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Zone States

Configuration has been completed and storage has been committed.
Additional configuration is still required.

Zone is in this state when it is being installed or uninstalled.

The zone has a confirmed configuration, zoneadm is used to verif
y the configuration,
Solaris packages have been installed, even throu
gh it has been installed, it still has no
virtual platform associa
ted with it.
Ready (active) Zone's virtual platform is established. The kernel creates the z
sched process, the network
interfaces are plumbed and filesystems m
ounted. The system also assigns a zone ID at this
state, but no pr
ocesses are associated with this zone.
Running (active)
A zone enters this state when the first user process is
created. This is the
normal state for an operational zone.
Shutting down + Down (active) Normal state when a zone is being shutdown.

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