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Cross Cultural


Submitted by- Shiv Pratap Sin

Submitted to- Mrs. Bhavna Kapo

>> Information about the culture

All Egyptians share a remarkable
attachment to important social
consider their family as an
integral entity which they have
to protect.
Egyptians are known to be the
most funny, friendly and helpful
nation of the Middle East.
Cross Cultural


Submitted by- Shiv Pratap Sin

Submitted to- Mrs. Bhavna Kapo

>> Information about the culture

A multicultural society where
modernity and western customs flirt
with traditions
Religious practices are moderate
but still deeply anchored in the
everyday life.

Cross Cultural


Submitted by- Shiv Pratap Sin

Submitted to- Mrs. Bhavna Kapo

>> Information about the culture

Major religion: Islam
About 90% of the population
are Sunni Muslims
About 10% are Coptic
Christians and others

Cross Cultural


Submitted by- Shiv Pratap Sin

Submitted to- Mrs. Bhavna Kapo

>> Information about the culture

Official language: Arabic
The Egyptian dialect is distinct from all
other arabic countries because of the
dominance of the media (television, cinema,
radio and music)
English and French widely understood by
educated classes
Cross Cultural


Submitted by- Shiv Pratap Sin

Submitted to- Mrs. Bhavna Kapo

>> Information about the culture

Ancient history, strong Islamic traditions,
modern pan-Arab political and intellectual
history and relative freedom
cultural capital of Arab world

Cross Cultural


Submitted by- Shiv Pratap Sin

Submitted to- Mrs. Bhavna Kapo

> Advices for dealing with Egyptians

Appearance what Egyptians appreciate

Conservative dress, suit and tie
Wearing Egyptian traditional clothing may be
offensive to the natives
Visible jewellery a No for men
Dressed modestly all the time for women
Even if it is extremely hot most of the part of body
should be covered
Professional look is an important aspect
Cross Cultural


Submitted by- Shiv Pratap Sin

Submitted to- Mrs. Bhavna Kapo

> Advices for dealing with Egyptians

First Meetings
Plenty of greeting styles prevail
it is safest to wait for your counterpart to initiate
Being punctual is not a priority
but arrive on time!
Expect your partner to be late or the
appointment getting canceled
Standard practice is to keep foreign business
people waiting

Cross Cultural


Submitted by- Shiv Pratap Sin

Submitted to- Mrs. Bhavna Kapo

> Advices for dealing with Egyptians

Coffee and small talk

usually meetings start with coffee and small talks
even if time is limited
Be careful: The coffee conversation and
drinks can
take too much time and you will fail
your other tasks

Cross Cultural


Submitted by- Shiv Pratap Sin

Submitted to- Mrs. Bhavna Kapo

> Advices for dealing with Egyptians

Communicating with Egyptians

Speaking distance
closer than in other parts of the world. Do not step back. In
their perception you will be an unfeeling person
Use simple words
like hello, please or thank you. You can expect to be
better respected
Do not be surprised if the voices are raised at some
it is not an argument, but just the way Egyptians discuss
Welcome topics of conversation
are Egyptian achievements, reputation of Egyptian leaders,
Egyptian cotton, sports
by- Shiv Pratap Sin
to avoid inquiring
about the female members
Submitted to- Mrs. Bhavna Kapo

> Advices for dealing with Egyptians

Egyptian agent
allow him to explain the major points of
your business in Arabic
in a short meeting, a translation can be
very useful
your points will be made much more

Cross Cultural


Submitted by- Shiv Pratap Sin

Submitted to- Mrs. Bhavna Kapo

> Advices for dealing with Egyptians

Business meetings are usually quite

One can expect interruptions by

phone calls, visits from the partners

family, friends, etc.
Fridays are off, its a Muslim holy day
The working week is from Saturday to

Cross Cultural


Submitted by- Shiv Pratap Sin

Submitted to- Mrs. Bhavna Kapo

> Advices for dealing with Egyptians

Business schedule:
In summer: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
In winter: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Different dates on paperwork:

One should make sure that it includes both dates- the
Gregorian (Western) and the Hijrah (Arabic).

Cross Cultural


Submitted by- Shiv Pratap Sin

Submitted to- Mrs. Bhavna Kapo

> Advices for dealing with Egyptians

Business Cards
Should be printed in English on one side and in
Arabic on the other
When an Egyptian gives you a business card it is
polite to make a nice comment about it or make a
question:When are you available at your office?

Cross Cultural


Submitted by- Shiv Pratap Sin

Submitted to- Mrs. Bhavna Kapo

> Advices for dealing with Egyptians

Business Meals
String muslims will not touch alcohol or
One should ensure that there is a
selection of non-alcoholic drinks available.

Cross Cultural


Submitted by- Shiv Pratap Sin

Submitted to- Mrs. Bhavna Kapo

> Advices for dealing with Egyptians

Mannerism what Egyptians appreciate

One should address Egyptians with their titles
titles are viewed with pride. If there is no title, a courtesy
title is appropriate.

Sit down with both feet on the floor

showing the bottom of shoes could be a signal of ignorance

Hand gestures are often considered rude

Eye contact is important
taken as a sign os honesty and trust
Cross Cultural


Submitted by- Shiv Pratap Sin

Submitted to- Mrs. Bhavna Kapo

> Advices for dealing with Egyptians

Mannerism - Difference between women and

Eye contact with
- appreciated
- too much intimate
- avoid any hint of intimacy

Welcome with

- hug to express warm welcome

- hold a hand, means friendship
- never expect that type of behaviour
Cross Cultural


Submitted by- Shiv Pratap Sin

Submitted to- Mrs. Bhavna Kapo

> Advices for dealing with Egyptians

Mannerism - Left hand

is considered unclean

should avoid gesturing

is acceptable to use if you have to lift something


Cross Cultural


Submitted by- Shiv Pratap Sin

Submitted to- Mrs. Bhavna Kapo

> Advices for dealing with Egyptians

Mannerisms - Right hand

Arabs greetings
Men shake each others hands, placing left
hand on the right shoulder, exchanging
kisses on each cheek
Kisses are acceptable between the same
sex in public
Westernised Egyptian men
Shake hands with other men
Walk hand in hand. If an Egyptian holds
your hand, accept this as a gesture of
Cross Cultural


Submitted by- Shiv Pratap Sin

Submitted to- Mrs. Bhavna Kapo

> Advices for dealing with Egyptians

Are old customs, expected in business meetings, should
have a meaning
Good gift selections when visiting Egyptians
baked goods and chocolates
an exquisitely made compass, a compass enables a
devout muslim to always know where Mecca is- even when

Giving flowers is not a very good choice

They are traditionally used at funerals and weddings and should

given only to very westernised Egyptians

One should make sure that gifts are given and received
with the right hand
Submitted by- Shiv Pratap Sin
Cross Cultural
Submitted to- Mrs. Bhavna Kapo

How to negotiate Sergey Frank Financial Times
Gesteland, Richard Cross-Cultural Business Behavior
Business School Press, 1999
Hofstede, Geert - Cultures and Organizations: Software of
the Mind
McGraw-Hill, 1997

Cross Cultural


Submitted by- Shiv Pratap Sin

Submitted to- Mrs. Bhavna Kapo

hank you for your attention!

Cross Cultural


Submitted by- Shiv Pratap Sin

Submitted to- Mrs. Bhavna Kapo

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