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:ljj e o ~ the Ph i Ilppines

Civil S,e l"viee C ornmfasi on

Cons:ti1lIUon H ijl9~ B;;!tasi!il g PambarlS3 Com pr~l;. DJlIm aJlI1, 1126 Queron G'I)'

Tro'JI~G1~~" OItSAr\1ite tit n;, 1YJ~1,

Amendment to esc Resolution No- 06-0538

[Rules on the Administrative Offense 0 f Dixhcncsty)

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RESOLUTION N(I,. __ O_6_1_O __ 0_._9_

WHEl:lEAS. in esc Resolution No. 06-0538 dated Apri14,:W06~ the Commission promulgated the rules classifying the 0 ffense of dishonesty and adopting the parameters thereto in order to guide the disciplining authority in charging the offense and after due process, impose (he proper penalty based on the factual circumstances of (he case:

\VHEREAS~ as provided forin Section 9 of esc Resclution No. 06-0538 dated A pril 4, 2006, sa id rules shall rake effect aft er fi fi e en (15) c a lend ar day sao m the d at e 0 r publication iJ1 a newspaper of general circulation;

WJ[EREAS, esc Resolution No. 06-033t: doted April 4, 2006 was published on J\tay 5,1006 edition of Malaya newspaper and is therefore effective on May 11,2006.

"\'HEREA S, in Section 7 of said resu lut ion, a clericul error was Inadvertently committed in the second sentence thereof staring ttutt"'All pending cases of Dishonesty or those filed within three (3) years before the effectivity hereof, shall be labeled as Serious Dh,;hcmesry 1i'ithouTprejil,aice to {he findi"ig oj the proper ()/fense- after the termination of the investigatiot;". The word "before" was used instead of "after" as intended.

lVHE.REAS, there is a need for the Commission 10 correct said clerical error since the same affected the construction of said provision.

NOW THEREFORE, the Commission RESOLVES as it hereby PJ::SOLVES, to P romu 19a1 e the folio wing amend rnent to S ecuo n 7 0 f esc Resolut io n No" .0 6- 0 5 3 S dar e d April 4, 2006 in order to reflect the correct provision in accordance wid'! the true intent of the Commission,

Section 1. Section 7 of esc Reso hnior; No. 06-0538 dated April 4, ::!O06. abo l.nown as the RlJ Ie'S on the Administrat L\'C' Offense of Dishonesty is hereby amended 10 read. as follows:

"SeetionY. TrmuUory Provision .~ These' rules shall no! apply to dis/wIJC!JJIl' CUS(!S olreadv decided \II! I! ) [na! ity prior iCJ ttte e_f7r:Mi~t,ilJ' hereof. rA tt l,ending cU:~'(',$ l{ Dishonestv or rhos!'! filed within three (3)

'D' 931 ·7EJ.35 I 931-7939 f 931·8092

b ISbOO}~~f!,.. -_. f1~

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years after the effectil'iI}' hereof, shallbe labeled as Serious Dishonest}.' without prejudice 10 the finding of ths propel' offense after the termination nf the investigation. "

Section 1. This amendment shall take effect after five (5) calendar days from the date of publication ina newspaper of general circulation.


Attested by; -~- -



· Civil Service (JOi.lIDllSSIOn

COl1s[1!uliO[l. j-jjlls. ~\1 Pamban,sOl GOffi!):ex. EJlamClil. 1126 Ol!twr. Clty

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les Of! til e i\.d min isrrative se of D~sh(Jnesty

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WHEREAS. Section ~6 (b) (1) Chapter ", Tine 1. Sulxule A .. L< "~;... ~'_, ;.-:'

Code of 1987 (Executive Order NO.292) identifies Dishon ... sty as c, ground dis.cipILDlaryaction:.

WHEREAS, Section 11 OJ, Chapter 3, Tule I. Subtitle A. B,h)1.. - _

ive Code 0 r 1987 (EXt:l'LJlive Otder No.292 ~ ~mpO\,y'er~ the l 1\ II Service :n1'l1mJIS$~On to prescribe. amend and enforce rules and regulations tor -CLliT) m, i,-[.J the provisions of the Civil Service Law end other pertinern laws:

Vr,,'UEREAS1 under Rule IV Section ::-2 f'& (I) of esc Resolution ~ 1,-,. ";l~ l '! 'k, r dfllted August 31, i 999 also known as the "Uniforru Rules on Administrativ _ Cases }.1 t _ ~ C~'IIH Service", Dishonesty is classified as a grave offense. punishable ~~ irh dl~'-i)~~., 1 "'$_from (he service upon commission of the first ~' ffense:

UER.IEAS,Lne "Corrmrission finds 11l<iL some acts of Dishonesty are n"

, constitutive of an offense ... 0 grave to warrant the imposition of the penalty of disinissa .

