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Terre Haute, Airisltene.8 Aly yhame: nibh recently shared exercise Time with Ramzi Yousef, but 1 fo frequently take rec with « couple of other well-known inmates. J won't Mention their Names withour heir permissions C Dn bad Remzils Land MeVergh's permission T Talk about euc shaved cee. time.) Beth Ramzi and Me Veigh are very iatelligent, and they are Friendly and considerate of others. T_know very little of what. the media have said about Ramzi, bur I cam say that Me Veigh has been misrepresented by the media, _ ES i wn? i None oF the foregoing remarks are Gi desks tell OP een Adena.’ of actions of which Ramzi and Me Veigh have been accused. ers 6, In answer your letter of June 2: J appreciate your kindly concern, I'm doing alright. Judge Burrell's denial of my motion under 28 USC. $2255 was (expected, stnce he was the J+4ge who tried me In the First place. I've now applied to the US. Court of Appeals for the Minth Circuit fer permission appeal to thet court, and thet's where I just might have # chance, if only a very slim one. naga] wath, Me Jeigh Im aoteosure Gf 1 tunawy — buk tf {> f 7 ji zed cdiresaus turd er sowie Fines Am Toop ight © Anyway, lim 7 : Pe eA ee y a qoing Ge invite MeVergh te ga kone I font khow whether he dic what the y S4y he he did doit Wie iio wea very hecent oc what his motives were if on a personal level eadly eh ste .ctf weaken ok others. fAy mnpresstion is that te and Ramzi Youse are both Very wright. Actaally, Tine Preple Yim ae Lhe etlirs vange of cells (Gennes as row D) are nicer than the majority of pespie Pe been Gh the ourside. J Sheuts add that a lor of what the media huwe printed cheut Me Veigh is creep. Heian cere “Aeonaul vacist — fur from iT — and he hoesn't believe that satellites control people or that he has a al ain Cele p celeguit, ” \ TED KACZYpSKI oust May 2f fs { Mey 21, (999 Dear My. ['ve just veceived the book that you ey Seat me for my bicthday, and 1 would ike T express ny appreciation of you thoughtfidlness. My experience of young males (age (3-25), and of having been one myselt, is that ‘they generally tend To be vather hovdnosed amd callous, se, for your age and sex, 1 would say thet you ave yemarkably considerate cf other peoples While we are on the bivthdays — 1 trust that you veceived the bivthdoy greeting that [ seat you; and you 3 be iaterested to know That your bir tad. Apeil 27, is the same as that ot Ramzé Yousef, the alleged “mastermind of the World Trade Center Bombing, 1 mentioned this Tt Ramzi, and he wants me T Tell you that, since your bivthday is the his, you aud he must have Sue Same as Similar personadities, I'm not Sure how Serious he ise He may have some degree of belief in astrology. * sveps, aivas universal Understanding 0 F ou. Ws heat me’ To? cite” Articulate snieraimensi unm Sciences” any Clear Similavitios oe -dif ferences’ between your personality anh that ef Ramzi Yoused, the” alleged mastermind, of tae World Trade Center bombing. To honestly cant think of any clean similarities ov un kiflerences between you tws Div ewly have a2 Nague Lesense. that YOu are nr Some Ways Similar. and iar Some ways different, 1: put your . question. » Rae pand® she suggested that you should look at the July issue of. Penthouse magazine , which! cowtutns “en article’) about him and MeVeigh. I~ hesitate «to mention “Perthouse+ te “You Sivce OL ertainly Aoutty want i; tr encourage you “te feaar> peblication » fs that ilky CTo cans Tell” you in all. sevtousness>! thats T > wouldnt’ hade Te: copy of : Penthouse Wi iny ‘cell 5 bu “then, you probabl vead it: anyway; so what the teeck» bloA 39 Tan iw verte) tase. TED KACZYNSKI November’ 1, 200! te UK. Dear Professor ‘ Thanks for your letter Ceven though if bears the inauspicious date of October 3.—my brother's birthday). JT don't object to word-processed lerrecs. I'm not sure what you're looking for from me, since you don't ask any specific questions or raise any specific points that you want me to addeess. But since you're an expert in Islamic studies, 1 ho have some fairly specific points thar I'd Ivke you to addvess. Like a lot of people, I've been wondering Cand not only since Sept- 11) about the significance of militent Islam, and in particular about the motivations of the militants. Some of the motivating factors involved. ace obvious: resistance to medernizatio religious fanaticism, the leaders’ drive for power, and “nationalism.” © But the celative importance of the various factors, and their exact nature, has been very unclear te me. The first thing I read thar eee oe te word phenomenon 15 similar to nationalism, but differs from it “aationalism’, in quotes, because the in that it involves identification not with a nation but with a religion- any veal light on the subject was an article in Time Magazine , October IS, 2001, pages 70-71, titled “Osama's Endgame,” This. article seems Co Show that Osama Bin Laden's motives (whatever he may tell himself about them) are not primarily veligicus piet, ov vesistance to modernity, but rather “nationalism and the drive for power, If the article can be believed, Bin