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Biomass and Bioenergy 27 (2004) 339 – 352

Grinding performance and physical properties of wheat and

barley straws, corn stover and switchgrass
Sudhagar Mania , Lope G. Tabila;∗ , Shahab Sokhansanjb
a Department of Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, 57 Campus Drive,
Saskatoon, Canada SK S7N 5A9
b Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of British Columbia, 2216 Main Mall,

Vancouver, Canada BC V6T 1Z4

Received 12 May 2003; received in revised form 23 March 2004; accepted 23 March 2004


Wheat and barley straws, corn stover and switchgrass at two moisture contents were ground using a hammer mill with
three di.erent screen sizes (3.2, 1.6 and 0:8 mm). Energy required for grinding these materials was measured. Among the
four materials, switchgrass had the highest speci5c energy consumption (27:6 kW h t−1 ), and corn stover had the least
speci5c energy consumption (11:0 kW h t −1 ) at 3:2 mm screen size. Physical properties of grinds such as moisture content,
geometric mean diameter of grind particles, particle size distribution, and bulk and particle densities were determined. Second-
or third-order polynomial models were developed relating bulk and particle densities of grinds to geometric mean diameter
within the range of 0.18–1:43 mm. Switchgrass had the highest calori5c value and the lowest ash content among the biomass
species tested.
? 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Size reduction; Comminution; Agricultural crop residues; Energy crops; Speci5c energy consumption

1. Introduction potential biomass for energy production. Utilization

of these crop residues as an energy source will serve
Corn (Zea mays L.) stover and wheat (Triticum to reduce consumption of fossil fuels, thereby reduc-
aestivum L.) straw are the most abundant 5eld ing the emission of greenhouse gases to the environ-
crop residues in the US, roughly 96% of total 5eld ment. Biomass stores energy during the process of
crop residue [1]. Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum photosynthesis. This energy (renewable) can be re-
L.) is viewed as a major future energy crop in covered by the combustion process or by conversion
the US. Large acreage under production in Canada into usable form such as ethanol, bio-oils, or producer
makes barley (Hordeum vulgare) and wheat straws gases.
Size reduction is an important pretreatment of
biomass for energy conversion. Size reduction is
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-306-966-5317; fax: +1-306- also crucial to the densi5cation process. For ex-
966-5334. ample, in the production of fuel pellets and bri-
E-mail address: (L.G. Tabil). quettes, the feedstock has to be ground before being

0961-9534/$ - see front matter ? 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
340 S. Mani et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 27 (2004) 339 – 352

