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Program to implement DDA Line Drawing Algorithm sprintf(s,"B(%d,%d)",x2,y2);

#include<iostream.h> getch();
#include<graphics.h> }
#include<conio.h> void main()
#include<math.h> {
#include<dos.h> int gd=DETECT,gm,i,j,xx=240,xxx=380;
#include<stdlib.h> clrscr();
#include<stdio.h> lines a;
class lines char *mess[]={"D","D","A","
{ ","A","L","G","O","R","I","T","H","M"};
private: initgraph(&gd,&gm,"..\bgi");
int length,x1,y1,x2,y2,x,y,dx,dy,wx,wy,w,width; cleardevice();
public: rectangle(120,40,320,240);
lines(); //Constructor rectangle(320,40,520,240);
void showline(); rectangle(120,240,320,440);
int sign(int); rectangle(320,240,520,440);
}; for(i=0,j=12;i<8,j>=6;i++,j--)
int lines::sign(int xx) xx+=10;
{ outtextxy(xx,10,mess[i]);
if(xx<0) xxx-=10;
return -1; outtextxy(xxx,10,mess[j]);
if(xx==0) delay(100);
return 0; }
if(xx>0) for(i=130;i<=510;i+=10)
return 1; for(j=50;j<=430;j+=10)
return 0; putpixel(i,j,15);
} for(i=130;i<=510;i+=10)
lines::lines() {
{ if(i==320)
x=0;y=0; continue;
cout<<" outtextxy(i,237,"+");
"Enter The Co-Ordinates (x1,y1) ":="; }
cin>>x1>>y1; for(i=50;i<=430;i+=10)
cout<<" {
"Enter The Co-Ordinates (x2,y2) ":="; if(i==240)
cin>>x2>>y2; continue;
cout<<" outtextxy(317,i,"-");
"Enter The Width Of The Line ":="; }
cin>>width; outtextxy(310,230,"O");
} outtextxy(530,240,"X");
void lines::showline() outtextxy(100,240,"-X");
{ outtextxy(320,30,"Y");
char *s,*s1; a.showline();
if(abs(x2-x1)>=abs(y2-y1)) closegraph();
length=abs(x2-x1); }
w=width; Program to implement Bresenhams Line Drawing Algorithm
y1))/abs(y2-y1)); #include<iostream.h>
wy=((w-1)/2)*(sqrt((x2-x1)*(x2-x1)+(y2-y1)*(y2- #include<graphics.h>
y1))/abs(x2-x1)); #include<conio.h>
dx=(x2-x1)/length; #include<math.h>
dy=(y2-y1)/length; #include<dos.h>
if(dy>dx) #include<stdlib.h>
wy=wx; #include<stdio.h>
x=x1+0.5*sign(dx); class lines
y=y1+0.5*sign(dy); {
int i=1; private:
setcolor(0); int length,x1,y1,x2,y2,x,y,dx,dy,wx,wy,w,width;
while(i<=length) public:
{ lines(); //Constructor
for(int j=0;j<wy;j++) void showline();
putpixel((x+320),480-(y+240+j),6); int sign(int);
for(j=0;j<wy;j++) };
putpixel((x+320),480-(y+240),6); int lines::sign(int xx)
x+=dx; {
y+=dy; if(xx<0)
i++; return -1;
} if(xx==0)
setcolor(15); return 0;
outtextxy(40,10,"The Points Are:="); if(xx>0)
sprintf(s,"A(%d,%d)",x1,y1); return 1;
outtextxy(40,20,s); return 0;
} lines a;
lines::lines() char *mess[]={"B","R","E","S","E","N","H","A","M","'","S","
{ ","L","I","N","E"," ","A","L","G","O","R","I","T","H","M"};
x=0;y=0; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"..\bgi");
cout<<" cleardevice();
"Enter The Co-Ordinates (x1,y1) ":="; rectangle(120,40,320,240);
cin>>x1>>y1; rectangle(320,40,520,240);
cout<<" rectangle(120,240,320,440);
"Enter The Co-Ordinates (x2,y2) ":="; rectangle(320,240,520,440);
cin>>x2>>y2; for(i=0,j=25;i<14,j>=12;i++,j--)
cout<<" {
"Enter The Width Of The Line ":="; xx+=10;
cin>>width; outtextxy(xx,10,mess[i]);
} xxx-=10;
void lines::showline() delay(100);
{ }
char *s; for(i=130;i<=510;i+=10)
int s1,s2,ic; for(j=50;j<=430;j+=10)
float temp; putpixel(i,j,15);
x=x1;y=1; for(i=130;i<=510;i+=10)
w=width; {
if(y2-y1) if(i==320)
wx=((w-1)/2)*(sqrt((x2-x1)*(x2-x1)+(y2-y1)*(y2- continue;
y1))/abs(y2-y1)); outtextxy(i,237,"+");
if(x2-x1) }
wy=((w-1)/2)*(sqrt((x2-x1)*(x2-x1)+(y2-y1)*(y2- for(i=50;i<=430;i+=10)
y1))/abs(x2-x1)); {
dx=abs(x2-x1); if(i==240)
dy=abs(y2-y1); continue;
s1=sign(x2-x1); outtextxy(317,i,"-");
s2=sign(y2-y1); }
if(dy>dx) outtextxy(310,230,"O");
wy=wx; outtextxy(530,240,"X");
if(dy>dx) outtextxy(320,450,"-Y");
{ outtextxy(100,240,"-X");
temp=dy; outtextxy(320,30,"Y");
dy=dx; a.showline();
dx=temp; closegraph();
ic=1; }
else Program to implement Circle Drawing Algorithm
float d=2*dy-dx; #include<iostream.h>
setcolor(0); #include<graphics.h>
for(int i=1;i<=dx;i++) #include<conio.h>
{ #include<math.h>
for(int j=0;j<wy;j++) #include<dos.h>
putpixel((x+320),480-(y+240+j),5); #include<stdlib.h>
for(j=0;j<wy;j++) #include<stdio.h>
putpixel((x+320),480-(y+240-j),5); class myCircle
putpixel((x+320),480-(y+240),5); {
while(d>=0) private:
{ int x,y,r,d,x1,y1;
if(ic==1) public:
x+=s1; myCircle(); //Constructor
