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ISSN 1614-4600 - JUL - AUG £1250 » USH2450 - €18 English Edition DETAIL Review of Architecture and Construction Details - Cost-Effective Building - Vol. 2012-4 SSS DETAIL Review of Architecture Vol. 4, 2012 Costéttective Building Emlt clatocesalida. Tel: +49 (0) 50 152057 Chan Scheer ‘Sabine rey. Ancreas Gabi Frankekatenach, la Lese, ‘Tramse Maclener ih Wate Hae Wess Chiste Schickefeetace asskton) Michaela Linco, Pot Pope Mare Grate, Errata M Keer Noa Kelmarn, Sion Kram kangs Pract edtos ake Regia Weber cornish Kal Res, Hiegard Winger Tir Westphal vse wis athe (post Maexarerarbover Macsoney (Eolsh barsiatcns) Advertsing: Enlt anzsiganadetalli Tel: Aa 0) 3088 16 204 LU epresentatie-Acvartsing Synergy Group Mecia matt, Tel 948 (0) 2082552121 Deer buton ensmarating Erle, Tal: +40 0) 8088 16200 ‘osc contact ane customer ger Vaitetsuriee Mower Grosso thib 10 1584 Chale, Oarmany (Ema detalahogetlesuniarce Ta naa (erase aeots Fax 240 0) e1-9000 08012 Commertaton GmbH & CO. KS Hackertrowee 595 marion Tels =40 (0) 60:38 16200, Fr +49 (0) 80-9985 70 ‘oor deal delengian. trary Bau andcan be dounloaded ss 4 POF Me ‘octal de translation Discussion 340 Sotto. Chistian 842 Cost Awareness as Desian Strateoy. Atelier Kempe Til tic Reports 948 London 2012. The Ohmpics as an enaine of develooment Tin Abrahams 953 Soaks Exhibitions, 264 Talore fora now purpose: The Museu aia BY V3 Fonte Sabine Droy Documentation ‘986 School in Gaba Deloado Ziagert Roswag Salle Architotten Ingenioure, Bela 360 Rosidoctlal House in Ala, Hetreras Arcuitectos, Madrid 9364 Besideriial House in oncion Ldeeaat & Gala, Landon 868 Social Housing in adaioz Gavez & Algecras archtocure lo, Seva 872 Student and Social Housing in Zara Ataler Kernpe Thi, Rotem 977 Bosidociial Dovelnomontin Beet, zanderath Arenitekten, Badin 264 Social Housing inkoncion Metaprcre London 988 Cafeteria in Basin luo + lucott Archtoxten, Borin 202 Administrative and Storage Pulling in Nida Poppe Prohal ArchtoKton, Stasr 208 Gonversion ot a Former Haatng Plant intaan Auditarim an Seminar Bling in Aachen. iParch, Aachen Technology ‘a ‘mien em aenm anaes ny Hou. Rainer Oswald, Matthias Zier, Géralcine Lieber, Ske Sous 405 Life Cycle Costs of Buildings — Calculation Methods. Status and Dutloke Une Fetermanss Products 412 Gost-tfactve Bulleing. 418 Glass 24 432 498 a4 S45 Programme + Photo creas * Eaton and ouplshing data Exitorial small sclrool prototype designed by Berlin based architects Ziegert Roswag Seiler fer a rural province i Mozan ) cost less than an equivalent of 1,000, Euro, Labour i inexpensive there, and the most important construc tion materials - renewable resources such as bamboo, reed, or clay ‘aro sufficienty available in tha area. The results a pronouncedly ‘ecological building as well as a socially sustainable project. Local cratismen receive futher education and qualification and the local job market gains the profits, instead of the incustry in the distant ‘mottopo Certainly, examples such as this one can't be simply apolied to the European context and its significantly higher standards. But here as \well tie majorly of architects and planners are generally affected by tight budgets and the continuous struggle wits rigid cost specif cations idential construction. Moreover, this, tendency Is exacerbated by the most recent ecenome crisis. However, cost efficient construction doesn't mean to build cheaply, ‘Also, econamic nts don't necessarily have to resut in disad- vantage in design. Avoiding or omitting expendable elements oft leads to solutions that are mere convincing in formal terms. Among ‘thers, thisis exempted by the small residential house by Jua Herrerros, based on a modular system with a high degree of pre fabrication that ell perms variation according to ueor neods (900 . 36011). The residential building cooperative developmant by Zandarroth Architekten in Berlin, onthe other hand, is cost-efficient ‘dus to the inteligent and high-density orgarization of the develop- ment along a dificult, and thus, inexpensive site wth northem orien tation. Further, the cafeteria by Ludictt und Ludlaff in the same city ‘shows that novel fermal concepts with sophisticated construction ‘can bo achloved deeotte a tant budget (soe ©. 38H). As always, you wil find in-dopth information on various articles and project decumantations on our intemet homepage. In i Apa it was relaunched following a complete redesign. Visually graceful and designed with greater layout clarity, with a new, more user friendly navigation structure, and more autnentic content Visit us at uu. hrietian Shit TTTTL LULU LELLUL ELL UR OL bhp PUP ULEULULELLULL OL Rho bh TTT LLL LE LLEL LLL LEU RB a bh MITT LLLLLELLLELELEL ERR oh TITLE LELLLELL LULA LOL L RA bho sem ww ee MITITILLLLLELLLLL LULA hots etioteniont MYTTTTTITITITTLLLLLLLLLL Leen TT LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Gost Awareness as Design Strategy Atelier Kempe Thil ‘The ongoing econcmic optimisation that architecture is subject to frst gained impor tange on a broader scale during te indus tral revolution. In the course of architectural history, architects, alming towards creative self mativaton, declared the financial “star vation’ of the projects more than often as new architectural achievemert We are re minded, for instance, of Adct Loos’ pro- claimed condernration of the omament, whic he argued most in economic terms Of Le Corbusier's intially painful, then in- creasingly weleomed inticduction of "Béton brut’ Or, of Jean Nowe'’s rejection of sut ‘a9 treatment of any kind in residential housing consruction Atmore recent example is the remodelling of the Palais de Tokyo in Paris by Lacaton \assal, who dramatise the aesthetics ot “naked!” shell cansucticn, During the age of Moderiam, due to indus ‘tial construction metiads and social co mocracy as poltical basis, moro and more housing was developed for individuals at a as, |S l ror oe oor vols feopun pan Rease the minimum subsistence level. This ee suited in subsictsed social housing con- sttuction that was mostly interpreted a3, ‘cost efficient coneiruction’ Public buildings belonged to a ferent category: In Europe, even in te 1990s, bbudgets for these projects were often less limited. As result, even newly developed ‘construction types and expensive materials found use. In the course of our work as architects in tre Netierlands, however, @ diferent perspective emerged. Not only so- Cia! housing construction, but also local and regional public construction projects, as wall ae convorsions and renovations are subject to budgets that ara 60 tgnt that these buildings also have to be categorized 36 "cost efficient construction’. Searching for the optimal cast-pertomance rato, low! costs alvays dominate - mestly by sacri ficing durability, Architecture i increasingly ‘becoming a consumer product vith quick oprociation. At tie same tine ~ not out of Ccohicidenee ~ the cal for “sustainably” is becoming ever louder: as a means to bate the symptoms of a systemic etretural flaw. ‘The reasons for this development are ccm plex. In part they are rooted in increasing labour costs and decenvalised distribution ‘of money. Mest of all, however, they are bbesed on nealberalim and the dwindling role of publc sector funding For architects, design strategies are dec ve that enable them to deal with these cir ‘cumstances in a postive way. This is due to the fact that financial pressures are mostly sointense that creating truly high-quality at- chitecture seems almast impossible, This hy, ever slice the founding of aur office, we have been working on strategies to realso cost-officient,yot stil high-quality construction projects Inspiing compactness CGompactness is @ key factor for developing ‘8 cost oftcient project. Since facados com: risa up to 33% of total construction costs, the ratio of useable area to facade suriace should be as large as possible Ifthe facade surface of a building volume is reduced, 1204 DETAR then savings can be ivested directly in higher quality materials. In adaltion, a com ppact building volume offers an improved ecological basis: energy values can be opt- rmlzed and material consumption can be te- duced, Further, in rasidential housing con struction, more units per building footprint are possible: an argument that clients may ‘consider very important. Form folows budget Atthe earliest design stage, the decisive ‘question arises what crm is appropriate ‘As opnosed to arbitrary contemporary de ‘sign gostures tat, all 00 often, represort the atttucie of “anything goes”. we carefully evaluate whether a stict arthoganal situc- tureis preferable to a contextual, amor- pphcus or concentric form or vice versa ‘Aside tram good usability of a building, the tacts decisive whether & particular form can be Implemented at all n olation to available budgets or applicable technalo les. For most construction tasks ~ residen- tial houshg as wel as publc projects with average funding in the Euro Zone ~ haly anything otver than rectangular buildings that display a good price-performance ratio. canbe created and detalled Leaming rom Rome (Our designs criginate in the conviction that 2 graciously dlmensioned and thoughtful floor plan constitutes the best basis for a high-qualty building. Architectural qualty is Created by drawhg from a classic arsenal of design principles. We basically consider these to include structural logic, protetypical potential, pleasant proportions, and a sutta ble dosage of monumontalty and grandour, Ccomoined with 2 restrained language of forms anid a particular indeterminacy. In reference to Mies van der Rohe, the task should net be to design interesting, but im stead} good buildings that are made sustain- ‘able by tho timelecs quay. Buildings. ‘noed to possess an autonomous charactor and a “controntational emptiness’, in order to stimulate activity, Users then can occupy and il he available space, instead of being DETAR 21204 passively exposecito the architect's omni prosent wilto-design. (Compact tinaar bung stuctures with voids Linear building structures are a typical form cof residential construction in the Nether= lands, Standard clmensions for linear resi- dential structures In urban planning are mostly 6.0 x 10.0 m for row houses and 7.8 x 12.0 m for malt-story apartment bulls ings with deck access. However, a8 our own ‘experience shows, these dimensions dont comespond to current demands anymore. Typically, the ratio of facade surace to use able area is t00 big to Goat attractive buildings with high quality matorials at alow budget Particuiatly the costs for facades, hich comprise a large share of overall costs are further onthe tise, due to recent new thermal insulation regulations ~ a ten- dency that i tkely to continue in the near fue. “Thus, in order to reduce costs, we need to ‘optimise bay widths. In the ease of duplex apartments and row houses, we can sill Create flexible fer plans with bay wicths of 4.80 m. For mulf-story apartment buildings, however, dimensione ef at least 7.20 m are required. Building depths need to be opt mised according to these widths. For row houses, depths of 12.5 to 15 mare re- commended, and for muli-story apartment buildings 14 10 18 m. Gompared to standara dimensions, facade shares can now be re duced 10 78% At the game tine, celling and roof spane, and thus, costs can be reduced. In order to avoid a claustrophobie interior at mosphere, we use gracious glazed iacades that increase the quality of space, as op- posed to broad floor plans with Ita win dows. Within thess doop floor plans, spaces that span two stories can be integrated in a relatively costeficient way. Resulting voids provide an optimum inercr lighting situation ‘and reinforce spacial histarcy and a cer {alin graciousness. Tho interlocking of vo: mos furtnors corrmunication betweor rest: dents within ingividual apartments. Our ‘experiences in the recent past show that residents particularly appreciate such gal L A States to 2-6 ow haveee in Soatsnng conact beter rovroues tse, 208 lery spaces and that they constitute an im portant factor in buying real estate. A couple of years ago, in Amsterdam edorp, we cteatad 23 nor-convertional row houses with a widtr of 48 mand a depth of 12.6m. This example shows that floor plans witn alimited wicth, byno means, reduce the quailty of interior spaces Alls. BO), ‘Noda bufoing type versus deck access Deck access, exposed to the weather, isn't particularly popular in the Netherlands. However, itererges as a costetticient way ‘of accessing a large numbor of apanmarts, ‘via a small number of staiaya, resuting in large living areas compared to limited ac- cess areas. Asresull, despite socal stigma tisation, deck access is one ef the mest of ten built residential housing types and nearly unrivaled in its eost-eiciency. The Tequirement that as many apartmorts 28 possible need to be handicapped access ble, and thus, should be organisad without Ti Deecustlen 382 D-F Azarmets ang eo rendorings, ‘oangceas non foo’ par Meas ear Sea Fs interior staircases makes it dificult to use the similarly efficient duplex typology with ‘access via a cerval corridor ‘An optimised nodal building constitutes the only realistic alternatlve, In tis building type, a central core provides access to apartments. Floor plans need to be very ‘compact to compete with the deck access. scheme in economic terms. Eight apart ments por story are the minimum to ensure profitability. The broad apartments folow the facade and encircle the Itetlor core. This tynclogy enables acrieving building depths (of up to 30 m that are very advantageous in torme of economy and eneray consumption. Similar to row houses, the spatial dept ot apartments can be compensated by em: ploying large glazed surfaces that increase Spatial quality. The glazed surfaces rein- force the character of the broad, fat mult story opartments, The view towards the ox torier laa core element of tho apartmonte! residential ambiance. Extorior spaces, such as patio rooms or continuous balconies, can 244 Cost Averaneas ae Balan Srategy qa & Hoy = Ly ! comosct ons ales tose ure Spurmere—avcis be applied without dificully. As resut, the ‘nodal building type remains atractve even In comparison with the suburban row house with garden. The perimetral arrangement of ‘partents offers the opportunity 1o desian 2 contal, multi-story atrirn. This abium pro- vides optimal igrting of the access area via the root, and tne bullding interior receives a gracious spatial character. The central and ‘pen meane of access supports a commu- niy-erlented character and offers residents social contol and walling. Inthe alum building *Neue Va" in Bremen, for in- stance, we combined large apartments for ‘emilee wit lott tor shngles placed around ‘nine motors tall ium and feature open ‘spaces of various kinds: patio rooms, gar dens, o roof terrace fills. H, K, Md). Puble bugs es compact block Inthe case of new pubic Dulldings, the “compact block” typology nas become a prototype fer various uses. Itis suitable for types suc as administration buildings, schools, auditoriums, or city halls. Here as wel, point of origin ig always a compact bbullding with a large Interor space such as {an atrium oF assemaly hall, a reading room for concert space in the centre, surrcunded bby smaller rooms for offices or uiites. Since ‘alums than dost inolude a bare minimum Cf functions are ofton no longer atfordablo, the spatially gracious “heart of the design Is legitimized by allecating certain functions ‘and HVAC technology. This organisation fers obvious advantages: small facade ‘area, ehor access dletances, loxblty, and low degree of itrastructure, The lighting of large interior spaces can be achieved ‘through shyligns or indirectly via access cerridors. In public buildings, often up to forty percent ofthe available budget are Used for HVAC, The fact that tho compact block ie exceptionally wall euitad for cost 1204 DETAR comes a decisive aspect ‘The central postion of large epaces permits sing them as high or lon pressure areas for User-friendly displacement venation ‘This typology net only enables reducing the amount of suspended ceilings, ventilation ‘ducts, and service shars toa minimum, but also developing the spatial quality and sen. sible intornal organisation that an atrium can Coffer based on the technical necessity for climatisation, ‘Serial constuction as ethos Despite the various postulates of an aca: omic avant-garde that evokes a trond ro varsal in architecture, the laws of Fordisr sill dominate the production of buildings. In general and in residential construction in particular, mass customization or even para metic design can be employed only toa Vary limited dogree. Tho reason is that pro: duction volume, for the most part, ie too low for these procedures ta achieve a price to ‘quality ratio that is economically sensible. COnly inthe ease of large projects, such as the linear building in Den Haag with apex: Imately 109 apartments and an aluriniuen proflle facade covering approximately 2,800 me, a carta number of custom pro- files could be extruded specticlly for the project witrout exceeding the ccmparatively ‘ermal budget (ils. OF). In order to operate within 3 ght budget rut family residential Nouses should be Understood as serally assembled struc- tures, Based on this premise, point of rigin snot only afoor plan with serial design, but also the use of large prefabricated facade ‘eloments, standardised interior Conciruction and outiting, and aroduction of technical boulding details, Setialislion and reduction are, on the one hand, necessary to reduce the actual work= Ing hours on site, andi thus, save ccsts. On the other nand, they are required to avoid ‘compiox construction logistics tnat ne Jengar support technical application, often due to the lack of tairing among construc tion workers of companies involved in the DETAR 21204 project. Yet, we do not consider serial con: situction as a necessary evi in technologi cal terme, but rather as a characteritic of contemporary building, itis something we welcome and conceptualise in the manner cof an authentic at of building, ‘Rsthing industrial prodtsets “The use of construction components spect cally designed by architects fs dectining ccontinugusly. On the one hand, mags cus tomisalion mostly ist applicable and archi tects need to rely on semorattsmanship~ based construction technologies that often ‘oxcoed the costa fora standard product by ‘several magnitudes. On the otner hand, due to guarantee regulations, only approved Construction systems are permitted. The {ests required for custom construction com ponents can lead to aditional expenciture fof time and money and bureaucratic rea tape, This is why the consistent use ot in dustry products is recormmendad. Industria products can be ungraded aesthetically by employing two strategies: Very large elements such as window sys tems wth pane sizes of up to.6 x 3m or aluminium sheet metal panelling wth unit lengths of up fo 7 m provide products with a cattain degree of monumental. Tha rather coarse standard profiles and connectors become very elegant and gracicus as result ‘of this dellperate jump In scale, as exernpl fed by the delicate appearance of the facade of the si-etary lina residerial structure in Den Haag ill. O-F). Standard construction components can be altered by adding particular project-specific elements without breaching guarantee regulations, ‘As result, ontrance doors of row houses in oosendaal, for instance, recalva tha ole sgance of a custom construction component by being lined with matte glass panels. They become part of the systern without re Guiting the adaptation ot industrial serial production 1 tls purpose is. N-F) Minimaly relired shot construction Budgeting is based on the use ofthe least expensive construction components availa- ble on the market, particularly in the case of interior construction. This can be cbserved Ih residential construction and increasingly in public buildings as wel. This laads to a general use of interior doors with simple sted! frames and cost-efficient docr leaves made of high-density fibre board with honeycomb core. Staircases within apart: ments are mostly made of pine wood with paint rich Intoior walls aro only partly Sspackled, thelr surfaces are no longer ren- dered. Users are responsible fr floering. As result, apartment interiors are not subject to a deliberate, refined architectural design, since funding Is no longer available for this ppurposa. Which options remain? Shall con: suction should be designed to offer good basic conditions that enable development Into high quality interiors orented on how residants use them. Gracious spaces and Interesting exterior Interior relations aro im- portant precondtions for this, Adsitional Deecustlen 348 interior outiting including ralings and radiators should be as restrained in design 1s possible to provide residents with a max mum of freedom In furnishing their apart ments, The available budgets for designing public areas within residential complexes, such as for instance stairways, entrance halls, or ariums are similarly ight In ese areas, 'Béton brut, 1. unfinishad expoced con crete can lead to a deliberate aestnaticlsing cof shell constuction. A conerete paint finish of floors ~ erin the case cf a higher budget, G _Seromates, compactness otros bul uctres HukM Bom ouse, Neue Var. in aman, 2012: fercairas fear plan seat :1000, Jil Hetel or dr adits in Asie, 2012 for pa cal 1:1000 1 Poatlm pasien in oteream, 2000 Ge Rew haces asearasal 3007 26 Cost Averareas ae Balan Srategy 1204 DETAR epoxy resin finish, acoustic spray plaster (see 0.972), as well as deliberately placing indusvial elements such ae ralings and lamps, can