transformed into a denser product. Particle size re- grinding energy. However, he did not report the mois-
duction increases the total surface area, pore size of ture content of the feedstock, type of mill and particle
the material and the number of contact points for size distributions. Samson et al. [12] reported a spe-
inter-particle bonding in the compaction process [2]. ci5c energy of 44:9 kW h t −1 , when a hammer mill
Pretreatment of biomass feedstock such as milling, with screen size of 5:6 mm was used to grind switch-
pulping and steaming increases pore size and re- grass. Schell and Harwood [5] studied the energy
duces cellulose crystallinity, which is required for requirement for milling of lignocellulosic biomass
bioconversion of lignocellulosic feedstock [3,4]. Size and concluded that hammer milling used less energy
reduction of lignocellulosic biomass is also necessary than disk milling. A study of grinding switchgrass at
to eliminate mass and heat transfer limitations during 10–12% wet basis (wb) moisture content in a ham-
the hydrolysis reactions [5]. In the forage industry, the mer mill was reported by Jannasch et al. [16]. They
hammer mill is widely used for grinding alfalfa chops reported a speci5c energy of 55:9 kW h t −1 for both
to produce pellets. Hammer mills are relatively cheap, 5.6 and 2:8 mm screen sizes. The reason may be due
easy to operate and produce wide range of particles to the usage of commercial hammer mill (112 kW)
[6]. Energy consumption of grinding biomass depends and initial chop size of the sample used.
on initial particle size, moisture content, material Moisture content, bulk density, true density and
properties, feed rate of the material and machine vari- particle size and shape of biomass particles after
ables. The performance of a hammer mill is measured grinding are important for downstream processing.
in terms of energy consumption and geometric mean Ebeling and Jenkins [17] determined the heating
diameter and particle size distribution of the ground value and performed fuel proximate analysis for 62
product. Geometric mean diameter and particle size kinds of biomass. Combustion characteristics of pel-
distribution of biomass grinds are important factors leted switchgrass were studied by Samson et al. [12].
that a.ect the binding characteristics for densi5cation They compared the combustion quality of switchgrass
and are useful information in the design of pneumatic pellets with coal and natural gas. They reported that
conveyors and cyclones. Arthur et al. [7] investigated carbon dioxide emission from switchgrass pellet was
the performance of tub grinder with crop and forest very much lower than the fossil fuel.
residues to evaluate their potential use in a biomass The objective of this research was to measure and
energy conversion system. A hammer mill was used in compare some of the handling-related physical prop-
studies [8–12] on grinding of forage crops, grains and erties of biomass with respect to grinding and parti-
biomass materials to produce densi5ed masses and cle size. A pilot-scale hammer mill was used to grind
hydrolysis of lignocelluloses. Balk [13] studied the wheat and barley straws, corn stover and switchgrass.
speci5c energy requirement of hammer mill for grind- The physical properties measured were moisture con-
ing coastal Bermuda grass. He related the speci5c tent, particle size, bulk and particle densities, speci5c
energy requirement with moisture content and feed energy for grinding and fuel properties.
rate of the material. Von Bargen et al. [14] reported
that the corn residues used more energy among three
crop residues tested viz. wheat straw, corn residues 2. Materials and methods
and grain sorghum residues at a hammer mill periph-
eral speed of 15:8 m s−1 . They also found that grain 2.1. Crop residues
sorghum residues required the least speci5c energy.
The performance of the hammer mill for grinding Wheat and barley straws in square bales were
corn and grain sorghum was studied by Martin and obtained from an experimental farm near Saskatoon,
Behnke [15]. They concluded that high power was Saskatchewan, Canada. The bales were of standard
consumed for 5ne grinding and it was only suitable dimension of 1:00 × 0:45 × 0:35 m with moisture
for making high-quality pellets. Datta [3] reported content of 8.3% (wb) for wheat and 6.9% (wb) for
that coarse size reduction (0.2–0:6 mm) of hardwood barley. Corn stover was collected in the form of
chips required 20–40 kW h t −1 , whereas size reduc- whole plant without cobs from a sweet corn variety
tion to 0.15–0:3 mm required 100–200 kW h t −1 of grown in Saskatoon with moisture content of 6.2%
S. Mani et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 27 (2004) 339 – 352 341

(wb). Switchgrass var ‘Path5nder’ was received at The data logger was connected to a desktop computer
5.2% (wb) moisture content from Resource EKcient where the time-power data was stored.
Agricultural Production (REAP), Montreal, Quebec, Three hammer mill screen sizes, 3.2, 1.6 and
Canada. 0:8 mm were used in grinding the biomass. To start
grinding, the exhaust fan was switched on followed
2.2. Chop size by the air-lock delivery system (star wheel) of the
ground material collection system. The hammer mill
The corn stover and switchgrass were chopped man- was started. A known quantity of straw was manually
ually to the size equivalent of the output from a tub fed into the hammer mill and the time required to
grinder (25–50 mm) and the chop size was deter- grind the straw was recorded along with the power
mined using a chopped forage size analyzer speci5ed drawn by the hammer mill motor which was recorded
in ASAE Standard S424.1 MAR 98 [18]. A sample every 6 s. The power required to run the hammer
of 4 l cut biomass was taken and fed into the top mill empty was measured before the material was
screen of the screen shaker. The material was screened introduced. This allowed determining the net power
for 5 min and the mass retained on each screen was required to grind the material. The speci5c energy
weighed to determine the geometric mean size of the required for grinding was determined by integrating
chopped material. the area under the power demand curve for the total
time required to grind the sample [13]. Each test was
2.3. Conditioning of biomass repeated three times.

