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i\JF C· 17 -·102

July 1995

Classification index: C 17-102

Lightning protection

Protection of structures a nd open a reas against I i9 htn ing using early streamer emission air terminals.

French standard approved by AFNOR General Manager'sdecision dated June 5 1995 to become effective as from July 5 1995.

· ... crresponctence standard,

No lEe publication or CENELEC harmonised document corresponds to. this

analvsls This standard describes the main measuresfOtprotecting buildings against direct lightning strokes using an early. streamer emission lightning conqL;JctQf.The principle of protecting buildings against lightning is based on the electro-qeornetrical mod~L

de scrt ptor S Lightning, air-terminationsystems,down~cQnductoj:s,' earthing conductors, earth termination systems.


correctlo ITS


/tee et elff(tlSee par rUnJon rechnloue de L'8ectricite, Inlr"neubla UlVolslet'··1! place ties vosoes- La D€fense 5, COUROEVOIE· .61.::>3" (1) 46911111 dirfus{-e t"(}.-"llanerrtp~ tassodation ff<lr'Ylise 00 nonnatisationlafnorl tour europecc-dex 7,9204$ paris I.. dGfet1se • tel. (1)1'12 91 5S 5S




This standard ·provides information for the state-of-the-art design of asatlsfactory IJghtning protection system for structures {building, fixed facllitles.i.) and open areas (storage areas, leisure or sports areas ... ) using an early streamer emission lightning conductor and provides instructions as to the methods to be used for achieving such protection.

As in the case with anythingrelaled to the natural elements, a lightning protection system, designed and installed in accordance with this standard, cannot guarantee absolute protection to structures, persons or objects; however, applyinglhis standard Will significantly reduce the risk of protected structures· beingdamaged·bylightning.

The decision to provide a structure with a lightning protection system depends on the following factors: ljghtning strokeprobability,severityandacc~ptable.cQnsequences. The selection is based on-the parameters'cohtainedin,the.risk;8ssessmeht guide (Appendix B to this standard}. The risk-assessment.qulde also indicates the appropriate protection.Jevel.

Examples of structures which may need a Iig]1tning protection system are:'

~ buildings opento the public..

tower blocks. and, qenerally, high ~tructlJres(py!oil~;water t9wers, lighthq,uses, etc.j..

- buildings and warehouses containlnq dangerous,m,~te[rals(explosive.f['amrnable or toxic

materials, etc.), .. . ..

" ..... ,", " ',,c. o· "'..". •

- . buildings containing highly vulnerable or va!uableequiprnemt-6r documents (such as telecomrnunlcatlon facilities, computers ,archives,T:nuseums,· histodcalmonuments).

. .- .. -_ .- _"

From the structure.desiqn.staqe onwards .and thendl.:!ringtheinslalrati~m, particular attention

should be paidto:··· .. . .... . ... . . .. . .

- take into consideration all the items. LJsed for making up 8 lightning protectlon vsystern which meets the. requirements of this standard by requesting professional, advice from those involved in the sector:' designers, bu1lders,instalters, . users,etc.

- .

~ plan the complementary use of conductive items inthe strvcturestobeprotected.

The measures stated in this standard are the minimum requirements for a statistically effective protection.

~I ••

C 17·102 ·July 1995



1. GENERAL " ~ ~ , .. 4

1.1 SCOPEANO 08JE·CT.; ~ : 4

1.2 REFERENCE -stANDARDS " ; " :.' ~ , ; 4

1. 3 DEFINIIIONS· .. .. i .; .: , ...•. : : .. .- ~ ; 5




2.1 . GENERAL ,i ; .. , ;; , ~."' .'" ;._. ~ 10


2.3. DOWN-CONDUCTORS : , , , , , , 19


IN ST A-.LLA'TI 0 N- . oi ~ +4. , ••• , •••• iI •••••• +~ .~_ ''''~ of ~.~ tt~ ••••• +t ,.t ',' •••• ~ •• jo-i- ~ •• liI "' •• -- 1iI t t • ., •• , lot , ••• lot. ~ t •• ,. 24

3.1 ·GENE·RAL· " ., ., .. : : 24





4. EA"RTH'TERMINATION ·SYSTEMS. ';, , " ..•• , , :; 27

4.1 GENERAL.".~ ; : ~ " .. , .- ,.' , , 27


4.3 ADDITIONAL MEASURES ._. ; , , _. " , , 30


4.5 PRO*IMFTYREqUIREMENt·S~ : , ; ~ ; 31


5-.' ANTICORROSION PROTECTION .....•.••..•••.. ;;; .: ; .. ,.i .. :.; ~ ..................•... , ; 32

5".1' ·GENERAL : ;; ,." ":".; .. ~ .. , : ;., ,, , 32"

5.2 PRl:CAUTIONSANDMEASURESTO 8E:TAKEN ,.~ .. ; ,; "" , . :32

e: + -$:P;ECtA'L M,E·AS-U,RE_S· . .' ,'~ It ., i. ~' .'-t-t ,. ~ •• "H ••.•• ; t;., !·~·H+ •• '.'.I-~ ~~ .• _~ ~~ .:'j.u '~:"'., .. '~'~'.;. 4.'., ~ "",n ~ ; , .. ~, , ~., ••••••••• "33

6.,1 .l\NTENNAE , , , ; .. ; .. "~ , .. ".: .. : ; .. , ,., .. ~.,.".; ;' . ."" .. , " " 33.

6;2 THATCHED ROOFS' ; _. .. : ,,, , . ,; ~:~ " 34

'6;3 FACTORY CHIMNEYS , , :., ; , , , 34


6.5 . RELIGIOUS BUILDINGS , ; ; : .. , : : , .. 35

6.6 SlRUCTURE~ OFALTITUDE ", ",." , 36


'.·6,8 ··TREES· , ; ; : , , , .- .. " .. : ;., , : , .. 36

7. INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE : ;.; .. ; " ; ;; ; .. : ; 36

7.1: IN1TIALINSpECTION " , ., ., " " 36

7.2 SCHEDULED lNSPECTION· , .. , : , , 37

7.3 ' ··MA!NTE;NAN·CE , .- .- " " ,.; , " ,';, 38'

A-p P·E N.D.I"X,;: A. ., •..••••.• o •• ~ ~ ~ .~.4: 44 ~' •••.• ~ .0 ••• ~, •••••• "4' i ', ~ ••• ~ , •• -t.~. t · •• to ,0' •••• t~ , •••• ,,~.,. ,-t '~1'f'" -to+ "'. ~'" .1 ••••••• ";" "39·

A·PPENDtx B , _. , 43

AP'PENorx c , t.~ .. ~ II tl •• ·I.t·."'40 .•• ·.t 't •••• :.~~ ••••• ., •• ,t •••••• t " t' '+ ~ .• ••• tll I'I-~ ••••• ,._'I- •••••. 5.2

APPEND.IX 0 .. " "' - ~1.~~1.1~ •• _ ••••••••• ~ ~~ , •••••••• ~ •.•.•••• ~ •••• ; .•••• ~ , •• , 57

APPENDIX' E : : , -, ' , , > 6-4·



C 17 -102 -July 1995



1.1.1 Scope

This standard is applicable tothefightning protection using early. streamer emission lightning conductors of common structures of Jess than 60-m lligh and of open areas (storage areas, leisure areas, elc.). It includes tll'e protection against the electrical consequences due toth~nghtningcu~rent flow through the lightning

protection system. . . .. . ... ' " . .


r. '. This stan'da'rdd6Els"AcH6overthe·prdte6tj~h. of electrical equipment 0 r systems against voltage surges of atmospheric originwhich areIransrnltted by networks

entering the structure. .

2. Other, standards describe lightning. protection systems usihg simple rod ~

; lightning condLlctors,'stretchtJdwires and meshedconductors. . .

; Serli'e Administrations, 'publlbs'ervice's or operators of hazardousInstallatlons may have adopted specific reguI~tiens.·

. ' - '0'- : ';



This standard provides the lniorrnauonfor the qesign, construction, lnspectlonand maintenance of lightning. protection . ;:;ysterns using 'early streamer emission lightning conductors. Tha.jaurpose of these lightning protection systems is to safeguard persohs'and propertyas eff~ctiv~lyaspossibJe.,




The foHoWing standards contain provisions which are referred to herein and thus appllcabletto thisstahdard. At th~trtneorpubJishir1g, the st?led:issues were 'current. Anystaridardis subject to revision and the parties involved in agreements based on thesestandiilrdsareurged whereverpossible to use the latest Issues of the documents listed below:

: ": ~ .

NF C 15-100 (May 1991) [nstallatlonselectrlquesabasse tension: Regles.

NF C 90-120 (October 1983)

Materiel electronique' 'ef de tekkommuntcations - Antennes indivlduelles ou collectives de radiodiffuslon sonore ou visuelle : Regles

NFC 17-1GlO(February 1987)

Protection of structures against lightning - Requirements.

C 17·102· July 1995


1.3.1 Lightning flash to earth

An electrical discharge of atmospheric origin between cloud and earth, consisting' of one ormore current impulses (returnstrokes).

1.3.2 Lightning stroke

One ormore lightning dischargesfo earth.

1.3.3 Striking point

A point where a lightning stroke contacts the earth, a structure, Of a lightning

',protectinri system. . '. . . .

1.3.4 Protected volume

volume. of influence Of th, streamer' einrssionUghtning conductor within which theearlystreamerem,ission ,]jgh!nin,gconductor is the striking point. .

1.3.5 Lightning flash density.'Ng

Yearly number of lightning flashes perkrn",

1'.3;$ Return stroke density'Na

. - .- .'-. _. .. , "".


Yearly number of return strokes ,perk,m2. Alightning stroke consists,in average.

of several retrurn strokes. See map lnAppendlx B. "

1.3. 7 Lig,~tning protection system (LPS)

The complete systemusydto protect structure.sandqpen areas against the 'effects pf lightning. It consists of an external lightning protection installation and of

. anin;terna! lightning protection in$tallation"if any. '

1.3.8 External lightning, protection installation (ELP1)

An external lightning protection installation consits of an air-termination system, one ormore down-conductors, and one or more earth termination systems.

1.3.9 Internal lightning]

An internal'. Hghtning pr'otection "installation consists of all the devices and measures reducing the electromagnetic effects of lightning current within the volume tobe protected.

1.3.10 Early streamer emission (E.S.E.) lightning conductor

A lightning rod equipped with a system which creates the triggering advance of the

. '

upward leader when compared with a simple rod (S.R.) lightning conductor in tthe

same conditions.


C 17·102 "July 1995

1.3.11 Triggerin'g process

Physicalphenomenon between the lnceptlonoftheflrst corona andthe continuous propagation of an upward leader.

1.3.12 Triggering advance (6 T)

, Mean gain in triggering t(me of theupwardteader.of the E.S.E. Jightning conductor when compared with a S.R lightningconducto( in 'the same conditions and derived from the evaluation test. This is expressed lnps.

1.3.13 Natural component

A conductive part Jocated:oufsrde the strl1ct~re, sunk In fAe walls, or situated inside a structure and which maybausedto replace all or partofa down-

conductor or asa supplement toanE[Pf. ' ','",','

1 ~3.14 'Eqtrlpofetltlalboriding bar

A collector used to connect.the natural components,' ground' conductors, earth conductors, screens, Shields, and, ,.c;ondllFt.orsprotecting ,electrical telecommunication lines or other cables, to the Ilghtningprotection system.


" ,

An etectrlcalconnectlon putting groundqondLjctors and conductive paris at the

same potentlalor a $ubstantiallyequalpotentiaL '



1.~\ 16' E:qujpotel1ti~lcond'uctor

A conductor providing for equipotentialbondlnq,

1.3.17 DanSJerou~ sparkil19

An electric arc Pfoduc;edbyaHghlning,yurrent within thevolumeto be protected.

1.3.18 Safety distance (8)

, "

The minimum distance for which nodangerous spark can be produced.

, '

1.3.19 Interconnected reinforcing steel "

, Natural components within a structure.whleh provide an electrical path resistance

'-.:\ ' .. ' . .'_ -t" "', '. ' . " - '" _ ....

smaller than O.010and can be used as down-conductors, '



Pan or, the external lightning protection, installation 'designed to conduct the lightning current from the E.S.E.Jightni8g·c;onductpr' to. the, earth termination

sys~elll.·~ ,

C17-102. July 1995

·6 •

1.3.21 TestjoinUDisconnect terminal (or rneasuremcnttermlnal)

A device disconnect the earth termination systemfrom the remainder of .. the system.

1.3.22 Earth electrode

A part or group of parts of the earth termination system which provides direct electrical contact With thee.8Tih and disperses the lightning current to earth.

1.3.23 Earth termiriktion system

A conductive part or a group of conductive parts ini'nthnahi contact with and providing an electrical conn~cti9n with earth.

1.324 r:.arthterrhiriatIoh'~:Y$tern resistance

Resistance between the test joint and., earth : it. equals the. quotient of potential increase, measured at the test joint With an infinitely remote reference, and of the applied current to the earth electrode .

. :-':->

1.3.25 Surge P'~Otec,tivdOevlc~ (S.P.D.)

A device designed to . limit transient surge voltages .• and to provide apathfor the

current waves. It contains at least one non linear component. . .

1.3.26 ··Tra:hsientsurgeY9H~ge,9fatrn()sPhedc origTn.

overvoltaqe lasting a few milliseconds oQly,osciHatoryor, not, usua!ly strongly damped:

.1.3.27 Protection level

Classiflcatlon of alighlning protection system which expresses its efficiency,

Note': This dt=;firitflonshould hot be confused with that use·dwith surge protective device ~SP.D.).

1.3.28 Equivalent collection area of a structure As

. ~'. ~' "

A f!atground surface subjected to the same number of lIghtning flashes as the

structure under conslderatlon. . . . . .

,1.4 .



The storm phenomena and the need forlightrdhg protection'

The need forpretectlcnisdeterrnlned according to the lightning flash density of the-area being'cgrisiderEld. The prcbabllityotaetructurebelnqstruck by lightning over a one-year period is the product of the lightning stroke freque ncy times its equivalent collectionarea.