Laden wants nuclear weapons and economic stveagth for the Islamic world so thet it can become 2. “great power." In other words Bin Laden, behind a veneer of piety, just wants To play the same power-game that states have played almosr since ‘the beginning of civilization. It's a game that threatens to become unprecedentedly isastvous, in Several respects, because staTes now have af their. disposal the ineveasingly horrible Tools of modern Technology: But IT don't know how seriously to Take the Time article, because I've learned through my own experience that the news media are sloppy in. theie vesearch and do not hesitate te distort the truth. So my first question is: Do you think the article is voughly accurate in its portrayal of Bin Laden's motives? Assuming that the article is more-or-less aceurate as to Bin Laden personally, to what extent can he be taken as representative of militant Islam as 2 wholes J don't doubt thet there are a areat many militant Muclime for ushaw erie asijors 2, religions belief is more important than “nationalism” and the Acive for worldly power, but I strongly suspect that those for whom worldly power is most important will tend to dominate the movement, Do yeu agree, or not? I also wonder about the strength and nature oF the resistance to modernity: Assuming That the article mentioned above is correct, if seems clea that Bin Laden and his associates do not weject modern technology and industvialization — since the Islamic world could hardly become a great power without them, Bin Laden et al vesist only the social changes that have accompanied modernization, eg:, collapse of traditional values, ivreligion, and unbridled hedonism. 1 think there Is Significant resistance to modern Technology in the [slamie world, * but my guess is thet the forces of what I've called “nationalism” will easily prevail over any resistance to medecn Technology + Do you agree with the feregsing paragraph, or not ® Sots interesting thet I've ceceived a couple of postcards, unsigned but apparently from the same person, bearing postage stamps of the United Arab Emirates and the words, “From Dubai. No other message, but I assume the sender of the cards knew what I stand for and meant to express his Support. Assuming J am right in thinking that the dominant goal of militent Islam Cor at least of its most Important leaders) is fo create an Islamic “great power) 4nd one That is free of the social changes that have accompanied Mmeoderaization elsewhere it seems to me that iTs project is doomed te Fai industri Successful, efficient industrialization is incompatible with the existing culture of the Middle East. Creation of a great power would require lization, amd it would appear That An attempt to industeiahize that region either, will fail oc will lead t the same kinds of social changes thar have accompanied industrialization elsewhere. Would you comment on the foregoing paragraph® T would also guess that, even if the leaders were to Avop all resistance to modernizing social changes, creation of a fully-developed and efficient industria conomy n the Middle East would be exceedingly slow and difficult, becanse the culture isn't amenpble to it and won't cheage easily. In particular, there is not enough Social discipline there —or not enough social discipline of Me right Kinds Do you egree or disagree Even though a fully— developed industrial economy in the Middle East seems unlikely for the foreseeable future, I can well imagine a Middle- Eastern state that as a whole is inefficient and backward, but in which a velatively small, elite intelligent, am excellent worker, and I liked him very well, But by way of a joke he used t pot a knife at me —a_ box-cutter knife, as it happened —and say, “I weel keel you!" He apparently did not vealize that that kind ef humor was ee not acceptable in the West. This is only an anecdote, but it illustrates what I think other evidence seems to support — that in Middle Eastern cultures there is far less inhibition about violence, killing , and destructiveness generally, than there is in the West. Am J ight about this? * *” ce Now let me return To your letter, Your fourth pacegraph is obscure to me, Do you mean thal you formerly opposed loss of human life but are now more ready to accept it? Or vice versa? You indicate that the deaths at the World Trade Center have affected you more deeply then violent deaths elsewhere in the world. Is this because you see the W. TC. peeple as more Iike yourself, so thet you can Identify more closely with them? You ask whether that makes you a racist, Whether you call yourself a racist is up te you, but personal, I think the leftists’ use of the word vacist is absurd. If the term isto be applied os broadly as the leftists apply it, then probably 77.7% of people Throughout the world's history have been racists, uve pipers z Also, I'm highly skeptical of the claim that “deaths of innocents occur every day in hundreds of thousand [sic] through the depredations of imperialism.” Where I've had opportunity to compare information from lefrists with information from sources that I howe good reason to believe ave veliable, I've found the leftists’ information to be shamelessly slanted. (Same true of information from the right.) And, assuming that that statistic (“hundreds of thousands of deaths") Were correct, how would your leftisr friends balance those deaths against the lives saved by Western medicines and medical Technology, Western agricultural technology, ete? (Mot that I think that's good. If I coutd, 1 would eliminate al/ advanced Technology everywhere, including medical and agricaltuwel Technology.) And why would you run a Support group for IRA. prisoners? 