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BMC Land parcels approved for third metro

Swapnasaurabha Kulshreshtha
Mumbai, 27 January 2016 : Improvements committee of BMC today
approved to transfer 17 land parcels to The Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation
(MMRC) for construction of 32 km Colaba-Seepz third metro route. Its is
considered a big relief for project and MMRC which has came under strong
criticism on issue of land acquisition for project.
MMRC is constructing citys first underground metro on Colaba-Seepz
metro route with 27 stations. Over 80 percent of land required for project is
already in possession of MMRC. It requires some land parcels from BMC.
On Wednesday proposal of transfer of BMC land came for approval in front
of improvements committee. MMRC made a presentation before the civic
improvements committee members on Wednesday requesting it to give
approval for 7,796 square metres (0.78 hectares) of permanent BMC land.
This land would be required for construction of Mumbai Metro Line 3.
These17 spots like DN road in Fort, J Tata Road at Churchgate, near
Hutatma chowk and opposite Siddhivinayak temple in Dadar.
While speaking to The Hindu, Prakash Gangadhare, chairman of
Improvements committee said, This metro project is going to play very
important role in citys public transport service. MMRC needs some land on
permanent basis and some for temporary work. MMRC has assured that it
is going to take care of rehabilitation process. So in the interest of citys
infrastructure committee approved to transfer land to MMRC.
These land parcels are going to be used for making entry/ exit shafts and
fire exits for the project. MMRC needs 5.39 hectares of land on temporary
basis. Approval from civic body is awaited.

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