• 7 •

C 17·102 ~ July 1995

.. ..;

, ~":


The Ilghtning flash density i<sgiv~n.,bythe formula Ng'~ NaI2.2, Na is given in the

map situated in Appendix 8. ,'. ..,." '" .,. , ': . < " ,

The structure protection appropriateness and the protection level to be used are

given in Appendix B. ' '

Note : Other requirements (statutory requirements or personal considerations) may lead to thedeclsion ,being taken to adopt protection measures for reasons other than statistical ones. "

1.4.2 Characteristic lightning parameters and associated effects LightnIngis'mainlycharaderised bY parameters reJatedto the electric arc between the-cloud and the ground, hence those related to the lightning current flow in the

arcai1dthe conductors. ' , , .

The most important parameters are the following:

( .



.' - .. ':

.: am.Plitude, - rise, time, '


- curre'nt variation rate (di/dt),

- P91~rity,

- chatg6,

- specific energy,

- number of strikes perdispharge.

Thef1rs~,three parameters. are'jndependent:ln terms ,or statistics. ·AnyampHtude may:bEil6flcountered,for instance,with any decay time (see the world-wide data

p're?ented in the tables in APpendix D). '

'As~h:electrical phenomenon, lightning may have the same consequences as any other current flowing fhrough an electricalconductor or any other- current flow

thrdugh a bad conductor oran insulator. '

Theexpectedeffects.of the characteristic lightning parameters are as follows

- optical effects,

, - acoustical effects,

- electra-Chemical effects,

- thermaleffects, ,

-electro-dynamic effects,

- electro-magnetic radiation.


The thermal and etectro-dynamlc ~ffect$ are taken into account when sizing the different components of the lightning protection system. The electro-magnetic radiation effects (flashover,inductions,etc.)af8 taken into conslderatlonln artlcle

3-~: ... :,

The remaining effects havenpappre9Iableeffecton the design of a ligh,tning protection system.A,1I the effects are described in Appendix D.,

C H-102 .July 1995

104.3 Components ofaHghtningprotecfiorl system'

A lightning protection system consists of. an external lightning protection installation (ELpl) and, if necessary, of an additional internal lightning protection installation (ILPI).

Figure1A.3 ,

The external lightning protection installatlcn consists' of the following interconnected items:

(a) One or more ESE Ilghtni09 conductors, (b) One or moredown-coriductors

. (c) A test joint foreachdowh-conductor . " ; '(d): A lightningcqnductor earthelectrode for each down-conductor

(e) Dlsconnectableconnector ,

(f) One or more connections betlAieen earths

(g) One ormoreequlpotentlal boun~ing' .,' .; ';

(h) One or moreequlpotential bounding through antenna mast arrester

it 17 -10Z .. JuIY 1995

The internal lightning protection installatior) consists of:

(i) One or more equipotential bonding(s)

U) One or more eq uipotentlal bonding bar] $}

The equipment of the electrical installation are ..

(J<) Earth termination of the structure (l)Main earth terminal .

(m) One Of more surge protective device(s).







A prior survey should be conducted to determine the protection level to be considered, the E.S.E. lightning cbnduotorlocation~s); the down-conductor path(s), the earth termination system location{s) and typers).

Architectural constraints may be taken-into account in the lightning protection system design but this. may substantially reduce the lightning .protection system

. . .


2;}(1.2 Prior survey

The prior survey is divided into two parts:

(a) Assessment of the lightning strike probability and selectinq the protection level

using the data in Appendix B. '

(b) Location of all theelementsofthe IightningprolectioninstaHation.

This information should take the form ora specification, stipulating:

- structure sizes,

~. relative geographical posltlon of the structure: isolated, on a hilltop, amidst other

, buildihgs whichare,hrgh~r,ofthesameheight ort,ower, ' ,

- frequency with which the structure ls occupied by people whose mobility is restricted or otherwise,

- risk of panic,

~djfficulty·of access,

- service contlnuity,

~ ...

,C 17AOZ.July 1995

- 10 -

~structure contents: presence of persons, animals, flammable materials, sensitive equipment such as computers, electronic Or high-value or irreplaceable apparatus,

~ roof shapes and slopes,

- roof, wall and load-bearing structure types;

- metal parts of the roof and large external metal items, such as gas heaters, fans,

stairs, antennae, water tanks, .

~ roof gutters and rainwater pipes,

" saHentbuflding parts and types of materials (metal or non-conductive material),

~ most vulnerable points of the building,

" lay-outofthe buHding metal pipes (water, electricity, gas,sto.),

- nearby 'obstacles which may .affect the lightnimg path.isuchasoverhead electrical llnes, met?l;feflces,trees, etc.,

_ environmen·t~1 conditions which may be highly corrosive (salt air, petrochemic~l

plant, cern~.ntyvorksj.etq.), .

.. The structural points consid~redas vulnerable are' the salient parts, particularly towers or spires, chimney stacks and flues, roof gutters,edges, metal masses (air exhausters, main wall cleaning system, guardrails, .ete.), staircases, equipment

rooms on flat roofs.- .


2.2.1 Ge~eral principles

An early streameremlsslon lightning conductor consists of a.pointed air terminal, a triggering deviceanda support rod with a down-conductorconnectinq system.

The area protected by an E.S.E. lightningconduct~rcan be d~termined using the electro-geometrical model; such as the one used in Appendix A, and the E.S.E:

lightning conductor triggering advance as defined in 2.2.2. .

" - '.

The E.S.E.·lig,htniQg conductor should. preferably be installed on the highest point . of the supporting structure. It should always be the highest point within the area that it protects.

2.2.2 Triggering advance

An E.S.E. Ilghtning conductor is characterised by its triggering advance which is demonstrated during evaluation tests. Such tests compare an early streamer emission lightning conductor against a simple rod lightning conductor situated in the same conditions.

. '~I •.

- 11 •

C 11·102 ~ July 1995

The triggering advance (6 T) is used for computing the protection radius. This is expressed as follows :

6T =: TSR - TE.S.E. lightning conductor, where:

TSR is the mean triggering time of the upward leader of a simple rod lightning conductor.

TE.S.E. is the mean triggering time ·of the upwardfeaderof a ESE lightning conductor. E.S.E. lightning conductor evaluation test

This test procedure ihvolvesassessing thetriggering~dvance of an E.S.E. lightning conductor. The natural conditions are simulated in the high-voltage laboratory by adding the superimposition of a permanent field, representative of the ambient field dUring, a storm, and of an impulse field, representative of the

downward leader approach. '.' . . ,

Note: In-situ correlation tests are In the process of being defined.

~.2.3 Positioning of the ES.r;.lightning.conductop Protected area

The protected area is delineated by .the envelope- of revolution having the same axis as the ES.E.lightning conductor and deflned_,by the protection radii corresponding. the different heights hunder consideratiors (see .figure





a o o

Figure 2.2:3.1. Protection radii

hn is the height of the E.S.E.,lightningconductor tip relative to the horizontal pJane passing through the top of theeiemeht to be protected,


C 17-102 • July 1995

• 12 •

RPn is the E.S.E. lightning conductor protection radius at the heig,ht under consideration. Protection radius

The protection radius of an E.S.E. lightning conductor is related to its height (h) relative to the area to be protected, to its triggering advance and to the selected protection level. (8 ee Appe~diXA.).

Rp::: ~h(2D ~ h) .; t.L{2D + t.L) with h ~ Sm.

(Equation 1)

When h< 5m, the gr,?phic method is applied using the curvesin2.2.3.3.a, b andc . . Rp is the protection radius.

his the:E,S.E.lightningconcluctor, tip height relative, to the horizontal plane passing through the topofthe element to be protected.

DIS .:

20m for protectlonlevef t. 45m for protection level II. 60rn for protection level Ill.

AL: t.L(m) ~ V(n'1llJs)·t.T(ps). where: (EStuation2/" '

t. Tis the triggering advance determined by theevaluation\ests (see as defined in Appendix C. Selection and positioning of anE.S.E. lightning conductor.

, '

A prior survey ,is concuctec to determine the required protection level (see para.

2.1.2) foreach·lightning protection system installation.

The required protection radius. Rp for the protection of the structure is then deterrnin'edusing equation 1 or the. curves in figures, b, cfor h 2:5m, and using the curves in figures 2~?3.3. a), b) arc) for h < 5m for protection levels I to

III as follows: "

- level I: graph of figure . .:

- level 11 : graph of figure2.2.3.3.{b}

-level III : graph offigure2.2.3.3.(c)

When the graphs areused, the protection radius Rp is determined by locatlnq required height h andzl, for the E.S.E. lightning conductor under consideration in the appropriate graph.

Note :The bL values in the graphs are non-restrictive examples.

c 17~10:z -JUly 1995


20 .to 40_ ... 30 40 SO 60 7~

.tTI "'""XYKN~~~~I II ·11 I JII" I ,.,.

~l+ I·~I-. ~I ~:~'~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~'~~;~~~~~·~'J+'~Jr.rTl·~lrTl~lor~~~:-RnJ5{m)

! J ! I ""! 'Q t!,}'h~'1>-...r.,~--x;:rx.!. I' I I' j , :' :,!

t I j J I'L L I'Z J"-l N'~~1"-:k.N..';';1"-:l I Iii ! I .";

4 . ! r r I' I !\I. I'\. 1 )...[ 'bJ_,'S"i J:-:,._' ~I Sr--sJ.:::s!, ' i' ._:_U

j I I I I ! t 'i\'n'{ I "'-, N .", ~,f--.._ "NN ~I : : ; "

Ii! I I ! I I h! I 'i I I~ I AI i'.. "i-.:. :t-:,I J:::S, r~, ~, :

I I I I 1 I t I. I I _'i; I ! ~ (i'; ') J J:'}: . pI i 29 ; ;-xl '. " ...... H

I '1'1 I , (, J _!tIl' I If '! I' I II! I ,_: ; .\ .

1·11 ! I Iii '.I !1! I I I I I I I I ,I r t; ,

6 I I I (, I I I II I II .1.1 '11 (I I : , I '1~

I I I f I ' ; I' In f" j . r ':', II Iii!: :., I '

,I t ;iI'1 'I'Ll! !Iii I I II 1'1 '. '1,11,'11 ; 'i' ~ 'XI :'=1;

I I ! I I 1.1 j II 1 f I : l J III!!' ;: Ij ,

II IT I r I H't "111'11 ',~

8 I I! I I III I I .1 I Ii! ': 1'1.

I I I , I '. I III I. i I I I I i I ',' , ,J;

f I I, j .I II :'11 I I , I Ii! ! t .,' ~xm:'" ,:x,'.'

I I I i I i!11 .! I I I I I I __ .. ~

I r ',i I 11 'tlll_)I·11 II 1: ~

10 I I II 'I I II I, I I il II I J I ! I. : , I I .

I I I I i. 'I I ,! Ii" i 1'\ J 1 ." ·1, I

ill rIll.! l ;! ,II I [ . Lli ,j

r I III + r I' r , Ilfff I 1 .. 1 IT ' L I. "1. .l I

12 11(!- I .:'.1 I J 1'1 I I I lUI L" 'I·I[ I",: !. '

i I rlr" l 1 II 11 II i III t I ,j: "I !.., I

, r·. I I -. II .. , . 'I .'111 .f . I It Jill; I ._j 'r Fl· f' " I

;.""1 -. ;("', lIt· r'!lr .J:ilfilll·!·· r;.:i: ".'1

D (m) 20

Radii of protection forh !::'20to60m






10 '

25 30 35

40 45




• .' .' Rp(m) : .. '

25.0030'.00' $5:00' 40.00 45.00 50;00' '55 . .00 '60.00 ... 65.00


25.00 I 30.00 35.00 i -40.00 45,00,' '50.:00.55.60 60,00 65.00





25.00' 00·,0035~OO. AO.0045.00 50.00' 55.00 60.00 65.00



25.00 30.00 !35 .. oot 40.00 AS.aO 50.00 55.00 . 60.00 65.00

25.00 30;00 "35:,0:0. 40.00 .45,00 50.00: 56.0060:.00 65.00




25.00 .• 30.0035.:.00;40,00 45;00' 50,00 · 6.0,00. 65.00



2,$,00' 30.00' .35.00 40.00' 45.00 .•.. 50.00 55,GO 60.00 65.00



25.00 30:00 35;00' 40.00." 45.00 .' , 50.00.55,00 _ '60.00 65,00

25.00 30,00 35 .. 00, 40.00 . 45.00 50.00 55.00 60.QO' 65.00


C 17·102 -July 1995

- 14 -


o (rn) is the striking distance or rolling sphere radius.

t.L(m) is the triggering advance of the. E.$,Elightning conductor considered.

h{m) is the height difference between the air terminal tip and the horizontal plane

considered. . . .

Rp{m)Ts the ,protection radius in thehorizontalplane.considered.

