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Please take the Empowerment Ray attunement I sent you previously before you take this, if you haven't

I've sent you the Clearing Ray, you can either call it in today or another day whenever you ready. The energy
is revolving around your Higher Self waiting for you to call it in.

The Lightarian Clearing Ray is a unique, simple and effective energetic activation designed to dramatically
create extraordinary acceleration along your spiritual you prepare yourself for higher levels of
service for the coming times. This activation, called an attunement, is an etheric, energetic "event" which
launches an elaborate process of behind the scenes clearing within the chakras and subtle body fields of the
recipient. The event serves as a trigger for long-term etheric releasing process. The attunement creates the
gentle releasing of all adverse, undesired energies via the work of your Higher Self in collaboration with El
Morya and Archangel Raziel.

The Clearing Ray does the following:

1. Clearing your adverse soul level programming

2. Removing old fetal energies
3. Clearing the etheric blueprint of the physical body
4. Releasing subtle attachments
5. Opening your connection to Higher Self and beyond
6. Lifting the veils

----TO RECEIVE THE ATTUNEMENT--- please get in a comfortable place where you will not be distracted
and say the following words.................

I am now ready to receive the Clearing Ray attunement prepared for me by Chris Comish.



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