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J | | SELF-TEST QUESTIONS 1. What output is produced by the following code? tnt count = 0; while (count < 5) 1 System. out.printIn(count) ; count++; t System.out.printIn("count after loop = + count); 2. Can the body of a white loop execute zero times? Can the body of a do-wiiTe loop execute zero times? 3. What output is produced by the following code? int count do { system. out.printin(count) ; count++; } while (count < 0); System.out.printIn("count after loop = * + count); 4. Revise the following code so that it uses a whte loop instead of a do- white loop: Scanner keyboard = ney Scanner( ; int number; do { System.out.printIn("Enter a whole nunber:"); number = keyboard.nextint( ; SyStem.out.printin("You entered ” + number); } while (number > 0); System.out.printIn("number after loop = " + number); 5. What output is produced by the following code? int count = while (count < 5) t system. out printin(count) ; count; + System.out.printIn¢"count after loop = " + count); 6. Imagine a program that reads the population of a city using the following statements: System.out.print("Enter the population of the city: int population = keyboard.nextInt( ); Write a whe loop after these statements that ensures that population is positive. If the user enters 2 population that is either negative or zero, ask the user to enter a nonnegative value.

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