help refine the appearance of shell Construction. Yet, the pressure result ing rom low budgets leads tothe emer: gence of a creative moment that indeed can reflect the potential ct a new and open aes thete. The caretaly balanced experiment ‘Thus, the use of individually developed con: struction components and types ~ 2s op posedito the current joy of fe experiment ‘among architects that often mutatos into an fond inteoit takes place in oxtromely limited ciecumstances. Only trly convincing reasons justify experiments, as long as they enrich an architectural concept. ‘The decision-making processes of design Unfold in relatlon to a particular situation As alternative to specifically manufactured Custom elements, cut-ot-context use of materials can be employed in an exper rmemal way. In tha caso of some of cur projects, budgots were 60 low that we couldn use “typical” Construction matetals. I the mobile museum paviicn ‘Light Building, for in- stance, we used moditied beer cases as facade material (ils. R, 8) Plastic tarp tor soparating stablos constitutes, outof-con text, a means of distinction between terraces of row houses in Amsterdam (sdorp (is. B-G). In the information centre Cf the Rotterdam Court House, a texllo used In greenhouses provides sun protection along the transparent roof fils. Q, 1). For the facade of the concert hall in Raiding we re- Interpreted a typical industrial product. a thermal insulation composite system. Our in tontion was to emphasise plastic as systom: {ypical material. Far this purpose, we ap- plied polyurethane spray to the facade. This treatment also leads to a deliberate, yet di torted skrianty to whitewashed stuccoed ‘oulldings (DETAIL Gorman Edtion 3/2009) For tho Parlamnt of the German-speaking Community, we developed a completely ew product, the price of which doesn't ex- ceed that cf standard products: Panels. made of encain wood parquet elements provide soundprooting and, at tne came time, a very homogeneous spatial: prosston, Particularly trese non-corwentional solutions show that, despite cost pressure, high-qual- ty projects can ail be developed and pro duced as long as commitment is high. ‘Therelentloss chit towards project constel lations that include public-private partner ships, as well as other “etfects of liberals. tion’ lead toa further dissclution of the role lof he architect anc signiticant increase cost pressure. Thus, inthe foreseeable tu ture, wall Beceme more and mere ificut for architects to realise what they envision at levels that can be considered as tolerable. Me evicn Ligh Bulan, 2001 Potter dam Cost Nove eration carter, 200 suve Spueaised re design elm tamtPo Te butane, and uoar planing, rey aan dove Seago Sly, costeh- London 2012: The Olympics as an engine of development Timm Abrahams Design Stee The Archtectur behing 2012 PISS, onder, sau ancderca om Ura Sapteniber 2012 ‘Mtr the Party = The Legacy of Olebation AIGA, tendo, nmuarhtotaue Um Corser {Gada Spor ane Velen m Antec Mh Much has been made of the difference be- ‘ween the last Olympic Games to be held in London in 1948 and the upcoming Games f 2012. The event shorily after the war was held for £732,268, while the mere recent has cost £9.5 billcn, This has been seen in Lor don as proof ofthe profigacy cf pre-down- turn spending, Though there may be some ‘rut to ths, the London 2012 Games cttec: tivoly mark an unequalled attempt to remot: ela city uslig the Games as an engine. ‘There ara, of course, historical precedents {or this idea, going back tothe first real modern example in Rome in 1950, anc reacting @ peak in Barcelona in 1992: but no Games have been rellsd on as tho sole engine of development to the extent thatthe London 2012 Olympics have been. Although the Austerty Games, as the 1948 Games are knawn, tock place in a postwar 1 Volckame retect: Hooking Architects 2,9 Olympie Seer arehtovte: Poros world of rationing, Britain wes gearing up to ‘a massive home building and infrastructure improvement push, prompted and funded by tie central government. Though the bu- reaucracy that oversaw this was sill on @ war footing, itwas adapting tothe provision ‘of homes rather than munitions for Hs retun- Ing soldiers. The Games of 1948 were a cel: febration. In 2012, the need for neusing and the infrastructure that supports it~ drains, roads, Tube lines and ¢0 on - may not be as ‘great, butts stil pressing. Yet because the Ui econemy depends on the stability of housing prices, there Is no genuine poltical ult Increase nousing supply. Te tits will tat doos exist is hampered by a fragmont ed bureaucracy. The Olympic Delivery Authority isthe latest ina long ist of agencies upon whose fate London depends. Large-scale statist plans 4 Aeral vew of te Obrpic Pak constriction ate Lgaey mastrian (fy Al 1204 DETAR fas the Greater Loncion Development tan of the 1960s alied when important com: ponents were defeated by local apposition, Free-erterprise models such as the London Dockland Development Corporation, estab- lished in 1981, took over from local author: ties and spent $18 billon (€2.2 billion) of public money. Tne corporation was given ‘exceptional lanc: acquisition and planning: control pawers. Tha affect on tha city, now: ever, was to create @ privatized enclave while providing only lied benefits. Hous ing, education and health remained frenly in the hands of the local authorities, ‘Tne Olympics aro often aean a8 being a ‘cause of the problems facing London, wren Infact tey provide a ivary ited) means of ‘addressing the housing shortage and the vera obstacles to project implementation, Within te context atforcled i, the plan tor © London 2012 Olynni Park’ Garren Masterplan (5 lls ard Meret pao! Tear Postiou the Olympic Park is generally very good. t covers a well-defined area of the formety in dyatial land at tne southern base of the Loa \alley Regional Park, a thin sliver of park- land 26 miles iong that enters London in tre nortivaast and plunges down towards the Thames. The park was secured in parliamentary leg Islation in the early 1960s, and the accom panying plan stated thatthe park would "be 2 playground for Londoners against the background of Lendon. This background — power stations, gas works, factories, rai. ways, houses and flats - must be accepted ‘and acknawledged in the landscape temo." Tas nerolc noto of futursm in the plan of a public parkhas shaped the area ‘ever since, and the landscaping and inc- dental architecture of the park ate a subtle response to tis action, even f later gen- 8. Velckome etal ena © orahmeis Vilage erations of planners were unaware of i Opposite the stacium is te Pudding Mil Lane Pumping Station, built to pump age from tie eladium and the resto the ste Into the Northern Outta Sewer, which runs. along the site's perimeter. Like the concrete shaft ithouses, the pumping station, de- signed by Jonn Lyall Archifects, fs circular Ih cross section: ts internal area measure 92 square morros. Tho shaft, which is inser (ed 18 metras into the ground, contains the by and wel wells of tre pumping station. The above-ground structure, which houses the odour-contrl equipment, fs extrapolated ‘trom the procast concrete rings used to ore- ato tha wall. Lyall scored reliefs of ro beau tiful plans for the nearby Abbey Mls pump ing stalion, buit by celebrated Victorian en- gineer Joseph Bazalgette, into the conerete paneling of his ewn building (il. 13) © PrmarySubsaten —g Aauatice The Greenway, a pathway along the Noeth- ‘em Ota, nas now been renovated and re- surfaced with robust concrete inlaid with re Claimed materials. Tis sets of straight, engineered paths now forms a near park that reflects the tachnalogy of the infrastruc ture beneath. Designed by the Scotish ar- Cchitects Adam and Sutherland, the pathway has been likened to the High Line in New ‘York. It is an inadvortert similarity, ac th Greenway is lees mannered, less a siyized combination of plantings and hard surfaces. Itis an engineering feal that ploughs through the existing, urkempt plant ite, pre serving the essence of an area not unlike what Victor Hugo described as "bastard ‘countryside’ Scottish architects have been employed to provide such rabust responses elsewhere 1s well, The B0-metrelong, 14-metre-wide icing il Lane | raortnteratena Purpra str Seton lectrcty substation forthe site, designed by Nord Architecture, ikewise embraces the existing context laa simple box made from a single material, ebony-black brick. Appearing at frst as one uninterrupted su- face, the envelope is in fact laticeike {i 12) In lower sections the brick acts as a load-bearing structure; in other areas it is ‘simply a skin, and in the upper sections t ‘even parmits vantlaton of tre taneformers that sit at either side of the building Crushed brick, taken from the demain of buildings on-site, covers the roof, which will bbe colonized in time by plant ite. A piece of unabashedly Industrial architecture te alco logible a8 a pavilion in a Victorian park — just the latest ina long line of unapologetic, inc dental pieces of architecture that standin the green spaces ef Lendon The Olympic Stadkum ils. 2, 9) represents a dlforent arcnitectural aye. Sr Peter Cock, a ‘ormer membar of Archigram, acted as a Cconcultan 1 the stadium ene: ‘Te ype as an ong of devstcomant lous on the design. With is exposed truss @, itis reminiscent of the British high-tech tradition. Orighally, tre plan called forthe £80,000-seal stadiurn to be demounted after te Games fo a permanent open athletics stadium with around 25,000 seats. Indeed, the fact that ths athletics facility was grant ed to the East End of London was one of tre ‘main reasons that London was awarded tre Garros. However, tne oconomics of sports came into play, and the development com- pany charged with finding both the funding fer demourting the stadium and a suitable tenant was approached by not one but two football clubs who wanted to nave a large ladlum on the sita- an adapted version of the existing building in the case of West Ham Football Club, and a largely new struc- ture in that of Tottenham Hotspur Despite its fexible architectural language {and the thought put intoite future use, the cladium Is eometning of an oddity. Wain ite lwide white stool diagonal cross-bracing on the lower ter and a narrower band of white steel cross-bracing on the upper, crowned by two-legged tloodiight stands, the archi tecture ofthe stadium expresses adaptatt ty—a feature t may never get a chance to demonstrate. A new bid forthe stadium's fu- ture use will begin after the Games. The London 2072 stacium was not only de- signed to be dismantled, but to look that way. Although it appears inexpensive and imple, it cost £46 milion ~ almost 60 per ‘cont more than the Beijing National Stagium, uich was derided for iis opulence an is 110,000 tennes of stee! In March 2007, the overall Budget for the Glympics was capped at £9.3 billon, having leapt from ths £3 billion outined in the knlal bid. The main causa ofthe inereasa was a revision inthe estimate for the building of the park. Consequenly, the budgetary re- ‘quirements for the construction of complex architectural structures had to be re-exam- Ined, as no stucture could be een to have ‘major cost ovorruns in the face of tne now lit, Zeha Hacid's Aquatic Centre (ils 8-10), originally presented as the architectural set 1204 DETAR Tim Abrahare ic ater oxtor ef Buopant ara nts ragtay or Wires. Nanas leeran azo. the "isa of Oma sos at Sock and Manchas {er tsoopatar unvortie He is autor of The Ss dur", pubished by wumactibenncks caulk 7.8 Baskoteal cna freer Wiknscn Eye Archtacts str heuates Corte chests 2oha Hagel Archers Sectors (Gyms Weds) cal 2500 “he wo large enor cess and vl be Gleavombleg ater tne Games and spaced im giaas aces piece of the event witha fowing-torm roo, sports a temporary look tat is an embar- rassment. I fal £259 millon price tag may bbe enalln comparigon withthe overall cost of the Games, but it required the installation (of a pair of temporary bleachers on the sides of the pool building tat give it the out- ling ofa diver leaping from the board with a parcel in eltner hand, Though the aquatic contra may seem a rathor sad structure for tthe duration of the Gamas, the people of Stratford should be thilled at having been ararted the world's most beautiful municipal pack affer the Olympics, glass walls vill anol the site elovations, and the building ull regain ts original grace. ‘The building that represents the acme of British architecture is the Velodrome. De- setibed in grester detallin DETAIL's 2074 “Roots” issve, the building must stil be ac- inowledged nero as a pertect Olympic von ue design. ts upturned wooden facade ref: erences the curved vack within, yat te un Dera ulation ofits root and its circular plan alse Ccopture the drama and speed of tne event it hosts. The velorome stands as a prominent syinbol of expectancy for paseing motorists on the main arterlal road that defines the western border of the Olympic park. With the exception of the main stadium it sell, the 2072 Games represent a triumph in the subtle and somewnat humorcus use of temporary and adaptable structures. The London Games wil ilize 270,000 tar porary seats, mors than the last three Oly pics combined. The idea isto move beyond the traditional Oymple park in which many ‘venues ato clustorod together, ag was the ‘cape in Sydney and ftnons. That type of a rangement is difficult to repurpose after- wards. I this park, the venues are spaced ‘out so that they can be absorbed mere eas: ly into the surounding infastructure ance the Olympics are over. The vorues are also divided among three sites, ono at the park itsof, one near Royal Victoria Dok, and one at Greenaich. THs strategy of cispersal serves another goal, wnicn isto place key events within the working heartland of tie cily go that selected images of London's ar- Chitecturalhiahiights wll be broadcast to audiences all around the world. The star attraction among these temporary structures on the main Olympic sites not, as expected, the stadium, but rather the Basketball Arona (ls. 6, 7: 9.347). Do. signed by Wikinson Eyre Architects, the building is made in pat from used compo: nents - seme af the seating came from the Farnborough alr Show ~ that wil be reused ‘again aftorwards. In articpation ot inovta blo questions rogarcing sustainability. tho London Organizing Commitige has claimed that the PVC cladding that is now stretched taut over an aluminium treme may be rede ployed at the Ric Olympic Games in 2016. tt ‘would be surprising it tie were to Rappen, That aside, it appaars thet London is actual |y embracing the concept frst put onward by local architects such as Gedkic Price anc Archigram: the idea that a leisure society could use adaptable architecture to meet Its cultural needs AAs other, smaller facie, ke the functional copper Box that wll house the handball games during the Olyrpics, will become permanent indoor sports tacites (ll. 11), there la no reason for the basketball arena to romain permanent. Tne arena was con structed under a Daslan-Build contract and ‘owes its adaptability entirely tothe archi: tects, Because the structure was vided in- to separate corponents, each provided by ‘a dtforant contractor, the agsthetic of the arena brings to mind kit of parts. Tho stands do not touch the extomial envelope; mela staircases ise above the scaffolding ringing the lawer lavas, lending the space fan atmosphere familar from musical fest- vals, During the hours of darkness at tre Games, tno starknace of tne Interior will bo balanced by a dynamic light chow, cro: duced by United Visual Atists, leacers in the field of light animation. Fear from limiting the work of architects, the temporary-use structures atthe London COlmmples showcase thelr ingenuity, thelr sll, their thoughtfulness and their understanding of the way the Games are broadcast. Inthe 1382 Barcelona Olympics, the diving ‘Competition was held cn the nortiemn side of Montjuic with a view looking out on to the Coty. The way the event was televised amounted to a virlual advertisement for Ba ccelona, The camera would track a diver's fall ging the audience at home a tantalz- Ing viow of te citys downtown alght. “Tho arcnitocis and master planners of Popu lous, the team in charge of whats called the ‘overlay’, the temporary buildings for the London Games, have used a setias of these ‘Te ype as an ong of devstcomant structures to highlight famous backctops for diferent events (i. 14). They placed te 6,000 seat austtorium for the archery event (on Lora's Cricket Ground, orlevied go that the gaps between the stands provide views lustaposing the famous old Lore's Pavilion and the futrstically styled NatWest Media Gente by Future Systems. In this way, one of the most celebrated pleces of modern ar Cchitecture in the city Is presontod in a now frame; eimilary, ther temporary sructures reitam other London sights fora global ta evision audience ‘This approach reconciles two elements that have traditionally remainod alstinct in tour sm campaigns for London: the historical and the modern, Pacing them in close jux taposition delivers a fairy honest and objec- tive reading cf what makes London special 1204 DETAR a3 an urban experience, though itis not necessarily an easy message to get across quickly. The temporary architecture of the Games thus mediates between the potential contradictions of London. The Equesttian Arona at Greenwich revives and reinforces the concept ofthe grand axis, one of the Ideas bering the landscaping of the park. I was estabilsned in tre 16008, when Inigo Jone bull tho Queen's House. The Royal Naval Collage was built around it, The main camera view of the open-ended aquestian venue will have the Queen's House inthe foreground and Ganary Whar behind, The ‘ld and the modern: London at ts best. Ir the Olympics nave fallod to deliver any ar cchitectural viumphs, they nevertheless have materially improved the city and will change hhow London is perceived by the werld m fer he beach valeyoal et (vert at Forse cares Parade nly 2011 DETAR 21204 Alife cycle approach to buildings Holger Konig, Nikaus Kohler, Jonannes KreiBig, Thomas LUtzkendor, Institut far Internationale Architektur-Dokumantation, Munich 2070, 144 pp., ISBN 97&-3-970034- 45-4, US879.50; £49.90; €59.50, wasnt. The growing importance to contemporary society cf ecological and econcmical think ing are pushing a consideration ot the but environment increasingly into the fore: ‘round, To be considered truly meaningtul any determination of sustainably requiras aan assessment ofthe entre ile cycle of a building, encompassing everything trern its struction, use, maintenance and renova tion foits eventual demalition and disposal Increasingly. architects and engineers are boeing asked fo furnish numerical evidence for prolected impacts on people and the en- vironment This book focuses on the types of costs in volved, The comprenensive expesition makes use of clearly aranged and visually appealing graphics and tables, and supple ments tiese withthe appropriate standard references. The two main topies contained here are the calculation and optimization of Me-cycle costs and the ecological balance host of materials, structural olemants and buildings. BBy presenting the required fundamentals and supplying tools, databases and calcula- ticn tps, the book conveys useful practical krouledge to the reacer. Concrete analyses and ease studios of new and existing build Ings provide important and insigntu sug tions for practical use, Jucith Falterneier Low Price Houses Civie van Lifelen, Braun Publishing, Salen stein 2010, hardcover, 256 pp., ISEN 978-3 (03768-062-9, USS62.60; £45; €49.00 What isneeded to create a heme, and how much does it cost to do tin style? This book pursues the answer fo this question by pre: ing 70 projeats from around the globe. Unconventional building metnods and forms are combined to create unusual structures that suit a limited budget and represent good value for money compared wit ct stuctures of comparable size in the same country. Tight Budget Architecture Hous: Monsa Pubicalions, Barcelona 2012, 1128 pp. ISBN 978-84-1522358-7, £24.90 Funds may woll be lacking for costly mater als and finishes, but toto is alvaye room for improvement in the way simple materials can be transformed into something far ex: ceeding the sum of is pants. Design Stories ~ The Architecture behind 2012 Design Stories exarrines the architecture and engineering behind the new sperting venues at the London 2072 Olympics wth drawings, images, videcs and detailed modols. Tho exhibition drawe back the lay- Fs of complox engineering and explores the raw ideas that inspired the architects in- volved, At ts centre, the exhibition wil fea- ture a 14-metve graphic mural capturing the energy and contrasting styles of the new lymple buildings, Unt 2 September 2012, RIBA, London, 9 arch After the Party - The Legacy of Celebration What became of monuments we erected in the name of former Olympies, millennia, world fairs, victerias in battle and expos? Have buildings to celebratory events across time nad a lasting social and urban impact? Until Octebor 2012, FIBA, London, eee Stadi jport and Vision in Architecture This exhibition will explore the origins of the modem apors stadium in aniquty and wil ‘xamina how modern arctitects have bath responded to and gone beyond this legacy. B duty to 22 September 2012, Sir John ‘Soane's Museum, London, ‘un aane org, ‘Swiss Positions Comprising 93 takes on sustainable ap- proaches to building, his exhibition ex plores the theme of sustainable develop ‘ment in the Saies conetuction sector through a diverse collection of photographs, 3 duly to 2 August 2012, RIBA, London, vw architecture com The Villa Tugendhat in Context This exhibition colabrates the completion of the two-year restoration of Mies van der Ro- he's Villa Tugendhat by placing his remark ble glass and steel hilsice vill in context with his work in Europe and America, Until 19 August 2072, British Architectural Library, London, APlace to Call Hom: Where We Live and Why Transtorrod trom London to Liverpool, this ‘oxhibtion charts the story of the dasian ang appeal of everyday homos in the UK. Until 9 September 2012, RIBA, Marn Island, Liverpeet Waterfront, wwwerchitecture.ccm Jimenez Lal/Bureau Spectacular Chicago-based architect Jimenez Lal's Bureau Spectacular will tansform tre Architecture Foundation’s Project Space with an inhabitable instalation, cresting a ‘modular home of “euper turitur! Unt 28 August 2012, The Architecture Foundation, London \wwwatchitecturefoundation ora. The Developing City The physical envirarment of London — te buildings, public spaces and culture ~ nas. halped itto tive as a major business cen tre, The Black Death, the Great Fie and te Bitz brought pestilence and destruction, yet the Gity survived and rebuilt itselt, How vill the financial meltdown and the changing na- {ure of nancial ineitutions Impact tre fabric (of the City? What wil it be lke to workin te ‘Square Milan 2050? Until 9 September 2012, The Walorook Building, London, wuw.newlandanarcnitecture. cr NEW NORDIC - Identity & Architecture Noralic stock is high at present, in polit land welfare as well as in cuisine and de- sign, and the exhibition otfarsa take on what the Norale actually i - and what auch ideas mean for our societal and cultural de> velopment Unt 21 October 2012, The Louisiana Muse: lum of Modern A, Humlebas, wu louisians. ck The Harlem Edge | Cultivating Connections The Emerging New York Architects (ENYA) Gommittee ot the AIA NY Chapter presents the winning entries ofthe fith biennial de- sign ideas competion The compstition explores the redevelop ment of the decemmissioned Department of Sanitation marine ‘ranster station located in the Hudson River at 136th Street. The site offers the opportunity for the local Harlem ‘community to engage with the watertront. 