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Steps how to download the SCVT Reports Reports from Actix One

1. Use any one of the given below public IP for Actix one Only Microcell
2. Always Drive Logs should be uploaded in given below format<DATE>-<DeviceId>-<Type>_<CallModel>_<Cycle>_<Type of file>_<Site
Date: 20160401182914
Device Id: R6896
Type: SCVT , it may also be SCFT , MCVT or Cluster Depending on the type
Call Model: DTDL , it may also be ST, DTDL, VoL, VoS, LDL1,LDL2 etc.
depending on the call model.
Type of file:Comp-1, It is generally InProg or Comp followed by an Index
Site Name: I-KL-KRGD-ENB-V007 , No Band info means 2300 Band else site
is suffixed by I-KL-KRGD-ENB-V007-850 or I-KL-KRGD-ENB-V007-1800 for
Other bands.
Extension: drm
Example: In the Name
Always the file sequence number should be correct ,If The file sequence
number is incorrect so the report will not triggered.

In the below example, if we are having only ST1 and ST2 files, then the file naming
should be ST1_C2_InProg-1 and ST2_C2_Comp-2
If we are having only one DTDL then the file name should be DTDL_C2_Comp-1
If we are having only one DTUL then the file name should be DTUL_C2_Comp-1
In each call type the last file should have Comp and total files there. In between files
should have InProg with the file sequence.

3. After open Actix one, right click on GUI and select Report Template.
4. Insert task id, site name & cluster name and Run Report. Always cached
Report box should be

To search Task ID and create filter go to Actix Task Management and select

Select Create Filter

provide the necessary information and create the Filter for searching the files:

5. While Open the Excel Report editing and Macro should be always
enabled and Macro run successfully

For permanent enable macro go to excel developer->macro security>Enable all Macros without notification

6.Below are the steps to find pipeline issue and Check Drive Logfiles

First confirm that all logfile are processed and associated with Task ID. After
processing logs.

For Pipeline issue check the files are processed using which pipeline from file
We can get that info like below from File Status.

Right Click on site Icon and Check the prediction area from the Actix One GUI
attribute for that site

4. If the prediction Area and Pipeline not matching, then that report is having
the pipeline issue.
5. Always the pipeline should follow the prediction area for that site.
Otherwise we will get blank Report.

7. Searching If the Site is falling inside the Cluster Boundary or Not.

Select the Highlighted button

Provide the Cluster Boundary Information ,this information can get from cell

Click on the Boundary to check the boundary and sites inside it

8. Searching a Site on ActixOne GUI

Take Mouse over on the Element Search button

Click on new Element Search

Select the following functions:

Type the Name to be searched

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