Figure2,2~3.3. (aj

Radii qfprotectionof.theE.$.E,lightnlng .. conductors Level-of protection: 1(0 =20 m)

2 0 . 10 ;_ 203d~. L,O~060 70 80 90 100

. :' I }IIN'"K1"-t.~ ~~ 1!1 trill t t 1.1111 II ill' 1,1, b!_j

: I 1',111 f'\.I'{10 ~I'-( ~ Idlll: II It I 1111 II I II j fl.p/(m) ~ll,:r:IJ llXI7p. i(J't\ ~ ~~~"-'l.1 !IIII .'111.1': rll'IIT i

: I t:l1 I I II ""I ., h ~ '-IN..K~N_~ IUllL I ;t11 ;;j il I

1, ! III TIl I I I :l\Jh I ~ '0. Ri"X,"i-,.['N...t":-i.::,-:-K!: II III Iii..) I i I

J I : fit II n-":II "l.1 t .1 N i:''\.,f' 1c-l1'N Kl"'k.i r4..llil ~ I, , il I I T ; 11:;"11111' I fll'{ I fNll' t N!NffiK 1'-l'l~:~:1 !<. !! I Il ; : ~:rII!JIJJlrl''''III1:I''lt);: I]'>,' I};' J1(!")(~1~-'1 H'(I

;,.LI1"J! 1\;1'1[,111 LX .I r'lt'IL Ii' .I!IIII\I:!,I .. ·II.IT, 6' I :Jlt,I:r~I,IHIJIJIII .i:lrJl.I'i JITll,lJ)tJII!l! I ;!' ,! IT!1 rLLIJI~1 1,1' '11<' iVI J ,IT i II 'I 'i~ I i{l. l riTl I' !,l ,I II J Idl ,'. II 1 II IT ',II 'I I Lil T nr Ill1ill,: 111 Il ,:[' I ! II~' ,d l:llllq 1,1 '1)'1 r. J f '.1"1 . L I II)>':! :i:!i 'Ill I

.~ It! I r I J H 1,llt r'IUII II!!! \1 It:1 L tl,lllT 11·1.1 ,n, I III I I 8 -!I I II fI11:.1 t I n!I,I',IT 11 ! ! ITL II r ,1,1;111' 11.t,:!'LI!:1 II L I , ,! III'!' III II n 1'1 :II! I ! I I L I 111,1 1:1 II Tfl,!)~,rlr: I II :I! 11111 J IlfLII .~ III II! II It ')1)11 I,ll j·U,q';T+ I rl .. 11111 jllil I t 1:1 ~I J t :;.1, II, II ,.,1 r J:I ;i:xllx,FI TI I

, I ~ II ! I 1 JI!l r 11.1 1\111 \ '!i I; I 1.1 L' II I' H\t I 1'1. 1111

10 :1;: !::IL!' :11 .. 1111 --!-h!'L:~ I; T riLl II !iJ,I.(_!;, JLL I i : I '1111};I:!TLTr 1111 I:' ;11 11',hL.JII ,1.ll;:~r'f: tl,ll ; . , I, !, I J I I ,11,1]" .!I II II ! I 1 I II'] J 1111 I II i.ll!.·j lilT I :'~'IIIIIIJ1!.!T .. J I: IjTT!llj" I! II IIL1' IT ~':, !;:IJ{I'1 ,:1 I I 11!11 ! II 111 I I II l.l i ' ,I ' I: I I II I I II i::!:'; III i

12 :.I! I I 1.1111 1.111 II 111I 1,1 I I I, I L',H 'lin 'III : i II I] I " . ~.II! I!, !lll I I III I. II:! 1\ I II I I II ,I I !!!i J I j'1

! ! ! ! I I '.L, ! IT II II J: II 'l,i:!'L iF I'll I ,I I I;' j t I II

L: I I '-I l:! 1 I II 1 , I ,i 11 11<: J:I: I II ; :i I'; : 1 i I I '

I,; i II I:~~ !i 1 ! I I JI I i.! 1 I 11 ill iii i: III L I III ::: I I I I :

I ' i I 1'1 . I ' I I j 11 I I I I! I I' . " . I I ,

1L. .' .. '. I, : '.' ~ '.'!' . ! I : i j II :1 11 I' II i: j i ; IT I i

:11 ! r! I : 1 I !I III I !I II T I t Ii' '1 i I· !~t, J I :I I lei Ii I II :

: ' I j I I I 11' 11'1 111~1 J I'i'f 'j !. I' il! i ,II III II r r ti r

·1 I I I I I I I ! ! I" 1 I II .I!! , )! I il ~ .. I i HI' I I j!xl i Hi In i

: I I j ! II! 11 ~ITI 111 I, .1 ,rl i. II I 11.1 Li,l' .1. 'it III

16, ' to I L I ,II 'I 11111 I. I Iii 1: I I' I H'! I. I '1.'1 I! J Hi Till

"I.~,lIUII!TIIIII!L! j,ITILH:il,11 i .1 ,1 1 III: :\111.1

,'!'I! j 111'1111111,,11111:1 iliiJJ .. Tl . .11111 I111 ,iJI1'j , , II 11I11 ! III I 111 'I: II ll111111 I , 1111 1 I! il ; i fTTT ! , !. I li:L ~JIIJ II nl II III lei:.' I 11 I 1,111.1 I:J I I it r 1'1 I H)':! !!HiYI III UTI ,I I H111111TI, II,,! I: 1·IfTI :'II! IlI!1 ,ITII,IIII II 11'1 itlll' Illl!:l :111111, . ::lll .. ltlll,III!lll:Ji Lillil 11111!JI:11111 : I ~,! I III 'I i ',111111 I.' .II,:!I 11 III ',1,1 J i till i I!i I ,I , , I I I J II I 1I1111 I I II! 11, II' II '1'1 'I, 11 II: : f1TTl

I' . 1'1 i' I' I ;. '1 I' ..' ", .

20 ,II .. I,,1.,1.1'1,llllfl!_li,II'.'j T,IJI !IYlx!:J!II,r;

h(m)l:. L (rn) ~ :5 10 .1520 25>303540 "5 50' .'

-15 c

C 17 .102· July 1995

o (m) 45

Radii of protection for h::: 20 to 60m

1015, 20 '2530 _I 35



4LCmX ,,5




43,30 ,48.'99 ,54;·54 60,00 65,38 70.71 75.99 ,81.24 86,46


25 " ,

45,83 .51,23 56,57 91.8067,08 72.28 77.4682.61 87,75

92.87 '


47.70 52.92· 58.09'1'$3.256,8.37 /73.48 7,8.5'8', 83,67 88.74



48.99 54.98,' 5.9.t6" 64:23,169.28 74,33 . 79.37 " 84,41. .', 89,44

,49.7554',/7 5,9.7964.81' ,69.82' 74.83' 7$.$4 '84.85 89.88









50,00 '55.iOO. ':60.aO . 65.00' , 70.00 75,QO ,80,OO~ ;85.00 '90;,00'


! . i


50;OP$5\OO~60.tJO 165.00 '70.00' 75.00 '?lJ.OO ,,85.00 90.00


. ,"

D(m) is'thestij~ingdjstanceor rolHngsphereradius.

DL(fn} i~the:triggering;advance dftheE.S.E.liQhtningconductorconsidered.

> ~ . , ... ' • •


h{m) is;the, height difference between the air termlnaiIlp and the horizontal plane

considered.' " , " ' " ' ,

~ ;. -. ..'

, Rp(m)isthe,prot~c.tlon, raolusln the horizontal planeconsigered:

",fTgure2;z.3,3.(bl ,

Rad il of protection ofthe'E.SJ~. l'ightning conductors

" . Levelofpr:6h:ibtion II {D ==45 rn]. ~.

C 17~1 02 • July 1995

·16 -


,0 )0 '". ~06 0 '. eo . ,'. lQJ . Rp(m)

2 I I'''!,- ~., ~"-~ II J I I il II II' i I T

I'll.' I +H'. 114111 ;"111 Ix H'{ ' .r : II ,

FILII . '.1 . I 111:1 ·····1 I. I: I II: 'I' ,

81 Tlil. ,.'1,1' II . r. T Ji' r:i I II II I

I I r It· 1 II' 1'1'. I I I I' I I' 1

~J_l..l":"1 J I I, ~ [.1 I' '.I f I 1111' I

10 1 I LL I I II I I.'. 'I I I I 1* " I I I

-.Ll+tl .. 1 .. ' .:1, 11.1 III Ilhl I· I

. , I !I 'I II 1_ 1.1 I I . I I r ! I ! I II. 1

e.- .. ...I I I II I· I Ii; I I I Jill· I !

I f ,I J I r I r I I I,ll..!. 'I ,cI'''·. I ,I iJ I t

12 .. I 11_::1: I r'l I 'I IT} J 1'1 II I 11 1

1 I II II II _II I I I I I 'I' I I

I J I ! I 1.1 I· T' JI II IT I I I i I

II I II.', 1,1 I I I li,l i. I I· i .11 1 I ! I I

II '111'1, I. I I I· I' ,·11 I·····j '.' II I I i I· I

1 L. ill i I I I ! I I J ! I III I I I I I II I

I I I I I II I L I I i II II I I I I : I

.1 11 I 1:1:1'1 JI' If" ,I I . 1 I .11 I I

II ! 1 'II lll.~j. II ,,(, II >1>: H I II


II II I II .. IFII 1.1 II J I I I 11

I III III rill l '1·1 "I I I· I 1-+ I II

1 It 11 II II r II II I : I I I I ITl

'f I .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I


I I II I I 1 I I I liT I I IT! I

1 e I I I I I" I I , I 1 I ,TI I. I I I I I

. H....-f-TI -i,--T-I -I,-M II'~I- -TI ~Ij:-,-:, +1 rli-+-t+H-!H-1 +, +-4, --+1--l4--I-f-I-·-+-,+, _l_1 .....1,Ll

20 hVn)

liT 1 I I I .. I I 1 .1 11 11 I 1 , I I I 1)(1 I I I

t. L em):: 5 1015 202530351.0 L.5 50

. I I I I J I I ,'1 II II' I II I I I I I I

~ 1 1 ,·1 I I 1111 I I, I: II I I I I I

I I I I I ! J I I 11 I I I : 1'1 I' T I r I I

Radii of protection for h ;::: 20 to 60m

D (m)
c,L(m) 5 I 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
hem) Rp (m)
20 51.23 57.45 63.44 69.28 75.00 80.62 86,17 91,65 97.08 102.47
25 54,77 60.62 66,33 71.94 77.48 82.92 88.32 93.67 98,99 104.28
30 57.66 63,25 68.74 74,15 79.53 84.85 90.14 9q.39 100.62 105,83
35 60,00 65,38 70.71 75.99 81,24 86.48 91.65 96.82 101,98 107.12
40 61.85 67.08 72.28 77.46 82.61 87.75 92,87 97.98 103.08 108.17
45 63.25 68.37 73.48 78,58 83.67 88.74 93.81 98,87 103.92 108.97
50 64.23 69.28 74.33 79.37 84.41 89.44 94.47 .. 99.50 104.52 109,54
55 64,81 69.82 74.83 79.84' 84.85 89.86 94.87 99,87 104.8.8 109.89
60 65.00 70.00 75.00 80,00 85.00 90,00 95,00 100.00 105.00 110.00 ·17 .

. C.'17·t02 "J.uly 1995 Elevation masts

The E,S.E. lightning conductor height mClY beincreased bymeans of an elevation n1ast~ If the ES.E.lightning conductor is steadied by conductive guy lines, these should be connected at the bottom attaching points to the down-conductors, by means of conductors complying,with table 2.304.

2.2,5.3 Preferred installation pOints

The archit~ctLjrai'feature,$favo~rabrej~ the E.S.E lightning conductor installation should be' t~l<en Into account during the lightning protection system design. Usually, these features are high structural polnts.euchas:

- equipmentrooms on flat.roofs,

~,g~m[esi .

.: 'metal crmasonry chimneys.


2.3.1 General principles

Down-conductors are designed to let the lightning current flow from the airtermination sy$t~msJo theearthterrnlnation sy$tem.l'hed,own-cohductors should be instaHed outside ofthestructure, exceptin the cases mentioned in,

2.'3.2 Nbmhe;r of dowri~Gonduttors


", \

Each E.S.E. Hghtnihg conductor should be connected to the earth termination system by at [east one down-conductor. Two Or more down-conductors are required when :

·~the·horizont~1 projection of the condu~tor lslarqer than ltevedlcal projection (see

figure 2;3.2).· '

- ELPls are installed on structures higher than 28m.

The down-conductors should be installed on two different main walls.

00 o 0



'~I ••

·19 .

C 17·102 - July 1995

D (rn) is the striking distance or roiling sphere radius,

4L.(m) is the triggering advance of the E,S,Elightning conductor considered.

.. ".

h(m) is the height difference betweenthe air terminal tip and the horizontal plane

considered. . • . ' . . , ,


, ; ;

Rp(m}is the protection radius in the borizontal planeconsidered. 'Flqure 2:2.3.3. (6J

Radii of protection of the E.S.E.lightning,cpnductors , Levelofprotecti~illll'tb::::6bm)'

2.2.4 Matertalsand dimensions'

The E.S.E .. lightning conductor part(s) through which Hghtn'ing .current flows should be made of copper, copper alloy orst~d!1less$teeI.The rod and the air terminal tip should have a conductive cross-sectional area larger than 120 mm-.

2.2.5 Positioning

i ES.E. lightning conductor

'C TheE.S£ .. Hght'ning conductor [east 2,metres higher than the a~eathat[tprotects,incIUding ant~nna(}"coolingtbw~TSj'. roofs, tanks, etc,

The down-conductor is attached to the E.p. E.ligl}tningc;o,nductor bya connecting . system located on the supportrod, 'fhisconneCtingsyslem consists of a suitable mechanical device providing long·lastingelectrfca,Jcontact.

.. ', ,"" ._" - .' ; : '-, .

··If :the externarinst~Hatl6n for a given structure com.prises. several E.S.E lightning conductors, these are interconnected by a conductor complying with the data in table 2;3.4~ .unless it has to be routed overasnucturat qbstacle(coblice, parapet wall}with'<l pos!tiveor negative level difference' in ,e~CE3;3S of 1.50m (see figure

2.2;S.1). . "

DO a 0 a
00 0 0 Q
00 (j 0 0 o DOO·O D

o o oono

o 0 a ~ .. d< I,se

~c::::=:U 0 0 Q J'

000 000

000 000

o DO 000


When E.S.E.llghtning conductors protect open areas such as playing fields, golf courses, swimming. pools, camping sites,etc., they· should be installed on specific supports, such as~·lightning poles, pylons,o{anyolher nearby structures which enable the E,S:E.llghtning conductor to cover the area to be protected.

