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Fingerprint Matching Method Using Minutiae Clustering and Warping

Dongjin Kwon, Il Dong Yun† , Duck Hoon Kim‡ , and Sang Uk Lee
School of EECS, Seoul Nat’l Univ., Seoul, 151-742, Korea

School of EIE, Hankuk Univ. of F. S., Yongin, 449-791, Korea

Institute for RIS, Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA,,,

Abstract In general, there are several difficulties have to be con-

sidered in this simple problem. One is a possibility of spuri-
Solving non-linear distortion problems in fingerprint ous or dropped minutia from the minutiae extraction stage,
matching is important and still remains as a challeng- usually this problem is caused by differences of user’s skin
ing topic. We have developed a new fingerprint match- condition as well as pressure and position changes to the fin-
ing method to deal with non-linear distortion problems ef- gerprint reader. Next problem is non-linear distortions due
ficiently by clustering locally matched minutiae and warp- to non-uniform finger pressure and elastic characteristics of
ing the fingerprint surface using minutiae clusters. Specif- the skin. Any of fingerprint matching algorithms must deal
ically, local invariant structures encoding the neighbor- with above problems for achieving a good performance.
hood information of each minutia are utilized in cluster- Especially for the distortion problem, various methods
ing the matched minutiae and then the fingerprint surface have been developed in the literature. Jain et al. [4] use
is warped to describe the deformation pattern properly. Fi- sampled ridge information and adjustable bounding box for
nally, to make an additional increase in performance, the finding corresponding pair. However it is not an efficient
overlapped region of two fingerprints is considered in the method for large deformation errors since they basically
score computation stage. Experimental results show that consider only the rigid transformation. Cappelli et al. [3]
the proposed algorithm is performed best compared with propose a mathematical deformation model for describing
other ones. non-linear distortion. However, since this model relates
non-distorted with distorted fingerprints, it is not appro-
priate to the purpose of fingerprint matching that usually
1. Introduction needs a relation between two distorted fingerprints. Actu-
ally, the relation of two deformed surface is not simple to
Fingerprint recognition is coming into the spotlight describe as a mathematical model. Bazen and Gerez [1]
among the biometric technologies while having a very good applied a thin-plate spline (TPS) model to deform finger-
balance of all the desirable properties: distinctiveness, per- prints in an iterative manner. However, there are no appro-
manence and performance etc [7]. In the last ten years there priate constraints to control iterative warping procedures.
are great advances in the field of automatic fingerprint iden- Though their method significantly raises the scores of gen-
tification system (AFIS), and it is a matter of course that the uine matching, it raises the scores of imposter matching so
most important stage of AFIS is the fingerprint matching. the false matched rate.
Although there are several fingerprint matching paradigms, In this paper, we present a new fingerprint matching
we focus on minutia (ridge ending and ridge bifurcation) method solving non-linear distortions. First of all, lo-
based approach which is known to the most popular and ac- cal neighborhood structures reliable to spurious as well as
curate method for the verification. For supporting compati- dropped minutiae are created for each of template and input
bility to an ANSI/NIST standard [8] and also using already fingerprints. The input fingerprint is aligned to the template
extracted minutiae templates of existing systems, it is re- fingerprint using this local structures. With transforming
quired for a fingerprint matching system to use only location input fingerprint from aligned location iteratively, matched
and orientation information of the minutiae. In this context, minutiae clusters are found. Then undistorted input finger-
the fingerprint matching can be considered as a simple point print is obtained by warping input fingerprint using match-
pattern matching problem finding number of corresponding ing clusters as control points. Finally, matching pairs are
point pairs. achieved using global matching strategy. For the score com-

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0-7695-2521-0/06 $20.00 © 2006
putation, an overlapped area between two bounding boxes
of template and input fingerprint minutiae is considered in
addition to a summation of similarities from matched minu-
tiae pair. The proposed method is intuitively natural since
clustering local matches and combining the information of 2π / k
these clusters resembles human expert’s behavior. ϕk
2. The matching algorithm
In this section, we firstly explain the local neighborhood
structure which is used in most algorithm stages. Next, we
Figure 1. A k-DNN (left) and encoding para-
present detailed explanations of each functional part of the
meters for the k th NN (right).
proposed method.