Conditioning the materials to the required moisture 2.5. Particle size analysis
content was done by spraying water uniformly into
the chopped material. The wetted material was placed A sample grind of 100 g was placed in a stack
in a plastic bag and stored in a room at 22◦ C for 72 h of sieves arranged from the largest to the smallest
for moisture equilibration prior to grinding. opening. The sieve series selected were based on the
range of particles in the sample. For the grinds from
2.4. Grinding test apparatus 3:2 mm hammer mill screen opening, Canadian se-
ries sieve numbers 10, 14, 16, 18, 20, 30, 40, 50, 70,
Fig. 1 is a schematic diagram of the hammer mill 100, 140 and 200 (sieve sizes: 2.0, 1.4, 1.2, 1.0, 0.85,
used for grinding biomass in this work. Hammer mills 0.59, 0.43, 0.30, 0.21, 0.15, 0.11 and 0:08 mm, respec-
reduce particle size of solid materials by shear and tively) were used. For grinds from 1:6 mm hammer
impact action. The hammer mill used in this study mill screen opening, the sieve numbers used were 20,
consisted of 22 swinging hammers, attached to a shaft 30, 40, 50, 70 and 100 (0.85, 0.59, 0.43, 0.30, 0.21
powered by a 1:5 kW electric motor. The shaft ro- and 0:15 mm, respectively). For the 5ne grinds from
tated at a speed of 60 r s−1 . Perforated metal screens 0:8 mm hammer mill screen opening, the sieve num-
covering the discharge opening of the mill-retained bers used were 30, 40, 50, 70, 100, and 140 (0.59,
coarse materials for further grinding while allow- 0.43, 0.30, 0.21, 0.15 and 0:11 mm, respectively).
ing the properly sized materials to pass as 5nished The set of sieves was placed on the Ro-Tap sieve
product. To avoid dust generation during grinding, shaker (Tyler Industrial Products, OH). The duration
the ground product was collected through the ground of sieving was 10 min, which was previously deter-
material collection system, which consisted of a cy- mined through trials to be optimal. This time duration
clone with an air-lock, an exhaust fan and a ducting was suKcient for straw grinds, because of their Ou.y
assembly (Fig. 1). and 5brous nature. After sieving, the mass retained on
The power drawn by the hammer mill motor was each sieve was weighed. Sieve analysis was repeated
measured using a wattmeter (Ohio Semitronics In- three times for each ground sample. The particle size
ternational, OH). The meter was connected to the was determined according to ANSI/ASAE standard
data logging system (LABMATE Data Acquisition S319.3 JUL 97 [19]. The geometric mean diameter
and Control System, Sciemetric Instruments, ON). (dgw ) of the sample and geometric standard deviation
342 S. Mani et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 27 (2004) 339 – 352

Power supply
Data flow
Chopped Biomass
Exhaust fan

Power supply
Hammers Power transducer

Hammer mill
Data logger ss
Screen ma
Computer gro
Star wheel

Biomass grind

Fig. 1. Complete Oow chart for grinding test.

of particle diameter (Sgw ) were calculated according center of a 0:5 l steel cup. Since the grind was Ou.y
to the aforementioned standard. and did not Oow down readily through the funnel, it
was stirred using a wire in order to maintain a contin-
2.6. Moisture content uous Oow of the material. The cup was leveled gen-
tly by a rubber-coated steel rod and weighed. Mass
Moisture content of a sample was determined ac- per unit volume gave the bulk density of the grinds in
cording to ASAE standard S358.2 DEC 98 for forages kg m−3 .
[20]. A sample of 25 g was oven dried for 24 h at Particle density of the grind was measured using
105 ± 3◦ C. The moisture content was reported in a gas multipycnometer (Quantachrome Corporation,
percent wet basis (wb). The moisture content of the FL) by measuring the pressure di.erence when a
grinds was determined as per the procedure given known quantity of nitrogen under pressure is allowed
in ASTM Standard D 3173-87 for coal and coke to Oow from a previously known reference volume
[21]. One gram of pulverized sample passing through (VR ) into a sample cell (Vc ) containing the ground
sieve number 60 was taken and oven dried for 1 h at material. The true volume of the sample (Vp ) was
104–110◦ C. The moisture content of the grind was calculated from Eq. (1). The particle density of the
determined by weighing and expressed in percent wet sample is its mass divided by Vp and was expressed
basis. in Mg m−3 . Each bulk and particle measurement was
repeated 5ve times on the same sample.
2.7. Bulk density and particle density of grinds Vp = Vc − VR −1 ; (1)
The ground samples were sieved using the Ro-Tap where Vp is the volume of ground biomass (m3 ),
sieve shaker and separated according to the sieve num- Vc the volume of sample cell (m3 ), VR the reference
ber in order to assess the e.ect of grind particle size on volume (m3 ), P1 the pressure reading after pressuriz-
bulk and particle densities. The sieves used in this test ing the reference volume (Pa), P2 the pressure after
were sieve numbers 16, 20, 30, 40, 50, 70 and 100 (1.2, including Vc (Pa).
0.85, 0.59, 0.43, 0.3, 0.21 and 0:15 mm, respectively).
The materials retained on each sieve were collected. 2.8. Heating value and ash content
Bulk density of ground samples was measured us-
ing the grain bulk density apparatus. The grinds were The calori5c value of the grind was measured
placed on the funnel and continuously dropped at the using an adiabatic oxygen bomb calorimeter (Parr
S. Mani et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 27 (2004) 339 – 352 343

