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Allplan 2008

Notiuni de baza

Notiuni de baza

Aceasta documentatie a fost intocmita cu foarte mare atentie; cu toate

acestea, nu ne asumam raspunderea pentru eventualele erori.
Documentatia oferita de Nemetschek Romania se bazeaza pe intrega
functionalitate a programului, chiar daca utilizatorii au licenta doar
pentru anumite module. In cazul diferentelor dintre documentatie si
program, au prioritate meniul si mesajele oferite de program.
Continutul acestui document poate fi modificat fara notificare prealabila.
Acest document nu poate fi reprodus sau transmis sub nici forma si prin
nici un mijloc, electronic sau mecanic, in nici un scop, fara acordul scris
al Nemetschek Romania.
Microsoft, Windows, si Windows Vista sunt marci inregistrate ale
Microsoft Corporation.
BAMTEC este o marca inregistrata Hussler, Kempten, Germany.
MicroStation este o marca inregistrata Bentley Systems, Inc.
AutoCAD, DXF si 3D Studio MAX sunt marci inregistrate ale
Autodesk Inc., San Rafael, CA.
Unele parti ale produsului au fost dezvoltate utilizand LEADTOOLS.
(c) 1991-2000, LEAD Technologies, Inc. Toate drepturile rezervate.
Allplan este o marca inregistrata Nemetschek AG, Munich.
Allfa este o marca inregistrata Nemetschek CREM Solutions GmbH &
Co. KG, Ratingen.
Toate celelalte marci (ingistratate) sunt proprietatea firmei producatoare.
Nemetschek AG, Munich, 2007. Toate drepturile rezervate
Document nr. 080eng01m07-1-BM0907

Tutorial Basis

Inainte de a incepe ...

Inainte de a incepe ................................................... 4
Surse de informatie ..................................................................6
Ajutor aditional..............................................................................7

Instruire, Indrumare si Suport tehnic ........................................8

Recapitularea documentatiei....................................................8

Capitolul 1: Introducere ........................................... 9

Ce veti realiza ... ......................................................................9
Exercitiul 1: Crearea si modificarea unui dulap cu sertare..........10
Exercitiul 2: Zid de sprijin cu scurgere ........................................11
Exercitiul 3: Insula de dirijare a circulatiei ...................................12
Exercitiul 4: Indicator ..................................................................13
Exercitiul 5: Balcon prefabricat ...................................................14
Exercitiul 6: Scaun Rietveld ......................................................15

Crearea proiectului .................................................................16

Notiune de desene......................................................................19
Statut desene .............................................................................20

Setari de baza ........................................................................20

Configuratia Palete .....................................................................21
Setari in paleta Functiuni ............................................................25
Cautare directie ..........................................................................27
Optiuni ........................................................................................28
Setari grosimi de linie .................................................................29


Allplan 2008

Probleme des intalnite ........................................................... 30

Ce faceti atunci cand ?........................................................... 30
Ce faceti daca.. .......................................................................... 31

Capitolul 2: Crearea si modificarea elementelor 2D

Exercitiul 1: Dulap cu sertare ................................................ 33
Cerinta 1: Crearea dulapului ...................................................... 34
Cerinta 2: Modificare dulap ........................................................ 47

Exercitiul 2: Zid de sprijin cu scurgere................................... 54

Cerinta 1: Crearea zidului de sprijin ........................................... 55
Cerinta 2: Hasurarea.................................................................. 60

Exercitiul 3: Insula de dirijare a circulatiei ............................. 75

Cerinta 1: Crearea insulei de dirijare a circulatiei....................... 76
Task 2: Pattern........................................................................... 87

Exercise 4: Title Block ........................................................... 99

Task 1: Design Title Block ....................................................... 100
Task 2: Enter Text for Title Block ............................................. 109
Task 3: Save and Retrieve Title Block as Symbol in Catalog .. 122

Exercise 5: Precast Balcony Unit ........................................ 127

Task 1: Design Precast Balcony Unit....................................... 128
Task 2: Dimension Precast Balcony Unit ................................. 145
Task 3: Apply Hatching to Precast Balcony Unit and Make Quick
Printout .................................................................................... 159

Unit 3: 3D Modeling...............................................168
Exercise 7: Rietveld Chair ................................................. 168
Task 1: Draft and Design in 2D, Convert to 3D ........................ 169
Task 2: Design 3D Elements.................................................... 178


Tutorial Basis

Inainte de a incepe ...

Nemetschek Romania isi cere scuze pentru pasajele

netraduse ale tutorialului.
Pentru a beneficia de versiunea in limba romana,
va rugam sa trimiteti un e-mail la adresa:


Allplan 2008

Inainte de a incepe ...

Acest tutorial a fost realizat pentru a va introduce rapid si
practic in functiile importante de creare si modificare din
Allplan 2008.
Contine mai multe exemple sub forma unor exercitii.
Acestea utilizate pentru a ilustra functiile de creare ale
elementelor 2D si introducerea in modelarea 3D.

Acest ghid presupune ca sunteti deja familiari cu lucrul in Windows si
Allplan 2008.
Aceste notiuni de baza sunt descrise in manualul ce insoteste Allplan
2008. In plus, ar trebui sa stiti:
Sa deschideti si sa inchideti Allplan 2008
Sa creati proiectele
Sa deschideti si sa inchideti desenele si sa setati statutul acestora
Sa controlati modul de afisare pe ecran; in plus, modul de controlare
a desenelor si zoom-ul
Este recomandata parcurgerea in ordine a exercitiilor , functiile fiind
descrise detaliat in primele exercitii si doar amintite in exercitiile

Tutorial Basis

Inainte de a incepe ...

Incercam permanent sa imbunatatim permanent calitatea programului.
Sugestiile si comentariile dumneavoastra conteaza pentru noi si
asteptam parerile dumneavoastra legate de manuale si Ajutor. .
Nu ezitati sa ne contactati cu critici sau aprecieri legate de documentatie.
Contactati-ne la:

Nemetschek Romania Sales & Support SRL
Iancu Capitanu 27, Sector 2,
021362 Bucuresti, Romania
Telefon: +40 21 253 25 80
+40 21 253 25 81

Surse de informatie

Allplan 2008

Surse de informatie
Documentatia Allplan consta in:
Ajutorul Online este sursa principala de informatie in procesul de
utilizare a programului Allplan
In timp ce lucrati cu Allplan, puteti accesa ajutorul prin apasarea
tastei F1 sau prin activarea
Ajutorului Direct din bara de
instrumente Standard si alegerea functiei pentru care se doresc
Manualul este alcatuit din doua parti. Prima parte se ocupa cu
instalarea programului. A doua parte realizeaza trecerea in revista a
conceptelor si termenilor din Allplan si introduce abordarile utilizate
pentru definirea datelor.
Tutorialul de baza va ghideaza prin cele mai importante functii
legate de creare si modificarea elementelor in Allplan.
Tutorialul de Arhitectura va ghideaza pas cu pas in procesul de
creare a unei cladiri. In plus, veti invata cum sa analizati si sa
evaluati datele utilizand listele si legendele si sa tipariti planurile.
Tutorialul de Inginerie va ghideaza pas cu pas in procesul de creare
a planurilor de pozitie, de cofraj si de armare. In plus, veti invata sa
tipariti planurile.
Brosura Noutati in Allplan 2008 ofera informatii legate de functiile
noi din Allplan 2008.
Fiecare volum din seria Pas cu pas se ocupa in detaliu de un anumit
concept sau de o anumita serie de functii/module din Allplan. Sunt
tratate: schimbul de date, administrarea sistemului, modulele de
geodezie, functiile de prezentare, modelarea 3D etc. Acestea pot fi
obtinute de la:
Nemetschek Romania Sales & Support SRL
Iancu Capitanu 27, Sector 2,
021362 Bucuresti, Romania
Telefon: +40 21 253 25 80
+40 21 253 25 81

Tutorial Basis

Inainte de a incepe ...

Ajutor aditional
Sfaturi pentru o utilizare efectiva
Meniul Ajutor include Sfaturi pentru o utilizare efectiva. Acest
capitol ofera sfaturi practice legate de lucrul cu Allplan intr-o
maniera rapida si practica.
InfoAllplan este o publicatie in format digital care apare de cateva ori pe
an si este trimisa gratuit tuturor clientilor cu contract de service,
incluzand sugestii pentru diferite aplicatii ale programului.

Feedback la Ajutor
Daca ai intrebari sau sugestii pentru Ajutor direct, sau daca
intampini vreo eroare, trimite un mail la

Instruire, Indrumare si Suport tehnic

Allplan 2008

Instruire, Indrumare si Suport tehnic

Instruirea de care aveti parte este un factor decisiv in cantitatea de timp
pe care o alocati efectiv proiectelor proprii: o introducere profesionala in
program iti poate scuti pana la 35% din timpul de lucru!
O strategie de indrumare este esentiala. Centrele de seminarii
Nemetscheks ofera o gama larga de programe care va vor ajuta sa va
indepliniti cerintele.
Programul sofisticat si cuprinzator al seminariilor noastre este cel
mai rapid mod pentru utilizatorii profesionisti pentru a invata sa
foloseasca noul sistem.
Cursurile speciale sunt create pentru utilizatorii care doresc sa si
extinda cunostintele.
Cursurile sunt perfecte pentru cei care doresc metode particulare de
Cursurile intensive , create pentru birouri transforma formatul
esential intr-unul compact.

Recapitularea documentatiei
Intotdeauna incercam sa imbunatatim calitatea programului de
documentatie. Comentariile si sugestiile dumneavoastra sunt importante
pentru noi pentru a recapitula manualele si ajutorul online.
Rugam nu ezitati sa ne trimiteti nelamuriri, rugaminti sau critici in
ceea ce priveste documentatia. Ne puteti contacta la adresa:

Nemetschek Romania Sales & Support SRL
Iancu Capitanu 27, Sector 2,
021362 Bucuresti, Romania
Telefon: +40 21 253 25 80
+40 21 253 25 81

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 1: Introducere

Capitolul 1: Introducere
Acest capitol realizeaza o introducere a celor sase capitole
din acesta tutorial.
Veti crea cate un proiect separat pentru fiecare exercitiu.
Apoi veti realiza setarile de baza pentru fiecare exercitiu.
La final, exista o scurta sectiune cu probleme des intalnite,
care ofera un ajutor suplimentar.

Ce veti realiza ...

In exercitiile de la 1 la 6 veti invata cum sa utilizati urmatoarele module:

Constructii 2D,

Text si

Linie de cota.

Aceste 3 module sunt incluse in Modulul general.

Ultimele trei exercitii ofera o introducere rapida si practica in:

Modelare 3D

din Module aditionale.


Ce veti realiza ...

Allplan 2008

Exercitiul 1: Crearea si modificarea unui dulap cu sertare

Desenare exacta utilizand puncte de referinta
Utilizarea functiilor din Asistent punct (meniul shortcut)
Functii principale de modificare
Modificarea distantei dintre liniile paralele
Modificarea elementelor
Copierea si rotirea elementelor

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 1: Introducere

Exercitiul 2: Zid de sprijin cu scurgere

Punct delta
Hasurile si definirea acestora
Functii de introducere a poliliniilor



Ce veti realiza ...

Exercitiul 3: Insula de dirijare a circulatiei

Creare spline
Introducere polilinii
Introducerea si crearea motivelor

Allplan 2008

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 1: Introducere

Exercitiul 4: Indicator
Mai multe functii de modificare
Creare si salvare simbol
Introducere simbol din catalog



Ce veti realiza ...

Exercitiul 5: Balcon prefabricat

Crearea si modificarea liniilor de cota
Hasurile si definirea acestora

Allplan 2008

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 1: Introducere

Exercitiul 6: Scaun Rietveld

Introducere in Modelarea 3D
Utilizarea planurilor de lucru



Crearea proiectului

Allplan 2008

Crearea proiectului
In Allplan 2008, veti lucra cu desene si fisiere NDW. Desenele sunt
organizate intr-un proiect.
Veti incepe prin crearea unui proiect pentru exercitiile din acest tutorial.

Pentru crearea proiectului

1 In meniul Fisier, selectati
Deschidere proiect....In fereastra de
Proiect nou.
dialog Deschidere proiect, apasati pe

2 Proiect nou Specificati numele proiectului

Introduceti numele proiectului: Notiuni de baza si activati optiunea
Nume proiect ca nume director.
Apasati butonul Next>.

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 1: Introducere


In acest tutorial, veti defini hasuri si motive noi. Pentru a fi siguri ca

nu veti face modificari nedorite in standardul biroului, veti utiliza
setarile specifice proiectului.
Organizarea proeictelor
este descrisa in detaliu in
Ajutorul Online si Tutorialul
de Arhitectura.

3 Setati toate Caile pe Proiect si

apasati Next > pentru confirmare.


Crearea proiectului

Allplan 2008

4 Proiect nou Setari aditionale

Apasati pe Terminare pentru a confirma ultima fereastra de dialog.

Ati revenit in Allplan 2008 in proiectul Notiuni de baza.

Setari cale:
Acestea definesc standardul pe care se bazeaza creioanele, tipurile de
linie, hasurile, fonturile si cataloagele de materiale disponibile in
proiect: conform standardului de birou sau specific proiectului. In
general, se utilizeaza standardul biroului.
Alegeti aceasta optiune daca doriti ca mai multe proiecte din acelasi
birou sa foloseasca aceleasi setari (pentru hasuri, tipuri de linie etc).
Daca lucrati in retea, standardul biroului este acelasi pe toate posturile
de lucru si poate fi modificat doar de utilizatorii cu drepturi speciale.
Alegeti acesta optiune daca doriti ca setarile, ex.: pentru hasuri si/sau
motive, sa fie aplicate doar pentru proiectul curent (caz in care vor fi
probabil diferite de cele din standardul biroului).

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 1: Introducere


Notiune de desene
In Allplan, proiectarea si procesul de creare a datelor se face in desene.
Acestea sunt echivalentul foitelor de calc utilizate in proiectarea clasica.
Desenele pot fi utilizate pentru structurarea proiectului. In termeni IT,
un desen este un fisier salvat pe hard disk. Puteti afisa si edita pana la 60
de desene in acelasi timp cu alte cuvinte puteti deschide simultan
maxim 60 de desene. Un proiect poate contine pana la 6000 de desene.
Atunci cand lucrati cu layere, elementele individuale alea cladirii (pereti,
scari, etichete etc.) sunt desenate in fisiere separate si suprapuse ca niste
foite de calc.

