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Các động từ phải có V-ING theo sau Các động từ phải có TO-V theo sau Các động từ + O + To -infinitive

1. avoid (tránh ) + V-ING 1. afford (đủ khả năng ) + TO – 1. advise (khuyên ) + O + TO - V1

2. admit (thừ a nhận ) V1 2. allow ( cho phép )
3. advise (khuyên nhủ ) 2. agree (đồng ý ) 3. ask ( yêu cầu )
4. appreciate (đánh giá ) 3. appear ( xuất hiện ) 4. beg ( van xin )
5. complete ( hoàn thành ) 4. arrange ( sắp xếp ) 5. cause ( gây ra )
6. consider ( xem xét ) 5. ask ( hỏi , yêu cầu ) 6. challenge ( thách thức )
7. delay ( trì hoãn ) 6. beg ( nài nỉ , van xin ) 7. convince ( thuyết phục )
8. deny ( từ chối ) 7. care ( chăm sóc ) 8. dare ( dám )
9. discuss ( thảo luận ) 8. claim (đòi hỏi , yêu cầu ) 9. encourage ( khuyến khích )
10. dislike ( không thích ) 9. consent ( bằng lòng ) 10. expect ( mong đợi )
11. enjoy ( thích ) 10. decide ( quyết định ) 11. forbid ( cấm )
12. finish ( hoàn thành ) 11. demand ( yêu cầu ) 12. force ( buộc )
13. keep ( tiếp tục ) 12. deserve ( xứng đấng ) 13. hire ( thuê )
14. mention (đề cập ) 13. expect ( mong đợi ) 14. instruct ( hướng dẫn )
15. mind ( phiền , ngại ) 14. fail ( thất bại ) 15. invite ( mời )
16. miss (nhớ , bỏ lỡ ) 15. hesitate (do dự ) 16. need ( cần )
17. postpone ( trỉ hoãn ) 16. hope (hi vọng ) 17. order ( ra lệnh )
18. practice (luyện tập ) 17. learn ( học ) 18. permit ( cho phép )
19. quit (nghỉ , thôi ) 18. manage (sắp xếp ) 19. persuade ( thuyết phục )
20. recall ( nhắc nhở , nhớ ) 19. mean (ý định ) 20. remind ( nhắc nhở )
21. recollect ( nhớ ra ) 20. need ( cần ) 21. require (đò hỏi )
22. recommend (nhắc nhở ) 21. offer (đề nghị ) 22. teach ( dạy )
23. resent (bực tức ) 22. plan ( lên kế hoạch ) 23. tell( bảo )
24. resist (kháng cự ) 23. prepare ( chuẩn bị ) 24. urge ( thúc giục )
25. risk ( rủi ro ) 24. pretend ( giả vờ ) 25. want ( muốn )
26. suggest (đề nghị ) 25. promise ( hứa ) 26. warn ( báo trước )
27. tolerate (tha thứ ) 26. refuse ( từ chối ) Ex: She allowed me to use her car
28. understand ( hiểu ) 27. seem ( dường như )
29. can’t help (ko thể tránh / nhịn được ) 28. struggle (đấu tranh )
30. can’t stand ( ko thể chịu đựng đc ) 29. swear ( xin thề )
31. can’t bear ( ko thể chịu đựng đc ) 30. threaten (đe doạ )
32. It is no use / It is no good ( vô ích ) 31. volunteer ( tình nguyện )
33. would you mind (có làm phiền 32. wait (đợi )
..ko) 33. want ( muốn )
34. to be used to ( quen với ) 34. wish ( mong )
35. to be / get accustomed to (dần quen Ex : We agree to start early
với )
36. to be busy ( bận rộn )
37. to be worth ( xứng đáng )
38. to look forward to (trông mong )
39. to have difficulty / fun / trouble
40. to have a difficult time

41. TO GO + V-ING
Ex: We should avoid playing with him

Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets into a correct form.

