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TED KACZYWsKI October 17,2002 Dear Ms. Thanks for your letter of October 3. You BP RGIMCIN=efsyoneudcan mbe Imp “isctond’ lady love! Vive put thet question to Lady Love #1, and she says “no”, There is To be no Lady Love #2. As for pictures of myself, I dowt think 1 have aay here with me, excepr possibly ete). thet To need to Save. But if you send me a picture oF myself, yes, Tf will sign it for you. And, ee) yet can Send © mO9e! aT picture! of youcsell. 1 have to be honest with yous My only veuson foc coveesponding with you ut present 15 that you are kind envugh to help me by Sending me copies of materials thot J need. It's possible that Triendship between us may develop eventuell, bur Fiipvcretoonr ferkt éaly wong tier meen t Le is Lett, Love meni to whom Tam committed — ¥8, @at Two {rom once ant for alle Bec Gee But i de Reo abe Rss ace much ye te help me obtain published matervals that Pe, you Can. Senki Ty me terres 1 fethas TED KACZYWSk\ te Dear Ms. 1 have received td wast Halloween I have aleendy Fer yom, card les Ea the pictures of 10/26/02, In both of addeess me as thar Lady Love No- 1 tone your Tam net breaking off my wet hear veturaing to you including the phot of your “sweetheact-" I weld be lerters are comfor table covrespendence trom me November 4, 2002 your tuo letters Dated 10/26/or card. Signed one pictuve of myself noT going To Sign @ny more. herewith, unsigned, all of you Sent me With your letrers yourself. tofzéfor you don't think that comfortable with The Taking, and Jo know as ee letters of ther ja withe yeu, You) will agains EAC pees, Ted Kargirehe TED KACZYNSKI ie Ea DR. PATRICK BARRIOT 7, 2006 Dear De. Barciot : Bice: thanks for your kind lester of June I, which I veceived on June 26. 1 am especially grateful for your willingness To help my Friend || Joy Richards. J was able to speak with hee telephone on July 3. Ar that Time she Told me that she had made one unsuccessful attempt to

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