Pentru modificarea desenelor, aceste trebuie sa fie activate (deschise).

Aceasta operatiune se efectueaza din fereastra de dialog Deschidere
fisiere proiect: Deschidere proiect: desene din structura mape/cladire.


Setari de baza

Allplan 2008

Statut desene
Cu ajutorul statutului desenelor, puteti defini desenul in care veti
introduce elementele noi si desenele care vor fi vizibile si/sau editabile.
Urmatoarea imagine ilustreaza statutul desenelor. Explicatiile sunt
oferite in tabelul de mai jos:


Statut desen


Desen activ

Desenul activ este cel in care se deseneaza. Intotdeauna trebuie sa

existe un desen activ.

Desen activ in fundal

Elementele din desenele active in fundal sunt vizibile si pot fi

modificate. Puteti deschide maxim 60 de desene active in fundal
si/sau pasive.

Desen pasiv

Elementele din desenele pasive sunt vizibile dar nu pot fi modificate.

Optiuni, puteti configura modul de afisare a elementelor din
desenele pasive utilizand o singura culoare. Desenele goale nu pot fi


Elementele din desenele inactive nu sunt vizibile.

Desen gol

Desenele goale nu au simbolul corespunzator datelor.

Desen atribuit temporar

Desenele pot fi atribuite temporar mapelor; aceasta atribuire este

anulata in momentul in care deschideti alta mapa.

Setari de baza
In continuare, veti efectua setarile pe care le veti utiliza pentru aceste

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 1: Introducere


Configuratia Palete
Allplan 2008 ofera un mod nou de aranjare a functiilor configuratia
Palete. Aceasta configuratie afiseaza Asistenti, Functii si Proprietati in
partea stanga si Asistent filtru si bara de instrumente Modificare tin
partea dreapta.
Puteti utiliza paletele pentru a accesa familiile, modulele si functiile
acestora, proprietatile elementelor si Asistentii.


Setari de baza

Allplan 2008

Atunci cand este deschis meniul

Functiuni, sunt disponibile urmatoarele optiuni:

Lista derulanta in partea de

sus a paletei

Meniuri in partea dreapta

Selectie functie

Selectie familie:

Selectie modul:

Selectati o functie din barele

Creare si Modificare:

Atunci cand deschideti meniul

Lista derulanta in partea de

sus a paletei
Selectie elemente active

Proprietati, sunt disponibile urmatoarele optiuni:

Functii in partea de jos a

Preluare proprietati
Incarcare favorite
Salvare ca favorit

Proprietati elemente
Modificarea proprietatilor

Tutorial Basis

Atunci cand deschideti meniul

Capitolul 1: Introducere


Asistenti sunt disponibile urmatoarele optiuni:

Lista derulanta in partea de sus Meniuri in partea dreapta

a paletei

Selectie functii

Selectie grupa asistenti

Selectie functie

Selectie Asistent


Setari de baza

Allplan 2008

Puteti adapta tipul de aranjare a paletei in functie de preferinte utilizanf
functia Configurare. (meniul Palete) din meniul Functiuni.

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 1: Introducere


Setari in paleta Functiuni

Veti utiliza functiile din modul Constructii 2D pentru primul exercitiu.
Activati modulul Constructii 2D din paleta Functiuni.

Setari in paleta Functiuni pentru urmatoarele exercitii:

1 Selectati meniul Functiuni din paleta.
2 Selectati familia Modul general din lista derulanta.
3 Selectati meniul Constructii 2D.
Programul prezinta functiile din modulul Constructii 2D in zonele
Creare si Modificare:


Setari de baza

Allplan 2008

Nota: Puteti utiliza functiile Ascundere automata pentru afisarea

( ) si ascunderea ( ) paletelor.

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 1: Introducere


Cautare directie
Cautarea directiei faciliteaza procesul intuitiv de proiectare. Deoarece nu
vom folosi aceasta optiune in urmatoarele exercitii, vom incepe prin
dezactivarea acesteia (este activa implicit).

Dezactivare trasare directie

1 Selectati functia
Linie din paleta Functiuni (familia Modul
general , modulul Constructii 2D, zona Creare).
2 Click dreapta in spatiul liber si selectati
punct din meniul shortcut.

Optiuni introducere

3 Selectati meniul Trasare directie si debifati optiunea Cautare

Sfat: Puteti activa sau
dezactiva rapid Trasarea
directiei prin apasarea
tastei F11 sau prin
apasarea pictogramei
Trasare directie.

4 Apasati OK pentru confirmarea setarilor si apasati ESC pentru a iesi

din functie.


Setari de baza

Allplan 2008

Puteti efectua setari implicite pentru fiecare modul din Allplan.
Veti seta unitatea in m pentru urmatoarele exercitii.

Setarea optiunilor
1 Apasati pictograma
Optiuni (bara de instrumente Standard) si
selectati Optiuni generale.

2 Verificati unitatea pentru lungimi in meniul Unitati. Daca nu este

selectat m, deschideti lista si alegeti m.

3 Apasati OK pentru confirmarea setarilor.

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 1: Introducere


Setari grosimi de linie

Inainte de a incepe sa desenati, trebuie sa definiti grosimea liniilor
(grosimea de creion) si tipul de linie in bara de instrumente Format.
Puteti modifica aceste setari in timp ce lucrati sau ulterior.
Fiecarui element i se poate atribui una dintre cele 256 de culori din
Allplan. Totusi, modul de reprezentare a elementelor depinde de setarea
Reprezentare pe ecran (bara de
optiunii Culoare dupa creion din
instrumente Standard):
Atunci cand este activa optiunea Culoare dupa creion, elementul
este afisat in culoarea asociata grosimii de creion utilizate (implicit).
Atunci cand nu este activa optiunea Culoare dupa creion, elementul
este afisat in culoarea selectata.

Setarea grosimii si culorii de creion

1 Activati optiunea Selectie grosime creion din bara de instrumente
Format si alegeti 0.25 mm. Va fi selectata grosimea indicata si va fi
afisat numarul acesteia.

2 Apasati pe Selectie tip linie si alegeti Tipul 1 (linie continua).

3 Apasati pe Selectie culoare linie si alegeti Culoarea 1 (negru).
Veti utiliza aceste setari pentru urmatoarele exercitii.
Toate exercitiile din acest tutorial vor fi realizate cu aceste setari de
baza, chiar daca acest lucru nu este specificat. t


Probleme des intalnite

Allplan 2008

Allplan 2008 ofera doua optiuni diferite pentru organizarea desenelor:

Structura de mape si
Structura cladirii.
Puteti utiliza in paralel aceste doua structuri. Structura cladirii este utila
in mod special pentru crearea unei structuri logice a cladirii.
Deoarece exercitiile din acest tutorial nu se bazeaza unul pe celalalt, veti
utiliza cate un desen pentru fiecare exercitiu. Veti utiliza structura de

Probleme des intalnite

Uneori apar probleme in timpul lucrului. Lista de mai jos va va ajuta sa
le rezolvati mai repede.

Ce faceti atunci cand ?

... ati selectat functia gresita?
Apasati ESC si selectati functia corecta.
... ati facut o greseala?
Apasati ESC pentru anulare (de mai multe ori daca e necesar).
...ati sters din greseala un element?
Daca functia
Stergere este inca activa:
apasati de doua ori butonul din dreapta al mouse-ului.
Daca nu este activa nici o functie: apasati
... ati deschis din greseala o alta fereastra de dialog sau ati
introdus valori incorecte?
Apasati Anulare.

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 1: Introducere

Ce faceti daca..
..spatiul de lucru este gol dar nu sunteti sigur daca desenul
contine elemente?


Apasati pe

Regenerare tot ecranul (in chenarul ferestrei de


... rezultatul unei operatiuni nu este afisat corect?

Regenerare ecran in chenarul ferestrei de lucru.
...spatiul de lucru este impartit in mai multe ferestre?
In meniul Ferestre, apasati
1 1ereastra.
Sfat: Verificati daca
layerul corespunzator este

...anumite tipuri de elemente cum ar fi textele sau hasurile nu

sunt afisate?
Apasati pe
Reprezentare pe ecran (bara de intrumente
Standard) si verificati daca sunt sau nu selectate elementele



Probleme des intalnite

Allplan 2008

Capitolul 2: Crearea si
modificarea elementelor
In acest capitol sunt prezentate cele mai importante functii
2D din Allplan. In plus, veti invata:
 Cum sa pozitionati exact punctele utilizand optiunile de
agatare si distantele
 Cum sa modificati elementele existente
 Cum sa introduceti hasuri si motive; va veti familiariza
cu functiile generale de introducere a poliliniilor, acestea
fiind identice pentru numeroase functii din Allplan 2008.
 Cum sa modificati si redefiniti un motiv sau o hasura
 Cum sa conectati textul si elementele din desen cu
ajutorul unei linii indicatoare
 Cum sa creati un indicator si sa il salvati ca simbol
 Cum sa dimensionati un element

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 2: Crearea si modificarea elementelor 2D

Exercitiul 1: Dulap cu sertare

In acest exercitiu veti crea un dulap cu sertare. Veti modifica ulterior
inaltimea acestuia.

Utilizati modulul

Constructii 2D din familia Modul 2D.



Exercitiul 1: Dulap cu sertare

Allplan 2008

Cerinta 1: Crearea dulapului

Primul exercitiu ilustreaza modul de creare a dreptunghiurilor si
copierea si oglindirea elementelor. In plus, veti invata sa utilizati
Punctele de referinta, Punctul de intersectie si Punctul de mijloc.

Optiuni introducere
Agatare puncte si
introducere distante
Punct de mijloc
Copiere si introducere
Copie simetrica
Punct delta


Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 2: Crearea si modificarea elementelor 2D


Desenarea dulapului ca un dreptunghi

Pentru a desena dulapul printr-un dreptunghi
1 Apasati pe

Deschidere fisiere proiect.

2 Selectati meniul Structura mape.

3 Apasati pe desenul numarul 1 si mai apasati inca o data in interiorul
selectiei sau apasati F2.
Puteti introduce numele desenului.
4 Introduceti Dulap si apasati Enter pentru confirmare.

5 Apasati Inchidere.
6 Selectati
Dreptunghi din paleta Functiuni (familia Modul
general, modulul Constructii 2D, zona Creare).


Exercitiul 1: Dulap cu sertare

7 Activati optiunea

Allplan 2008

Introducere prin diagonala din Optiuni

8 Apasati in spatiul de lucru pentru a pozitiona primul punct al

Sfat: Pentru a introduce
in casetele
din randul de dialog,
utilizati tasta TAB sau

9 Lungimea dreptunghiului pe directia x este 1.8 m. Introduceti

dx=1.8 in linia de dialog. Apasati tasta TAB pentru activarea
10 Inaltimea dreptunghiului pe directia y va fi tot de 1.8 m. Introduceti
dy=1.8 in randul de dialog si apasati ENTER pentru confirmare.
Se va afisa un dreptunghi in spatiul de lucru.

11 Apasati ESC pentru a iesi din functia


Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 2: Crearea si modificarea elementelor 2D


Desenarea dulapului cu ajutorul poliliniilor paralele

Urmatorul pas este desenarea cadrului utilizand functia Polilinii
paralele. Veti utiliza Agatare puncte pentru a desena exact.

Desenarea dulapului utilizand Polilinii paralele

1 Apasati pe
Polilinii paralele din paleta Functiuni (familia
Module general, modulul Constructii 2D, zona Creare).

2 Introduceti valorile de mai jos in linia de dialog si apasati ENTER

pentru confirmarea fiecareia.
Numar paralele: 1
Distanta: 0,05
3 Faceti click in coltul din dreapta sus a dreptunghiului.
Optiunea Dreapta este activa in Optiuni introducere.
4 Deschideti meniul printr-un click dreapta in spatiul de lucru.
Optiuni introducere punct si setati urmatorii


Exercitiul 1: Dulap cu sertare

Allplan 2008

Atunci cand veti pozitiona cursorul in zona unui punct (trebuie doar
sa indicati un anumit punct), sistemul va agata punctul respectiv.
Punctul agatat va fi marcat cu un X rosu.
5 Faceti click pe colturile dulapului in sens antiorar. Pentru a inchide
polilinia, ultimul punct trebuie sa coincida cu primul.

6 Apasati ESC pentru a iesi din functia

Polilinii paralele.

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 2: Crearea si modificarea elementelor 2D


Crearea sertarelor
In continuare, creati sertarele utilizand functia Dreptunghi. Allplan
ofera o serie de functii ce va ajuta sa pozitionati cu exactitate punctele.
In capitolul urmator veti crea sertarul prin agatarea punctelor si
introducerea distantelor.

Crearea unui sertar

1 Activati functia
Dreptunghi din paleta Functiuni (familia
Modul general, modulul Constructii 2D, zona Creare).
2 Verificati daca optiunea

Punct delta este activa in randul de

3 Pentru a specifica punctul initial al dreptunghiului, mutati cursorul in

dreptul coltului din stanga jos al liniei interioare a dreptunghiului.
Sistemul va agata acest punct, care va fi afisat intr-un mesaj de ajutor
albastru. Va fi afisat un X rosu in dreptul coltului si casetele
corespunzatoare coordonatelor
X si
Y vor fi afisate in
4 Daca este necesar, apasati tasta TAB pentru activarea casetei
si introduceti 0.02.

Simbolul rosu (+) se muta in partea dreapta.

5 Apasati pe colt sau apasati Enter pentru confirmare.

A fost definit primul colt al sertarului.
6 Introduceti in randul de dialog coordonatele punctului diagonal opus
al dreptunghiului:


Exercitiul 1: Dulap cu sertare

Allplan 2008

Apasati ENTER pentru confirmare.