1. You are expected (know)… to know…… the safety regulations of the college.
To expect somebody to do sth: mong đợi ai làm gì đó
To be expected to know sth: được mong đợi biết điều gì đó
2. He decided (disguise)………to disguise…… himself by (dress)……dressing……..
as a woman.
To decide to do sth: quyết định làm gì
To decide to disguise: quyết định hóa trang
3. I am prepared (wait)…to wait ……………………. here all night if necessary.
To be prepared to do sth= to be ready to do sth: sẵn sàng làm gì
4. Would you mind (show)……showing……. me how (work)……to work … the lift?
How to do sth: cách để làm gì
5. After (walk)……walking …… for three hours we stopped to let the others
(catch up) ………catch up…………with us.
To let + sb + bare verb = to allow sb to do sth: cho phép/để ai làm gì
To make sb + bare verb = to force sb to do sth: bắt ai làm gì
6. I am beginning (understand)……… understand / understanding…………….
what you mean.
To begin/to start/to commence + Ving/ To V: bắt đầu làm gì
7. He was fined for (exceed) ……exceeding………the speed limit.
( Anh ấy bị phạt vì vượt quá giới hạn tốc độ)
8. The boys like (play)……playing…….. games but hate (do)……doing………. lessons.
Like/love/hate/dislike + Ving: thích làm gì như 1 thói quen ổn định
Like/love/hate/dislike + To V: thích làm gì trong 1 tình huống nhất thời
9. I regret (inform)……to inform ….you that your application has been refused.
10. My mother gets used to ……getting……………..(get) up early in the morning.
To get used/ accustomed to Ving: dần quen với việc gì

11. Mrs. Jones: I don’t allow (smoke)…smoking…………. in my drawing – room. Mrs
Smith: I don’t allow my family (smoke)……to smoke………. at all.
To allow/ To permit + Ving: cho phép việc gì
To forbid + Ving: cấm việc gì
To allow/ To permit + Sb + to V: cho phép ai làm gì
To forbid + Sb + to V: cấm ai làm gì
12. I consider you (be)………to be……….. my best friend.
To consider + Sb + to be……: coi ai là…………..
To consider Ving: xem xét việc gì
13. Have you ever considered (travel)……traveling…………around the world.
14. He recommended me (go) …to go ……… bed early.
To recommend Sb to V: khuyên ai làm gì
To recommend Ving: đề nghị, đề xuất việc gì
15. I wouldn’t recommend you (stay)……to stay…………at that hotel.
16. I recommended (repair)……repairing………..the car.
17. He recommended (wait)…waiting ………….for him some more minutes.
18. We recommended (turn)……turning …………..the radio off.
19. They required him (fill) …to fill……………in the form.
To require Sb to V: Yêu cầu ai làm gì = To ask/ to demand Sb to V
To require Ving = To need Ving = To need to be done: Cần được làm gì
20. The floor requires (clean)…cleaning………..
21. He surprised us all by (go) …going….away without (say)…saying… ‘Good-bye”.
22. Please go on (write)…writing …………; I don’t mind (wait)……waiting ……….
To go on + Ving: tiếp tục làm gì
23. He wore dark glasses (avoid)……to avoid ... (recognize) …being recognized
24. I tried (persuade)…to persuade ………….. him (agree)……to agree……….. with
your proposal.
25. Your windows need (clean)…cleaning……….; would you like me (do)…to do……
them for you?
Like có thể cộng với 1 Ving với í thích như 1 thói quen

