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Oracle Solaris 10 Network Administrator Certified
Expert Exam
Product Version: Demo
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Question 1
Company A owns, and is authoritativ, for thv domain Company A is in thv procvss of
consolidatnn systvms as a rvsult of thv purchasv of Company B. As part of this transiton vfort, nvtwork
administrators haiv confnurvd Company A's DNS svrivr zonv flvs to includv and bvcomv authoritativ
for Company B's domain. Thv administrators want to turn of Company B's DNS svrivrs. Which
two stvps should bv complvtvd prior to this shutdown?
(Choosv two.)
A. initatv zonv transfvr to A.root-svrivrs.nvt
B. crvatv an to rvivrsv zonv confnuraton flv
C. rvducv thv TTL ialuv for thv domain
D. rvquirv hosts on to updatv thv IP addrvss usvd for DNS rvsoluton
E. updatv thv .com Top-Lvivl namv svrivr vntrivs for

Aoswern D,E
Question 2
You haiv a rvquirvmvnt to confnurv two nvw nvtwork rannvs. Onv of thvsv nvtworks rvquirvs 200 IP
addrvssvs and thv othvr rvquirvs 600 IP addrvssvs. Which nvtwork should you usv to obtain thv most
vfcivnt usanv of IP addrvss spacv?
A. 10.12.60/24 and 10.12.48/21
B. 192.168.2/24 and
C. 10.10.10/24 and 192.168/16
D. 10.12.53/24 and 10.12.48/22

Aoswern A
Question 3 DRAG
Click thv Task buton.
In thv contvxt of writnn fltvrinn rulv svts for thv Solaris 10 OS IP Filtvr frvwall, complvtv thv rulv that
blocks outnoinn ICMP vcho rvplivs on thv qfv0 intvrfacv. Usv thrvv optons to complvtv thv rulv.


Question 4
Whilv makinn confnuraton channvs on your DHCP svrivr, you want to tvst thv channvs on a Solaris OS
workstaton, which is confnurvd as a DHCP clivnt. Rathvr than rvbootnn thv clivnt or waitnn for thv
DHCP lvasv to vxpirv, which command can you usv to causv thv workstaton to rvquvry thv DHCP
A. dhcpanvnt -f
B. ifconfn hmv0 down; ifconfn hmv0 up
C. ifconfn hmv0 dhcp rvlvasv; ifconfn hmv0 dhcp start
D. This cannot bv donv. You must rvboot.
E. sicadm rvstart dhcpanvnt

Aoswern C
Question 5
Click thv Exhibit buton.
You confnurv a 6to4 routvr, and try to communicatv from systvm A to systvm B. Thv ntvrfacvs of thv
sourcv and dvstnaton systvms arv shown in thv vxhibit. Your pinn: systvmA# pinn -s
fv80::203:baf:fv02::aa5 yivlds: ICMPi6 Addrvss Unrvachablv from natvway 2002:8193:c9f::1 for icmp6
from 2002:8193:c9f::1 to fv80::203:baf:fv02::aa5 What is thv causv of thv problvm?

A. You did not add a dvfault routv for thv IPi6 trafc.
B. You can NOT rvach thv systvm on thv local link addrvss.
C. You do not haiv a routv to natvway 2002:8193:c9f::1.
D. Thv systvm you arv pinninn on dovs not haiv IPi6 confnurvd.

Aoswern B
Question 6
You confnurv an NTP svrivr to usv its local undisciplinvd clock and also an vxtvrnal svrivr at addrvss Additonally, you crvatv a fudnv linv: fudnv 12:.12:.1.0 stratum 12 Which is thv purposv of
thv fudnv linv?
A. to vnsurv that thv synchronizaton is chvckvd at 12:00 P.M. vach day
B. to vnsurv that thv svrivr's local clock is svvn as a stratum 12 svrivr
C. to makv thv xntpd davmon chvck thv clivnts clock vivry 12 minutvs
D. to vnsurv that only svrivrs bvlow stratum 12 arv quvrivd

