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“Texas Etnies Comission P.O.Box 12070 Austin, Yoxas 78711-2070, (512)063.5800___1-800.925-8505 PERSONAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT Form PFS COVER SHEET Filed in accordance with chapter $72 of the Government Code. PASE Page 1 of 12 For flings required in 2010, covering calendar year ending December 31,2009. , Laccanay Use FORM PES - INSTRUCTION GUIDE whon complating this form. (00051747 v 7 NAME TLE 371 OFFICE USE ONLY Mr Lee —— nema st pr . (EO 16 2010 ‘Arellano . Toxas Ethics Commission 2 ADDRESS ae - | peorBortgnorg ho=— Houston, TX 77219-0978 a CAI == 1 checc mens Kove aooxess) ROCESSED FEB 1 3 TELEPHONE TEACOOE HBR ERTENGON FPROGESSED FEB 1 9 2010 NUMBER (713) 520-5313 REASON FOR FILING bmi e : : STATEMENT 1 canpioare Judge. 270th Civil Bistnct Court iNoIcare oFrice) O etecteo oFricer INDICATE OFFICE Cl aprowte oFFiceR INDATE AGENCY) Ol executive Heap INDICATE AGEN) 11 FORMER OR RETIRED JUDGE SITTING BY ASSIGNMENT CO STATE PARTY CHAIR (NOICATE PARTY) O otter tsoearercsinosy 5 Family members whose Iinancial acivity you are reporting {filer must report information about the financial actvily of the fers ‘spouse or dependent chidren ifthe fle had actual control over thal activity): souse DEPENOENT CHRD 9, In pats 1 trough 18. you will disclose your financial actly during the calender year. in parts 1 through 14, you are roquies to disclose not enly your own linancial actvdy, but oso thal of your spouse or a dependent chit if you had actual contol ‘ver that person's nancial Activa lA COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY -p -HU3715S TeREScmow wean 95 Ethics Commission p ©. Box 12070 Asin Texas 78711-2070 1512)483.5800__1.800-325.6506, 0 not appuicaBLe SOURCES OF OCCUPATIONAL INCOME PART 1A ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the cfd is listed an the Cover 7 INFORMATION RELATES TO @ rer OD spouse C ePeNDENT CHILD ___ ? EMPLOYMENT [R tCheck it Fiter's Home Address} DD ewproven ey ANOTHER | prettano & Associates, PC | PO Box 130978- Houston, TX 77219-0978 lenyer NATURE OF OCCUPATION TNAME AND ADORESS OF EMPLOYER / POSITION HELD COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “eras Eines Commision P.O, Box 1207 __Ausltn, Texas 78711-2070 (72K605800 1-000-925-8606 BONDS, NOTES & OTHER COMMERCIAL PAPER PART 3 Ol Not APPLICABLE: List all bonds, notes and other commercial paper held or acquired by you, your spouse. oF a dependent child during the calendar year. I sold, indicate tne category of the amount of the nel gain or loss realized from the sale. For more information, see FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE When reporting information about 3 dependent child's activity, indicate the chilé about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is isted on the Cover Sheet 1 DESCRIPTION Haddon Note (OF INSTRUMENT 2 HECDORTACQUIRED'BY*” |~ - er - Bruce Oseouse Coerencent cH, 3 IF SOLD net can, Cites tan ss.000 [1] s5.000-s2999 [1] s1o.c00-s2e.999 [) $25,000-08 MORE Onervoss DESCRIPTION Norina Note OF INSTRUMENT HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Bruce spouse Cl oerenpent cto IF SOLD ner cain Cites ray ss.000 1} ss000-s9.999 C) s10.000. sz4.999 1) 525,000-0R moRt Cinertoss DESCRIPTION Vermont Note OF INSTRUMENT HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Bruce Cisrouse CO ePENDeNT cHD ___ \F SOLD ner caw tess tran s5.000 [1 s5.000.s8.993 [) s19000-se4.999 [ $25.000-0R MORE Cinetoss COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “eras Ethies Commission 2.0 Box 12070 Aus, Toxas 78711-2070 (512M035800_ 1.809.325.8506 © nor APPLICABLE INCOME FROM INTEREST, DIVIDENDS, ROYALTIES & RENTS ParT 5 LUst each source of income you, your spouse, er a cependent child received in excess of $500 thal was derwed ftom Interest, dividends, royalios and rents during the calendsr year and indicate the category of the amount of the income. For more information, see FORM PFS When reporting information about a dependent chils's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reparting by providing the number under which the child is isted on the Cover Sheet INSTRUCTION GUIDE. 