Nhưng: “Would like + to V/ Sb to do sth”:thích làm gì/ thích ai đó làm gì
26. I can’t help (sneeze)…sneezing…………; I caught a cold yesterday from (sit)
…sitting……… in a draught.
Can’t help Ving: không thể dừng/ không thể không làm gì
Draught (n): luồng gió ở trong phòng
27. Do stop (talk)……talking……..; I am trying (finish)… finish…….. a letter.
28. His doctor advised him (give up) ……to give up……. (smoke)….smoking…….
To advise Sb to do sth: khuyên ai làm gì
To advise Sb not to do sth: khuyên ai đừng làm gì
29. My watch keeps (stop)…stopping………. That’s because you keep (forget)…
forgetting ……. (wind) …to wind………
To keep + Ving: liên tục làm gì đó
To wind (v): lên dây cót đồng hồ
30. Without (realize)……realizing………. it, he hindered us instead of (help)…
helping……….. us.
Hinder (v): cản trở
31. He hates (answer)…answering……… the phone, and very often just lets it
(ring)……ring…... (cứ để mặc nó kêu)
32. If you go on (let)……letting……… youg dog (chase) …chase…… he’ll end
by (be) ……being……run over.
To chase : rượt đuổi theo
To be run over: bị cán lên
33. I prefer (drive)……driving…….. to (be driven)……being driven…………...
To prefer doing to doing: thích làm gì hơn làm gì
34. I advise you (start)…to start……….. (look)……to look/looking……… for a flat
at once.
35. (Lie)… Lying………… on this beach is much more pleasant than (sit)…
sitting…… in the office.
36. She likes her children (go)…to go………….. to a dentist every six months.
To like Sb to V = To want Sb to V

37. An instructor is coming (show) …to show……… how (use)…to use…………
the printer.
38. I have no intention of (go)……going……. to that film; I couldn’t bear (see)
……seeing…… favourite actress in such a dreadful part.
Can’t bear Ving: không thể chịu đựng được
Dreadful (a): khủng khiếp, dễ sợ
39. I suggest (telephone)…telephoning…………. the hospitals before (ask)……
asking………. the police (look)………to look……….. for him.
To suggest Ving: đề nghị làm việc gì
40. After (hear)……hearing……… the conditions I decided (not enter)……not to
enter………. for the competition.
To decide not to enter for N: quyết định không đăng kí tham dự
41. Some people seem (have)…to have……….. a passion for (write)…
writing…………… to the newspapers.
42. I tried (pacify)…to pacify…………. him but he refused (be pacified)……to be
pacified……….. and went on (grumble)……grumbling………...
Pacify (v): give comfort to: an ủi
Grumble (v): cằn nhằn, phàn nàn
To refuse to V: từ chối làm gì
To try to V: cố gắng làm gì
To try Ving: thử làm gì
43. He postponed (make)…making……… a decision till it was too late (do )………to
do……. anything.
To postpone Ving: trì hoãn làm việc gì
It is + too + adj + to V: …..quá ………..để làm gì……….
It is + adj + enough + to V: …..đủ……….. để làm gì……….
44. Imagine (have)…having…. (get up)……to get up…….. at five a.m. every day!
To imagineVing: tưởng tượng làm việc gì
To have to V: phải làm gì
At + giờ: vào lúc mấy giờ
45. I have never imaged him (be)…being………so rude.

Tôi chưa bao giờ tưởng tượng anh ta lại thô lỗ đến vậy
To imagine + O + Ving
46. Try (forget)…to forget…. it. It isn’t worth (worry)…being worried…about.
It is worth Ving: đáng để làm gì
47. There is no point in (remain) …remaining…. in a dangerous place if you can’t
do anything (help)…to help……. the people who have (stay) …to stay…..there.
There is no point in Ving: vô ích làm gì
It is no use/good Ving: vô ích làm gì
48. The horse won’t be well enough (run)…to run……….in tomorrow’s race. He
doesn’t seem (have recovered)…to have recovered…….from his long journey.
49. At first I enjoyed (listen)……listening………… to him but after a while I got
tired of (hear) ……hearing……………the same story again and again.
To get tired of Ving: bắt đầu dần chán làm gì
50. It is usually easier (learn)……to learn………. a subject by (read)……
reading……….. books than by (listen)………listening……….. to lectures.
51. It’s not much use (have)……having….. a bicycle if you don’t know how (ride)…
to ride……. it.
52. He didn’t dare (leave)…to leave…………. the house because he was afraid of
(meet)…meeting…….. someone who might (recognize)……recognize……….. him.
To dare to V: dám làm gì
Might = may= can + bare verb: có thể làm gì
53. I distinctly remember (pay)…paying…………….. him. I gave him £2.
(Tôi rõ ràng nhớ là đã trả tiền cho anh ta.)
54. - Did you remember (give)…to give……………… him the key of the safe?
- No, I didn’t. I’ll go and do it now.
55. He offered (lend)……to lend…… me the money. I didn’t like (take)……to
take…….. it but I had no alternative.
to offer to V: đề nghị được làm gì
to like to V: thích lammmf gì trong 1 tình huống cụ thể
alternative (n)= choice: sự lựa chọn

