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ISSUE= Gender pay and earnings gap in Europe/ Asia/ USA

Possible elements of my issue I could study (you may add more):
1. The gender earnings gap 2 how it could be changed 3 The cause of gender pay and earnings gap 4 Life
Issue element # 1 : The gender pay
and earnings gap

Issue element # 2 : The causes of the

pay gap

What do I already know?

Women are being paid less than
men. Even though this issue has
been going on for a long time, it is
still happening worldwide nowadays.
The pay and earnings gap differs
from different countries.

What do I already know?

It is caused by discrimination towards
women and thinking that womens
work is less valuable than men even
when they are doing the same job.

What do I need to find out?

I need to find out statistics and data
about the gender earnings gap and
specifically in Europe, Asia and
USA. I also need to find some
graphs and actual numbers to show
the gender pay and earnings gap. I
will find real life stories from females
who are being paid less than men
and include them on my website.
This will make the topic more
realistic and makes the reader
understand that this problem is
happening right now and not just
something fictional.

What do I need to find out?

I need to find out more causes of the
pay gap between genders because I
only know about discrimination. I also
need to find out more to how it leads
to a pay and earnings gap between
the genders. I need to find specific
causes to why this topic is happening
and include evidence of each cause.
What search terms should I use?
Causes of gender pay and earnings
gap, Europe Asia USA, gender
discrimination, gender pay and
earnings, discrimination gender pay

Issue element #3 : How can the

gender pay and earnings gap
be solved
What do I already know?
It can be solved when a
company decides to give both
genders an equal pay, but that
might not work because
companies want to earn money,
and they can earn more money
when giving less salary to
What do I need to find out?
I need to find out specific and
possible ways that gender pay
and earnings gap can be
solved. They have to be
sustainable and achievable, not
just random exaggerated ideas
that are not going to happen.
What search terms should I
Solve gender pay and earnings
gap, solution to gender pay
gap, how to solve gender pay

What search terms should I use?

Gender earnings gap, Europe Asia
USA, Gender Pay Gap, women and
men earnings, gender inequality


(add more rows if needed)

SOURCES of Information: Dont just say Library, Books or Google. For example, Library Database eg
Time Magazine, Biography in Context, Issues: Understanding Controversy & Society etc

Fill this table in BEFORE and DURING your research.

What information do I need
to find?

What SOURCES could I use to

get this information? (be

What are the statistics of the

gender pay gap recently?

I could use online websites that

have these statistics, such as this
ap_statistics which provides many
data and graphs about the gender
pay and earnings gap.
What are the causes of gender
I could search online and look at the
pay and earnings gap?
websites that my teacher gave us
about gender pay and earnings gap
on google classroom. I can also
look at previous newspaper articles
about gender pay and earnings gap
that talk about the causes of it.
How can gender pay and earnings I could search online for some ideas
gap be narrowed or solved?
from websites as well as come up
with some on my own. I can also
find organisations that are fighting
gender pay gap and add their link to
my website. I can look at what the
organisation is doing and how it is
helping the gender pay and earnings
Real life stories of people who
have suffered or are suffering
through gender pay gap.

I could search on the school library

or public library websites to find
books that relate to gender pay gap
which could possibly include a real
life story. Another source I could
use is the internet to find
biographies or interviews of people
who have gone through gender pay
and earnings gap.

How useful was this source?

The sources were very useful and

I found lots of recent graphs on
the gender pay gap that I included
on my website.

I found a range of websites that

talked about the causes of gender
pay and earnings gap and
included three causes onto my
website. The sources were also
very useful.
I found three main organisations
(AAUW, HeForShe and Equality
now )that supported gender
equality, which included equal
pay. I added links to the
organisations to my action page.
The sources were useful too.
Readers can clink on the links to
donate to the organisations to help
gender equality, and the pay gap.
I couldnt find any books that
related to the gender pay gap,
probably because it was a very
specific issue. I used the internet
and found some real life stories
from women who have suffered
from unequal pay from the
AAUW website.

Methods or tools I will use to COLLECT & RECORD my information are: (give some detail be
clear about HOW you will collect & record)
eg Tools: easybib, diigo, word, evernote, scoopit etc.
eg Methods: Notetaking, summarising, paraphrasing, mindmapping, brainstorming, cutting & pasting relevant
notes etc
Fill in BEFORE you start your research

Fill in AFTER you finish


What TOOLS or METHODS will I

use to collect & record
information? (incl detail)

Why will I use them/do this?

(justify why you chose this/these

What did I actually do?

I will use a word document to

note down the information that I
have researched. I will write
down key words and main parts
of the sentence to take note of
what I need to include in my

This will help me to write out the

information in full sentences later
on because I already have the main
points that I have to write about.

I used a word document to write

down notes and information from
different websites and copy and
pasted the url so that I could site
the websites later.

I will use Easybib to site my


Easybib helps me to create a

bibliography in the right
format so that I will not be
plagiarizing from the sources
that I have used.

I used easybib to make my

bibliography on my references

I will use word to summarize my

notes and type up a draft for the
information that I am going to
write onto my website.