7 Astfel ati creat primul sertar, pe baza caruia veti le veti crea si pe
8 Apasati ESC pentru a iesi din functia


Pentru a construi puncte utilizand agatarea punctelor si

introducerea distantelor
Mutati cursorul langa un punct (nu faceti click!):
cursorul va agata punctul respectiv si casetele din randul de dialog
vor deveni galbene.
Introduceti in randul de dialog coordonatele relative dX si dY.
Apasati ENTER pentru confirmare: punctul a fost definit.

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 2: Crearea si modificarea elementelor 2D


Crearea manerului
In continuare, veti crea manerul sertarului utilizand functia Cerc. Pentru
pozitionarea exacta a manerului veti utiliza optiunea Punct de mijloc.

Pentru a crea manerul

1 Activati functia
Cerc din paleta Functiuni (familia Modul
general, modulul Constructii 2D, zona Creare).
2 Pentru definirea primului punct deschideti meniul shortcut si
selectati optiunea
Punct de mijloc.
3 Mai intai faceti click pe punctul din dreapta jos.
4 Faceti apoi click pe punctul din stanga sus al sertarului.
A fost definit centrul cercului.
5 Introduceti in randul de dialog o raza de 0.02 si apasati Enter pentru

6 Apasati ESC pentru a iesi din functie.


Exercitiul 1: Dulap cu sertare

Allplan 2008

Copiere sertar
Puteti crea si celelalte sertare prin copierea primului.

Pentru copierea sertarului

1 Activati functia
Sfat: Elementele pot fi
selectate prin incadrarea
acestora intr-un dreptunghi
de selectie. Optiunea
Selectie dependenta de
directie este activata
implicit: atunci cand
deschideti dreptunghiul de
selectie in sensul pozitiv al
axei X, sunt selectate
elementele incadrate in
totalitate in dreptunghiul de
selectie; atunci cand creati
dreptunghiul de selectie in
sensul negativ al axei X,
sunt selectate atat
elementele incadrate in
totalitate in dreptunghiul de
selectie cat si cele

Copiere si introducere (bara de instrumente

2 Utilizati butonul din stanga al mouse-ului pentru a incadra tot

sertarul intr-un dreptunghi de selectie.
Va fi selectat si manerul deoarece se afla in dreptunghiul de selectie.
Puteti utiliza Asistent Filtru pentru a specifica elementele ce vor fi
selectate prin dreptunghiul de selectie:

Selecteaza elementele incadrate in totalitate in dreptunghiul de

Selecteaza elementele incadrate partial sau total in dreptunghiul
de selectie.
Selecteaza elementele incadrate partial in dreptunghiul de
3 De la punctul:
Indicati punctul din stanga jos al sertarului ca punct de agatare
4 Catre punctul / de cate ori?
Introduceti 5 in randul de dialog.
Apasati ENTER pentru confirmare.
5 Catre punctul:
Apasati pe punctul din stanga sus al sertarului pentru a defini punctul
de pozitionare. Au fost create si celelalte sertare.

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 2: Crearea si modificarea elementelor 2D

6 Apasati ESC pentru a iesi din functia

Copiere si introducere.



Exercitiul 1: Dulap cu sertare

Allplan 2008

Oglindire sertare
In pasul urmator, veti copia sertarele in dreapta utilizand functia
Copiere simetrica. Veti utiliza axa centrala a dulapului ca axa de

Pentru oglindirea sertarelor in dreapta

1 Activati functia

Copiere simetrica (bara de instrumente

2 Selectati sertarele printr-o fereastra de selectie.

3 Definiti axa centrala a dulapului ca axa de simetrie.
Pozitionati cursorul pe linia de sus a dulapului, deschideti meniul
shortcut si selectati optiunea
Punct de mijloc.
Va fi agatat punctul de mijloc. Acest punct va defini axa de simetrie
(vedeti imaginea de mai jos).
4 Pentru definirea celui de al doilea punct al axei de simetrie, mutati
cursorul pe latura de jos a dulapului si selectati din nou optiunea
Punct de mijloc.

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 2: Crearea si modificarea elementelor 2D


A = axa de simetrie
Desenele au fost copiate in partea dreapta.

5 Apasati ESC pentru a iesi din functia

Copiere simetrica.



Exercitiul 1: Dulap cu sertare

Allplan 2008

Creare maner pentru usa din mijloc

In continuare, veti desena un maner pentru usa din mijloc. In acest scop,
veti utiliza optiunile Punct de mijloc si Introducere prin punct de

Pentru a crea un maner pentru usa din mijloc

1 Activati functia
Dreptunghi din paleta Functiuni (familia
Modul general, modulul Constructii 2D, zona Creare).
2 Activati optiunea Introducere prin punct de mijloc din Optiuni

Punct de
3 Deschideti meniul shortcut si selectati optiunea
mijloc. Indicati apoi doua colturi diagonal opuse ale usii din centru.
Definti astfel centrul dreptunghiului.

4 Introduceti 0.1 pentru lungime si apasati Enter pentru confirmare.

5 Introduceti 0.01 pentru latime si apasati Enter pentru confirmare.

6 Apasati ESC pentru a iesi din functie.

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 2: Crearea si modificarea elementelor 2D


Cerinta 2: Modificare dulap

Pe baza dulapului creat mai devreme, veti crea unul nou cu o inaltime de
2.1 m si sapte sertare. Incepeti prin copierea elementelor in alt desen.
Veti modifica apoi dimensiunile. In aceasta sectiune veti invata sa
utilizati doua dintre cele mai importante functii de modificare: Paralele
la elemente si Modificare puncte.

Copiere/Mutare elemente
dintr-un desen in altul
Modificare puncte
Functiuni suma
Paralele la elemente



Exercitiul 1: Dulap cu sertare

Allplan 2008

Copierea unui desen

Incepeti prin copierea intr-un desen nou a dulapului creat mai devreme.

Pentru copierea unui desen

 Deschideti numai desenul 1 Dulap.

1 Din meniul Fisier, activati functia

Copiere/mutare fisiere...

2 Selectati optiunea Copiere si apasati OK pentru confirmare.

3 Selectati un desen gol si apasati OK pentru confirmare.

Sistemul va cere sa indicati elementele ce vor fi copiate in desenul
4 Apasati dublu click dreapta in spatiul de lucru pentru a selecta toate
elementele sau apasati pe Tot din Optiuni introducere.
Astfel veti copia dulapul intr-un alt desen.
Deschidere fisiere proiect si selectati desenul
5 Activati optiunea
in care ati copiat dulapul.

6 Introduceti un nume pentru desenul 2, ex.: Dulap modificat.

7 Setati desenul 2 ca desen activ si inchideti desenul 1 si inchideti

fereastra de dialog.
8 Utilizati functia
Regenerare tot ecranul pentru afisarea
dulapului pe tot ecranul.

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 2: Crearea si modificarea elementelor 2D


Modificare puncte
Pasul urmator include modificarea celor doua colturi de sus ale
dulapului. Astfel, dulapul va avea o inaltime noua de 2.1 m. In plus, veti
adauga doua sertare noi utilizand functia Copiere si introducere. De
data aceasta nu veti lucra cu dreptunghiuri de selectie ci veti folosi
Optiunea Functiuni suma pentru selectia elementelor.

Pentru modificarea elementelor

1 Activati functia

Modificare puncte (bara de instrumente

2 Selectati toate punctele elementului care va fi modificat. Incadrati

cele doua sertare de la partea superioara intr-un dreptunghi de
selectie pentru a le selecta simultan.
Sistemul va solicita punctul din care vor fi mutate elementele

3 De la punctul:
Apasati pe punctul din stanga sus al dulapului.


Exercitiul 1: Dulap cu sertare

Allplan 2008

Sugestie: De asemenea
puteti introduce valorile in
linia de dialog fara sa
faceti click pe punctul de
dx = 0
dy = 0.30

4 La punctul:
Inaltimea dulapului va fi de 2.1 m; cu alte cuvinte, trebuie sa il mariti
cu 0.3m pe directia y. Apasati pe
Punct delta si introduceti

Apasati Enter pentru confirmare.

5 Apasati ESC pentru a iesi din functia

Modificare puncte.

6 Selectati functia Copiere si introducere din meniul shortcut.

7 Selectati optiunea
Functiuni suma (Asistent filtru) sau apasati
cu butonul din dreapta al mouse-ului in spatiul de lucru pentru a
activa optiunea.
8 Selectati unul dupa altul elementele care alcatuiesc cele doua sertare
incomplete (cate doua linii si cercuri pentru fiecare dintre ele).
Toate elementele pe care le-ati indicat cu mouse-ul vor fi selectate si
afisate in culoarea de selectie.

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 2: Crearea si modificarea elementelor 2D


9 Apasati din nou pe pictograma

Functiuni suma (Asistent
Filtru) sau apasati cu butonul din dreapta al mouse-ului in spatiul de
lucru pentru a dezactiva optiunea. .
10 De la punctul:
Apasati pe coltul din stanga jos al sertarului incomplet din stanga.

11 Catre punctul / de cate ori?

Introduceti 1. Apasati ENTER pentru confirmare.
12 La punctul
Punct delta (randul de dialog) si introduceti 0.3
pentru directia y.

13 Apasati ENTER pentru confirmare.


Exercitiul 1: Dulap cu sertare

Allplan 2008

14 Apasati ESC pentru a iesi din functia Copiere.

Utilizarea optiunii Functiuni suma pentru selectia si

modificarea simultana a mai multor elemente si regiuni
Functiuni suma (Asistent filtru sau printr-un
Activati optiunea
click dreapta in spatiul de lucru).
Indicati elementele individuale sau utilizati dreptunghiuri de selectie
pentru selectarea elementelor dorite.
Elementele pe care le selectati din greseala pot fi deselectate
printr-un nou click.
Apasati din nou pe pictograma
dezactiva optiunea.

Functiuni suma pentru a

Adaugare cadru
Pentru a finaliza, puteti mari dulapul prin adaugarea unui cadru pentru
usa din centru. In acest scop, veti utiliza functia Linii paralele.

Pentru a adauga cadrul

1 Activati functia
Linii paralele din paleta Functiuni (familia
Modul general, modulul Constructii 2D, zona Creare).

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 2: Crearea si modificarea elementelor 2D


Sistemul va solicita indicarea unui element.

Apasati pe latura interioara din partea stanga a dulapului.
2 Prin punct / distanta:
Introduceti 0.6 in randul de dialog si apasati Enter pentru confirmare.
3 Indicati sensul de repartitie
Apasati in spatiul de lucru in dreapta liniei.
4 Numar:
Introduceti 1 si apasati Enter pentru confirmare.
5 Functia
Linii paralele este inca activa. Distanta pana la
urmatoarea linie paralela va fi calculata pe ultimei linii create.
6 Introduceti 0.6 in randul de dialog si apasati Enter pentru confirmare.
7 Numar:
Introduceti 1 si apasati Enter pentru confirmare.

8 Apasati ESC pentru a iesi din functie.


Exercitiul 2: Zid de sprijin cu scurgere

Allplan 2008

Exercitiul 2: Zid de sprijin cu scurgere

In urmatorul exercitiu veti crea sectiunea transversala a unui zid de
sprijin cu scurgere.

Utilizati modulul

Constructii 2D din familia Modul general.

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 2: Crearea si modificarea elementelor 2D

Cerinta 1: Crearea zidului de sprijin

In aceasta sectiune veti invata sa utilizati punctele delta pentru crearea
liniilor care nu sunt paralele cu una dintre axele x si y. Punctele delta
permit pozitionarea unui punct la o anumita distanta fata de un punct
In acest scop, utilizati optiunea
Punct delta


Punct delta din randul de dialog.



Exercitiul 2: Zid de sprijin cu scurgere

Allplan 2008

Zid de sprijin
Pentru a desena un zid de sprijin
Sugestie: Optiunile
Punct de capat si Punct
pe element trebuie sa fie
activate din functia
Optiuni introducere
punct. Pentru a verifica
acest lucru, deschideti
meniul contextual cu
butonul drept al
introducere punct si
selectati fereastra Puncte

1 Apasati pe
Deschidere fisiere proiect, selectati meniul
Structura mape si deschideti un desen gol. Denumiti-l Zid de
sprijin si inchideti toate celelalte desene.

2 Activati functia
Linie din paleta Functiuni (familia Modul
general, modulul Constructii 2D, zona Creare).
3 Activati optiunea

Polilinie din fereastra de dialog Linie.

4 Pozitionati punctul initial al liniei in spatiul de lucru.

5 <Linie>La punct
dx=3.00 in randul de dialog si apasati Enter pentru
6 <Linie> La punct
dy=0.30 in randul de dialog si apasati Enter pentru


Urmatorul punct care va fi introdus nu este pe directie

perpendiculara punctului anterior. Totusi, cunoasteti valorile
distantelor pe directiile x si y. Puteti utiliza optiunea
Punct delta
pentru a construi acest punct.

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 2: Crearea si modificarea elementelor 2D

Sugestie: Apasand tasta

Tab va trece in urmatoarea
caseta de dialog pentru a
va introduce datele.
Apasati Enter pentru a
accepta valorile.

7 Optiunea
Punct delta este activa.
Introduceti urmatoarele valori:
dx = -2.00
dy = 0.20


8 Apasati ENTER pentru confirmare.

dx= -2.00

dy= 0.2

Urmatorul punct va fi pozitionat utilizand aceeasi optiune:

Punct delta.
9 Introduceti urmatoarele valori in randul de dialog:
dx = -0.2
dy = 4.0

10 Apasati ENTER pentru confirmare.



Deoarece urmatoarele doua linii sunt perpendiculare, tot ce trebuie sa

faceti este sa introduceti valorile corespunzatoare in randul de dialog.


Exercitiul 2: Zid de sprijin cu scurgere

Allplan 2008

11 Desenati linia orizontala prin introducerea lungimii de pe directia x

=-0.30 ENTER
in randul de dialog:
12 Desenati linia verticala prin introducerea lungimii de pe directia y in
randul de dialog:
= -4.00 ENTER
Puteti utiliza agatarea liniara a punctelor pentru a pozitiona
urmatorul punct. Aceasta functie permite introducerea punctelor
astfel incat acestea sa fie aliniate unor puncte existente.
13 Pozitionati cursorul astfel incat punctul din partea de jos (= punctul
initial al zidului) sa fie aliniat cu cel din dreapta (vedeti mai jos),
apoi apasati CTRL+click stanga.