56. Do you remember (hear)……hearing……….. the bombs (drop)….drop…? No, in
the last war I was too young (realize)….to realize…….. what was happening.
To hear/to see/to feel/ to watch (quan sát)/ to notice (để ý thấy)/ to observe (quan sát thấy)
+ O + bare V:
Nghe thấy/ nhìn thấy/cảm thấy/ quan sát thấy/ để ý thấy ai đó làm gì (chỉ 1 cách trọn vẹn
sự việc)
Vd: I heard Mai play the piano (Tôi đã nghe trọn vẹn cuộc biểu diễn của Mai)
To hear/to see/to watch (quan sát)/ to notice (để ý thấy)/ to observe (quan sát thấy) + O +
Ving: Nghe thấy/ nhìn thấy/ quan sát thấy/ để ý thấy ai đó làm gì (nhưng chỉ 1 phần của sự
việc, chúng ta thường hay dịch là “đang”)
Vd: I heard Mai playing the piano (Tôi nghe thấy Mai đang chơi piano, có thể cô ấy đã
chơi từ trước đó rồi và tôi đi ngang qua thì nghe thấy)
57. - Did you remember (book)…to book…… seats for the theatre tomorrow?
- Yes, I have the tickets here. Would you like (keep) …to keep………….them?
I am inclined (lose)…to lose……….. theatre tickets.
To book : đặt (vé, chỗ ngồi…)
Khác với “like” có thể cộng với To V hoặc Ving, “Would like” chỉ có thể đi với To V, và
có nghĩa là : thích làm gì
To be inclined to V= To be likely to V: có thiên hướng, có xu hướng làm gì
Vd: It is likely to rain (Trời có khả năng sắp mưa)
58. Try (avoid) …to avoid………..(be)………being…. late. He hates (be)……being…..
kept (wait)…waiting……..
To keep Sb Ving: bắt ai làm gì
59. I didn’t know how (get) …to your house so I stopped (ask)… to ask
… the way.
60. I wish my refrigerator would stop (make)…making……….. that horrible
noise. You can’t hear anyone (speak)…speak………...
61. Did you remember (lock)……to lock……….. the door?
No I didn’t. I’d better (go)……go…….. back and (do)……do…….. it now.
Các động từ khuyết thiếu Had better = should = ought to + bare V: nên làm gì

62. You still have a lot (learn)……to learn……. if you’ll forgive my (say)……
saying…….. so.
63. It’s no use (try)……trying…… (interrupt) …to interrupt…………him. You’ll
have (wait)……to wait …… till he stops (talk)…talking……….
(Thật là vô ích cố gắng ngắt lời anh ta. Bạn sẽ phải chờ tới nhi nào anh ta dừng nói.)
64. I’m very sorry for (be)… being……..late. It was good of you (wait)……to
wait…..for me.
65. Do you feel like (go)…going… to a film or would you rather (stay)……stay
…….at home?
To feel like Ving: thích làm gì
Would rather + Bare V + than + Bare V : thích làm gì hơn làm gì
66. He took to (play)…playing………. football.
To take to Ving: bắt đầu nghiện làm gì
67. You’ll never regret (do) …doing……………..a kind action.
68. He annoyed me very much by (take)……taking……….. the piece of cake that
I was keeping (eat) …to eat……….after my supper.
I often keep a cake to eat after dinner: Tôi thường giữ 1 cái bánh để ăn sau bữa tối
69. He kept (ring)……ringing……. up and (ask)…asking…………… for an explanation
and she didn’t know what (do)…to do… about him.
To keep Ving: liên tục/không ngừng làm gì
70. He made me (repeat)……repeat …… his instructions (make)……to make…..
sure that I understood what I was (do)……to do……. after he had gone.
To make Sb V: bắt ai làm gì = To force Sb to V
To make sure that…: đảm bảo chắc chắn rằng…..
What I was to do: cái gì mà tôi sắp/sẽ phải làm
71. I suggest (leave)……leaving….. the car here and (send) ……sending………a van
(tow)……to tow…… it to the garage.
Van : xe tải
To tow: kéo
To suggest Ving: đề nghị làm việc gì