Making a draft will help me

organise what I am writing about
and let me plan out how my
website is going to be.

I didnt use a separate word

document to summarise my notes. I
used my research document and
wrote the information I learnt
directly onto weebly.

Pages needed to complete my website: What information and links will I need
Fill this table in BEFORE and DURING your website creation.
What information do I need to What Pages could I use to get
this information across to the
audience? (be specific)

How can I link the pages


Front Page (1 page)

I can link the pages together by

adding tabs to the pages at the top
of the website. The front page
will link to the gender pay and
earnings gap page because it goes
in depth about what the gender
pay gap is. I will also add a link
to the life stories and causes of
gender pay gap so that the reader
can access the main pages easily.

I will use the home page to show

the main idea of the gender pay and
earnings gap and show some photos
of the topic to give the reader a
general idea of what my topic is

The Gender Pay and earnings gap I will use a separate page to write
(1 page)
about the gender pay and earnings
gap and include graphs and data
about the gap. This will let my
readers know the actual difference
between women s salary and
mens, and make them realise that
the gender pay and earnings gap is
something that is important and
should be changed.
The causes of gender pay and
I will use another page to write
earnings gap (1 page)
about the causes of gender pay and
earnings gap. This will let my
readers understand this topic even
more and know what caused the
gender pay and earnings gap. I will
write about the causes in separate
paragraphs, preferably 3 causes to
write about.
Life stories and Media (2 pages)

How Can I Help?(2 pages)

References (1 page)

I will add a link to this page on

my website and it will be the first
next to the home page. I will add
links to life stories, cause and
action pages to this page.

I can link this page to the gender

pay and earnings gap by adding a
drop down list of pages that can
be accessed on my website. This
links to the gender pay and
earnings gap because they are
both the main ideas of the pay
I will add a link to life stories on
this page.
I will show some life stories and
I will add a link to this page in a
documentaries of people who have drop down menu from gender pay
suffered or are suffering from
gap. This relates to the pay gap
gender pay and earnings gap. This because it is about how this issue
will make the reader understand
has affected people.
that this topic is affecting many
people and it is something that they
should raise awareness for. I will
include 2-3 life stories and explain
clearly how gender pay gap has
affected their lives.
I will show what other
I will add a link to this page on
organisations have done to help this my website next to the gender pay
issue, such as protests, speeches,
gap tab. This is a separate page as
videos, blogs etc. This will show
the readers how to help out this
issue and take action. I will put in
links for other websites and
organisations that are also
supporting equal pay for both
genders and news reports about
actions taken to stand up for equal
I will show the sources that I have I will add a link to this page on
used to find this information to give my website next to the How Can I
credits and to show the readers
Help? tab.
where they can read more about the

Action Plan (1 page)


I will show my action plan onto my There will be a link to this page
website to show the planning I did from the drop down bar from the
before making this website.
Reference tab. This links with
References because they are both
about the creation of this website
and not information about the

(add more rows if needed)


Steps in the Process: Briefly outline (list) the ed

steps you will work through to complete this
assessment. You should include planning
BEFORE researching, WHEN you will research,
then WHEN you will put together the final
product. Fill in the Actual Dates as you go.



(If the dates are the same, you do

not need to fill this in)

Break the steps down to be clear and specific.

You need a minimum of SIX steps.

Plan what I need to research about the topic




Plan the pages that I will include on my website



Plan sources that I will be using to find




Finish action plan



Research on topic and have all the information

that will be put onto the website
Design the website and finish at least 4 pages
Finish website design and have all the
information needed on it
Make small changes and finalize the website

If dates differ briefly explain



Creating &
action plan

Things that went well

Things that need


Ways of improving

I followed the action

plan very well and
finished all the steps on

For some pages, I added

some other links than I
planned. For example, on
the gender pay gap page,
I added three links when I
only planned to do two.
I need to improve on
following my action plan
better because I didnt do
one of the steps that I
planned out. I also need
to improve on getting
resources from books
and other sources
because I only used
websites for this project.

I could think more carefully

when planning out what the
links were going to be so
that my action plan will be
more accurate.

I need to improve on
planning out what Im
going to write on my
website because when I
typed up my information,
I had to make changes in
the end to link the
sentences together.
Some of my sentences
didnt link with each other
so it was just about
different things and didnt
make as much sense.

I could do what I originally

planned to make another
document and plan out what
I was going to write on my
website and copy and paste
that onto weebly. This will
also make sure that I have a
second copy of the
information, so that in case
weebly crashes, I still have
the information.

I followed most of the

Collecting and action plan for this part. I
did use a word
document to write up
notes and information
from websites, but I
didnt use another
document to summarise
my notes. Instead, I
summarised them
directly onto my website.
I think that I did pretty
well on designing my
website and it looks like
the website I planned. At
first, I didnt really know
how to change the
layout and other things
but I tried out the options
and learnt how to use

I could write what I

ACTUALLY think I will do,
because I knew I probably
wouldnt be bothered to start
another document to
summarise my notes. I could
also ask for opinions from
other people so that my
sources wouldnt just be
from the internet.

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