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Spanish Words, Common Phrases, and Grammar

Good morning.
Good afternoon.
Good evening. (greeting)
Hello, my name is John.
What is your name?
How are you?

Buenos das.
Buenas tardes.
Buenas noches.
Hola, me llamo Juan.
Cmo se llama usted?
Cmo est usted?

booEHN-os DEE-as
booEHN-as TAR-dehs
booEHN-as NO-chehs
OH-la meh YA-mo Wahn
KOH-moh seh YA-mah oos-TEHD
KOH-moh ehs-TA oos-TEHD

I am fine.
Nice to meet you.
See you later.
I am lost. Where is the
Excuse me.

Estoy bien.
Mucho gusto.
Hasta luego.
Estoy perdido. Dnde est el
Con permiso. OR Perdname

Thank you.
I'm sorry.
Bless you.
You are welcome (it was
How much does it cost?
How many are there?
There are many.
Do you want to buy this?

Por favor.
Lo siento.
De nada.

ehs-TOY bee-EHN
MOO-choh GOOS-toh
AHS-ta looEH-go
ehs-TOY pehr-DEE-doh. DOHN-deh
ehs-TA el BAH-neeo
kohn pehr-MEE-soh OR pehr-DOHnah-meh
pohr fah-VOR
low see-EHN-to
deh NA-da

What time is it?

How do you say maybe in
I do not understand.
Would you speak slower, please.

Qu hora es?
Cmo se dice maybe en
Yo no comprendo.
Por favor, habla mas despacio.

How are you?

Cmo est?

kooAN-to KWEHS-ta
kooAN-tohs eye
eye MOO-chohs
kee-EHR-eh kohm-PRAR-loh oosTEHD
keh OR-ah ehs
KOH-mo seh DEE-seh maybe ehn
yoh no kom-PREN-doh
pohr fah-VOR, AH-blah mahs dehsPAHS-ee-oh
koh-moh es-tah

Very well, thanks.

Excuse me.
Do you speak English?
Can you help me?
I don't understand.
I don't know.
Leave me alone.
Please write it down.
Where is...?
How much is it?
How many?
What's that?
I'd like.
I want.
I'd like it.
I don't like it.

Muy bien gracias.

Habla usted ingls?
Me puede ayudar?
No entiendo.
No lo s.
Djeme en paz.
Por favor, escrbalo.
Por qu?
Dnde est...?
Cunto cuesta?
Qu es eso?
Me gustara.
Me gusta.
No me gusta.
OK/De acuerdo.

mwee byen grah-thyas

ah-blah oo-steth een-gles
meh poo-eh-deh ah-yoo-dar
noh en-tyehn-doh
noh loh seh
deh-heh-meh en path
por fah-bor es-kree-bah-loh
por keh
don-deh es-tah
kwan-toh kwes-tah
keh es eh-soh
meh goo-stah-ree-ah
me goo-stah
noh meh goo-stah
oh-keh/deh ah-kwair-doh

How to Introduce Yourself

Cunto cuesta?
Cuntos hay?
Hay muchos.
Quiere comprarlo usted?

Do you speak (English/ Spanish)?

Just a little.
What's your name?
My name is ...
Mr.../ Mrs./ Miss
Nice to meet you!
You're very kind!
Where are you from?
I'm from (the U.S/ Spain)
I'm (American)
Where do you live?
I live in (the U.S/ Spain)
Did you like it here?
Spain is a wonderful country
What do you do for a living?
I work as a (translator/ businessman)
I like Spanish
I've been learning Spanish for 1 month
Oh! That's good!
How old are you?
I'm (twenty, thirty...) years old.
I have to go
I will be right back!
Wish Someone Something
Good luck!
Happy birthday!
Happy new year!
Merry Christmas!
Enjoy! (for meals...)
I'd like to visit Spain one day
Say hi to John for me
Bless you (when sneezing)
Good night and sweet dreams!
Solving a Misunderstanding
I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something)
Sorry (for a mistake)
No Problem!
Can You Say It Again?
Can You Speak Slowly?
Write It Down Please!
I Don't Understand!
I Don't Know!
I Have No Idea.
What's That Called In Spanish?
What Does "gato" Mean In English?
How Do You Say "Please" In Spanish?
What Is This?
My Spanish is bad.
I need to practice my Spanish
Don't worry!
Spanish Expressions and Words
Good/ Bad/ So-So.

Hablas (Ingls/ Espaol)?

