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Red Hat Satellite 6.

Puppet Guide

A guide to building your own Puppet module and importing it

into Satellite 6
Edition 1

Red Hat Satellite Documentation Team

Red Hat Satellite 6.1 Puppet Guide

A guide to building your own Puppet module and importing it

into Satellite 6
Edition 1
Red Hat Satellite Documentation Team
Red Hat Customer Content Services

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Puppet is a system configuration tool used in Red Hat Satellite 6. This book runs
through the creation of a basic Puppet Module and how to use this module in your
Red Hat Satellite 6 infrastructure.

T able o f Co nt e nt s

T able o f Co ntents

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1 .1. Defining the P uppet Workflow
1 .2. Using P uppet on Satellite 6

. .hapt
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. . Building
. . . . . . . .Puppe
. . . . . .t.Mo
. . .dule
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. .c.h. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3. . . . . . . . .
2.1. Exam ining the Anatom y of a P uppet Module
2.2. Setting up a P uppet Developm ent System
2.3. Generating a New Module Boilerplate
2.4. Installing a HTTP Server
2.5. Running the HTTP Server
2.6. C onfiguring the HTTP Server
2.7. C onfiguring the Firewall
2.8. C onfiguring SELinux
2.9. C opying a HTML file to the Web Host
2.10. Finalizing the Module


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. . .d. Hat
. . . .Sat
. . .e.llit
. .6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
3 .1. C reating a C ustom P roduct
3 .2. C reating a P uppet Repository in a C ustom P roduct
3 .3. Uploading a P uppet Module to a Repository
3 .4. Rem oving a P uppet Module from a Repository
3 .5. Adding P uppet Modules from a Git Repository
3 .6. P ublishing a C ontent View
3 .7. C onfiguring Sm art Variables from P uppet C lasses

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. .n. Manage
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4 .1. C onfiguring P uppet on the Red Hat Satellite Server
4 .2. C onfiguring P uppet agent on P rovisioned System s

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. . Applying
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. . . .nt
. .s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
5.1. Applying C onfiguration on C lients During P rovisioning
5.2. Applying C onfiguration to Existing C lients

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. . .vie
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. .d. .Hat
. . . Sat
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. . .e. 6
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27

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. .n. His
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Puppe t Guide

Chapt er 1. Overview
Puppe t is a tool for applying and managing s ys te m configurations . Puppe t colle cts s ys te m
information, or facts , and us e s this information to cre ate a cus tomiz e d s ys te m
configuration us ing a s e t of module s . The s e module s contain parame te rs , conditional
argume nts , actions , and te mplate s . Puppe t is us e d as e ithe r a local s ys te m command line
tool or in a clie nt-s e rve r re lations hip whe re the s e rve r acts as the Puppe t mas te r and
applie s configuration to multiple clie nt s ys te ms us ing a Puppe t age nt. This provide s a way
to automatically configure ne wly provis ione d s ys te ms , e ithe r individually or
s imultane ous ly to cre ate a s pe cific infras tructure .

1.1. Defining t he Puppet Workflow

Puppe t us e s the following workflow to apply configuration to a s ys te m.
1. Colle ct facts about e ach s ys te m. The s e facts can include hardware , ope rating
s ys te ms , package ve rs ions , and othe r information. The Puppe t age nt on e ach
s ys te m colle cts this information and s e nds it to the Puppe t mas te r.
2. The Puppe t mas te r ge ne rate s a cus tom configuration for e ach s ys te m and s e nds it
to the Puppe t age nt. This cus tom configuration is calle d a catalog.
3. The Puppe t age nt applie s the configuration to the s ys te m.
4. The Puppe t age nt s e nds a re port back to the Puppe t mas te r that indicate s the
change s applie d and if any change s we re uns ucce s s ful.
5. Third-party applications can colle ct the s e re ports us ing Puppe t's API.

1.2. Using Puppet on Sat ellit e 6

Sate llite 6 us e s Puppe t in s e ve ral ways :
Sate llite 6 imports Puppe t module s us e d to de fine the s ys te m configuration. This
include s control ove r module ve rs ions and the ir e nvironme nts .
Sate llite 6 imports s e ts of parame te rs , als o known as Puppe t clas s parame te rs , from
Puppe t module s . Us e rs can acce pt the de fault value s from Puppe t clas s e s or provide
the ir own at a global or s ys te m-s pe cific le ve l.
Sate llite 6 trigge rs the e xe cution of Puppe t be twe e n the mas te r and the re s pe ctive
age nts on e ach s ys te m. Puppe t runs can occur e ithe r:
Automatically, s uch as afte r the provis ioning proce s s comple te s or as a dae mon that
che cks and manage s the machine 's configuration ove r its life cycle .
Manually, s uch as ne e ding to trigge r an imme diate Puppe t run.
Sate llite 6 colle cts re ports from Puppe t afte r the configuration workflow comple te s . This
he lps with auditing and archiving s ys te m configuration ove r long te rm pe riods .
The s e functions provide an e as y way for us e rs to control s ys te m configuration as pe cts of
the application life cycle us ing Puppe t.

C hapt e r 2. Building Puppe t Mo dule s f r o m Sc r at c h

Chapt er 2. Building Puppet Modules from Scrat ch

This chapte r e xplore s how to build and te s t your own Puppe t module s . This include s a
bas ic tutorial on cre ating a Puppe t module that de ploys a s imple we b s e rve r configuration.

