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BQ GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO KY THI CHON HQC SINH GIOI QUOC GIA LOP 12 THPT NAM 2011 Mén: TOAN Thoi gian: 180 phat (khong ké thoi gian giao dé) B AN CHINA Neay thi thir nhdt: 11/01/2011 Bai 1 (5,0 diém). Cho s6 nguyén duong n. Chimg minh ring véi moi sé thre duong x, ta c6 bat ding thire: HOteD en x"+1 2 pe THI CHINH THOC Hoi dang thie xay ra khi nao? Bai 2 (5,0 diém). Cho day sé thyc (x,) xde dinh béi 2n_% an Hel va x= Dy vai 22. 1 oe Gaels veel Voi mai sé nguyén duong 7, dit yx =Xn+1— Xn Chimg minh ring day s6 (y,) c6 gidi han hitu han khi m — + 00, Bai 3 (5,0 diém). Trong mat phing, cho dung tron (O) dudng kinh AB. Xét mot diém P di d6ng trén tiép tuyén tai B ctia (O) sao cho P khéng tring véi B. Dudng thang PA cat (O) tai diém thir hai C. Goi Dla diém déi ximg véi C qua O. Duong thing PD cit (O) tai diém tht hai 1/ Chimg minh ring céc duémg thing AE, BC va PO cing di qua mot diém. Goi diém dé 1M. _ 2/ Hay xée dinh vj tri cla diém P sao cho tam gide AMB cé dign tich lén nhat. Tinh gid tri lon nhat dé theo ban kinh ca duong tron (0). ((O) ki hiéu dueng tran tam O). Bai 4 (5,0 diém). Cho ngii gide 18i ABCDE c6 d6 dai mdi canh va dé dai cdc duéng chéo AC, AD khéng vugt qua V3. Lay 2011 diém phan biét thy ¥ nim trong ngd gide 46. Chimg minh ring tn tai mét hinh trdn don vj c6 tam nim trén canh cia ngti gidc d& cho chita it nhat 403 diém trong sé cdc diém da lay. HE * Thisinh khong duge sit dung tai ligu vas mdy tinh cdm tay. + Giém thi khong giai thich gi thém. KY THI CHON HOC SINH GIOI QUOC GIA BQ GIAO DYC VA DAO TAO. LOP 12 THPT NAM 2011 DE THI CHINH THUC ——$—_] . 7 Mén: VAT Li 7 | R AN CHINH \ ‘Thai gian: 180 phuit (khéng ké thoi gian giao dé) oo Ngay thi thir nhdt; 11/01/2011 (Dé thi cé 02 trang, gdm 05 cau) Clu 1. (4,5 diém) Cho vat 1 14 m@t ban méng déu, dng chat, duge uén theo dang long mang thanh mgt phan tw hinh tra AB cing, ngin, c6 tryc A, bin kinh R va duge gin voi diém O bing cdc thanh cimg, manh, nhe. Vat 1 c6 thé quay khdng ma sat quanh mét truc ¢6 dinh (trang véi truc A) di qua diém O. Trén Hinh 1, OA va OB la céc thanh cing cling 46 dai R, OAB nim trong mit phng vudng géc véi truc A, fim G cia vat 1, C la giao diém cha OG va long mang. 1, Tim vj tri khdi tim G cua vat | 2. Gitt cho vat 1 Iuén 6 dinh réi dat trén nd vat 2 fa mot hinb try rong, mong, déng chat, ciing chiéu dai voi vat 1, bin kinh r (r 0), ngudi ta bait déu lam cho gia téc cla binh giam that chm t6i gid tri 7 oi khi trong binh la khi I tuéng. Gia thiét 6 mdi thii diém, cée phan tit khi c6 gia téc nhur nhau va nbigt do déng déu trong toan khéi khi. BO qua téc dyng cua trong lye. 1. Cho ring nbiét 4 cia khi luén 1a T khéng déi va weet «1, trong dé p1 1a khdi Iugng mol cia chét khi, R 1a hing s6 khi. Hay tinh: a) Ap sudt do khi téc dung lén mdi day binh khi gia toc ca binh Id a. b) Céng do khéi khi thy hién trong qué trinh gidm gia tOc én. 2, Gia thiét binh hodn toan cach mhigt va nhigt 49 khi thay déi rét nho trong qua trinh giam gia toc, Biét nhigt 46 ban dau cia khéi khi la T. Tim 4} bién thién nhigt dO cha ‘khéi khi trong, qué trinh trén. Chu 3. (3,5 diém) M6t ty dign try dai L, ban kinh céc ban ty tuong img la r va R. Khong gian gitta hai ban tu duge lap day béi hai lop dign méi cig, cing chiéu day, c6 hang s6 dign mdi tuong img 1a ¢) va €2 (Hinh 3). Lop dign mdi e) ©6 thé kéo duge ra khdi tu dién. Ty dign duce néi véi hai cue ctia nguén ign 06 higu dign thé U khong 46i. 6 thoi dies , lép dign mdi ¢) bat dau duge kéo ra khdi ty dign véi téc d6 khong di v. Gid thiét dign truég chi tGp trung trong khéng gian gitta hai ban ty, bd qua moi sma sit. Xét trong khoing 0- Y¢k) (1). Khi ndng 46 dau [XJp= 0,02 mol.L" thi tc d6 du cia phan img vo ( 25 °C) 1a 4.107 mol.L" phut’; dinh ludt t6c 49 cia phan img cé dang: v = k.