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annual average daily traffic of the intersection

peak hour factor

compute the level of service of the intersection
level of service of the three situation
comparisons of the number of flows
conclusion, observation no left turn but still have
december high risk traffic
name of roads in the intersection
explanation/description in each description
january 22...level of servicee, time delay..
february 12 , conclusion and reccomendation
mock def - february 26
site the who we got the video..
site the datas . before and during ///
average perception time
conclusion - when the VCR is lessthan------ the LOS is ---- , answer the objecti
ves and statement,,, per dayyy
recommendation - about pedestrian , the time of the green / red light is enough
v = vcr

averge delay

g = greenn time period, seconds..

h = red time period, seconds
c = green and red time period, all direction.... seconds


go - 35
stop 32
go - 25
stop - 42

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