2.1. Local neighborhood structure

each stored parameter. The total similarity is calculated as
We contrive a local neighborhood structure for each summing up the similarities of stored elements which fall on
minutia, i.e. k-directional nearest neighbor (k-DNN). This the pre-defined bin sizes of reference transformation para-
structure is invariant under translation and rotation, and re- meters. Final alignment parameters are determined by find-
liable on global deformation effects. The procedure of con- ing the element having the maximum total similarity. This
structing the k-DNN as follows: Arrange local coordinate local structure based alignment is significantly faster than
which makes the ridge orientation as x axis, divide the plane Hough transformation based approach which searches the
to be k slots, and find the nearest neighbor (NN) for each full parameter space [9].
slot. One can avoid selecting spurious minutiae using min- An alignment example is shown in Figure 2 (a). In
imum distance threshold for selecting NN, and also distor- this figure, template and input minutiae represented as
tion invariant properties can be given by maximum distance round (red) and square (blue) headed lines, respectively, and
threshold. For the k th NN, we encode the angle and dis- bounding boxes of template and input minutiae are drawn in
tance from the reference minutia and the orientation of NN rectangles.
as θk , dk and ϕk , respectively. In Figure 1, a square (blue),
round (red) and cross (green) headed line represent a refer- 2.3. Minutiae clustering
ence minutia, a minutia selected NN for each slot and a re-
maining minutia around k-DNN structure, respectively. In In this stage, we find one minutiae cluster at one itera-
the left of the figure one can see a k-DNN example, and right tion step. After aligning the input fingerprint to the tem-
shows encoding parameters for the k th NN. We empirically plate, we firstly find minutiae correspondences by applying
set k = 8 for k-DNN in the experiment. pre-defined distance and angle bounds on the each template
minutia location. By means of discarding a number of iso-
2.2. Alignment lated matching which is detected by checking connectiv-
ity of k-DNN structure, we can obtain the largest number
After constructing k-DNN structures for all minutiae of of matched minutiae clustered in some region. This first
template and input fingerprints, alignment parameters is ob- matched minutiae group is called as cluster 1. We observe
tained by comparing these structures. For each k-DNN that it is hard to find minutiae pairs in the distance from
structure of template fingerprint, a similarity is compared the cluster region because the deformation effect is accu-
with each of the k-DNN structures of input fingerprint. The mulated in the outside direction. From the observation that
similarity is computed by counting the number of the sup- the local structure similarities between template and input
port NN which is determined by checking differences of minutiae are also preserved at the unmatched region, the re-
each component of kth NN. If the similarity is above the maining unmatched minutiae is aligned to the appropriate
pre-defined threshold, transformation parameters and sim- position using the same method of previous section while
ilarity for the current minutia correspondence are stored. neglecting the minutiae of previously matched region. Then
The transformation is assumed to be the rigid transforma- an additional cluster is found by the same matching method
tion and one set of the translation and rotation parameters as above and named as cluster k in sequential order. This
can be computed from one minutia correspondence pair by alignment-matching process is iterated until there’s no pos-
comparing location and orientation. After comparing all sible clustered region. During finding clusters, a minutia
possible minutia pairs, we compute a total similarity for matching cost w ∈ [0, 1] is saved.

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0-7695-2521-0/06 $20.00 © 2006
In Figure 2 (a) the result of minutiae clustering is super-
imposed on the alignment configuration, where four clus-
ters are obtained and represented in different colors. One
can see all clusters are properly localized due to the rigor-
ous connectivity check.