{X] 2), trong do k 1a hing s6 t6c 49 ca phan img. 4. Tim bigu thitc lign hé Igy Cogarit cia t6c 4 phan ting) voi thoi gian phin tg ¢ va tinh ede hg thie nay cho truéng hgp cita phan img (3). 2. Tinh théi gian phan img mét nita trong céic didu kign néi trén. 3. Phan tg 2NO (k). + 2H (Kk) > Np (W) + 2Hx0 (K) tun theo quy luat dong hoe thye nghiém: v = k{NO}'[Ha). Hai co ché duge dé xudt cho phan img nay: Co ché 1: Co ché 2: 2NO(k) -> N20 (k) (nhanh) 2NO(k) === N,02(k) (nhanh), N:O2 (k) + Hz (k) > 2HON (k) (nhanh) N;O: (k) + Hz (k) + N30 (k) + B20 () (cham) HON (©) + Ho(k) > H,0 (kK) + HN (K) (chm) N,O (K) + Ho (k) > Na() + H20 (&) (ohanh). HN (k) + HON (k) > No (k) + 12,0 (k) (nhanh). Co ché nao phir hop véi quy ludt déng hoe thyc nghigm? Tai sao? Cfiu 3. (3,5 diém), Cho hiing s6 khi R = 8,314 Jmol" LK". G 4p suat tiéu chun Po = 1,000 bar = 1,000.10° Pa, nhigt dO 298 K, ta c6 cdc dér kign nhiét dong hoc: Ki — i ii] ‘Bién thién entanpi hinh thinh AH?(ki.mol'') 0 \ 0 = 45,9 ~ Entropi S°G.mol “K) 1307 [1916 192,8 Lign két al aa N=N_ [NN HA | Bién thign entanpi phan li lin két AHE (kJ-mor) | 945 466 159 436 Trang 1/2 1, Tinh bign thién entanpi, bién thién entropi, bién thién ning hrong ty do Gibbs va h sé can bing K eta phan img téng hop amoniac ti nite va hidro 6 diéu kign nhigt 49 va ap suat tren. 2, Trong thytc té sén xuat, phan tmg tng hop amoniac duge thyc hién & nhiét d6 cao. a) Chap nhdn gan ding vige bé qua sy phy thude nhiét d6 cia AH va AS, hay tinh hing s6 cén bang K cia phan img & T ~ 773 K. b) Nhfn xét vé huéng wu tién ciia phan img 6 298 K va 773 K. Giai thich tai sao lai tién hanh tng hop NHs & nhiét 46 cao. Dé ting higu suat téng hop amoniac trong cng nghigp, c6 thé dua ra bign php gi? Giai thich. 3. Tinh bién thién entanpi phan li lién két AH cia mot lién két N-H trong phan tit amoniac. 4. Tinh bién thign entanpi hinh thanb tiéu chun AH? cia géc “NH>. Cho AHSqi.n,) = 380 kJamol Cau 4. (3,0 diém) ‘rong méi trxémg axit, HsC20, bi KMnO; oxi hoa thanh CO. Trn 30,00 ml. dung dich KMnOs 0,0080 M voi 25,00 mL HC,0; 0,20 M va 25,00 mL dung dich HCIO, 0,80 M duoc dung dich A. 1, Viét phuong trinh phan img xay ra. Tinh hing 6 cfin bing ciia phan img va xéc dinh thanh phan cia dung dich A. . ‘n 10,00 mL dung dich A véi 10,00 mL dung dich B gdm Ca(NO;)2 0,020 M va Ba(NO;)20,10 M. Co két tia ni tach ra? ; : Chap nhdn sy cong két la khGng dang ké; thé tich dung dich tgo thanh Khi pha trn bang ting thé tich eta céc dung dich thanh phan. 0 7 . Bo = °C. Ri : Cho: Bag utagg2? B51 Vs Ebogntgcy04 “O49 V 1625 °C: 2303-5 = 0,0592; PK gi¢¢igc30,)7 1,253 PK aa¢tty0,04)= 427+ PRaictig0 + C02)~ 6,35; PK yqiz0 + Cop) = 10,335 PK gcac,04)7 8:75; PK cacy) 895: PK 94c30,)~ 80: PK nsco,)* 8.303 (pKs =~ leKs, v6i Ks la tich s6 tan; pK, =~ IeK., voi Ky la hang s6 phn li axit). 