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Teacher: Mrs.

Grade Level: 6th grade Science
Lesson Title: Making Ice Cream in a bag
Objectives: Students are expected to:
*Describe, plan, implement simple experimental investigations testing one variable.
*Describe the different ingredients used in the experiment.
* Implement the use of safety equipment as appropriate, including safety goggles and gloves.
* Plan to discuss your experience on the experiment with the class. 112.16 (b) (2) (a)
Students will be given a list of ingredients to use in the creativity of their experiment.
Materials/Resources Needed: journal, pencil, recipe, milk, vanilla, sugar, ice, salt, zip loc bags,
gloves, goggles, measuring cups, timers
Anticipatory Set: Students will divide into groups of 2. Students will copy the recipe that is given
into their composition notebook.
Objective/Purpose: By the end of the class students will be able to make ice cream in a bag.
Students will not get any access help from anyone besides the people that are in their group. If
students are caught talking to others that are not in their group points will be deducted. Students
are also required to time how long it took them to do the experiment. The purpose of this
experiment will be to teach students how to work together and unleash their creativity; each
group makes one bag of ice cream.
Input: Students will need to be familiar with the different ingredients that are included in the
recipe. Students will also need to be familiar with the different measuring devices. When broken
into groups everything will be explained to the students. I wont tell the students step by step
how to do the experiment because it is their job to figure it out along with the classmate they are
assigned with. I will explain to the students that in order for this experiment to be successful they
have to work together. It will also be explained to students that each group may or may not make
their ice cream successfully; it is all about working together and following the given recipe.
Students will be sent to the lab with all the things necessary for the experiment. Students are
required to start a timer as soon as they begin the experiment and record how long it took to
complete the experiment.
Model: Before the students are giving the ingredients, as a class we will go over all the
ingredients they think are in ice cream (this will be written on the board.) We will also watch a
video of ice cream being made in a factory.

Guided Practice: The teacher goes over the different ingredients and the measuring devices
before the experiment begins. The teacher also shows the class where everything is located. I will
also walk around the class to observe the different groups.
Closure: At the end of the experiment, we will discuss as a class how they felt about the
experiment. I will ask the following questions: What was the most challenging part of the
experiment? Is there anything you would change about the experiment? Did your ice cream taste
like the ice cream you would purchase at the store?
Independent Practice: Individually students will write their feelings of the overall experiment;
they will be required to explain something they thought would help better the experiment. They
will also be required to tell how they felt their partner contributed to the experiment. If the group
was not successful with their experiment they will be required to include what they think they
did wrong.

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