else void showCircle();
y+=s2; };
} myCircle::myCircle()
if(ic==1) {
y+=s2; x=0;y=0;
else cout<<"
x+=s1; "Enter The Co-Ordinates Of The Circle ":=";
d+=2*dy; cin>>x>>y;
} cout<<"
setcolor(15); "Enter The Radius Of The Circle ":=";
outtextxy(20,10,"The Points Are:="); cin>>r;
sprintf(s,"A(%d,%d)",x1,y1); }
sprintf(s,"B(%d,%d)",x2,y2); void myCircle::showCircle()
outtextxy(20,30,s); {
getch(); char *s;
} x1=0;y1=r;
void main() d=3-2*r;
{ while(x1<=y1)
int gd=DETECT,gm,i,j,xx=200,xxx=470; {
clrscr(); putpixel((x+x1+320),(y+y1+240),5);
putpixel((x-x1+320),(y+y1+240),5); #include<stdlib.h>
putpixel((x+x1+320),(y-y1+240),5); #include<stdio.h>
putpixel((x-x1+320),(y-y1+240),5); class myCircle
putpixel((x+y1+320),(y+x1+240),5); {
putpixel((x-y1+320),(y+x1+240),5); private:
putpixel((x+y1+320),(y-x1+240),5); int x,y,r,d,x1,y1,minor,major,dtheta,ratio,a,b,x2,y2;
putpixel((x-y1+320),(y-x1+240),5); public:
if(d<0) myCircle(); //Constructor
d+=4*x1+6; void showCircle();
else };
d+=4*(x1-y1)+10; myCircle::myCircle()
y1--; {
} x=0;y=0;
x1++; cout<<"
} "Enter The Major & Minor Axis Of Ellipse ":=";
setcolor(5); cin>>major>>minor;
outtextxy(318+x,235+y,"."); cout<<"
setcolor(15); "Enter The Center Of The Ellipse ":=";
sprintf(s,"Center(%d,%d)",x,y); cin>>x>>y;
outtextxy(20,10,"The Center Is At"); }
sprintf(s,"Radius=%d",r); void myCircle::showCircle()
outtextxy(20,30,s); {
getch(); char *s;
} int ax,ay;
void main() float ar;
{ x1=1;
int gd=DETECT,gm,i,j,xx=190,xxx=480; ratio=major/minor;
clrscr(); getaspectratio(&ax,&ay);
myCircle a; ar=1;
char *mess[]={"B","R","E","S","E","N","H","A","M","'","S"," // ar=ay/ax;
","C","I","R","C","L","E"," ","A","L","G","O","R","I","T","H","M"}; while(x1<=major)
initgraph(&gd,&gm,"..\bgi"); {
cleardevice(); y1=minor*sqrt((1-(x1*x1/major*major)));
rectangle(120,40,320,240); putpixel((x+x1*ar+320),(y+y1+240),5);
rectangle(320,40,520,240); putpixel((x+x1*ar+320),(y-y1+240),5);
rectangle(120,240,320,440); putpixel((x-x1*ar+320),(y-y1+240),5);
rectangle(320,240,520,440); putpixel((x-x1*ar+320),(y+y1+240),5);
for(i=0,j=27;i<16,j>=14;i++,j--) dtheta=1/sqrt(x1*x1+y1*y1);
{ // x2=x1+cos(dtheta)-ratio*y1*sin(dtheta);
xx+=10; // y2=y1+cos(dtheta)+1/ratio*x1*sin(dtheta);
outtextxy(xx,10,mess[i]); x1++;
xxx-=10; // y1=y2;
outtextxy(xxx,10,mess[j]); }
delay(100); setcolor(5);
} outtextxy(318+x,235+y,".");
for(i=130;i<=510;i+=10) setcolor(15);
for(j=50;j<=430;j+=10) sprintf(s,"Center(%d,%d)",x,y);
putpixel(i,j,15); outtextxy(20,10,"The Center Is At");
for(i=130;i<=510;i+=10) outtextxy(20,20,s);
{ sprintf(s,"Radius=%d",r);
if(i==320) outtextxy(20,30,s);
continue; getch();
outtextxy(i,237,"+"); }
} void main()
for(i=50;i<=430;i+=10) {
{ int gd=DETECT,gm,i,j,xx=190,xxx=480;
if(i==240) clrscr();
continue; myCircle a;
outtextxy(317,i,"-"); char *mess[]={"B","R","E","S","E","N","H","A","M","'","S","
} ","C","I","R","C","L","E"," ","A","L","G","O","R","I","T","H","M"};
outtextxy(310,230,"O"); initgraph(&gd,&gm,"..\bgi");
outtextxy(530,240,"X"); cleardevice();
outtextxy(320,450,"-Y"); rectangle(120,40,320,240);
outtextxy(100,240,"-X"); rectangle(320,40,520,240);
outtextxy(320,30,"Y"); rectangle(120,240,320,440);
a.showCircle(); rectangle(320,240,520,440);
// closegraph(); for(i=0,j=27;i<16,j>=14;i++,j--)
} {
Program to implement Ellipse Drawing Algorithm outtextxy(xx,10,mess[i]);
#include<iostream.h> outtextxy(xxx,10,mess[j]);
#include<graphics.h> delay(100);
#include<conio.h> }
#include<math.h> for(i=130;i<=510;i+=10)
#include<dos.h> for(j=50;j<=430;j+=10)
putpixel(i,j,15); }
for(i=130;i<=510;i+=10) void D_2::initialize()
{ {
if(i==320) int gdrive = DETECT,gmode;
continue; initgraph(&gdrive,&gmode,"c: cgi");
outtextxy(i,237,"+"); }
for(i=50;i<=430;i+=10) void D_2::GetPoints()
{ {
if(i==240) closegraph();
continue; cout<<"Enter The Points Of The Triangle.";
outtextxy(317,i,"-"); for(int j=0;j<MAXSIZE;j++)
} {
outtextxy(310,230,"O"); cout<<"Enter Point "<<j+1<<":-";
outtextxy(530,240,"X"); for(int i=0;i<MAXSIZE-1;i++)
outtextxy(320,450,"-Y"); {
outtextxy(100,240,"-X"); cout<<"Enter "<<char(i+'X')<<": ";
outtextxy(320,30,"Y"); cin>>Points[i][j];
a.showCircle(); }
} }
Two-Dimension Transformation In Homogeneous Coordinate }