9 tan cla CO» trong nude & 25 °C 1a Leg, = 0,030 M. Cau 5. (3,0 diém) - Bo = }. po = Eo 2 1. Cho: Boaog ting?t 7 951 Vi Exot intno,” 226 Vi Eninos, ata? 1,23 V. ‘hE? aE? “i 8) Tinh E4903, 1,000; “* EMaoyntno? ) Nhan xét vé kha nang oxi héa ellaMnO; trong mdi trudng axit, trung tinh va bazo. Giai thich, 2. Viét phuong trinh ion cla céc phan img 48 minh hoa kha nang oxi héa cia ion pemanganat phy thuge vao pH cia méi tring. Cf 6. (3,5 diém) 7 Dé xe dinh ham lrgng cba crom va sit trong mét miu gbm CrO3 va Fe,Os, ngudi ta dun néng chay 1,98 gam mu voi Na,O, dé oxi hoa Cr20, thanh CrO2, Cho khéi d& nung chay vao nue, dun s6i dé phan huy hét NaO>. Thém HzSO« lofing dén dur vao hn hop thu duge va pha thanh: 100,00 mL, durge dung dich A o6 mau vang da cam. Cho dung dich KI (di) vao 10,00 mL dung dich ‘A, lugng [; (sin phém cia phan img git Iva I) gidi phong ra phan img hét véi 10,50 mL dung dich NayS:O3 0,40 M. Néu cho dung dich NaF (dur) vao 10,00 mL dung dich A rdi nhé tiép dung dich KI én duthi lugng [5 giai phéng ra chi phan img hét v6i 7,50 mL dung dich NayS20s 0,40 M. 1. Viét cdc phuong trinh phan ting xay ra. 2. Giai thich vai trd cua dung dich NaF. 3. Tinh thanh phan % khéi luong ca crom va sit trong mau ban dau. Cho: Fe = cr ~-HET- * Thi sinh khong die sit dung tai lig * Gi thi khOng gil thich gi them, Trang 2/2 KY THI CHON HQC SINH GIOI QUOC GIA LOP 12 THPT NAM 2011 Mon: SINH HOC ‘Thai gian: 180 phut (khdng ké thai gian giao dé) ‘Negay thi thir nhat: 11/01/2011 (BB thi c6 02 trang, gbm 14 edu) Cfiu 1, (1,0 diém) a) Hay mé 1a tién trinh thi nghiém dung hop hai té bao cia hai loai dng vat khéc nhau ae ching minh cée phan tir prétéin cua mang sinh chat c6 kha nang di chuyén hay khong. b) Dé didu tr] bénh loét da day do thira axit, nguOi ta 06 thé str dung thusc tre ché hoat dong loai prOtéin nao cia mang té bao niém mac da day? Giai thich. Cafu 2. (2,0 diém) a) Néu cdc chite néing chi yéu cia ludi ngi chdt. Cho mot vi dy vé mét ogi té bao eiia ngudi 6 lu6i ngi chét hat phat trién, mét loai té bao c6 Iu6i ndi chat tron phat trién va giai thich chite nang ciia cde loai té bio nay. b) Vi sao té bao binh thong khong thé gia ting mai vé kich thuée? Trong diéu kign nao thi chon loc ty nhién cé thé lim cho sinh vat don bao gia ting kich thuée? Cau 3, (1,0 did) a) Bing co ché nao té bao cé thé ngimg viéc tng hop mét chat nhat dinh khi cin? 'b) Thé nado la chat tre ché canh tranh va chat ire ché khéng canh tranh cia mét enzim? Néu chi 6 cde chit te ché va eo chat cing dung cy xéc dink hogt tinh cia enzim thi lim thé mio dé 06 thé phan biét hai loai chit ire ché nay? Cau 4, (1,0 diém) Biing thao tée v6 tring, ngudi ta cho 40ml dung dich 10% dudmg glucézo vao hai binh tam gide o6 100ml (ki higu 1a binh Ava B), cy vao ‘méi binh 4ml dich huyén phi nam men bia (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) c6 néng 4} 10° t8 bao nim men/Iml. Ca hai binh déu duge déy nut béng va dua vao phong nudi cly & 35°C trong 18 gid. Tuy nhién, binh A duce, 6 tren gid tinh cdn binh B duge lie lien tye (120 vane/phiit). Hay cho biét sur khéc bigt o6 thé 06 vé mui vi, d6 duc va kiéu hé hap ca céc té bao ndm men gitta hai binh A va B. Gidi thich. Cau 5. (2,0 diém) a) Hay néu co ché hinh thanh 1ép vd ngoai ciia m6t s6 virut & ngudi va vai trd ca lop vo nay i vi virut. Cée loai virut 06 thé gay bénh cho ngudi bing nhimg céich nado? »b) Gidi thich tai sao virut ciim Iai cé tc 4 bién déi rat cao. Néu ding vacxin cim eta nam truss dé tiém phong chéng dich