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Sunday, May 1, 2016


Statement of Belief and Intention

These days constitute the swiftest time of change in our memory. Events hurriedly pile
themselves upon events. In our professional and civic life fast-breaking challenges to the
rights set forth in our Constitution require thoughtful consideration and urgent
We are threatened by the temptation to scapegoat, marginalize and blame our
fellow citizens in swift and uncertain times. Yet, here in this State there is a vast reservoir
of good will, compassion and kindness that is genuinely a very part of our being. This vital
reservoir of true neighborly feeling, true friendship must be brought to the fore now and without
We cannot sit back and become prisoners of events. We must cope with them firmly and
decisively and manage our own destiny. Accordingly, in the set conviction that the great majority
of our people - regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief - desire
harmony, good order, a decent and honorable family life and a chance to better themselves
spiritually and economically, we, the undersigned declare we believe in the following
principles, and we pledge ourselves to do everything within our power to see that they are carried




We believe in the essential worth and dignity of every human being and all that

such implies.

Fair and impartial treatment must be accorded to all citizens in the enforcement

and administration of State and Federal law.


All citizens of the State regardless of race, creed, gender, or sexual

orientation are entitled to equal access to employment as they are qualified by training and
experience to perform, and to earn the continuation of such employment by their own hard

Adequate housing and access to goods and services should be available

to all citizens of Mississippi.


Our State is made stronger when stable familial bonds are encouraged

and supported. Therefore, each adult citizen is entitled to the union of marriage to
another consenting adult and is entitled to consideration as a foster or adoptive

Respectful communications between and among all of our citizens should

be encouraged on every level of our State.


There is no place in the life of our State for hate, discord or violence. No person,

whatever his or her cause, or whatever his or her convictions, is above the law. All of our
citizens should work untiringly and unceasingly to bring out to the fullest the best in us in the way
of kindness, compassion, friendliness and understanding that we may all progress through
cooperation. We owe this to ourselves, our families, the oncoming generations and the
development of all our talents.
Respectfully submitted,



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