2.1. Examining t he Anat omy of a Puppet Module

Be fore cre ating our module , we ne e d to unde rs tand the compone nts that cre ate a Puppe t
module .
Manif est s
Manife s ts are file s that contain code to de fine a s e t of re s ource and the ir
attribute s . A re s ource is any configurable part of a s ys te m. Example s of
re s ource s include package s , s e rvice s , file s , us e rs and groups , SELinux
configuration, SSH ke y authe ntication, cron jobs , and more . A manife s t de fine s
e ach re quire d re s ource us ing a s e t of ke y-value pairs for the ir attribute s . For
e xample :
package { 'httpd':
ensure => installed,
This de claration che cks if the httpd package is ins talle d. If not, the manife s t
e xe cute s yum and ins talls it.
Manife s ts are locate d in the manifest dire ctory of a module .
Puppe t module s als o us e a test dire ctory for te s t manife s ts . The s e manife s ts
are us e d to te s t ce rtain clas s e s containe d in your official manife s ts .
St at ic Files
Module s can contain s tatic file s that Puppe t can copy to ce rtain locations on your
s ys te m. The s e locations , and othe r attribute s s uch as pe rmis s ions , are de fine d
through file re s ource de clarations in manife s ts .
Static file s are locate d in the files dire ctory of a module .
T emplat es
Some time s configuration file s re quire cus tom conte nt. In this s ituation, us e rs
would cre ate a te mplate ins te ad of a s tatic file . Like s tatic file s , te mplate s are
de fine d in manife s ts and copie d to locations on a s ys te m. The diffe re nce is that
te mplate s allow Ruby e xpre s s ions to de fine cus tomiz e d conte nt and variable
input. For e xample , if you wante d to configure ht t pd with a cus tomiz able port
the n the te mplate for the configuration file would include :
Listen <%= @httpd_port %>
The httpd_port variable in this cas e is de fine d in the manife s t that re fe re nce s
this te mplate .
Te mplate s are locate d in the templates dire ctory of a module .
P lugins

Puppe t Guide

Plugins allow for as pe cts that e xte nd be yond the core functionality of Puppe t. For
e xample , you can us e plugins to de fine cus tom facts , cus tom re s ource s , or ne w
functions . For e xample , a databas e adminis trator might ne e d a re s ource type for
Pos tgre SQL databas e s . This could he lp the databas e adminis trator populate
Pos tgre SQL with a s e t of ne w databas e s afte r ins talling Pos tgre SQL. As a re s ult,
the databas e adminis trator ne e d only cre ate a Puppe t manife s t that e ns ure s
Pos tgre SQL ins talls and the databas e s are cre ate d afte rwards .
Plugins are locate d in the lib dire ctory of a module . This include s a s e t of
s ubdire ctorie s de pe nding on the plugin type . For e xample :
/lib/facter - Location for cus tom facts .
/lib/puppet/type - Location for cus tom re s ource type de finitions , which
outline the ke y-value pairs for attribute s .
/lib/puppet/provider - Location for cus tom re s ource provide rs , which are
us e d in conjunction with re s ource type de finitions to control re s ource s .
/lib/puppet/parser/functions - Location for cus tom functions .

2.2. Set t ing up a Puppet Development Syst em

A Puppe t de ve lopme nt s ys te m is us e ful for cre ating and te s ting your own module s . It is
re comme nde d to us e a ne w s ys te m with a Re d Hat Ente rpris e Linux 6 or 7 s ubs cription.
Afte r ins talling the ne w s ys te m and re gis te ring your ve rs ion of Re d Hat Ente rpris e Linux,
e nable the Re d Hat Sate llite 6 Tools re pos itory. For e xample , for Re d Hat Ente rpris e Linux
# subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-satellite-tools-6.1rpms
Afte r e nabling the re pos itory, ins tall the puppet package :
# yum install puppet

2.3. Generat ing a New Module Boilerplat e

The firs t s te p in cre ating a ne w module is to change to the Puppe t module dire ctory and
cre ate a bas ic module s tructure . Eithe r cre ate this s tructure manually or us e Puppe t to
cre ate a boile rplate for your module :
# cd /etc/puppet/modules
# puppet module generate [module-name]
An inte ractive wiz ard appe ars and guide s you through populating the module 's
metadata.json file with me tadata.

C hapt e r 2. Building Puppe t Mo dule s f r o m Sc r at c h

Impo rtant
The puppet module generate command re quire s module-name take the format of
[username]-[module] to comply with Puppe t Forge s pe cifications . Howe ve r, to te s t
our tutorial module and us e it with Sate llite 6 we ne e d to re name the module
dire ctory without the [username]. For e xample , for dmacpher-mymodule you would
# puppet module generate dmacpher-mymodule
# mv dmacpher-mymodule mymodule

Whe n the module ge ne ration proce s s comple te s , the ne w module s contains s ome bas ic
file s , including a manifests dire ctory. This dire ctory alre ady contains a manife s t file calle d
init.pp, which is the module 's main manife s t file . Vie w the file to s e e the e mpty clas s
de claration for the module :
class mymodule {

The module als o contains a tests dire ctory containing a manife s t als o name d init.pp.
This te s t manife s t contains a re fe re nce to the mymodule clas s within manifests/init.pp:
include mymodule
Puppe t will us e this te s t manife s t to te s t our module .
We are now re ady to add our s ys te m configuration to our module .

2.4. Inst alling a HT T P Server

Our Puppe t module will ins tall the package s ne ce s s ary to run a HTTP s e rve r. This re quire s
a re s ource de finition that de fine s configurations for the httpd package .
In the module 's manifests dire ctory, cre ate a ne w manife s t file calle d httpd.pp:
# touch mymodule/manifests/httpd.pp
This manife s t will contain all HTTP configuration for our module . For organiz ational
purpos e s , we will ke e p this manife s t s e parate from the init.pp manife s t.
Add the following conte nt to the ne w httpd.pp manife s t:
class mymodule::httpd {
package { 'httpd':
ensure => installed,

Puppe t Guide

This code de fine s a s ubclas s of mymodule calle d httpd, the n de fine s a package re s ource
de claration for the httpd package . The ensure => installed attribute te lls Puppe t to
che ck if the package is ins talle d. If it is not ins talle d, Puppe t e xe cute s yum to ins tall it.
We als o ne e d to include this s ubclas s in our main manife s t file . Edit the init.pp manife s t:
class mymodule {
include mymodule::httpd
It is now time to te s t the module . Run the following command:
# puppet apply mymodule/tests/init.pp --noop
The puppet apply command applie s the configuration in the manife s t to your s ys te m. We
us e the te s t init.pp manife s t, which re fe rs to the main init.pp manife s t. The --noop
pe rforms a dry-run of the configuration, which s hows only the output but doe s not actually
apply the configuration. The output s hould re s e mble the following:
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment
production in 0.59 seconds
Notice: /Stage[main]/Mymodule::Httpd/Package[httpd]/ensure:
current_value absent, should be present (noop)
Notice: Class[Mymodule::Httpd]: Would have triggered 'refresh' from 1
Notice: Stage[main]: Would have triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.67 seconds
The highlighte d line is the re s ult of the ensure => installed attribute . The
current_value absent me ans that Puppe t has de te cte d the httpd package is not
ins talle d. Without the --noop option, Puppe t would ins tall the httpd package .