Consultati si:
Agatarea liniara a punctelor este descrisa in detaliu in Ajutorul
Online, in cadrul sectiunii Agatarea liniara a punctelor.

14 Finalizati crearea zidului printr-un click pe punctul initial al primei

15 Apasati ESC pentru a iesi din functia Linie.
In cazul desenelor complexa, alinierea punctelor utilizand optiunea
CTRL+click stanga nu este recomandata pentru o desenare exacta!

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 2: Crearea si modificarea elementelor 2D


Crearea scurgerii
1 Activati functia
Cerc din paleta Functiuni (familia Modul
general, modulul Constructii 2D, zona Creare).
2 Mutati cursorul in coltul din stanga jos al peretelui. Va fi afisat un X
3 Optiunea
Punct delta este activata in randul de dialog.
Introduceti urmatoarele valori:
dx = -0.5
dy = 0.5

Apasati Enter pentru confirmare.

Ati definit centrul cercului.


Exercitiul 2: Zid de sprijin cu scurgere

Allplan 2008

4 Introduceti in randul de dialog o raza de 0.1 si apasati Enter pentru

5 Apasati ESC pentru a iesi din functie.

Cerinta 2: Hasurarea
In continuare veti hasura zidul de sprijin. Veti invata si regulile de baza
pentru introducerea poliliniilor. Introducerea generala a polilinilor este
utilizata pentru majoritatea functiilor unde sistemul asteapta definirea
unor polilinii sau suprafete (ex.: hasuri, motive, umpluturi).
Filtru dupa
Contur automat
proprietati format
Definire hasura


Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 2: Crearea si modificarea elementelor 2D

Hasurarea zidului de sprijin

Pentru a hasura zidul
1 Selectati functia
Hasura din paleta Functiuni (familia Modul
general, modulul Constructii 2D, zona Creare).
2 Apasati pe Proprietati din bara contextuala Hasura..

3 Selectati hasura numarul 5 si si setati parametrii ca in imaginea de

mai jos:

4 Apasati OK pentru confirmarea setarilor.



Exercitiul 2: Zid de sprijin cu scurgere

Allplan 2008

Sugestie: Cand selectati

Multi din Optiuni
introducere, puteti
introduce o multitudine de
Dupa ce ati apasat ESC
pentru a termina
introducerea poliliniei,
hasurarea este aplicata
acestor arii intr-un singur

5 Selectati optiunea Unitar din Optiuni introducere.

6 Pentru a defini zona care va fi hasurata, apasati pe colturile zidului,

unul dupa celalalt.

f e

h g d


7 Pentru a inchide polilinia, apasati ESC dupa ce ati apasat pe ultimul

punct sau apasati din nou pe primul punct.
Va fi aplicata hasura selectata.
8 Pentru o afisare corecta pe ecran, apasati pe

Regenerare ecran.

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 2: Crearea si modificarea elementelor 2D

9 Apasati ESC pentru a iesi din functia




Exercitiul 2: Zid de sprijin cu scurgere

Allplan 2008

Copierea conturului zidului

In afara optiunii de introduce a hasurii utilizata mai sus, exista mai multe
metode de introducere a unor suprafete delimitate de contururi
poligonale. Aceste optiuni sunt ilustrate mai jos utilizand zidul de sprijin
ca exemplu.
Veti incepe prin copierea zidului, astfel incat veti avea mai multe copii
disponibile pentru exercitii. Pentru a fi siguri ca nu copiati si hasura, veti
utiliza un filtru.

Pentru a copia conturul zidului

1 Click dreapta in spatiul de lucru si selectati functia
Copiere si
introducere din meniul Shortcut.
Pentru copierea conturului peretelui fara hasura, puteti aplica un
2 Din Asistent Filtru, selectati functia
Filtru dupa element,
selectati Linie si Cerc/elipsa si apasati OK pentru confirmare.
Sugestie: De asemenea
puteti folosi proprietatile
liniei de contur ca un filtru.
Faceti click pe
Preluare proprietati si
apoi pe linia de contur.

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 2: Crearea si modificarea elementelor 2D


3 Selectati zidul printr-un dreptunghi de selectie.

Astfel, vor fi selectate doar liniile si cercul, indiferent de celelalte
elemente din dreptughiul de selectie. Poliliniile sunt afisate in
culoarea de selectie.

Deoarece ati utilizat un filtru dupa Linie si Cerc/elipsa doar liniile
de contur ale zidului si scurgerii vor fi afisate in culoarea de selectie.
4 Alegeti punctul initial pentru procesul de copiere si pozitionati zidul
in spatiul de lucru. Pozitia acestuia este irelevanta. Totusi, cele doua
ziduri nu trebuie sa se suprapuna.
5 Apasati ESC pentru a iesi din functia

Copiere si introducere.

6 Apasati butonul
Regenerare tot ecranul pentru a afisa cei doi
pereti in totalitate pe ecran .


Exercitiul 2: Zid de sprijin cu scurgere

Allplan 2008

Crearea hasurii utilizand conturul automat

Pasul urmator consta in hasurarea copiei zidului. In acest scop, veti
utiliza o functie ce detecteaza automat contururile inchise.

Pentru a hasura utilizand identificarea automata a

contururilor inchise
1 Activati functia
Hasura din paleta Functiuni (familia Modul
general, modulul Constructii 2D, zona Creare).
2 Este deja selectata Hasura 5.
In caz contrar, apasati pe Proprietati si selectati hasura cu numarul
5. Apasati OK pentru confirmare.
3 Selectati Unitar din Optiuni introducere.
4 Activati optiunea

Contur automat din randul de dialog.

5 Faceti click in interiorului zidului.

Va fi selectat intregul contur.
Deoarece ati selectat optiunea Unitar, hasura va fi introdusa imediat
si afisata pe ecran.

6 Apasati ESC pentru a iesi din functia


7 Pentru afisarea corecta a rezultatelor pe ecran, apasati pe

Regenerare tot ecranul.

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 2: Crearea si modificarea elementelor 2D


Modificare hasura
In continuare, veti modifica grosimea de creion pentru hasura.

Pentru a modifica grosimea de creion a hasurii

1 Selectati functia
Modificare proprietati format (bara de
instrumente Prelucrare).
2 Pentru modificarea grosimii de linie, bifati caseta Grosime si
selectati creionul cu numarul 7.

Sistemul va solicita selectarea elementelor pentru care veti modifica

grosimea de linie. Veti utiliza un filtru pentru a fi siguri ca modificati
doar hasurile.
Sugestie: Filtrele pot fi

3 Alegeti din Asistent Filtru,

Filtru dupa element si selectati
Hasura .Apasati OK pentru confirmare.
4 Selectati cele doua ziduri de sprijin printr-un dreptunghi de selectie.
Va fi selectata doar hasura si afisata in culoarea de selectie.
5 Apasati ESC pentru a iesi din functia

Modificare proprietati


Exercitiul 2: Zid de sprijin cu scurgere

Allplan 2008

Definire hasura
Allplan 2008 ofera o gama larga de hasuri predefinite. Puteti defini
propriile hasuri sau puteti modifica hasuri existente.
Daca ati urmat pas cu pas acest tutorial, ati setat calea de salvare a
hasurilor si motivelor pe Proiect. Cu alte cuvinte, orice modificare a
setarilor implicite (hasuri, motive) afecteaza doar proiectul curent.
Daca ati setata calea pe Birou, riscati sa modificati standardul biroului.
Astfel, orice modificare efectuata va afecta standardul biroului.

Pentru a defini si modifica o hasura

Selectati Definitii din meniul Extras.

6 Alegeti Hasuri din bara contextuala.

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 2: Crearea si modificarea elementelor 2D


Nota: Mesajul Sunt modificate hasurile din birou indica faptul ca

ati setat calea pe Birou. In consecinta, orice modificare va afecta
standardul biroului.

In acest caz, apasati Cancel si setati calea pe Proiect.

7 Apasati pe butonul de langa Numarul hasurii

8 Selectati numarul hasurii care va fi modificata sau selectati un numar

neatribuit pentru a defini o hasura noua.


Exercitiul 2: Zid de sprijin cu scurgere

Allplan 2008

9 Efectuati setarile in fereastra de dialog Definitii hasura.

10 Puteti utiliza optiunea Creion, Culoare din definitii pentru
reprezentare la scara pentru a specifica daca va fi utilizata
grosimea de creion din bara de instrumente Format sau grosimea
definita in aceasta caseta de dialog.

Urmatoarea sectiune ilustreaza modul de definire a motivelor si

hasurilor specifice proiectului. Trebuie sa urmati pasii de mai jos atunci
cand primiti mesajul Sunt modificate hasurile din birou.

Pentru a defini ulterior hasurile si motivele pe Proiect

Sugestie: Puteti accesa
urma setarilor prin
selectarea din meniul
Fisier optiunea
Deschidere fisiere
proiect. Deschideti meniul
shortcut, prin click dreapta
pe proiectul Baze si alegeti

Selectati Proiect pilot/Gestiune... din meniul Fisier

11 Deschideti directorul Proiecte. Click dreapta pe proiectul Notiuni de
baza afiseaza meniul shortcut; selectati Proprietati.
12 Selectati meniul Definitii si setati pe Proiect calea pentru Motive,
hasuri, stiluri suprafete.

Tutorial Basis

Capitolul 2: Crearea si modificarea elementelor 2D


13 Apasati OK pentru confirmare

Se va crea o copie a standardului de birou in proiectul curent.
14 In ProiectPilot apasati Inchidere din meniul Fisier pentru a inchide

Functii de introducere a poliliiniilor

Atunci cand lucrati in Allplan 2008, veti observa ca functiile de
introducere a poliliniilor simplifica procesul de identificare a punctelor
si elementelor. Metode generala de introducere a poliliniilor este
utilizata pentru mai multe functii in care sistemul asteapta definirea
poliliniilor sau a unor suprafete delimitate de un poligon inchis (ex.:
hasuri, motive, plansee, ...).

Optiuni pentru introducerea poliliniilor

Optiunile care sunt disponibile variaza in functie de tipul elementului pe
care il selectati: punct sau element propriu-zis.


Exercise 3: road with traffic island

Allplan 2008

Exercise 3: road with traffic island

This exercise involves designing a road opening with a traffic island.

Use the

Draft module in the Basic family to do this.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


Task 1: design road with traffic island

In the first part of this exercise you will design a road opening with
a traffic island. You will start by drawing a rough outline of the road
using splines, lines and parallel lines. You will learn about the Spline
and Fillet tools. The final outline will be created using the Fillet tool


Polar Coordinates

Road with traffic island

In the first part of this exercise you will draw the roadside on the left
as a spline. A spline is a curve that connects a predefined sequence
of control points as smoothly as possible. While you are drawing, the
spline is displayed in construction line format on screen. The final
spline is not created until you have finished entering all its points.

To draw the road using splines

1 Click
Open on a Project-Specific Basis, select the Fileset
structure tab and open an empty drawing file. Enter Road with
traffic island for its name and close all the other drawing files.
Spline in the Tools palette (Basic family, Draft module,
2 Click
Create area).
3 Click in the workspace to place the start point of the spline.
4 Enter the second point of the spline.
Delta Point is active in the dialog line. Enter


Exercise 3: road with traffic island

Allplan 2008

dx=6.00. Press ENTER to confirm.

The next point is defined based on its angle and offset to the
previous point.
5 Click

Polar Coordinates in the dialog line.

6 Enter an angle of 45. Pressing the TAB takes you to the next data
entry box.
7 Enter the length: 6.

8 Press ENTER to confirm.

dx = 6.00

9 The next point is set at an offset of 6.00 in the y direction from

the previous point.
Delta Point in the dialog line and enter

Press ENTER to confirm.

10 To define the last point of the spline, click
Polar Coordinates
in the dialog line again and enter the following values:
Angle: 110
Length: 6

Press ENTER to confirm.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


dy = 6.00

11 Press ESC to finish entering points for this spline. The spline is
12 Press ESC again to quit the Spline tool.
Now you will design the roadside on the right by creating a line
parallel to the spline entered beforehand.

To create a parallel line

1 Select the

Parallel Lines tool in the Tools palette (Create

2 Click the spline.

3 Enter 5.00 in the dialog line as the road has a width of 5 m. Press
ENTER to confirm.
4 Which side?
Click to the right of the spline.
5 Enter the number of parallel lines in the dialog line: 1
Press ENTER to confirm.


Exercise 3: road with traffic island

Allplan 2008

6 Press ESC to quit the

Parallel Lines tool.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


Road opening
The next step is to draw the road opening as a line. As the road
opening is to be created at a given angle, you will use Polar
Coordinates again.

To design the road opening

1 Click
Line in the Tools palette (Basic family, Draft module,
Create area) to draw the top edge of the road opening.
2 Click

Individual lines in the Line dialog box.

3 Place the start point of the line within the road you just created
(as shown below).
4 To draw the road opening at a given angle, click
Coordinates in the dialog line
<Line> To point
The opening is to be drawn at an angle of 5 degrees. Positive
angles result in a counter-clockwise rotation. Enter 355.
Press the Tab key and enter 10 for the length.
Press ENTER to confirm.

Parallel Lines in the Tools palette (Basic family, Draft

5 Click
module, Create area) to create the bottom edge of the road
opening. The
Line tool closes automatically.
6 Click the line you just created. Enter the following values in the
dialog line:
Offset: 5.00
Which side? Click below the line.
Number: 1


Exercise 3: road with traffic island

Allplan 2008

7 Now you can delete the redundant line segments within the road.
Click a line you want to delete with the right mouse button.
Tip: You can also select the
Auto-Delete Segments
tool in the Tools palette
(Basic family, Draft module,
Change area).

Auto-Delete Segments on the shortcut menu and

8 Choose
click the line segments you want to delete.
The redundant segments are deleted automatically.

9 Press ESC to quit the

Auto-Delete Segments tool.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


Traffic island
Now you will design the traffic island, which consists of lines
parallel to the road opening, which you created in the previous step.
You will then connect the parallel lines.