12 July to 31 October 2012, Genter for Ar- chitecture, New York, hite//aiany ce George Nelson: Architect / Writer / Designer / Teacher Until 14 October 2012, Cranbrook Art Muse Um, Bloomfield Hills, wt ctaabrcekartacuvmuseuim/ Kevin Roche: Architecture as Environment Until 2 December 2012, National Building Museum, Washington, DG, wuta.nbm.ct Tallor-made for a new purpose: ‘The Museu Blau in Barcelona's Forum Itis an atmosphere reminiscent of th be functionally feible, #3 architects enhan tom of tre sea: ethereal sounds combine rads for trese exhibit flume with nine “cel” installations, de jth anil vocal vet The flat, ral ular volume, <6 to provide adaitional information on ‘oped in 2 deep rich blve, and difuse on the coast atthe tatminus of the Avenida topics. The calls algo eection t light rays criss-cross the space. Inthis erwi- Diagonal, is structurally based on a co space and earve as a guide to visktor rorment visually separated trom t - world, the Museum of Natural Sc ppettern ofthe city, Polygon ther elucidate th nrcelena presents the history ofthe Bie facade admit grt into the bulding as the Eartn’s histor as undemeatnitto where tre glassed in nleition wryarea los. jd over the broad 8, containing donsely packed mounted ind exhibition building, builtin stairs of the foyer, a whale skeleton greets animal epecimens and culminating in an Forum of Cult istors. Alarge lenticular screen play tensive and aesthetically impr as one of the four replays the evolution cf the Earth in m tion ofr usd, be pictures. Particularly chidren, who real world iting a part of is ‘no majorly of vitor Inger in tront of and to a view altering sur hte archi fn ‘blue sur gh hypnotized. Tho i i= Be oe 4 Documenta#ion School in Cabo Delgado Architect: Ziegerl Roswag Seiler Architekton Ingenieure, erin Team memiers: Elke Foawag, Ame Tonisen (project manag fe), Alexandra Sohn, Eva Holtz, Nicolas Hidnauor, Joo Guimardes, Hendrik Schultz, Amaya Barreta Gonzales Structural engineers: Ziegert Roswag Salar Architekten Ingenieure, Borin (Otrers involved in me project: see page 444 In Cabo Delgado, «rural province in Mo- zambique's north, traditional nuts only have shart fe span. No more than five to eight years after completion, rising molsture destroys the clay walls, water starts fo drip through the steppe grass rocfing, and te rites infest the buildings, The Aga Kran foundation in Mozambique supports villages in the construction and ‘operation of community buildings for pre jechool and adult education. Architects who are patt of the inaive developed consbuc- tions with increased durabilty based on tra- itional building techniques. Also, local craftamen nave the opportunity 1 use the rogion’s natural matorials to bull thom. Air, the architects developed a pit pro: Jeet with a footprint ot 160 me’, Factings were: Improved by stabilising them witn concrete and equipping them with a horizontal moisture barrier. Walls are comprised of hand-formad, sur-ctied clay bricks that ab- serb moisture from the air and benetit he in- oor climate, The material has a high thermal storage capacity and cools off at night. As result, indoor temperatures are as much as 10°C below the hot and humid exterior tem- perature, even during daytene. The load: beaving sucture cf the angled rocf surfaces Is comprised of bamboo rods that are ccn- acted with stings and dowels, placad on wood columns, and covered with palm 1204 DETAR leaves. Doors and window shutters also con: sist of barnboo, a renewable material that is ‘made insect proof with borax for. A smaller altemative type with a footorint of 721 is ‘based on an even simpler construction and. may serve vilage residents as a model fer building new ncuses in the future. Total costs for tis type were approximately 950 Euro. Improving existing houses costs no more than roughly 60 to 100 Euro, which cor responds io tice the monty pay of a day labourer. Micro-credits are supposed to serve as a financing instrument. nthe meantime, forty craftsmen were educated ia the optimised tachniques so they can be ‘passed on to later genorations. Dera eat0 11000 Foor plare» Sectors "00 Sere sched! be Proto fogs peep aon Sundarcsctoal ype dal 288 Serooth Gate elgade 1204 DETAR DETAR 2204 Documentation 960 Residential House in Avila Architect: Herretos Arcuitectos, Madrid Team members: Veronica Melendez [project manager), Paula Vega, Alejandro Vald\ieeo, Margarita Marinoz Structural engingor: Eduardo Barron, Mackid Others imelved in the project: see page 44a Crwmsaaise ‘This simple residential house, stuated on a hill in Avia, Spain, serves a8 a prototype for ‘an industrial prefabricated modular system tat offers te opportunity for variation and ‘expansion according to users’ needs. De- Spite law costs, short construction tine, and high degree of prefabricetion, the architects Created a high-quality product, Itconsists ot eight elements that were prefabricated in the \workstion: four 2s pedastal and four as ga lery lovel with root, Units are based on dry wall constuction and delivered on site com: plete wit interior clading, undertioer heat- ing, and integrated! turiture, Ther size is limited to tne maximum allowed cimensions Inroad transport: 3 m wicl, 2.5 m tal, and will 1204 DETAR 42m long. Construction workers used a Crane to set up the basic construction in only one day. Merely parts of te exterior facade and rooting had to be aseembled on- sits in order to achieve a contruous and a= tight building envelope. To avoid too much intervention inthe natural environment, the building 's ree-standing and supported ‘above the ground by ten columns. Its indusiial charactor contrasts strongly with tre landscape: Facades and roof fea- ture exterior cladding made of galvanized steel sheet meta, while intericrs are lined with OSB panels, Further bedrooms, pre: fabricated and to be aituatod an the torrace, will supplement ine house in the future. Hi DETAR 2204 cs Decumantaien 961 Ste plan seae 15000 agate esto Const uctonprecess Gross fcr ea: 20 Total gress concen Bections Foor ans Kone ing and hice Bite Tenaoe Corn Seercom 282 Rosisomal Have in Avia 1204 DETAR DETAR 2204 3a | Near secton Dbecumantaen 4 eal 129 - I Ingution alanine inalarinian name, termaly separated, She pertinen Ki i iF skimnium povetyene, terquo-ana sreove correction sy Ex ceimm alumni use 2x (nm Oss pare) tl ras pe fate! Sr vertical ste Residential House in London Architects: Lidddicoat & Goldhl, London David Liddicoat, Sophie Gola tiers involved in the project: see naga 444. Bhiling thelr own house — this was the ar dnt wash ofthis young architect couple. ‘The fact that it would be email wae clear from the very beginning, due to tre low budget. The search for an appropriate slte also took a while due tothe overheated real estate market and inflated propety values. Eventually, the couple invested the major share of their savings and bought a small residual lotin Camdon, a popular part of tho ily. Before tral, a garage nad stood on the site's meagre 38 m The stict building code stongly ites possible height and material selection, since te neighbouring bullcings trom tne late \etorian era wore in a protected conserva: tion area. Thus, a rat, the house was planned to be constucted from wood, be fore decicing on black brick frem Holland), @ ‘material that is typically used in industrial bbullaings. The owners could ony afford two ‘Tuck loads that were eutficiant manks to ppracicoly plaming the brick layout. Waste brick was reduced to a minimum, an expen se brick cutter was only require for a peetiod of to days, and enough material remained to instal the tlocring of the small ‘garden courtyard. Historic preservation also called for broad, white window sls, The altsnative suages- tion to apply marble slabs between the win- dows facing the street was accepted. Due ta the texture of gran and inclusions, ft was 1204 DETAR very inexpensive, yet provides a noble appearance. Careful selection of construc tion materials great reduced costs. The architects inquired with manufacturers on what indlidual elements and manufacturing procedures were particularly expersive, luhich helped save money as well Tne window sizes were chosen in relation to maximum costeficlency in manufacture. olling beams aro actually oversized i strucitzal terms, yet in follow don'trequire complex freprcoting. Only MOF cutting waste was used for kitchen cabinetry. Also, Inorder to cut eut decor handles, the owners ‘bought ths corresponding tools. This was leas exponeive than actually having a carpenter work on them. In addition, pur chasing a generator and the construction scaffold was actually lass expensive than renting them: ‘Sovinga were achieved otherwise as well (One of the to architects wae always ppresont on site, giving a holping hand and uickly solving problems with the construs- tion workers. Mest of them came from large ‘constuction sites inthe surrounding area, Ir they werent busy, construction of the ‘mall project could proceed, while transport ‘costs were avoided. In the meantime, the couple sold the house ata good price. The new home that they are already planning is, Intended to be built sila, yet larger an atahigner budget, ste pln ‘Sector «Meer plens scale 200 Lying eon Washing actire Bedroom Dbecumantaen Dbecumantaen DETAR 2204 poe + DETAR. 08 21204 DETAN DETAR 2204 Decumortsien S60 ‘Social Housing in Badajoz Architects: Galvez & Algeciras architecture studio, Sevilla Rati Galvez Trad, Jose Algeciras Rodriguez ‘Tear mombers: Goma Durdn Atalaya, Inmacuiada Pérez ‘Sénchez, Lucia Gérrez Sanchez ‘Stuctural engineer José Damingo Lago Martin, Sevilla (Others involved inthe project: see paga444 (oss orate 208 Ste son 1 Rearvertated 3 Lingo ‘oral gross eoneoucton cost £100,668 sea 12500 sts opace 4 Kener Sossore-reerpanc 2 Fearvoriates «ato Soa 1280 wat eavty © Bacon Within the barren landscape of the Extrema- dura, tobacco and vegetables ate stored for drying in “secendercs” simple, tacitional, uttarian buildings witn brick facades tnat ‘feature numoravs emall openings for im proved ventilation. Those bulldings, eractod with very simple means, served as experi- ‘mental medel for the architects in designing two social housing bulings, “The nouses are situated at the town border, between smaller industrial buldings, a ‘church, and the landscape. The task was to Create hwo three-room apartmenis covering 75m? each at a budget of 600 EUR/m? ‘Thus, it seemed logical to craw from re- gional and durable materials and typical ‘construction methods. ‘The structure of the houses is comprised of a steel skeleton combined with reinforced concrete celiing slabs and a masonry brick cavity wall as facade. Along the southern fa- ‘cade, hollow brick sallor courses titer day- light that enters tho intorior facade in winter. ‘Thoir perforations aro 4 cm wido and pro: vide suticiont ventilation of interiors, ‘The buffer layer that ie situated behind the ‘extaror facade balances extreme tempera tures in witer and surimer. Te attic serves 4. aimilarfunetion and remains without ings lation. [tis aleo ventlatod through te por {oratod brick facada, which extonds to the roofline and gives the building an archaic appearance Dbecumantaen DETAR 2204 21204 DETAR, ‘Student and Social Housing in Zwolle Architect: Atelier Kempe Thil, Rotterdam Tear members: Ancré Kempe, Olver Til, Gorelia Sailer, David van Eck, Petor Graf, Anja Muller, Takashi Nakamura Structural enginost: Alferink- van Schievaen, 2walle Others involved in the project: see page 44d With their anbiticus stuclent and social housing project in Zwolle, the architects simed at an “emancipation of the under clase". They created a prototypical building that offers luxurious spacial graciousness, despite the tight budget. The nodal building SStucture enables a high degree of com- pactness while sknultaneausly comprsing a relatively small facade area ‘The compact configuration helped save costs tat, in retum, were invested ln high ‘qualty materials: Instead of the typical local masonry brick, fll celing-height panes of thermal insulation glazing that feature slding olernents provide a “lot-ke" spatial impression. As result tho glazing 1204 DETAR DETAR 2204 compensates for the large depth of units, Eight apartments per story are grouped: ‘around a 26/m tall atum. Larger social housing units are situated along the eltrac- tive building corners. Smaller student apart- ‘ments are oviented towards the eastern and ester facades. In the atrium, the architects Lllise the scarce budget in an intaligent way ‘and dramatze the shell construction aesthet cof the stalreasa, Acoustic spray rondor enhances callings, and walls are merely spackled. Railings are galvanized, and simple incustial lamps provide costeficient lighting. The intimate atrium serves as a ‘mating pol for residonts, and tho glazed facade retlects their colcurtlindviualty, Bet te lan ln 12000 Foe pare H i ‘hen Livingroom Berson Faso ream Lng bedrecm| ‘Seragereon You Dbecumantaen 74 udentand Sect Hoveng m Zale 1204 DETAR DETAR 2204 Decumartaien 978 76 udentand Soci Hoveng m Zale Vert section toate 130 1 shige, nsusien glazing, atminium frame, anodized 5. 18mm miles pare! (an minal ost thera eatin 13mm mulick pare! EP meifon burrows yor Bmeparyresn Dadri corciet paver prsfabicaed Edmmeaitng sab cbarart 2a mm apex) acouste stay render Soran tet soot gaharized 8 40140 mm eon arale on 10 rm ctoolpie, galvanized 1 laminatog sito dass stds door, ‘umn frame, anode 1204 DETAR DETAR 21204 Residential Development in Berlin Architact: zandercth Architekten, Berlin ‘Sascha Zander, Christian Fat Team members: Kirka Flotze, Dlana Gunkel, Guido Noubeck, Kontad Scholz, Lutz Tinks Structural engineor Andreas Leipold, Berlin Others involved in the project: see page 444 Building cooperatives are a popular model {or creating afordable urban residential space. They also enable savings of up to 25% compared to typical residential real es- tate developments. This property, located in the typical block border structure of Berin’s Prenzlauer Berg, was also inexpersive However, was a challenge due ts length ‘of 100 meters, widh of 34 meters, anda 22 metors tall frowall along ils southwostorn perimeter. The architects created two linear structures parallel lo the street and separa ed by an approximately 13 meters wide inte- rior courtyard. Apariments are diferentiates ‘according to tree types based on thelr placoment witin tre oullding. 23 “town: ‘Ste pln seals 14000 houses! canbe accessed trom the street while otering spaces for commercial use along the entrance level, Spit level apart ments comprise four stories and a grrall pri- vale rooftop garden. Their sireet facade has aan urban and stern character and consists of prefabricated concrete elements, large glazed surtaces, and openable elements made ct larch wood, The two facades along tho interior courtyard have a modest and heterogeneous appearance. The courtyard is elevated one story above the street level to improve sunlight intake and to relieve its arrow impression. It covers belew ground parking and provides access to te cour: ‘yatd building's entrances. The lower tse Documantaien 377 stories along the courtyard feature ten ‘ger den aparimerts’ that are also spit level types with very tall rooms to compensate for the modest daylight intake. An interior corr dor on the 8th floor accesses the MeN throe-story “penthouses" above them, An- other corridor is located infront ofthe p= vate rooms on the at flor. Its open to ‘wards the courtyard and serves as emer ‘gonecy exit. Small patios along the frewall and a roof terrace effer private open spaces. The vertical erganization of the de- velopment leads toa flocr area ratio of 274 Here, density is both an urban characteristic ‘and the roault ot planning focused on ett ciency in economic and architoctural terms. ae 1204 DETAR Decumantaien 985 ste pn fe 14000 Social Housing in London ‘Goce a atoa 1760: Architect: ‘Tova gros corsnvcton cost €2,98200 Metaphor London osepi Watters, Andkew Tong Team memoers: Herviette Marinescu, Miron Marinescu, Adrian Beckenham, Beatrica Munby, Oxana Syinkc Structural engineer: Dewhurst Macfarlane, London thers invalved in the project: see page 445 Cauryard Tenace "oct torace ees ‘The area surrounding Heygate, a residential housing estate trom the 1970s located in the Elephant and Caste quarter in London, is Noted forte bad reputation. its mighty ‘apartrent blocks made of concrete with deck access and social housing apartments became more and more desolete. The com- ‘munity, impacted by poverty and crime, struggles witn some of tie worst social pprobloms in the city. Revitalisation was ur gently necessary. With 1.8 milion Pounds of funding, Heygate will be replaced ky anew Urban commurity cerine within the next 15 years, complete with green spaces, etal ‘and most of al, socla! housing. Roughly 5000 unts aro planned. For tris purpose, a competition was inlandad to provide ideas for social housing conetruction for 18 loca tions. One of these ideas was realised along Brandon Steet. The facade, its colours changing trom yellow to dark red and curved to accommodate four trees, Is highly visible From afar. After along search, the ar chitects discovered the hand-coloured c2- rami tle used in this project in France. its price Is coenparable to wood cladding. A re Inforced concrete trame serves as structural jyater on the ground level, while the upper floots feature lightweight steel construction, ‘The high degree of prefabrication and the resulting limited amount of time required for installation on ste and crane service re duced construction tme and costs. Detaled planning and coordination of denensions of the individual coftered elamenis and the black and white benches that illow the facade curve led to further savings. Thay Consist of cny three diferent elements — Convex, straight, and cancave ~ and de lineato a emal public space. Sustainabilty was an important aspect as well: U-values of facades range from 0.11 to 0.19 Wim, Heat recovery and grey water and rainwater re-cycling are also included. Apartments fare equipped witn Kght-coloured toors and woodaluninium windows, accosced by lovators and stairs. They aro complomont ed by a shared roof terrace, and exceed the | standards of typical social housing ai the same cost. \ 296 Sova Heung InLendon 1204 DETAR DETAR 2204 Dbecumantaen Hosizcrtal ction eal 12). a Cea pee i ramen aa nauaon sm ragresum toa bleing nap 20m heal insulin Teo mmearrert tine board alimnumtarine 20mm araed coy ‘Min oavey argon a+ Timm tainted stety gussin ecod-skeinum fare a REE = : - a RAG 250 rem ah gauge ceo! caccore, prefaces 2x 161mm gypsum board faring 2 rr len Od mm dy bar see panel ‘asmm oyter par. Undertoor este rem imzact seunsinouiion SSNENNSI separation layer 11 T5imm gypsum boat 80 mm thermal Insulation 2alinenraittrced coreete Decumartaien 980 Gafeteria in Berlin Architects: ludloff + ludloff Architekten, Berl Laura FogarastLudlf, Jens Ludbtt 250 Team members 2 ortria Noack [project manager, i 8 Dennis Hauer (concretion suponeon, Canavan Piar Muh, Michael Stalenwork ~ srensvolna 13039 6s Structural engin Arup Ingeniew Diners involved in te proj see page 445, Sntatatse ee tro set rocteng. ctor pion corer teva Sereda Ganren waver osoren ea Seoighura race ra ton he tatiana bene teran soene saanaronie So usrtnnceln ecourtgy regilr women: ror a conoled vi 3 model Overy i Soar ae eens 1 se ge ere «| | members. The patterns were copied to the fj pea soap ies aoecine ecaete emcee Additional screw connections were rex L eter Pest erty ter mt rl feeeee anon encase Sug aeons Dean teraen Grd cote center cetee apes sud dsareirg van wo