2.5. Running t he HT T P Server

Afte r ins talling the httpd package , we s tart the s e rvice us ing anothe r re s ource
de claration: service.
Edit the httpd.pp manife s t and add the highlighte d line s :
class mymodule::httpd {
package { 'httpd':
ensure => installed,
service { 'httpd':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
require => Package["httpd"],
This achie ve s a couple of things :
The ensure => running attribute che cks if the s e rvice if running. If not, Puppe t
e nable s it.

C hapt e r 2. Building Puppe t Mo dule s f r o m Sc r at c h

The enable => true attribute s e ts the s e rvice to run whe n the s ys te m boots .
The require => Package["httpd"] attribute de fine s an orde ring re lations hip be twe e n
one re s ource de claration and anothe r. In this cas e , it e ns ure s the httpd s e rvice s tarts
afte r the httpd package ins talls . This cre ate s a de pe nde ncy be twe e n the s e rvice and
its re s pe ctive package .
Run the puppet apply command again to te s t the change s to our module :
# puppet apply mymodule/tests/init.pp --noop
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment
production in 0.56 seconds
Notice: /Stage[main]/Mymodule::Httpd/Package[httpd]/ensure:
current_value absent, should be present (noop)
Notice: /Stage[main]/Mymodule::Httpd/Service[httpd]/ensure:
current_value stopped, should be running (noop)
Notice: Class[Mymodule::Httpd]: Would have triggered 'refresh' from 2
Notice: Stage[main]: Would have triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.41 seconds
The highlighte d line is the re s ult of our ne w re s ource de finition for the httpd s e rvice .

2.6. Configuring t he HT T P Server

The HTTP Se rve r is now ins talle d and e nable d. The ne xt s te p is to provide s ome
configuration. The HTTP s e rve r alre ady provide s s ome de fault configuration in
/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, which provide s a we b hos t on port 80. We will add s ome
additional configuration to provide an additional we b hos t on a us e r-s pe cifie d port.
We us e a te mplate file to s tore our configuration conte nt be caus e the us e r-de fine d port
re quire s variable input. In our module , cre ate a dire ctory calle d templates and add a file
calle d myserver.conf.erb in the ne w dire ctory. Add the following conte nts to the file :
Listen <%= @httpd_port %>
NameVirtualHost *:<%= @httpd_port %>
<VirtualHost *:<%= @httpd_port %>>
DocumentRoot /var/www/myserver/
ServerName *:<%= @fqdn %>>
<Directory "/var/www/myserver/">
Options All Indexes FollowSymLinks
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
This te mplate follows the s tandard s yntax for Apache we b s e rve r configuration. The only
diffe re nce is the inclus ion of Ruby e s cape characte rs to inje ct variable s from our module .
For e xample , httpd_port, which we us e to s pe cify the we b s e rve r port.
Notice als o the inclus ion of fqdn, which is a variable that s tore s the fully qualifie d domain
name of the s ys te m. This is known as a s ys te m fact. Sys te m facts are colle cte d from
e ach s ys te m prior to ge ne rating e ach re s pe ctive s ys te m's Puppe t catalog. Puppe t us e s
the facter command to gathe r the s e s ys te m facts and you can als o run facter to vie w a
lis t of the s e facts .

Puppe t Guide

Edit the httpd.pp manife s t and add the highlighte d line s :

class mymodule::httpd {
package { 'httpd':
ensure => installed,
service { 'httpd':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
require => Package["httpd"],
file {'/etc/httpd/conf.d/myserver.conf':
notify => Service["httpd"],
ensure => file,
require => Package["httpd"],
content => template("mymodule/myserver.conf.erb"),
file { "/var/www/myserver":
ensure => "directory",
This achie ve s the following:
We add a file re s ource de claration for the s e rve r configuration file
(/etc/httpd/conf.d/myserver.conf). The content for this file is the
myserver.conf.erb te mplate we cre ate d e arlie r. We als o che ck the httpd package is
ins talle d be fore adding this file .
We als o add a s e cond file re s ource de claration. This one cre ate s a dire ctory
(/var/www/myserver for our we b s e rve r.
We als o add a re lations hip be twe e n the configuration file and the httpd s e rvice us ing
the notify => Service["httpd"] attribute . This che cks our configuration file for any
change s . If the file has change d, Puppe t re s tarts the s e rvice .
Run the puppet apply command again to te s t the change s to our module :
# puppet apply mymodule/tests/init.pp --noop
Warning: Config file /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml not found, using Hiera
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment
production in 0.84 seconds
Notice: /Stage[main]/Mymodule::Httpd/File[/var/www/myserver]/ensure:
current_value absent, should be directory (noop)
Notice: /Stage[main]/Mymodule::Httpd/Package[httpd]/ensure:
current_value absent, should be present (noop)
e: current_value absent, should be file (noop)
Notice: /Stage[main]/Mymodule::Httpd/Service[httpd]/ensure:
current_value stopped, should be running (noop)
Notice: Class[Mymodule::Httpd]: Would have triggered 'refresh' from 4
Notice: Stage[main]: Would have triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.51 seconds

C hapt e r 2. Building Puppe t Mo dule s f r o m Sc r at c h

No te
The warning for the hiera.yaml file is s afe to ignore .
The highlighte d line s s how the cre ation of the configuration file and our we b hos t dire ctory

2.7. Configuring t he Firewall

The we b s e rve r re quire s an ope n port s o pe ople can acce s s the page s hos te d on our
we b s e rve r. The ope n proble m is that diffe re nt ve rs ions of Re d Hat Ente rpris e Linux us e s
diffe re nt me thods for controlling the fire wall. For Re d Hat Ente rpris e Linux 6 and be low, we
us e iptables. For Re d Hat Ente rpris e Linux 7, we us e firewalld.
This de cis ion is s ome thing Puppe t handle s us ing conditional logic and s ys te m facts . For
this s te p, we add a s tate me nt to che ck the ope rating s ys te m and run the appropriate
fire wall commands .
Add the following code ins ide your mymodule::http clas s :
if $operatingsystemmajrelease <= 6 {
exec { 'iptables':
command => "iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp -m multiport --ports
${httpd_port} -m comment --comment 'Custom HTTP Web Host' -j ACCEPT &&
iptables-save > /etc/sysconfig/iptables",
path => "/sbin",
refreshonly => true,
subscribe => Package['httpd'],
service { 'iptables':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
hasrestart => true,
subscribe => Exec['iptables'],
elsif $operatingsystemmajrelease == 7 {
exec { 'firewall-cmd':
command => "firewall-cmd --zone=public --addport=${httpd_port}/tcp --permanent",
path => "/usr/bin/",
refreshonly => true,
subscribe => Package['httpd'],
service { 'firewalld':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
hasrestart => true,
subscribe => Exec['firewall-cmd'],
This code pe rforms the following:
Us e the operatingsystemmajrelease fact to de te rmine whe the r the ope rating s ys te m

Puppe t Guide

is Re d Hat Ente rpris e Linux 6 or 7.