This Program Deals With All Two-D Transformation Such As Translation, void D_2::Mult(double temp[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE])
Scaling, Rotation, {
Reflection, Shearing In Homogeneous Coordinates. int i,j,k;
Code : for(j=0;j<MAXSIZE;j++)
//TwoDimensional Transformations In Homogeneous z[i][j]=0;
#include<iostream.h> for(i=0;i<MAXSIZE;i++)
#include<Math.h> {
#include<conio.h> for(j=0;j<MAXSIZE;j++)
#define MAXSIZE 3 {

class D_2 for(k=0;k<MAXSIZE;k++)

{ z[i][j]=z[i][j]+(temp[i][k] * Points[k][j]);
private: }
double Points[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE]; }
void Mult(double [MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE]);
void MultTwoMat(double [MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE],double for(i=0;i<MAXSIZE;i++)
void Print(); for(j=0;j<MAXSIZE;j++)
int x,y; {
public: Points[i][j] = z[i][j];
D_2(); }
void initialize(); }
void GetPoints(); }
void Draw(int);
void DrawCord();
void Translate();
void Rotate(); void D_2::Draw(int color)
void Reflect(); {
void Display(double[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE]); int Poly[2*MAXSIZE+2];
void Shear(); int k = 0;
void Scale_Fixed(); if(color == GREEN)
void Scale_Dir(); DrawCord();
}; for(int j=0;j<MAXSIZE;j++)
for(int i=0;i<MAXSIZE-1;i++)
D_2::D_2() {
{ if(i==0)
for(int i=0;i<MAXSIZE;i++) Poly[k++] = x/2+Points[i][j];
{ else
for(int j=0;j<MAXSIZE;j++) Poly[k++] = y/2-Points[i][j];
{ }
if(i == (MAXSIZE-1)) }
Points[i][j] = 1; Poly[k++] = Poly[0];
else Poly[k] = Poly[1];
Points[i][j] = 0; setcolor(color);
} drawpoly(4,Poly);
} }
x = getmaxx(); void D_2::Display(double Mat[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE])
y = getmaxy(); {
for(int i=0;i<MAXSIZE;i++) }
for(int j=0;j<MAXSIZE;j++) for(i=0;i<MAXSIZE;i++)
{ {
cout<<Mat[i][j]<<" "; for(j=0;j<MAXSIZE;j++)
} {
} for(k=0;k<MAXSIZE;k++)
} z[i][j]=z[i][j]+(temp[i][k] * temp1[k][j]);
void D_2::Print() }
setcolor(GREEN); for(i=0;i<MAXSIZE;i++)
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,GREEN); {
fillellipse(19,36,2,2); for(j=0;j<MAXSIZE;j++)
outtextxy(23,34," Original Triangle"); {
setcolor(MAGENTA); temp1[i][j] = z[i][j];
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,MAGENTA); }
fillellipse(x-178,y-32,2,2); }
outtextxy(x-175,y-34," Tranformed Triangle"); }

void D_2::DrawCord() void D_2::Translate()

{ {
setcolor(12); int Tx,Ty;
line(x/2,0,x/2,y); double Trans[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE];
line(0,y/2,x,y/2); closegraph();
setcolor(10); cout<<"Enter Translation Factor Along X-Axis: ";
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,10); cin>>Tx;
fillellipse(x/2,y/2,2,2); cout<<"Enter Translation Factor Along Y-Axis: ";
for(int i=(x/2+50),j=(x/2-50);i<=x,j>=0;i=i+50,j=j-50) cin>>Ty;
{ initialize();
fillellipse(i,y/2,2,2); for(int j=0;j<MAXSIZE;j++)
fillellipse(j,y/2,2,2); {
} for(int i=0;i<MAXSIZE;i++)
for(i=(y/2+50),j=(y/2-50);i<=x,j>=0;i=i+50,j=j-50) {
{ if(i==j)
fillellipse(x/2,i,2,2); Trans[i][j] = 1;
fillellipse(x/2,j,2,2); else
} Trans[i][j] = 0;
outtextxy(x/2+3,y/2+4,"0"); }

outtextxy(x/2+45,y/2+5,"50"); Trans[0][MAXSIZE-1] = Tx;