To design the traffic island

1 Click
Parallel Lines in the Tools palette (Basic family, Draft
module, Create area).
2 Click the bottom line of the road opening to use it as the
reference element for the traffic island (see illustration below).
3 Enter 2.00 for the offset to create the bottom edge of the traffic
4 Click above the reference element to indicate the side and enter
the Number in the dialog line: 1.
This creates the first parallel line; the
Parallel Lines tool is
still active.
5 The system prompts you to enter an offset in the dialog line. The
value you enter is based on the parallel line you just created.
Enter 1.00 for the offset between the bottom and top edges of the
traffic island.

6 Click
Line in the Tools palette (Basic family, Draft module,
Parallel Lines tool closes automatically.
Create area). The
Check whether
Individual lines is activated in the Line
dialog box.
7 Choose

Delta Point in the dialog line.


Exercise 3: road with traffic island

Allplan 2008

8 Join the end points of the two parallel lines (see below) and press
ESC to quit the tool.

Now you will use this line as the reference line.

Parallel Lines in the Tools palette (Basic family, Draft
9 Click
module, Create area).
10 Click the line you just created to use it as the reference element.
The system prompts you to make entries in the dialog line. Enter
the following values:
Offset: 2.00, Which side? right, Number: 1
Offset: 5.00, Number: 1 Press ESC to quit the tool.
11 Using the right mouse button, click a line of which you want to
delete redundant segments.
Auto-Delete Segments on the shortcut menu and
12 Choose
click the line segments you want to delete (see below). This tool
automatically deletes segments of elements between two points of






Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


13 Press ESC to quit the

Auto-Delete Segments tool.
Your screen should then look like this:

Apply fillet
In the next exercise you will create the final outline of the road and
the traffic island. To do this, you will use the Fillet tool, which
allows you to apply a fillet to corners and to join lines, which do not
touch, with arcs. After you have clicked the two elements, Allplan
will present auxiliary circles for you to choose from.

To apply a fillet
1 Click
Fillet in the Tools palette (Basic family, Draft module,
Change area).


Exercise 3: road with traffic island

Allplan 2008

2 You will start with the traffic island. Click its top and bottom
Press ENTER to confirm the fillet radius of 0.5.
Two auxiliary circles appear on screen.
3 Click the circle you want to use for the fillet.

4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the opposite side of the traffic island. If
you cant see the result, click
to refresh the view.

Fillet is still active. Trimming is displayed in the Input

options. When this button is activated (default setting), the
elements are shortened or lengthened automatically. If it isn't
active, click to enable it.

The traffic island is created. Now you will apply a fillet to the
road opening.
6 Click the top edge of the road opening and the spline on the right
to create the fillet at the top (see below).
7 Enter the radius: 3.00
8 Click the circle you want to use for the fillet.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements



9 Click the bottom edge of the road opening and the spline on the
right to create the fillet at the bottom. Repeat steps 7 and 8.
Auto-Delete Segments to delete redundant
10 If necessary, use
segments. The following should now be displayed on your screen:

11 Press ESC to quit the

Auto-Delete Segments tool.


Exercise 3: road with traffic island

Allplan 2008

Task 2: pattern
In this task, you will apply a pattern to the road opening. You will
learn about the Pattern and Pattern definition tools.

Pattern definition
Select Pattern
Pattern Width
Pattern Height
Convert Surface

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


Apply pattern to road

In this task, you will apply a pattern representing pavement to the
road. You will use the general polyline input tools to define the area
which is to be given a pattern.

To apply a pattern to the road

1 Click
Pattern in the Tools palette (Basic family, Draft
module, Create area).
2 Click Multi in the Input options.

3 Click Properties on the Pattern Context toolbar.

4 Select pattern 8 and set the parameters as shown below.


Exercise 3: road with traffic island

Allplan 2008

5 Start entering the polyline by clicking the point at top right. Then
click point 2 (see illustration at the end of this exercise).
You must identify the spline and fillet as an element. Otherwise,
the outline of the arc is not taken into account. If you want to
identify a spline as an element, you run the risk of snapping
control points: no acoustic signal is emitted and a straight line
appears in the preview. In this case go back (undo) one step.
To avoid this, you can activate the intelligent crosshairs known
as CursorTips:
Point entry options (shortcut menu) to see
6 Check the
whether Show CursorTips is activated on the Scan, Display tab.
When you move the mouse, CursorTips show the kind of point
that has been detected in the snap radius.
7 Enter the third point by clicking the spline on the left.
8 Continue to enter points 4 to 12. The last segment is displayed in
the selection color.
9 Click Define area of element to polygonize in the Input options.

10 Use the point snap options to define the element.

Move the crosshairs along the line.As soon as + appears, , click
with the left mouse button.
Continue to move the crosshairs along the line until + is
displayed again. Here, too, click. Finish entering the polyline by
clicking point 1.
The Pattern tool is still active.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements








See also:
Notes on the general polyline input are also provided in the
section entitled Polyline Entry Tools.


Exercise 3: road with traffic island

Allplan 2008

Exclude traffic island

The pattern is not to be applied to the traffic island. The system will
automatically detect the traffic island if you do not quit the polyline
entry mode. Rather, you need to enter the outline of the traffic
island. As this outline is closed, you can use the auto-detect feature.

To exclude the traffic island

1 Click Minus in the Input options.

2 Click an element of the traffic island.

3 In the Input options, click Find closed polylines.

4 Click a point within the traffic island.

The system automatically detects the outline of the traffic island.

5 Press ESC to finish entering the polyline.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


Pattern definition
Allplan 2008 comes with various ready-made patterns (depending on
the configuration). You can also modify and define patterns. In the
following exercise you will learn how to define a new pattern and
apply it to the road.

Please also read the notes on defining hatching. They are also valid
for patterns.

To define patterns
1 On the Tools menu, click Defaults.

2 On the Context toolbar, click Pattern.


Tip: The patterns that are

already defined depends on
the configuration you have
purchased. Normally, patterns
10 and higher are unassigned.
In this case, only the editing
frame and the temporary
crosses are displayed on

Exercise 3: road with traffic island

Allplan 2008

Start by selecting an unassigned pattern.

3 Click
Select Pattern in the Tools palette (Basic family,
Pattern Editor, Change area).

4 Choose an unassigned number (e.g. 11) in the Select Pattern

dialog box and click OK to confirm.
An editing frame is displayed on screen to facilitate the procedure
of defining patterns. The frame contains a grid of dots to help
you draw the pattern.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


5 Click
Pattern Width in the Tools palette (Basic family,
Pattern Editor, Change area) and enter the width of the pattern
in mm in the dialog line: 200. Press ENTER to confirm.
Pattern Height in the Tools palette (Basic family,
6 Click
Pattern Editor, Change area) and enter the height of the pattern
in mm in the dialog line: 200. Press ENTER to confirm.
Line in the Tools palette (Basic family, Pattern Editor,
7 Click
Create area)
Polyline function in the Line dialog box.
Enable the
Draw the pattern as shown.


Exercise 3: road with traffic island

8 Press ESC three times to quit the

pattern definition.

Allplan 2008

Line tool and to finish

9 Click Yes when you see the Would you like to save the pattern
definition? prompt.

Apply new pattern

The pattern is defined. Now you will apply the new pattern to the
road. You need to make some settings in the Pattern dialog box to
adjust the pattern to the road.

To apply the new pattern

1 Click
Convert Surface Element in the Tools palette (Basic
family, Draft module, Change area).
2 On the Context toolbar, select the Pattern option and then click

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements

The Pattern dialog box opens.

3 Select pattern 11 and enter 5 for the Width factor and Height
factor in the Size area.

The pattern is to be placed at an angle of 5. You can copy the

angle directly from the drawing.
beside Angle.
4 In the Direction, color area, click
The dialog box closes and your design is displayed.



Exercise 3: road with traffic island

Allplan 2008

5 Click the top line of the road on the right (see below).
The dialog box opens again and an angle of -5 is displayed.
Tip: The pattern is
generated from a reference
To define a new reference
point, set the reference point
to Origin and then to Custom

6 Here, the pattern is to be generated from the point at bottom

right; i.e. this is the reference point. Click Custom point in the
Reference point area to define the reference point.
The dialog box closes temporarily.
7 Click the point at bottom right (see below). This will serve as the
reference point.
8 Click OK to confirm the settings.
9 Click the pattern to be modified. The pattern changes depending
on the settings you have made.
10 Press ESC to quit the tool.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


Exercise 4: title block

In this exercise, you will create a title block and enter text for it.

Precast Balcony Unit, Type 12

To do this, you will use the

Basic family.

Draft and

Text modules in the

Note: There are also other ways of creating and labeling title blocks.
Plot Layout module contains the
Label tool where you
can select from a number of title blocks. These are title blocks that
were created as label styles and that convey information on date,
project name and more. The Architecture tutorial (unit 8) includes an
example, which shows how to create a title block as a label style.


Exercise 4: title block

Allplan 2008

Task 1: design title block

In the first part of the exercise that follows you will draw the layout
of the title block with tools in the
Basic family).

Draft module (Tools palette,


Reference Scale
Parallel Lines
Auto-Delete Segments
Modify Format Properties
Each module has its own set of basic settings known as Options.
These contain defaults that affect the manner in which the individual
tools function.
This way, you can configure the program to suit your own

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


Select unit and reference scale

Start by selecting the unit of measurement for the values you enter.
You will use mm for this exercise.

To set units
1 Click
Options (Standard toolbar) and select Global Options
in the dialog box.

Tip: Alternatively, set the unit

of measurement in the status
bar: click in the field beside
Length and select mm for
this exercise.

2 Select the Entry tab and click mm in the Units of length list box.

3 Click OK to confirm the settings.


Exercise 4: title block

Allplan 2008

Now change the reference scale. Until now you have worked at a
scale of 1:100.
The title block will be drawn at a scale of 1:1.

To set the reference scale

Tip: Alternatively, set the
reference scale in the status
bar: click in the field beside
Scale and select 1:1.

1 On the View menu, click

Reference Scale.

2 Click 1.00 in the Scale dialog box.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


Border of title block

Start by drawing the outer border of the title block.

To draw the outer border as a rectangle

1 Click
Open on a Project-Specific Basis, select the Fileset
structure tab and open an empty drawing file. Enter Title block
for the name and close all the other drawing files.
Rectangle in the Tools palette (Basic family, Draft
2 Click
module, Create area).
3 Place the first point in the workspace.
4 Diagonally opposite point
Enter a length of
170. Press the Tab key and enter 155 for
width and
Press ENTER to confirm.
The rectangle is drawn.
5 In the border of the viewport, click
Tip: Did you make an
incorrect entry?
Undo. You can
undo all steps back to the last



Exercise 4: title block

Allplan 2008

Create the interior lines as lines parallel to the border.

To draw interior parallel lines

1 Click

Parallel Lines (Create area).

2 Click element
Click the bottom line of the border.
3 Point through which element is to pass / enter offset
Enter 20 for the offset and
Press ENTER to confirm.
4 Which side?
Click inside the rectangle.
5 Number: 1.
6 Point through which element is to pass / enter offset: 10;
Number: 4.
7 Point through which element is to pass / enter offset: 25;
Number: 1.
8 Point through which element is to pass / enter offset: 30;
Number: 1.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


9 Point through which element is to pass / enter offset: 10;

Number: 3.
10 Press ESC to quit the tool.
11 To draw the parallel vertical lines, click

Parallel Lines again.

12 Click the left-hand side and create two parallel lines - one at an
offset of 15 and the other at an offset of 120.



Exercise 4: title block

Allplan 2008

Delete lines
Finally, delete the lines you do not need.

To delete lines and segments of lines

1 Click
Auto-Delete Segments (Change area) and delete the
superfluous vertical line segments.
2 Click

Delete (Edit toolbar) and delete the vertical line on the

3 Click
Auto-Delete Segments again and delete the
superfluous horizontal lines.


Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


Modify pen thickness

The border of the title block needs to stand out.

To modify the pen thickness

1 Click the Properties tab in the Tools palette.

2 To select the border of the title block, press and hold down the
SHIFT key and click a line of the border. This selects all lines with
the same group number.
3 The Properties palette shows the format properties of the selected
lines, amongst others.
Click the box beside Pen Thickness and select pen 3 0.50.


Exercise 4: title block

Allplan 2008

4 To confirm, click in the workspace with the left mouse button.

Modify Format
Tip: The
Properties tool (shortcut
menu or Edit toolbar)
produces the same result.

Your drawing should now look like this:

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


Task 2: enter text for title block

The following part of the exercise involves entering the text for the
Text module (Tools palette,
title block using the tools in the
Basic family).
X Coordinate
(Delta Point)
Y Coordinate
(Delta Point)
Edit Text
Change Text



Exercise 4: title block

Allplan 2008

Enter centered text

Start by entering a label for the contents of the plan in the title

To enter centered text

Switch to the Tools palette.
Select the
Text module (Basic family).
1 Click

Horizontal Text in the Create area of the Tools palette.

The start point of the text will be exactly in the middle of the
small rectangle - in other words, the midpoint of an imaginary
diagonal line.
2 Click in the workspace with the right mouse button, then on the
Midpoint and click
shortcut menu (Point Assistant), choose
two diagonally opposite points in the box.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


3 Click
to expand the dialog box so that all the parameters are
visible and enter the text parameters:

Click to center the text starting point

Text height: 5.0

The Text width adapts dynamically according to the Aspect
ratio set (in this example: 1.00).
Line spacing: 2.00
Font: 8 ISONORM DIN 6776.

4 For the text, enter Precast balcony unit, type 12

5 Click OK or press CTRL+ENTER.
Horizontal Text tool remains active.


Exercise 4: title block

Allplan 2008

Paragraph text
Enter the name of the construction project in the next field. It is to
be left-aligned and you will enter the text as paragraph text. To
enter paragraph text, you need to specify a value for the line
Paragraph text:
Paragraph Text is active, the lines you enter will form a
paragraph. The spacing between the lines in the paragraph is always
correct, regardless of the reference scale. The lines in a paragraph
can also be addressed as a single entity for easy manipulation.
To delete individual lines from a paragraph, use

resolves paragraph text into its constituent lines.