Instrument Company, IL) using the procedure of milled wheat straw at 4% moisture content and corn
ASTM D2015-96, standard method for gross calori5c stover at 7% moisture content.
value of coal and coke by the adiabatic bomb calorime- Fig. 2 represents the speci5c energy requirement
ter [22]. Initially, the calorimeter was calibrated with for grinding biomass as a function of screen size at
benzoic acid tablets. Approximately 1:00 g of grind, moisture content of 8% (wb) or lower. The smaller
which passed through sieve number 60 was placed in the screen size, the higher is the speci5c energy for
a nickel crucible and 5red inside the bomb calorime- grinding biomass samples. In other words, 5ne grind-
ter using an ignition wire in the presence of oxygen. ing requires high speci5c energy.
The calori5c value of the sample was expressed in Fig. 3 shows the relationship between the speci5c
MJ kg−1 . The measurements were repeated three energy requirement of biomass residues and hammer
times. mill screen sizes at 12% (wb) moisture content. Corn
The ash content of the samples was determined stover used the least speci5c energy of 11 kW h t −1
based on ASTM standard D 3174-97 for coal and with hammer mill screen size of 3:2 mm at 12% mois-
coke [23]. One gram of grind passing through sieve ture content. It was expected that corn stover would
number 60 was placed in a porcelain crucible. The consume less energy due to its lower 5ber content
crucible was placed inside a muQe furnace (Blue M and the presence of more spongy vascular tissues in
Electric Company, IL). The temperature of the fur- the stem. At high moisture, barley straw grind used
nace was increased to between 450◦ C and 500◦ C for the highest energy of 99:5 kW h t −1 with the screen
the 5rst hour and again increased to between 700◦ C size of 0:8 mm. The high energy consumption may
and 750◦ C for the second hour. For 2 h, the same be caused by the larger mean chop size of the barley
temperature was maintained. After 4 h from the start feed. The geometric mean chop size of switchgrass
of furnace, the crucibles were covered, removed from (7:15 mm) was the least among the biomass tested
the furnace and cooled to room temperature in a glass and consumed the higher speci5c energy due to the
desiccator. The mass retained in the crucible was 5brous nature of switchgrass. The data did not show
expressed as percent ash content. The ash content much di.erence in the speci5c energy requirement for
measurements were repeated three times. switchgrass as observed at both moisture levels ex-
cept for the largest screen size (3:2 mm). Among the
four materials studied, switchgrass used the highest
3. Results and discussion speci5c energy to grind in all hammer mill screen
sizes, whereas corn stover required the least speci5c
3.1. Energy requirement for grinding energy.
A regression analysis was performed to predict the
Table 1 lists the average speci5c energy consump- speci5c energy requirement for grinding of biomass
tion for grinding selected biomass using the hammer using the hammer mill screen sizes ranging between
mill with three di.erent screen sizes at two mois- 3.2 and 0:8 mm. At low moisture content (less than
ture contents. The speci5c energy consumption for 8%), a simple linear model 5tted well with the ex-
grinding wheat straw with the hammer mill screen perimental data (Fig. 2) for all biomass samples with
sizes of 0.8, 1.6 and 3:2 mm were 51.6, 37.0 and coeKcient of determination (R2 ) values ranging from
11:4 kW h t−1 , respectively, at 8.30% (wb) moisture 0.96 to 0.99. At higher moisture content (12%), a
content. Energy consumption to reduce corn stover second-order regression model 5tted well for wheat
to particle sizes 3.2, 1.6 and 0.8 was 7.0, 14.8 and straw, corn stover and switchgrass (Fig. 3) with higher
22:0 kW h t−1 , respectively. The speci5c energy con- R2 values. The 95% con5dence bounds (dotted lines)
sumption for wheat straw and corn stover was similar for the regression models (solid lines) showed the
to the results reported by Cadoche and Lopez [24]. statistical signi5cance of the developed models. In
Cadoche and Lopez [24] tested a knife and hammer Figs. 2 and 3, some experimental data points were lo-
mill for milling hardwood chips, wheat straw and corn cated outside the 95% con5dence region. Although R2
stover at 4–7% moisture content. The results were also values for the models were high, the predicted results
comparable with the work of Himmel et al. [25]. They from model may not be precise in that region.
344 S. Mani et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 27 (2004) 339 – 352