C 17"102 - July 1995

- 18 -

A <28m and A>B : 1 down-conductor





A> 28m or A<B : 2 down-conductors

A : Vertical projection of down conductor

B : Horizontal projection of down conductor

Figure 2.3.2 - Numberofdown-conductors


Thedown-conductor should be instaUed in such a way th~t its path Is as direct as possible. The Clbwn":conductor routing should take into accouqtthee:illth terrnlnatior; location (see 2.5.2). It should be as straight as possibleaiong the

shortestpathwithout sharp bends orupward sections. Thebendrsdiish6uld not be less than 20cm (see figure 2.3.3). For the dlverting of down-conductors, bends

formed edgewise should preferably be used. '

The down-conductors should not be routed along or across eleotrlcai conduits. However, when electrical ccnduitcrosslnq is unavoidable, the electrlcalconduit shoufd be placed inside a rnetalscreen which extends trn beyond the point of

crossing. The screen-should be connected to the down-conductor,

Routing round parapet walls or cornices should be avoided. Provisions should be made to ensure that down-conductor paths are as direct as possible. However,a maximum height increase of 40cmis permissible for passlnq over a parapet wat! with a slope of 45Q or less, (see figure 2 . .3.3 e) ..

C 17-1 02 ~JuJy 1995

·20 -


Maxi _


. -a~

. b .


I .

. d .

t = length of iheloop in metres, d ::: width of the loop in metres.

• @ •

No risk of dielectric breakdown i~the requirement d > (/20 is met

Figure 2.3.3. LPg down-conductor bend shapes

The down-conductors should be attached on the basis of three fixings per metre. The fixings should. be suitable for the supports and their installation should not alter the roof water-tightness. The fixings should allow for possible thermal expansion of the conductors.

·21 •

'C 17-102 -July 1995

. .

All the conductors .shouldbeccnrtected together bymearrsof clamps of the same material, or by solid rivets, solderingorbrazfng.Orillingthrough down-conductors should be avoided wherever possible.

Down-conductors should be protected against the' risk of impact by installing sleeves WP to a height of 2m abovegroundlevel.

'2;3.3.1 Interna/routing

Wh~n external. routing is impracticable, the: down-conductor may be routed inside a specific service duct running along the full height or part of the height of the building.

Insulating non-flammable internal duds may be used when their internal crosssectionat..nrea ,is 2000mrn2,ormore,.The:proximlty requirements stated in chapters 2 and 3shouldbecompliedwlthlnallcases.

The down-conductor system'effE~ctIvene~s may' be r~duced by internal routing. The project rnanaqer must be aware of the reduced. lightning protection system effectiveness,inspectlonand niaintenancedifficulti€;s.,andthe risks resulting from

theeh'try ~T Voltage surgesihto. struqures. .

'2.3. 3.2 Exl~rn<3/ cladding ,

, .

When the outside of a building or structure has a ~ehalGraddi~g or stone or glass curtain-wails, or in the case of a fixed e1addin9iter;n,thedqwn~conductor may be

.. attached behind the cladding to the ccihcreleWall or theload~bearingstructure.

,I fl such a case, the 'conductive claddjrigcdmpone;ntsan~ thesupport!ng structure must be bonded to the down~cohductoranhe,topandbotto.rn.ends.

Materials and dimensions


Down-conductors consist. of strips, braideqcables, or. round sections. Their minimum cross-secilonal areaof50mm2 is'defined th, table 2.3.4.

. ,- ~ . , :). . ~ .

Down~conductors ,
, Material Remarks Mlnlmum dimensions
Bare or tin-plated Recommended for its Strip:30x2mm
electrolytic copper (1) good condyctivJtyand • Round section,;8tnm dia.
corroslorirestslance. . (f).,,'·'.·.'· , .....
Braided<cabl€l : 30x3.5mm
18/10 - 304 stainless steel Recommended in certain Strip: 30x2mm
corroslveenvlronments. Round section: Smm dia.
". , (2) ' •.
A 5lL aturrilrtium To be used on aluminium Strip: 30x3rnrn
surfaces (cladding, Round section: 10mmdia.
curtain-walls). (2) TableZj.4

,G 17·102·.July 1995


The use of insulated coaxial cables as down-conductors is not permitted. The use of insulating sheaths or coatings around down-conductors is not permitted except for-the cases described'inS.2. ".


(1) Tin-plated .copperis recommended in view of its physical, mechanical and electrical properties (conductivity, malleability, corrosion resistance, etc.),


(2) As the lightning current has an impulse characteristic, the flat conductor is preferredro.the round conductor since its outside surface area is larger for a given cross-sectlonalarea.

2.3.5 Test clamplDisconnect terminal (or testterminal)

Eachdown~cQnductor should be provided with a testclamp used to disconnect the earth tsrrnlnetlonsystemtor rneasurlnq It. The lest damp should bear the term

"lightning conductor' and thesymbol c±>;

Test clamps are usuallY installed on thedown-conductoraat helqht of about 2 rn above 'ground level: When Hghtning protection systems have metal walls or are not provlded with specific. down-conductors, test clamps are inserted in between each earthing system and the metal building item to which the earthtermlnation system is connected; the test clamps are installed lnsldelrispeclion chambers which bear

the symbol @.

. ,

2:3'.6 Ug.htningfla~hCounter -.

When a lightning flash counter is provided; it should be installed on the most direct . down-conductor above the test damp and, in any case, at height of about 2m

above ground level: .' .

2.3.7 Natural components

. Some conducUvestru~tural components may be used in place-of an entire downcorrducioror'part thereof, or supplement the down-conductor. Natura! compQnentswhfch cet; be used in place of the entire downconductoror part thereof

. .

Gene:rally, external lnterconnecledsteel frames (metal structures) can be used as down-conductors in so far as they are conductive and their resistance is :0.01 n or

less. ;"

lnsuch a case, the upper end of E.S.E. lightning conductors is connected directly to the metal frame whose lower end is to be connected to the earth termination -systerns.

The use of a natural down-conductor should meet the equipotential bonding requirements stated in chapter 3.


C17·102· July 1995

Note: As natural components may be modified orremoved without the fact that they belonqtc a Hghtning protection system being. taken into account, specific

conductors .shouldbe'preferred, .

. . Natura! components which can be 'used to supplement down-cotiductoris)

" '. '

The followlnq items canbeused to supplement the lightning protection system and

be connected to it: .

(a) interconnected steel frames providIng electrical continuity

• internal metal structures, concrete reintorcementsand.metal structures sunk . intowaUs,subJed 16speciflc conne.ction ,termjrial$b,'~ling provided for this purpose in the upper section and lower sept_lqq.(at .!e~st in threepolnts at each level};: :. ' ... ": i<

. . ..

«extemal metaistructures Whlch donot fUn over the entire structure height.

Note: When prestressed concrete is used,' special attentIon should be paid to the risk 'of mechanlcal effects due to the lightning. currentflowlng through the

lightning profectibn:system~ '. .

(b) metal sheets covering the area to be protected,provld~d that ..

.: -IongHastingelectrical c6htinuHyis proviQedbetween" $11 the parts; - metal plates are not coated with insulatlng material. '

Note<: Alight coat of protective paint, a 1rnmthick"asphalt film or a O.Smm thick PVC film is not considered as an insulation.

(c) metalpipes and tanks jf made of material2mmthick crrnore.




When lightning curr~ntJlows through aconcuctcr.vdiflerences of potential appear between this conductor and nearby earthed meta! parts. Danqerousrsparks may be produced across the ends of the resulting openloop .. '

'Depending onthe distance.between the ends of the open loop (down-conductor(s) and earthed. metal part),eqwipotential bonding rnayor' may not be achieved . The minimum distance atwhich no dangerous sparks known as the safety distance sand .depends on the selected protection level, the number of down- conductors, the material between the loop ends, arid the distance from the

metal part considered to earth- connection point: .


C 17·102 .July 1995


ItIs often difficult to provide for lnswlalionduringJhe installation of the lightning protElctionsystem(through fackof infprl1)ClUon needed to take a decision), or to provide for lonq-term Jnsulation (structural changes, work, etc.). Equipotential bonding is therefore frequently preferred.

, ' '. ',' _.: "

However; equipotential bonding lsnotprovlded in some cases (flammable or explosive piping), The' down-conductors'are then routed further away than the safety distance s (see 3.2.1(c».

3.1.1 EquipotenUa:lhondlhg'

The equipot~titial bdndingshOl.,lldbe .:proyid.ed wherever possible at the closest pointbyaneql.lipot$ntiaf conductor,.Cl lightning arrester-or a spark gap, between . the down~cdriductdt orthe E.S.E. lightning conplJ·ctor9raining the lightning current and the component to be put at the samepotential and located on the structure, in the structure walls or inside the structure.

3.1.2 Safety .dlstance

The, safety distance is the minirnu~ di$t,q._nce atwhichno dangerous spark is produced between a down-ccriductor draining the lightning current and a nearby earthed conductivern ass,(seE;lfigl1re 4.5). . ..

The insulation with respect.todanqejous sparks is achieved when the distance d between thelighlningprot(;icUonsys'temaqdthEl,conductiveite m considered is

more than ds. . . . ...

k' .. .,

Safety distance: S(m)' ,,: .. n.· 11·· ... km' (m)



.. nls the numberof down-conductors for eac,:hE.S.E. lightning conductor before

the contact polntoonsldered-: .

n=1 forohe down-conductor,"

n = 0.6 for two down-conductors ,

n= 0.4 for thre-e or more down-conductors,

.. ki is-a factor related to the selectedprctection level: ki ::: 0.1 for protectionlevell,"

ki = 0.075 for protection level II,

ki ::: 0.05 for protection level lit.

. ., .

.. kmis a fa,cto,r related 10 the material used between the two loop ends:

km ::: tforalr, ... _

km::: 0.5 fora solid material which is not a metal.

- 1 (in meters) isthelengthalongthedown~conduclor(s)from the point where the proximity is to be considered to the earthing system of the metalpart or the nearest equipotential bonding point



C17·102 . July 1995


(1) When the nearby conductive part is netelectrlcaily earthed, it is riot necessary to provide an equipotential bonding.

(2) Whe'n the, lPS. is connected to reinforced 'concrete structures with interconnected r<einforcing steel and in case of steel frame structures or of , s,tructuresequivalentscre.ening performance, preximity requirements are , , Lis'ually met., "


. ,

, .

, In most cases, 8 connection usinganequipotential,conductor is possible. If it is , not' possible,Qrauthori,sed'bythe com.petenl'authorit!es, the connection mustbe m;:J de, ,(Jsing ',as urg~ PFOt.rqctiv€Ldevice. '

3.2.1 Equipotent'ial bonding using aneq'Uipbtentiatconductor Equipetential' bonding$heuld,beprovidedatth~f6nowing locations ':


(a) Above the ground and underground.

All the .structure earth fermi,nels sheuld'be' lnterccbnecied as provided fer in

paragraphs 4.4and 4.5. .

(b) Whenever the proximity requirements are notmet : when d'<s.

In such a case, the acceptable equipotential conductors should be of the same type as thase usedto make down-conductors (table. 2,3.4). They should

be keptasshort as possible.' .

In the event of a lightning protection system separated from the structure to be protected.fheequipotential bonding should bernadaat greund level only,

(c) In ,the case of gas' service pipeslacated downstream of the insulating sleeve,

s=3m. '

3.2.2 Equipotential bonding usingasurge protective device

An antenna or a small pest supporting electrical lines should be bonded at the nearest to the down-conductor" via a vantenna-rnast spark-gap type surge protective device.

[f plpe lines (water, gas, etc.) with insulated parts are laid within the space , consldered, suchlnsutated parts should be by-passed by the surge protective

device, .


The guidelines stated in paragraphs 3.2.1(a) and {b) are still applicable in so far as connecting terrninatshave beehprovidedfor'this'purposeIn the relevant batches. Special attention s~outd be paid to water~tightnessptoblems. "

C 17·102 -Julyi995

- 26 -

Note: For existing structures, thecompetent authorities should be contacted,



Equipotential conductors 'should be Used to connectfnternal metal parts to an equipotential' bonding bar made and laid out in such a way as to allow easy, disconnection for inspection purposes. The rninimur» cross-sectional area of such ccnductors.sbould.bete mm2wneri they are madeoT'copper oralumlnlum, or 50 mm2 when they are made of steel., The equipotential bonqing bar should be connected.toa point.asclcse.te 'the'strUdUre earthing circuit as possible. For large structures, several eqtlipotential bonding bars may betristalled provided that they are interconnected. Each equtpotential;bondln'g bar should' be made of copper or the same material <38 the equipotential conductor and its minimum cross-sectional

;;areashouldbe75rnm2, ';., ' , ..

For.eleptrical or teleccmmunication systems', using' screened conductors, or conduclorslnstalled inside a rnetal conduit, earthing the screens or metal conduits

usually provides sufficient protection, . . .

If not,theactiye qonduct.or.S:.sHQuld be bonded to the lightning protection system

via surge protective devices. . .

, " .



One earth termination system is provided for each down-conductor,

Tc.allcw for the impulse characteristic of the lighthing current and to enhance current draining to earth, while minimising the risk of dangerous voltage surges within the protected volume, ifisalsolmpo'rtanttb pay "attention to the earth termination system shape and dimensions and also to 'the earth termination resistance value.

Earth termination systems, should meet the following requirements:

-the resistance value measured using a cenventlonel'equlpment should be 10 ohms or less, This resistance should be measured on the earthing termination

insulated from any other conductive component. .

-thewavelmpedence or inductance value should be as low as possible in order to minimise the back-electromotive force which is added to the ohmic potential rise . occurring during the liGhtning discharge. For this purpose, earth termination systems having a single 'excessively long horizontal or vertlcelccrnponent-should

not be used. .

The use ota siggle vertical termin~tionsystem.i:feeply buried to reach a humid layer of soil is tHus not advantageous unless ,the .s·urfaderesistivity is particularly

high. .

C H"102· JlIly.1995

It shouldhowever be noted that such drilled earthterrn'nation systems have a high wave impedance when the depth exceeds 20 metres. This calls for the use of a greater number of horizontal conductors or vertical stakes which must always be perfectly interconnected from an electrical standpoint. Similarly; copper conductors should be preferred to steel conductors whose cross-sectional area required to achieve equivalent conductivity makes their use impracticable.

Earth termination systems should be madeandfaid out as stated above and in section 544 of standard NF C 15-100.

,. .


Unless there is a real impossfbility, earth termination systems .should always be

dlrected outward from the buildings. . ....

··.E;AR·¥";;TgRMTN~~I'(j,N··SYSliMTYPEg; .; ..•.