Line spacing:
The spacing between lines is based on the line spacing value
multiplied by text height. Whenever you press ENTER to confirm a
line of text, the program automatically goes to the next line.
Point snap:
To position the text exactly, use the point snap feature and enter an
offset. This is very useful when you want to place a point relative to
an existing point.

To enter paragraph text

Tip: You can use
to save
combinations of text settings
as favorites:
to enter a name
in the list and set the
corresponding parameters.

Horizontal Text tool should still be active.
You will define the texts starting point using the point snap
1 Move the crosshairs to the point in the title block shown below.
Do not click the point!
This sets the point that will serve as a reference for measurement.
The point is marked by a cross.
X Coordinate and
As a result, the data entry boxes for the
Y Coordinate in the dialog line are highlighted in yellow.
apply to
This indicates that the values you enter for
the point snapped.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


2 Enter a value of 30 for

dX, press the TAB key, enter a value
of -5 for
dY and press ENTER to confirm.
3 Change the position of the text's starting point to
top left in the dialog box.
Paragraph text.
4 Enter the following text:
New condominium [ENTER]
with underground parking
5 Press CTRL+ENTER or click OK to finish entering text.
6 Press ESC to quit the tool.


Exercise 4: title block

Allplan 2008

Horizontal text
Enter a line of text on the right in the title block and copy it to the
fields below.

To enter and copy text

1 Click

Horizontal Text in the Create area of the Tools palette.

2 To set the starting point of the text, use the point snap feature
and enter an offset:
a) point to the top left corner of the box
(see below)
dX = 2, TAB key
dY = -2
d) Press ENTER to place the point.

3 Set the text starting point to

top left. Change the Text height
to 2.5 and the Line spacing to 1.5.
For the sample text, enter: Date.

4 Click OK to confirm the text.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements

5 Press ESC to quit the tool.

6 Click the text Date with the right mouse button and on the
shortcut menu, choose
7 From point
Click the top left corner of the box.
8 Enter 4 for the number of copies and press ENTER to confirm.
9 To point
Click the top left corner of the box below.

10 Press ESC to quit the tool.



Exercise 4: title block

Allplan 2008

Edit text
Modify the text using the

Edit Text tool.

Text modification:
Text can be edited at any time. This provides a comfortable approach
if you are using boilerplate - all you have to do is update the text.

To edit text
1 Click the text Date at the top with the right mouse button and on
the shortcut menu, choose
Edit Text.
The relevant dialog box appears and can be modified.
2 Press ENTER at the end of the text Date to go to the next line and
enter a placeholder for the date in the next line: XX . XX .
Paragraph Text is enabled. Otherwise,
Note: Make sure that
the two lines cannot be modified together.
3 Click OK to confirm.
4 Change the entries underneath and use placeholders as shown
here following the instructions in steps 2 and 3.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


Change text settings

Change the appearance of the placeholder for the plan number.
Assign it different text parameters. You will give it a character
height of 5 mm and a character width of 6 mm. First, you need to
'explode' the paragraph.
Define text parameters:
When you enter text, you can use one of the 20 Allplan fonts or you
can use all the TrueType fonts you have installed.
The Text Height and Text Width parameters are absolute values.
This means that the text will print out using the values you enter
regardless of the selected reference scale.

To change text settings

1 Click the Plan number... text block with the right mouse button
and select
Explode Paragraph on the shortcut menu.
This explodes the paragraph and you can now modify each line
2 Press ESC to quit the

Explode Paragraph tool.

3 Switch from the Tools palette to the Properties palette.

4 Click the placeholder XXX with the left mouse button.
5 The Properties palette shows the parameters of the selected text,
amongst others.
Click the box beside Height and select 5.00.


Exercise 4: title block

Allplan 2008

6 Click the box beside Width, enter 6.00 and press ENTER to

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements

7 Click with the left mouse button in the workspace.

Note: You can also use the
Change Text Settings tool to
modify text parameters (Tools palette, Text module, Change
area or shortcut menu of the text you want to modify).



Exercise 4: title block

Allplan 2008

8 Complete the label using the information provided below.

Task 3: save and retrieve title block as symbol in catalog

In the last part of the exercise you will save the title block as a
symbol in a symbol catalog. Then, you will learn how to retrieve it
and place it in an empty drawing file.
Write to Library
Get from Library

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


Symbols are design entities that you can use whenever you need.
Symbols automatically adapt to the scale of the drawing file. They
can be addressed (click with the middle and left mouse buttons) and
modified as a single entity. You can alter symbols and save them
using another name.
Symbols are often used for drawings and other common
components. In time, you will find that you develop your own
extensive symbol libraries for title blocks, fixtures, equipment etc.
that you can use time and again.

Symbol catalogs
Symbols are managed in symbol catalogs. Each sub-folder can
contain a large number of symbols. Using the ProjectPilot, you can
also copy, delete and rename them.
Sub-folders are assigned to libraries.
Office: This folder contains the offices standard libraries and
sub-folders. The data in this folder is available to the entire office:
Standalone: for all the local projects,
Network: for all local and remote users and projects. Only the
system administrator can store and manage symbols.
Project: The catalogs in this path belong to a specific project and are
only available in that project.
Private: The catalogs in this path belong to the user that is currently
logged on and cannot be accessed by other users in a network.
If you are not keen on making your own symbol catalog, you can
use the extensive symbol catalogs available from Nemetschek.


Exercise 4: title block

Allplan 2008

Save symbol in catalog

Insert the title block as a symbol in a catalog.

To insert a symbol in a catalog

1 Click

Write to Library (Standard toolbar).

2 The title block is to be made available to the entire office. In the

Path area, click Office.
In the Library area, click Text.

Tip: You can also change the

position of a symbols base
point when you retrieve it.

3 Click OK to confirm.
4 Select text you want to save as a text symbol
Use the left mouse button to open a selection rectangle around
the title block. It is displayed in the selection color.
5 Set the text symbol's base point
Click the bottom right corner. This is the point at which the
symbol will be attached to the crosshairs when it is retrieved.
6 In the dialog box that appears, choose the option Dumb symbol
(not snoop-enabled) and click OK to confirm.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


7 Click an empty line under Subfolder and enter a name for the
symbol file: Title block..
(If you choose a name that is already assigned, only the name is
8 Click an empty line under Name and enter a name for the
symbol: Original.
(Choosing an assigned name will cause the symbol it contains to
be overwritten.)
9 Press ENTER to finish.

10 Press ESC to quit the tool.


Exercise 4: title block

Allplan 2008

Get symbol from library

Now retrieve the symbol and place it in an empty drawing file.
In practice, the new drawing file might be a drawing file for another
construction project. All you would need to do then is change the
project-specific information and save the title block again as a
symbol - this time in the Project folder.
Besides the symbols you create and save yourself, you can use this
approach to retrieve symbols in the Nemetschek symbol catalogs as
well as DWG and DXF format symbols.

To retrieve a symbol from a catalog

1 Click
Open on a Project-Specific Basis (Standard toolbar),
Fileset structure tab, open a new, empty drawing file and close
the drawing file with the title block.
Reference Scale and select
2 On the View menu, click
1 (1.000).
Alternatively, click the Scale field in the status bar.
3 Click

Get from Library (Standard toolbar).

4 In the dialog box which appears, select the Office folder and the
Text library.

5 Click OK to confirm.
The Get Symbol dialog box appears.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


Tip: Activate the Preview

check box to get a preview of
the symbol.

Tip: Using the Input options,

you can change the position
of the symbols base point
and define a cursor snap
The tools on the shortcut
menu assist you in the
process of defining the
symbols drop-in point

6 Select Original in the Title block subfolder.

7 Click OK to confirm.
Now you are back in the workspace. The symbol is attached to
the crosshairs at its base point.
8 To place the symbol, click in the workspace.
9 To quit symbol retrieval mode, press ESC.
10 If the title block appears too small, click
border of the viewport.

Refresh in the


Exercise 5: precast balcony unit

Exercise 5: precast balcony unit

Creating and modifying dimension lines
Hatching and hatching definition

Allplan 2008

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements

Task 1: design precast balcony unit

The first part of this exercise involves drawing the floor plan and
two sections for a precast balcony unit.
You will use the

Draft module in the Tools palette (Basic

Parallel Lines
X Coordinate (Delta
Y Coordinate (Delta
Mirror and Copy
Stretch Entities
Fold Line




Exercise 5: precast balcony unit

Allplan 2008

Initial settings
Start by making initial settings.

To select a drawing file and to set options

1 Click
Open on a Project-Specific Basis, select the Fileset
structure tab and open an empty drawing file. Enter Precast
balcony unit for the name and close all the other drawing files.
2 Click the Length in the status bar and select m.
Tip: When you define the

3 On the View menu, click

, you
scale by clicking
can also select it in the status

You will start by drawing the outline.

Reference Scale and select 25.

Bear the coordinate system in mind and the direction of rotation of





To get a suitable view, use the tools in the border of the viewport:

Enlarge View

Zoom Section

Reduce View



Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


Draw outline
To draw the outline in plan
1 Click
Rectangle in the Tools palette (Basic family, Draft
module, Create area).
2 Click in the workspace to place the starting point of the rectangle.
When you move the mouse, a preview of the diagonally opposite
point is displayed attached to the crosshairs (rubber-band).
3 Diagonally opposite point
Enter a length of
2.60. Press the Tab key and enter 1.05 for
Press ENTER to confirm.
Tip: Did you make an
incorrect entry?
(Standard toolbar).

4 In the border of the viewport, click


Fillet in the Tools palette (Basic family, Draft module,

5 Click
Change area).
6 Click the left and right side of the rectangle and confirm the
radius proposed by the system.
The system offers four options for applying a fillet.
Select the semi-circle at the bottom.

7 Click

Refresh again.

8 Press ESC to quit the

Fillet tool.


Exercise 5: precast balcony unit

Allplan 2008

9 Delete the bottom line of the rectangle.

Click this line with the right mouse button and select
on the shortcut menu.
on the Edit toolbar and
(Alternatively, you can also select
then click the line).
10 Press ESC to quit the tool.

Create parallel lines

Now you will draw the interior lines of the precast balcony unit.

To create parallel lines

1 Click
Parallel Lines in the Tools palette (Basic family, Draft
module, Create area).
2 Click the semi-circle you have just created.
3 For the offset, enter 0.1.
Which side?
Click within the outline; the circle is copied toward the inside.
Press ENTER to confirm the number (1).
4 For the next offset, enter 0.02.
Which side? Toward the inside again.
Confirm the number (1).
5 Click

again to create lines parallel to the side lines.

6 Click the line on the left and then the endpoints of the semi-circle
one after the other (see below).

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


6 6

6 6

7 Click

again to create lines parallel to the line at the top.

8 Click the top line and enter 0.1 for the offset.

9 Click below the line to specify the side on which the parallel lines
are created. Confirm the number (1).
10 For the next offset values, enter 0.02, 0.04 and 0.02 and confirm
the number (1) each time.
11 Press ESC to quit the tool.


Exercise 5: precast balcony unit

Allplan 2008

Delete redundant line segments

Delete the redundant line segments in the corners and complete your
design by adding elements.

To delete redundant line segments

Tip: If you inadvertently
deleted elements, you can
quickly restore them by
immediately double-clicking
in the workspace with the
right mouse button (the last
action is undone). You can
Undo (you can
also use
go back (undo) as many steps
as you want, as far back as
the last time the data was
saved and compressed.).

1 Click one of the lines you want to delete with the right mouse
button and select
Auto-Delete Segments on the shortcut
in the Change area and
(Alternatively, you can also click
then click the relevant line).
2 Click all the line segments you want to delete.
Zoom Section (in the border of the viewport) to set a
suitable view.
3 Click

Line in the Tools palette (Create area).

4 Draw the new elements as shown below.

Your drawing should now look like this:

5 Press ESC to quit the tool.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


Draw "Isokrbe"
Create the 'Isokrbe' (special type of reinforcement cage) at the top
and on the sides.

To draw 'Isokrbe' in plan

1 Click

Line in the Tools palette (Create area).

2 Enable the

Polyline function in the Line dialog box.

3 Move the crosshairs to the top left corner.

This sets the point that will serve as a reference for measurement.
The point is marked by a cross.
X Coordinate and
As a result, the data entry boxes for the
Y Coordinate in the dialog line are highlighted in yellow.
This indicates that the values you enter for
apply to
the point snapped.
Y Coordinate box.
4 Press the TAB key to activate the
Enter -0.50 for dY and press ENTER to confirm.
This defines the starting point of the line.
5 Enter the following values in the dialog line:
dX = -0.08
dY = -0.40
dX = 0.08
6 Press ESC to quit the tool.


Exercise 5: precast balcony unit

Allplan 2008

7 Now draw the 'Isokorb' at the top using the procedure previously
described. Careful with the direction and the sign

8 You can create the 'Isokorb' on the right by mirroring. Click

Mirror and Copy (Edit toolbar)
9 Select the 'Isokorb' on the left by enclosing it in a selection
window (from left to right) with the left mouse button pressed
10 To define the first point for the mirror axis, click the line at the
top with the right mouse button and select
Midpoint on the
shortcut menu.
Make sure that you do not click the midpoint of the line or any
other point.
This defines the first point of the mirror axis.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


11 To obtain a mirror axis that is exactly vertical, press the TAB key
to switch to the
Y Coordinate box in the dialog line.
Enter any dY value (not equal to 0).
This creates the 'Isokorb' on the right and completes the design.
12 Press ESC to quit the tool.

Outline of longitudinal section

Next, you will draw the outline of the longitudinal section and place
it below the floor plan.

To draw the outline of the longitudinal section

1 Click

Line in the Tools palette (Create area).

2 Enable the

Polyline function in the Line dialog box.

Select Pen Thickness on the Format

3 Click
pen thickness 0.50 mm in the list box.

menu and select

Note: You can change this setting if you want while you draw.
4 Place the first point below the plan.
Create the lines by entering the following sequence of values in
the dialog line:
Tip: In the event that you
enter an incorrect value, click
on the Line Context
toolbar. The last entry is
deleted and you can resume
your work at the end point of
the previous line.