Table 1
Speci5c energy requirement for grinding of biomass residues and switchgrass using hammer mill

Material Moisture content Geometric Hammer mill Average speci5c

(% wb) mean chop screen opening energy
size (mm) (mm) consumption
(kW h t −1 )

Wheat straw 8.3 7.67 0.8 51.55 (2.93)a

8.3 1.6 37.01 (6.65)
8.3 3.2 11.36 (1.02)
12.1 0.8 45.32 (0.98)
12.1 1.6 43.56 (1.80)
12.1 3.2 24.66 (1.82)

Barley straw 6.9 20.52 0.8 53.00 (2.66)

6.9 1.6 37.91 (4.51)
6.9 3.2 13.79 (0.18)
12.0 0.8 99.49 (7.35)
12.0 1.6 27.09 (1.59)
12.0 3.2 N/Ab

Corn stover 6.2 12.48 0.8 22.07 (0.32)

6.2 1.6 14.79 (0.54)
6.2 3.2 6.96 (0.75)
12.0 0.8 34.30 (1.47)
12.0 1.6 19.84 (3.47)
12.0 3.2 11.04 (0.97)

Switchgrass 8.0 7.15 0.8 62.55 (0.63)

8.0 1.6 51.76 (0.96)
8.0 3.2 23.84 (0.63)
12.0 0.8 56.57 (1.91)
12.0 1.6 58.47 (1.86)
12.0 3.2 27.63 (1.07)
a Number enclosed in parenthesis are standard deviations for n = 3.
b Data not available.

From Figs. 2 and 3, it can be observed that the ham- content had a positive correlation with speci5c energy
mer mill screen size was negatively correlated with consumption of the four biomass tested. The higher
speci5c energy consumption. Therefore, the larger the the moisture content, the higher was the speci5c en-
hammer mill screen size, the lower was the speci5c ergy consumption. It can be explained by the fact
energy consumption. This is in agreement with the that an increase in moisture content of straw samples
results for alfalfa stem grinding reported by Sitkei would increase the shear strength of the material, al-
[26]. He reported a second-order polynomial relation- though shear strength decreases with decomposition
ship between the speci5c energy requirement and the of straw samples [28]. Therefore, biomass demands
mean particle size for alfalfa stems with a R2 value of more speci5c energy to hammer mill at high moisture
0.99. Similarly, Holtzapple et al. [27] reported the re- content. This result agrees with the results reported by
lationship for grinding energy with the length of wood Balk [13]. He reported that for alfalfa grinding, mois-
cubes. They also concluded that grinding energy in- ture content had a positive correlation with speci5c
creased greatly as the particle size is reduced. energy consumption. Schell and Harwood [5] stud-
Moisture is also an important factor to be consid- ied the milling performance of hammer mill, disc
ered during hammer milling of biomass. Moisture mill and shedder to mill wood chips at about 60%
S. Mani et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 27 (2004) 339 – 352 345

70 E= -16.45S + 76.52
R2 = 0.99
Specific energy consumption, E (kW h t-1) 60 Barley straw
E= -16.30S + 65.08
R2 = 0.97
Wheat straw
E = -16.78S + 64.38
40 R2 = 0.96



Corn stover
10 E= -6.14S + 25.99
R2 = 0.97
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Hammer mill screen size, S (mm)

Fig. 2. Speci5c energy requirement for grinding of selected biomass at 8% (wb) moisture content or lower. E = speci5c energy requirement,
kW h t−1 ; S = hammer mill screen size, mm.

Wheat straw
70 E = -4.07S2 + 7.48S + 41.95
R2 = 0.98
Specific energy consumption, E (kW h t-1)

E = -9.16S2 + 24.22S + 43.12
R2 = 0.99




Corn stover
10 2
E = 5.31S - 30.86S + 55.45
R = 0.96
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Hammer mill screen size, S (mm)

Fig. 3. Speci5c energy requirement for grinding of selected biomass at 12% (wb) moisture content. E = speci5c energy requirement,
kW h t−1 ; S = hammer mill screen size, mm.

moisture and switchgrass and paper wastes at 10% switchgrass. This was twice higher than the energy
moisture content. They reported that dry wood chips required for switchgrass in this study. The reason
are easier to dry than wet wood chips. Jannasch et al. may be due to the usage of commercial hammer mill
[16] reported a speci5c energy of 55:9 kW h t −1 for (112 kW), feed rate and initial chop size of the sample
the hammer mill screen sizes of 5.6 and 2:8 mm for used.
346 S. Mani et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 27 (2004) 339 – 352

3.2 mm screen size
1.6 mm screen size
Percent mass retained (%) 20 0.8 mm screen size





























Nominal sieve size (mm)

Fig. 4. Typical particle size distribution of wheat straw grinds at various screen sizes.