If us ing Re d Hat Ente rpris e Linux 6, de clare an e xe cutable (exec) re s ource that runs
iptables and iptables-save to add a pe rmane nt fire wall rule . The httpd_port
variable is us e d in-line to de fine the port to ope n. Afte r the exec re s ource comple te s ,
we trigge r a re fre s h of the iptables s e rvice . To achie ve this , we de fine a s e rvice
re s ource that include s the subscribe attribute . This attribute che cks if any the re are
any change s to anothe r re s ource and, if s o, pe rforms a re fre s h. In this cas e , it che cks
the iptables e xe cutable re s ource .
If us ing Re d Hat Ente rpris e Linux 7, de clare a s imilar e xe cutable re s ource that runs
firewall-cmd to add a pe rmane nt fire wall rule . The httpd_port variable is als o us e d
in-line to de fine the port to ope n. Afte r the exec re s ource comple te s , we trigge r a
re fre s h of the firewalld s e rvice but with a subscribe attribute pointing to the
firewall-cmd e xe cutable re s ource .
The code for both fire wall e xe cutable re s ource s contains refreshonly => true and
subscribe => Package['httpd'] attribute s . This e ns ure s the fire wall commands only
run afte r the httpd ins talls . Without the s e attribute s , s ubs e que nt runs will add multiple
ins tance s of the s ame fire wall rule .
Run the puppet apply command again to te s t the change s to our module . The following
e xample is a te s t of Re d Hat Ente rpris e Linux 6:
# puppet apply mymodule/tests/init.pp --noop
Warning: Config file /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml not found, using Hiera
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment
production in 0.82 seconds
Notice: /Stage[main]/Mymodule::Httpd/Exec[iptables]/returns:
current_value notrun, should be 0 (noop)
Notice: /Stage[main]/Mymodule::Httpd/Service[iptables]: Would have
triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
The highlighte d line s s how the e xe cution of the fire wall rule cre ation and the s ubs e que nt
s e rvice re fre s h as a re s ult of the subscribe attribute .

Impo rtant
This configuration s e rve s only as an e xample of us ing conditional s tate me nts . If you
aim to manage multiple fire wall rule s for your s ys te m in the future , it is
re comme nde d to cre ate a cus tom re s ource for fire walls . It is inadvis able to us e
e xe cutable re s ource s to cons tantly chain many Bas h commands .

2.8. Configuring SELinux

SELinux re s tricts non-s tandard acce s s to the HTTP s e rve r by de fault. If we de fine a
cus tom port, we ne e d to add configuration that allows SELinux to grant acce s s .
Puppe t contains re s ource type s to manage s ome SELinux functions , s uch as Boole ans and
module s . Howe ve r, we ne e d to e xe cute the semanage command to manage port s e ttings .
This tool is a part of the policycoreutils-python package , which is not ins talle d on Re d
Hat Ente rpris e Linux s ys te ms by de fault.


C hapt e r 2. Building Puppe t Mo dule s f r o m Sc r at c h

Add the following code ins ide your mymodule::http clas s :

exec { 'semanage-port':
command => "semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp ${httpd_port}",
path => "/usr/sbin",
require => Package['policycoreutils-python'],
before => Service ['httpd'],
subscribe => Package['httpd'],
refreshonly => true,
package { 'policycoreutils-python':
ensure => installed,
This code pe rforms the following:
The require => Package['policycoreutils-python'] attribute make s s ure the
policycoreutils-python is ins talle d prior to e xe cuting the command.
Puppe t e xe cute s semanage to ope n a port us ing httpd_port as a variable .
The before => Service ['httpd'] make s s ure to e xe cute this command be fore the
httpd s e rvice s tarts . If httpd s tarts be fore the SELinux command, SELinux de nie s
acce s s to the port and the s e rvice fails to s tart.
The code for the SELinux e xe cutable re s ource contains refreshonly => true and
subscribe => Package['httpd'] attribute s . This e ns ure s the SELinux commands only
run afte r the httpd ins talls . Without the s e attribute s , s ubs e que nt runs re s ult in failure .
This is be caus e SELinux de te cts the port is alre ady e nable d and re ports an e rror.
Run the puppet apply command again to te s t the change s to our module .
# puppet apply mymodule/tests/init.pp --noop
Notice: /Stage[main]/Mymodule::Httpd/Package[policycoreutilspython]/ensure: current_value absent, should be present (noop)
Notice: /Stage[main]/Mymodule::Httpd/Exec[semanage-port]/returns:
current_value notrun, should be 0 (noop)
Notice: /Stage[main]/Mymodule::Httpd/Service[httpd]/ensure:
current_value stopped, should be running (noop)
Puppe t ins talls policycoreutils-python firs t, the n configure s port acce s s be fore s tarting
the httpd s e rvice .