72. She apologized for (borrow)……borrowing… my sewing-machine without
(ask)…asking…. permission and promised never (do)…to do……….. it again.
73. I didn’t mean (offend)…to offend…….. anyone but somehow I succeeded in
(annoy)……annoying………. them all.
To mean to V: cố í làm gì
To mean + Ving: có nghĩa là làm gì
Vd: Living means trying (sống có nghĩa là cố gắng)
74. We decided (buy)………to buy……….. a new car.

75. They've got some work (do)…to do……….

76. He'd like (fly) …fly…………….an aeroplane.

77. I enjoy (write)…writing ………….. picture postcards.

78. Do you know what (do)……to do…………… if there's a fire in the shop?

79. I dream about (build) …building……………..a big house.

80. I'm hoping (see)……to see…………. Lisa.

81. I can't imagine Peter (go) …going………… bike.

82. The question is easy (answer)……to answer ………..

Thông thường thì It is + adj+ to V
83. Are you thinking of (visit) …visting……………..London?

84. The teacher expected Sarah (study) ………to study……….hard.

To expect Sb to V: mong chờ ai làm gì

85. I learned (ride) …to ride……………the bike at the age of 5.

86. He spent all his morning (repair)……repairing………..his bike.

To spent (dùng) / to waste (lãng phí) + time/money +Ving
87. Rachel accused Tony of (steal)……stealing…………..her laptop.
To accuse Sb of Ving: kết tội ai làm gì
88. The students ought to (learn)……learn……………harder.

89. If she catches you (read)……reading…………..her diary, she’ll be furious.

To catch/to find/to leave + O + Ving: bắt được/thấy/rời lại ai làm gì

Vd: I left her talking to her mother.
90. Peter denied (break)……breaking………….the windows.

To deny Ving: từ chối làm gì

91. When the painter felt the ladder……beginning……… (begin) to slip, he

grabbed the gutter to save him from……falling………(fall)

(cảm thấy cái thang đang bắt đầu trượt)

92. ……Knowing……….(know) that he was poor, I offered to pay his fare.

93. …Seeing ………………(see) photographs of the place, I had no desire to go


94. The police accused him of ………setting………..(set) fire to the building but

he denied …being………………..(be) in the area on the night of the fire.

95. I noticed a lorry…………coming…………..(come) down the hill.

96. I observed a blue car …………driving…………(drive) very fast towards the


97. I hate………seeing …………..(see) a child ……………cry…….(cry).

98. I caught him……climbing……………… (climb) over my wall.

99. They left the restaurant, after ……spending…(spend) two hours over lunch.

100. I saw a man’s hat ……floating………………..(float) in the river this morning.

(thấy 1 cái mũ của đàn ông đang trôi nổi trên sông)

101. The police noticed the robbers ………leaving………………(leave) the bank.

102. I never hear my close friend, Hai……swear …………….(swear).

103. We are made …to work …………………..(work) very hard by the new boss.
To be made to V: bị bắt buộc làm gì

104. ………Smoking………….. (smoke) is a bad habit.

