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WITH MARKERS - SECOND EDITION : HOMAS C, WANG To Joseph, Andrew, and, Matthew Medion Technique 0 PREFACE Markers are probably one of the most popular sketching meds They are ver fate expressive. coer and above al ‘easy to use Yet. becouse of tor ably te adapt tea wade range of awa tech riques. markers are stl used primary ae ‘substitute lor other traction sketching tmede. For example, the fine post marker ante usedte duplicate the performance (fan ink pen. Likewise. the sobow selection of Far pens is used the an Granary color pent cet. Markers are oper becouse of thee eose handing bed sempicly rather than for ther Uniqueness. consincton, and range of fib sizes. and inks This, unfortunate ‘oes not encourage the development of ‘rowing technques specie for mark fs Mths pater perosts, markers may ‘Sneys hol a second fiddle postion te pen ond pencl. which have an ancent nd respectabe hertoge This book emphasizes the unusual ver sty of ths remarable draw iat ment and demonstrates ts une ay to combine its own quaty harmenously ‘wth many other mecia such as water color pen. pec. ard nk is my ler to encourage the use and werease the ‘oworeress of the marker 2= a superior ‘sketching tool wath unique quotes thot Gan only be expressed thorough ttecugh the art of sketching ‘Ties Uibon Spot! Sty nighnat iver #11 inches Technique sucks Degree of Abstraction EQUIPMENT ‘The syle and ality of markars ae con starty improving. Menry CPR: i Ne book Sketching with the Fettep Pen 950) refered tothe foto pena the rev tool” Al that tne # wa Pew orton ard was certainly a rove 10 at ts The marker has ence evolved ito fone of he most popu cravang med rploorg pen. pee, and other color trode tis widely used fora number of ‘eed reasons. ample to werk st ‘hes fst ana val does rot smudge iteomes in numerous premnad cOOrs nd a variety ftp designs, te nbs often Sof end penetrating end, above a the ‘markers coment, The marker alo has ts cowbocks. ‘snot an nerpansve medium Bao has 2 relatively shor shelf Me. The pant ing elfct of most makers requres spe (cal paper, ard bleeding ‘6 extremely Aft to predict and contra. The con ‘enience of premio coor chats the Creolve posabiesofealor ming, Over Sl iy eave mn handing w welcomed Dy most students, ho Mark of & a a lazy “he marker should be looked upon 08 neque medium. It nether pen ror fenel and should not be used a6 such It fas a ungue tp that responds to pres sure. surface condone, and fu char tcterstes, These features make markers trcllert sketching tools. Therelow an ‘nimate understanding ofthe charactor ‘shoe alto success selon. “Tle: Tat Sho Sein sim 217 en BASIC TECHNIQUE: LINE tok spped to corti tone conta ine wth a ‘Types of Lines There ore many types of tees + ines drawn wth even pressure pulled from left to rght (fre pon (Figure & con page 16) + Ines drawn # a senes of short pauses atrandom tera, vith the marker re: raring onthe pape: ne pont) + Ings drawn 2 somes of srort pauses moved from the paper ire pom) + ines detwn wah @ ported marker varying the pressure onthe point (Fg web on page 16) + hres drawn wth a ported nb marker tevstig 2nd veryng the pressure + casus, shor rondractona! svokes (ne pon) + casual short stiches awn wth 9 panted-n marker + tne drawn wth 8 semary pomted nib rarer + ce tp marker strokes 1 serea of short casa! wes + Seres oF smal fat oops ween wil 0 NATH] ||| EE Mh WN) | AWE ill iN Gray Markers ie “eal Technique i UE i (E ce iy ! Sebes PQ? pie les i] ; OA ce parE S ‘Selection of Color Markors Cor choces ef maers ae ever creaeng k's indeed del to start 8 tnefd election Because of the mary varatons of sives and coors ond be Cone of the cost factor You should choose colors accorsng to bane need father Wren on impuse, Look fr colo that lend well ith eachother nated oF setigip otaedoscope seecton