cim cba nam sau c6 duge khéng? Giai thich. Au 6. (2,0 diém) a) Giai thfch vi sao ngudsi ta c6 thé chon ba phuomg phép: Xae dinh diém bi COs, gidi phu lb va nhu cau nude dé phin biét cay C3 voi cdy C,. Trinh bay ba phurong phap trén. d) Trong digu kign nao va & loai thyc vat nio thi hé hap sang 06 thé xay ra? Giai thich, Néu hi hau trong m6t ving dia Ii tiép tue tro nén néng va khé hon thi thénh phan cla céc logi thye vat (C3 , Ca va CAM) 6-vinng dé sé thay di nhu thé nio? déi v Cau 7. (1,0 diém) a) Néu cde bign phap Ki thudt xit If dat 48 gitp cy ting cudmg Kha nding hép thu chit dinh dudng tir dat. Mot sO loai cay trude khi gieo hat, ngudi ta cho hat cay nhiém loai bao tir nfm cng sinh véi ré cay. Vige lam nay dem Iai Igi ich gi cho cy tring? Giai thich. . b) Khi bon cdc dang phan dam khée nhau nhu NH,Cl, (NH,),80«, NaNO; c6 lam thay déi dae diém cia dat tring khéng? Giai thich. Cau 8. (2,0 diém) a) Néu vai trd ciia axit abxixic va étilen d6i voi sy sinh traémg eta thye vat b) Néu cdc yéu t6 kich thich thy vat mé khi khéng vao lic mat troi moc. Vi sao thyc vat CAM 6 thé ding kh khéng vao ban ngay vi mé vio ban dém? Cau 9. (1,0 diém) Cac cay cia loai Xanthium strunarium chi ra hoa khi duge chiéu sing t6i da la 16 gid/ngay. Trong mét thi nghiém, ngudi ta chiéu sing cac cdy nay méi ngay lién tye 16 git va dé trong 161 8 gid. Tuy nbién, mdi dém Igi duge ngit quing bing céch chiéu anh sing ting kéo dai mot vai phit. Hay cho biét céc cdy duge tring trong diéu kién thi nghiém nhu vay 6 ra hoa khong? Gidi thich Cau 10, (/,0 diém) Mét nit thanh nién bj bénh phai cét bé hai budng tring, hay cho biét ndng 4} hoocmén tuyén yén trong mau bién dng nhur thé ndo? Chu ki kinh nguyét va xuong bj anh hudng ra sao? Giai thich. Cau 11. (2,0 diém) 8) Khi huyét dp thép thi qua trinh loc & edu thin cita co quan bai tiét nude tiéu bi te ngai, than da ty diéu chinh huyét dp bing cach nao dé qua trinh lye té Ia Dinh thuéng? b) Néu su khac biét vé cdu trac thin cla loai dOng vat co vi séng & sa mac véi cau tric thin cia loai dng vat e6 vu song & nude. Gidi thich. Cfw 12, (1,0 diém) Néu dic diém cia mao mach phi hgp véi chire nang ciia ching. Giai thich tai sao binh thuéng & ngudi chi cé chimg 5% téng sé mao mach la lu6n c6 mau chdy qua. Cfu 13, (2,0 diém) a) Giai thich co ché truyén tin qua xinap hoa hgc. Tai sao mac di o6 ca xinap dign lin xinap héa hoe, nhumg dai bg phin céc xinap & d6ng vat lai ld xinap héa hoc? b) Dé tdi uu héa higu qua trao d4i khi thi bé mat hd hdp phai c6 nhting dc diém gi? Giai thich dae diém cdu tao eo quan hé hap ca chim thich nghi véi di séng bay lun. Cau 14, (1,0 diém) Loai chim cénh cut 06 kidu phan bé cdc ed thé mot cach tuong déi déng déu trong ving phan 6. Hay cho biét loai nay ©6 tép tinh gi va tp tinh 46 dem Iai Igi ich gi cho loai? HET © Thi sinh khong duge sit dung tai ligu. © Gia thi khong gidi thich gi thém. BQ GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO KY THI CHON HQC SINH GIOI QUOC GIA LOP 12 THPT NAM 2011 Mén: TIN HOC fan: 180 phiit (khdng ké thoi gian giao dé) 7 Te The mara fA BAN CHINH Nedy thi thir mhét: 11/01/2011 (Dé thi cé 03 trang, gm 03 bai) DE THI CHINH THUC TONG QUAN NGAY THI THU NHAT prot = = : | Ten bai File chang trink | File dit ligu vao File két qua | el a __[ Bonus." | BONUS.INP BONUS.OUT __| COLOREC.” [COLOREC.INP | COLOREC.OUT TREELINE* [TREELINEINP | TREELINEOUT | ‘Déiu * durge thay thé béi PAS hode CPP cua ngén ngé fp trinh duge sir dung ttrong ang fa Pascal oe C++, Hay lip trink gigi céc bai toan sau: Bai 1. (6 diém) Phan thong Tuan la ngudi thing cude trong mét cude thi “Tim hiéu kién thite vil tru” va duge nhan cée phn thuong do céng ty XYZ tai tro. Cac phan thudng duge bé tri trén mot bing vudng kich thuée nx 7 6 dang mot lu6i 6 vuéng kich thuéic dom vj. Cée dong cia bang durge danh 6 ti 1 dén n, tr trén xudng dudi va céc c6t cla bang duge danh sé tir i dén n, tir trai qua phai. O nm tén giao cha dong va o6t/ duge goi la 6 (7, /) va trén 6 dé chira m6t man qua e6 gid tr) lay (1 Si,j Sn). Dé nan phan thung, Tudn duge phép chon mét hinh vudng kich thu & x kchiém tron mot s6 6 cla bang va nhan tat ca cae phn qua trong céc 6 nim trong hinh vung 6. Yéu edu: Hay xée dinh tng gia tri lon nht cua cde mon qua ma Tudn c6 thé nhan duge. Dir ligu: Vao tir file van ban BONUS. INP * Dong thir nha chia hai sé nguyen duomg n, k(n < 1000; 2 feminist equally to men. She, or he, deplores discrimination against women in the home, place of | 51, work or anywhere, and her principle enemy is the male chauvinist, who believes that men | 52 ‘are naturaly super. Tired of being referred to as “the weaker sex’, women are becoming | 53 ‘more and more militancy and are winning the age-old battie of the sexes. They ate sick to | 5 death of sexy jokes which poke fun at women, They are no longer content to be regarded as | second-class clzens in terms of economic, political and socal status. They entcize beauty | 2°" contests and the use of glamour female models in advertisements which they describe as the exploit of female beauty, since women in these situations were represented as mere sex | 57: objects. We no longer live in the male-dominate societies of the past, Let us hope, | 58 ‘moreover, that the revolution stops before we have a boring world in which sex doesn't | 59. ‘make much diference. We already have unisex hairdressers and fashions. What next? 60. Part 3: Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the numbered space provided in the column on the right. (0) has been done as an example. A lve broadcast of any pubic event, such as a space (0) __ (FLY) of sporting | &—Aight__ ‘ccasion, is aknost (61) (VARIABLE) accompanied by the thoughts of a (62) | (COMMENT), This may be on television, along with the relevant pictures, altematvely on radio. The technique involved (63) (DIFFERENT) between the | 6&2 two media, with radio broadcasters needing 10 be more explicit and (64) ©. (DESCRIBE) because of the absence of visual information, TV commentators do not ‘eed to pata picture for ther audience: instead, their various (5) (OBSERVE) 6 should add to the images thal are already there. There will sometimes be siences and | 5 pauses in a TV commentary, although these are becoming (66) (INCREASE) rare. Both types of commentators should try to be informative, but should avoid sounding 66. 