outtextxy(x/2+95,y/2+5,"100"); Trans[1][MAXSIZE-1] = Ty;
outtextxy(x/2+145,y/2+5,"150"); Draw(GREEN);
outtextxy(x/2+195,y/2+5,"200"); Mult(Trans);
outtextxy(x/2+245,y/2+5,"250"); Draw(MAGENTA);
outtextxy(x/2+295,y/2+5,"300"); Print();
outtextxy(x/2-115,y/2+5,"-100"); void D_2::Rotate()
outtextxy(x/2-165,y/2+5,"-150"); {
outtextxy(x/2-215,y/2+5,"-200"); double ang;
outtextxy(x/2-265,y/2+5,"-250"); const double PI = 22.0/7;
outtextxy(x/2-315,y/2+5,"-300"); double xr,yr;
double TransMat[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE];
outtextxy(x/2+5,y/2+45,"-50"); double RotMat[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE];
outtextxy(x/2+5,y/2+95,"-100"); double InvTransMat[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE];
outtextxy(x/2+5,y/2+195,"-200"); closegraph();
cout<<"Enter Angle Of Rotation: ";
outtextxy(x/2+5,y/2-50,"50"); cin>>ang;
outtextxy(x/2+5,y/2-100,"100"); cout<<"Enter Point Of Rotation:X: ";
outtextxy(x/2+5,y/2-150,"150"); cin>>xr;
outtextxy(x/2+5,y/2-200,"200"); cout<<"Y: ";
} initialize();
ang = (PI * ang)/180.0;
void D_2::MultTwoMat(double temp[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE],double setcolor(YELLOW);
{ fillellipse(x/2+xr,y/2-yr,2,2);
int i,j,k; outtextxy(x/2+xr,y/2-yr-2," Point Of Rotation");
for(i=0;i<MAXSIZE;i++) //Transformation Matrix
{ //Translate arbitrary point to origin then rotate then translate back.
for(j=0;j<MAXSIZE;j++) for(int i=0;i<MAXSIZE;i++)
z[i][j]=0; {
for(int j=0;j<MAXSIZE;j++) if(i == j)
{ {
if(i == j) TransMat[i][j] = 1;
{ InvTransMat[i][j] = 1;
TransMat[i][j] = 1; RotMat[i][j] = 1;
InvTransMat[i][j] = 1; InvRotMat[i][j] = 1;
RotMat[i][j] = 1; RefMat[i][j] = 1;
else }
{ else
TransMat[i][j] = 0; {
InvTransMat[i][j] = 0; TransMat[i][j] = 0;
RotMat[i][j] = 0; InvTransMat[i][j] = 0;
} RotMat[i][j] = 0;
} InvRotMat[i][j] = 0;
} RefMat[i][j] = 0;
TransMat[0][2] = -xr; }
TransMat[1][2] = -yr; }

InvTransMat[0][2] = xr; TransMat[0][2] = -xr;

InvTransMat[1][2] = yr; TransMat[1][2] = -yr;

RotMat[0][0] = cos(ang); InvTransMat[0][2] = xr;

RotMat[0][1] = -sin(ang); InvTransMat[1][2] = yr;
RotMat[1][0] = sin(ang);
RotMat[1][1] = cos(ang); RotMat[0][0] = cos(ang);
RotMat[0][1] = sin(ang);
Draw(GREEN); RotMat[1][0] = -sin(ang);
Print(); RotMat[1][1] = cos(ang);
MultTwoMat(RotMat,TransMat); InvRotMat[0][0] = cos(ang);
Mult(TransMat); InvRotMat[0][1] = -sin(ang);
Draw(MAGENTA); InvRotMat[1][0] = sin(ang);
} InvRotMat[1][1] = cos(ang);

void D_2::Reflect() for(i=0;i<MAXSIZE;i++)

{ {
double ang; for(int j=0;j<MAXSIZE;j++)
double a,b,c; {
double xr,yr; if(i==j)
double TransMat[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE]; RefMat[i][j] = pow(-
double RotMat[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE]; 1,i)*1;
double InvTransMat[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE]; else
double InvRotMat[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE]; RefMat[i][j] = 0;
double RefMat[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE]; }
cout<<"Enter The Line (ax+by+c=0): "; Print();
cout<<"a: "; Draw(GREEN);
cin>>a; MultTwoMat(InvTransMat,InvRotMat);
cout<<"b: "; MultTwoMat(InvRotMat,RefMat);
cin>>b; MultTwoMat(RefMat,RotMat);
cout<<"c: "; MultTwoMat(RotMat,TransMat);
cin>>c; Mult(TransMat);
if(b!=0) Draw(MAGENTA);
{ }
yr = (-c/b);
xr = 0; void D_2::Shear()
double m = -a/b; {
ang = atan(m); double ang;
double a,b,c;
} double xr,yr,shx;
else double TransMat[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE];
{ double RotMat[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE];