. ~ 1

Th·e;ea:.~I\· termination. syste m dimensions de pend,;,9r1 jhesqjl~~$iStivjty. in Which theearihtermioation systems areinstaUed. Th~·_f~~i~tiyj~y"rn?y. vary to a consJ~en3ble extent depending on the.soil material (day I marl,sF1[)d,n:ic)(,etc.), .. '


'The r~st$tl~itycan be'~ssessedfrom thetable below, or rne~:sUredusjng,a$'~itable

method with an earth ohmmeter. . . ..'

Once, the' resistivity it known, the ,length. of an termjn'~tionsystem can be determined llsing the following shnpliiied!equaUons:

linear horizontal termination system VEjrtical termination system L ==2pIR(Equation4)' L :::: plR (Eqt;jation5)


l is the termination system length' (inrn). p isthe soll re~is.tivity (inn.OJ) ,'. Rislhe'desfre:ct>reslstanceValue(s10h)

.' . C17·1'oi. July 1995

• 28 -


Swampy terrain Silt


Humid peat

Soft clay

Marl and compact.clay Jurassic marl

Clayey sand,

Siliceous sand

Bare stony soil Grass'covered stony soil

;_ -;:

"Soft limestone ,

'Compact lim~stone 'Cra c:ked' lfmestone Schist

Mica schist

Granite and sandstone depending on , alteration

G ran it'e and sandstone tittl~ altered,

Resistivity in D.m

a few units up to 30 20-100

, 10~·150


50 100-200 40-40

50-500 200-3000 , 1500-3000

''', '''$OG"'50,P

'100:300 1000-5000 5QO .. 1QOO , 50-300

800 '

1500~10000 100 .. 600

Table 4.2,

For each down-conductor, the earth termination systems should at least consist of:

, '? ' .

(a) conductors of the same material and cross-sectional area as the' downconductors, except foraluminium; arranged in crow's foot fashion and buried at a minimum depth of 50 em.

Example: three 7-8-metrel.on9condu~ct~r~,,'buriedhorjzontally at a minimum

depth of 50 em; or' " ,

b) a set ofseveral vertical. stakes totalling a.rnlnimurn length of 6 metres.

- arranged in line or as a triangle and separated from each other by a distance equal to at least the buried length;

- interconnected by a conductor which is identical to or has characteristics compatible with the down-conductor, and buried in a trench at a minimum depth of 50 em.

Note: The recommended lay-out is the triangle.

