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Redwoods Visitor Center

Redwoods National and State Parks, Orick, CA

A new perspective on
the worlds tallest trees
Save the Redwoods League is building a visitor center in
the heart of redwood country. Mandated to protect and
restore redwood forests, the 100-year-old conservation group
purchased a former lumber mill site in northern California
to restore the ecosystem. The League will transfer the new
center to the National Park Service to operate as a gateway to
Redwood National and State Parks.
The League hired AldrichPears develop the visitor experience
for the site. APAs interpretive plan includes opportunities
to see the majestic redwoods from new perspectivessuch
as from the forest canopyand understand their complex
relationships with surrounding ecosystems. A multitude of
outdoor exhibits provide direct access to what many visitors
have travelled across the world to see: the tallest, biggest and
oldest living organisms in the world.

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