yr = 0; double InvTransMat[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE];
xr = (-c/a); double InvRotMat[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE];
ang = 22.0/14.0; // Angle = PI/2 double ShearMat[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE];
cout<<"Enter The Line (ax+by+c=0): ";
initialize(); cout<<"a: ";
//Transformation Matrix cin>>a;
//Translate arbitrary point to origin then rotate then translate back. cout<<"b: ";
for(int i=0;i<MAXSIZE;i++) cin>>b;
{ cout<<"c: ";
for(int j=0;j<MAXSIZE;j++) cin>>c;
{ cout<<"Enter Shearing Factor Along X-Axis: ";
cin>>shx; double InvTransMat[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE];
{ closegraph();
yr = (-c/b); cout<<"Enter The Scaling Factor Along X-Axis: ";
xr = 0; cin>>sx;
double m = -a/b; cout<<"Enter The Scaling Factor Along Y-Axis: ";
ang = atan(m); cin>>sy;
cout<<"Enter Point Of Scaling:X: ";
} cin>>xr;
else cout<<"Y: ";
{ cin>>yr;
yr = 0; initialize();
xr = (-c/a);
ang = 22.0/14.0; // Angle = PI/2 //Transformation Matrix
} for(int i=0;i<MAXSIZE;i++)
for(int j=0;j<MAXSIZE;j++)
initialize(); {
if(i == j)
//Transformation Matrix {
for(int i=0;i<MAXSIZE;i++) TransMat[i][j] = 1;
{ InvTransMat[i][j] = 1;
for(int j=0;j<MAXSIZE;j++) ScaleMat[i][j] = 1;
{ }
if(i == j) else
{ {
TransMat[i][j] = 1; TransMat[i][j] = 0;
InvTransMat[i][j] = 1; InvTransMat[i][j] = 0;
RotMat[i][j] = 1; ScaleMat[i][j] = 0;
InvRotMat[i][j] = 1; }
ShearMat[i][j] = 1; }
else TransMat[0][2] = -xr;
{ TransMat[1][2] = -yr;
TransMat[i][j] = 0;
InvTransMat[i][j] = 0; InvTransMat[0][2] = xr;
RotMat[i][j] = 0; InvTransMat[1][2] = yr;
InvRotMat[i][j] = 0;
ShearMat[i][j] = 0; ScaleMat[0][0] = sx;
} ScaleMat[1][1] = sy;
} Draw(GREEN);
TransMat[0][2] = -xr; MultTwoMat(InvTransMat,ScaleMat);
TransMat[1][2] = -yr; MultTwoMat(ScaleMat,TransMat);
InvTransMat[0][2] = xr; Draw(MAGENTA);
InvTransMat[1][2] = yr; }
void D_2::Scale_Dir()
RotMat[0][0] = cos(ang); {
RotMat[0][1] = sin(ang); double sx,sy;
RotMat[1][0] = -sin(ang); double ang;
RotMat[1][1] = cos(ang); const double PI = 22.0/7;
double RotMat[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE];
InvRotMat[0][0] = cos(ang); double ScaleMat[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE];
InvRotMat[0][1] = -sin(ang); double InvRotMat[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE];
InvRotMat[1][0] = sin(ang);
InvRotMat[1][1] = cos(ang); closegraph();
cout<<"Enter The Scaling Factor Along X-Axis: ";
ShearMat[0][1] = shx; cin>>sx;
cout<<"Enter The Scaling Factor Along Y-Axis: ";
Print(); cin>>sy;
Draw(GREEN); cout<<"Enter The Direction Of Scaling: ";
MultTwoMat(InvTransMat,InvRotMat); cin>>ang;
MultTwoMat(InvRotMat,ShearMat); ang = (PI * ang)/180.0;
MultTwoMat(ShearMat,RotMat); initialize();
Draw(MAGENTA); //Transformation Matrix
} for(int i=0;i<MAXSIZE;i++)
void D_2::Scale_Fixed() for(int j=0;j<MAXSIZE;j++)
{ {
double sx,sy; if(i == j)
double xr,yr; {
double TransMat[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE]; RotMat[i][j] = 1;
double ScaleMat[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE]; InvRotMat[i][j] = 1;
ScaleMat[i][j] = 1; closegraph();
} break;
else case 4:
{ cleardevice();
RotMat[i][j] = 0; D1.Scale_Dir();
InvRotMat[i][j] = 0; getch();
ScaleMat[i][j] = 0; closegraph();
} break;
} case 5:
} cleardevice();
RotMat[0][0] = cos(ang); getch();
RotMat[0][1] = sin(ang); closegraph();
RotMat[1][0] = -sin(ang); break;
RotMat[1][1] = cos(ang); case 6:
InvRotMat[0][0] = cos(ang); D1.Reflect();
InvRotMat[0][1] = -sin(ang); getch();
InvRotMat[1][0] = sin(ang); closegraph();
InvRotMat[1][1] = cos(ang); break;

