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Manipulation of Spreadsheets
Using Data From
The Jumping Lab

For tonight’s homework, you need to complete the following manipulations of

the data that was gathered from the “Jumping” lab to answer a few questions
about the data. Then you will need to create a graph of the data using

Follow the steps below:

1. Open a web-browser and log-in to your Google Docs account.

2. Create a new spreadsheet.

3. Open a new web-browser window, then navigate to the following URL:

4. Copy ALL of the information in the spreadsheet to the NEW, BLANK

spreadsheet that you just created. (Now, you will be able to edit the

5. Open the following survey in A DIFFERENT WEB BROWSER WINDOW:

6. Fill in the first three questions of the form.

7. On the spreadsheet, sort the data on according to AVERAGE FORWARD


a. Select column B
b. Select “Tools” from the menu.
c. Select “Sort by column B, Z  A”

8. Answer questions 4 and 5 on the form.

9. In one of the empty boxes of the spreadsheet, use an “Average” formula to
calculate the Average Forward Jump of all of the provided data. |

Hint: An average formula looks something like this: =average(C1:C32)

10. Answer question 6.

11. In one of the empty boxes on the spreadsheet, use a “Sum” formula to
calculate the total average distance jumped.

Hint: A sum formula looks something like this: =sum(C1:C32)

12. Answer question 7.
13. Submit the form
14. Create an XY scatter plot of the data.
a. Select column A, column B and column C
b. Select Insert > Chart
i. What type > Scatter
ii. Chart Title: “Average Forward Jump”
iii. Write the appropriate titles for both the horizontal (x) axis
and the vertical (y) axis.
iv. Remove the legend
v. Axis:
1. Minimum: 0
2. Maximum: 2
vi. Select ‘Save Chart’
c. Print the sheet with the chart.
i. Cut-out the chart.
ii. You should bring this chart with you to class.

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