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Master Cycle

| Blue Belt Stripe 1

Lesson 2

Chapter 1.1: Mount Controls

Technique: High Mount
If the opponent tries to escape the mount by rolling you to either side, the Super Hooks are the most reliable control strategy. But, if the
opponent tries to get out with the Elbow Escape, you will need this sequence of high mount strategies to retain control.
Technical Slices
1) Wrist Scoop
Indicator: Opponent tries to escape your mount by pushing your knees south.
Essential Detail: Squeezing your knees instantly to delay the initial escape effectiveness.
Most Common Mistake: Failing to shoot knees forward into armpit after each scoop.
Drill Orders: Two cycles on each side, reverse roles.
2) Elbow Scoop
Indicator: Opponent tries to escape by shoving your knees with their elbows.
Essential Detail: Keeping the heel next to the hip during modified mount position.
Most Common Mistake: Failing to keep pressure on the opponents elbow during modified mount.
Bad Guy Reminder: Verify that there is always pressure on your elbow from modified mount.
Drill Orders: Two cycles on each side, reverse roles.
3) Choke Scoop
Indicator: Opponent drives knee with both hands.
Essential Detail: Immediate choke on the opponents neck for distraction.
Most Common Mistake: Failing to keep the heel tight to the hip in modified mount.
Safety Tip: Be careful with forearm blade across partners trachea.
Drill Orders: One repetition on each side, reverse roles.

Rapid Mastery Drill: Levels 1 and 2

Practice all variations of the newly learned technique against a Level 1 (Strong) and Level 2 (Skilled) opponent. At each level, your
partner should begin with manageable intensity, and then gradually increase the intensity until you reach failure. Analyze the drill to
determine whether your execution error or a technique limitation triggered the failure. What happens during the RMD is less important
than what you learn as a result of the RMD.
Focus Sparring: Mount Startup
Start from the mount position and incorporate the newly learned techniques in combination with all the previously learned techniques.
Once your partner escapes the mount, continue flowing until you catch a submission and then restart from the mount position. Each
opportunity should be challenging yet manageable for you. After 4 or 5 submissions, reverse roles.
Mindset Minute
When using the High Mount control strategies to prevent escape, the key to success is to keep your legs tight at all times and to prevent
follow-up attempts of the same escape by shooting your knees forward under your opponents armpits.


2009 Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy

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