ScaleMat[0][0] = sx; case 7:

ScaleMat[1][1] = sy; cleardevice();
Draw(GREEN); getch();
Print(); closegraph();
MultTwoMat(RotMat,ScaleMat); break;
MultTwoMat(ScaleMat,InvRotMat); case 8:
Mult(InvRotMat); return;
Draw(MAGENTA); default:
} cout<<"WRONG CHOICE.";
void main() break;
{ }
D_2 D1; }while(1);
D1.DrawCord(); }
int ch; Program for 3-D Transformation

D1.GetPoints(); #include<iostream.h>
D1.Draw(GREEN); #include<dos.h>
getch(); #include<stdio.h>
do #include<conio.h>
{ #include<graphics.h>
closegraph(); #include<process.h>
cout<<"1.To ReDraw The Triangle."; int gd=DETECT,gm;
cout<<"2.Translate The Triangle."; double x1,x2,y1,y2;
cout<<"3.Scaling The Triangle About Fixed Point.";
cout<<"4.Scaling The Triangle In A Direction."; void show_message()
cout<<"5.Rotating The Triangle About Arbitrary {
Point."; char *mess[]={"-","=","[","
cout<<"6.Reflecting The Triangle About Arbitrary ","3","D","-","T","r","a","n","s","f","o","r","m","a","t","i","o","n","
Line."; ","]","=","-"};
cout<<"7.Shearing Of The Triangle."; int xx=28,xxx=52,i,j;
cout<<"8.Exit."; _setcursortype(_NOCURSOR);
cout<<"Enter The Choice: "; for(i=0,j=24;i<15,j>=12;i++,j--)
cin>>ch; {
D1.initialize(); gotoxy(xx,1);
switch(ch) cout<<mess[i];
{ xx++;
case 1: gotoxy(xxx,1);
D1.GetPoints(); cout<<mess[j];
D1.Draw(GREEN); xxx--;
getch(); delay(50);
break; }
case 2: }
getch(); void draw_cube(double edge[20][3])
closegraph(); {
break; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"..\bgi");
case 3: int i;
cleardevice(); clearviewport();
D1.Scale_Fixed(); for(i=0;i<19;i++)
getch(); {
x1=edge[i][0]+edge[i][2]*(cos(2.3562)); edge[i][2]=temp*sin(theta)
y1=edge[i][1]-edge[i][2]*(sin(2.3562)); +temp1*cos(theta);
x2=edge[i+1][0]+edge[i+1][2]*(cos(2.3562)); }
y2=edge[i+1][1]-edge[i+1][2]*(sin(2.3562)); draw_cube(edge);
line(x1+320,240-y1,x2+320,240-y2); break;
line(320,240,320,25); case 2:
line(320,240,550,240); cout<<" " Enter The Angle
line(320,240,150,410); ":=";
getch(); cin>>theta;
closegraph(); theta=(theta*3.14)/180;
} for(i=0;i<20;i++)
void scale(double edge[20][3]) edge[i][1]=edge[i][1];
{ temp=edge[i][0];
double a,b,c; temp1=edge[i][2];
int i; edge[i][0]=temp*cos(theta)
cout<<" +temp1*sin(theta);
" Enter The Scaling Factors ":="; edge[i][2]=-temp*sin(theta)
cin>>a>>b>>c; +temp1*cos(theta);
initgraph(&gd,&gm,"..\bgi"); }
clearviewport(); draw_cube(edge);
for(i=0;i<20;i++) break;
edge[i][0]=edge[i][0]*a; case 3:
edge[i][1]=edge[i][1]*b; cout<<"
edge[i][2]=edge[i][2]*c; " Enter The Angle ":=";
} cin>>theta;
draw_cube(edge); theta=(theta*3.14)/180;
closegraph(); for(i=0;i<20;i++)
} {
void translate(double edge[20][3]) temp=edge[i][0];
{ temp1=edge[i][1];
int a,b,c; edge[i][0]=temp*cos(theta)-
int i; temp1*sin(theta);
cout<<" edge[i][1]=temp*sin(theta)
" Enter The Translation Factors ":="; +temp1*cos(theta);
cin>>a>>b>>c; }
initgraph(&gd,&gm,"..\bgi"); draw_cube(edge);
clearviewport(); break;
for(i=0;i<20;i++) }
{ }
edge[i][0]+=b; void reflect(double edge[20][3])
edge[i][0]+=c; {
} int ch;
draw_cube(edge); int i;
closegraph(); clrscr();
} cout<<" -=[ Reflection About ]=-";
cout<<" 1:==>" X-Axis "";
void rotate(double edge[20][3]) cout<<" 2:==>" Y-Axis "";
{ cout<<" 3:==>" Z-Axis "";
int ch; cout<<" " Enter Your Choice ":=";
int i; cin>>ch;
double temp,theta,temp1; switch(ch)
clrscr(); {
cout<<" case 1:
-=[ Rotation About ]=-"; for(i=0;i<20;i++)
cout<<" 1:==>" X-Axis ""; {
cout<<" 2:==>" Y-Axis ""; edge[i][0]=edge[i][0];
cout<<" 3:==>" Z-Axis ""; edge[i][1]=-edge[i][1];
cout<<" " Enter Your Choice ":="; edge[i][2]=-edge[i][2];
cin>>ch; }
switch(ch) draw_cube(edge);
{ break;
case 1:
cout<<" " Enter The Angle case 2:
":="; for(i=0;i<20;i++)
cin>>theta; {
theta=(theta*3.14)/180; edge[i][1]=edge[i][1];
for(i=0;i<20;i++) edge[i][0]=-edge[i][0];
{ edge[i][2]=-edge[i][2];
edge[i][0]=edge[i][0]; }
temp=edge[i][1]; draw_cube(edge);
temp1=edge[i][2]; break;
temp1*sin(theta); case 3:
for(i=0;i<20;i++) void main()
{ {
edge[i][2]=edge[i][2]; int choice;
edge[i][0]=-edge[i][0]; double edge[20][3]=
edge[i][1]=-edge[i][1]; {
} 100,0,0,
draw_cube(edge); 100,100,0,
break; 0,100,0,
} 0,100,100,
} 0,0,100,
void perspect(double edge[20][3]) 100,0,0,
{ 100,0,100,
int ch; 100,75,100,
int i; 75,100,100,
double p,q,r; 100,100,75,
clrscr(); 100,100,0,
cout<<" -=[ Perspective Projection 100,100,75,
About ]=-"; 100,75,100,
cout<<" 1:==>" X-Axis ""; 75,100,100,
cout<<" 2:==>" Y-Axis ""; 0,100,100,
cout<<" 3:==>" Z-Axis ""; 0,100,0,
cout<<" " Enter Your Choice ":="; 0,0,0,
cin>>ch; 0,0,100,
switch(ch) 100,0,100
{ };
case 1: while(1)
cout<<" {
" Enter P ":="; clrscr();
cin>>p; show_message();
for(i=0;i<20;i++) cout<<" 1:==>" Draw Cube "";
{ cout<<" 2:==>" Scaling "";