3.2. Physical properties of biomass grinds size distribution with more 5nes is suitable for enzy-
matic hydrolysis of lignocelluloses due to the genera-
Fig. 4 shows a typical particle size distribution of tion of more surface area and pore spaces during 5ne
wheat grind from three di.erent hammer mill screen grinding. But 5ne grinding of biomass requires high
sizes. The graph depicts the skewness of the distribu- energy [25]. Information on particle size distribution
tion for wheat straw at 3:2 mm screen size, which was requirement for various conversion processes is
similarly reported for alfalfa grinds [29], wheat straw, not available. An ideal particle size distribution
and corn stover [25]. The grinds from screen size of remains to be determined for each bioconversion
3:2 mm had a large size distribution with a geometric process.
mean particle diameter of 0:64 mm for wheat straw For the same hammer mill screen size, the geomet-
grind and 0:69 mm for barley straw grind. The geo- ric mean particle diameter of wheat straw grind was
metric mean diameter for corn stover and switchgrass slightly smaller than that of barley straw grind. This
grinds was 0.41 and 0:46 mm, respectively; which might be due to the di.erence in mechanical properties
were 5ner than wheat and barley straw grinds. Grinds of wheat and barley straws. Grinds from corn stover
from the hammer mill screen size of 1.6 and 0:8 mm were the 5nest among the biomass tested. Corn stover
were distributed in narrow range (Fig. 4) and pro- had the lowest moisture content among the materials
duced particles with geometric mean particle diameter used. It was observed that corn stover was easier to
of 0.34 and 0:28 mm, respectively, for wheat straw grind than the other biomass.
grinds and 0.38 and 0:32 mm, respectively, for barley Geometric mean particle diameter, bulk and parti-
straw grinds. Similar results were also observed for cle densities of biomass grinds from di.erent hammer
corn stover and switchgrass grinds. Wider particle mill screen sizes are given in Table 2. The larger the
size distribution is suitable for compaction (pelleting screen openings, the lower were the bulk and par-
or briquetting) process. During compaction, smaller ticle densities. Grinds from the smallest screen size
(5ne) particles rearrange and 5ll in the void space of (0:8 mm) produced higher bulk and particle densi-
larger (coarse) particles producing denser and durable ties of 121 kg m−3 and 1:34 Mg m−3 , respectively
compacts [30,31]. Coarse particles are also suitable for wheat straw and 112 kg m−3 , and 1:25 Mg m−3 ,
feed for boilers and gasi5ers. Narrow range particle respectively for barley straw. Bulk and particle
S. Mani et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 27 (2004) 339 – 352 347

Table 2
Physical properties of biomass grinds

Biomass Moisture Hammer Geometric Geometric Bulk density Particle density

grinds content mill screen mean standard (kg m−3 ) (Mg m−3 )
(% wb) size (mm) particle deviation
diameter (mm)

Wheat straw 8.30 3.2 0.64 0.31 97 (1)a 1.03

1.6 0.34 0.20 107 (1) 1.26
0.8 0.28 0.20 121 (1) 1.34

Barley straw 6.98 3.2 0.69 0.36 81 (1) 0.89

1.6 0.38 0.22 101 (1) 1.18
0.8 0.32 0.22 112 (1) 1.25

Corn stover 6.22 3.2 0.41 0.26 131 (2) 1.17

1.6 0.26 0.45 156 (2) 1.33
0.8 0.19 0.31 158 (2) 1.34

Switchgrass 8.00 3.2 0.46 0.26 115 (1) 0.95

1.6 0.28 0.39 156 (2) 1.14
0.8 0.25 0.44 182 (1) 1.17
a Number enclosed in parenthesis are standard deviations for n = 5.