2.4. Warping Cluster 4

Cluster 2

In the previous stage, we find clusters localized several Cluster 3

regions of fingerprint surface. Because there are still re-
Cluster 1
maining unmatched minutiae among cluster regions, more
possible correspondences can be found by warping input
fingerprint surface to the template using all matched pairs
on clusters. We use thin-plate spline (TPS) to model the (a) (b)
fingerprint surface warping. The TPS model is a popular
tool which interpolates surfaces over given point correspon- Figure 2. An example of genuine matching
dences and represents an analytic solution for minimizing between 78 1 (template) and 78 6 (input) from
bending energy of thin plates [2]. FVC2002 DB1 A.
The fingerprint surface is interpolated exactly by follow-
ing basic TPS equation [10],
Kw + Pa = v (1) For score computation, the following equation [1] is
commonly used,
where K is basis function matrix, w defines an non-linear
deformation, a gives affine part of transformation, P and NP2
s(T, I) = (3)
v are input and template minutiae location matrices respec- N1 N2
tively. However exact interpolation can distort fingerprint where N1 and N2 are the numbers of template (T) and in-
surface erroneously by low reliable correspondences which put (I) minutiae, respectively, and NP means the number of
have low minutia matching cost. To approximate the in- matched minutiae. However, the similarity also depends on
terpolation in vicinity of low reliable correspondences, we an overlapped region of aligned fingerprints, so (3) is not
propose to use the weighted regularization method as fol- a reliable model. A new score computation method is pro-
lows, posed which considers an overlapped area of two bounding
(K + Λ)w + Pa = v (2) boxes of template and input fingerprint as following,
where Λ = diag(λ1 , λ2 ..., λn ) is a regularization parame-  2
ter matrix. Each λk defines a degree of surface smooth- AO SP
s(T, I) = (4)
ness at the k th correspondence, which is calculated from min(A1 , A2 ) NO
the minutia matching cost.
where AO , A1 and A2 are area of overlapped,
NP template and
A warping example is showed in Figure 2 (b), the grid
input minutia, respectively, SP = i=1 wi means the total
pattern represents undistorted surface of the input finger-
minutia matching cost, and NO is the number of minutiae
print. One can observe the locations of template and input
in the overlapped region. In (4) the overall confidence level
minutiae are properly fitted.
is limited by AO / min(A1 , A2 ), and for more robust mea-
surements in the overlapped region NP , (N1 N2 ) in (3) are
2.5. Global matching and scoring
changed to SP , NO2 , respectively.
As the previous process warps the surface of input fin-
gerprint to make similar shape of template one, smaller 3. Experimental results
distance bounds than that of clustered matching is applied
for finding matched minutiae in the global matching stage. The proposed algorithm has been evaluated using
However more angle difference is allowed as the minutiae FVC2002 DB1 A database. The database consists of 800
orientation is not changed during warping. Though minu- fingerprint images with 100 distinct fingers and 8 impres-
tiae orientations can also be used for TPS warping [10], we sions per finger. We performed a total of 2,800 and 4,950
do not use them from the fact that the edge is more er- comparisons for genuine and imposter matching, respec-
roneous than the corner. In addition, the isolated minutia tively, in accordance with the protocols of FVC2002 [6].
checking is not applied for global matching. The evaluation parameters used in this results are referred

The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06)

0-7695-2521-0/06 $20.00 © 2006
to [5]. The comparative results of the proposed approach,
two rigid matching methods and BOZORTH3 algorithm Table 1. Results on FVC2002 DB1 A
Method EER FMR100 FMR1000
from NIST Fingerprint Image Software 2 [11] are presented
BOZORTH3 3.35% 5.25% 7.14%
in Table 1 and Figure 3. The same minutiae extraction
Rigid matching 1 2.03% 2.43% 4.18%
results are applied to all tested algorithms for comparing
Rigid matching 2 1.18% 1.21% 2.11%
the performances of matchers only. The rigid matching 2
Proposed 0.92% 0.93% 1.43%
uses the same functional parts as proposed approach with-
out minutiae clustering and warping procedure. The rigid
matching 1 uses the identical procedure with rigid matching
2 except using (3) for score computation. The BOZORTH3 1

algorithm implicitly allowing non-linear distortion effects BOZORTH3

Rigid matching 1
during traversing the inter-fingerprint compatibility table, Rigid matching 2
Propos ed
detailed description to be referred in [11].

FNMR (False Non Match Rate)

The result shows the proposed approach is performed 0.1

best among the all comparing algorithms, and BOZORTH3

algorithm performed worse than rigid matching 1 which is
our most simple approach. By comparing rigid matching
1 and 2, we see that the better result is achieved using the 0.01

proposed scoring method. An average matching time is 7.9

ms for genuine matching tests and 2.5 ms for imposer cases
on an Intel Pentium 4, 3.4 GHz machine. The imposter test
is usually faster than the genuine test since the number is 0.001

matched minutiae is small and the count of cluster is below 0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1

FMR (False Match Rate)

one in most cases, so the warping stage is passed.

4. Conclusions Figure 3. Comparative ROC curve.

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