Litt your electon to not mere thn fifteen or freny markers. You can always ad 10 your colecton as you progress. To en Soe eligent and practeal choces. thore ae thee major entera for consis feraton, Tre frst scoler There a tree seperate but closely relates furetons of color + Bre clos eae coer) are used 0 cover 9 age ae. sv a8 vegetation, rostectie water cry They shoud be oft and warm ard shoud beable to blend wel vith lhe adacert ols, + Sinsortng ealors enhance pre col re. They ae used for tnt! bul, ‘hasng_ and edge sharpens + Acca colors ae fer nghigrting, They ‘se vvaly bgt attaetve ard cont ‘eto, They ae cen used fr cat, ‘ogre, coting. ard the Ike. The lees ton of thete colors shou be carat ‘eiscted dont overs them Soe the ‘ea of coveage 1 wolvely srs orteeni marcers are mere sutable than vdeo markers ‘The second enenon for marker eelee toni futon Markers comen afferent nb zee ard materais A cof fe tp pro Guces a broad and even stoke vine herdnyon ip produces a thr and cons tent erak The broad ard ef i mark ree dea for ling age ates, hie rarow tos are sued fore ard tet Saving Lines debe spate! edges ord céanly checs n space. suggests vo lune and cloies depth. The decison toro es inthe subject matter and the ‘ype of artiste expression that Ye ais — Orjest se0ks to communicate tough hi/ber serch ‘The last teecton crterion inches ceonvenence. The eatogey Pas ese 3 rect impact on the quality ofthe sketch but renetbeess acts the sketchng {ct Here ae some consderatars. he ‘esign of the cap ard the ase of recor fag tte marker propery te stape cf the caniedge to prevent the mark rom rolag of on velved surace the shape ‘zs, and weight of the markers ard the fae of eamng them tothe Feld the ‘ably of he nb 10 slay shar. sl feme. and selety concems and perhaps cost and lfordaiy. Many ol these fac tors are So vl afl personal that they te matters of nd prefrerce ir conclusion. the choce of markers should never become 2 burn that may take te fun away am bis cate act ity called skein To eney shetchng thechoce of what inde of mare toy shad be Roube ad seortaneus. DEMONSTRATION | ‘ae right turret and mgt {ata eds towing out eles eee Tiles Vise Sass SPECIAL TECHNIQUES Mixing Colors (One of the most trgung techniques in smother shelching is caled mang. oF blerdng. it takes advantage of the ‘vareparet care of markers by Der tng dlferent colors one on top of the ‘other to cate new colors and t0 pre ‘ce neo effects. For example. mang ‘nd blending dferert shades of geen on ‘a roe conopy produces a more resktic ‘ppesrance Likewise. ighter spets on dork blue water tend to capture the spar Wes cod rellecive rture ofthe waters surface. Flan marker stiches can lock fat rd dul when applied evenly. but min ing and blending wl Big out the tree mersionl qty af he sketch Howover the process can be rsh wth often unpredetabie resis that ae (fcuk to convo. The sk besa the ut bredetabity Since mung soften done Falfuay nto the sketching process.” for of ths kd re reversible ad car ‘eopordze the entire sheten The ol frost foctve nay to loon ts tetas 1S by tal and eror, through whieh one ‘anleam prodatle patterns ard recut by testing ard moang_dtforent color. Keep in mind that alferert brands. of ‘ates and afferent types of pope's x0 produce derert results, To mx colors, you shoud be fornier wwth the color wheel ard the native of lor For example rac med vth yon Produces orange. and bu med vath Yellow preduces green. Honever ct to the ererncal content and the rate at heh the marker dres on a parler Sua. yelow on red may be erent from red on yellow, Again. one must pre test to become familar vith the hed of recton Inston the markers used in ‘mairg wil no longer retain ther ona Color de to contamination cn thei felt tps. They shoud be stored seperate ard lobeled for easy denticaton To create the beedng" effect of wateenor systeraucaly