1 SOURCE OF INCOME Frost National Bank P., 0. Box 1600 ‘San Antonio, TX 78298 2 RECEIVED BY Bruce CO spouse Docrenvent crit 3 AMOUNT 1 sso0-se.99 —] $5000-89.999 C] $10,000. 524,998] 25,000.08 MORE ‘SOURCE OF INCOME THAWE AND ADDRESS Ignite Holdings Lid 1950 Stemmons Frwy # 2000 Dallas. Tx 75207 RECEIVED BY Bruce Di seouse Di oerenoenr cro AMOUNT ( so00-ss099 ©) s5.000-s.90- $10,000. $2¢.999- [125,000.08 MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Texas Ethics Commission P.0.Bor 12070 Asin, Texns 78711-2070 (sr2j403.sa00 1-800-325-8506 INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY Part 7A CO nor appucase Descnde ail benelicial interests in real property held or actured by you, your spouse, or a dependent child dunng the calendar year. Ifthe interest was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized ‘rom the sale. For an explanation of ‘benef INSTRUCTION GUIDE When reporting information about @ dependent chi providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Shel ial interest’ and other spocitic droctons for completing this section, see FORM PFS-- ' activity. indicate the chitd about whom you are reporting by + HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Bruce O spouse Coerenvenr co 2 STREET ADDRESS: Dinor avacane Houston, TX 77019 ~-Bcuecriercensrovexoonese | MS - — 3 DESCRIPTION TIGER OF LTS ON AGES AND WHE OF COUNTY WETE LOOMED Doors Homestead Gacres 4 NAMES OF PERSONS RETAINING AN INTEREST nor apoucaate (SEVERED HINER TEREST) ‘acilane, Lae (Mr) 5 iF SOLD ner can Onervoss: Chess raw ss.000 C]ss.cn0-se9%0 ©) sto.900-s24.999 1] $25,000.08 MoRE HELD OR ACQUIRED BY FER CD srouse Coerenoenr cHito STREET ADDRESS 42111 Dashwood Dror avauaaie guy Dosen rues nove aooness | M*"* . : DESCRIPTION SRR SS TED COT EELS Deore Townhouse Ti acnes NAMES OF PERSONS. RETAINING AN INTEREST nor appucance (S2vERED MINERAL TEREST) IF SOLD ocr can Dnerioss LSS THAN ss.000 [[] $5000-s9.g09 [] s:0.000-s24099 [] $25,000-08 MORE. COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Texas Eines Comnssion P.0.f0x 12070 __Ausin, Texns 79711-2070 (1269-5000 1-800-925-0506 1 Nor apPuicaate INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY PART 7A INSTRUCTION GUIDE, Describe all benelicial inlerests in real property hala or acquired by you, your spouse, or a dependent child during ine Calendar year. tthe inlerest was sold, also Indicate the calagory of the amount of the net gain oF loss realized from the sale, For an explanation of feneficialintorast and olhar spectic directions for completing this section, see FORM PFS. ‘When reponing information about a dependent chi's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is Isted on the Cover Sheet, 1 HELD OR ACQUIRED BY FILER Ci seouse Di verenvenr cao 2 STREET ADDRESS 8902 Forest Creek Dror avavnsie Hountn, 1x Dl cnecrPriereuorienooness | ~= - 3 DESCRIPTION "AMGEN OF TE OR ES 1 NACE OF COUNTY WEE LBENTED Dhors nouse Cacees 4 NAMES OF PERSONS RETAINING AN INTEREST Clot arrucrate (SeVEREO MINERAL TEREST) 5 1F SOLD Wreroan Ci nervoss Cltess tian ss.000 EE] ss000-s9999 [] s10.000-s24.999 [1] $25,000.0R MORE: HELD OR ACQUIRED BY FILER CO srouse (Coerenoent cro STREET ADDRESS Dror avevante 2016 Main 2003, Houston, 7x 77002 Doveck irenewstowe aooness | - DESCRIPTION NUNGER OF [OTS O8 ACHES AO WIE OF COUNTY WERE TORTS Qhors condo Dorcees NAMES OF PERSONS RETAINING AN INTEREST nor aprucaace (SEVERED MINERAL NTEREST) IF SOLO. Bi xercaw Dnertoss Ditess tHanss,coo (J ss.c00-s9.999 [] $10,000-s24.999 —(&] $z5,000-0R MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY

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