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Intriguing invite from Argentina | Ross-shire Journal | Opinion | Leader

Intriguing invite from Argentina

IT'S a small world and no mistake.
An intriguing email out of the blue has brought to light the role one
of Dingwall's far-travelled sons played in helping establish one of

Argentina's most famous football clubs. It has also raised the prospect of links being established between starkly contrasting
communities on opposite sides of the world.
In a week when the internet and communications technology in general came under the spotlight for the way they facilitate the relatively
new and unwelcome concept of "cyberbullying", it's refreshing to be reminded
of one of the more positive applications of the media. That
is, in dramatically shrinking the boundaries of the world in which we live.
Scotland can lay claim to many famous sons and daughters who have wandered the world making their mark in every corner of the
The growth of interest in family history - highlighted by the attention heaped upon the opening of a new 10.5million archive centre in
Inverness recently - is likely to lead to the uncovering of all manner of fascinating connections as time goes on.
Without getting too carried away, it's fair to say that connections made between communities around the world have their part to play in

breaking down barriers and increasing understanding between contrasting cultures.

What does Dingwall have in common with Rosario? An abiding love of football and pride in its local team for starters. And what fan of the
beautiful game wouldn't salivate at the prospect somewhere down the line
of a friendly fixture, matching up our own local heroes with a
mighty South American side still sufficiently humble to recognise historic links unknown to many here?
The bolt-from-the-blue communication has also reignited interest in starting a Wall of Fame in Dingwall. Chances are that many other
unsung heroes may also be unearthed through such an endeavour.[11/07/2015 03:35:32 p.m.]

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