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Cre-Foluil (from Old Gaelic for Earth-Bred)

The Cre-Foluil, or Cre, are an ancient near forgotten sect of Stone Giants created
when Okt-gut, an Elemental Primordial from the Plane of Earth, was summoned by
an ambitious Taigan elder to speed times slow shaping of the mountains around his
tribe. Seeing this task as a trivial reason for its awakening, Okt struck the giant with
a curse of patience that would bind the elder in place forever and have a lasting
impression on his ancestors.
Strong and steadfast but somewhat slow of thought the Cre have internalized
that lesson of patience to their very core. They are long lived (from the touch of the
Primordial outsider Okt) and meditative so see little reason to hurry for anything
but when inspired or spurred to action, they are as determined and reliable as the
stone itself.
Physical Description: Standing 10-12 tall, the Cre are powerfully built, but of
stouter stature than their Taigan ancestors. Legend suggests that Okts curse
literally pressed the Cre into the stone. They range in color from the pale gray of
limestone to the dark charcoal grays of the slate hills they roam in the Scotch
highlands. Some Cre display more pronounced evidence of their elemental heritage,
rocky outcroppings, skin the shines like polished stone, or even hair comprised of
crystalline spikes. They are most comfortable in simple, earth-toned garb and
shun showy displays of wealth or stature, as it is seen as evidence of the same
ambition that bound them to the stones around them in the first place.
Society: Cre society has changed little in the millennia since it was created. Their
patience and shun of ambition has secluded them from the expanding cultures of
the world and makes them truly rare beyond the monasteries and highland
villages they maintain. Cre villages are simple things overseen in mostly communal
fashion with an elder shaman-woman serving as an arbiter and source of wisdom
when necessary or when the clan needs direction. Cre monasteries on the other
hand are magnificent to beholdworked into the stone itself, and constructed to
reflect how destructive impatience and ambition can be. For example, the great
temple honoring Okt-gut for its mercy and blessing, Cairn Cre requires visitors and
pilgrims to climb over 5,000 stairs to reach its alter such that only the patient will
reach its peak, but those that approach before they are ready are sure to injure
themselves in the climb.
Relations: The Cre feel most comfortable with other races of the highlands and
mountains including the Mountain dwelling Dwarves, whose respect theyve
gradually earned through their impressive-in-its-own-right stonework, masonry and
gem-crafting; though they are welcoming and accommodating to anyone that
ventures to visit their lands and temples. They are less comfortable with the more
commonly appearing giant races, since they lack the aggression or avarice of their
less tempered cousins.

Alignment and Religion: Cre are patient and contemplative, so anything short of
emergency is unlikely to rouse them from their day-to-day meditations and
responsibilities; but they are fiercely loyal and protective of those that make up
their day-to-day circles and defense is easily the fastest way to rush a Cre. For
that reason, many Cre are lawful netural choosing only to intervene when
necessary or imminently threatened. Spiritual life comes easily to the Cre as the
quiet, meditative life of the monastic orders dedicated to Okt-Gut and other
stone/Earth inspired spirits/deities aligns well with the natural inertia of their
Adventurers: Cre are initially hesitant adventurers. They are loathe to leave their
homes and don't handle the shock of new experiences very well. Usually it takes
some outside force to rouse Cre into action, often by threatening their homes, lives,
or friends. Though once the initial threat is dealt with, the same natural inertia
mentioned above often finds a Cre having grown accustomed to the adventuring
life, and so they will continue to pursue it through the rest of their days. Cre make
good monks and fighters thanks to their prodigious strength and self-discipline;
though their natural inclination towards the Earth inspired segments of the Weave
make them solid raw practitioners of certain magic. Their innately slower nature
isnt as well-received in the more formal arcane orders.
(Note: some details/wording for the above was borrowed from the Pathfinder entry for Oreads as
they were my initial inspiration for this race)

Cre Foluil Racial Traits:

+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence: Cre are strong and steadfast,
but slow of thought
Dual Heritage: Cre are both Native Outsiders and Giant Humanoids and count as
both for most purposes
Large: Cre are Large size and have the appropriate bonuses and penalties of a
Large creature
Slow Footed: Cre have a base speed of 20 ft; despite their stature, Cre are slow to
Darkvision: Cre can see in the dark up to 60 ft
Languages: Common and Giant; Cre with an Intelligence score over 13 know
Terran as well
Earthhide: Cre receive a +1 natural armor bonus to AC and Acid Resistance 5 due
to their ancestry on the Elemental place
Mountain Stability: Cre receive a +4 bonus to CMD against bull rush and trip
attempts when standing on the ground
Stoneseer: Cre with a Wisdom score over 13 receive a +1 bonus to caster level
when casting spells with the Earth descriptor; additionally, Cre have the following
spell-like abilities: constant-nondetection; 1/day-magic stone, stone shape, stone

Figure 1: RP Spending/Distribution Comparison between Cre Foluil and Aasimar (planetouched advanced race with no LA)

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