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William Larned

Social Health & Diversity

Tue. Thu. 11:30 A.M.

Socialization Analysis
The socialization of people isnt sparsely distributed, but it is sparse
amongst certain agents of socialization who benefit, at the mercy of the
subordinates, such as: cognitively impaired, physically incapable,
homosexuality and trans-gender, nonreligious patrons and the ethnically
different, relative to the basis of initiates that were primitive to that kind of
structure. These subordinates are accumulated through certain institutions
that harbor strong bias in accordance with the oligarchical standpoint that
fuels this type of process of disparity and inequality. Some of the agencies of
these institutions are basically the negation of all the subordinated groups.
Theres the dominating race of whites that reap all the fruitful pleasures that
coincide with that merit, theres heterosexuals that are accredited lower cost
in house and car payments; the list can continue, but these agencies will
usually remain silent in order to not hinder their own position in the rat race
and or are shrouded by ignorance about the lack of equity and poignant
lifestyles some of these lives are subjugated to, that alone will make the
process cyclical in its own respects.
Im sure life would be hard in a sense if one were to embody
themselves as a religious patron, but in its own right, abstaining from religion
can be acquainted with chastisement and sometimes distained looks from
your common peer; sometimes its even endowed with being ostracized from
ones own family, but thats on the utmost radical of cases. Denouncing

William Larned
Social Health & Diversity
Tue. Thu. 11:30 A.M.

oneself from religion and enveloping oneself in a secularist lifestyle, per se,
can open up the opportunity for discovery that is hinged on the facts of
seemingly innumerable amount of work. The quantifications of the past and
the qualitative behaviors predicted by mathematics and scientific pursuit are
a milestone of humanity that injects some of the fallacious behaviors that
seem to run rampant in dogmatically rich, ideologies, into the general
populaces perspective, which is glorious and liberating. For with the exulted
torch of mathematics we are able to illuminate the certain aspects of reality
that at the onset were only meritous of speculative notions, therefore
contradicting some of the messages that religious fanatics seem to boast
that continue to get bolstered by the agents of the group. What is really
dismal and outright scary, is how these philosophies bleed over into a
political basis of decisiveness. This is in no way benign to the public and the
other subordinated and ordinated groups. The institution of formal education
has definitely helped weed out this epidemic over time, I dont believe it is a
bad thing to be spiritual, especially because there are things considered
uncanny and surreal that science cannot explain definitively, but we still
need to foster the epitome of our creation, for its the quintessential idea of
maths that has enabled us to excel in so many ways, and with it, we have
been able to show, with conclusive evidence and theoretical formulation,
that the accounts depicted in the gospel are preposterous when in
conjunction with the discourse of evolution, or paleontologic findings and
mathematical models that are dictatorial over the age of said findings. These

William Larned
Social Health & Diversity
Tue. Thu. 11:30 A.M.

allow us to map out are existence and maybe circumvent the delimited
perception that religion can bind us to.
In summary, the socialization of my family in regards to religion was
deluded from me, by the ability of finding my own answers through
experience, deduction and of course logic, I was able to surpass the crux of
feeling left out, but in turn, was able to feel as an integral part to an ever
evolving system, that we all share a commonality with and that alone, is a
pretty spiritual experience.

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