edge[i][0]=edge[i][0]/(p*edge[i] cout<<" 3:==>" Rotation "";
[0]+1); cout<<" 4:==>" Reflection "";
edge[i][1]=edge[i][1]/(p*edge[i] cout<<" 5:==>" Translation "";
[0]+1); cout<<" 6:==>" Perspective Projection "";
edge[i][2]=edge[i][2]/(p*edge[i] cout<<" 7:==>" Exit "";
[0]+1); cout<<" " Enter Your Choice ":=";
} cin>>choice;
draw_cube(edge); switch(choice)
break; {
case 1:
case 2: draw_cube(edge);
cout<<" break;
" Enter Q ":=";
cin>>q; case 2:
for(i=0;i<20;i++) scale(edge);
{ break;
[1]*q+1); case 3:
edge[i][0]=edge[i][0]/(edge[i] rotate(edge);
[1]*q+1); break;
[1]*q+1); case 4:
} reflect(edge);
draw_cube(edge); break;
case 5:
case 3: translate(edge);
cout<<" break;
" Enter R ":=";
cin>>r; case 6:
for(i=0;i<20;i++) perspect(edge);
{ break;
[2]*r+1); case 7:
edge[i][0]=edge[i][0]/(edge[i] exit(0);
edge[i][1]=edge[i][1]/(edge[i] default:
[2]*r+1); cout<<"
} a" Press A Valid Key...!!! "";
draw_cube(edge); getch();
break; break;
} }
closegraph(); closegraph();
} }
A Graphics Illustration Program cout<<" g. Back";
#include<stdio.h> ch1=getch();
#include<iostream.h> clearviewport();
#include<dos.h> if(ch1=='g')
#include<process.h> goto L2;
#include<conio.h> if(ch1=='a')
#include<graphics.h> tx=5;
#include<math.h> if(ch1=='b')
//void render(float,float,float, float,float,float, float,float,float, tx=-5;
float,float,float); if(ch1=='c')
void initialize(void); ty=5;
void firstpage(void); if(ch1=='d')
void call_first(void); ty=-5;
float intensity,alpha,thita,tempy,tempz,tempx; if(ch1=='e')
char ch='4'; tz=10;
char ch1='1'; if(ch1=='f')
char ch2='1'; tz=-10;
int pts1[5][3];
float tx,ty,tz,d=.5; for(i=0;i<5;i++)
void assign(float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float); {
void scan_line(float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float); pts[i][0]+=tx;
void drawpyramid(float,float,float,float,float,float); pts[i][1]+=ty;
void call_assign(void); pts[i][1]+=tz;
void display(void); }
void tranform(void); }
void draw(void); }
void drawscale(void); if(ch1=='3')
float pts[5][3]={-100,0,0, 0,0,45, 100,0,0, 0,0,-45, 0,130,0}; {
float pts2[5][3]={228,273,0, 305,295,0, 428,273,0, 350,250,0 ,328,143,0}; clearviewport();
float pt[5][3]={-100,0,0, 0,0,45,100,0,0,0,0-45,0,130,0}; cout<<"Enter sx:";
void main() cout<<"Enter sy:";
{ cin>>sy;
int i; for(i=0;i<5;i++)
float sx,sy,sz=1; {
struct palettetype pal; pts2[i][0]=abs(pts2[i][0]*sx+200*(1-sx));
int gd,gm; pts2[i][1]=abs(pts2[i][1]*sy+200*(1-sy));
detectgraph(&gd,&gm); }
initgraph(&gd,&gm,"d:\backups\borlandc\bgi"); drawscale();
getpalette(&pal); getch();
firstpage(); }
setrgbpalette(pal.colors[i],0,4*i,0); if(ch1=='2')
L1: display(); {
while(ch1!='4') gotoxy(1,2);
{ cout<<"1.X-axis rotation";
ch='2'; gotoxy(1,3);
L2: call_assign(); cout<<"2.Y-axis rotation";
clearviewport(); gotoxy(1,4);
gotoxy(1,2); cout<<"3.Z-axis rotation";
cout<<"1. Translation gotoxy(1,5);
"; cout<<"4.Back";
cout<<"2. Rotation ch2=getch();
"; if(ch2=='4')
cout<<"3. Scaling break;
"; if(ch2=='1')
cout<<"4. Back {
"; alpha=0;
ch1=getch(); while(alpha<360)
if(ch1=='4') {
{ alpha=alpha+10;
clearviewport(); thita=(alpha*3.142)/180;
goto L1; initialize();
} for(i=0;i<5;i++)
if(ch1=='1') tempy=(pts1[i][1]*cos(thita)+pts1[i][2]*sin(thita));
{ pts1[i][2]=(pts1[i][1]*sin(thita)-pts1[i][2]*cos(thita));
clearviewport(); pts1[i][1]=tempy;
while(ch1!='4') }
{ clearviewport();
gotoxy(2,2); draw();
cout<<"a. X+"; cout<<" b. X-"; delay(100);
cout<<" c. Y+"; cout<<" d. Y-"; }
cout<<" e. Z+"; cout<<" f. Z-"; }
if(ch2=='2') rectangle(295,115,585,325);
{ setcolor(6);
alpha=0; settextstyle(4,HORIZ_DIR,3);
while(alpha<360) outtextxy(50,100, "OPTIONS");
{ settextstyle(3,HORIZ_DIR,1);
alpha=alpha+10; setcolor(11);
thita=(alpha*3.142)/180; outtextxy(20,150,"1. VISIBLE SURFACE DETECTION");
initialize(); outtextxy(20,190,"2. SURFACE RENDERING");
for(i=0;i<5;i++) outtextxy(20,230,"3. TRANSFORMATIONS");
{ outtextxy(20,270,"4. WIREFRAME DISPLAY");
tempz=(pts1[i][2]*cos(thita)+pts1[i][0]*sin(thita)); outtextxy(20,310,"5. EXIT");
pts1[i][0]=(pts1[i][2]*sin(thita)-pts1[i][0]*cos(thita)); settextstyle(2,HORIZ_DIR,4);
pts1[i][2]=tempz; outtextxy(400,370,"Group Memebers");
} setcolor(YELLOW);
clearviewport(); call_first();
draw(); //display();
delay(100); setcolor(WHITE);
} getch();
} cleardevice();
{ }
while(alpha<360) void display(void)
{ { while(ch!='3')
alpha=alpha+10; { clearviewport();
thita=(alpha*3.142)/180; gotoxy(2,2);
initialize(); cout<<"1. Visible Surface Detection";
for(i=0;i<5;i++) gotoxy(2,3);
{ cout<<"2. Surface Rendering";
tempx=(pts1[i][0]*cos(thita)-pts1[i][1]*sin(thita)); gotoxy(2,4);
pts1[i][1]=(pts1[i][0]*sin(thita)+pts1[i][1]*cos(thita)); cout<<"3. Transformations";
pts1[i][0]=tempx; gotoxy(2,5);
