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MSP Lesson Plan Format

CANDIDATE NAME: Shannon Hedman

DATE/TIME: 2/19/2016


GRADE LEVEL: 2nd grade




LESSON TOPIC, CONCEPT or SKILL: Measuring the length of an object using
tools such as a ruler, yardstick, meter stick and measuring tapes.
*This standard will be spread across a few days, todays lesson will only focus on
measuring length of an object using a 12 inch ruler. Other measurement units and
measurement tools will be taught on the other days.*
LESSON RATIONALE: Students need to be able to measure objects using the
appropriate measuring tools because it gives them a sense of measurement and
how tall, wide or long something is. They will need to know how to use a ruler to
measure through out school and also later in life when deciding if something will fit
in a certain size space. Having the skills of measuring with a ruler will make tasks
like this much easier.
length of an object by selecting and using the appropriate tool such as ruler,
yardstick, meter stick, and measuring tape.
ELD STANDARDS: Skip, not needed per teacher.
- Measure (verb in this case) The process of discovering the size of
- Length (noun) The distance from the start of an object to the end of it.
- Ruler (noun) A strip of wood, metal or other material with a straight edge
that is used to measure something or can be used to draw a straight line.
- Unit (noun) A type of measure.
- Inches (noun) The units used when measuring with a ruler. They are the
bigger numbers listed on the ruler, 1-12 inches.
I plan on using a document camera through out the lesson so the children can see
what I am doing up front. I will present the above vocabulary words to the class on a
worksheet on the document camera and go over each one while using a ruler so

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they can see what it is and see the 1-12 inches. I will also have a line on the
vocabulary worksheet that I will measure using the ruler so they can see how this is
done while also using the new vocabulary words we just went over so they can see
these in action before going into the lesson so they have a better grasp of what we
are doing and of the new words.
the list of new vocabulary words and definitions and uses for them.
OBJECTIVE(S): Students will be able to correctly use a ruler to find the length of
objects in their baggies and record their measurements on a worksheet with 90%
Summative: Students will each complete and turn in a measurement
worksheet where they will measure the objects in their baggies and correctly record
the measurements next to each object listed on the worksheet from their baggies.
INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES: (e.g., direct instruction, guided inquiry, etc.)
Direct Instruction
- Teacher will need to know and understand how to measure objects (spine
of a book, post it note and a CD case) with a ruler.
- Teacher will need to know how to demonstrate how to measure an object
(spine of a book, post it note and a CD case) with a ruler.
- Students should have background knowledge of units of measurement, in
this case inches.
- Be able to work together when practicing with a partner before going off
on their own.
- Be able to record their measurement answers on the worksheet for the
appropriate objects. The worksheets will have pictures and label of each
object that can be found in their baggies.
General Outline
1. I will begin by asking the students if they know what a ruler is.
2. Explain to students that a ruler is a tool that is used to measure
something. Today we are focusing on using a 12 inch ruler.
3. Show the class a variety of different length objects by holding them
up for everyone to see (ex. marker, book, pipe cleaner, etc.). Ask

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the class if they think these objects have different measurements

and if so how can we tell?
Have the students pair up and discuss with each other and then ask
for a few to share their ideas with the class (pair share).
Inform the students that the goal of todays lesson is to learn how
to use rulers correctly to measure objects in order to see the
lengths of objects and understand the comparisons in
Also explain to the class that knowing how to correctly measure an
object is important to them. Give examples such as measuring an
object to see if it will fit in a certain space. Ask the class if they can
think of situations where measuring with a ruler could be helpful?
Have the class buddy buzz with each other to think of situations
when measuring with a ruler would be helpful. Give them a few
minutes to discuss with each other and then pick a few to share
their ideas with the rest of the class.
Let the class know that today they will be using rulers to measure
objects that each student will have in a zip lock baggie. They will be
able to measure with a partner for practice before working
independently. They will be required to measure the objects in their
baggies and then record their measurements on their own
worksheets that will be turned in at the end of the lesson.
I will then demonstrate to the class on the document camera how
to properly use a ruler to measure the spine of a book, a post it
note and a CD case making sure they know to align the start of the
object on the 0 inch, not the 1 inch of the ruler. (This is a common

Lesson Sequence:



To begin I will demonstrate to the class how to correctly use a ruler to

measure the length of the spine of a book using the document
camera. I will advise the students to make sure the beginning of the
object is placed at the 0 inch of the ruler, not starting at the 1 inch.
I will then tell the students the measurement I got from using the
ruler. Ask the students if this is the same measurement they got.
I will demonstrate on the document camera how to measure the post
it note and the CD case. I will check in with the students on the
measurements I received and make sure there is agreement across
the classroom.
Assess students understanding with the Fist to Five method, where
the students hold up either 0-5 fingers to demonstrate their
understanding of the concept of measuring an object with a ruler. A
fist (0) would be they do not understand at all and five fingers (5)
would mean they understood completely. Depending on the answers
from the Fist to Five assessment I will determine if I need to show
more examples of measuring an object or can we move onto
measuring an object all together within groups of 2-3 students. If I
need to show more measurements, select more objects within the

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classroom to measure the length of. Repeat the Fist to Five activity
after for assessment.
Once I know we are ready to move on, I will pass out zip lock baggies
to each group along with a mini board and dry erase pen. Then as a
class we will repeat the previous measuring process of a new object
with a ruler. This time each group and myself will use the rulers to
measure the same object from their zip lock baggie (ex. an
unsharpened #2 pencil).
Once all the groups and myself have measured the unsharpened # 2
pencils I will ask that the groups write down the measurement on
their mini board that they have came up with for the pencil. I will
advise the groups to let each member measure the pencil to make
sure they each come up with the same measurement before writing
it on their group mini board, giving each student a chance to
measure using the ruler.
After it looks like all the groups have done their measurements of the
pencil and decided on the measurement I will ask that the mini
boards be held up.
I will scan the mini boards for assessment and make mental notes of
any groups that were not able to come up with the correct
If everyones mini board has the correct measurement I will do one
more measurement with the class for another object from their zip
lock baggies (ex. same size pink eraser).
Have the students measure the eraser in their groups, again remind
the students to make sure each member of their group measures the
eraser and they all agree on the measurement before writing it on
their mini board. When all have decided and written the
measurement on the group mini board, ask that they hold up the
mini boards. Scan the room to make sure the measurements are
correct. Make a mental not of any groups that do not have the
correct measurement for the eraser.
Now announce to the students that they will be individually
measuring the remaining objects in their zip lock baggies and
recording their measurements on the accompanying worksheet that
shows all the remaining objects and has a spot where they can fill in
the measurement for each object. Let them know they can measure
the objects in any order as long as they are all measured and the
measurement is put on the worksheet next to that object before they
each turn in their worksheets.
During this time I will be going around to each student making sure
they are measuring properly such as starting the beginning of the
object at the 0 inch mark and putting the correct measurement to
the appropriate object on the worksheet. If anyone is struggling with
measuring the objects or transferring the measurement to their
worksheet I will work with that student to help them.
Have the students turn in their completed individual worksheets as
they finish.


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I will review and answer any questions the students may have about
this lesson of measurement.
I will remind the students that today we measured in inches using a
12 in ruler. I will explain to them that the following lessons will be on
other units of measuring and will use different tools for measurement
besides the ruler.

- Extra Support Learners
o I can work closely with these students who may need extra support
on this activity or pair them with another student who I see has
mastered the measuring concept and can provide further support
and assistance to that student.
- Extra Challenge Learners
o I can prepare different baggies for these learners who need an extra
challenge. Their baggies can include more items than the normal
o Another option would be having an additional worksheet once they
finish the first worksheet that has larger items around the
classroom that they can measure such as a desk. This would be
extra challenging because the object is longer than the ruler so
they would have to be careful and know where the ruler ended and
be able to keep measuring from that exact spot and move the ruler
as they go.
- English Language Learners (ELLs)
o I can prepare a different version of the worksheet to have the
objects listed in their language along with presenting the
vocabulary words and definitions in their language.
o Take extra time during the lesson to have the children use the new
vocabulary words in a sentence or real world examples.

Ask students to take their rulers home tonight and measure 3 different
objects at their home. Have them draw a picture of the object and write
down the measurement of that object from their ruler. Please bring these
measurements to class the next day to be able to share with the class
what objects you found at home to measure.

Document camera
- Rulers for all students
- Objects for the teacher to measure in front of the class: book (measure
the spine), post it note and a CD case
- Large zip lock baggies for each student (prepared ahead of time) with the
following objects to be measured:

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o # 2 unsharpened pencils
o Pink square erasers
o Pipe cleaners
o Paper clips
o Plastic forks
o Card from a deck of cards
Measurement worksheets for each student (prepared ahead of time)
Measurement worksheets for English Language Learners in their language
(prepared ahead of time)
Second Measurement worksheet for Extra Challenge Learners that have
other larger objects in the classroom to record measurements for if they
complete the first worksheet early (prepared ahead of time)
Pencils to write down measurements on the worksheets
Mini boards and dry erase pens

- I first researched lesson plans for measurement but did not take anything
from the examples. I came up with the lesson and activity on my own and decided
on what objects would be easily accessible to have in the baggies for each group.

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