wos minated veneer panels recelved a matte: Ta = though tage cameate mia os Ree a atta Aa eek pe A 20 Cates nonin e104 DETAR DETAR 21204 Cooumertaten 301 le i [iii a Hit ‘Administrative and Storage Building in Nikiasdort Architects Poppe Prehal Architekten, Steyr Team members: Mathias Erustbaver (project manager) ‘Axal Nile, Jasmina Plenlor Structural enginoot ‘Obermayr Holzkonstruktion Gesellschaft, ‘Schwanenstadt (Others involved in the project: see page 44s Doon sciatic Comercial bulkings ofr the cpportnty te eploy susarabl and cost oticent constuction metnods, One example ithe saniavaten and storage ouling in Siri NKaadct I ols te passive house sandard and teas a modar trod corsrcton This pot poec ot re EUrtnds corto syst “ecozbute Ing" was deuelped hy te arret In cok |aboratonwhprotecsoel consults and onstruction fe. combos ape formance terra Fouled muldrg ere lepe, gh quay of eatsmanehi, ecient mechanical euler nd sot panning Sel conswucon te, Dose bong oe ‘Sonica 080, custom consrsion oo ments provide sufficient design flexibility. As result his new administration and storage bbullding corresponds to both the site and requirements issued by the client, the owner of afar trade company. ‘The lengitudinal building volume is situated between a federal road and arrailuay ne, optimally accessible for delivery of goods, ‘The program inckides Wo large storage ‘spaces on tre ground and upper floor that cover 2200 a galee oor for arte and crafts items and groceries, as well as office spaces. The structural system is comprised of glue-laminated wood beams and fixed {]ve laminated wood posts. Prefabricated wall and root elements toature plywood 1204 DETAR sheathing on the intetior side, which charac {rises the indoor spatial impression. The homogeneous facade cladding consists of planed larch. Even though constuction Costs of the building were slightly higher than fer a conventional commercial building, itrequites only 10% of heating and cooling energy demands, Thus, operation cests are significant lower. In 2009 metering ind cated a key anorgy value of 13.7 KWhvmea. ‘The overall concept includes a wood chip healing system with indvidvally adjustable radiators, 2 demand-cantralled ventilation system with neat recovery, and a life cycle ‘analysis based on material, energy, and re ‘source consumption, DETAR 2204 be Decumantaien 209 Sections“ Fr plane 2 Esha ar 8 Recehinn skrauehackstrage 4 Serazoickna 5 Romp cemey.) iat - il) @ aul U Tr | al eT j 02 21204 DETAN DETAR 21204 Tecmotay 403 Durability and Follow-up Costs of Cost- A eee iaae efficient Multi-family Houses: 2 Garpleon cat and nue of paraty a Soma oderized or enous Mena Rainer Oswald, Mathias Zeller, rowses Bulg costs pent area in cca gus anciruneer ofall o” complete moceried Grrerevated muti amiy ho. 1 Oppartntes orrauencing cor and cort gowopmanrebtad'o pope! se = Mutifariy havea romroed conerate ek 1096, OMIT 02m: epproe 1017s Weng ares Géraldine Liebert, Sike Sous Aims ofthe study According to longterm obsarvaticns, minimising construction costs for multi-story reeidental bulcings offen loads to signitt- Cant follow-u costa in practice, cinco bull Ings often prove to be damage-prone or Unsuitable for everyday use. Funded by a research grant from the Federal Office fer Building and Regional Planning, The ‘Aachen Institute for Construction Damage Research and Applied Building Physics Conducted research on this subject. This re- search dealt with the extent to which cost: efficient constructon can lead to bulding damage andin which construction compo- nts linvations are acceptable, f technical durabilty is guaranteed. in order to provide ‘2ctors in planning and conetruction with well4ounded recommendations for con- suction types with long-term usability, a ‘umber of existing multifamily houses were researched according to these aspects. Rescarch methodology A frst, based on a iteature review and a survey conducted among architects developers, and conshuction experts, 33 ‘multifamily houses bull between 1984 and 1996 wore identified at diferent locations ‘within Germany. Their constuction costs (DIN 276 cost groups 300 and 400} ranged from €1,020/m® to €2 880 /ré. In order to take diferent structural systerns into ac ‘count, 28 buildings with sclid constriction {and seven with wood construction were elected. Eleven houses required compre hensive modernisation already win 6 to 18 vyears after completion. Due to this relatively high share of $3%, the question arises uhether a drect connection between cost. efficient buding methods and low degrees (of durability can be inferred. More detailed regoarch on fourtoen mult family houses is Intended to validate this observation. Resuits In sum, however, the evaluation of all data submited by survey participants shows that Ccost-ofciontly built mult-family houses aro not more damage-prone than conventionally constructed buildings. Dus to the limited umber of searched buildings, this study comprises only a random sample ct cata Lneuitable fr statistical use. Yet, these may alll provide helpful insignt for seneibko planning, Main savings potentials Thera is a wide range of potent for savings in construction. In order to erect bulldings free of defecta, tho most important necessies are sufficient amounts of knowledge, ime, and money. Without ‘adequate professional krovehow, complex ‘construction tasks cant lead to high-quality bulloings, ever tfinvestment costs are nigh {and construction time is long. Vary short Construction thne, on the other hand, goes hhand in glove with designing that takes place during constuction. This may lead to planners and constuction supeniscrs losing control of the process. ten, for in stance, constuction componente are ap- plod bofore matorial layers can destecato {and moisture o mould damages oceur due to exceadinaly high degrees of building ‘moisture. Neither above-average knowledge ‘or increase in funding can help avoid these pprabloms. Limiting budgota can result in Using low-quality constuction materials or reducing comfert leva, Only if project partners display alhigh de- gree of knowledge and commitment and it timefrarnes are appropriate, buildings can ‘be developed that enable a projected duration of use. Planning that is itetigent, ‘ocherent, and optimised, 28 well as smooth construction processes in which trades dont cbstruct each other require a certain amount of time. In this regard, a limited ‘budget is easier to deal with than a lack ot time or know-how. Numercus posite ‘examplos within ths study indicate tis. The ‘opportunities for cost reduction are greatest al te beginning of the planning and con- Struction process, The more the project proceeds, however they signiicantly de- cline, and towards the end of the planning ‘phage, fall blow 50% of ter potential. The ‘measures for cost reduction featured in te survey refer to all phases of the construction process, Le. bulldingrrelated and non-buil Ing related. Property values, utlising public funding as tar as possible, as well as ppantcular contractual agreements in order to pay for adaftional planning were con: sidered as well as increased early collabo ration arnong project partners. At the begin hing of the project, thesa tactors already significant influence construction cost. (One particular aspect of early savings is an Invitation to bid witiout specifying conetruc- tion types, independent in terms of material ‘and mears of construction, Here, planners detine dimensions of building compenents ‘and thet required characteristics according ta structural engineering, thermal insulation, and sound prooting as wall as fre proofing, Bidders may suggest the most cost-afficient altemative, and thus, corporate their own ‘experience. Within the planning phase, con- struction teams respond to objections fram all project partnors early on, and tnus, ro ‘duce time roquired for planning and deci sior-inaking, A cahesive set of specifica. tions, completed in time before constuction bbegins, can help avoid short-term changes that may emerge during construction as well ‘98 608I8 rolatod to these changes. ‘According to statomants mado by surveyed architects, construction experts, and developers, non-buiding related factors are of limited importance in regard to a builde bal ube atthe ing’s curabiliy, Rather, they identity the major share of factors that influence costs ‘within the overall concept of a building and the detaling of individual construction com ponents. This isthe reason wiy the study deals particularly with these construction- related acters The major cf savings potentials stated by suey panicipants include constuction rationalisation, olement-based metiods, and prefabrication of construction components. ‘The use of standardised constuction com- ponents such as windows, deers, etc. leads to saving costs, as opposed to craftsman: based and custom solutions that tond to be moro expensive. Thoso construction compo: rants need to be available for re-supply and ‘easy to maintain, In the case of nom domestic products, ital supply may be less expensive. Honever, follow-up costs for maintenance that exceeds loval capacities oF delivery of spare parts may be slgnt cantly highor than in the case of local prod: ucts. Using prefabricated elements general- ly only helpsrecuce costs f quantiles ex- ceed 20 units. Aside fram construction com ponents such as stars and caling slabs, dormers, roat structures, and sanitary units can be prefabricated. Advantages of this construction mated include saving time in installation as wel as simpliying construc tion processes, ensuring quality of construc- tion components through accuracy in measurement, a3 Wel as independence from on-site risks. A further agpect that can Influence the planning phase early ons the fact thal cares residential developments ‘and avciding the need for basements and below-grade parking lead to great savings. If cars aro parkod outside of aresidental dovolopment, access throughout tho development can be built more cost cficiently both in tts of coverage as well as constructicn type. Clear and compact building structures are recommended as ‘oll, since they load to minimising building lonvolopes without decreasing usoable aroa and benefit investment and ongoing heating ‘casts. The fact should be taken into account early on that easy maintenance of construc+ tion components and leng intervals between maintenance tasks are significant ‘characteristics forthe sustainability of buildings. Knowtedge of fe cycles of avalable construction types and materials Is a basic procondiion for abnoficial se lection process, since it wil not only include construction costs, but also use costs. This is reflected, fr instance, in the sustainability ‘cerfication includes in the system of the German Sualainable Bullding Counc tne evaluation otteria 16 o7 “Bulluing-related Coss within a Life Cycle” explicitly deals with, among others, different cost catego- fies, constuction components, and obser vation periods. Evaluation of savings options In many objects, this study found deticlen- cigs that weren't attributable to low budgets, but instead carelessness in planning and construction supervision, as well as the un fortunataly oten low qualification of con struction workers, Demands placad cn planners and construction supervisors in the past years have risen signiicantly, due to the fact that competition within the building industry has increased continuously, and as result, cost and time prossure. ‘A datallod observation of complated con structions wit) a particular emphasis on detailing and damage-susceptbilty is ilustated within the study according to 504 _Dursbliy and Falow-up Coots ef Costar Mutifariy Houses approxtnately 60 detail areas that were ‘applied to 14 of tne researched multifamily houses. The construction types utlised in the researched houses were organised into the following three groups: best practice cod practice, and worst practice Best practice Detaling and measures that were organised into this group neither reduce durabilly, nor do tiey lead fo high folow-up costs. Large- fermat elements such as masonry units made of imestene, aerated concrete, or brick —regardlass of material type ~ can be ‘more cost efficient tnan smaller formats due to saving timo during on-site assembly. Eloment size doesn’t impair later usatily, Reinforced concrete elements with identical dimensions in high quantities reduce costs, 1s well, since factory production cffers cigniicant cost advantages. Also, utlzation of completely pretabricated tloments such as root darts - including thermal insulation and cladding - has proven sensible. This is due to the fact that, side from cost savings, weak spats within Complex roat geometries that can lead to condensation and mould are miniived, as long as thermal insulation and airtight layers are comected to adjacent construction Components in # professional way. Intelligent solutions that utlise the specitlc Characteristics of constuction materials and products can lead to litation of const: tion layers. For instance, water-proot reinforced concrete elements used 2s balcony slabs can be built without addtional sealant and finish layers and without impair~ Ing duration ot use of balconies when ap- pled in a professional manner. Drainage, slopes, and sip proofing of profabricatod Constructions need to be taken into account However, an aesthetically pleasing solution is dfficut to achieve without using pavers or tle tlocring. Drainage can be pravided in & Cost-affclant way by souppers, 6.9. tube Casing ingst into prefabricated elements, 38 long as they are placed sonsibly and at a sufficient distance between tube outlet and facade, They should be algned between stories and ground crainage should be in Stalled inthe impact area. Balconies applied as free-standing ele rmenisin front of facades can also lead to savings. Aside from avoiding termal bridges by detaching constuctions trom ‘exter walls, easier maintenance poses another advantage. In the researched examples of wood constuction, windows, wore mosty openablo towards the oxtorior {and featured umn hardware. Tho expensive Ltfunction was emiled here. Innabitants rated these nen-typical windows as psitive. By reducing ted wall surfaces in batrrcoms tanocossary areas impacted by splash water, costs in multi-family homes can be reduced significant, In bathtub showers, the ted area shoul be tal enough to avoid thatthe transition between tiled and ren- ted surtace ist within the splash water Impact area, inorder to avoid thatthe top most te course doesnt recotve excess ‘splash water that allowe moisture to creep behind te tle surface. uber of maior L nn 1204 DETAR (One positive example for high lebiity in floor plan design without additonal expend ture Is te use of wood frame construction elements as nar-load bearing interior part tion wall systems, This conetuction type enables adaptation of apartments to indivi dual user needs — for instance, when tenants change, which n return enables long-term rertabity. In the case of mut-tamiy housing dovolop- ments, basements cause high costs. Avoid- ing the need fcr these areas and offering iterative storage spaces in the atts cr out= side of the bullding inan ancillary structure |e, nary case, the less expansive option. It tls iont posable, selecting tre anpropriate rmeisture protection fr sealing of the build ing tothe earthis often beneficial. Fr tis purpose, 2 geoiogical survey ofthe site is required Tie additional expenditire, howover, cant ‘be compared to the extremely high renova tion costs that result from inadequate seal anls, Inthe case of belon-arade parking, a TT contectl ag'eerert prc chord Pwd bde const 2 {Gera eoneructon prooeee| duit esting const g2roral biking procs general pinning process corte rectierta doscorr er ea! buldng = dowtin ol bov acuns tr entealeostucien conor refobreatan/conetucten Tecralbstn 4 robasenervoso guns pr DETAR 21204 Pu houses, wl ame, 1204 Diss (aporce €10859 fvng eros MoM savings potemelsbuldneate8 Mar saving potemlsner-bulng related ‘Therrsl naan compost syste, Shower sea ie surface. two meters ta Window pence tore osror zo mechanical ventlation system can be omt tod ithe siting ot the building enables inte grating natural ventilation. As result, the ‘costs for operation arid maintenance of such units can also be saved. In tre survey, heating systems appear to be hardly damage-prone at all. For mare than 20 to 25 residential units, district heating plants ana ‘a connection to tne lal district neating network comprise an economic alternative to central building heating Good practice ‘The construction types summed up in this, F0up comprise meaaures for cost reductlon that require increased ailgence in planning and constuction in order to avoid risk for durability. Composite thermal insulation sys- tems are generally a cost-efficient option that adheres ta high thermal insulation re- uirements, However, entrance aroas and «ground floor facade eurtaces that bordor public waleways are subjoct to increased Fisk of damage and vandalism, This can be minimised, for instance, by ipact-proo! cladding or panel systems that offer design ‘oppertunites, ‘Applying interior doore with eeling height door frames can reduce costs in individual cases, since intel constuctons are avoided, Transom windows placed above doors are a postive side effect ot this, measure, singe they also provide interior Corridors with natural daylight. In the case of bedrooms, such solulons require a means. for screening off daylight. Single pane glazing calls for attention to sound prooting since docr frames connected to ceiling slabs can lead to impact sound transmis ‘lon betwean stacked and indvidually used Lnits. A simple strip of celular polyethylene can helo avoid this issue. Worst practice In the study, this group includes measures ‘that can result in rexkiced durability or ign damago risk. For instance, according to DIN 18195, residential bathrooms without floor drain curently dont require additonal waterproofing ~ except forthe area impact ed by splash water ~ as long as no. moisture-sensitive substrate such as plaster Is used. In many of the researched mult family houses, however, waterproofing had been omitted completely, even if sensitive substrate materials were used, In order to avoid damages, the areas impacted by splash water should generally receive com: posite waterpreofing solutions, These can bbo appliod to new construction in a cost offcient way and reduce the risk of succes sive moisture damage than can resultin high renovation costs. When applying standlarcised non-domestic construction ‘components such as windows and doce, the follow-up costs wore signticanty nigner J than for domostic products witha reliable supply of spare paris. Also, standards were, in part, below those typical for demastic products, Thus, the use of such compo ents should be deliberated carefully ‘Snould planners reach the conclusion that an application Is appropriate, they become responsible for determining the air tightness ofthe building envelope, thermal insulation, sound proofing, fre and smcke protection requirements. ‘Summary of results ‘The study llustratas numerous benefical solutions for cast reduction, but also dam- age-prone examples. A direct correlation beeen amount ot bullding costsand damage susceptibility of buildings could nat bee inferred. Also, consiruotion metiods do not permit relable conclusions in regard to the sustainabilty of buildings. This means. that a bullcing that enables long duratin of Use can be bultin a costeticient way, {given sound planning and proper con suction, Finer nwa, Matias Ze, Géresine Lint ang Sie Sous aurovedite stucy ofthe Aachen Ete for Constuctos Dargo esoareh ard op led Butding Pryes ATBAG) corm ccaned by he BSR, Formarstman hve aosases AISAU nat oo ‘tee noncanaracesan Inthe tlds ct bling prysis ard canton damages. The autre, eve a publicly apported expert for bviding alt= fcchmages anda sae aproyed expert fo the fralinultionanceound prong u Tecmotay 405 Retoroncrs (Cowal rer, Zoo, Mathes: Leber. Geraldine; Sv, Sik: Daverufigat urd Fulgowcion kee Tengiretg etter Matar see Fershun gsstbet des ABAUIn Autrag des B.ncesats fir Brtiwesen und Pauroveturg, Born Balaban forcis Praie Ban 98 aunty IB ering Suttgar 2011 (Gousl sro; Kot,Joharnos Sou, Sika Scrwachevaien dorm Kososgunstigen Bn, Forsch.ngearoot dae AIBAU i Autrag des Sundae fms ir Bauweren ved Reumordnung, Born, au fGrserung fr se Pads Bare 65, Pasnfoter IRB Verag, Suitgar 2054 Lite Cycle Costs of Buildings ~ Calcula- tion Mothods, Status and Outlook Uwe Rotermund Inthe past three years the calculation of fe cycle costs (LCC) of buildings significantly {gained importance. Calls for architectural Competitions or VOF procedures ithe Ger- rman procedure for awarcng professional services) more and more often include the evalustion criterion “low life cycle costs" in ‘dation o required energy standards and Information on econcmic easily. The ex ppenses for 2 LOC-calculatlon are low and ay off quickly. Experience snows that the Cost share for Construction comprises at most only 20°% threughout the entire fe cycle ofa building, However, the share tor se and renovation can roach 80%. Ae r= cut, the reduction of use costs in particular becomes highly important. In the future, an increase in detailing and consultant require- ments is likely. Tis Is why architects shuld be informed about this subject. Davetopment of ita ovate cost caleviaton Rosearch on LCG for buildings began in the 1980s, Yel, to his day, only a lirted num 1 te coneincten ons toute coe of foront ‘ulsing Wpss. daa tom irisorefrarkng’ 2011 snack 2 Gnee bulang Tasnero\ ering m Hanovse, featuring oot wedi eyole car, archi Ingetroven achtacs, Dossadort 8 Eyeup eat