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Andrew Lefler

Mrs. Thomas
UWRT 1102 004

3g, 4g and Beyond: Bringing Networks, Devices, and the Web Together
Sauter, Martin. 3g, 4g and Beyond: Bringing Networks, Devices, and the Web Together.
Chichester, West Sussex, UK: John Wiley and Sons, 2013. Internet resource.

The evolution of the web has increased year after year for the use of wireless Internet. This
book discusses how applications and the World Wide Web have become easily usable. In the
writing, author Martin Sauter depicts the evolution of what has happened with the use of wireless
Internet through mobile and desktop devices. He also discusses the usage of applications in
societys everyday lives, and how they have played a role on how the community operates. Mr.
Sauter is a research and development engineer with a company known as Nortel, and he works as
a Wireless Solution Architect. He discusses how the evolution of wireless data has been used.
This has been through processes called the HSPA+, to the LTE, and now to even LTEAdvanced,

which is an even stronger version of wireless wifi. These have all been extremely beneficial to
the overall improvement to societies mobile World Wide Web and the use of applications for
smart phones. The intended audience of this piece seems to be for mainly the younger
generation as they are the ones who will be using the internet more efficiently; however, this can
also be intriguing to the older generation as this will greatly affect their way of life as well.
Sauter describes the evolution of the Internet and its uses throughout this piece. According
to Martin Sauter, Processors have become faster, graphics capabilities continue to evolve, but
usage scenarios and applications are still the same (256). He brings up how the processing rate
has greatly increased, and he feels that this will continue to increase for the foreseeable future.
Other Quotes:

applications and services are continuously evolving and the user is part of the

development process (357).

Most Web services generate revenue by including advertisements on Web pages or do not

require revenue at all because they are driven by enthusiasts (357).

Charging a connected device once a day, for example, overnight has become the norm for

many rather than an exception (360).

This piece by Martin Sauter goes into depth on the evolution of the world of wireless
technology. Wireless Internet is the most noted as this is used by people on a daily basis now.
He talks about the use of applications on an individuals smartphone that can do just about

anything the user would ever want. This piece is very informational for giving a good history
about the use of wireless networking.
After going through this piece written by Martin Sauter, I feel that this was informational
for my topic of the evolution of mobile phones. This text was able to give me knowledge on
how the evolution has taken place for the World Wide Web. I think for the most part, this writing
was fairly easy to read and comprehend. I think this will help people that may be considering
similar topics as this text will be able to explain the history of how the mobile Web has
developed for civilization.

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