2.9. Copying a HT ML file t o t he Web Host

The HTTP s e rve r configuration is now comple te . This provide s a platform for ins talling a
we b-bas e d application, which Puppe t can als o configure . For this e xample , howe ve r, we will
only copy ove r a s imple inde x we bpage to our we b hos t.
Cre ate file name d index.html in the files dire ctory. Add the following conte nt to this file :


Puppe t Guide

<p>Your puppet module has correctly applied your configuration.</p>
Cre ate manife s t name d app.pp in the manifests dire ctory. Add the following conte nt to
this file :
class mymodule::app {
file { "/var/www/myserver/index.html":
ensure => file,
=> 755,
owner => root,
group => root,
source => "puppet:///modules/mymodule/index.html",
require => Class["mymodule::httpd"],
This ne w clas s contains a s ingle re s ource de claration. This de claration copie s a file from
the module 's file dire ctory from the Puppe t s e rve r to the s ys te m and s e ts its
pe rmis s ions . Additionally, the require attribute e ns ure s the mymodule::http clas s
comple te s configuration s ucce s s fully be fore we apply mymodule::app.
Finally, include this ne w manife s t in our main init.pp manife s t:
class mymodule {
include mymodule::httpd
include mymodule::app
Run the puppet apply command again to te s t the change s to our module . The output
s hould re s e mble the following:
# puppet apply mymodule/tests/init.pp --noop
Warning: Config file /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml not found, using Hiera
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment
production in 0.66 seconds
Notice: /Stage[main]/Mymodule::Httpd/Exec[iptables]/returns:
current_value notrun, should be 0 (noop)
Notice: /Stage[main]/Mymodule::Httpd/Package[policycoreutilspython]/ensure: current_value absent, should be present (noop)
Notice: /Stage[main]/Mymodule::Httpd/Service[iptables]: Would have
triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
Notice: /Stage[main]/Mymodule::Httpd/File[/var/www/myserver]/ensure:
current_value absent, should be directory (noop)
Notice: /Stage[main]/Mymodule::Httpd/Package[httpd]/ensure:
current_value absent, should be present (noop)


C hapt e r 2. Building Puppe t Mo dule s f r o m Sc r at c h

e: current_value absent, should be file (noop)
Notice: /Stage[main]/Mymodule::Httpd/Exec[semanage-port]/returns:
current_value notrun, should be 0 (noop)
Notice: /Stage[main]/Mymodule::Httpd/Service[httpd]/ensure:
current_value stopped, should be running (noop)
Notice: Class[Mymodule::Httpd]: Would have triggered 'refresh' from 8
current_value absent, should be file (noop)
Notice: Class[Mymodule::App]: Would have triggered 'refresh' from 1
Notice: Stage[main]: Would have triggered 'refresh' from 2 events
Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.74 seconds
The highlighte d line s hows the re s ult of the index.html file be ing copie d to the we bhos t.

2.10. Finalizing t he Module

Our module is re ady for us e . To e xport the module into an archive for Re d Hat Sate llite 6
to us e , run the following command:
# puppet module build mymodule
This cre ate s an archive file at mymodule/pkg/mymodule-0.1.0.tar.gz, which contains the
conte nts of our mymodule dire ctory. We upload this module to our Re d Hat Sate llite 6
s e rve r to provis ion our own HTTP s e rve r.


Puppe t Guide

Chapt er 3. Adding Puppet Modules t o Red Hat

Sat ellit e 6
Puppe t module s form a part of a product in Re d Hat Sate llite 6. This me ans you mus t
cre ate a cus tom product and the n upload the module s that form the bas is of that product.
For e xample , a cus tom product might cons is t of a s e t of Puppe t module s re quire d to s e tup
a HTTP s e rve r, a databas e , and a cus tom application. Cus tom products can als o include
re pos itorie s with RPM package s that apply to your application.

3.1. Creat ing a Cust om Product

The firs t s te p to adding our Puppe t module is to cre ate a cus tom product.
Pro cedure 3.1. Creat ing a Cust o m Pro duct
1. Login to your Re d Hat Sate llite 6 s e rve r.
2. Navigate to Co nt ent Pro duct s.
3. Click + New Product.
4. Provide your cus tom product with a Name. In this e xample , us e MyProduct as the
name .
5. The Label fie ld automatically populate s with a labe l bas e d on the Name.
6. Provide a GPG Key, Sync Plan, and a Description if re quire d. For our e xample ,
le ave thos e fie lds blank.
7. Click Save.
Sate llite now has a ne w product calle d MyProduct.

3.2. Creat ing a Puppet Reposit ory in a Cust om Product

The ne xt proce dure cre ate s a Puppe t re pos itory in our cus tom product.
Pro cedure 3.2. Creat ing a Cust o m Puppet Repo sit o ry
1. On the Products page , click on the cus tom product cre ate d pre vious ly (MyProduct).
2. Navigate to the Repositories s ubtab.
3. Click Create Repository.
4. Provide the re pos itory with a Name. This e xample us e s the name MyRepo.
5. The Label fie ld automatically populate s with a labe l bas e d on the Name.
6. Se le ct puppet as the re pos itory Type.
7. Le ave the URL fie ld blank. This fie ld is us e d for re mote re pos itorie s , but in our cas e
Sate llite 6 cre ate s its own re pos itory.
8. Click Save.


C hapt e r 3. Adding Puppe t Mo dule s t o Re d Hat Sat e llit e 6

The cus tom product now contains a re pos itory to s tore our Puppe t module s .

3.3. Uploading a Puppet Module t o a Reposit ory

Now we upload our mymodule module to the ne wly cre ate d re pos itory, which adds it to our
cus tom product.
1. Click the Name of the ne wly cre ate d re pos itory.
2. In the Upload Puppet Module s e ction, click Browse and s e le ct the mymodule
archive .
3. Click Upload.
You can upload more module s to this re pos itory. For our e xample , we only ne e d to upload
the mymodule module .
Our Puppe t module is now a part of your Re d Hat Sate llite 6 e nvironme nt. Ne xt we publis h
the module as part of a conte nt vie w.

3.4. Removing a Puppet Module from a Reposit ory

If you aim to re move re dundant module s from cus tom re pos itorie s in the future , us e the
Manage Puppet Modules fe ature .
1. On the Products page , click on the cus tom product containing the module to
re move .
2. Click the Name of the re pos itory containing the module to re move .
3. Click Manage Puppet Modules. The s cre e n dis plays a lis t of Puppe t module s
containe d within the re pos itory.
4. Se le ct the module s to re move .
5. Click Remove Puppet Modules.
Sate llite re move s the chos e n module s from your re pos itory.

3.5. Adding Puppet Modules from a Git Reposit ory

As an alte rnative to manually uploading module s , Re d Hat Sate llite 6 include s a utility
calle d pulp-puppet-module-builder. This tool che cks out re pos itorie s containing a s e t of
module s , builds the module s , and publis he s the m in a s tructure for Sate llite 6 to
s ynchroniz e . This provide s an e fficie nt way to manage module de ve lopme nt in Git and
include the m in the Sate llite 6 workflow.

