with the author
except he mainly focuses on theater, and explains about how popular it was. Rather than
considering any other leisure time activities.

"18781899: Sports and Recreation: Overview." Gale U.S. History in Context. N.p., n.d. Web. 13
Jan. 2016.
The U.S. History in Context document provides an abundance of information and the
past that led to the formation of leisure time activities, human responses to it, and the impacts of
leisure time activities. The website seems to seek to provide the reader with a great amount of
information to know precisely what leisure time activities were and the impacts. Some of the
activities mentioned were amusement parks, celebrating holidays, and sports. This website will
be used to provide information particularly on amusement parks and holidays (which are not
mentioned as much in other websites) and human responses to leisure time activities. I dont find
any bias with the author, especially since he/she provides several details and information of
leisure activities.
(Photos, Maps, Graphs, etc.)
Detroit News. (n.d.) [photograph]. Retrieved from
This photograph shows Ty Cobb sliding home at Detroit's Bennett Park in a major league
baseball game. I used this picture because it represents exemplifies older baseball rather than
modern. In the picture, major league games were played before wooden stands. I feel that the
main goal of the author was to portray baseball as a whole. It not only shows Ty Cobb sliding but
also shows the audience in the back, and other major players within the game. This photograph is
used in the website to show early baseball to allow the audience to compare and contrast past and
modern baseball. I dont feel that the author was biased because he did not capture a particular
aspect of the photo but took a picture of the event as a whole, not focusing on one player, but on
Warry, T. (2012). Londoners at Play [photograph]. Retrieved from
The photographs in this website show how Londoners spent their leisure time from the
late 1800s to present day. I used these pictures because the black and white emphasizes the
earlier time period and these photographs accurately show the leisure time activities of a
particular group of people. Although the author focuses on Londoners, I dont feel that there is
any bias since the website titled Londoners at Play specifically refers to Londoners and does
not belittle any other group of people.
Victorian Britain: Leisure. (1880-1900). [Photographs and Paintings]. Retrieved from
This website provides nine excellent photographs and paintings that show leisure time
activities in Britain. These photographs and paintings show various activities such as buying ice-

cream and riding an elephant. I like this website because it provides numerous pictures of the
various activities the British enjoyed. I dont find any bias from the author since the authors
intention and purpose of the website was to focus on British leisure activities.
Khairy, W. (1921). [Photograph]. Retrieved from
This website shows two photographs of the vaudeville theaters which were earlier forms
of movie theaters. These two pictures were chosen because they show a clear view of the
physical appearance of the theater and the people in the audience. I dont find any bias in the
website from the author because the author intentionally focuses primarily on vaudeville houses.

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