parent ners ard guidelines for lie yet cot cabanas cf 2012 4 Fecornmandstins fr crgarzatenal rtegration of Inpayet cot oxparte Pr, Une Roteirurd cet as cure andre Searcher nthe ld of tel eta a oy cont men ‘sgerrentatthe Merstes choc f Apped Sclences ‘Stee 207, He ian exert an juror He cycle oss inthe pralniary ven of compettons, ley appomas and sum m oxeetfor ty ran fagerent. an ede che tte mn benchinarsa ‘por, publered arma eocpetaten Nth GEFUAA tne Pasi, * natal use cost are covered a, capt cans ber of calculation methods is available. The inroduetion of sustainabilty and certification systems in Germany resulted in new developments in tis fold. The certificate of the German Sustahable Building Council (OGNB) as wal asthe rating system for sus tainable building (BNB) both inckide an evaluation cf life cycle costs, Both certitica tion systems consider the economic qual ties ofa building as highly Important. Tha hare of LCC evaluation criteria fr bot Comprises approximately 13%. In this re gat, high quality cf the LOC ~ and thus, low Ite cycle costs ~ must be ensured in order taachiove a high standard of cartication {and a corresponding qualification ofthe building, Data ono in ether counties Comparable to the methods developed in Germany aren't available. The Amatican LEED certificate and the British BREEAM ate no requirements tor ite cycle cost, Darton and elements of Hie cyclo costs LCC include all expenditure that is incurred 1204 DETAR 2) (e) (a) (z) (al (el al P eeretucton cost throughout the entie life cycle ofa building ‘These costs can be itemized as follows: + Project development: These costs are in- ‘curred prior tothe actual planning and ‘constuction of a building, Le. in sling & ‘commercial stucture, They include ‘eashbilty studies and site surveys. OF course, tis impossible to expecite the de velopment of a project without having pre liminary designs fora building and tho ‘construction task at hand. However, the ‘costs for project development should not be allocated to building consbucton. + Gonstructen: These costs are precisely ‘covered and defined by current regula- tions. DIN 276 “Construction Costs” de- sevibes them in their entroy. Itinchudes indvidual cost categories that are clearly detailed. Most planners and project part- ners as well as cata banks and software applications employ this structure. tis nighly recommended, algo trom tho via point of Ife cycle costs, Probloms are caused only by Ure structure ofthe Cost DETAR 21204 DIN 2TH Bulking ney cots DIN 16060 _Us0 cose aerate DINS2788 Bulking meagenert ‘GEFMM 200 Costs in sty ranogamort GEFMA 250 Borchrarking Fhe ea ate FMA 50m banc maring pd 2511/2012 O-Nam Object fallmup costs ego SINE Key val VOISOG7 —_Costefactvenessoftacrical buloing euler ENTSZVT Fact raragorartperenranee ‘enchanting Group 900, due to the tact that, in pra tice, cost categories are structured ac cording to tades and not according to construction componente. + Use: These costs are incurred during use and operation of a bulging, In practice, a separation between bulding-elated use costs and service-related use costs has proven effective. In order to calculate Ite cycle costs and the related profablty comparison the recommendation is made to only include bullding-erlented use costs in the calculation, These cast categories correspond, for the most part, to DIN 18960 "Architectural Use Costs". Paral aspects of s0-callad corporate secondary processes, 2.9. costs for catering or of copy services distort the economic viability and the LOG of a building + Renovaticrvmaclemization: These casts play a very large role. The detintion ot an observation periad Is decisive for deity ing tho long-term expenditure for renova tion, A minimum of 30 years is strongly recommended. Within this timeframe, many renovation and mademization measures occur that need to he included inte cycle cost calculations. + Recovery: Costs for deiolilon and ais- posal are of inited inpertance, since these are very low (as of 2072) and, in new buildings, they also are incurred at a ‘ver late point in time. The caloulated pre: sent value In the case of new construction is vary low ag well and is often neglected, ‘This approach should be revised when short-term recovery costs occur orf an ecological evaluation is requested, (Observation ported of calculation “Tho obscrvation poried varias strongly and spans 12 years from the viewpoint af the real estate industry 0 60 years within market value assessment. A timerame ct 12 years isnt realistic, since the necessary weighting (of use and ronabiltation costs lent reflected here. Atthis point i time, the vory long time. framme of 60 years, often derived from the German Valuation Directive (Wert, is also no longer considered appropriate. In metto- Tecmotay 407 ieee Lie cyl cass an Project manageret Lie yale costs and cxome | | coum | | comme | | comm | | comm were) | Spal | | aiieme | | ciel | | cat poltan areas, high guideline values lead to property values that exceed the value of older buildings, Ths is why these bulidings are often removed irom service very quickly and demolished atter approximately 30 t0 40 years. As result this particular timeframe is Considered anpreprate tora ite cycle cost analysis, DGNB and BNE call fer an obser vation period spanning 60 years. An interest Ing fact s te calculated construction cost 12 se cost ratio of 10% fo 80%. This result is based on the above mentioned long-term duration of use, construction costs accord Ing to BK 2017, the mean values of use ‘costs according o tne trabenchmariing? — oport 2011, an average noar-torm valu in crease rate of 2%, and a viscount interest rate of 85%. Independently of observation period and building type, use costs sigrit ‘cantly exceed construction casts, and tus, Urgently require optinization {il 1) ‘Norms and guidines When dealing with LOC, a number of norms and guidelines need to be taken into ac- count il. 3). Costs for construction, renova tion, and recycling are covered by DIN 276 land ean be calculated based on data from KIT or indlvidual experience. In order to re- port use costs, the structure of DIN 18960 is recommended, and acttenally DIN 32736, Further, GEFMA! issued useful guidelines {or structuring use and life cycle costs. tt features detitions of cost categories, simplified financial mathematios model for LOC calculation, and market key values for Use costs. Base data and market values for calculation with GEFMA 22 are included in the tm benchmarking-renert trom 2017 on. ‘wards. In Auetria, tho ©-Norm 1801-2 tind Use, Additional information on the calcula lion of fe cycle costs are included in the evaluation ctiteria of the DGNB and BNE, ‘When using these certincation systems, at tention should be paid tothe fact that sig ‘cant cost categories are missing for we ‘costs, 0.9. costs for extelor svuctures and landscaping, building superintendents, or capital. For this reason, using these results exclusively is not recommended. Variations of ite cycle cost calculations In the most simple case, an LOG coleulation is conducted for an Individual construction ‘component, .9. for facades, In atypical example, costs incurred over tie long term are reviewed for new construction. Users or owners are interested in knowing, at an early stage of planning, which overall ‘costs are incurred throughout te entire du ration of uso in order to dcide cn invasting. Itis interesting io compare the LCC of new Cconstructcn and of the renovalion of an ex: isting building. Typical examples are school buildings ftom the 1970s. The analysis of in- ‘uliua fe cycle coets isan ideal procond ‘ton for deciding on either renovating an ox isting building or demelition and new ‘construction. The most complex form is a LOC compa ‘son for maipe locations. Local scnool buildings are, again, an ideal exami, Due to demographic change, local schools are forced to shut dawn and othars ned to be expanded to include day care. For ‘each building, altematives suc tion and expansion as well as new constric tion are caloulated, The results tor the ind vidual buildings are then compiled into local scenarios (costs for multiple loca- tone). In this regard, itis Enpertant to re- view each alternative and create a so- celled dynamic calculation mcd! that ‘covers costs and revenue for each indies al year of use. LCC calculation dates for new construction ‘The ideal tne forthe calculation of lie cycle ‘costs is within an architectural competion. Itnot then, the LOC tor new constuction should be calculated as eariy as possible, Le. prior to complating tho dosign phaso. Even wit limited input data (il. 11) very precise calculations of lnig-term costs are possible, Based on these results, cor- responding target figures that are binding for architects and coneuttants ean be de- fined. During the HOAI 2, 3, and & projact phases, an update and comparison with target figures takes place, When awarding contracts fo general contractors, it is recom- 508 Ute cyclo Goats cule Coats, carers foeity anager ont rmaragoran, nourances, o3p%a! Corts, hirsuta taity maragemert cleaning, eveireandlardscapirg, superetendert, winter serene, dasa ‘ons, ternal aety management oporators oulng marronarea,eonneal main: ance, Mestha and elec wows, ser vaste Walet mended to request statements on Ie cycle Costs a8 well, Various large construction Companies advertise thelr competence tor long-term cost optimization. Calculations within bids by general contractors can be sed for comparison with the clans target figures and declared binding, Tris ensures that no disconnect occurs between planning ‘and constuction phases. Infiuence of enargy costs on fie cycle costs Sustainability plays an ever-increasing role in many construction projects and architec- tural competitions. Many view itas a re duction ot primary energy demands. How ‘ver this Is only a partial aspect. In many cases, peers consider lfe cycle costs ident cal io energy costs. By applying the current NEY, these comprise only a minor part ot life cycle costs and cover no more than -15%, The optimization of energy costs Is, without a doubt, a slgnticanttaok, Sill, te ‘optimization ofall cost catagorios i impor tant High standards of echrical bulging equipment often lead to reducing energy costs. Installing additional systems cen: tributes to the folowing: + an increace in operation and maintenance costs, + an increase in incurred mid-term and longeterm renovation costs. From the viewpcint of LCC, the optimum is reacned only when all cost types are re duced to 8 possible minimum. Lute cycle cost calculations in compeitions The diference of ife cycle costs between the “least expensive" and “mest expensive" design among competition entries is signi Cant. This is why optimising all cost catago. rigs cf LGG should be takon inte account during this planning stage. In the case of Construction costs, the area ratio, cubage, materials, degree of mechanisation, anc ‘acade design are importart factors, Inthe case of use costs, only bulding- ralatod use costs are caloulated. As bare minimum, itis racemmended to consider the costs for maintenance, energy, cleaning, and exteriors and landscaping, In the case of renovation costs, the prof ‘ed use duration of instaled construction Ccompcnent, technical building equipment. {and materials should be defined and corre ‘sponding costs should be integrated into the calculation model To evaluate lie cycle costs in architectural competitions and general planner bidding -ompetiton organisers and Clionts have two options: + Juror with LOC competence + calculation and integration of LCC inthe preliminary review and jury consultation by 2 qualified expert ‘Assigning a juror to tre LOC lant the Ideal solution. Its impossible, even for an ox- 1204 DETAR perienced juror for lte cycle costs, to formu: late an objective evalvation, particularly for use and renovation, during typically daylong jury sessions. This is why a caleulaton of the LOC should be integrated into the pratiminary review. With a maxi mum of 100 20 data (il 17) and further competition documents, an objective ‘comparison of design entries is possible. Itis important tat te caleulation of futuro ‘costs isn't based on benchmarks. Instead, ‘an indlvidval evaluation of each competition ceniy should take place, also accarcing te building operation and required services. The following are available for caleulatione: = Building use cost calculator GNKR (Gebauderutzungskostenrechner) + Real estate lfe cycle cost calculator ILKR (Immobilian-Lebensz)kluskosten- Recher) These in-house developments by roter- rund ingerieure are intended to achieve & maximum precision of calculation with a minimum of input data in adition tothe ks figuras of the tm.venchmarking, The rasults of the LCC caleuiation (il, 8) are integrated into the preliminary review report The most important advantages and dis- advantages of each entry are explained In tho information phase. Wthin the second (oF third evaluation phaso, reviewing the etalon ut teroet fgve Lie cycle cots 4060] €iye 800 Priaryoneray ‘Ste enerayoons.aton Construction conts 1500 Technical acy rranagemert cass rranagerert cost < baking equipment LOC should become more important {Questions on tne so-called “curobalty” of a design in regard 10 LCG can, thus, be angwored quickly based on the calculations athand, Post-competiion fe cycle cost calculation Ideally, LOC calculations are integrated ‘within & competion. 4 futher option Is con- ducting calculations after conclusion of a ccompeiition. Thus, award winners in part also revise theit enties in order to racuce lite cyole costs. As result, ita Sigrticantly lower number of competion entries require LOC calculation, experts can establish them In groator deta Tectrobay 400 5 Targotvalusmats ter opting Ho cya coats target igure: mat er tes ula ren fegretucton), EE cna 6,7 Cifeo Wuidng Tar Geng n Hanowe, featueng opiised te ect cons, tnctece ngenhoven architects, Bosna 8 Excess eet ypenin baling manager 9 Ute casts ot competion erty, submited olay Experiences with LCC calculations in compe- titons Past architectural and general planner com- poilione indicate the folowing: + tie diference of LOC between "least ex- pensivo" and ‘most expensive” competi tion enbies accorcing to an observation period ot 40 years equals approximately 1.5 times tre construction costs (il. 10) + annual use costs in almost all competion tenivigs can be optimised by 10 to 30% + building data differ extremely, e.g ratio of Useable area to gross floer area: none ‘competion, useable area = 40% (min) to 70% (max, ot gros tloor area + primary and site energy coneumetion ml paar ovtve nate! regthe ‘sear re ctr 02 ow . outa cnc coc aieom, € a ‘Nal parts eco cere city manage toca) Eo + cra aty mnogaret ani ena e ctrl act marge 100) én * ‘tal cons moda veo ena ° rctyotae el otis ena eutng we cot foa : eciln cas irene gO yrs) treeae evarse va nesse Fe cpl cot (0 yu € ° ‘ecioecoe perce tee tes en ° erst ca po GFA oem @ overall evaluation use costs‘ cycle costs - projected by participants is rsleading, €.9. in one competition: min, 20 kWn/na max. 160 kWnirr’a ‘These examples Indicate tat tre calculation of ile cycle costs by participants can lead to invalid results, Instead, this should be a task of the preliminary review ecemmendation far come Optimising a design in regard to life cycle costs requires competion participants tore number ef things. Fer 0 an optimal aiterwards is vastly inadequate. Howes current competition laws are the greatest hallenge. As opposed to architectural ms, congultants aren't contracted auto- ‘matically. They are often required to submit an application within a separate VOF proce dure. The motivation for an optimal design — against the background of long working hours and imited chances of s 'be coneidorad medium to fou. In the case of Inerdisciplinary compativone, tre 2008, Guidelines for Planning Competitions ROW Sate that contracts should be awarded to roject parinerships. Architects are ach (clude an exper for ite cycle costs sional can qui aowos DeTAN uation of the design according to ois. The foe for calculating Ite cycle is approximately jon eosts lations are at risk that economic considerations receive too much attention, ‘The goal should be the long-term optim tion of a building in regard to architocturo, {unetionality, and life cycle cose. Two com- pleted projects demonstrate tha tis is sible (il, 2,6, 7, 12). lathe case of this ‘construction ‘ovaluatea, an operation external integrated bidding process. In the cas buildings, for instance, the produc ty rate of employees is the mast important factor. Thus, the quality of workspaces i ‘ahvaye more important than lowlife sts In practice, employing LCC experts as consultants forthe allant ar involving them inthe project management has proven auecesstul il 4). Its highly important that this expert pos: ound knowledge on archit ical bulding equipim building operations, facility management as wall as financial mathematics. Itis the responstelty of universties to prepare professionals tor this comy kt Bena Coat ne iyerdexpardedl pubtehed as mbarctrnetk pot wa tesa rock ha TU ie forthe davesorert fer optising yet om te oa Satara proce (cats: Fgenfoven ores: Dusseldc Cost-effective Building Wall provides a decorative sound barrier to motorway noise When architects Broadway Maljan, of Ad dlestone, Surrey were asked to design the 'ew headquarters for Imperial Ordnance Savay in Adanae Park, Southampton, th faced with significant envic hallenge ~ the six-ane M27 wes situa lust 130 m trom the bulling. In order to mit {gato the sound from the motorway and px vent noise lo the openable windows ofthe ‘ighbouring offices, a solution was devised in the for of an acaustc wall Ibe '8 Priory Woathored Rod bricks wore 0d Is the contruction ofthe wall, wnien provides an acoustic ‘shadow’ clasking the Offices, allowing the building's users to ber eit ror the naturally ventilated building Because of ts height, some 11.25 m at the fouthern end, the wall was bult using @ rein read concrete tram founded on pilos at least as dogp as those under the building This frame is a large cantilever with afree fend, cornpletely encased in the bricks. The wei ign, with all the various textures covering the Surface derived from just the one brick type, which has been cut, ctlentated and set ina variety of ways to keep the effect subtle The company was able to supply the bricks wihout any Serial numbers oF logos and this, innavative and inrioate in de Pe 9 10 enhance the overall effect. In ad jon, a matching mortar was used, and from a distance the wall appears as a pla cotta surface, only revealing the detal a ver gets closer ‘The Brick Development Association (BDA) smonted thatthe wall demonstratos both 1 versatility ofthe brick and the el of Southampton-based specialist brickwork ontractor Kier Scuthern. ‘woll aa boing versa olay bricks prove st-affective walling solutions research carried out by the Rey aera! Surveyors (RIGS), Wh 3 against a line-up of popular finishes for ‘me external sin, installed bricxwork beats {ust about all ot them an price. and sustainable, ch found For this research, entitled ‘The Cost of Com parative Glackding Materials’, by the RIGS Building Goat Infermation Service in Dacem: bber 2007, a wide range of ata w lysed, from major price books to quanti fr live projects submited to FICS in 2007. The projects, which covered a selection from across the UK, ranged in value from £356,000 to £10.5 milion. The study compared the Installed cost per poe + DETAR, ‘square mete for brickwork against other ex ternal fishes including simple flbre-cment sheets, diferent lypes of rendered blo work, mbar weatarboard, PYC cladding, plain ie cladding, ashlar stonework and, at the top end of the price range, curtain wall Ing and patent glazing. Facing brick came in at £69 m? (legs tha some sheeting, pebbledash and propristary render systems) and was shown to be fwe- thirds the price of timber weatherboarding and a third the price of aeniar stonework urtain walling came out at nearly cignt times mere exparsive, and patent glazing y nine times the cost of brickwork clusion, the RIGS noted: “Brick is a live option or te external ok. Mest of tho options that are ese expansive inthe etudy fll within the range of avallable facing bricks” 1D bstock Brick Ltd, United Kir +44 (0)1530 257990 swt gdom opment Association +44 (0)20 7229 7090 va rick ong. & Designed by architects Stanton Williams, the elegant freestanding glazed extension to the Grade II” Listed otices of Wiltshire Council, Bourne Hill, was designed to achieve an ‘excellent’ BREEAM rating thanks in large measure to its highly insulated Schueco FW 50* SG facade This also incorporates a design ‘first’, a window that oporates automatically behind @ foaturo fill lying flush with the glass, which allows the fagade to be ventilated “invisiby’ Developed by Schueco and Stanton Wiliams, this innovation has sinee created much interest amongst othor architects. Another example of Schuoco’s Energy? concopt in action. ENERGY ‘Saving, Generating 6 Networking Energy scHtico (en HISTORY _ MAKING saving large-scale adaptive structure Brick has been the inspiration for some of the finest buildings in Britain. With a wide range of colours, finishes, shapes and sizes, thoeel suctsehasbeen buat Do Unk frees sunplad hh fam tatoos een-oer Nac Aah ee aN an vers of Sitar’ camous in Valingen, a ‘manent or permanent solution where & ee or ee em) Germany. The Institute for Lightweight daptation of water and el ity are unavailable. CRUE aM eC a Structures and Conceptual Design LEK) ing loads can be applied in many Sennen tars and the ste for System Dynami ‘such 28 stack roo sable bulding (above) seen here t (SYS) atte unveraty, in o.cperaton