105. We are looking forwards to ………hearing……………..(hear) from you soon.

106. I hear you are preparing …to leave………………(leave) for Australia.

107. Peter is very funny. He makes us ……laugh……………(laugh) a lot.

108. Did you see that lovely old car ……going………….(go) past a moment ago?

(chỉ tình cờ thấy 1 phần của hành động)

109. It is important for her ……to ring…………………(ring) the office.

110. They let the children ………stay…………..(stay) up late at weekends.

111. I would rather ……… stay……………..(stay) at home this Sunday.

112. The children are eager ………to see………………(see) their parents.

113. I keep ……getting…………..(get) this pain in my leg. I think I had better……

see………….(see) a doctor.

114. He refused……to allow…….(allow) her……to think………..(think) for herself.

(Anh ta từ chối cho phép cô ấy nghĩ cho riêng bản thân mình.)

115. You can’t help ……liking………………(like) Sandra King.

Can’t help Ving: không thể không/ không thể ngừng được
116. Will you remind me ………to post…………(post) this letter when we go past

the post office?

To remind Sb to V: nhắc nhở ai làm gì
117. The goods ought ……to be delivered……………….(deliver) two weeks ago.

118. She wasted lots of money ……buying…….(buy) things she has never used.

119. I have come ………to realize……………..(realize) the secret of happiness.

To come to realize: bắt đầu nhận ra
120. Peter is very funny. He makes us (laugh)…laugh……… a lot.
(anh ấy làm cho chúng tôi cười rất nhiều.)

Exercise 2: Choose the best answer:

1. Ken spends most of his spare time…… c ………the Net.

a. surf b. to surf c. surfing d. having surfed
2. It’s no use……c………a foreign language if you don’t practice it.
a. learn b. to learn c. learning d. having learnt
3. She made the children ………a……..their hands before every meals.
a. wash b. to wash c. washing d. having
4. They would really like ………b…….the art gallery on Friday.
a. visit b. to visit c. visiting d. having visited
5. He spoke too quickly for me……b…………
a. understand b. to understand c. understanding d. having understood
6. Mary admitted……a………….my pen.
a. having taken b. having take c. having took d. having taked
7. ……b……..twice, he didn’t want to try again.
a. failling b. having failed c. having failing d. have failed
8. In spite of………b………..late, we arrived in time.
a. start b. starting c. to start d. having starts
9. You should.......a...........smoking.
a. give up b. having given up c. to give up d. giving up
10. I’m going………c……this afternoon.
a. shop b. to shop c. shopping d. having shopped
Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of verbs in
brackets, indicating whether it is gerund or present participle.
1. ( Feel) …Feeling…….. hungry, he went into the kitchen and opened
the fridge.
2. My boss spends two hours a day ( travel) …travelling….to work
3. ( Swim) … Swimming……. is my favourite sport.
4. One of life’s pleasure is ( have) ……….breakfast in bed.
5. ( Whistle) ………. to himself, he walked down the road.
6. In spite of ( miss) ……… the train , we arrived on time.
7. They found the money ……….( lye) on the ground.
8. He was trapped in a (burn)……….. house.
9. I’m tired of …………( work) eight hours a day.
10. She always puts off (go) ………… to the dentist.

II. Hoµn thµnh c¸c c©u sau ®©y víi d¹ng ®óng cña ®éng tõ lµ
Gerund ,Present Participle, perfect participle or perfect gerund.
1. She admitted ( kill) her husband.
2. I regret ( write) ………… her that letter.
3. I enjoy ( play)…… tennis with my friends.
4. Martin denied (see) …….. the accused man on the day of the
5. ( Tell) …….. me that she would never speak to me again , she
picked up her stuff and stormed out of the house.
6. – Will you enter for the next eloquence contest?
- (Win) ……… twice , I don’t want to try again. Let’s give chances
to other.
7. ( Improve ) ……. her English Pia’s promotion prospects are much
III. ViÕt l¹i nh÷ng c©u sau b»ng c¸ch thay thÕ phÇn in nghiªng
víi PerfecParticiple mµ nghÜa ko ®æi.
1. We switched off the lights before we went to bed.
-> Having switched off the lights, we went to bed.
2. The boy asked his mother’s permission and then went out to play.
3. As he had drunk too much, he didn’t drive home himself.
4. We have done two tests today, so we are exhausted.