Solo Un Poquito.
Cmo te llamas?
Me llamo ...
Seor.../ Seora.../ Seorita...
Tanto Gusto! / Medio Gusto Conocerte!
Eres Muy Amable!
De Dnde Eres?
Soy De (los Estados Unidos/ Espaa..) / Soy
Soy (americano/ americana)
Dnde Vives?
Vivo En (los Estados Unidos/ Espaa)
Le gusta a usted aqu?
Espaa Es Un Pas Maravelloso
A Qu Te Dedicas?
Trabajo Como (Traductor/ Hombre de Negocios)
Me Gusta El Espaol
Tengo Un Mes Estudiando Espaol
Oh, Qu Ben!
Cuntos Aos Tienes?
Tengo (veinte ...treinta) Aos.
Me Tengo Que Ir.
Regreso En Un Momentito.
Que Tenga Suerte!
Feliz Cumpleaos!
Feliz Ao Nuevo!
Feliz Navidad!
Que Aproveche!
Me Gustara Visitar Algn Da Tu Pas
Dale Saludos A ( Juan ...) De Mi Parte
Buenas Noches Y Dulces Sueos!
Lo Siento!
No Problema!
Puede Repetirlo!
Puedes Hablar Ms Despacio!
Escrbalo, Por Favor!
No Entiendo!
No (Lo) S!
No Tengo Ni Idea!
Cmo Se llama a Esto En Espaol?
Qu Quiere Decir "gato" En Ingls?
Cmo Se Dice "please" En Espaol?
Qu Es Esto?
Mi Espaol Es Malo
me falta prctica en Espaol
No Te Preocupes!
Bueno/ Malo/ As As

Big/ Small
Today/ Now
Tomorrow/ Yesterday
Yes/ No
Here you go! (when giving something)
Do you like it?
I really like it!
I'm hungry/ thirsty.
In The Morning/ Evening/ At Night.
This/ That. Here/There
Me/ You. Him/ Her.
Hurry up!
What? Where?
What time is it?
It's 10 o'clock. 07:30pm.
Give me this!
I love you!
I feel sick.
I need a doctor
One, Two, Three
Four, Five, Six
Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten

Grande/ Pequeo
Hoy/ Ahora
Maana/ Ayer
S/ No
Aqu Tiene!
Te Gusta? Te Encanta?
Me Gusta/ Encanta Mucho!
Tengo Hambre/ Sed.
Por La Maana/ Tarde/ Noche.
Eso/Ese. Aqu/ All
Yo/ T. l/ Ella
Date Prisa!
Qu? Dnde?
Qu Hora Es?
Es Las Diez En Punto, Las Siete Y Media.
Dame Eso!
Te Quiero!
Estoy Mareado
Necessito Un Mdico!
Uno, Dos, Tres
Cuatro, Cinco, Seis
Siete, Ocho, Nueve, Diez

Linda - Beautiful
Me haces feliz - You make me happy
Mi primer amor - My first love
Muchos te amo - I love you very much
No puedo vivir sin ti - I can't live without you
Pienso en ti siempre - I always think of you
Quieres ser mi novia (novio)? - Would you like to be my girlfriend? (boyfriend?)
Quiero estar contigo para siempre - I want to be with you forever
Quiero hacerte el amor - I want to make love to you
Quiero un momento contigo - I want a moment with you
Quiero un tiempo contigo - I want time with you
Quisiera que estuvieras aqu conmigo - I wish you were here with me
Siempre te amare - I will love you always
Sin ti no puedo respirar. Te necesito en mi vida. - Without you I can not breath. I need you in my life.
Sin tu amor la vida no vale la pena - Without your love life isn't worth it
Te ame desde el momento en que puse mis ojos en ti - I loved you from the moment I first laid eyes on
Te amo - I love you
Te amo desde el fondo de mi corazn - I love you from the bottom of my heart
Te amo hermosa - I love you beautiful
Te amo mucho - I love you very much
Te amo, tu me complementas - I love you, you complete me
Te casars conmigo? - Will you marry me?
Te echo de menos - I miss you (literally means "I throw you less")
Te extrao - I miss you
Te querr para siempre - I will love you always
Te quiero - I love (want) you
Te quiero con toda mi alma - I love you with all my soul
Te quiero en mi cama - I want you in my bed
Tienes los ojos ms bonitos del mundo - You have the prettiest eyes in the world
Tu eres el hombre de mi vida - You are the man of my life
T eres la mujer ms bella que he visto - You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen
Tu eres mi alma gemela - You are my soulmate
Tu eres mi luz en la oscuridad - You are my light in the dark
Tu eres mi vida - You are my life
Tu eres un hermosa amigo - You are a beautiful friend (male)
Tu eres una muy bonita amiga - You are a very pretty friend (female)
Tu me haces feliz cuando ests aqu - You make me happy when you are here
Voy a soar contigo - I will be dreaming of you
Soy feliz de compartir cada instante de mi vida a tu lado. Im happy to share each moment of my
life by your side.
Besarte es como ver las estrellas. To kiss you is like seeing stars.
Tu amor vale mas que millones de estrellas. Your love is worth more than a million stars.
Tu amor me inspira, tu ternura me conmueve y tus besos me enloquecen. Your love inspires me,
your tenderness touches me and your kisses drive me crazy.
Tarda una hora en conocerte y solo un dia en enamorarme. Pero me llevar toda una vida poder
olvidarte. It took me an hour to know you and only a day to fall in love. But it will take me a lifetime
to be able to forget you.
te echo de menos a mi Hermana--"i miss you my sister

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