·29 -

C 17·102 • J.uly 1995


! ,

• i


~t i 1






~ . i



~ ~ ••• 4 ~ oj. _' •••• 4 ••• 4 •••••••

~~~~~:~~tablef - ~Q


. ~ "' ....

Disconneclable , connector



D : Down-conductor

B : Building foundation!oopearth' ',' " p.<',.l.Jghtnih!il;~a rtli,t(?.rrmlh'a,tiQn~~·~'ste'm" "

, Figure 4.2~TYPical~arth term'ination syst~m<:ffa9rams "



<./ -< .;> _~. ~\_;:,~ ':,~';:·'.i. ~ '~./

Wh~hi the'hi~h "$bi{.resl$ttvrty"'rn9k~s;!tJrilP()ssible. to achieve ,a n .earth te rmi nation

, syst~m resistance lower th~n10 ohmstisingtne' ab6veistaNdard protective

measures, thefollowing additional measures m~y be used: .

~ add natural material with a lower resisUViWaroundlhe ea.rthcohdU6tdrs; -add earth rods to the crow'sfeetor to:t~estakesalrea3yinstalled;

- augmentthe number of earth termirlationsysternsal1d'i9t~f(::onnectthem;

~ apply a ," treatment 'which reduces tht:) impedance ~nd Jeatureshigh' current

draining 'capacity; , ,

- when all thea99ve:meaqures<area.doptedr$.tid:afe~tstati6e'value ofless than 10 ohms caDn9t be obtaiR~<hitcaQ'!J~,'constq$tecl' thi=llH;j~e'artfr termination system provides acceptable 'lightning Gurrentdraining when it consists of, a buried termination ~Y'$tem at!.easttQOmdong,8ssuming'lhaf each vertical or horizontal

element is notmoretharr 20m long.' ,



When the building or the protected ,volurne;hasa foundation earth termination system for thee!ectrical system in compliance with artlcte 542.2 of standard NF C 15~100, thelPS earth termination systems should be connected to it by a standard sized conductor (see tables 2.3.4 and4.6).

For new installations, this measure should be taken into account as from the design stage, and the interconnection to the foundation earth circuit should be made right in front of each down-conductor by 'a device which can be disconnected and located in front of an inspection chamber bearing the symbol

(;0,4 '

C 17·1 02 ~ Jufy 1995


For existing buildings and installations, the connections should be made preferably on the buried' parts and it should' be possible to disconnect for inspection purposes.

When the interconnection is made inside a building, the interconnecting conductor should be routed in such a way that no currents are induced in nearby cables or equipment.

When several separate structures are included in the protected volume, the E.S.E. lightning conductor earth termination system should be connected to the buried

equipotential earth network interconnecting all the structures. '


The LPS earth termination, components should.beat 'minimUm dlstancesnway

from any buried metal pipe or electrical conduit. " ' "

The minimum distances are indicated intable 4.5 hereunder:

Buried services Minimum distances
SqitresistiVity s500n.m son resistivity > 500 n.m
conduit -_- , 0.5
Electrical 0.5
Electrical conduit. LV 2 5
without earth
termination system ..
, Earth.termlnatlon 10 . , '20
system ._'.,
LV mains supply
Meta! pipes for gas 2 5 Table 4.5

Thesedist~_nces are applicable-only with conduits whlch are not. electrically connected'to the-maln equlpotentlal llnkof thebuHding.

Note, : In the case ofrrorr.metalconduits, compliance with a minimum

not required. ' ,


The materials and thernlntrnumdimensions for the earth termination systems are

given inthe table below. '

.. 31 ..

C 17-102- July 1995

, Earth termination systems


> Mlnlmulndimensions


Bare or tin-plated etectrolyticcopper (1)

, Recommended for the good conductivity and corrosion resistance.

Strip :30x2mm

Round section : 8mm dia. Grid made of wire with a min. cross-sectional area of 10 mm2

'So!idstake : 15mm dla., 1m I '


Tubular rod : 25mm 0.0., 'lm

19 ' ' ':'

Rod:J?DlTl;ldia., 1mlg,

'-';":' ,\/:",:;,'

Copper-plated steel

(250!)m), ',,',

,'18ltO " 304st~inlesssfeelReGOmmendedin certain

, ,corrosiVE{Soi!S. '

Strip,: :30x2mm' Roundsectlon': 1 Ornrn dia. , Rod.: 1.5mrTTdia.

~$trip:, 30x3:.:6tnm'

, Round section : tOrnm dla.

R'od':19mm-'dia" tmlg

Hot-galvanisedsteel (50}Jm)

;Hl?S8rVejd forpr()Visional shorf,1erminslaHaUo'ns ' becGiL!s,eof its> poor , corrosion resistance.

, "



" r'.

Note:(1) Tin-plated copper is recommended in view ofif~ phy,~jcal, mechanical' and electrlcatpropertles (conductlvity, m aile ability; corrosion resIst ance, ,etc.).





The corrosion of metals dependsvon the.' typeof_ metal. "us€ld and on the cl1aracleristicsof themetale'nvironmenk Factors such as fungu$', '-soluble salts (eiectrolyt~$);,degree ofventilalioh" electrolyte temperature and changes make the

conditions hfgh!ycompticated. ' ' ,", '.

. _. .:.

The contact of dissimilar metals 'associated with electrolysis phenomena due to , the environment lncreases corroslonln moreanodic or active metal and decreases , corrosiom'in,morecalh6dicorinert metal. Corrosion in more: cathodic1i-netal should 'be prevented. The electrolyte for this reaction may be, a humid soil, or

condensation retained in cracks.


In order to reduce corrosion, it is necessary to :

- avoid the use of unsuitable metals in an aggressive environment,

- avoid contacts bejw~een dissimilar metals with different galvarilccouples,

.. use conductors of appropriate gauges andcorrosion-resistinq fasteners,

C H·102 .July1995,



J}ji ,I)

t~~~)i .

~ ~~~~~~e~~o~ective C03tin~1 fn'criticafcases as appropriate to the external l}lt,

_. . . .

To meet the above require~:~~is, the following precautions are given as typical

examples; . ::,:,f . .'

f ~1"

-the.minfmum thickness or '~~~meter of is conductive Item should comply wIth the

, provisions of this standard ,.!~?

, ". 1.);: . . .

- aiumfhium' conducto;s sho,'F1!d not, be burled or .embeddeqdirectly in concrete;

unless they are provided ~1!:0.a SUitable longrlastlng sheath, . .

- copperl aturnlnium j"int~ .~t~11~~ .)lpld~~Whe,e\fe r • PQ$sible, If U;'~VOld able. joInts shouldbe made usfn:g'!$UI!abJe, two~metal connectlons.:

, .. '. ~t· .•... -. .

- copper is'usua:flY. '. sUita .. ~.I~~\:~Q.·'J .. e.,a.rt .... ~.rr. Q\ ...•. exc.ept under certail1acld condltfcms,

, when exposed to oxygenoCfu!p~atel' ...., . . .'

.... . ..' .. ' 'J\~:. ,' '.' . .

~. when thereares;uJphtJrtc¢Qammofjlacal fum'as, a' coating may be usedon the

down-conductors. . \i' ..., '. .

. t~tl ' .

Note: The use of jnsu!atJd~:maferiar6f thickness less or equal to 0,5 rnrn is

admitted, i ;(: ' .'

-.conductor .fastenerssho.ui~~beTnadeOf·stainleS$ steel or a suitable synthetrc

.' malerialunper corrosive e~¥!"o.nmental conditions. ;_'. '


ift; .

',\l- .. ,h·,,:


- . "'~li: .;_"y

.';:] }~~'


. " .... ·r>, :

An antenna on the roer of ~{~UHdlqg.f~c;:reasesthelightning stroke probablJity and

'Is the f](stvuJrierable iternlil{~J(YtQrepervt'? the Hghtning.dischar~e.. '.'

. . "'~~:' .' ,

VVhen this is an Individu4fi?: or collective radlcbrcadcaetlnq receiver. antenna, complying with the .standa~~(·.the ,antenna support mast should be connected througlil'a surge protectlve :fi£evlce or a spark gap to the ~down-:ondu~ctors of the lnstallatlon by a standard d,qnduc!or unless.the antenna IS 'outsldethe protected

. ... .. J~ '. '

area oren an~{her roo~..:~~'j " " .. ',. :.' '. : . .

A common support mast ca%,:be used under the following condltlons :

. ":~~:L

- the common support ma$t<'8!~nsists ofadequately strong'tubes which do not need

guy Jines, .' /.t1'

1 hc~

~ , .1 ,',

/1, ':1

~ the E.S.E. lightning is attached to the tip of the mast,

. :I~'" .

·"!-it ;;~!.

. _ _Pf~ .. •

Materter etectronlque f!;tda \elecor:rymuhrca(loM • Antenne s lndlvlduelles ow collectlves de

radlodiffLJs!on sonora ou vlsuelle : Reg't~~ (Standard NF C SO-1t:O • October 1983, publh.hed by Unlon

Technique da J'efectricite). )"'i:-i,

. h'

. .. ~.

~f;~ !

:l:[ ·33·

~I:WI.: : .. 1


, .'.





C 17·104 .July 1995


{ .,


: I

, "


J , I

: I


I 1

I l

,.1 i I !








1 I I









- the E,$.E, lightning conductor tip is atteastz m above the nearest antenna,

- the down-conductor is attached-by a clamp which is fastened directly onto the


- the antenna coaxial cable is routed inside the mast antenna.

In the case of a lattice mast, it is preferable to route the coaxial cable through a metal tube.


In this ,cas$",the E.S.E.,lightningconductorshoukJpreferably be installedon,the , chimney if it exists. ,Jhe",do.wQ,;Conq1JctQr,'$titjitlld~''b'e~ah/gmmdiametei''annealed,. copperroundcortductor which should be routed along the roof ridge on stand-off lnsulators with a clear~SPace,of20-250m'andd6wribn'th~tchgutters.


As factory chimneys are. very tall and smoke and hot ga$ses ionise the air, they

are8ighlyproneto peing,struckl;>yllghtning.' '

The upper part of the chimney should be provided with a E.S.E. lightning conduqtor"preferably using 'materials',suited· to, the'corrOsive atmosphere and

,exhaust temperaturEl, and located on the ptevaiHngwh1d side. , '

Forchimtiey height 40 metres high or-more, two'down-conductors minimum s,hould' be installeddiarnetri¢ally' opposedwith,.onebeih~ilocated on theprevailinq

, wind side. These down-conduotcrs'shculabeinferconnected' at the upper end and at .the base of the chimney by an horizontal conductor. ,Eaqh down-conductor

should be 'provided withan. earth termiMatlbbsysterit '

The externa'land internal ,~etalitem8shouldbe connected t~ the t)?8rest down-

conductorunder the same conditions as those stated in Chapter 3,' ,


" . . . . '; ,

'In compliance with the current. regulations, tanks containing flammable fluids should be earthed but such an earth connection does' not ,pro~l9.e adequate protection against atmospheric discharges. A thorough, additional survey is

ther~fore necessary. . .

" . E.S.E;; lightning conductors should beereded on 'masts, poles, pylons, or any otherstructure outside. toe .safety area so as to be above the installations to be protected, '-, 'Their location 'sh6uld take, tMa.prqteciionradH into account in

accQrdancewith this standard: '

Earth termination systems should 'be oriented away from the storaqeinstallatlons. The E.S.E. lightning conductor and protected installation earth termination systems should be equipotential.

C 17c102 .July 1995


Note: The Ministerial Decree dated January 28, 1993 concerning the lightning protection of certain classified installations makes the installation of lightning stroke counters compulsory: ,


Steeples, towers, minarets and belfries are prone to being struck by lightning because of their promlnence.

The main prominence(s) ·should be protected with ES,~, lightning conductors connected to the ground by a direct down-conductor routed along the main tower ..

A second down;oconductor following the nave ridge shouldbe provided when one

orrnoreofthj:r:ft)llbwltig cond iti'o~s . is met: .


, '. .

',. thetotalsteepleheightexceeds 40'mefres, .

- because of its length, the nave extends outside 'the E.S.E. lightning conductor

protection area. .

In this case, theseccnddown-conductor shouldorlqinate frornthe eummitot the main tower.

When a churchisfit~edwith·twodown-90nductors, and the end of the nave is fitted with <;Inon~metalliccrOss'or statue; the 'cross or statue: will be provided with flair terminal.

Both LPS earth termination' systems and theelect'ric earth are preferably interconnected by an earth conductor.

Some religious buildings havevelectrlc bells. The electrical power supply is protected against voltage surges by lightning arresters complying with article 3.





H ~40 m


Figure 6.5 ~ Religious building

·35 -

C 17·102 -July 1995


! i

! .







Mountain restaurants, refuges, cableway stations are particularly prone to being struck by lightning. The E".$.E. lightning conductors may be ins1alled hi compliance with the provisions .of this standard, paying special attention to the equipotential bonding and earth termination systems.


Play flelds, camping, and caravan sites, swimming pools!" racecourses, motor racing Circuits; amusement parks, etc.

The E.S.E. lightning conductors are installed on f1agpd!es;f1~odUQht,l11asts,pyl0rl.s. or anyothe rexisUpgstrlJctu re. 'Their .numbera n d location dep~nq' Onthelype and" area,of:.thesprfa:~es,·~toqe·prote¢ted·in com plla rice with." the provisions of this

standard." , .


Certain.,iso!at§d.;treesaJ~l' potentially' prone tolightning.·striKes because of their

he'lghfandshape.· .

\Nh~rever the risk of .lightningstrlke involves hazard' to close structures (e.g., nearby building), . or hlstorical. dr aesthetic interests are' involved,. the tree may be usefully protected againstlighthillgbyinstallingan E.S.E.lightning conductor at its

. top ihcomellance with the pro.visions ofthis standard. . .

. The easiestwayto Install the down-conductor which d~es not hinder the tree's . groWth: and as little as possible is to use a conductor in the form of a

flexib!e.braided.<;:ablesecuredbysuitable fasteners taking the most direct path

posslble.alohq the tree' trunk. .' .

~ - - ,. . - ..


LPS 'maintenance is essential since a number of components may lose .thelr effectiveness overtime due .... to corrosion, weather, mechanicalJmpacts, and lightning. The mechanlcatendelectrical characteristics of an LPS should be maintained throughout the LPS life in order to meet the standard requirements.


Once theE,S.E. lightn!ngconductor installation is completed, it should be inspected to make sure that it complies with the provisions of this standard.

'. ,.... .

The purpose of this Inspection is to make sure that:

- the E.S.E. lightning conductor is 2 metres or more above the entire protected area,

- the materials ancl)the gauges used for the down-conductors are suitable,

C 17·102· July 1995

- 36 •

" the down-conductors are routed, located and electrically bonded 8S required,

" all the installation components arefirmly secured,

"the safety distance(s) is(are) respected and/or equipotential bondings are provided,

- the earth termination system resistance values are correct,

- the earth termination systems are lnterconnected.

This inspection should be performed visually under the conditions stated in part 6

of standard NF C 15-100. .

However, where a conductor is entirely ortotallyhidden, its electrical continuity should be tested. Such a test should conform to part 6 of standard NF C15*100.


The inspection: frequencyis:determined by the protection level. The following· inspection intervals are recommended:

Normal interval Intensified interval
LEVEL 111 .... . 3 YEARS 2 YEARS Note: The intensified interval is recommended ina corrosive atmosphere.

An LPS·should also be lnspected whenever the' protected structure is modified, repaired or when the structure has been struck by lightning.·

Note : Lightning flashes can be recorded by a lightning flash counter installed on

one of the down~conductors;·· ... .


Inspectlon.procedu re

A visual inspection should be"' performed to make sure that:

- no extension or modification of the protected structure calls for the installation of additional lightning protective measures,

~ the electrical continuity of visible conductors is correct,

I "

- all component faste.ners and mechanical protectors are in good condition,

- no parts have been weakened 1:>Y corrosion,

- the safety distance is respected and there are enough equipotential bondings and their condition is correct.


• 3'r "

C 17.102 ~ July 1995

; -t


I ..

! .


. 7.3


Measurements should be taken to verify:

- the etectrlcal contlnuity of hidden conductors,

- the earth termination system resistance values (any variation should be analysed).

Inspection report

Each scheduled inspection should form the subject of a detailed report containing

all the findings ofthe inspection and. the corrective measures to be taken. .

MAINTENANCE Any i~~lf$·f6.y~.d;ih.t6~·LP$duh6Qa ~(c.6~~Jj~diQSffiection$hould be correcleda~ soon' as :possible in order to maintain its optidlaleffedivent3ss.

: . -" ..

. ~.

C 17·102 - July 1995

- 38.





A 1.1 Striking point determination

The formation orarrival of a stormy cloudcreates an> electrical field (ambient) between the cloud and the ground. This electricalfield may exceed 5 kV/m on the ground, therebylnitiatlnq corona discharges from gr~und reliefs ,or metalparts.

,Thelighthingstroke begins . With the'f<?tma~ion,of.a:doWnlN(3r(:j leader within the .

" stdrrnStdoud'whlbh;prdp$gate'si n. $t~ p~'t?w,ards tl;:6,:gr6'U il8 .. Thedownwa rd~ lea de r conveyse'ectrlc chatges'Whichcauses theqroundfleldtobufltiup.

An upward leader develops from a structure oren object linked to the ground. The, upward leader propagates until it Joins the downward leader and the lightning currentflows through the resulting channel, Other upward leaders can be emitted by several ground structures. The first one 'Which joins the downward leader determines the lightning striking' point {Fig. Ai).

Figure A1

Note : This description only concerns the negative downward lightning stroke, which is the oniy application case of the electro-ceometrlcal 'model. This type of

