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Collaborative Project #1

Life and Math

Marcelo Patricio Isassi Paez
Diego De la Torre Gonzlez
Group: 406

In this Collaborative Project #1 we are going to compare Life and Math
esceneries on either using man made or natural where we can use our
knowledge of triangles with this topic. We had the option to use any scenery we
wanted, so we decided to use only man made stuff, because it was easier to get stuff
and besides that we chose only right angles, where we already got half of the
information needed. Besides that we had to show getting the trigonometric functions
to get the degrees and measurements

Part One: Your triangles and Right Triangles

We decided to
use a napkin
something small,
because if we
decided to instead use something big, the measurements would have been more
difficult to find out. Also we decided to use this, because it is something very
common for everyone, we see it day to day. Man made.


Pato was hungry, so he went for a piece of bread. While I was watching Pato eat the
piece of bread, I realize if we cut the bread in two we would end up with two
triangles. So we cut the bread in half and finally we have our triangle. Man made.

Doblado wrapper

Pato and me where in math class, we went downstairs to take the pictures for the
project of our shadows. When we were done with those pictures we needed a picture
of a triangle, but we couldn't think of something with a shape of a triangle at the
campus. That is when I got hungry and thought of buying a doblado, and theres
when it hit me. The wrapper of the doblado is a triangle, so we went and took a
picture of the wrapper. Man

Window in Diegos Car

The case of this picture was similar to the one of the wrapper of the doblado. Pato and I
were at Patos house working on this project, and we needed another picture of a triangle.
The problem was that there was nothing with a shape of a triangle at Patos house. While I
was thinking I looked outside the window and saw my car. That is when I realized there was
a small triangle beside the window. We went outside and took the picture. Man made.

Part Two: Finding the Length of your Shadow

Patos picture

Diegos picture

Diego: This was a challenging project. We had a hard time while doing it because all
of this week we have had a lot of homework, projects, and exams. We also had a
hard time while trying to take the pictures of our shadows because the sun was gone
several times and there wasnt a shadow anymore. Finding the pictures of the
triangles was easy, we didnt struggle with that. This project was very helpful, we had
the opportunity to practice our abilities with sin, cos, and tan (SOH, CAH, TOA).
Pato: I personally found challenging the measurement of shadows. I did not
understood how to find the measurement basing us on the page of
that helps us find the degree of the ascendig degree. The trigonometric functions
were easy to use, because we already know SOH-CAH-TOA, that gives us easier
how to use Sine, Cosine and Tangent, that helps us to get measurements and
degrees. Getting the man made triangle pictures was easy because almost
everything can be a triangle.


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