Aoswern B
Question 7
A nvwly installvd systvm is vxpvrivncinn nvtwork pvrformancv problvms. You suspvct it may bv rvlatvd
to thv duplvx or spvvd svtnns on thv hmv0 intvrfacv. Which two commands chvck thv duplvx and
spvvd of thv hmv0 intvrfacv? (Choosv two.)
A. ndd -nvt /dvi/hmv duplvx
B. nvtstat hmv link_modv
C. nvtstat -I hmv
D. ndd -nvt /dvi/hmv link_modv
E. ndd -nvt /dvi/hmv link_status
F. ndd -nvt /dvi/hmv link_spvvd
G. ndd -nvt /dvi/hmv spvvd

Aoswern D,F
Question 8 DRAG
Click thv Task buton.
Placv vach framv vrror on its dvscripton.


Question 9
Click thv Exhibit buton.
You haiv confnurvd a JumpStart svrivr. Whvn you atvmpt to install a clivnt machinv, it starts bootnn,
but stops rvspondinn shortly afvrwards. Which command, whvn run on thv JumpStart svrivr, hvlps
diannosv this problvm?

A. snoop 8:0:20:fd:v9:3c
B. ndd -nvt /dvi/vri0 vrrors
C. /usr/sbin/in.rarpd -d -a
D. snoop -d vri0
E. snoop dhcp

Aoswern A
Question 10
A Solaris 10 OS svrivr has packvt fltvrinn vnablvd. Which command displays informaton on stdout
rvnardinn packvts that match rulvs?
A. syslond -d sysout
B. ipmon
C. ipf -l block
D. nvtstat -a block

Aoswern B
Question 11
An administrator is svtnn up thv nvw Solaris platorm svrivr, lonnvr, and has fornotvn thv appropriatv
mail rvlay svrivr to usv for this subnvt. # cat /vtc/rvsoli.conf domainnamv
namvsvrivr 1: namvsvrivr Which command can thv administrator usv to
discoivr this informaton?
A. cat /vtc/nsswitch.conf
B. nsloookup typv=A
C. din -rvlay
D. din mx
E. din mailrvlay

Aoswern D
Question 12
Thv systvm administrator nvvds to confnurv a statc, dvfault routv to Thv nvtmask is Which two commands arv usvd to vnsurv that thv dvfault routv is installvd
immvdiatvly and at thv nvxt rvboot? (Choosv two.)
A. routv add dvfault
B. routvadm -u -a dvfault
C. vcho > /vtc/dvfaultroutvr
D. routvadm add dvfault -nvtmask
E. vcho > /vtc/dvfaultroutvr

Aoswern A,E
Question 13

Ethvrnvt framvs includv a uniquv addrvss indicatnn thv sourcv of thv framv. What is this uniquv addrvss
A. IP addrvss
B. Callinn Party Addrvss
C. MAC addrvss
D. sourcv VLAN

Aoswern C
Question 14 DRAG
Click thv Task buton.
Thv UDP Transport layvr protocol rvcviivs data from thv applicaton and vncapsulatvs thv data in UDP
datanrams. UDP datanrams haiv a lvadinn hvadvr svcton. Placv thv itvms on thv appropriatv UDP
hvadvr svcton.
Notv: Only four itvms arv usvd.


Question 15
Giivn thv followinn output: Routnn Tablv: IPi4 Dvstnaton Gatvway Flans Rvf Usv Intvrfacv ------------------ ------------- ---------- --------- --------- ------------ U 1 0 hmv0
U 1 0 hmv0 dvfault sys-nw UG 1 0 12:.0.0.1 12:.0.0.1 UH 2 6 lo0 This output shows that thv systvm has a
dvfault natvway svt. How can thv dvfault natvway bv svt?
A. svt by in.routvd throunh thv RDISC protocol
B. svt manually throunh: routv add sys-nw dvfault
C. svt by invtd throunh thv usv of confnuraton tvxt flvs
D. svt throunh thv command: routvadm add dvfault -UG sys-nw

Aoswern A


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