No te
You can als o ins tall the pulp-puppet-module-builder tool on othe r machine s us ing
the pulp-puppet-tools package .
One common me thod is to run the utility on the Sate llite 6 s e rve r its e lf and publis h to a
local dire ctory.


Puppe t Guide

Pro cedure 3.3. Publishing Git Repo sit o ry t o a Lo cal Direct o ry

1. Cre ate a dire ctory on the Sate llite s e rve r to s ynchroniz e the module s .
# mkdir /modules
# chmod 755 /modules
2. Run the pulp-puppet-module-builder and che ckout the Git re pos itory.
# pulp-puppet-module-builder --output-dir=/modules --branch=develop
This che cks out the develop branch of the Git re pos itory from and publis he s the module s to /modules.
The s ame proce dure applie s to publis hing module s to a HTTP s e rve r.
Pro cedure 3.4. Publishing Git Repo sit o ry t o a Web Server
1. Cre ate a dire ctory on the we b s e rve r to s ynchroniz e the module s .
# mkdir /var/www/html/modules
# chmod 755 /var/www/html/modules/
2. Run the pulp-puppet-module-builder and che ckout the Git re pos itory.
# pulp-puppet-module-builder --output-dir=/var/www/html/modules/ --branch=develop
This che cks out the develop branch of the Git re pos itory from and publis he s the module s to /modules.
In the Sate llite 6 We b UI, cre ate a ne w re pos itory with the URL s e t to the location of your
publis he d module s .
Pro cedure 3.5. Creat ing a Repo sit o ry f o r Puppet Mo dules f ro m Git
1. On the Products page , click on the cus tom product cre ate d pre vious ly (MyProduct).
2. Navigate to the Repositories s ubtab.
3. Click Create Repository.
4. Provide the re pos itory with a Name. This e xample us e s the name MyGitRepo.
5. The Label fie ld automatically populate s with a labe l bas e d on the Name.
6. Se le ct puppet as the re pos itory Type.
7. In the URL fie ld, s e t the location you de fine d e arlie r. For e xample , local dire ctorie s
on the Sate llite 6 s e rve r us e the file:// protocol:
A re mote re pos itory us e s the http:// protocol:


C hapt e r 3. Adding Puppe t Mo dule s t o Re d Hat Sat e llit e 6
8. Click Save.
9. Click Sync Now to s ynchroniz e the re pos itory.
The Puppe t module s in the Git re pos itory are now include d in your Sate llite 6 s e rve r.

3.6. Publishing a Cont ent View

The final s te p to ge tting our Puppe t module re ady for cons umption is to publis h it as part
of a conte nt vie w. You can add this module to an e xis ting vie w but for our e xample we will
cre ate a ne w vie w.
Pro cedure 3.6. Publishing a Co nt ent View
1. Navigate to Co nt ent Co nt ent Views.
2. Click + Create New View.
3. Provide your vie w with a Name. In this e xample , we us e MyView as the name .
4. The Label fie ld automatically populate s with a labe l bas e d on the Name.
5. Make s ure Composite View is not s e le cte d.
6. Click Save.
7. Se le ct the Name of your ne wly cre ate d vie w.
8. Navigate to Co nt ent Repo sit o ries.
9. Add the re quire d Re d Hat Ente rpris e Linux re pos itorie s , including a bas e Re d Hat
Ente rpris e Linux Se rve r RPM colle ction and a Re d Hat Sate llite Tools RPM colle ction
for the s ame ve rs ion. The Tools RPM colle ction contains the package s to s e t up our
re mote Puppe t configuration on provis ione d s ys te ms .
10. Navigate to Puppet Modules.
11. Click + Add New Module.
12. Scroll to your module and click Select a Version.
13. Scroll to the module ve rs ion Use Latest and click Select Version.
14. Our module is now a part of the conte nt vie w. Navigate to Versions to publis h and
promote a ne w ve rs ion of the conte nt vie w.
15. Click Publish New Version. On the Publish New Version page , click Save. This
publis he s the conte nt vie w with our module .
16. Scroll to the ne w ve rs ion of our vie w and click Promote. Choos e a life cycle
e nvironme nt and click Promote Version. This make s the vie w a part of the chos e n
life cycle e nvironme nt.
Our conte nt vie w is now publis he d. As a part of the conte nt vie w cre ation, Re d Hat Sate llite
6 cre ate s a ne w Puppe t e nvironme nt for us e in the provis ioning proce s s . This puppe t
e nvironme nt contains our module . You can vie w this ne w Puppe t e nvironme nt on the
Co nf igure Enviro nment s page .


Puppe t Guide

3.7. Configuring Smart Variables from Puppet Classes

Some module clas s e s contain variable parame te rs . Sate llite 6 has the ability to import
clas s e s and allow modification of s uch parame te rs . This is calle d a smart variable.
For e xample , mymodule contains a parame te r for the HTTP port of our we b s e rve r. This
parame te r, httpd_port, is s e t to a de fault of 8120. Howe ve r, a s ituation might occur
whe re we ne e d to us e a diffe re nt port for a provis ione d s ys te m. Sate llite 6 can conve rt
the httpd_port parame te r into a s mart variable , ove rride it, and s e nd it back to the
s ys te m during configuration. This provide s an e as y way to change the HTTP port on our
we bs e rve r.
This proce dure re quire s the mymodule module uploade d to a product and adde d to a
conte nt vie w. This is be caus e we ne e d to e dit the clas s e s in the re s ulting Puppe t
e nvironme nt.
1. Navigate to Co nf igure Smart variables.
2. A table appe ars lis ting all s mart variable s from the clas s e s in your Puppe t
module s . Click on the httpd_port variable .
3. The options for the s mart variable appe ars . To allow ove rriding this variable during
provis ioning, s e le ct the Override option.
4. Se le cting the Override option allows us to change the Parameter type and
Default value. This is us e ful if we aim to globally change this value for all future
configurations .
The following parame te r type s are available :
St ring
The value is inte rpre te d as a plain te xt s tring. For e xample , if your s mart
variable s e ts the hos tname , the value is inte rpre te d as a s tring:
Bo o lean
The value is inte rpre te d and validate d as a true or fals e value . Example s
include :
Int eger
The value is inte rpre te d and validate d as an inte ge r value . Example s
include :
The value is inte rpre te d and validate d as a re al numbe r value . Example s
include :


C hapt e r 3. Adding Puppe t Mo dule s t o Re d Hat Sat e llit e 6

include :
The value is inte rpre te d and validate d as a JSON or YAML array. For
e xample :
The value is inte rpre te d and validate d as a JSON or YAML has h map. For
e xample :
"Weekend": ["Saturday","Sunday"]}
The value is inte rpre te d and validate d as a YAML file . For e xample :
delivery_method: smtp
port: 25
authentication: none
The value is inte rpre te d and validate d as a JSON file . For e xample :
"delivery_method": "smtp"
"smtp_settings": [
"address": "",
"port": 25,
"domain": "",
"authentication": "none"
For this e xample , le ave the de fault as 8120.