lace selective clos ontop of the ongia aye to diste the orgie color whe 8 deang. Fora more drome reail, the wet on wet toctnge i very effective. To acheve rawiram vests, ayer hater eobrs on top of darker ores. Though nt absclte the reversal of Oss process often leads toa dork mudoy elec. To ocheve 8 Satsfectory mung esut 8 slow dein deawrg uece erequred White trecng peper © an excellent me dum for ect msing marer. does not ebeot quekly ard res roatvely Siwy. The cols remain baart ond true Another excelent medi s photo aphic paper. The speci cosieg = an ‘Geo surfoee fring wed blening. ond colors are eraatie. However. the S92: el laste coating tends to tighten the ‘overall coir eect Another cranback wth photograph peperis cost Ris very ‘expansive! One choud try to ao ary ‘ind of bonded papers made fom fibres. ‘he includes watercolor paper. brstl papar and ary pepe stocks tat have @ high ebeortn ate, Use iter fuld-auch ae Bestne—to ‘ease mathers. oF 2 regular whte eraser ‘on photographie paper To ease # ore 270, a few dps of rebber cement $0 vent on a dener napkin pick up end clean 2 loge area. Bear n med tht the (pe (of paper and the eastieg en the drawing sufoce detates the ellectueness cf eosng Tiles chen! Sey Grigina ine: 12x rchas Medion: raters rd cokes encis Techelques nant meters Tiles Houeng Sty Technique: shot Tate: Weteroet Marat Original sing: 12> 18 renee Techniques clor mers one ti Ihe Sih ore rma orl cor percon oly Markers and Pencils relate fat appearance ard lace fine ‘ain 9d txtra effect Color penols Te beauty of sketch done with color compensate for ths cefoercy. The rover teen the balincy ond wansear ches lem olor ponoie andthe dei ‘coy of colors The bod marker stiches erate drectons become the courterzant ‘nd he brood coverage all come pare 10 the fot marker streaks Pence 2d ofthe unaue "marker style Hower, spe and fzr tothe sketch The ower this knd of coverage tends to reduce a effects refreshing and reeves boredom, Til cheecat ty Original see 1.20 rhs Medien: ft macs cores perc Teehnique ie 4 phtepooe Ties cite Sy Grginal sin: 1830 chee ‘Thchnqeo ater od hate Markers and Watercolor though the effect of marker skating 's qute mir to that of watesclo, te two mede are actualy quite cHerent 9 ee ord application Markers ste fee instant elit The colors ae premed ard come ready to use The result ght cud, ed pers pungert bth to the eyes and the rose. On the other and watercoee mst be mised takes time to acheve the desred elect t light, quel. std covered. However. ‘espte the difererces n style ord per senaity betwoen these two med. vaterolo rd makers can complet rd support each other Markers. ae 1seé reutney to supiement watercolor ind to crease the inter of ts clor Heck Fre ine markers ae olter uses ‘stead of ek pento create the ine we 1a base fo watercolor appicaton. Tite: Hosea Sty Original sine 2 18 chee Medium: ccs mer or Feehniques gk ine ran ca eng Bieri cesshcesercay % Prabal vest] Use of Gray Markers rer elt ine cht ‘SKETCHING ‘Sketching san attic at. There are to types of sketching: Me droning Ge. you sketch what you S66) or reeal sketehing Go, ohatchng from momen). Sketching te. ver completed terete process between the eyes ard the hands. the course of wansioreg real mopes ito ‘symbols, one goes tough thee distinct stapes: objet iertfcaton, shape sem Plfeaton, and tnaly mage recording Keepin mind tat ths san oversimpifed analyse ofthe sketchng process. What realy goes oni you red and ow you ‘raphealy express an mage are complex rd beyond cur understanding, Sketch fag 1 gradual leaming process. You rust learn ow to draw bafore you con Sheth tke learag how to wak be fore you can run, Bang abe to daw pre cael. caretuly and realcteally 1S 9 rocessary dsopine belore atlempling Tiles Liter Sec Say Original sees: ches Moslunn merters on vite crapper Techniques ut set the more