5. She filled the washing machine and switched it on.
6. She had been to disco the night before and she overslept in the
7. We had worked in the garden all day and were sunburned in the
8. She had not slept for two days and therefore she wasn’t able to
9. Since I had not seen him for ages, I didn’t recognize him.
10. I had not ridden a horse for a long time and I found it very difficult to
keep in the saddle.
11. Zoe had practiced a lot, so she was sure of her winning in the

3: Hãy chọn thì Quá Khứ Đơn hoặc thì Quá Khứ Hoàn Thành cho các động từ trong
11. When we arrived , the dinner …………….…….(already begin).
12. She …………..……..(cry) after he …………..……….(go).
13. They ……….…..(tell) us we were too late. The train ……….…..(leave).
14. When I …………..….(get) to the theatre , the play …….…..….(already start).
15. John was not at home . He ……….………..…(go) away.

16. The house was very quiet. Everybody ……………….….(go) to bed.
17. They ……………………...(not go) home until they finished their work.
18. We ……….……….(just turn off) the lights when we heard someone at the
19. Everyone ………...(eat) dinner by the time we ………(get) to the dining-room.
20. We …………....(ask) the poster where he …………..…(put) our luggage.
21. He ………………………(do) nothing before he saw me.
22. He thanked me for what I ……………………..(do).
23. I ………………(be) sorry that I had hurt him.
24. After they had gone, I …………………(sit) down and …………….(rest).
25. He ……………………..(die) after he ………………..(be) ill a long time.
26. As soon as you ……………..(go), I …………….(want) to see you again.
27. Before you ………….(go) very far, we found that we …………(lose) our way.
28. My friend ……………(not see) me for many years when I met him.
29. My father ………………….(tell) me he ………….(give) up smoking.
30. He ………………(be) late because he ………………(have) an accident.

Perfect Gerund or …Present Participle

1. When the painter felt the ladder beginning to slip, he grabbed the
gutter to save him from falling.
2. Knowing that he was poor, I offered to pay his fare.
3. Having seen photographs of the place, I had no desire to go there.
4. The police accused him of setting fire to the building but he denied
having been in the area on the night of the fire.
5. I noticed a lorry coming down the hill.
6. The girl lay screaming on the grass.
7. I observed a blue car driving very fast towards the motorways.
8. I hate seeing a child cry.
9. I caught him climbing over my wall.
10. We soon got the machine worked again.
11. They left the restaurant, having spent two hours over lunch.
12. I saw a man’s hat floating in the river this morning.
13. The police noticed the robbers leave the bank.
14. I never hear my close friend, Hai swear.
15. We are made to work very hard by the new boss.

16. Smoking is a bad habit.
17. We are looking forwards to hearing from you soon.
18. I hear you are preparing to leave for Australia.
19. Peter is very funny. He makes us laugh a lot.
20. The noticed him hesitate to sign the agreement.
21. Did you see that lovely old car going past a moment ago?
22. It is important for her to ring the office.
23. They let the children stay up late at weekends.
24. I would rather stay at home this Sunday.
25. The children are eager to see their parents.
26. I keep getting this pain in my leg. I think I had better see a doctor.
27. He refused to allow her to think for herself.
28. You can’t help liking Sandra King.
29. Will you remind me to post this letter when we go past the post office?
30. The goods ought to be delivered two weeks ago.
31. These brakes don’t work well. They need to be seen.
32. It is no point persuading him. Nothing can make him change his mind.
33. Do you know how to operate this machine?
34. She wasted lots of money buying things she has never used.
35. I have come to realize the secret of happiness.


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