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Projekt Nauczanie Dwujzyczne.

Studia drugiego stopnia w jzyku angielskim wspfinansowany przez Uni Europejsk

w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Spoecznego

Effective assessment requires a clearly defined purpose. Thus, you must ask
yourself several important questions. In each section be specific and include
exactly what you are going to say and do. Your task is to design an assessment
task for speaking using the frame provided below, based on Stiggins, 1994. The
task is due on Wednesday 1st April. Please make sure that you attach all
materials necessary for learners to complete the task.
What am I trying to
Learners ability to provide a sequence of directions
how to get from one place to another.
What do my pupils
need to know?

Students are familiar with map reading, vocabulary and

directions like: turn left, turn right, go straight ahead, go
back, go up, go down.

What prerequisite
skills do my pupils
need to have?

Communication skills, collaboration skills.

At what level do my
pupils need to

Lower-intermediate level.

Will it the same level

of performance be
required of all my

They are expected to be as involved as they can. The

teacher knows each Ss capabilities, so that he/she will
use take this under consideration while giving the final

What type of
knowledge is being
assessed: reasoning,
memory, or process?

Memory and processing is being assessed.

What are the exact

criteria for this
assessment task?

Student uses adequate vocabulary: directions (needs improvement

/ satisfactory / well done).
Student uses proper verbs (needs improvement / satisfactory /
well done).
Student gives relevant and accurate instructions (needs
improvement / satisfactory / well done).

Realizatorzy projektu:

Projekt Nauczanie Dwujzyczne. Studia drugiego stopnia w jzyku angielskim wspfinansowany przez Uni Europejsk
w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Spoecznego

How will I score the


Needs improvement - there is no response, the

instructions, verbs or vocabulary are limited, there are
lots of mistakes;
Satisfactory - there are some mistakes, but the
utterances are understandable;
Well done the mistakes appear rarely, or do not appear,
the response fulfills the demands of the task.

How will I give


The feedback will be the short comment based on the

teachers notes for each student. Additionally, after the
activity, students will be self-assessing.

Procedure (make a detailed list of how to implement the task; the list needs to be
comprehensive for another teacher to be able to implement the task without
discussing it with you):
1. Students work in pairs. They receive two maps, one per each, with
different and final locations. Starting points are the same.
2. Teacher explains the task: Each of you have to explain your partner how
to get to the final point. Your starting points are the same.
3. Teacher informs students about the criteria for the assessment task,
he/she supports them by examples.
4. Teacher is monitoring the students while their performance. He/she is
taking notes on the stated criteria of assessment.
5. Self-assessment. Students are given the list of criteria established and
presented by the teacher before the activity was performed
6. Teacher gives meaningful comments as a feedback.

Realizatorzy projektu:

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