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Are you a true disciple of

someone who believes and helps to spread (esparcir) the
doctrine of another

Student or follower
The who: the qualification of a disciple
“‘Come, follow me,… and I will make you fishers of
men'” (Matthew 4:19, NIV).

The real key to defining a disciple is in a relationship.

A disciple is someone who follows Him and is being

shaped and molded by Him to do the kind of work
that He does.
The what: the motivation of a disciple
“For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and
therefore all died. And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for
themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again” (2 Corinthians 5:14, 15,

A disciple of Christ is someone who is compelled by the love of

God to follow Him and to be like Him.

As His disciple, His destination is my destination, His

motivation is my motivation.
The where: the destination of a disciple
The goal of Christ' life, His destination, is the reconciliation of the
world to God (2 Corinthians 5:18, 19).

“the ministry of reconciliation” (vs.18).

This is what Jesus meant in Matthew 28:18-20 when He said, “Go

and make disciples of all nations”

To bring others to a restored relationship with God through the
knowledge of Christ.
The how: the demonstration of a

According to 2 Corinthians 5:18, as Jesus' disciple, I represent

Him to the world and convey the message of His reconciliation.

I make an appeal on His behalf.

1. Qualification:
• Am I a follower of Christ?
• Am I going beyond personal sanctification to follow Christ in His pursuit of
reconciling human beings to God?

2. Motivation:
• Am I compelled by Christ's love for me?
• Am I convinced that God has supplied everything I need so that I might no longer
live for my own purposes, but for His?
• Am I willing to live for Christ and others instead of simply living for myself?

3. Destination:
• What is my destination?
• Where will people end up if they follow where I am leading right now?

4. Demonstration:
• As an ambassador for Christ, what does my demonstration tell others about God?
• Is His deep desire and passion for reconciliation visible in my presentation of His
Remember: “When someone
becomes a Christian he
becomes a brand new person
inside. He is not the same any
A new life has begun!

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