wth righ atacade te ett e pct Somat iructure on a large scale forth ist tine, It steel and the statos thatthe oro- is claimed, They have constructed a The four pons, Jt allthe pens of EN 15 imocden shel wth a4 mm thickness. The and three of these points of support can be eal cont ers Sutigan'Smartnel spans a surface ot over moved individually by hydkauite cyinders and 1410) terror) 100 8q7m. Those valved In his project and freely posltoned. Sensors recard tho ‘te rotadant 10S 476, Eroctonk pastas enti now constructions Rave always ak just a fw hours wth rina 1 an exact maximum ptt uttsing avalab ta irocs; tis ype of sess however, genetaly the ponis of support counteract varia when used in ok ry occurs hrequertly and then any fora leads (or example, through srw oF wind) shor pried, Theeterealarge propotten ot and thus reduce detornatins and material Rainwater fs collected via thereof and chan- Dulcing materlais used today serves these tenslons which considerably reduces ine _nellad nto the upper back panel wal e 102d, and fe seldom used. cf materials needed for tre shellcon- tone toa capacty of 4CO Ives and Io a Thoload balancing takes place ces at lamps ‘The extreme slimness of the shell ito especialy developed for the root pi to eight hours of contin possible trcugi he use of an ada drauic dives hat mplements the ccm: uous qual LED lighting ham a single day's plex hydraulic contrel tasks cf thes inrared emote Sirictre. in > te USE mocue fr a dastc saving c J lle phones and portable de action to dynamic ads Uough an ac vices fs supped wit each lamp. pullin ot inthe case of Smarthell, a Kin gh nyc ci Suppor ot me shel 26 Cosattoctve Bulana High-performance homes use sustainable construction “The Thermopian insulating wall aystem by Natural Building Technologies (NBT) has been used In the construction of tuo en ergy-eficiont and sustainable five-bedroom homes in Sutton Courtenay, near Abingdon In Oxtordshire The etuctural insulating blocks used for the walls have beer rendered externally with 2 breathable render and finished internally with a breathable plaster, both also NET ppreducts, & true thin bed mortar, ust 1 mm ‘lok, was used to secure the rows of blocks, with intatlocking dry vertical joints anchoring adjacent blacks along the row. ‘The blocks therrselves feature a honey- comb cross-section, designed to deliver @x- cellent levels of thermal and acoustic insula tion as well a8 nighty effective lreathablity ‘Tho simplicity of the construction process enables walls t be typically constructed three to four times faster than conventional blockwerk structures, says the company, ‘vit no limitation on the Height that can be bull in a day and no drying-out shrinkage. ‘The developer used 425 «in deep blocks to deliver a U-value tor the walls of ust 0.20 W/ mk. Tony Weodward, managing director of the developer, Kingeslee Homes cor ‘We are currently involved with a study {in conjunction with Oxford Brookes University) tat vall determine detalled com parative costs between traditional masonry Construction and building in Thermoplan For te development we obtained budget ‘eatimates from an indopendant quantity sur. veyor, whose opinion wae thatthe rates we included for building in Thermoplan, with a rendered extemal nish, were broadly com- parable withthe costs fer building the same properties to Building Regulations stand ards using racitenal cavity wall construc tion, ‘What welve found over recent years is that while the costs for bulking in Thermop- lan hava remained relatively stable, the costs for building vacitional cavity wal bbulloings have increased in line wth the ‘90d tor improved insulation. Typically, this ‘means 100. 160 mm of insulation in the cavity, Vihat’s also worth factoring inis that the skil levels and workmanship needed to bile in conventional brik and block are a lothigher compared withthe ease of build Ing atfered by the Thermoplan eystom. 10 Natural Building Technclosies United Kingelomn a +44 (0)1844 309538 \waw.natural‘bulidlng. 1204 DETAR Budget-build Shilingstone Primary School hn Dorset is now housed in a Umber frame building, cho- ‘sen for its excellent U-values and reduced running costs. Par of the relocation included anew sports hall and, for tris, Metsa Wiood (formeriy Finnforest) curved glulam beams have bean f sed for te roaf, continuing the eco theme of the new sched building and providing an aesthetic interior fish SR ‘A total of 50 beams up to 14 m in longth havo been Installed. Sald Nigsl Challe, rector of Andrew Waring Associates, “The design ofthe schools reof was an unusual and challenging shape and for this Shiling stone required a product that could achieve {his exepe walle maintaring its structural ctrongin. In adion, the product forms part of the vis- ible bulding fabric, so it had to be visually appealing. Eca credentials were also a key factor and all this had! to he achieved in a cost-effective way, ‘As well as fulling the strangth require- iments of a Icad-bearing structure and meet- Ing the aestnetic design briet, these glulam ‘beams are said to offer a wide range ot ber: cfs in terme of environmental factors. and the timber used for this product has cerilied Cchair-of-custody according tothe PEFC for ‘est certification system, Mark Berridge of Grerdon Timber Engineer Ing, which euppliod tha boars, commented, “The boams lack outstanding, Wo selocted Mets Wood to provide the glulam due tits product meeting the school's exacting r=- qhirements and demanding budget. Fur- thermore, the company was able to mest the timescale requirements.” 1D Motsa Wood, United Kingdom sm +44 (0)1205 880835 awematsavisod, Innovative and individual solutions | petan for different types of buildings Cost-Effective Building ‘Ohraten sehtich 2007 ‘€08 90/8 68.50/158 50 ~/OHF 110 “pexsiscng am By=e-Ul| Strategies and measures for cost-effective planning and building This volume trom the “in Detail” series highlights projects ‘hat are othenuice alvays overshadowed by more spectacular and extravagant buildings In the trade prose. ‘These examples show how costefective planning and building can be schieved ‘Coat. Etfective Buiiing” takes the entire planning and implementation process into consiceration — tom office organization through the design phase and coordination ofthe execution planning, right up to actual execution. The focus toughiout ison the bulléng’s probity ‘The wide range of possible measures and strategies for implementing costettective execution presented provice Vatious ideas and stimuli for architects and planners. '= Housing, schools, industial buildings ~ costetfective planning fer all types of bullaings 1& Wood, steal, concrete and brickwork - citferent materials allow for incividual solutions = Competent plansing nelp dravin trom practice Scroll online ‘through the book tatu tatoos Dehua Gri Co, KO Ptah 0064 O10 Mnh-CEFMNY-T+49@9801620.0-F: 49 60890670-E mle. Order online at i yy ») X ) yy yy \) us vy possess Seq ; oso coRee Soa oSs : ee SSSsies ESS eps sss oso Se eee ooo Glass = 1 = Winter garden as an efficient thermal buffer zone in the new zero-energy development in Ulft “Living aware - energy efficient ving”. The “bomenbuun” development in Ure Dut town of Ul (in the province of Gelderland) represents family-iendly living in a madam, green residential development. Here, young {and old alle can enjoy comfortable and, ‘above all, eneray-neuval Iva, For tie zero-energy houses in this develop- ment the fist project ofits kind in the Netherlands - architects and engines eloped a strong energy concept. w Ingulated winter gardons act ae tompara ture regulating thormal buffer zonos. They wlp bath to heat the homes and sii cantly boost energy input. read, intial tesis have shown that a pleasant indact temperature of 2010 25 degrees is possible wth out-door temperatures of minus 4 de ‘gre0s and sunenine, lise the dual goals of energy-neutral building and lving ina way that causes min imal environmental impact, architectural ser were put out lo competitive Dutet housing association Klamps, together with the town of Ui. In ad dition to urban integration of the new devel- ‘opment, the combination of energy-neLtral owner-occupied (semdetached houses) ‘and zero-eneragy rental properties called for a varied architecture, which fs characte bby a mix of forme and materials and the use af ecclagieal materials, nat to mention sus- building services. Another criterion was accessibility, wih extra large doors and its for the upper floors as well as wide stroais with plenty of graon spaces and seating to encourage social interaction the community The architectural tien AFX from Hengelo, inion won te competion, designed an a tractive 20r0-energy development for the nants and owners of "bemenbuunt". The development of 61 south-facing properties comprises three completely cifterent types cf semi-detached house, The attrective, a Cchitecturaly very citferent, semi-detached houses are complotel thetmal energy and two-storey winter dens, which act as adaitional thermal bu anes, The geatnermal energy and the pre heated air tom the winter gardene are used ly 1 heat the ving spaces, Ofthe 61 properties, $9 are earmarked ior rental and 22 tor onmer-occupation To en: 16 litte energy loss, the bulkdings are very pact. The two-storey, 17.6 m? winter garden i unineulated by design and was bull onto te south side of the homes to hamess passive sclar energy. lineludes the upper windows of the homes, and offers an impressive ridge height of 6.37 m. Ata nelgnt of 2.50 m, an interior canopy is rmeunted an tre nouse to provide protection against eur and glare. The urinsulated single-plazed Sclarlix root systern “SDL Aminition” was used for the ‘oot, which nas a pitch of 38 dagrees hare ‘Tho aluminium aystom vith oxtomal suc tural members faciitates a varioty of con: structions in addition to the standard types. Integrated skylignts, which open ard close {automatically provide ventilation forthe win= or gardens, Steel reinforced rafters and eaves enaure that the root system nas a igh load capacity and maximal distancos bbatween posts, Furthermare, the system is largely prefabricated, which ensures short lation times and considerably reduces ‘At the ollents' request, the roof construction vas combined with SL 45 vaticalfked ala The uninsulated aluminium system cos arrow frame sections, whist cir cumferential sealing systems on two levels provide a nigh level of wind and rain resist: ance. The strong hollaw chamber sections ~ with an instalation depth of 45 mm — have XY yy )) yy) XY yes XXX) By yyy Wy) yyy) yyy A} N yy yy YF yy \) X ) \) Wy) yyy yy i XX Bs yyy X) \) » \ MA} x») \ X) \» X) i \) 4 ) Dp Wy) WY yy MK) + “ by) yy x » +t Y) % Ky vy i) <> SSSSSSSCS HOSA . ) \) \) y D N xy PY py XX » % A) ‘\ ‘“, y y) by Dy % o A eax ej ‘ yy OKALUX insulating glass with metal inserts reflects shimmering Light from COKATECH nts expanded auninun Ofc ting, itapat, Ox |C2 abe Pr Ancitects Sade, for [C2 the facade. Outstanding design and attractive highlights - OKATECH bros: sched prove Mind al bonded comes pits dens the creative scope for architects, The sophisticated materials in the for maximum strength. Access to the winter garden is gained trough a double turing dloor witn the samo trame system, cavity soily disperse daylight into the building. At the same time they offer effective sun, glare and blind protection al in one. 1 Solarlux Systors Liited United Kingdom +44 (0)170 73.39.970 vow solariux We tuen your ideas into glass. OHALUH We take architectural glass a step ahead. COKALUK GmbM | 0-97828 Marktheidenfeld | TeL: +49 (0) 9391 800-0 | Fax: +49 (0) 9397 900-100 | | wank com Curtain walling The new £53 millon Harlepoo) College of Furtner Education designed by Bond Bryan Architects features extensive use of alumin- ium facade systems from Technal MX Visible Grid taceted curtain waling pro \ides floor-to-ceiling glazing for the two-sto ray main entrance elevation and to the rear facade, which spans tour storeye and en- closes the food court and Learning Cor Tha system was also used forthe sina curtain walling to the werkshop 2 fulk-noight glazed entrance lobby and three ‘tat towors. Ths is complemontod by Fer high-performance aluminium windows. A tal of 00 of these units was installed. T FXi window suite uses a tachnicaly ad vanced traming system with unabtrusive narrow signtines O Technal United Kingdom 4 (oyr924 echnalco. 328 Contemporary glass in a heritage setting Preserving the atmosphere and heritage of centuries-old arciitecture wrilat meeting Contemporary structural requirements is at ways demanding, and a recent project at St Peter's Church, at Ounchurch near Nott ham, was typically challenging, The bells of ‘StPeter's have been pealing since 1724 but Unt rocenty tne ringors coped with a bel ringing platform located deafeninay close beneath the bells themselves, However, a recent legacy paved the way for {a lowered ringing floor, but this had to blend uth the oxistng architecture. HE Architects cf Rugby has designed a new ringing cham ber inside the tower, wits the original floor ming the celing of the new roem. The scheme relied heavily on glass to ensure ‘matt didn't detract trom the stained glass window oF block the flow of ight into the church whilst providing an acoustic battior Glass specialist lon Glass was comnis- Sioned to undertake the work. The company faced several design challenges. The trade to protzet the stained glass window 'ad ta be ina eingle span with bespoke fh- ing brackets set into the angled stone re- veals af the arched window. The balusbade was produced in 21.5 mm laminated glass, with appropeate brackety to hold the ala surely but unabimusively. A docr and lass scroan across tne front of the ringing chamber were produced in several seo tions. Plus a single panel of Pianar glazing vias made tofit across the apex of the arch, into a bespoke stainless channel tat was ‘made to tne exact snapa of the stonowork “Tho door tothe chamber pivots on stainleas ingas between two side screens, which are reinforced by stuciural glass fins to ensure "stability ofthe Installation whether the ed, and stainless ste! hape ofthe arch, doer is open or clo handles reflect te 1 Ion Glass United Kingdom DETAIL Prize 2012 th BAU 2013 d Submit your projects online now! In tine with our koy compotence, DETAIL Is again sooking architecturally demanding, al roady completed projects for this year's DE- TAIL Piize. These projects must be able to convince through inrevative details incor rated in an overall coherent concent. A eww things have changed in the fith awards pr ‘cadure for tis prize, As of new, tere are oniy tWo prizes that can be won: the main prize of 5,000 euros as the DETAIL Prize 2012 and the so-called Reader Prize. he winner of the main prize wil be picked by our internationally ronownod jury, com posed of Pritzkor prize-winnors Richard Meier (1984) and Nerman Foster (1990) a well as Odile Deca, Jurgen Mayer H., Volker Staab, Graham Stik and our DETAIL Prize Winner af 2011 David Ghippertei, allo \whose support we are lacking forward to ‘enormously. However, your opinions are just as important fs the vercict of our jury. For the frst time, you can theretore determine who isto win the Reader Prize. In August and September 2012, wa will bo presenting our nominated projects on our homepage in bie Intemet From these, you can choose your favourites forthe Reader Prize by clicking on them With the mouse, The project that has had the Wier Gari) by David Chpoerialé Aronects ant nit Chiisian Alceers ‘most clicks by 20 September 2072 wil be rowardad with tho Feadcr Prize, The two winners will honeured at an ex: clusive awards ceremony in Batlin on 22 November 2072, Here, you will be able to meet wellknown perscnailties from the inter rational architecture and culture scare as well as frorn rosearcr, poles and industry, Within the frariework ofthe awards corer ry, DETAIL will be moderating an exchange of ideas between professionals, most ct Whom will be former DETAIL Prize winners You oan submit your projects to participate in the DETAIL Prize 212 at any immo up to 31 July 2072. Projects anywhere inthe workd are allowed as long as they were completed after 7 January 2008. Upto three project cean be submitted by ary ane applicant. The ccammplete application documents must b Lbmitted by 31 July 2012 and only online. (On our homepage, we have set up a ques tions portal where we will publish all elevant questions ans answers relating tote OE TAIL Prize 2012 We look forward to receiving your projacts and to the chance to welcome the winners personally inthe context of the awards cere: ‘mony in autumn in Bertin DETAM Mee 2012 All dates at a glance 1 June 2012: Start of online submissions 31 duly 2012: Final data for suomissione 20 Aug. to 20 Sept. 2012: Online vatin 22 Nov. 2072: Awards ceremany in Sarin sury David Chipporield of David Calpportola Arcaiteots Lendor/Berliv/Mllan/Shangral Odile Deca of Oxile Decg Bencit Cometts arctitectes urbanistes Paris Nerman Foster of Foster + Partners Londory ‘Abu Drabi/Hong Kong/Mladhia/New York Jurgen Mayor H. ot Jurgen Mayor H, Architekton Berlin Fichard Molar of Richard Meier & Partrars Architects LLP New York/Los Angeles Volker Staab of Staab Architekten Berlin (Graham Stirk of Pogers Stik Harbour + Partners London/Madria/Sydney/Shanghal Premium partner Beau 2013 Main sponsor II GARTNER Register free of charge new and submit your projects online by 31 July 2012 at: wwwdetailde/detaiiprize in Shining mirrors ‘A new development alongside Franiurt in tematlonal Airport, the Squaire sts above the cly’s Hah-speed train station and next tote motorway. The structure, designed by USK Arctitelten, is the size of two ‘norizon- tal’ skyscrapers, at 650m long, 65 m wide tnd 45 m (nine stories) high. tis aptly dubbed New Work City and encompasses shops, restaurants, health club, conference and event spaces, offices and two hotels. JOI-Design was responsible for the interior design of the maforty ofits public atnums. lounge, tood and beveraga, event epaces, and both hotels: the Hitton Garden Inn, and the Hilo Frankfurt Airport hotel. For the lat- ter tre dasigners conceived the Giobe, a glimmering, ceganically curved 470 m? x BB motre-nigh ‘bullding-wathin-a-building’ at the cast ond of the structure, an impressive bualroom dosigred to accommodate very large events and meetings. itis clad with i= regularly shaped mirrored glass mosaics, from langmen City Uaro Art Mesaies. The varying heights and three-dimensionally curved shapes of tie Globe's walls and root ‘meant the installation of the exterior mosalc cladding needed to be precisely planned in lorder for te 1,200 sqm total area to have a Uniform appearance. The most cnallenging ‘sepect of the tle instalation was the transi tion from straight to rounded walls et te ett and right comers of te maln entyance fa- ade, This threa-dimensional curve requted single chips be laid tie-by-tile to achieve an ‘aesthetically harmonious progression from ‘the walls to 190 ct, 1D Jiangrnen City Uare Art Mosaics Ltd China ‘2 +86 750 3086101 vwwuarcle.ccm, 1D JOLDesign GmbH Innenarchitokten Germany +49 [0\40 68842110 1204 DETAR Triple glazing for Antarctic research station ‘A new Indian research station in the Antarc- Ui features high-performance alurriniun Glazing systems irom Wicona that wil have te withstand some of the most extreme con ditions cn earth. Designed by Hamburg bbased architects Bot Architekten, the re ‘search station Bharati is sted onthe Antare {ic coat, and will bo subject to tho sovare climatic conditions of the South Pole, includ- ing abnormally high thermal and mechanical loads caused by blizzards, huge quantities, tt snow, high wind speeds and tempera- tus of “40° and bolow. {A large proportion ofthe building's facade willbe glazed using a specially adapted Wictae 50 curtain walling system that wil achieve a U-value of 0.8 Wim?K. The sy- tem feature triple glazing, highly insulated panel, and an incline of up to 18° at the Wo narrow ends. The systom also had to allow for the assembly and disassembly ofthe fa- cade for testing purposes in Germany be- fore the fra installation inthe Antarctic. Sclomtiste and logstce stat will Eve and workin the station all year round. Incorpo- rating a high level of glazing into its design ‘means the 25 staff will rave a magnificent View of thei polar location and t wil also help counter their sense of confinement = ame ‘The team wil cary out mult-disciplinry re search and observation studies, including the movement of platonic plates, microbes surviving in the atmosphere and meteoro= legical sciences harass India’s tira research base In Ant arctica. The two-storey stuctur is raised cn silts, and is designed to have a lifespan of 25 years, as well as to minimise any impact fon the envircrment. [twill use ccmained and power rom renewable sources for heating, low-qulphur fossil fuel and feature offcient woamant of effort, with all naz- ardous and sanitary waste being vans: ported back fo the mainland for disposal. “The weight of the research station is ateund 1,G00 tonnes and comprises 134 profabri cated modules, which have been trang. ‘ported by ship irom Antworp to Cape Town, In South Attica a further 50 modules that make up the constuction camp were taken ‘on board forthe 5,200 km journey by sea to the site in the Larsemann Hilson the next fem edge of the Antarotic. The echeme is scheduled for completion later tis year 1D Wicona, United Kingdom me +44 (0}845 602 8799 Multifaceted crystal facade appearance Prominenty located with a view over the harbour at Copertagen, the new Nreadquar- ters of the Danish Nykredit Bank nestles be- tween historical brick buildings and medern glazed architecture. The appearance ofthe stuctur, Is dictated by