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Mapping of the Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) As Renewable Energy to

Support Energy Security in Indonesia

Akhmad Hanan1

Renewable electrical energy from the sea is one of the efforts in the search for energy
amid scarcity of fossil fuel supplies. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) is a
method for generating electrical energy using the temperature difference that lies
between the sea and the waters near the surface that is used to run a heat engine.
The efficiency and energy generated by the temperature difference is greatest.
Sebersar temperature difference of 20 C between the water surface and at a depth
of 1000 meters is located in the equatorial Area. Indonesia itself as a country which
has an area two-thirds the ocean and is in the equatorial region OTEC has the potential
for renewable energy to be developed to support national energy security.
Theoretically Indonesia has the potential to be developed theroritical resources
amounting to 4,247,389 MW, amounting to 136 669 MW technical resources and
practical resources amounted to 41 001 MW. At present, the potential for thermal
energy in Indonesia has not been mapped thoroughly.

Renewable Energy, Ocean Energy, OTEC, Mapping

1) Graduate Students (Strata S2) of Energy Security Department, Indonesia

Defense University

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