Bear the coordinate system in mind!

dX = 2.60,
dX = -2.40,

dY = 0.33,
dY = 0.12,

dX = -0.10,
dX = -0.10,

dY = -0.12
dY =


Exercise 5: precast balcony unit

Allplan 2008

5 Press ESC to quit the tool.

Modify outline of longitudinal section

The next step involves modifying the outline.

To modify the outline of the longitudinal section

1 Using the right mouse button, click the bottom right point of the
Stretch Entities on
upstand on the left (see below) and select
the shortcut menu.
(Alternatively, you can also select
on the Edit toolbar and
then click the point).
2 Place a point (from point) or enter the dx vector:
Enter 0.02 for dX in the dialog line, confirm dY (0) and
press ESC.
3 Click

Fold Line (Edit toolbar).

4 Click the right line of the upstand.

5 End point: Move the crosshairs to the bottom right point you
have just modified. This point is snapped and marked by a cross.
6 Press the TAB key to activate the
Y Coordinate box, enter a
value of 0.10 for dY and press ENTER to confirm.


Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


7 Press ESC to quit the tool.

8 Now modify the upstand on the right.
ESC to quit the

When finished, press

9 Select pen thickness 0.25 on the Format toolbar and draw the
'Isokorb' on the left using
Line (Tools palette, Create area).
Start at bottom left.
dX = -0.08
dY = 0.18
dX = 0.08


10 Press ESC to quit the

Line tool.

11 Using the procedure described above, create the 'Isokorb' on the

right-hand side of the longitudinal section using the
and Copy tool (Edit toolbar):
Press and hold down the left mouse button and enclose the
'Isokorb' in a selection rectangle (from left to right).
Click the line at the top with the right mouse button and
Midpoint on the shortcut menu.
Y Coordinate box in
Press the TAB key to switch to the
the dialog line and enter any value for dY.
Your design should now look like this:

12 Press ESC to quit the tool.


Exercise 5: precast balcony unit

Allplan 2008

Draw cross-section
Finally, you will draw the entire cross-section in a single operation.

To draw the cross-section

1 Select pen thickness 0.50 mm and click
Create area).
2 Enable the

Line (Tools palette,

Polyline function in the Line dialog box.

3 Place the starting point at top so that it is to the left of the floor
Tip: Skip a coordinate:
pressing the TAB key takes
you to the next data entry
Enter relative coordinates:
Enter values for
in the dialog line (use the
TAB key to switch between
the data entry boxes) until
you find the drop-in point.
Press ENTER to place the

4 Enter the following sequence of values in the dialog line.

You can use the finished section to check the entries you make.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


dX = 0.33 ENTER
dY = -2.35 ENTER
dX = -0.33 ENTER
dY = 0.10 ENTER
dX = 0.02 TAB key
dY = 0.02 ENTER
dX = 0.07 ENTER
(press the TAB key to switch to
dX = 0.04 TAB key
dY = 2.05 ENTER
dX = 0.02 TAB key
dY = 0.02 ENTER
(press the TAB key to switch to
dY = 0.04 ENTER
dX = -0.13 ENTER
(press the TAB key to switch to
dX = -0.02 TAB key
dY = 0.02 ENTER
(press the TAB key to switch to
dY = 0.10

5 Press ESC to quit the tool.

6 Select pen thickness 0.25 mm and complete the 'Isokorb' (8/18
cm) at the top.
Your drawing should now look like this:


Exercise 5: precast balcony unit

Allplan 2008

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


Task 2: dimension precast balcony unit

Now you will dimension the precast balcony unit using the tools in

Dimension Lines module (Tools palette, Basic family).



Horizontal Dim. Line

Vertical Dim. Line
Parallel Lines
Auto Dimensioning
Add Dim. Line Point
Modify Dim. Line

The first step is to define the dimension line parameters.

Dimensioning then involves three steps:
Define the type of dimension line (vertical, horizontal, angle or
Specify a location for the dimension line
Click the points to dimension
The dimension lines generated can be modified at any time. You can
add and delete dimension line points, move the dimension line and
change the dimension lines settings.
Tip: In the
Options for
the Dimension Lines module,
you can set a tolerance value
for tilted (dimension) text, set
the decimal separator and
enter values for blanking.

Set dimension line parameters

Start by making settings for the dimension line parameters.
The most important parameters are the unit, the position of the
dimension text, and the dimension text height and width.
Dimension lines always reference the design dynamically (dimension
lines are associative; the points you click are the reference points).
Dimension lines automatically update to reflect any changes you
make to the design.


Exercise 5: precast balcony unit

Allplan 2008

To set dimension line parameters

1 Select the
Dimension Lines module in the Tools palette
(Basic family).
2 Click

3 Click

Dimension Line (Create area).


4 Check the settings in the top (general) part of the dialog box,
select an Arrowhead, enter its Size and set the Format properties
for the individual components of the dimension line.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


All dimension lines are created with the pen, line, color and layer
set here, regardless of the settings on the Format toolbar.
5 Check the settings on the Text tab in the bottom part of the
dialog box and set the text parameters as shown below.
6 Select a font and define the dimension text height and width by
entering the following values:

Dim. text height: 2.5

Aspect: 1.25 (as a result, the text width is 2.0)

7 To define the position of the dimension text, click as required in

the Orientation area.

8 Open the Dimension Text tab and enter the following parameters:

9 Enable the No extension lines setting in the Entry Options tab.

Set the other parameters as shown.


Exercise 5: precast balcony unit

Allplan 2008

10 Click
at bottom left and save the parameters as a favorite
file. Enter "Tutorial" for its name.

11 Click Save to confirm.

12 Click OK to confirm the Dimension Line dialog box.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


Create horizontal dimension lines

You will now dimension the longitudinal section using horizontal
dimension lines.

To create horizontal dimension lines


Dimension Line tool is still active.

1 Set the view so that there is enough space at the top for the
dimension line.
2 On the Context toolbar, click


3 Place a point for the dimension line or click a dim. line

Define the position of the dimension line by clicking above the
longitudinal section. This is the point through which the
dimension line will pass.
4 Click the six points you want to dimension.
A preview of the dimension line is displayed immediately. Any
new points you click are automatically included in this preview.
You can click the point to be dimensioned in any sequence.
5 To finish entering points, press ESC.
Horizontal remains active so that you can create the next
dimension line.
6 Place a point for the dimension line or click a dim. line
Click below the longitudinal section to define the point through
which the dimension line is to pass.
7 Click the points to be dimensioned and press ESC to finish
creating horizontal dimension lines.

7 7

7 7


Exercise 5: precast balcony unit

Allplan 2008

Create vertical dimension lines

Now you will continue with vertical dimension lines.

To create vertical dimension lines


Dimension Line tool is still active.

1 On the Context toolbar, click


2 Click to the left of the longitudinal section to define the point

through which the dimension line is to pass.
Tip: You can define the
spacing between the
individual dimension lines in
the Properties. You can also
move dimension lines later
using the Move Dimension
Line tool.

3 Click the corners of the 'Isokorb' and the upstand and press ESC
to quit the tool.
Vertical remains active so that you can create the next
dimension line.
4 Place a point for the dimension line or click a dim. line
Move the crosshairs to the left of the dimension line as the next
dimension line is to be placed to the left of the first dimension
The dimension line is snapped and displayed in the selection
color. A symbol indicates the side on which the new dimension
line will be created.

5 Click in the workspace to confirm.

6 Click the points to be dimensioned.
7 Now you should be able to create the missing vertical dimension
lines in the section and on the right yourself.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


Create dimension lines automatically

A part of the floor plan will be dimensioned automatically. All you
need to do is draw a line through the components. The points at
which the line and the components intersect are automatically

To create dimension lines automatically

1 Click

Auto-Dimensioning in the Tools palette (Create area).

2 Click
Match parameters from dimension line and click an
existing dimension line.
3 Click above the floor plan to define the point through which the
dimension line is to pass.
4 Place direction point 1 or enter a direction angle or line:
Press ENTER to confirm the value (0.00).
5 Place point 1 for the section:
Define the first point by clicking above the 'Isokorb' to the left of
the exterior edge of the precast unit.
6 Place the next point for the section:
Click the equivalent point on the right.
7 Place the next point for the section:
Press ESC twice to quit the tool. All the points where the line
intersects the design are dimensioned.


Exercise 5: precast balcony unit

Allplan 2008


Add dimension line points

As the dimensions of the 'Isokoerbe' are still missing, you will now
add the relevant dimension line points.
Any changes you make to the design using modification tools are
automatically reflected in the dimension lines. For this, all dimension
lines must be in the same drawing file or the file with the dimension
lines must be open in edit mode.
There are times when you will find that dimension line points are
missing or no longer required as the design has changed. In these
cases, you do not need to create new dimension lines. Rather, you
can add or delete dimension line points.

To add dimension line points

1 Using the right mouse button, click the dimension line to which
dimension line points are to be added and on the shortcut menu,
Add Dim. Line Point.
Add Dim. Line Point in
(Alternatively, you can also select
the Tools palette, Change area, and then click the dimension

Basics Tutorial

Tip: To remove a dimension

line point, click
Del Dim.
Line Point (Tools palette,
Change area) and then a
point on the dimension line.
You can also use the shortcut

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


2 Click the points to be dimensioned (left and right exterior edges

of the 'Isokoerbe').

3 Press ESC twice to quit the tool.

It is also possible to change the parameter settings of dimension lines

(apart from the spacing between dimension lines).

Modify Dim. Line.

Set the new dimension line parameters in the

and then click the dimension lines to apply the changes.
You can also copy the parameters from existing dimension
lines. Click
Match parameters from dimension line and
click the dimension line whose settings you want to use.

You can also use the Context toolbar to select a dimension

line type to which you want to apply the new parameters and
then enclose all the dimension lines in a selection rectangle.


Exercise 5: precast balcony unit

Allplan 2008

You can also modify dimension lines by clicking a dimension line

with the right mouse button and selecting Properties on the
shortcut menu.
Depending on the dimension line section clicked, you can change
arrowheads or alter other parameters using the Properties palette.
Any changes you make apply to the clicked section only.
to toggle between the individual dimension line
sections or elevation points.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements

Complete the dimension lines as shown below:



Exercise 5: precast balcony unit

Allplan 2008

Task 3: apply hatching to precast balcony unit and make quick printout
The following part of the exercise involves applying hatching to the
sections of the precast balcony unit using the tools in the
module (Tools palette, Basic family).
Outline Auto-Detect
Convert Surface Element
Reshape Surface
Element, Architectural
Print Preview



Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


Define and create hatching

In the first step, you will select a hatching style that represents
reinforced concrete and apply it to the longitudinal section of the
precast balcony unit.

To define and create hatching

1 Click
Hatching in the Tools palette (Basic family,
Tip: When you click the
hatching number on the
Hatching Context toolbar,
the following dialog box

2 Click the button with the hatching style.

3 In the Hatching dialog box, select hatching style 7.

4 Make settings as shown above.

5 Click OK to confirm the dialog box.



Tip: To apply hatching to

rectangular areas, click two
diagonally opposite points
and press ESC.

Exercise 5: precast balcony unit

6 Click

Allplan 2008

Outline Auto-Detect (dialog line, icon must be pressed

7 Click within the area to which you want to apply hatching. The
system will detect the boundary of the area automatically.
8 Press ESC to finish defining the area.

9 Press ESC to quit the tool.

Change hatching style

The next step is to change the hatching style.

To change the hatching style

1 Click
Tip: To change the hatching
style, you can also click the
hatching with the right
mouse button and select
Properties on the shortcut
menu. The program opens the
Properties palette where you
can modify the hatching
parameters (see above).

Convert Surface Element in the Tools palette (Basic

Draft module, Change area).

2 The Convert Surface Element dialog box is displayed. Make

settings as shown below and click the button with the hatching

3 Select hatching style 6 in the Hatching dialog box (see "Define

and Create Hatching" on page 151) and click OK to confirm.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


4 Select surface elements to convert to hatching

Click the hatching you have applied to the longitudinal section.

5 Press ESC to quit the tool.

Cut out hatching around dimension text

Now you will remove the hatching around the dimension text.
Tip: You can also apply white
fills to dimension text.
To do this, check the Apply
blanking (fill) to dimension
text box in the
Properties of the dimension
line, Text tab.

To cut out

the hatching around the dimension text

1 Click
Reshape Surface Element, Architectural Area in the
Tools palette (Basic family,
Draft module, Change area).
2 Select element to modify
Click the hatching applied to the longitudinal section.
Outline Auto-Detect tool in the dialog line (icon
3 Disable the
must not be pressed in!).
4 Click Minus in the Input options, use the left mouse button to
select the area around the dimension line by enclosing it in a
selection rectangle and press ESC twice.
The hatching disappears.
5 Repeat steps 2 and 4 for the second dimension line.


Exercise 5: precast balcony unit

Allplan 2008

Apply hatching to cross-section

Using the procedure described above, you will now apply hatching to
the cross-section as shown below:

Quick printout
Finally, you will make a quick printout of the precast unit. For this
the drawing file with the Precast balcony unit must be current.

Quick printout
The quick printout feature allows you to quickly print out interim
results. Often, it is convenient to have the current edit status on

Basics Tutorial

Unit 2: Designing and Modifying 2D Elements


paper without having to assemble a layout first. This can be done

Print tool. This way, you can also print out details or
using the
sections of floor plans. Before you start printing, you need to check
that your output device has been installed and configured correctly.
The settings (e.g. margins, header, footer, construction lines) you
make in the
Print Preview are used for printing. You can also
set a scale, define the section to be printed out and set up the printer.
If you want to print out the current contents of the screen without
making print settings beforehand, just click
Print on the
Standard toolbar. The default printer is used.
Print on the File menu.
If you want to select the printer, click

To make a quick printout

Tip: To print more screen
contents, click
Print on
the Standard toolbar.

1 Click

Print Preview (Standard toolbar).

This prints using the most

recent settings.
Print Preview Options, select the Display tab and check
the Thick line box This not only makes the different line weights
visible on screen but also ensures that they are also printed out as
In addition, you can use the Print construction lines option to
specify whether construction lines are to be included in printouts.
Specify the other options to suit your own preferences.