Puppe t Guide

5. Se le cting the Override option als o e xpos e s Optional Input Validator, which
provide s validation for the ove rridde n value . For e xample , we can include a re gular
e xpre s s ion to make s ure httpd_port is a nume rical value . For our e xample , le ave
this s e ction blank.
6. Se le cting the Override option als o e xpos e s Override Value For Specific
Hosts, which de fine s a hie rarchical orde r of s ys te m facts and a s e t of matche rvalue combinations . The matche r-value combinations de te rmine the right
parame te r to us e de pe nding on an e valuation of the s ys te m facts . For our
e xample , le ave this s e ction with the de fault s e ttings .
7. Click Submit.
We now have a s mart variable for httpd_port. We can s e t a value for this s mart variable
at e ithe r a Hos t Group le ve l or at a Hos t le ve l.


C hapt e r 4 . Clie nt and Se r ve r Se t t ings f o r Co nf igur at io n Manage me nt

Chapt er 4. Client and Server Set t ings for

Configurat ion Management
An important part of Re d Hat Sate llite 6's configuration proce s s is making s ure the Puppe t
clie nts (calle d Puppe t age nts ) can communicate with the Puppe t s e rve r (calle d Puppe t
mas te r) on e ithe r the inte rnal Sate llite Caps ule or an e xte rnal Sate llite Caps ule . This
chapte r e xamine s how Re d Hat Sate llite 6 configure s both the Puppe t mas te r and the
Puppe t age nt.

4.1. Configuring Puppet on t he Red Hat Sat ellit e Server

Re d Hat Sate llite 6 controls the main configuration for the Puppe t mas te r on all Sate llite
Caps ule s . No additional configuration is re quire d and it is re comme nde d to avoid manually
modify the s e configuration file s . For e xample , the main /etc/puppet.conf configuration
file contains the following [master] s e ction:
external_nodes =
node_terminus =

$confdir/autosign.conf { mode = 664 }

= false

= /etc/puppet/environments/$environment/modules
config_version =
This s e ction contains variable s (s uch as $environment) that Sate llite 6 us e s to cre ate
configuration for diffe re nt e nvironme nts .
Some Puppe t configuration options appe ar in the Sate llite 6 UI. Navigate to Administ er
Set t ings and choos e the Puppet s ubtab. This page lis ts a s e t of Puppe t configuration
options and a de s cription of e ach.

4.2. Configuring Puppet agent on Provisioned Syst ems

As part of the provis ioning proce s s , Sate llite 6 ins talls Puppe t to the s ys te m. This proce s s
als o ins talls /etc/puppet/puppet.conf file that configure s Puppe t as an age nt of the
Puppe t mas te r on a chos e n Caps ule . This configuration file is s tore d as a provis ioning
te mplate s nippe t in Sate llite 6. Navigate to Ho st s Pro visio ning t emplat es and click
the puppet.conf s nippe t to vie w it.
The de fault puppet.conf s nippe t contains the following age nt configuration:




Puppe t Guide




@host.puppet_ca_server %>
@host.certname %>
@host.environment %>
@host.puppetmaster %>

This s nippe t contains s ome te mplate variable s , which are :

@ho st .puppet _ca_server and @ho st .cert name - The ce rtificate and ce rtificate
authority for s e curing Puppe t communication.
@ho st .enviro nment - The Puppe t e nvironme nt on the Sate llite 6 s e rve r to us e for
@ho st .puppet mast er - The hos t containing the Puppe t mas te r. This is e ithe r the
Sate llite 6 s e rve r's inte rnal Caps ule or an e xte rnal Sate llite Caps ule .


C hapt e r 5. Applying Co nf igur at io n o n Clie nt s

Chapt er 5. Applying Configurat ion on Client s

At this point, Sate llite 6 s e rve r's Puppe t e cos ys te m is configure d and contains the
mymodule module . We now aim to apply this module 's configuration to a re gis te re d
s ys te m.

5.1. Applying Configurat ion on Client s During Provisioning

We firs t de fine a ne w hos t's Puppe t configuration us ing the following proce dure . This
proce dure us e s the uploade d mymodule as an e xample .
Pro cedure 5.1. Applying Co nf igurat io n o n Client s During Pro visio ning
1. Navigate to Ho st s New ho st .
2. Click the Host tab. Ente r a Name for the hos t and choos e the organiz ation and
location for the s ys te m. Choos e the Lifecycle Environment and its promote d
Content View. This de fine s the Puppe t e nvironme nt to us e for the configuration.
Als o choos e a Puppet CA and Puppet Master from the Capsule Settings. The
chos e n caps ule acts as the s e rve r that controls the configuration and
communicate s with the age nt on the ne w hos t.
3. Click the Puppet Classes tab and from the Available Classes s e ction choos e the
Puppe t clas s e s that contain the configuration to apply. In our e xample , choos e :
4. Choos e the ne ce s s ary options from the Network and Operating System tabs .
The s e options de pe nd on your own Sate llite 6 infras tructure . Make s ure the
Provisioning templates option include s the Satellite Kickstart Default
kicks tart te mplate . This te mplate contains ins tallation commands for the Puppe t
age nt on the ne w hos t.
5. Click the Parameters tab and provide any cus tom ove rride s to our Puppe t clas s
parame te rs . For e xample , modify the httpd_port from the mymodule to s e t your
own cus tom port.
6. Afte r comple ting all provis ioning options , click Submit.
The provis ioning proce s s be gins . Sate llite 6 ins talls the re quire d configuration tools as
part of the Satellite Kickstart Default provis ioning te mplate . This provis ioning
te mplate contains the following:
<% if puppet_enabled %>
# and add the puppet package
yum -t -y -e 0 install puppet
echo "Configuring puppet"
cat > /etc/puppet/puppet.conf << EOF
<%= snippet 'puppet.conf' %>


