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Artificial Intelligence

Project Proposal

-Vivek Wadhwani

Artificial Intelligence is used in many applications. They range from helping people with

diagnosis to warfare, gaming toys to industrial automobiles, car rental system to airline
reservation system.
The basic idea of this project is to implement an Airline Reservation System having an
optimized itinerary generation where the user would be given the option to book flights
from one destination to another.
I am also planning to add the feature where the user can enter which activity he would
like to do in the trip i.e. skydiving, river-rafting, scenic view. The trip will then be
modified where the intermediate cities will be automatically suggested based on their
attractions/famous activities which will be stored in the KB.


To find the shortest path from the source node to the goal node. The shortest path will
be found using the A* algorithm. The heuristics that will be used are shortest distance
and the time. Budget (Least Cost) can also be considered as one of the heuristics.
Inadmissible heuristic can be to provide the optimal path with the maximum cost.


RDF will be used for representation of the Knowledge Base(KB). Java will be used as a
programming language along with the Jena API for reasoning and SPARQL query for
A sample RDF file will be as follows:
<rdf:Description rdf:about="">
<fl:flightToCityName>New York</fl:flightToCityName>

Architectural Diagram:

Programming Tools:

Stanford Protg
Apache Jena

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