} cout<<"4. Wireframe Display";
clearviewport(); gotoxy(2,6);
draw(); cout<<"5. Exit";
delay(100); call_assign();
clearviewport(); ch=getch();
draw(); if(ch=='5')
} exit(0);
} clearviewport();
} break;
} }
} }
closegraph(); void call_assign(void)
restorecrtmode(); {
} assign(pts[0][0],pts[0][1],pts[0][2],pts[1][0],pts[1][1],pts[1][2],pts[4][
void initialize() 0],pts[4][1],pts[4][2]);
pts1[0][0]=-100; assign(pts[1][0],pts[1][1],pts[1][2],pts[2][0],pts[2][1],pts[2][2],pts[4][
pts1[0][1]=-65; 0],pts[4][1],pts[4][2]);
pts1[1][0]=0; assign(pts[2][0],pts[2][1],pts[2][2],pts[3][0],pts[3][1],pts[3][2],pts[4][
pts1[1][1]=-65; 0],pts[4][1],pts[4][2]);
pts1[2][0]=100; assign(pts[0][0],pts[0][1],pts[0][2],pts[4][0],pts[4][1],pts[4][2],pts[3][
pts1[2][1]=-65; 0],pts[3][1],pts[3][2]);
pts1[2][2]=0; }
pts1[3][0]=0; void call_first(void)
pts1[3][1]=-65; {
pts1[3][2]=45; assign(pt[0][0],pt[0][1],pt[0][2],pt[1][0],pt[1][1],pt[1][2],pt[4][0],pt[4
pts1[4][0]=0; ][1],pt[4][2]);
pts1[4][2]=0; assign(pt[1][0],pt[1][1],pt[1][2],pt[2][0],pt[2][1],pt[2][2],pt[4][0],pt[4
void firstpage() ][1],pt[4][2]);
clearviewport(); assign(pt[0][0],pt[0][1],pt[0][2],pt[4][0],pt[4][1],pt[4][2],pt[3][0],pt[3
setcolor(WHITE); ][1],pt[3][2]);
settextstyle(2,HORIZ_DIR,5); }
outtextxy(250,15,"A Project on");
outtextxy(170,25,"PYRAMID MODELING");
int i;
void drawpyramid(float x1,float y1,float x2,float y2,float x3,float y3) float tempx,tempx1,tempy;
{ float m1,m2,thita,alpha;
line(x1,y1,x2,y2); alpha=0;
line(x3,y3,x1,y1); tempx=x1; tempx1=x1; tempy=y1;
} m1=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1);
void assign(float x1,float y1,float z1,float x2,float y2,float z2,float
x3,float y3,float z3) while((int)tempy!=(int)y2)
{ { alpha=alpha+5;
float A,B,C; thita=(alpha*3.14/180);
float temp,An,Bn,Cn,X,Y,Z; tempx=tempx-1/m1;
float Xl=-6,Yl=10,Zl=50; tempx1=tempx1-1/m2;
float templ; if(tempx<tempx1)
A=y1*(z2-z3)+y2*(z3-z1)+y3*(z1-z2); {
B=z1*(x2-x3)+z2*(x3-x1)+z3*(x1-x2); putpixel(tempx+i,tempy,intensity);
C=x1*(y2-y3)+x2*(y3-y1)+x3*(y1-y2); }
temp=sqrt(A*A+B*B+C*C); else
templ=sqrt(Xl*Xl+Yl*Yl+Zl*Zl); if (tempx1<tempx)
{ for(i=0;i+tempx1<=tempx;i++)
X=(float)Xl/templ; Y=(float)Yl/templ; Z=(float)Zl/templ; {
An=(A/temp); Bn=(float)B/temp; Cn=(float)C/temp; putpixel(tempx1+i,tempy,intensity);
intensity=15*(An*X+Bn*Y+Cn*Z); }
if (intensity<0) }
if (intensity>15) m1=(float)(y3-y2)/(x3-x2);
z1=55-z1; {
x1=x1+300+(d*z1); y1=300-y1-(d*z1); tempx=tempx-1/m1;
z2=55-z2; tempx1=tempx1-1/m2;
x2=x2+300+(d*z2); y2=300-y2-(d*z2); if(tempx<tempx1)
z3=55-z3; {
x3=x3+300+(d*z3); y3=300-y3-(d*z3); for(i=0;i+tempx<=tempx1;i++)
if(ch=='1') }
{ if(intensity==0) return; else
drawpyramid(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3); {
return; for(i=0;i+tempx1<=tempx;i++)
} putpixel(tempx1+i,tempy,intensity);
if(ch=='3') }
exit(0); tempy--;
if(ch=='4') }
void draw()
if(ch=='2') { int i;
{ for(i=0;i<5;i++)
if(intensity==0) return; {
if ((y1>y2) && (y1>y3) && (y2>y3)) pts1[i][2]=50+pts1[i][2]+50;
scan_line(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3); pts1[i][0]=pts1[i][0]+300+.5*pts1[i][2];
if ((y1>y2) && (y1>y3) && (y3>y2)) }
scan_line(x1,y1,z1,x3,y3,z3,x2,y2,z2); line(pts1[0][0],pts1[0][1],pts1[1][0],pts1[1][1]);
if ((y2>y1) && (y2>y3) && (y1>y3)) line(pts1[2][0],pts1[2][1],pts1[3][0],pts1[3][1]);
scan_line(x2,y2,z2,x1,y1,z1,x3,y3,z3); line(pts1[3][0],pts1[3][1],pts1[0][0],pts1[0][1]);
if ((y2>y1) && (y2>y3) && (y3>y1)) line(pts1[1][0],pts1[1][1],pts1[4][0],pts1[4][1]);
scan_line(x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3,x1,y1,z1); line(pts1[2][0],pts1[2][1],pts1[4][0],pts1[4][1]);
if ((y3>y1) && (y3>y2) && (y1>y2)) }
scan_line(x3,y3,z3,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2); void drawscale()
if ((y3>y1) && (y3>y2) && (y2>y1)) line(pts2[0][0],pts2[0][1],pts2[1][0],pts2[1][1]);
scan_line(x3,y3,z3,x2,y2,z2,x1,y1,z1); line(pts2[1][0],pts2[1][1],pts2[2][0],pts2[2][1]);
} line(pts2[2][0],pts2[2][1],pts2[3][0],pts2[3][1]);
} line(pts2[3][0],pts2[3][1],pts2[0][0],pts2[0][1]);
void scan_line(float x1,float y1,float z1,float x2,float y2,float z2,float line(pts2[1][0],pts2[1][1],pts2[4][0],pts2[4][1]);
x3,float y3,float z3) line(pts2[2][0],pts2[2][1],pts2[4][0],pts2[4][1]);

Progress bar

void main()
int gd=DETECT,gm;
initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\tc "); //put your directory where egavga.bgi
void *buffer;
unsigned int size;



outtextxy(275,365,"Loading"); //put you text here
int x=232,y=336,x1=236,y1=344;
for(int i=1;i<5;i++)
int m=0;
if(m==5) // m is no of times bar moves
delay(20); // delay(time) is the speed of moving
// less delay means fast and vice versa

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