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Blace Jacobus

Total Quality Management

Assignment 4

1) Discuss the eight principles of the ISO 9000 standard.

The ISO 9000 standard is a base standard for witch a company can
implement a quality management system. This standard does not set a level of
quality to be achieved but only eight principles to follow for quality management
system. These principles focus first on meeting the customer needs and exceeding
their expectations. The next few principles focus on full utilization of the work force.
These principles are followed by the regeneration and management of processes
within the company. Lastly the principles cover making decision based on accurate
reliable information and the supplier organization relationship.
2) Discuss Pareto Charts
Pareto Charts are useful tool for separating out important facts from the
trivial. This tool allows companies to display and investigate effects by listing the
causes. Most of the time the majority of the effects will occur by 20% of the causes.
This is the Pareto principle. A great benefit of this type of chart is when they are
cascaded. This allows an in-depth analysis of exactly what the root cause of the
result that is being analyzed.
3) Discuss fishbone diagrams
The fishbone diagram more commonly known as a cause-and-effect diagram
was developed by Dr. Ishikawa. This diagram can be used on any problem to
identify what the major factors causing the problem are. This is done by listing a
few general types of causes and then more detailed reasons are added to each of
the general categories. This chart is the only one in this chapter that is not based
on statistics. It is more a tool of organizing thoughts in a coherent manner to allow
our brains to better make the connections as to where the major problems stem
4) Discuss histograms
Histograms are a very common way to plot frequency of occurrence. They
plot the attribute in question against the number of times that attribute occurred.
When looking at histograms it is interesting to note not just what attribute occurred
the most but the shape of the graph can also be insightful. Odds are it will follow a
bell curve so noting if it is a left tailed or a right tailed will allow you to not only see
where the highest frequency is but where the average is as well as any outliers.
5) Discuss the controls chart for variables
A control chart is very similar to a run chart in that it plots a variable against
time. The difference is that the control chart has an upper and lower control limit.
These are limits that are determined by statistics from the average of the variable.
If the variable stays within the limits it can be said that it is in control because it
does not deviate to far from the average. If the limit is crossed it will be said that it

Blace Jacobus

Total Quality Management

Assignment 4

is out of control and an action should be taken to bring it back to control by means
of correcting the limits or correcting the processes.

Blace Jacobus

Total Quality Management

Assignment 4

6) Discuss flow charts and give a simple example

A flow chart is a graphical representation of a process. The flow chart allows
each step in the process to be displayed and broken down. This allows the process
to be better understood by others and also makes improving the process easier
since every step is displayed in an organized coherent manner for all to see. A
simple flow chart below describes me troubleshooting when my guitar sounds bad.

7) Explain what is a FMEA

Failure Mode and Effect Analysis is a tool used to evaluate any potential problems
before they happen. This tool allows people to analysis the seriousness, likelihood,
and detection difficulty of each failure mode studied. It is always less damaging to
prevent a failure then to clean one up. With limited resources being able to prioritize
the risk level of each failure mode gives companies the ability to prioritize there
8) Provide an overview of the Toyota practical problem solving process
The Toyota Practical Problem Solving Process first step is to observe that there is a
problem. The next step is to fully understand the problem. This is a difficult step to
successfully complete because it must be approached with an open mind and
without jumping to conclusions. The third step is identifying the point of cause. This
would be where did the problem manifest itself. The forth step is to determine the
root cause of the problem. This step allows the source of the problem to be

Blace Jacobus

Total Quality Management

Assignment 4

addressed instead of just them symptoms. The next step is to develop and
implement a countermeasure for the problem. The countermeasures effectiveness
would then be observed and if deemed successful the standard will be changed to
accommodate the findings of this problem solving method, if not they will revisit
step 5.
9) Explain a total quality decision making process
Since managers face different problems every day effective decision making
is a critical aspect of a managers job responsibilities. The total quality decision
making process first says a situation should attempt to be anticipated before it
occurs. This will allow preemptive measure to be taken before a problem arises. The
next step is to gather the facts. To make an accurate decision a complete and
accurate understanding of the problem is required. The third step is to consider a
few different alternatives. Keeping an open mind and not jumping to the first thing
that pops in your head is critical for this step. Lastly after evaluating the
alternatives implementing the best one and monitoring its results completes the
total quality decision making process.
10) Explain why quality tools are important
Quality tools are important because they give the managing body an organized and
effective method for identifying problems, evaluating solutions, and implementing
countermeasures. Tools such as the pareto chart or the fishbone diagram are great
for identifying the cause and effects of problems. Flow charts are critical tool for
organizing and understanding a process. These tools combined with a good problem
solving and decision making method allow well evaluated countermeasure to be
enacted, and evaluated.

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