its glazed facades Incomorating Scholgles GEWE-therm and GEWE-safe glass products. Depending on the Incidence of lig, tre facade elements produce a rellectve or transparent effect. ‘The building envelope itself rises in a dra matic tit above @ nexagonal, gomstone: shaped floor plan. in contact with the ground at only a single point and a single ling tits base, the structure culinates in an elevated apex stretching out towards the city. Two triangular aria rise up through all x levels and daliver natural light to the worketations. By superpositioning the hexagonal floor plans ever the two thangular atria each ind Vidual fleor is given a 2-shaped layout, wath the various areas intercarnected by bridges, stalrcasce and glazed lite, In order to create an open interior, tree of supports, that could be used flexibly, the plex supperting structure is located in- terrally, rectly behind the facade. A welded-stee! dlagrid system distributes the load and gives tie building is igi On tie outside of the steel avid, the enve- lope is formed by a mulion-transem con situction with a double-skin glass facade. “Triple layer mutunction glass was chosen to provido effective tharmalineulation whils being neutral in vansoarency and appear: ance. The pangs also feature 7G| eda bonding fo optimise the thermal ranster from trame te lass, reducing energy cor sumption, As the building, designed by Schmit Ham- mer Lassen Architects, incorporates a high percentage of glass. GEWE:thern sun wi 8 Planistar 70/40 coating was species to deliver optimum daylignt into the interior while detecting longwave infrared radiation, to avoid excessive interior heating, ‘The triple-pane insulating glass was also Used ae safaty glass on the ground fear for balustrades and ceiling areas, and as stepped ineuiating glass forthe trameless ccorner glazing on vertical corners. The second facade skin comprises a lam: nated safety glass curtain wall made of sin gle-pane sotety glass in an aluminium frame. Some ofthe 2,000 panes are printed fon the outside with a ‘side one" weathe- proof ink applied using ceramic sike-screen printing. A dot matix of some 38 different dot combinations developed from the archi- tects' facade design, produce various de grees of ransparency on the facade, so that tho ightis olor reflected or in cthor aroas, shines through. The overall effect ofthese printed panes is a multifaceted, erystaltype appearance to the facade —hence the building's name — Crystal 1D Scholgias Germany sm +49 (0)35242 47 260 Fire resistance fering a wide range of fire-resistant glass options with vatying levels of protection, the Ccompostion of Schot's Pyran range pushes the boundaries of tacrnolagy to produce a versatile and Figh-performing product, says the company. The monolithic borcsiicate {lass is refined by thermal tempering and. manufactured ina micro feat facility ~ said to be the only one of ts kind lr the wo giving a performance claimed te be superior to conventional safety glasses with a soda- lime composition Itie designed to meot the requirements of fire resistance classes E 30 to E 120, wth in- tegrity maintained for up to 120 minutes on large panes due to the higher softening tem- peratures. Sales manager Martin Brown ‘commented: “Schott nas a praven record ot product Innovation and durability, a6 well a8 a comrnitmont to thorough testing and qual ity contol Allfra-resitant glazing products camry CE Imarlong to ensure production consistency ‘and compliance with European product standards, as well as recelving rigorcus ex ternal accrediation, so we have full conf dence in the optimum performance output” ‘The muttunctional product range can be Used for all applications that demand high salety requirements, without compromising the clean look of glass even on very large expanses of fire-resistant oughaned glass, including facades and partition walls as well as seflgnts, doors, roots and smoke sscreons. Pyran S is used 38 pa of fully ¢lazod, minimally framed doors and butt fainted in steal frames for 69 minutes protec tion, Both applications maximise light pene tration within a building whilst still maintain ing fire integrity 0 Schott United Kingdern “+44 (0)1785 223 166, Lighting & Control The LED - more than a new type of lamp Light + Building 2012 in Franitutt clearly showed that the march cf te LED is ungiop- able, and we are slowly beginning to real- ise just how profoundly itil change the lu rrinaire industry. Armin Schart, a freelance autor taks to experts at Erco about chal lenges and chances. ‘amin Shark The whole ight scene, ft gems, | mesmerized by the LED. But how much of a breakthrough is this fectnology in actual fact? David Kuntzsch: The LED Ie Inclped a muon talked about aubjoct, it sooms nothing olso exists any mare. When it comes to actual planning, however, things are litle more ‘complex. It's true that the LED is gaining {grcund, but conventional lamps continue to play a higrole ‘Andreas Blaut Working In development, | ‘can oni conf this. The LED has broken ‘away ftom earlier reservations and it's the nly technology we use now. ‘min Schart Ane what isthe situation in de Henk Kosche: The game. As far as I can ee, the LED has establishad itselfirnly over the last five years. llour current pro- ects are centred on this technology andthe LED fs a common occurrence in our daily work. nin Schart This means Erco has already ‘made the shit to LEDs? Anoreas Blaut: We are definitely past te ini tial stages, since we have bul up quite a {200d love cf new know-how across all our departments and successfully implomentad ‘2 number of major projects valving LED light, Having said that, we sti have along way t go. Looking at the forecasts, we can expect huge market potential here, espe- cially In euch sectors as museums, reall or outdoor lighting, David Kuntzsch In terms of coneaption, de- velopment and design, we are talking about big changes here. LED deliveries are al ready on a par with traditional lamps. The HIT lamp, of course, sill has particular sig- nificance for retal applications, especially where very large himen packages need to bbe made available at a comparatively rea- sonable price. ‘emin Scharf Vinat ars these naw skis that af@ requred for LEDs, what specifically nas changed at Erco? ‘Andreas Blaut: Where do we star? Initially, we found ourselves having to design LED PCBs, davelop entraly new optical systems, ‘and deviae clactronies to centr these LEDs, Using LEDs also means we need to procure them fst, and you need experts here whe ean communicate with the supp fers. Incoming QC processes, in tun, need ta.asnaae the quality of tte LEDS. In this \way, LEDs have brought a wave of change te every sector of our company. Armin Scharf Has this, as ware, developed into some sort of LED culture at Eica? Henk Kesohe: Yes, absolutely, The LEO has brought with ita continual precese of Change, me deal wit the new challenges facing us very openly, crtically analysing {and scrutinising each as they arise. Exactly What you should de with new tecrnologies. David Kuntzsch: LED culture for us means that things change for Erca, but not, ital pposelble, forthe customer and tier oro- cesses. The applications and approaches of ‘our component system acquired aver mary years remain identical, The light intensity distributions are exactly the same, only the lamp has changed. It moans we demon strata a high lovel of innovation wile ro rmairing reliable and predictable to te out side ‘Asmin Schart Is this a cantbuton to planning Cortanty in mes of change? Markus Gorres: Exactly. Designers wo ‘ged to ensure greater energy efficiancy for ‘8 concept based on low-voltage halogen lamps can do sa quite easily. We offar a so- 1204 DETAR lution withthe same characteristics, but ‘based on LED technology. amis Schart ip which segments in particular Is the LED much in use? David Kuntzscn: Based on the projects ak ready supplied, we tind the deployment in ‘museums and galloros using LEDs is dis: ‘proportionately large. At the same time, it's the market segment with the highest stand: ards in terms of ighting quality that is most {ctive in adapting to this new technolegy. “This fs haraly surprising in ight ot the LED. ‘characteristic, Tho National Gallery in Lon don employed thelr own team of experts to measure the quality of ligt in their laberato- ries for many morths, betore deciding en an LED soluticn in late 2070. Ever since we started offering luminairas with LEDS pro: ducing oven higher luminous fux, tier ‘markot soginents also started to show inter: fest Last year, fr instance, we were able to execute quite’a nuenber of challenging etal projects, some opting exclusively forthe LED, ‘Anni Scharf: The fact that especialy muse- ms are lacing the way here is remarkable, Din they cemalan the loudest about the lsappearance ofthe ight bulb? Markus Gorres: The loss of conventional Ia Candcacent sources haa been dramatisce ‘so much becauee alternative light sourcos such as the fluorescent lamp werent able to provide adequate colour rendering or bri liance. The LED now has assumed that pesi= tion, with even better characteristics. ‘Andreas Blaut: Looking at te techatcal Ccharacteristice ofthe LED, Lo. anargy sav ings, no IR or UV compenetin the light, the LED is indeed ideal forthe lluminaticn of art Henk Kasone: Thanks to our own optoelec- twonle ayeteme, our 20W LED spotigata to day are as offcient as 100W low-voltage halogen spots. With accent lighting playing such a crucial role especially i museums, the gain in tficiency is signficant DETAR 201204 ‘Arm Schar ret ui group of Ec oxen inthe ‘comearys neadauararsn Logeresreld, Garmary. {taleabout he gat LED tah og From at right rin Sehart nk Kose (Design), Dad Kirtasch Metkaing). Areas But Devebprr=, De Markus Gres (igiing Tecrnlagy David Kuntzsecn: And the colour temperature ‘of the LED dagan' change when almmed. That's important for a musoum, whore te items displayed in an exhibition are to be presented with the same level of ium: hanee. Diferences in distance between li minaires and exhibits means the lignt needa tw be dimmed, whien, when using nalogen lamps, results in an unwantod shit in tie colour temperature. Armin Sekar How does Erca define the ight quaity of LEDS? David Kuntzscr: Light quality has diferent meanings for aifferent people especially when taking about LEDS. There are the ob- jective, measurable ight qualtias, such as colour temperature or colour rendering. For Us, these are ~ in overstated terms ~ hy: iene factors. As a technology’ driven com: pany, it goes without saying that we uso Chips guaranteeing the highest colour ren- dering and a defined colour temperature, For mary market players that's all there is to light qual; for us fs actually just the be- {ginning For us, light quality also means {thinking ttom the targat surface. Vorical il minanea, for instance, is all about unitorn vallilurination using an asymmetsical fight distribution. We need, therafere, to come up with a lighting technology that reproduces ‘exactly wnat our customers have been ac ccustomad to for many decades. Utimately, we provide our customers with laht, net lu minaires. That's actualy Erco's credo, Armin Sehart integrated Spherolt lens tech: hnalegy s ane particular aspect that makes Erco stand aut trom the rest. What are the advantages here for the desioner, the user? “Andreas Blaut: We combine a primary lens directly on the LED with interchangeable collimators and Spherclt lenses, meaning we provide a modular optical structure. It the parameters ofa lighting solution cnange, itig quite easy to exchange hese Iight-guid- ing components to produce a diferent light distribution, This has phenomenal advan- tages in practice and makes for great plan ning certainty. Markus Gorres: On topo that, we only need {to communicate one principle, tre customer ‘only neads to understand one principle. With i trey get a number of advantages on the side: less spil ight, better beam quality They can consistently combine luminaires t= rospoctive of thelr application. ‘Amin Schart There are compotiors who fl ow a diferont modularity principle in that thoy combine purchased standard elements, Is this nat an opti for Eo? Marts Gores Customers dont want us Justo deliver a downlight, thoy want the ‘whole spectrum of applications, from narrow beam accent lighting to uniform waliwash= ing. This would not be possible with stand ard modules. Honk Konche: We noticed early on that the advantages of LED technology can anly be roalised when you have a coherent overall system, The LED's efficiency and longevity is only achievable with superb thermal man- agemert. The same can be said for the role of electronic management in he overall sys tem, We almply nad no cheice other than to doal with each of these eloments individu ally and oplimise tiem as a system “Anmin Shark How is this reacted in the overah oficioncy? David Kuntzscn: Generally, the designer looks at the quantity of light generated and the eneray requited for I, ke. the ratio of i= mens to watts. In ou opinion, this falls abit short though. Lumens, afterall, only quartity the luminous fx generated by the lam, We are interested, however, in how much light arrives on the targot surtaco. Yet gen- trated light can be lost Inthe housing or stray somewhere on the wall as spill ight. Comparing our products with those of our competitor, we often register 50% to 10035 ‘moto lluminance on the target aurtace using the same amount of energy. Armin Schart What is the signifcance of vary- Cchrame technology which acs a white LED to the RGB system? ‘Andreas Blut Behind what is known aa. GBW technology lls the vision trat an Idoal luminaire that can produce saturated colours as wall as pasto-type whites and various colour temperatures. Marius Gores: RGB alone lent abla to achieve 8 contruous cclour spectrum oF ‘good colour rendering: RGB systems are actually sulted only for pure colour applica- tions. If luminaticn in white is required along with it, you will need an acitional white LED. The RGAW system provides en: tirely new posstolties especially In terms of colour renaition quality David Kuntzsch Mixing diferent colours in a single beam Is a challenge because, opl- cally, the diferent coloured LEDs are not in the same focus, You would normally get shadows behing an object with undesrable Coloured edges to the beam. Wwe have ap: proacnad this problam with our own solution ‘where the complete colour mixing oceurs as the Eights emitted from the laminate, 1 Erco Lighting Lt. United Kingdom @ +44 (0}20 7344 4900 vwuw.Etco. com. Lgting & onto: 428 Miniaturised shelf lighting \With its medular Micratoots LED eyetem, Zumtobel has launched a shel lighting sy {em thal cannot fal to impress on account of its minimalist design, high-quality woskmar ship and excellent ligating quality. The uv- obtrusive LED system is suitable for installa tion in or on wooden shelves as well as for surface mounting on glass and motal boards. A variely of easly combinable mod Ules is available to ensure versatile highly flexible iluminaticn = for general lighting, lighting accents of a combination of beth. In tho process, the LED technology incompo- rated domonatrates ts strengths within mint. ‘mum space: the miniatura lighting heads have beer integrated ito the medles to the greatest possible extent The front ring Used for aligning the spotignts and for re- placing the optios protrudes only 4 men from the module, ensuring that the lt saurcos. rornain virtually nuisible. The light provided presents the goods displayed to optimum, effect. Selective lighting accents emphasise ‘even the smallest precuct detals, present ing them as elegant nighlights. The LED ‘spots and gections in nigh quality thigh are made of slver anodised alumni. AAs the 1.2 WLED chips produce enly very litle heat, they may be placed close to the product or exhibit on alsplay. LED light is fo ‘cussed Inteligenty to perfectly meet al re ‘uiramants in the context of museum and shop design. Seam angjes ranging from Spot (16°) to Very Widelicod (68) ensure that selective lighting accents direct the customer's focus onto individual items wile loter shot aroae are iluminated uniformly, In exder to provide optimum authenticity and highlighting of each item, the Microtocls LED modules can be crdered in two cslour temperatures ~ warm and intermediate 1 Zumtobe! Lighting Ltd United Kingdom +44 (0)20 8589 1800 vmonzumtcbel co. 926 Ushing & const 1204 DETAR Building and design DETAIL mcclolleic) using dry construction Guide to the correct application of dry construction systems coe Detail Practice "Dry Consbuction” provides an overview cof current dry construction systems according to building Darts walls, celings, floors) and the'r application poten: tials a8 an ald to design and planning. Specific conetruc- tion drawings demonstrate common structural detals Fire and noise protection, which are of particular relevance in dry construction, are covered in detal as Programmable systems make things simple for end users Energy-saving lighting systems provider Helvar has announced the launch of uSee Imeriace, a web-based Interface with a range of innovative features for lighting sys tem management. Designed for use in con- Junction witn ts 970 and 820 Fouters, the Cf Eghting in commercial building environ rmenis," said Paul Wilmshurst, managing dt rector of Helvar UK. “Our new uSee inter- face takes things to the next level by provid ing information to the end user that gives an Instant overview of tne lighting system and fluidly of te Interir and the changes in oat (ou, texture arid surface finishes, te lighting scheme designed by Isometrix uses cold cathode light sources, which are embedded uithin the Euilding fabric and integrated into chandeliers to reveal the complex curves of are special structures, for example for moist spaces, ‘The general parts are complemented by built examples of oxating projecte with well-structured main details ‘This volume also contains coritibullore cn the application ‘fnew materials and points out the potentials of his building method. 1m System overviews ~ characteristics, ew interface uses graphical laycuts that rakes control and adjustment of lighting _—the ntercr andthe interplay of materials. In proceseing and arece of application display real-time energy use and lichtlevel levels simplo and intuitive. This usar-tiondly _stallor Scomax Servicos chess tha lighting = Explanation of commen motnods of settings that can be monitored and adjusted — interface will make end users more aware of control provider based on past experience Construction using exemplary details te suil conditions, The systemis said tobe how energy is being consumed and then, of werking with the company. (connections, cellng and fee layers) fully compatible with Mac, PC and other hopefully, rscuced.” f= Fire ard ncise protaction as well as web-accessing devices, such as the Pad ‘A482 dimmer provides appropriate levels of surface design in dry construction ‘and Anorold smartprone, Aligning control aystom from the compary contro forthe aystem, whien has a verloty ot ee ee 1 Selected exemplary projects lusrate The new product has applications in many fields, for example hotels, offices, retail healthcare, sports arenas and the eckication secter, cfering users the beneft cf manag Ing thei igrting ayatems i a simple ard i tultive way: recalling scenes, edting ligrting levels and using the aneray manitring soft ware to visualise the energy savings. “Al Helvar lighting systems are designed Io in crease energy savings and reduce the cost played a key pan in he design ct tne Foca London Gallery, winner ofthe Large Reta Project atthe Lighting Design Awards 2012. The new showroom at Imperial Whar, close te Chelsea Harbour was designed by arc tect Zaha Hadid to snowcaee Roca’ bath room products, taking inspiration trom the power of walor as a taneforring element. The lighting emphasises the relationship be- bbv2en the architecture of the space and the design of the products, Responding te the 'ro-programmed lighting scenes for day to day operation as well as bespoke eattings for the events held atthe gallery. Scene set- ting and adjustments via custerrfinish white Keypads and the system is also inte- ‘grated 98 part of a touch acreen controlled ‘audio viaual system, 1 Halvar Ltd, United Kingdorn me +44 (0)1302 202011 vw helvar com. r €05.00/¢3520/US8 55 /CHreS Siar Tarpicaae the potentials of ety construction Scroll online through the book Order online at 528 _Ushing &.conwot 1204 DETAR Unique hollow-centre circular circuit board contains all luminaire’s electronics ‘The Hub Weatminster lant immediately rec ognisable as an office, with tennis umpire sive hignchaits and a randomiy placed greenhouse. However, the concept of tis {ar rom the standard office format. The Hub Network Is a rapidly expanding movement ‘itn 30 Hubs around the worl, The network was established in 2004 in Lon- don and Hub Westminster isthe lalest anc largest in the netwerk, which offers a werk- Ing space for hire to entrepreneurs and cre- ative startups. Lighting in this creative space is by way of an installation of over 100 bis luminaires frem Spectral, which were chosen tor ter stylistic match with this new philasaphy in mice design, ‘Tho clcularTS luminaire was corsidered the perfect complement to ths stylish inte- Flor. More than one-hundred Iris kiminaires ina tansparentfinih have been inatallac in the various zones of The Hub, with the bal: ‘anced up/dawniight output ensuring an even, chadow-iree light across all arzas. Covering 12,000 sq provides modern ‘werk space and meeting rooms, a forty pe son cate lounge, a lecture theatre and ino vation worksron space. ‘Backed witn a £3m social investment fund, ‘The Hub project isthe brainchild of C./ a London-based strstegy and desian practice with a foundation in delivering awaed-win- ring architecture Hub Westminster Is located on the South Bank in wnat was once a tational cffico ‘space which has been stripped out and completely redesigned, All suspended ceilings have been removed {and services oxposed. Ths tansparent fin- |g of Irie relate thi lock with all ntorral wiring and control gear on view, {An additional feature on the suspended ver ion of ris installed at Hub Westminster are the integrated suspension vires that double ‘a8 cupply cables eliminating te need to boring the i foad into the fting Rea "The entire Spectral range showcases de- ign that s2ake to bend the rulas and having heard about the Hub project and the ap- proach of 00: we know we'd like to be a pat of land were confident that we would find the right iting forthe site,” says Mike Attard, managing director of Ri Lighting in the UK. He adlded, “The designers cleared ‘out tne colings and the rat run of comicors to open the space right up, cur Iris model, with tre exposed circu board, means the bicod-and-guts of te fting are exposed. We were happy that this was the right lum: naire for the seting." With such an open in- terior design and abundance of luminaires, there is no shortage ct light” In the Imovation Greenhouse this insisterioe Conlightis showcased to is fullest. The 8.78. sqm greeshouse is used as a meeting room and seeks to provide an alternative, in- spring spacs to stage meetings. Win the ‘lass panole inviting ight Into the space. ga far cry roma gloomy, often overlooked ‘boardroom, “The fitting itset comprised an anodised alu- ‘minium nousing, containing alow glare reeded micro-priam offfuser, wrapped in @ transparent clear acrylic case. It's available Ina range of colours and can be custom tak lored to match any corperate identty. All versions feature @ unique hollow centre which is possible by means of @ bespoke Circular circuit board tat contains all Ye lu- rminalre electronics, Al the Hub ths is lett ‘open but also has the option for a covered ‘The Hub Westminster has proved to be the Ideal enowease for Spectal’s wider design «ethos — with its cuting-edge design, expert engineering and pertermance and use of with products that are that bit different. ‘Avaliablo ln surface mounted, suspended, wall mounted or recessed versions, with fully custorrisable decorative interior colour {olls, lis is suited to a wide range of appl Cations, from the boarciroom right through to ofice and care areas, 0 Ridl Lighting United Kingdom sm +44 (0)1279 46096 vying cok. Inspirations for well-being best of HOUSING NEW Aor 2012| 2D ages wth rurerous Giawinge anata. Bingua Gortanvens.en Bi e302 om Poparbock, isev ore semcoact 60. 