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Investigating a key mathematical concept at the K12


Name: Jawaher Ahmed Rashid Alkaabi.

ID: H00328599
Course Name: Introduction to Math & Science in the Classroom.
Corse Code: 1802

Instructor Name: Basel Badran.

In this report I will be explaining my lesson of one of the mathematical

concept that I choose for KG. I choose comparing which mean finding the
relationship between two items or groups of items. Children discovered
through their comparing. We compare things like Length, size, height, which
is more, less or equal, does this look the same or does it looks different. My
lesson will be about {More, Less and Equal}.

The 5Es

Engage: is to make students feel interesting and excited about the

To peak their interest, first I will show them a song about more, less
and equal, then I will ask the student to divide themselves into two
groups, one group for boys and the other for girls in 5 second, if I give
them time to divide themselves they will be excited to do that, then I
will ask them which group have more the boys or the girls? Then they
will see and count. Some of them are good in counting so maybe they
will just look at the two groups and answer immediately and others will
take time to count and answer.

Explore: after making the students involved they will be able to build
their own understanding by exploring.
To make the students explore, I will divide them into five groups as I
have 25 students in the class, then I will give them the materials and
ask them to make a formula for me shown more, less and equal. I will
provides time for them to do this activity, they will have to think how
they should do this formula and they should discuss together to this

Explain: is the part were the students explain what did they do and
why they did it in this way, and tell what did they figure out.
After the student finish their formula I will ask them to explain why did
they do this, why he/she think this part is more and that part is less
they will explain the meaning on their own words, after they explain I
can tell them the meaning of the word more is, I will use one of their
classmate meaning as a definition for them to know. They also will

listen to other explanations and ask why he/she did that and the other
did this so they can compare between themselves.

Extend/ elaborate: students will have new information and new

knowledge, to continue exploring.
In this part I will ask some of them how many brothers/ sisters do you
have. Then I will told them to compare between the numbers of
brothers/ sisters and who has more, less and equal.

Evaluate: is were the teacher ask students questions and the student
will show how much learning and understanding did they take.
I will ask the students some questions, I will be able to know and see if
they learn more things, if the new information has taken a place. Does
the students understand and use More, less and equal on their life?
Does they compare things while they talking or playing.
In conclusion, every teacher should have a lesson plan for her
teaching, thats will safe time for her/him in the class while teaching,
the teacher will be ready to give the lesson because she/he put a
lesson plan for it. I see that if you think of the 5Es while preparing the
lesson your lesson will be easier for the students.


Primary Connections. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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