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Ibn Jareer said: Hanad told us, Abdah told us he narrated from Abdul Malik from Abu Jaafar Muhammad bin Ali (RA): I asked him about this
verse (he mentions 5:55) We said: Who are the believers? He replied: The Believers. We said: It had reached us that this was revealed
regarding Ali ibn Abi Talib, He said: Ali is amongst those believers.
Sanad of narration is Sahih.
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Abu Naeem in al Hilyah from abdul Malik bin Abu Suleiman that he said: I asked Abu Jaafar Muhammad Ibn Ali (RA) about the verse of
Allah (he mentions 5:55) He told me: those who accompanied Muhammad peace be upon him. I said: They say Ali? He replied: Ali is
amongst them.
Sanad of narration is Sahih.

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