• ' i'om the service;

WHEREAS, a. number of decisions ur the CO~ . rrt of Appcal.; <:.r:u.i InL.;' ~,~,~ Court on appeals from resolutions of the Civil Service Commission on Dishcncsry cases. in consideration D[ attendant circumstances of the dishonest acts committed L t. modified, the penalty of dismissal from the service 10 suspension;

WHEREAS, the Commission recognizes the need to provide a classification fer the offense of Dishonesty in order to lmpose tbe correspond ing penalty b.i.~..:d en L ne eire urn stanc es 0 f the case _

NOVi THEREFORE! the Commission R..E.SOl VES as jt hereby RESOL '-.'"El' ~ promulga.te the following rules On classifying the offense of Dishouesry and edopung parameters thereto in order to guide the disciplining authority in charging the propr r

. . ~

S~cdon L nefinhion Ol Di;sbn~!;lY- Dishonesty rs L.~ ;"',.fl"';;'\iL~~L~ distortion of truth, which shows It;d~ of integrity or a ,Ji~iJ.Hh i,)n l' d l;.L" cheat, deceive or betray and an imenr ro violate the truth,

Section 2. C~QS~ificatiQ3 of DI!dHh'~Sty- The classi fication 0::: me or re L"~ of Dishonesty and tbeir corresponding penakies are as fellows:

months and one (0 day ro one 0) year tor the l1n:t 0 :~~rl~''<: ( J .: dismissal from the service for tilt' second o ffe ns 1:" ,

c. Simple Dlshenesry PUrll.,l·rlDk L~' s uspension of one {I} :(In·,..,1, one (1) day to .six (G) months for the first offense; six (£) rn mbs a(;r,_ one 0) daiY to one (1) year suspension fm the second offense; anc dismissal from the service tor the third u ffense,

Section 3. Serious DisboD:csty~ 1 rl~ p1"(~.:rence or ailj "TIe "r th~, H1= attendant circumstances in the commission of the dishonest .:J.~;l F, lile: constitute the offense of Serious Dishonesty:

a. The dishonest ac~ caused serious damage and grave ~"}:~ judice , [1.


b. The respondent gravely al» sad his authority in order 1 o C'imii':L HJ.L dishonest act.

c. Where the respondent j,j: ~.r~ accountable officer, the dishonest .... :: directlyinvolves property, accountable forms or money for ~'h~:::~l \1._ L direcdy accountable and the respondent shows a.. ... intent to C(.ITIJP.i* material gain, graft and cor r: Ipt ion

d. The dishonest act exhibits moral depravity "G the pan G. !.1e respondent,

e. The :re.sp.andeIiJI employed ITJ.uJ. and/or faisificurion ! L" o.n 1~ , documents in the COn1J111s3ir. n of the dishonest act related k, nis 1 ..... employment



51. ver,n

. .

i-,:,,:;r •. ~~ ~ I ~tte~ ....

g. The dishonest act invo lves d ( ,. i! Service exarr.mation L!7.J::' '. _ ". " r

fake L~'Vl;] Service elicibili, '; _ ~ ' .. ~ ~· .. t il-"t~j' to ,,....... . r 1

.• ... • .... ' .. ' " u " ,,~. HI... ._lw.~ '-' LllJ!J·';:. ~ . L, •

cheating and use- G f crib 5 L; ~ i~

S ectkrd ... The presence G f iii ny o f l ne ro E .owin g attend ant c ircu rn ~1ar:~ e5 ;;1 the commission of the dishonest act ""' ... uld consiirure rhe offense of L~~~[, ~·.:.i .'.1llS

a. The dishonest act caused Jal:rl3ge ana prejudice 10 me g(' ....... ~ -:-:::'.ni which is not so serious as t.._, qJ:j-lif), under the immediately r.~~.;:JJog classification,

b. The respondem did nc: t<...:.:.::.. ;'..1\'ar:Bge of his/her pc. ~_~ i'"

commit tmg the dishnn~~t;. .t

Section S. The presence t,f .ern, ~, 1.J commission of tht: dishonest ~.' Dishonesty


b. The dishonest ad nas Ll J e_, .elaticn 'L'-" cr ~LJ.e~; not ur.: ~ ~ ute

duties and responsibilnies l the l_S:;'-:.Judcr<L

c. In falsification of ~r,:-' l Hl';l~I document, where the information falsified is not related to hl:Jn~t ernplo ymenr,

d. That the dishonest a ~~ J • ..;. t T.· sult ill o ftend er.


,I ,

\ ~_..J

Section 6. The}i~-,~., r: .,circumstances ennmerarec ~j i ~~ e , - .. of ~he dishonest act, ~i g'Ji~~ i: c ~ Disho nesty and. in lmpos i ~ g Inc F . ~

.... -:,~" !r_l!..~ at ... ~~Gr]t~~ shaf use i.:e .: ~:.J .5 0btllining. til the commissum ·1 "J.5',!_;"'11 g the proper cb ss 1 ficat ion "l

~ ~ I I""f_ 'I' ......... .!. .. .J' ...

Section. 7. Traos,irory PI'cvisi(.l.· J- .J'. : _ t-;!~.'"J shall UUt apply ro disho nert ~ cases already decided with firj.(,,\Uty f ,I .' the effecrivity h~reo.f.~.~.U PL9dilr: •. cases of Dishonesty or those fiJw ·jthi,., ~ ~~ (3) years be furee;; the eiTecth;-~"""

hereof shall be labelled as SeL0Ll~ i ';~11011esly withour prejudice to the finding of the proper offense after t};:; termination of the investigation,

Sedkn S. Repe~]!ng (_'~'l: :. ~

deemed reJ~~ale~~ t.i~ aT 1. 1- - ~._ I -

Section 9. Effecl:ivity~ Tnese rule", .sL-:JI t.:l.J;e (;ir~cl after fifteen (15) calendar days from '~he date ef'publicaticn i"l s ne , ::.J;.Bpet of general circuiarion,


APR 0 ~ ~.Oii

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'!ACANT Cern .. missioner

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