dffcut task of graphic short hand Lite raweg,therelee te 3 pores Libto Skil thot enables you to lara how to dew precisely fe craving sets up the fundamentals of hatching It9 on exer for your ‘yes, hands. and the ene brkage ey tem Lie crowing rot erly 18 you aiy the object wth your eyes. somelemes involes tang rol meosurement cf the timersions and angles. or recorng the rmatenals ond textos wth photog aps These routines habaly force your eyes to keenly record the nage aed. tere fore. remember i The fact that you 16 rember the mage serve 0 sketehng from recalectien er memey. Often you Cannot recall mages because you sont fave them n your wu data Bank. The ‘dea that we can’ draw citer deves from the tok of aryating to real. Wi sot a matter of ok aa CT RES rete” sate pocoes ale eb mnten SEEING r | + Vy Jee see — (— © Sketch v WHAT HOW SEEING METHODS. Seeing —— a Perceptual Interpretation wi F 2 ae Pee —— a alee “Three-point Perspective ja & Go pt.B Natural Scenery Picture Plane Sketching records a three dmensona Before the mage s drawn, t must Be on 2 hypothetical reframe Ths he that ofthe camera ies than a second. The tise Fame ced to determre the 920 ofthe sketch frames thoce objets that sketch ard blocks out the undesrabie Gres (Fqure «The opening of the pe fire ame shouldbe proparioal te the piper vied Empty side mourts ae vy Conmenent tools for fomre purposes. Spl hold the mount fo rmave t back ard forth Coser tothe ebect. the amourt of cov ferape 1s reduced and the size ofthe ob fect 6 wcreared On the other hand. the frame coset yeu the aroun of overape creases ad the sae of ob jects becomes smal (Figure b). Most ‘openerced atste bypass because they thnk H unnecessary. bot becawze ther eyee can automaticaly the erring win the ture Frame 8 step. nt COMPOSITION Location of the Horizon et \ ‘Two:point Perspective LIGHT EFFECTS between planes erd thus wtersty the feakrg of depth They o@ aco used to separate ad classy the diferent les (CF ncal elds For example 2 house wt tai ool willook sharper fits placed front of & dark background, Light fects ae also used to define comers and stati edges oro set mood There are tao kids of reaktc pt sources, both wih 9 dafinte drecton Nar hgh ongnates fom one sole sowrcethe sun-—and the ght beame fr poral, Arte ight has 3 radaung pattern ond can emanste fom move thar tne source In sketching, 0 charoscure Sie con sso be used Tas tea pctora representation of Bot. rater than are! iste nterpeetton of the source ad ts bechacr is used fo achieve a cern mood and atmosphere ard yells an ef: fective and abtract expression of ight Ce — Sie ee eee . i... ee as ae re A SUCCESSFUL SKETCH ‘A good seth ikea breath of fresh ak Ldkeg at should be an enighteneg experorce. The subject attr shoud be interesting. the composition shoud be spprepiate and pleseeg and wewers etre rahe then functioning merely 3 frloakers The ine shuld be ree ord Should flow 19 @ meaningful way The strokes ofthe marke and the calors you tise should evoke @ sense of velaraton ‘nd freedom ‘Sketch beyond the four borders ofthe sheet Allow the Ines to ow and exterd beyond the page. The most wnconstue two Robt i Shetchg to conkne your Sell wit a fined border Marker ‘movement should be fst ard precise ‘Bvotdnestaton, which cn cause bees ‘eg end uneven Ine wath Let the marker folate hely at your tngerip. Acqune @ ‘90ed sence of sal, proportion. and er Spectve. ond cer she wil ome auto pat es a 4 eee 7 Leranernpct ge» pet f a = oe “Tle: Kowicon Hong Korg Original vce: 87 e11 v2hes DEMONSTRATION III ie matron ha. skea et te marker ser DEMONSTRATION V Fetoe marker, waterclr on waterelr paper 8 cxtine the eave wth 9 Pet razor ont erker oid dees ey water tte colors ays ote peda apy ctr ve er ‘recedg coats ded be ratert ‘Techigwes watercolor nae ont Sa Sa 4 ang

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