densities of wheat straw grind were slightly higher bulk density up to a certain particle diameter. At par-
than that of barley straw grind. Switchgrass grind ticle diameter 0:18 mm, bulk density of wheat straw
had the highest bulk density of 182 kg m−3 when grind slightly decreased to 104 kg m−3 , because at
passed through hammer mill screen size of 0:8 mm. very 5ne grind particle size, particles tend to repel,
Among the four biomass grinds, corn stover grinds thus creating more void space and lowering the bulk
had the highest bulk and particle densities due to density. In the case of particle density of wheat straw
the smallest geometric mean particle diameter of grind, it started to increase from 0:92 Mg m−3 at a
the grind from the hammer mill screen sizes of 3.2 particle mean diameter of 1:43 mm to 1:41 Mg m−3
and 1:6 mm. at a particle diameter of 0:18 mm, because larger par-
ticles have more void spaces. Porosity within the grind
3.3. E<ect of geometric mean particle diameter of particle is reduced further when the grind particle size
grinds on bulk and particle densities is reduced [32].
The bulk and particle densities of barley grind be-
The e.ect of geometric mean diameter of grinds on haved similarly to the wheat straw grinds. Bulk and
bulk and particle densities is presented in Figs. 5 and particle densities of wheat straw grinds were slightly
6. It was observed that the larger the geometric mean higher than that of barley straw grind. From Fig. 5,
particle diameter of the grinds, the lower were the it can be said that corn stover grinds had the high-
bulk and particle densities. For example, the bulk den- est bulk density of 153 kg m−3 at a geometric mean
sity of wheat straw grind increased from 77 kg m−3 diameter of 0:36 mm. At geometric mean diameter
at geometric mean particle diameter of 1:43 mm to of 0:75 mm, both corn stover and switchgrass grinds
115 kg m−3 at geometric mean particle diameter of had a bulk density of 105 kg m−3 . A single factor
0:25 mm. Because of the bulky nature of the larger analysis of variance (ANOVA) test on bulk den-
grind particles, they occupied more pore volume than sity data showed that no signi5cant di.erence
smaller particles. So the smaller particles had higher (p ¡ 0:05) was observed between corn stover and
348 S. Mani et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 27 (2004) 339 – 352

Wheat straw
Barley straw
Corn stover
Bulk density, ρb (kg m-3)



0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6
Geometric mean particle diameter, d (mm)

Fig. 5. E.ect of geometric mean particle diameter on bulk density of biomass grinds.

1.5 Wheat straw

Barley straw
Corn stover
1.3 Switchgrass
Particle density, ρp (Mg m-3)




0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50
Geometric mean particle diameter, d (mm)

Fig. 6. E.ect of geometric mean particle diameter on particle density of biomass grinds

switchgrass bulk density data. But this was not true It can be observed from the Fig. 6 that switchgrass
for the bulk density data of wheat and barley straw grind had the lowest particle density of 0:85 Mg m−3
grinds. at 1:01 mm geometric mean diameter. The highest
S. Mani et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 27 (2004) 339 – 352 349

Table 3
Relationship between geometric mean particle size and bulk and particle densities of biomass grinds

Biomass grind Model Particle ranges (mm) R2

Wheat straw b = 14:52d3 − 21:41d2 − 24:98d + 114:51 0:18 ¡ d ¡ 1:43 0.88

p = 0:41d2 − 1:07d + 1:61 0:18 ¡ d ¡ 1:43 0.99

Barley straw b = 13:11d3 − 12:51d2 − 40:49d + 108:1 0:18 ¡ d ¡ 1:43 0.97

p = 0:58d3 − 1:17d2 + 0:11d + 1:33 0:18 ¡ d ¡ 1:43 0.99

Corn stover b = 552:02d3 − 1031:4d2 + 501:94d + 75:68 0:25 ¡ d ¡ 1:01 0.99

p = 0:26d2 − 0:91d + 1:57 0:18 ¡ d ¡ 1:01 0.99

Switchgrass b = 149:44d2 − 218:15d + 184:38 0:18 ¡ d ¡ 1:01 0.99

p = 0:26d3 + 0:14d2 − 0:94d + 1:39 0:18 ¡ d ¡ 1:01 0.99

b = bulk density (kg m−3 ).

p = particle density (Mg m−3 ).
d = geometric mean diameter (mm).