Exercise 5: precast balcony unit

Allplan 2008

2 If necessary, set the scale in the print preview.

3 Click

Set up printer if you do not want to use the default

4 The Print Setup dialog box appears. Select the printer you want
to use in the Name area and click OK.
Tip: Click Properties to set
the paper size etc. Detailed
information is provided in the
printer documentation.

Print. The printout is output to the printer selected in

Set up printer.
5 Press ESC to close the print preview.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 3: 3D Modeling


Unit 3: 3D Modeling
Unit 3 provides an introduction to the 3D Modeling
module. You will create a chair based on the zigzag chair
designed by Rietveld. You will learn
 How to create the initial elements in 2D
 How to convert 2D entities to 3D
 How to automatically create a 3D solid based on an
outline and a path
 How to define a work plane so that you can draw in a
sloping plane as if you were working in plan
 How to design a box and use it to create the opening
in the back of the chair


Exercise 7: Rietveld chair

Allplan 2008

Exercise 7: Rietveld chair

This exercise involves creating a chair based on the zigzag chair
designed by Rietveld.

Draft (Basic family). You should

You will use the tools in the
already be familiar with these tools. In addition, you will find an
introduction to the options available in the
module (Bonus Tools family).

3D Modeling

Basics Tutorial

Unit 3: 3D Modeling


Task 1: draft and design in 2D, convert to 3D

You will start by drawing the profile and the elevation view of the
chair as 2D elements in plan. These elements will then be converted
to 3D and rotated in space.

2D Entities to 3D
Rotate 3D Elements



Exercise 7: Rietveld chair

Allplan 2008

Design 2D elements
First design the profile and elevation of the chair in plan using the
Rectangle and Line drafting tools. As you are already familiar with
these tools from the previous exercises, you will find that designing
these 2D elements is not difficult. For this reason, not every step of
the exercises that follow is described in detail.

To draw the cross-section and profile of the chair in


1 Click
Open on a Project-Specific Basis, select the Fileset
structure tab and open an empty drawing file. Enter Rietveld
chair for the name and close all the other drawing files.
Rectangle in the Tools
2 To draw the profile of the chair, click
palette (Basic family, Draft module, Create area).
3 Place the first point in the workspace.
4 Enter the length of the rectangle: 0.03
This value defines the thickness.
5 Enter the width of the rectangle: 0.37
This value defines the width of the chair.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 3: 3D Modeling


6 Click
Line. The
Rectangle tool closes automatically.
Enable the
Polyline function in the Line dialog box.
7 Click the bottom right corner of the rectangle to define the
starting point of the line.
Delta Point in the dialog line. Enter
8 Choose
to draw the first line. Press ENTER to confirm.
Tipp: Pressing the TAB key
takes you to the next data
entry box in the dialog line.

dx= 0.265

9 Enter the following values in the dialog line

dx = -0.265
dy = 0.40

dx= 0.325 to draw the third line. Press ENTER to

10 Enter
11 To draw the fourth line, click
Delta Point again.
Enter the following values in the dialog line:
dx = 0.05
dy = 0.27

12 Press ESC twice to quit the

Line tool.


Exercise 7: Rietveld chair

Allplan 2008

Convert 2D elements to 3D
The elements you have drawn are 2D entities. You need to convert
them to 3D in order to create the chair as a 3D object. This is done in
the 3D Modeling module.

To convert 2D entities to 3D
1 Select the
Tools family).

3D Modeling module in the Tools palette (Bonus

2D Entities to 3D (Create area).

2 Click
The following prompt is displayed:

3 Click Yes.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 3: 3D Modeling


The selected elements are combined to make a single 3D element

which can then be addressed as a single entity. As the
cross-section and the profile are required, you need to select each
element separately.
Tip: When you convert
circles, ellipses etc., you can
specify how many edges are
used to approximate a full

4 Select the profile of the chair by enclosing it in a selection

rectangle with the left mouse button (see below).
5 To convert the elevation view of the chair to 3D, enclose it in a
selection rectangle with the left mouse button (see below).

6 To get an impression of how the elements look in 3D, click

3 Viewports on the Window menu.
Now you can see the elements in plan, isometric and elevation
Refresh in each viewport.
7 Click
The following should now be displayed on your screen:


Tip: You can see that the

elements are actually 3D
elements as they are
displayed in isometric and
elevation view.

Exercise 7: Rietveld chair

Allplan 2008

It is advisable to keep these three viewports for the steps that

8 Press ESC to quit the

2D Entities to 3D tool.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 3: 3D Modeling


Rotate 3D elements
The 3D elements are still flat on the floor" (xy plane). The next step
is to rotate the 3D elements in space. The difference between this and
rotating elements in 2D is that you can define an axis of rotation
which lies freely in space (in 2D: you can only enter a point of

To rotate 3D elements

3D Modeling module is still active.

Rotate 3D Elements (Change area) and click the

1 Click
elevation of the chair in plan view.
Tip: As you have converted
the 2D entities to a single 3D
element, you do not need to
enclose the entire elevation
view in a selection rectangle.
Rather, all you need to do is
click a point of the element.

The element is displayed in the selection color.

Now Allplan 2008 prompts you to specify an axis of


2 Define the bottom line of the chairs elevation view as the axis of
rotation. First click the left point of the line. The sequence in
which you enter the points is important for entering the angle
3 Click the right point of the line. This defines the axis of rotation.


Tip: You can use the right

hand rule' to determine the
positive direction of the
rotation angle:
point the thumb of your right
hand in the direction of the
rotation axis. Your fingers will
indicate the positive direction
of rotation.

Exercise 7: Rietveld chair

Allplan 2008

4 The elevation view is to be rotated upwards by 90 degrees.

Enter 90 and press Enter to confirm.
In plan, the rotated elevation view of the chair should only be
visible as a straight line (see below).
5 Next, rotate the profile of the chair. Click it.
6 Define the axis of rotation as shown below and pay attention to
the sequence in which you enter the points: first click the top

7 Enter the angle of rotation: 90.
Refresh in each viewport.
8 Click
The following should now be displayed on your screen:

Basics Tutorial

Unit 3: 3D Modeling

9 Press ESC to quit the


Rotate 3D Elements tool.


Exercise 7: Rietveld chair

Allplan 2008

Task 2: design 3D elements

You will now use the 3D elements to create the chair as a polyline
sweep solid. Next, you will design the opening in the back of the
chair. To do this, you will draw a 3D solid (box) which will then be
subtracted from the back of the chair.

Polyline Sweep Solid
Work Plane
Subtract and Remove Solid


Basics Tutorial

Unit 3: 3D Modeling


Create polyline sweep solid

The next exercise involves creating the chair as a polyline sweep
solid. A polyline sweep solid is created based on a profile (outline),
which is swept along a path to form the new solid. You will use the
profile of the chair as the outline and the elevation view as the path.

To create a polyline sweep solid

3D Modeling module is still active.
3 Viewports should be active.
1 Click

Polyline Sweep Solid (Create area).

2 To define the path for the polyline sweep solid, click the elevation
of the chair in isometric view (see below).
3 To define the profile for the polyline sweep solid, click the profile
of the chair in isometric view.

4 When no torsion is desired, you can configure the program to

correct it. In this example, torsion does not need to be corrected.
Consequently, click No.

The polyline sweep solid is created, the path is deleted.

Refresh in each viewport.
5 Click
The following should now be displayed on your screen:


Exercise 7: Rietveld chair

6 Press ESC to quit the

Allplan 2008

Polyline Sweep Solid tool.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 3: 3D Modeling


Define work plane and create 3D box

The chair is still missing the opening in its back. You will start by
creating it as a box. To facilitate the procedure of positioning the
box in the sloping back of the chair, you will define a work plane
(= user-defined coordinate system) whose x and y axes are parallel
to the edges of the back of the chair. This allows you to draw in the
work plane as if you were working in plan.

To define a work plane and create a 3D box

3D Modeling module is still active.
3 Viewports should be active.
1 Click to activate the viewport with the plan view (the window on
the right).
2 To facilitate the process of entering the work plane, display the
chair in isometric view.
Rear Left Iso. and then
The result should look like this:


Exercise 7: Rietveld chair

Allplan 2008

3 On the View menu, point to Toolbars and click Special.

4 Click

Work Plane (Special toolbar).

5 To define the origin of the work plane, click the bottom left
corner of the back of the chair (see below).

6 Choose No at the following prompt asking whether you want to

use the current view as the work plane.

You will now be prompted to define the work plane by entering

four points.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 3: 3D Modeling


7 To define the x axis, click the two end points of the bottom edge
of the chair (see below). As the positive x axis is to be to the
right, click the point on the left first.
8 To define the y axis, click the two end points of the rear left edge
of the chair (see below). As the positive y axis is to be upwards,
click the bottom point first.

The z axis, which is generated automatically in the origin, is
perpendicular to the x-y plane.
The following should now be displayed on your screen:


Exercise 7: Rietveld chair

Allplan 2008

Now all the entries you make apply to the axes of the defined
work plane: you can enter the values defining the box as if you
were working in plan.
9 Click

Box (Create area).

10 Check that Based on diagonally opposite points is active in the

Input options.. If it isn't, activate it now.

Always work in the viewport on the right!

11 Move the crosshairs to the top left point to define the reference
point for the corner of the box. You can see this point in the
other two viewports, too.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 3: 3D Modeling


Delta Point in the dialog line and enter the following

12 Click
dx = 0.1
dy = -0.1

Press ENTER to confirm.

This defines the corner of the box.
13 Enter dx = 0.17 for the length of the opening and dy = 0.05 for
its width. Then press Enter to confirm.
14 To define the height of the box in the z direction, enter a value
that is higher than the thickness of the back of the chair. Enter
-0.10 for the height. The box is drawn.
Plan to return to the normal work plane.
15 Click
The following should now be displayed on your screen:


Exercise 7: Rietveld chair

16 Press ESC to quit the

Allplan 2008

Box tool.

Basics Tutorial

Unit 3: 3D Modeling


Create opening
To finish, you will remove the volume of the box we have just
created from the 3D element. The box will be deleted in the process.

To create the opening


3D Modeling module is still active.

1 Click
Subtract and Remove Solid
(Create area) to create the opening in the back of the chair and to
delete the box.
2 Click 1st solid Click the chair. This is the solid in which the
opening is to be created.
3 Click 2nd solid Click the box. This is the solid which is to be
subtracted from the first solid (chair).

The opening is created in the back of the chair and the result
should look like this:

Basics Tutorial



2D entities to 3D

162, 168, 177

3 viewports 162
2D entities to 3D 162, 168,
polyline sweep solid 168,
rotate 159, 165
3D element
polyline sweep solid 168,

additional tools
polar coordinates 75, 79
reference point 33, 71, 94
auto-delete segments 75, 79,
81, 83, 98, 104, 125, 130
auxiliary circle 83
axis of rotation 165

basic settings 19
options 26
settings in the tools palette
track tracing 25
box 171

circle 32, 54
construction lines 154
contact 2
copy 33, 41, 47, 48, 63, 107,
copy drawing file 46

define pattern


delta point 160

dialog box for defining patterns
dimension line parameters 139
save 139
set 139
dimension lines
horizontal 143
vertical 144
dimensions 139
add dim. line point 146
automatic 145
horizontal 143
set parameters 139
vertical 144
drawing file status 18

element filter
element 60, 63
enter 26
enter points 33

favorites 139
file cabinet 32
design 33
modify 46
fillet 83
auxiliary circle 83
radius 83
trimming 83
filter assistant 41
folder 118

hatching 60
definition 67, 151
exclude region 153
modify 66, 152



Allplan 2008

linear snap


midpoint 31, 33, 40, 43, 45,
108, 125, 131, 134
mirror and copy 33, 43, 125,
131, 134
dimension lines 146
hatching 66
modify offset 46
stretch entities 46
modification tools 46
modify offset 46
3D modeling 158, 159, 168
dimension lines 139
draft 33, 54, 75, 98, 125, 159
pattern editor 91, 94
text 107

objectives 7, 8, 9, 10
folder 118
options 26
origin of work plane 171
outline auto-detect 90, 151
outline for polyline sweep solid

path for polyline sweep solid
168, 169
pattern 86
assigned patterns 91
create 91
definition 91
modify 91
reference point 94
plan view 171
point of intersection 33, 53, 71
point snap and offset entry 33
polar coordinates 75, 79
polyline entry tools 71, 86, 87,
auto-detect feature 86

new reference point 71

notes 71
outline auto-detect 90
segments in circle 71
start point 71
polyline sweep solid 168
outline 169
path 169
torsion 169
precast balcony unit
apply hatching 150
design 125
dimension 139
print 154
print contents of display 154
print preview 154
folder 118
create project 14
folder 118
path for settings 14

rectangle 33, 34, 38, 45, 98,
101, 125, 127, 160
reference point 33, 71, 94
reference point for patterns 94
requirements 1
retaining wall with drainage 53
design 54
hatching 60
Rietveld chair
3D design 168
draft and design in 2D,
convert to 3D 159
road with traffic island 74
design 75
pattern 86
rotate 159, 165

dimension line parameters
favorites 139
select pen and linetype 27
sources of information 3
additional help 4

Basics Tutorial

spline 75
stretch entities 46
symbol catalog 118
symbols base point 118
folder 118
general 118
output 122

text anchor point 108, 110,
text height 108, 110, 112,
text width 108, 115
title block
design 98
label 107
symbol 118
2D entities to 3D 162, 168,
auto-delete segments 79, 81
box 168, 171
circle 32, 54
construction lines 154
fillet 83
fold line 134
line 55, 63, 71, 79, 81, 91,
130, 131, 133, 134, 136,
mirror and copy 33, 43, 125,
131, 134
modify elements 66, 91
modify offset 46
parallel lines 46, 52, 75, 79,
81, 98, 101, 125, 128, 139
pattern 86
polyline 160
polyline sweep solid 168,
print 154
print preview 154
rectangle 32
rotate 165
stretch entities 46

subtract and remove solid
168, 177
work plane 168, 171
training, coaching and project
support 5
trimming 83
troubleshooting 29
checklist 29
troubleshooting 29

understanding drawing files 17
user-defined coordinate system,
see work plane 171

work plane

158, 171, 177

x axis of work plane


y axis of work plane

zigzag chair





Allplan 2008

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