0 Tr United Kingdom +44 (0)1245 403463 com Access & Smart Home Technology Passengers’ needs well served by luxurious new “The new terminal for Middle East- and UK- bbased Rizon Jet at Biggin Hill nas been de- signed by architects SHH to offer aluxurl- (us environment far its passengers. It fea: tures custom-designed technology from Tliman Demetics, with all MBE and audio: Visual elements incorporated without visible workings, 60 as not to dieturs the clean nas {and the sloek look ofthe space. The brief from client GSSG Holdings P.S.C. of Qatar was to create @ comfortable launge feel with references to European modernise as well ‘88 tno group's Gatarl heritage. Tho results described as having tho opulence of a ‘seven-star hotel reception, The double-height structure features marble floors and crystal pendant lights set into walnut veneered, suspended coling rat. SHH nas dlvidod the apace to create a ve ‘los of intimate zonod lounges on the 478 = 'm ground floor and also on the mezzanine level - all of them subtly diferent. & circle of floor-to-ceiling metalic columns, piarced terminal ith stare, delineates the first of the walting areas. The interior Is remarkably signage free, therefore terminal staff must be on hand to direct passengers and explain the sevvices offered, further promoting a feeling of being leoked etter. ‘A notable feature is tre sance of privacy Created by the many curved walls and Screens, in shaded glass ot pierced with Eastem-style motifs. Upstairs are facilities for children and familes, for eating, dink Ing, washing and rolaxing, Thero Ie alao a purpose-built prayer room. Adjacantis a ‘Spacious business suite. Coffee and cream hues are Used throughout the seating areas, accented with orange and yalow to create a bbackctlop for pieces of bespoke furiture. ach ares has its oun auidio-vieual technot ogy incorporated into tne decor, including invisible’ spoakors fitted in walls and col: ings, and touch panels in the consola and Coles tables to contre the AV and the light ing. Inone ground-floor waiting zene, a 1204 DETAR crystal mirar soreen camouflages a TY that ‘seeine to disappear when notin use. Con- twols had to be clear and comprehensible for the wida range of nar-English end users who need an intuitive interface to access TV ‘channels, Sky sate channe!s and Blu Fay movies, whist staf require more com pprahonsive contralto soe large graphical floor plane and access everything from Video conferencing and blinds, right down to individual ight tings, Four Pads were specially programmed to allaw stat com> pleto control over every aapact ofthe Into rior from wherever they aro inthe building, 1 Tilman Domotics Products United Kingdom = +44 (0)20 7078 9302 ‘ww: tlImandematies. cam. 0 SHH United Kingdom sm +44 (0)20 8600 4171 Simply great? Lett Building Simply Two NEW June 2012 (Creston Snton (Ea Ben ih stick, Sonne er 6 posagerpackna Yat tapatesbe DETAIL in Detail Finding the key to simplicity {As innovation and naw developments in tachnology now fotow leach other faster and faster, making yesterday's architectural ar {aces today’s constuction reais, there's already a movernent to returto the essential things in Ife: be ita quest fr sustahnabilty, \which impfes baske principles such as incorporating a region's Iwoologies and meterlls, o for reasons of expense, whien often prompt a search fr effin! designs or manufacturing technology, ‘r even aesthetic reaurements that allow people to step out of our Incressingly nosy and neteregenecus erwiorment. However, achieving simpy In design bales te enormous mount o ator {oquiroc to plan and roalco toss types of architectural desions. Tras wtiy the publication “Bulling Simply Two" ~ just as volume ‘one ~ aims to look behing the facade, Wel-known authers who are exper in their ils investigate the particular solulons usactin & Construction project in tens cf design ane constuction, inclucing rmeterial selection, cost efficiency and sustainably. ‘= What does “Building Simply’ mean - does it always moan simple? Does ‘simaly" always imply cheaply? Or perhaps not? 1m “Simply” tums oul to be mult-faceted ~ from design to sustainabilty 1m Aestheticaly demancing practical examples selected from the complexity ofthe simole invite you to realise your nn idoss, ‘Sorat nine ‘through the book 9396079: E male de. Order online at fo1 _ Aesese§ Smart Homa Tesnnalogy Security with style ‘The Comfort inteligent Home System, a smart home automation system available from Cytech Europe, has extended iis de- sign options with a versatile new range of fush-mrounted LOD keypads with inter- Changeable trames ina variety of material, styles and colours. The KPO6 range can be mounted elter hot zontally or vertically and can be customised to suit the individual design schemes othe rooms in which they are filed, Examples of ‘the faceplates include Eanrit mint coloured lass, chrome, wood and aluminium, and a black translucent ABS plastic frame with a builtin infrared signal receiver ‘The new keypads can arm and disarm Com fort's KNX enabled, advanced intruder ‘alarm system ae well 28 contral pro: {grammed lignting, heating, air condoning and other home appliances using the home Control voice menu, which quides the user through all erations, {An ir-nouse intercom facility acte with door slations outside the building and the keypad can also be used to record and play back messages. An adcitionsl benefit ofthis new range is that iis designed to tt standare System 86 KNX trames from Gira, Merten, sung and others, “The product was designed after close con sultalion with major customers and has been in development for more thana year," Commented Oytech Europe drectr Chiu Lu ‘Yung. He wont on to say, “Tho KPOS wth its ‘mounting options and choice of facoplatos will give architects and interior designers the possbbilty of closely matching the prod: ct with switches and other devices which ‘must also share the wall space.” 1D Gytoch Europe United Kingdom +44 (0}20 8139 8325 \wawetech biz. 1204 DETAR Dual option home automation solution for security with style ‘Smar technology is rapidly becoming a part ct dally Iie, and vl goon be commonplace Inallnew-bulld homes. The scale of the twansicration is evident when looking at the latest devices that have been developed to Control a new generation of functions, ‘Tho Arteor wiring device and home automa: tion range thom Legrand is designed to combine state-of-the-art technology with cutting edge style, te appearance of ts bevelled profile giving the ilusion that prod- Lets aro Toating’ on the wall, reminiscent ot flat soroan design. The products deliver ac- cose to gmart technology irom what would traditionally have been a dedicated witing device platform, From ewitches and sockets through to ad vanced neme automation systems, the range offers a wide array of stand-alone and system functions, making it sultable for com ‘metcial and residential projects ‘These include tuly customisable lighting {and scenario controls, a 10 inch multimedia touch screen and a universal dimmer for all types of ight sources, including compact fluorescent lamps and LEDs. The rockers ‘come in two different forms ~ round and ‘square — wnlen factate ntuve use. The {dual option of BUS (SCS) and radio tre quency (Zigbee} home automation solutions means the devices can be easily Ierlaced vith other systems, The BUS techrology op- erates on a 2-nire netwerk, is suitable for all smart technology applications, and suits both new build and major refurbisnment “Those produets nava the advantage ct bo: Ing able to communicate with other eystems such as DALI and KNX, while the compa- ny ZigBee prociucts allow fer communica tion where cabling is rot possible, The wire eas option operates on tho 2.4 GHz tre ‘quancy band and uses the principle ot mesh networking, which means that if 2 a rect link between two devices is nt possi- ble the netwerk will automatically search fer another chanel to keep the installation up land running. ‘The key dference between the two systems: Is that BUS products only communicate with products that are physically connected by ‘cables, while Zigiee radia procucta are in stalled on the conventonal electrical intra tructure and configured directly from the product through 2 push and learn se ‘quence. This flexbilty of installation, which ‘extends to retoft projects, means ZigBee ‘and other wireless solutions are ideal for au tomating simple individual functions and tor extending existing nome autornation 2y5- {ems using BUS lechinology with the SCS protocol ‘Thenew generation of smart home cempo- rents requires a ft less specialist know ‘edgo on the part of the installer than was proviously neoded, and brings wireless sys: tems mare in fine with the average family’s requirements ala time when many are opt ing to refurbish their existing homes ratner than mewe, 1D Legrand United Kingdom 4 (9)845 605 4333. vyelegrane cok The influence of the material — DETAIL footie) application, design, aesthetics ™ Construction Materials Manual recon i avcnsthveie Tues wosentane Construction Materials Manual Mp Hee, Voir AuclnScena Ugites Fiche. Thorsten Posed, 2006 2 pages. wh approe 4050 darn 12070 100-089 150-/OHF 160— Siar arpicaae “Tho importance of choosing tho right building matoral for the porcoption, use and design of top quality architecture “Which building material is sutable for what purpose? Which ceramic coatings shuld be used as wall coverings {and which as floor coverings? With the same slab thickness, 02 8 composte Nat slab alow for greater snans than & Falntorced concreta flat slab? Doss it make conse to uso a sisal carpet in the enisyway oF would velour be bettsr? ~ O pethaps neither? How isa ‘new building material developed tothe pint tha it can be ublised!? The lst of questions whion arses aver the course ofa bulld- Ing process is long, but tho Consnction Materials Manual is ablo to provide the answers in the form of a vory usoful reference work. In addition, 25 inetnationel examotes ofthe ‘esthelic ulsaticn ofthe dacumenies material - some very traditional, some very innovative ~ are iastrated in deta Material properties, mater example constructions = Unique composition of sustsinsbilly variables for inelviduel materials = Standards + guidelines: vith the new EN designations = Tradtional and innovative use of materials Intre 21st century 1 spplications, Serollontine ‘through the book Order online at 96 Aesese§ Smart Homa Tesnnalogy Smooth operator Claimed to be unique inthe market, Motion tsutomatic door operators from Tormax utt= ise an in-house designed and manta tured asynchronous moter. Unike DC pow: fered operators, these over-engineered mo- tors do not require gears and brushes to ensure smooth door opening and closing Witiout the working parts tatrogularly ‘eed replacing, these operators can deliver a really increased life expectancy, says the company ~ often as much as 15 to 20 years atter installation, “Tho range of door oporators is tho result of extensive research and development at the Company headquarters in Switzerland and is said to he one of the most advanced sys tems on the market today. Bohng botn goarioss and brushiace, win vir tually no working parts to fall, makes tho mo: tors a sustainable solution as well as provid ing near-silent operation. In action, the speedy response to approaching fot attic helps to enaure eneray efficiency by min: rising heat lose trom the building. The oe erators are fully compliant vith ROHS (Re- sition ofthe Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electro” Equipment) standarcs and are testad well i ‘excess of current Industry requirements of ‘one milion eyeies. Furtner enhancing their sustainability, the preducts are uniform in design, whather itis 8 swing, siding or revelving entrance. This ‘means that i requirements for the entrance change over tims, tre unit can quicily anc ‘casly bo adapted to moct new circum stances. All systems are also equipped with the sane contols and user inerlaces, sig rifcantly simplitying maintenance and oper ation of all doors 1D Tormax United Kingdom +44 (0)1982 298040 Swing door package Premier-Swing 86 is a new automatic door ‘operator from Global Automatics, Designed. specifically to automate existing ening doors of mest types, the compact package is ust 85 mm deep and sits ahove the door frame wth an arm to the door ise. In rrost cases, tis a simple matter of screwing the head Unit onto the wal, putting an arm on it and pressing a button. All sensors are then pluggedin, and tie door is ready for auto matic operation Whore a beapoke installation is aquired thls Is easily achieved wth the many elec tronic features. ‘The new door operator has all th features built-in with a user-iendly self-diagnostic yatem via dlaplay to select multiple options {and also to Identity any fauts on the system. Ithas an advanced specification 2s stand- ard, integrating with electronic lecking sys- tems, intercoms, building management sy tems, andis ssid by the company tobe the only swing operator to faclitate battery back-up. It algo has dedicated Inputs for ac- tivation sensors, press pads, safsty sensors and electric locks (One of the aspects of automatic doors is their ablity to save energy by Imiting neat logs in the winter months and cooling costs Intie summer petiod. Also, whilst allowing access during the day they can be pro: ‘grammed for secure access in the evening. In adition, they have a tull diagnostics function and can link with firs alarms and control systoms. Capable of handling doors of any size up to 200 kg weight, Premier-Swing 8S comes vith an 18-montn warranty. 1D Global Automatics United Kinga sm +44 (0)845 649.0019 v global-automatics 1204 DETAR IP-based system Siedle has launched its IP-based access system “Access”. From the outside, the IP technology at the heart of the Access sys temis concealed from view, addtionally itis not resbicted to specitic IP devices. Access customers have unrestricted choice trom the diverse specttum of Siedle's the Vario, Classic and Stos!. The broad ‘spectrum of Siedle call stations is supple mented by concierge software, a virtual in- house telepnne which turns any network PC into a vides call station, a software mod: le for Intogration nfo no-Sleole systems {and the naw App for the IPhone and iPad Thenetwerk terminates at 2 door controller. From here to the door, the connection is tablished creating a transmission protocol developed by Siecle, which is a key secunty feature as It never routes any IP protocol 10 the outside. As the system doosn' take any IP protocel to the outside, even if someone breaks open a door unit and gains access to the cables thay will nt have access to the network. To configure and administer ‘Access, 2 web browaer and access rignis to the server are all hat are required The system including all connected devices | centrally configured and managed. The ‘Access specialist who understands the sys: tem can be based in any optional location, while most Installations camiad out on-site canbe performed by any P-qualiied in- Staller. Even in cases where a device has to bbe exchanged, this can be dane without any recontiguration, as the server has a central storage and backup function. The method Used for installing updates is smart ard highty efficient, They ere not loaded one de- vice at a time, but as a package via the sever. All devices independentiy update themselves to the correct scftware status 1 Siodie, Smarts Inteligort Homes Lid, UK 2 +44 (0)870 3516082 vwesmar3 vww.siedle. com Image storage ‘The Wandsworth Group has launched what Is eaid tobe the UK's frst door eniry system to offer picture capture technology as part ‘of a host of enhancements to ts Jung deor entry system range. ‘When launched in 2009, the system offered Ccomplately echo-{ree sluitancous speech vith fll duplex operation that removes vitu- ally all kackground noise or network interfer: lence. Since then, the product has under- gone a number of enhancements, including ‘now picture capture function which allows the occupier to take a sil plt.xe of any vio: torto the property via the 13 megapixel camera integrated into the external unit. ‘The system stores in excess of 100 pictures vith the oldeet ones being ovenwriten whon ‘the memory lpecorstul, each wth date and time information, providing a valuable reverd of calls made to the propery, In adalition, the doc entry systern's integra tion capabilities have also been enhanced and it can now interlace with PABX (VoIP system), PC and seftohone applications, making it possible to answer the door using B telephone or PC. Tre system is also fea- tured as a control on Jung's House in Hand IPhone app, making It possible to see who Is atthe door even when the user is nct even present in the property The new door entry system has also been Updated to atfer specifier and installer bene- Its too, The audio communications can naw oo revorited on wo wires and a row online tool also allows the design of bespoke plates, with an installer tutorial 1 aid instal lation. C1 Wandswerth Group United Kingdom +44 (0)1483718400 Frodvet Merraten hax Product Information Index Cost-ottective Building Wall provides a decorative sound better fo motonway noise (Ibstock Brick, Brick Development) Matetial-saving large-scale adaptive stuctore Reusable solution (Podpassive) Highsperfermance homes use sustalnable construction (Natural Buling Technologies} Budget-build (Mets Wood) Gloss jergarden as an efficient thermal buffer zane in the now zerorenergy development in Ut (Solar) ‘Gurtain waling (Tecnnal) Contemporary glass in a heritage setting (lon Glass) Shining mirrors (dangman Cty Uaro Art Mosaics, JOLDesign) Triple glazing for Antarctic research station (Wicona) Multaceted crystal facade anpearance (Schollgias) Fire resistance (Schott) Lighting & Controt “The LED - more than a now typo of lamp (Erco) Miniaturised shel lighting (Zumtobel Programmable systems make things simple fer end users (Hetvar) Unique hollow-cont circular board contains al uminaito's electronics (Fil) ROB colour-changing LEDs (Collingwood) Custom designed home automation (AWE Europe) Energy-efficient lamps eliminate glare (Havells Sylvania} fico luminaires upgrade Trlkx) Access & Smart Home Technology Passengers’ needs well orved by luxurious new air terminal Tilman, SHH) Security with style (Gytech Europe) Dual opticn heme autcmation solution for security with stye (Legrana) ‘Smoath operator (Tormax) ‘Swing-docr package (Global Automatics) IP-based system (Siecle, Smart Inteligent Homes) Image storage Wandsworth Croup) & REE a6 BEBBS & B& BB BS BBE SBBE BR a7 A subscription to DETAIL - yan Mecersty Review of Architecture 1) =a AN al =in\e || Seer order your subscription now Sates ‘State-of-the-art knowledge delivered to your home DETAIL is one ofthe world's most intuental arch: tectural publications, DETAIL English edition is published six times per year ~ since 2009 comple- ‘mented by two addtional DETAIL Green issues inMay and November. 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