lightning stroke is by far the mostfrequent. '

A 1.2 Leader propagationvelocity

'Recent experimental data obtained from the nature shows that the average velocities of the upward and downward leaders are comparable during the attachment phase and the velocity ratio vuplvdown is close to i (between 0,9 and, 1.1 ),

·39 -

C' 17·102 "July 1995

Assuming that v ::: vup ::: vdown :;: 1 rn/ps (average measured leader velocities), where:

vup is the upward leader velocity, vdown is the downward leader velocity, v is the common velocity.


A 2.1 Triggering advance

An E,S,E. lightning conductor is bl,JiIt toreduce,theaver~ge statistical. time.related 10tne YP!Narct!e?o ~r Ipit.i?ti9 n,An:E.S'. E •. lightl'ling:cono(Jctqr Jeatu resgr.JriggElrir1g: . advande'8$Cotnpated.Withct:;sirr:1pJe rod lightning .conductor " instalJed under . the sameci()nditioh~>rhisgainiri' assessed in ahlph-voltaqe testlaboratoryas recomm'ended"iil paragraph and Appendix C to this standard .

. Gain Jnr~hg;th;b{lheupwa rtfleader

A 2.2

Th~gajh'jr{upward lecid:er lerigthtil is' given' by tiL(m}== V(rnll-ls), AT (I-Is),

The protectedvoJume is determined from the protection model described above 'on the basis oftheetectro':geometridil model.

.. .' ,'.,- .' -. , ,


, :

. ' ,

Protectloriradlils :ofa S.H,' Jjghtning~onduCtor

In the case of a simple rod, according fa theelectro-qeometrtcal model, the lightning striking 'point is determined by the ground objectwhich is the first one to be located at a dlstanceD'from the downward leader even though this object is the fiat ground itself. Jheqlstance 0 between the strike point and the upward and dowqward.leaderjoining:pointJs .knownas.thetstriklnq.dlstance'": this isalsotha developmentlength9fthel.lpwardJea~ec

. '. .

Therefore, it appears as if a fictitious sphere of radius D', was centred-on and

moving rigIdly withthedownward Jeaderhead. . .

Considering a simple rod of height "h" relative to the reference surface (building roof, ground, etc.), there 8fE). three possibilities (see figure A 2} :

C 17·102" July 1995

·40 .

Figure A2;"Fictitiow~ sphere-method

- if the sphere corrreslnto contactwlththe.vertical rod (A') only, the vertical rod will be the strike point,

- if the sphere corne~ into' contact withthereferenceswface and not with the vertical rod, the strike point will be on the ground at Sonly, .,

- if the sphere comes into contact with both the simple rod and the reference surface at the same time, therearetwoposslblestrfke points : A' and C', but the lightning discharge' will never strike the hatched area (see figure A 3).

Figure A3

The striking distance 0 is generally given by the following equation': , D(m):;: 10,!2/3, where

I is the peak current of the first return stroke in klloAmperes (kA).

A 3.2 Protectlon radius of an E.S.E. lightning conductor

In the case of an;;cE.S.E. lightning conductor of triggering advance 6. T, and with tiL ::: v.6.T, the possible strike points are A and C (Figure A 4) with a protection radius Rp,'such that:

C11~102 • July 1995

Rp::: j h (2D~h) + 6L (2D +6L


o is the striklnqdlstaoce

LlL is the upward leader length gain defined by t.L :::; v.L1T

h is the E.S.E. lightning conductor tip height above the surface to be protected.

Rp is theE.,S.E. lightning conductor protection radius

.&T 'is'thetriggerlng a av~~.ce.?fJh~.E;:.$;;E .j1g.h.r~trig¢.~h~uc~or. .

" '.-' .' . -. " ,', _" ' ; , ,



C.17-102 - Jury 1995

- 42 -





The lightning risk assessment guide is intended to assist the design manager in the analysis of all the. criteria used toassessthe risk of damage due to lightning and to determine the need for protection and the required protection level. Only thed9rnage.cay~e~ py a.dir:~et li.ghtl1iQQ, .. ~tr()~eonJ~~ $,tFUgture to be protected

and' th~ IIghtriinfi\,;urre;ntff6w :throtlghfhe LPS'is doverecl'. -> ..... .

In rnanycases, the need for protection is obvious. Examples are.: - large crowd, .

- service continuity I

- very high lightning stroke frequency,

- tall or isolated structures,

- building ·containing .exploslvetor flammable materials, or irreplaceable cultural


Some typical consequences of a lightning stroke on several types of common structures are listed in table B 1 for information,

Structure classification Structure type Lightning.' conseqLH:~i'lces -~---.-
Private house Perforation of electrical installations, fire and equipmen
damage normally. limited to objects dose to the Iightnin[
strike. point or path.
Farm Risk of fire and dangerous sparks. -
. Risk consequent to power failure: cattle dying as a result (
the loss of ventilatlon control and food distribution.
Risk of step voltage.
Common structures Theatre, school, Risk of panic and fire alarm failure resulting in delayed fire
(see note) hypermarkets, sports fighting.
Bank; insurance Same as above plus problems related to loss of informatlor
and computers malfunction.
Hospital, nursery, jail Same as above plus problems related to patients in intensiVE
Companies, business Same as above plus problems related to patients in Intensive
companies care units and evacuation of handicapped persons.
Industry Additional effects depending on the factory contents, rangins
from minor damage to unacceptable damage and productior
'~, loss.
Museums and -Irreplaceable losses in cultural heritage ..
archaeological sites - ·43·

C 17·102 • July 1995

Table 81

Note :Sensitiv6 electronic equipment may, be InstaJled in any type of structures and can be easily damaged by vortage surges due to lightning.

A risk assessment method is proposed in this guide, it takes into account the, lightning risk and the following factors:

. . .... .

, I


i \


1. Building environment,

2. TYP13 of construction,

3. Structure contents,'

4. Structure occupancy, 5.Ughtningstroke consequences:

"The bun8ih8:>IOcati6hih Jheenvironment; and,thebuifding' height are taken into

9onsiderationfor the, computation of the exposure risk.' "

iili sOfn~case,~:h6wev~r, '~~rtaih critwrfls,peCifiGtoagf~eIT$tructure cannot' be 'qsse,$~ed~r1,Q,may'.pre,:,ail over, imyoihet 'cQn~id~raHon.P(Q{eCtive measures can • tfrenbeapplfedvlhtch are rnorestrlnqen] than those resulting from the application

'·,ofthegui,de. ' , " ' ' " ',,' -

The,s~le(;tion,.ofthesuitable protectionlevel forthe)~LPltobe installed is based, on th~expected directlightningstroke freql.H;;ncyonJnestructLire or theareato

be protected and on the acceptedyearly lightning stroke frequency Nc. ' ,


, ,

Determination of Ndand Nt:: .

;'Ligh'tning:flash 'depsity Ng

The lighlni~g flash density is expressed as the yearly number of lightning flashes per km2 andcanbe determined by:



The value Ng max takes into- account the maximum lightning density and the

preclslon of detection. "

Nk 15 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Nci max 'I 0:3 0.7 1.2 1.7 22 2.8 ; 3.4, 4.0 4.7 Note: Jherpap of figure 84 shows the stroke density. The constant ?2is the average ratio of the number of strokes to the numberof.flashes.

C17.102" July 1995


8<2.2 Expected frequency NdO,f direct lightning to a structure

The yearly average frequency Nd of direct lightning to a structure is assessed using the following equatron :

Nd;::: Ng max .. Ae· Cl10-6/yeac where: (Equation 6)

Ng is the yea rly average lightning flash density in the region where the structure is

located (number of lightning flashes/year/km2); .' ,

Ae is the equivalent c'ollectionarea of theisolated structure (m2);

C1 is the environmental coefficient. ,

The equivalent collecticmB;reaisdefinscja$ the ground area having the same yearly direct lightning flash'pr6bability as the, structure,

I ! ; ~ . ' ... . - - , -..

Accordinf,l totableB~, th~equiv~l~nt collection area As for isolated structuresIs ' defined as ahare:aOfgr6und, sllrfpce which has, the S8ITle annual frequency of, , directiightning as the' sthj¢ture. 'It is the:areabetween the lines obtained by the 'fr1tersectionofthe groUrii::f:surfac8'and 1 :3 slope' linepassingthrough:'ihe top of

the structure and revolving around the structure (see figure 83) ..

Fora reCtangularstructure'with,length 1, wfdth W and height H, the collection area

is then eqtJa1to:,· .. .

Ae :::: LW + 6H,(L + W'i + 91CH2 (EquatiqI17) .

The topography of the site and the .objects located within the distance 3H from the structure significantly, affect.the collection area. This effectls taken into account by

applying environmental coefficientC 1, (table 82). .

" ,

Relative structure location Cl

Structure located within a space containing structures ortreee.of the 0.25

same height or'taller' " .. ., .

Structure surrounded by smaller structures .: 0.5

Isolated structure: no othe"rsfructures Within a distanceo!' 3H 1


Isolated structure on.ahilltopora headland 2

Table 82 -Determlnationof environmental coefflclentc i

-When the equivalent collecUonarea pta structure entirely covers that of another

. 0 structure, the latterls disregarded.

, - When the collectlonvareas of several structures 'are overlapped, the

" corresponding common collection area Is considered as a single collection area.

Note: Other more sophisticated methods may be used to assess the equivalent

collection area with greater accuracy. . .

. ~, '

·45 -

C 17-102.. - July 1995

F;'gures83 ~ Typical computations

10) For a rectangular building, the collection area is : Ae::: Lx W + 6H (L + W) + 9itH2

! ' ,



, ',~".

C 17·102 • July 1995




·46 •

2") Building with a prominent part

The equivalent .area of the prominent part encompasses all or part of the lower

part: . .

2.1. Ae ::: 9rrH2


/.~. ' ::!.



• 4-{ •

C 17-102 "July 1995

B 2.3 Tolerable frequency (Nc) of lightning to the structure

B 2.3.1 General

The values of Nc are assessed through the analysis of the damage risk, taking account of suitable factors such as ::

~. type of construction, ~ structure contents,

- structure occupancy,

- lightning stroke consequences.

82.3.2 Determination of Nc

" " -" ,'.

As lndicated above, fourdetermblnq factors •. given. QY coefficients C2, C3. C4 and

, Gs,'areto be assessed'us!ng tables B5to B 8. ,. ' , ' ,,'

Let C::; C2· C3 .C4· Gs

Ncis expressed I?y Nc=5.5.1O~31C Tabl'e 85





C2. structural coefficient'

Roofi. Metal 'Common





Metal" ,'.'

/ ,Flammable,


2 .


C3. structure contents


No value and non flammable'


Standard value or normallyrlammable

High value ot particularlyf!ammable

Exceptional value, lrreplaceableorhlqhly ftamrnable, explosive

Table 87

C4, structure occupancy
Unoccupied ~ 0.5
Normally occupied 1
Difficult evacuation or risk of panic 3 TableB8

C5, lightning consequences
Service continuity not required, and no consequences on the environment 1
Service continuity required and no consequences on the environment 5
Consequences on th~ environment 10 Note: Specific regulations may impose other values for Nc in some cases.

C 17·102 • Juty 1995



The tolerable lightning frequency Nc is compared with the expected lightning frequency Nd.

The result of this comparison is used to decide whether an LPS is required and, if so, the protection level to be used:

- If Nd s Nc, the LPS is not required systematically.

- If Nd> Nc, an LPS of effectiveness E ;?:. 1 - NclNd should beInstatled and the

associatedprotectlonIevel selected in tableB 10; . !

~ , .. ~,- '.. .

The -LI:"S:d~st6hshalrmeefthe spedficationsgiven in the standard for the selected

protection levels. ,. ' " .

Whenarr LPSwifh an"effecUvenessfactor E' smaller thanthe computed factor. ~is )nstalled;' additional prptectlve measures should be taken. Typipal additlenal

prctectvemeasoresare: .

. - measures limiting the, step or contactvoltage, ,

:.. measures restricting fire propagation,

:. measures reduCing the effects of. voltage surges induced by lightning -: on sensitive equipment.

A practical method forselectlnqthe protection level is given in figure B9.

Table 810 gives the critical effectiveness values Ec corresponding to the limits between the protection levels and the protection levels c;orresponding,]p computed .

effectlvenessE. .

·49 .

C 17·102· July 1995




Table 89 - Determination of protection requirement and protection level

Expected direcrlightnln~6stroKe frequency on a structure:

Nd:::Ng max:Ae,C1·10 .' ,

Ng rnax" Ae ;:;

, C1 :::

Data input Equations

Com putation Result

Equivalent collector area: "

Ae::: LW+ 6H (L+ W) + 9tcH2 (for a rectangular volume)


W:::: Ae:::


Accepted d~gct lightning ~roke. frequency on a structure; Nc ::: 9.5·10 IC where G - C2,C3,C4·C5

C2== '_G3::::



, '


r. D~t~rm'iI1'EdHerequired protection level bycomputiQg:tl)e,' E =:1 - Nc/Nd. ~. tn~tallan E,LPI with a protection level correspondina to cornptltf=l'dE usIng fable 81Q,

W~ , .. _

•... I..,.- _._,__""----.--~.-,---~----'-----_:__---~----;-------'--~-:........c--~-J

Table 810·

Computed Associated protection 'level I' Peak current Initiation

. .... '_'

effectiveness f(kA) distance '

E D(m)


E :> 0/98 Levell + additional " ,.

{~' __ .~~.,~~~~~~m~e~as7u~r_es __ ~ +-~-7~~ __ !- ~ --l.

0.95 < E,:s:' 0.98 Levell 2-.8, 20

.. ~~~~~~~~-+~~~~-~--~--~+---~~~~+-~~

O.80<Es'O.95 Levef, II 9.5 , 45

-.' ....

,0 <E s 0.80 " ',LevefUI 14.7 60


C 17-102· July 1995

~." ... , ..

.0' ux

.... ' ... · ..... 2 '.


.. .,.. .

~ ... ~~ ~.:\.

.~ .. ~... .


o 100 km

I i

Figure 84 ~ Map of lightning stroke density Na in France

This map is based on statistical data coming from measures collected since 1987 by the

national network of lightning detection. .

- 51 -

C 17.102 H July 1995

j I




, '

I" I




C 1.1

>C 1.2



'C 2.1'




The effectiveness of an E.S.E.lightning conductor is assessed by comparing the upward leader triggering time emitted by the E.S.E. lightning conductor against the upward leader triggering time emitted by an S.R. lightning' conductor:

For this purpose, the SR lightning conductor and E.S.E. Hghtningconductorare ass~Sl)~g W'l~iflfter the other underthe,smn.e:,~lectritat and georn$tricalconditlons' during laboratory tests '. simulating' the natural coridltlons. of the upward lea.der· initiation (positive upward leader).

GrQundfield slmulatlon ' '

The natural ground field existing before a lightning srroke affects the conditions of, corona formation and of exlstlnqspace charges. The natural ground fieldshould

therefote be simulated: its value ranqesfrorr; 1,OkV!m'to 25 kV/m. ... .

tmputsefleldslm ulation

Toreproduce the natural phenomenon as closely as possible; the ground field bUild~!1pis<sjrnulatEl'd by a waveform the rise.time ofWhLQ"IiJ"ranges from'iOO usee

.. t()1000 psec, The waeeform slo~e within the upward leader initiation regj~:m

. should be between 2. 10 and 2.10 V/m/s. .


.. '. . .. ,' ,"

Posftionsot lightning protection systems to be compared

The upper plate/alr-termlnatlon distance sufflclentfor the upward leader t6propagatein free space and, in any case, over a length greater than 1 m{d::: [rn). ·, be compared should be placed hthe same electrical environment which ,is indepen~enroftheir locations : they-should be tested one. after the otherand centred on ground above the plate and their height should be

the same. .

G 2.2 Dimensions of experimental set-up

. The upper plate/ground distance (H) should be greater than 2 m. The ratio h/H of . theair-termihation height to the plate height above ground level should range from 0;25 to 0.5. The smaller horizontal dimension of the upperplate is the upper

plate/groundH distance.' .

G 17·102. July 1995





Figure G1




Ele.ctl'ical' parameters "

-Applied<voltage waveforms and 'amplitudes (arnblentfleld calibration.. pulsed voltage. wave, associated current, etc.):

- Continuous polarisation setting;

";"Initiation setting on the referenceeqtiipment(simple~9d lightning conductor) :

initiation probabilitY'equallo1 ~ .,

C 3.2 Geometrical conditions

The distance d should be strlctlythe same in each configuratlon: it should be checked before, each test

, C 3.3

Climaticpararneter~ "

, The climatic condltions should be recorded before and after testing in each configuration (pressure.temperature, absolute hurnldity).

C 3.4 Number of liqhtninq strokes in each configuration

The number of lightning' strokes should be statistically" adequate in each configuration, e.g. about one hundred lightning strokes in each configuration.

'c 3,5

Triggeringtime '

.The criterion adopted for assessing the effectiveness of an E.S. E.lightning conductor is its capacity to initiate an upWard leader before an SR lightning conductor under the same conditions. The average upward leader triggering time T is measured for each usable lightning stroke. on the SR lightning conductor and then on the E.S.E. lightning. conductor.


C 17-102 ~ July 1995






C 4.1 Experimental Assessment of the average triggering times

The upward leader triggering times measured during usable shocks on an SR lightning conductor and an E,S.E. lightning conductor are used to compute the