particle density of 1:43 mg m−3 was observed for wheat straw grinds with R2 value of 0.99. A third-order
corn stover grinds at 0:18 mm geometric mean di- polynomial model was developed for barley straw
ameter. A single factor ANOVA test for particle grinds to relate the bulk and particle densities with
density data showed that there was no signi5cant geometric mean diameter, with R2 values of 0.97 and
di.erence between the particle density data of wheat 0.99, respectively. In the case of corn stover grinds,
and barley straw grinds. But there was a signi5cant the third-order polynomial model for bulk and particle
di.erence between the particle density data for corn densities also 5tted well with R2 values of 0.99 and
stover and switchgrass grinds at 95% con5dence 0.99, respectively. For switchgrass, a second-order
level. polynomial model 5tted the data well with R2 val-
Table 3 lists the polynomial relationships between ues of 0.99 for both bulk and particle densities. The
densities and particle size of biomass grinds. For best 5t was selected based on the lower sum of
bulk density of wheat straw grinds, a third-order square error (SSE) and higher R2 value of the model.
polynomial model was developed with respect to To further con5rm the 5tness of the data, ANOVA
the geometric mean particle diameter of the grind test was performed for each regression model us-
with coeKcient of multiple determination (R2 ) ing the average values of bulk and particle densities
value of 0.88. A similar relationship was obtained data. Tables 4 and 5 show the ANOVA test result
for particle density and the particle diameter of for both bulk and particle densities model. All the

Table 4
ANOVA test results for the regression models of bulk density data

Source Wheat straw Barley straw Corn stover Switchgrass

dfa SSb df SS df SS df SS

Total 6 1044 6 1308 4 1997 5 1477

Model (regression) 3 919ns 3 1271 3 1992 2 1473
Error 3 125 3 37 1 5 3 4
ns Notsigni5cant.
a Degrees of freedom (df).
b Sum of squares (SS).
350 S. Mani et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 27 (2004) 339 – 352

Table 5
ANOVA test results for the regression models of particle density data

Source Wheat straw Barley straw Corn stover Switchgrass

dfa SSb df SS df SS df SS

Total 6 0.243 6 0.276 5 0.185 5 0.116

Model (regression) 2 0.241 3 0.275 2 0.184 3 0.115
Error 4 0.002 3 0.001 3 0.001 2 0.001
a Degrees of freedom (df).
b Sum of squares (SS).

Table 6
Heating value and ash content of selected biomass

Material Moisture content (% wb)a Heating value (MJ kg−1 )b Ash content (%)c

Wheat straw 6.16 (0.09) 16.81 (0.02) 8.32 (0.06)

Barley straw 7.11 (0.16) 16.12 (0.02) 10.72 (0.05)
Corn stover 9.41 (0.25) 16.18 (0.05) 7.46 (0.02)
Switchgrass 5.64 (0.27) 17.61 (0.01) 5.49 (0.01)
an = 5.
bn = 3.
c n = 3.

Numbers enclosed in parenthesis are standard deviations.

regression models were statistically signi5cant Switchgrass used the highest speci5c energy re-
(p ¡ 0:05) except the bulk density model for wheat quirement for grinding at both moisture levels and
straw grind. all screen sizes due to the 5brous nature of the
3.4. Heating value and ash content 2. The relationship between the geometric mean par-
ticle diameter of straw grinds and bulk and particle
Table 6 lists the heating values and ash contents densities was developed in the form of second- and
of biomass grinds. The heating values of barley straw third-order polynomial models.
and corn stover grinds were lower than that of wheat 3. The heating value of switchgrass was the highest
straw and switchgrass grinds. The reason for the low and ash content was the lowest among four biomass
heating value of barley straw and corn stover grind used in this study.
might be due to the slightly higher percentage of ash
in these materials; whereas, the ash content of switch-
grass grind was the lowest. Similar results were ob-
tained by Ebeling and Jenkins [17] for wheat and bar-
ley straws.
The authors would like to acknowledge the Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)
of Canada for providing 5nancial support of this re-
4. Conclusions
search work, the Canada—Saskatchewan Agri-Food
The following conclusions are drawn from this Innovation Fund (AFIF) for renovation of our lab, and
study on the selected biomass residues: Resource EKcient Agricultural Production (REAP),
Canada for providing the switchgrass sample. The
1. Corn stover consumed the least speci5c energy dur- Strategic Research Program (SRP) of Agriculture De-
ing hammer mill grinding of all biomass tested. velopment Fund (ADF), Saskatchewan Agriculture,
S. Mani et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 27 (2004) 339 – 352 351

Food and Rural Revitalization is also acknowledged St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers;
for providing 5nancial support to conduct this study. 1981.
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Engineers; 1984.
[16] Jannasch R, Quan Y, Samson R. A process and
energy analysis of pelletizing switchgrass. Final report.
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