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In this passage from the Indispensable Opposition by Walter Lippmann , he

uses an abundance of ways to inform us in the issue of political freedom, the right to
speak freely and act in opposition , his thesis , freedom of discussion improves our
own opinions , the liberties of other men are our own vital necessities, states freedom
of discussion brings about opinions and with those opinions comes the need to know
others .
Lippmann states , but will defend to the death your right to say it, but as a
matter of fact most men will not defend to the death of other men, meaning back then
even though it was a noble act to speak out against what the political thought was to
be, usually even if men were to agree most of them would put their life on the line to
help the oppositional claim. if they disapprove sufficiently what other men say, they will
somehow suppress those men if they can, meaning if man disagrees with a certain way
of thinking, then they would do more to make sure that state of thinking is to not be
brought about or expand unto others. Man were expected to fight against what they
contradicted rather than fighting for what they concur.
In 1939 the freedom to speak was greatly encouraged but not always acted ,
Lippmann uses imagery to help explain our toleration , as we put up with the blasts
from our neighbors radio not that we state our opinions based on our freedom of
discussion. This allows us to discuss together the issues we have . If freedom of speech
wasn't brought about there would only be one way of thinking . There would only be one
right answer . We wouldnt have the things we do today if man didnt disagree and help
each other build upon the rights and the wrongs of life.

This one way of thinking would have brought about more problems , because in the end
there would be that one person who would think differently and with that one person a
whole crowd is to come about .

Even if opinion didn't exist we would later have to invent it , we all have the
freedom to express how we feel . This builds into todays thinking, we are no longer
segregated to believe in one way of thinking. No longer pushed to believe that there is
only one way of life, and the leader at that time knows the definite way. We have come
from the battles between Gods and kings, the law of God and the law of a king , man
and woman , and even the white man and the one of color. Throughout time we have
overcome these self substantial battles, as Lippmann explains, we should have to
invent it, why it will eventually have to be restored in all civilized countries, no matter
how hard we tried to destroy it, opinion will forever live.
In time we have learned to build upon each other's opinion. Agreeing to disagree
and then finding a middle ground to make it easier, or even explaining ourselves then
joining our thoughts together to build something even greater than the arrogance of
ones opinion against the others. Coming together as one to build the knowledge of
human, not shutting one another down due to the difference in thinking. we must
protect the right of our opponents to speak because we must hear what they have to
Lippmann uses words such as , substantial , eccentric , benevolent and
magnanimous to emphasize the feeling the opinion is thought to give us . Using

polysyndeton and not as many fanboys to help the reader picture the dramatized
fixation opinion has on us .
From years ago opinion arrives. It will forever be apart of us, it is how we are all able to
think different ways and come up with different ways of life . By not thinking only one
way, is specifically the right way , but to come upon a political discussion on the plethora
of solutions and later build upon that way of thinking .
The way Lippmann organizes this passage helps us gain a greater
understanding on the state of opinion and discussion within it. Allowing those who frown
upon others opinions to think in a different light, shining on the way opinions are thought
to affect us compared to the way they actually make us feel.
As opinions have evolved over time it has gotten stronger, and instead of tearing it apart
Lippmann emphasizes on how we must build it up. It is our unalienable right, not to be
torn beneath us because of the simple fact that my opinion , my way of thinking, is
wrong due to it not being on equivalence to yours. Freedom of discussion helps us build
on our own opinions and way of life , freedom is necessary in a civilized society.

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