Puppe t Guide

# Setup puppet to run on system reboot

/sbin/chkconfig --level 345 puppet on
/usr/bin/puppet agent --config /etc/puppet/puppet.conf -o --tags
no_such_tag <%= @host.puppetmaster.blank? ? '' : "--server #
{@host.puppetmaster}" %> --no-daemonize
<% end -%>
This s e ction pe rforms the following:
Ins talls the puppet package from the Re d Hat Sate llite 6 Tools RPMs re pos itory.
Ins talls the Puppe t configuration s nippe t to the s ys te m at /etc/puppet/puppet.conf.
Enable s the Puppe t s e rvice to run on the s ys te m.
Run Puppe t for the firs t time and apply the s ys te m configuration.
Afte r the provis ioning and configuration proce s s e s comple te on the ne w hos t, acce s s the
hos t and us e r-de fine d port in your we b brows e r. For e xample , navigate to and the following me s s age appe ars in your
brows e r:
Your puppet module has correctly applied your configuration.

5.2. Applying Configurat ion t o Exist ing Client s

You might aim to have Puppe t configuration applie d to an e xis ting clie nt not provis ione d
through Re d Hat Sate llite 6. In this s ituation, ins tall and configure Puppe t on the e xis ting
clie nt afte r re gis te ring it to Re d Hat Sate llite 6.
Re gis te r your e xis ting s ys te m to Re d Hat Sate llite 6. For information on re gis te ring
e xis ting hos ts , s e e 12.3.1. Re gis te ring a Hos t in the Re d Hat Sate llite 6.1 Us e r Guide .

Impo rtant
The puppet package is part of the Re d Hat Sate llite 6 Tools re pos itory. Ens ure you
e nable this re pos itory be fore you proce e d.

Pro cedure 5.2. T o Inst all and Enable t he Puppet Agent :

1. Ope n a te rminal cons ole and log in as root.
2. Ins tall the Puppe t age nt:
# yum install puppet
3. Configure the puppe t age nt to s tart at boot:
A. On Re d Hat Ente rpris e Linux 6:


C hapt e r 5. Applying Co nf igur at io n o n Clie nt s

# chkconfig puppet on
B. On Re d Hat Ente rpris e Linux 7:
# systemctl enable puppet
Pro cedure 5.3. Co nf iguring t he Puppet Agent
1. Configure the Puppe t age nt by changing the /etc/puppet/puppet.conf file :
# vi /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
# The Puppet log directory.
# The default value is '$vardir/log'.
logdir = /var/log/puppet
# Where Puppet PID files are kept.
# The default value is '$vardir/run'.
rundir = /var/run/puppet
# Where SSL certificates are kept.
# The default value is '$confdir/ssl'.
ssldir = $vardir/ssl
# The file in which puppetd stores a list of the classes
# associated with the retrieved configuratiion. Can be loaded
# the separate ``puppet`` executable using the ``-loadclasses``
# option.
# The default value is '$confdir/classes.txt'.
classfile = $vardir/classes.txt
pluginsync = true
report = true
ignoreschedules = true
daemon = false
ca_server =
server =
environment = KT_Example_Org_Library_RHEL6Server_3
# Where puppetd caches the local configuration. An
# extension indicating the cache format is added
# The default value is '$confdir/localconfig'.
localconfig = $vardir/localconfig


Puppe t Guide

Impo rtant
Se t the environment parame te r to the hos t's Puppe t e nvironme nt from the
Sate llite s e rve r. The Puppe t e nvironme nt labe l contains the organiz ation
labe l, life cycle e nvironme nt, conte nt vie w name , and the conte nt vie w ID. To
s e e a lis t of Puppe t e nvironme nts in the Sate llite 6 we b UI, navigate to
Co nf igure Enviro nment s.
2. Run the Puppe t age nt on the hos t:
# puppet agent -t --server
3. Sign the SSL ce rtificate for the puppe t clie nt through the Sate llite Se rve r we b
inte rface :
a. Log in to the Sate llite Se rve r through the we b inte rface .
b. Se le ct Inf rast ruct ure Capsules.
c. Click Certificates to the right of the re quire d hos t.
d. Click Sign.
e . Re run the puppet agent command:
# puppet agent -t --server

No te
Whe n the Puppe t age nt is configure d on the hos t it will be lis te d unde r All Hosts
but only whe n Any Context is s e le cte d as the hos t will not be as s igne d to an
organiz ation or location.


C hapt e r 6 . Re vie wing Puppe t Re po r t s in Re d Hat Sat e llit e 6

Chapt er 6. Reviewing Puppet Report s in Red Hat

Sat ellit e 6
Puppe t ge ne rate s a re port e ach time it applie s configuration. Provis ione d hos ts s e nd this
re port to the Re d Hat Sate llite 6 s e rve r. Vie w the s e re ports on the hos ts de tails page .
Pro cedure 6.1. Reviewing Puppet Repo rt s in Red Hat Sat ellit e 6
1. Navigate to Ho st s All ho st s.
2. Click the Name of your de s ire d hos t.
3. Click the Reports button.
4. Se le ct a re port to vie w.
Each re port s hows the s tatus of e ach Puppe t re s ource and its configuration applie d to the
hos t.


Puppe t Guide

Appendix A. Revision Hist ory

Revisio n 1.3-1
Mo n Oct 12 20 15
BZ 1253895: Typo in puppe t guide
Building for as ync 1

Hayley Hudgeo ns

Revisio n 1.1-1
Wed Aug 26 20 15
Dan Macpherso n
Adde d Puppe t Module Re moval ins tructions
Adde d Puppe t Age nt ins tallation and configuration for e xis ting hos ts
Revisio n 1.0 -2
T ue Jul 14 20 15
Re build for te chnical re vie w.

David O'Brien

Revisio n 1.0 -1
6.1 Public Be ta re le as e .

Sun Jun 14 20 15

David O'Brien

Revisio n 1.0 -0
Initial cre ation of book

Fri Jun 12 20 15

Dan Macpherso n


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