average triggering times T'SRlC and T'ESELC in compliance with the selected

. experimental curve parameters.

. C4.2

Reference waveform

The reference waveform is defined by a rise time TR of 650psec anda shape as shown in the graph of Figure C2'.

C H~102 • July 1995

·54 -

E/ E


Reference waveform

............... ~.~ ~ .. - ~. t ( .

~ : .J>+r-.I.


,! ::,

• ; . : : : ; ~ ~ r , ~ • i . I. ..

• ~ : : : - t • : ~ ': f ! ~ : . ,

.: : r . ~ ; ; : r ~ ; : ! :

::; ! rio;; .. 'r.

- 55 •

C 17-102 • July 1995

C 4.2 Determination of the advance of theE.S.E. lightning conductor

_ .....

The experimental curve is plotted on. the same graph as the reference waveform to which is assigned the same field value EM as the experimental field EMexp.

Lines are dropped from T'SRLCand rESf;tC' onto the rererence curve and the ordinates of the intersection points.give the E field values. The triggering times . are obtained b~ prol~cting lines fron1- the E· vaiueste the; points where they intersect the reference curve; the associated values on the x-axls gives the


triggeringadvCjncetlT (lJsec)::; !'SRLC and T'ESELC'

___,. ,....;......--.

o~~_T~~~~<_<~~"'_;~ __ ~-4~~ __ ~~

, ,",



EM I!bi) .. ~' _ __;_~_.c;__"__':"";"_.;;::;o...,--"",_-:-,:"~~


. FfgureC3

Note : The method proposed above can be used to determine a &1:.: va lue in a laboratory. Using the upward leader initiation fields· which 'only depend on air- . termination height hja~T value.Independerrtof d.cartbedetermlned. This transposition isaccomplished uSing· the: continuous leader-startlnq threshold field model developed by Rizk & Berger.

C 17~1 02 - July 1995

·56 .





o 1.2


:1.~ .... lL----====

O.:z:.Q .K<) rn· t~ 1= I~


:~L .. so. . ... "===='~

. ., c_

, '_ '.

Temps (us) '.

-, Negative and positive lightning currents measured on San Salvatore Mount at

Lugano (Switzerland) . . .


Figure D1 - Examples of Hghtnir)9 currents

qistribution of the different lightning parameters

A considerable number of parameters are used to describe the lightning impulse (or impulses in case of negative lightning),· inCluding in particular : current amplltudertse' tlme, decay tlme, charge and 'specific energy .

These parameters refer to the actual lightning stroke waveforms as measured to compute the distribution statistics. Initially, the amplitude, decay time and rise time may be considered as defined as in alaboratory. The charge corresponds to J idt and the specific energy to J Fdt. The usefulness of these parameters is explained below.

The steepness (steepest current slope in kNJJsec) is also sometimes a useful data for characteTising an impulse though it is related to other parameters

already defined :. rise time and amplitude. '


C 17·102 -July 1995

The total lightning fl,ash, Including the Jmpufs@(s) and .. the foHowing current flowing in the Interval' between two impulses is essentially characterised by its total duration.


The parameters mentioned in the foregoing do not gene~allyhave the same effects or failure modes' as regards the dffferehttypes of equipment.

The current amplitude is useful for addressing the voltage surge problems and mechanicaJ'loadproolems generah;idbyJightning.· .

:,' -'. ' '.,

The rlsetlme'fs onlYu;;edtoaddres.s thevoltqge·.$urgt3pr()bJ~.m$;

"'ti1~iI~~~£'iifu$·i~r~\¥I~q'fd Mi'e~h~nl~r'r6~~~:lhff!tt~r~~~t '" 'to de term i ne the

eleCtr6magneUcforceapplication ·time; it 'ti, m!gl~ty";~'Fe re~:entative of the . lightnIng. strOK'e' ener{;lY in conn~ction. Vv'ith )h~~mRIIWd~;;rorepreseht this

e n~ rgy I the'a·rri pUtudeldec,9Y tlmebl no,m !~l9.a:lil;l~feptflic,~~hl·'· '.

..' • 7" - - .~ • ' ' . '. ! . ,-_ - - -_ . , - '. , -,. _,<. - -_ ;'

·~.·spe6ifibj·.~neirgy .·J,·'li?f·.'( •.. 'aha' .•• de9~'y •.• t.i~~Y ••• ·.VjI1'~~"it~~:;~·P·s.. ·cbm·p·o ne nt

dim§:nsI6ns are con'std~red(6onnectbrs,corl'dudt6'rs';$i~:),:' '. '. .

'. c.; _., ...... ,.'., "".:' ' ,': ; ... ' .". c. ._', __ ..

.. charge Jidt(~mpUtu'~eandde~qY:time)..j8thec~~e'or'the characteristic'soi . surge'protective"devices'conneded fo lightning· pr,ot!?,,E. iightning conductor + earth-termination system) or . metal- melting at the

Ilghlning strlke.point. .

'~ ..

. r!lermai. efrects?re,' ·9.b$ervetf· jnligri~ing' prote~ti;9D'i.n~taHations es peclally when .: the: aiHerh1inaJion. systems f)ave . sh;;lrp}!I~i'i!~'(\l,wbrch . melting is 'sometimes observed over arnaximumo(a fewmjlllm~tre$,.Jn the case of flat surfaces(sheet .. metalprate$),evjde'nceof'menrng~ I~f~llJm~,:,Whi!;h may. result ill

coh1pletepiercl~g; , . .,.. .

,Ane'~Ceptfonaf Hghirifng stroke (300 C) is capa~le Qf,~(£!}~~titl~$heet-metal plates

of up to2'-3mm thick.' '.'

, ".

This accounts for the minimum thickness requirement when a metal plate is

used or likely to serve as a lightning collector (e.g., 4mrtl. for iron, ... 5 rnrn for copper). ',' .'. _'.-,

'Low-lntenslty dj$charge~' With .. 8 l()ng'dLnation ,m9,Y readily cause ignition.· As 'lightning discharges. are usuallyeccornpanled by 8 continu~ngcurrent, lightning strokesareseldomcokf Svendry wood can be ignited by this! kind of lightning with long .. rastifl9 continuing currents ..

Poorcontacts are. particularlyqa~ger:ous' points along the lightning curre nt path. Contact resistance values.ota few thousandths of an ohm already generate enough heat to melt appreciable quantities of metal producing sparks. When a readily flarnrnabte, material is located neat such poor contact points, indirection ignition may result. This kind of sparking is particularly dangerous in premises exposed to a risk of explosions and in explosive manufacturing plants,

C 17.102· July 1995

·58 ..

o 2.2 Thermal effects related to current integral J Pdt

When the lightning current enters a metal conductor in which it can propagate, the resulting heat disslpatlon obeys the Joule's Jaw which involves the square of the current f\ current flowing time t and ohmic resistance R.

Significant thermal effects are therefore encountered especially at high-

resistance points. .

The direct-current resistance measured ana conductor should not however be taken as the resistance valueR. Ughtning currents are short shock waves ~hi9h produce a skin effect as inthe .caseofhlch-frequency currents.' i.e., the current fldw is confined toa thin conductor surface layer a few tenths of a

. mIJlim.etr~thi2~,,:§,~m~~,~Pr~g; ingireqt C9rmnt'lJ\Ihj~~>99rre$p'c,md$tothe total

cross~sectionalarea.' '. . .: , .. ,.'. .... "

There' are no visible consequences qf thls heating,'ln$piteof the skin effect, wheh the' conductor gauge is large enouqh. Temperature rises up'.tp the melting porhttemper!3tur~ only. occur h~vln~.,a .: small gfjuge or hIgh resi~tiVitY.Me;ltihgelf~,cts •.. a re . often observed,for .inpt~nce,in .a nten n a. ca b le s and wir~s.On the other hand; cases of melting are seidOm observed onlarqer gaUge wires ofa few m.iHimetresin djameter(such abarbedwires}.Meltinghas neverbeenseenltilighfningcondudors haying the gauge recommended in this

standard. ' . . . ....

On the other hand, the current flow in poor conductor~ releases a large amount of energy intheforrn of heat.T~is is why the V\(atercontained in wood, concrete and similar materials ishea:ted up and vaporised. The entire phenomenon lasts a very short. time and, as a ccnsequenceof thesubsequent pressure rise,

'trees;' wooden masts.. beams "and wa'ils . burst. Explosive effects of this kind more partlcularly occ:ur'inplaceswhere ,mOistiJre' has accumulated (slits, vessels fullof sap) or the current density has rlsen significantly, i.e., at the pelnts otcurrent entryor'6xif between a material having apoor conductivity (cement) and' a material having a high con'duct,ivity(atta'ching clamps of a darn aged lightning down-conductor, electrical conduit cramps, wafer and gas

pipe steel' damps); . '. .. .

D 2.3 Electrodynamic effects

SignlficanLmechanicalloads .may.occuronly when sections of the lightning current path are laid out one relative .. to the other in suchaway.that one of them is located within the magnetic field generated ,by the other. In this case, the load increase is lnverselyproportlorialto the distance between these sections. Small turns-are subjected to considerable enlarging loads. Considering a 10 em diameter 'ririgmade of 8 mm diameter wire, a very heavy lightning current of 160 kA will apply a force of 1200N to each ceritlmetre of the periphery. With a 2rn diameter, the force would drop to 140N. Due to the reciprocal interaction between the1ightningcurrent in a conductor and the' Earth's magnetic field, mechanical effects of only about 1 ON per metre of conductor can' be pro duced; such effects are trivial.

·59 -

C 17·102 -Jllly 1995

, ,

) I






~~.....:. .:

'", '..:


o 2.4.1

•... , ,

~; , .

In addition to these repulsion forces, which may distort conductors in rare cases, there are also strong attraction forces between parallel lightning current paths when they are quite close. In this way, thin tubular antennae are crushed and parallel conductors knock together.

Potential differences and arcing

. ", .

The surprising profusion of spark traces observed after a violent lightning stroke, sometimes even in buildings provided with lightning. protection systems, can be explained by two effects well known in electrical' engineering : the earthtermination pote[ltialri~e,wbich mainly depends on the peak intensity (amplitude) of the drained' current, and the Induction phenomena which mainly depend on the. di/dtgradient (leading edge steepness) ofthis current

E~'~h~te:rriifri;~lighp6terin~r'?is e'" .

Due' to thee~~h~l~rmI~~tion resIstance. R" resulting' from the resistivity of the sell itself, there lsa potential difference between the LPS down-conductor and nearby points while the currenfisflowing . The total potential rise relative, to the unaffected r~OJ9te·grQ4pd\(therefore rernaii:)ingatthe' conventlonalvzero

potential)fs exph:Jssecl by Qhm's law :U::: RI .

-. ' A,10'O'kA'cutrentflQw through a 5-ohm earth-terrmnatlonsystern will' cause a potElOtiaf rise .lrrthe lightning current draining:syslemof·500kV .. relative to

remotegroun:dpoirits.. . ..

SlItha potehtialfise'}s actuaJlydistribufed: in 'the ground according to a law. which depends on the. type of earth-termlriatlon vsysterntand, the soil characterlstlcs,

.. Allth~condudtiJ¢pai1s:of the structure whicharecon~ec:ted to the earthinany .. way. (heafin'g'systems! pipe llnes, electrical systems,ca9.1e~rs:n()urs)are also sLibjecteQ,·to.apotentialrlse. if they areno] iqierCOnD~?ted. The only way to

" pr€lyenfinsulatidn brea~downjs to . provide· anelectric~lc()r)nec::tJon' through dO)Nrl-cqnductOrs -to irid~pendently. earthed parts .. lhthis wa.y,tne~e. become i ntegtal pa rts of. theUgljtQlng . prote ctlo n system and carl' the refbre . dra in . pa rt of the.lightning current according to branch circuit laws. Thelrconnectlon to the down-conductors make them an integralpa.rt of the LPS ..

As no conductive connections to live electrlcallinescanbe made, thlsrstandard recommends the'installation of voltage surge protective devices known as Hghtningarresters' (varistors or spark gaps). HO'Ne\{er,thes~lightning arresters sholjld then be sized tq:withstand a nomnegligible. portion (fr.ornafew per cent up to 50 per cent.vapproxlrnately, in the worst case) of. theligntni89 current

strlklngthe LPS. .'

Note : Given the frequencies Involved in lightning phenomena, the earthtermination system Impedance should be taken into account in addition to the measured earth-termination system direct-current resistance.

C 17-102 -July 1995

·60 -

o 2.4.2 Induction phenomena

. Shorter distance between down-conductor and metal building structures

An LPS down-conductor forms open loops with the various metal structures of a building (water pipes, central heatlnqeystern, electrical power lines, eto.). These loops will be subjected to induction phenomena and electromotive forces will appear between theiropen ends. This standard allows for this phenomena

in artlcleS. '


These tables 'are extracted fromJEC1024~{ part 1 I Section 1, Guide A, "Selection of protection levels for lightning protectionsystems,l

• - , ";-"'c :~f ... ,- "-, , ~'~~): __ i",-'''- _.<~- .. -. ._<_';,/,-~':-J". ,-~",_; ... _ :"_"_:".

Basic va lues ·of! i9~tniI19CLl~t~i1fparameters· Cumulativefrecju!;lncydistdbution


.: .. : ...... : ., ..
gstroke Cumulative frequency ,I:
.98% 95% 180%· :50'% 5%
kes 4 20 90 o.
iVe strokes "4;6 12 30
4.6 35 250
- "~ ,First negative stro Subsequent nega.t Positive flashes

Table 03 M Total charge (C)


Lightning stroke CUrnulatiV,l?frequency

95 %. .50% 5%


'Flrst riegative strokes LJ 5.2 . . ... " 24

Subsequent negative strokes, 0.2 1 A 11

Negafiv? flashes ·..1~3 . ].5. ..,' ' 40·

. Table D4 -Impulse charge (C)

Lightning stroke Cumulative frequency
95% 50% 5%
First negative str?kes 1.1 4.5 ;. 20
Subsequent nepatlvestrokes 022 0.95 " 4
Positive flashes 2 16 150'
, . Table 05 - Front time duration (ps]

First neg-ative strokes Cumulative frequency
95 % 50 % 5%
Total rise time .. ~. 1.8 5.5 18
Rise time between:
30 % and 90 % of peak current 1.5 3.8 10
10 % and 90 % of peak current 2.2 5.6 14 • 61 -

C 17':102- July 1995


Table D6

Subsequept lightning strokes Cumulative frequency
95 % 50% 5%
Total rise time 0,2 1.1 4.5
Rise time between:
30 % and 90 % of peak current 0.1 0.6 3.0
10 % and 90 % of peak current 0.2 0.8 3.5 Table 07


Positive. flashes

95%' l 50% 5:%

Total rise time

·Lig htn ing'stro ke Cumulaiive'frequency o'
I.' '. ....•..... 95% 50% 5%
Fi"rstnegaUv$ strokes 30 ······ ... ·····7$···· : I'" ,. 200
Subsequent negative strokes 6.5 32 140
Positive flashes' 25 200 2000
. \.'

Table 09'~ Specific energy (J/!1)

. Lightning stroke Cumulative fr§lquency
95% 50'% 5%
First neqativestrokes 6.ax10L 5.5 x·104 5.5 x10b
Subsequent negative strokes .. ' 5.5x10L s.o x 10s 5.2 X 104 ...
. ,
Positive' flashes 2.5 x 104 6.5 xio>. f.5x10f . Table Pi 0 - Rate of rise,(kAll1s}

·First negative strokes Cumulative frequency
'95% 50% 5%
Maximum rate of rise 9.1 24 65
Average steepness between: ·t .....
.. ,'
30 % and 90 %of peak current 2.6 7.2 ao
10% and 90 % of peak current 1.7 5 14 Table 011

Subsequent negative strokes Cumulative frequency
95% 50% 5%
Maximum rate of rise 10 40 162
Average steepness between:
30 % and 90 % of peak current 4.1 20 99
10 % and 90 % of peak current 3.3 15 72 C 17·102 - July 1995


Table D12

Positive flashes Cumulative frequency
95% 1 50 % J, 5%
Maximum rate of rise 0.2 1 2.4 I 32 Table D13 -Total flash duration (ms)

Lightning stroke Cumulative frequency
95% 50 % 5%
All negativeflas has 0.15 13 1100
Subsequent.negative strokes 31 180 900
:p6sitivefl", sh es. 1A 85 .. ' t.: 500
.' ... , .... ..... : . ..'; ,: ........ . . : . .c. ; •...•. T?bl~ Dt4,· Time intervals between strokes (ms) r-----~L7ig~h~ln~j~hg-·.~st~ro~k-~e~~---,r-----~C~u~m-u~Jact7iV~e~fr-.e-q-ue-n~c-y~,~------

.' <..' . .' 95 % I 50 %·~-'---J-"---5----%"'"'. --I

·t\Aul.Uplenega.tivest:rokes . 71 33 ..' ,t 150

"63 -

C 17-102 - July 1995





\ i




, ,






. People standing outdoors run the greatest risk. of being struck by lightning, , whether directly or caused by the step voltage. For people inside a structure, the hazards aredue to :

(a) the abrupt potential rise in items connected to lines leading from the outside such as power lines, telephone lines, outdoor TV antenna cables; :.

(b) metal objects within the structure which may also be brought to high

potentials: contact voltape.

The measures stated in this standard to prevent dangerous sparking are ~esjgned to reduce the risks run by people Inskfe: structures.


To protect themselvesaqalnst lightning, Individuals should take the followin.g.

minimum precqutions: ',. '

(a) look for a shelter in a place covered by an earthed roof is or an all-metal

shelter, -

Note: Conventionally manufactured tents do not provide protection.:'

(b) when thereIs 110 shelter nearby.veduce one's height (crouch down) and, , 'surfaceareaonthe ground Qoin the two feet) and do not touch anyearthed object with the hands,

. ~ .

(c}do not rldeablcycteor ahorse, Do not remain in an open-top car, '

(d) do notwalk.or swim in water,

(e) keep away from high places, or tall or isolated trees. If the vicinity of a tree cannot be avoided, stand beyond the follaqe limits,

, '

(f) do nottouch or stand next to metal structures, metal fences, etc"


(g) do not carry any object which extends above the head (umbrella, golf club,

tool, etc.), '

(h) do not use or minimise the use of cord telephones,

(i) do not touch any metal object, electrical appliances, window frames, radio sets, TV sets, etc.


C 17-102 • July 1995

·64 -


The first aid to be given is the same as in the case of electric shocks or burns. Artlflcial "respiration should be administered immediately by a first-aid worker. Such action and other emergency first-aid may save the injured person.

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