1 certainly can't cleim To be well-informed about Northern Ivelend, but from the little I know it seems To me that whet is going on ‘there is essentially just 4 blood~feud between the Cutholics and the Protestaats, and I see no reason why any outsider should think that one side was better than the other, Sincerely yours, Ted Karey gneke = ‘ TED KaczyMskt December 8, 2001 Dear 2 Thanks for your letter postmarked Movember 30. L very much appreciate The trouble you've gene through in trying te Find books for me. However, if ‘the books J mentioned ave not veadily available, dont wovvy about it, J could use same books tn Spanish so thet I cen keep in practice with that languege, but if there are any good Secondhand-book stores i” your avea you might be able te get some Spanish-language books cheep 1 actually prefer old, beat-up books of the kind that you could get at 4 minimal price. Most any books of history oF biography would interest me- IT finished my petition for writ of certiorar: and sent it to the Supreme Court on October 30, Bites onl, a slim chance). than dhel Supreme Court will agree te review my case, but if they did agree ‘to veview it PF might. have a good chance of winning: Here at the prison only one thing has changed Bea cesult of the war-and—Tterrovism Situation. A new system for delivering Jegal mail to inmates has been set up, and I think it has something te do with the anthrax scave. Mail from lawyers is no longer delivered te our cells. Instead, we are escorted to the mailvoom te pick up our legal mail there. 12/8/o1 NeCenvitet iments commen? on unddenr. events. T don't know. enough about the Middle East te Dem eaiichaon communinls fetaily buts provisfona ll, , le y orator me rhe iat Maree actin ba. now. is 2 seins, just the latest phase of the brute/ struggle for power between vival states and rival cultures that has been going on almost since the beginning of civilization, The difference is. that, today, modern Technology makes the move destructive and dangerous than iT ever wes before. Struggle far As always, politicians and propagandists on both sides use ‘the existence of an external enemy to distract attention from problems at Wome: When pecple ave frightened by a Threar Coming From outside their own countey, They tend to cally behind their leaders and fecger their gvieyances, and the politicians ancl propagandists exploit this phenomenon. In our country, the Terrovist threat is being used as an excuse Te Aevelop and apply suvveillance and Security technologies that hasten the erosion of our privacy. ince Bin ba ben, hoe! eee portrayed as an opponent of modernity. Tf he weve simply thet, J might be inclined to support him, but my guess is that his motive is less opposition To modernity than a desive an TT Create naan Let me go back T your letter of 3/25/03" and wwention Something. there ~‘thar I disagree withy On page 3 you wrote, “I: usually hag my head in shame when saying I'm a citizen of this country." “You wrote this —in—connection——with 4% orvers sh know. Again, it's turbulear and unruly a problem oF culture, Ady gocd that the US. Could do there now most likely would be Temporary, Again, theak you, very much for the books T hepe that everything 15 going well for you & your family. : af Best regards, Teed Keegrsler About it's interesting that. you worked on his campaign. I at fivst favored Hillary) Clinton for president, but after she was out of] the picture 1 favored Obama. 1 mean, I don't hint any of cur politicians ave worth a damn, so when I say 1 “favor” @ politician for_an jj office, I just mean that J think he or I the least of the available evils. J Clinton and later Obama mainly because figuiled « Democratic president would be much re tikely than « Republican to appoint judges preme Court Justices who have some for constitutional vights. C From my own ces with the judicial system J know how tant that is!) But now I'm afraid Obama te bea ig disappointment in thay The people he has appointed os Attorney \| TIK Ye Lyon Eccles 4/16/04 2 | r Genevalll an& Seliciter General both say they think the government should be able to hold alleged tecrorishts indefinitely without trial. Of course, The aes Pat can claim thet anyone is a Terrorist, and eos is no trial that claim is. never Coote. in eect the government would be eb! to snyens indefinitely. “Ths, on the basis of Oleama's choices for = General and Solicitor General, 1 con't think there is any ceason to hope thet he will appoint] good. judges- e waht WWW, WINgnETTV ACTS

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