67) (OPINION). In sports commertaries,faimess and (68) AIMPART) to both sides is vital, but spontaneity and enthusiasm are valued by those watching or listening. Sports commentators usually broadcest lve in an essentially unscripted way, | 68 although they may refer to previously prepared materials such as sports statistics Because of the (65) (PREDICT) nature of live events, thorough preparation in | &° vance is vila. The internet has helped enormously with tis aspect of the jod. Anyone | 70, interested in becoming a commentator should have excellent (70) cORGANISE | ‘ls, the witingness to work irregular hours, and a strong voice. Part 4: Complete each sentence with the correct form of ONE of the two-word verbs below. Write your answer in the numbered box. Each verb is used only once. bring out - make up to lay down, —[goround | siton Page 3 of 10 pages 71. Business was so bad that they had to two factories. 72. Next year, we intend to several new products. But at the moment, we are stil testing them, 73. The operator monitors the pressure by the readings on these gauges, 74, Caleulations which used to take ages can now ina few seconds, 75, You give the computer a command and it wil the data for you until it finds the information you nead, 76. People ony him because of his wealth 77. He ‘my etter for months, why doesn't he answer it? 78. This car could ‘good polish 79. There should be enough sweets to_ 80. itis quite clearly that only amateurs can take part ea e [7 [a om Part 5: Fill each gap in the following sentences with one of the prepositions or particles in the box. Use each word only ONCE and write your answer in the numbered box. (Please note that the given words outnumber the gaps.) “afer at [through ~Tacross with | forward | off. cee ones oe for} 81. | reoeived the news, 2 kind of naive enthusiasm, £82. He felt nervous before he started the first lecture of his ife but he carried it very well £83. My group and yours have arrived the same conclusion quite independently 84. When he married for the second time, Fred got more than he bargained 85. You can' sit, and do nothing lke that while much remains to be done. 86. The favourable weather has put the harvest £87, We won't watch that programme ifthe television is playing 88. We made ‘that we had forgotten Jane's birth again. though it was not tue. 89, We had to sit. nearly two hours of speeches. 90. We're both going the same job, Your answ _ aeeeee a at — _ — 84. 85. 86. 87. 89, 20, : Ill, READING (5/20 points) Part 1: Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap. Write your answer in the numbered box. There is no doubt at al! that the Intemet has made a huge difference fo our lives. However, most parents worry that their children spend too much time brawsing the Intemet or playing computer games, hardly (91) doing anything else in their spare time. Naturally. parents want to know if these activities are harmful to their children, What should they do if their children spend hours (82) ‘a computer screen? Obviously, if children spend too much time (93) in some game instead of doing their homework, then ‘something is wrong, itis @ good idea if parents and children decide together how much use should be (84) of the Internet, and the child should (@5) that it won't interfere with homework. Ifthe child does not (96) ____to this arrangement, parents can take more drastic (97) ‘Any parent who is (88) alarmed about a childs behaviour should make an appointment to (99) the ‘matter with a teacher. Spending fime in front of a computer screen does not (100) affect a child's performance at ‘school. Even if a youngster seems obsessed with the computer, he or she is probably just going through a phase, and in ‘few months parents will have something else to worry about! 91. A aways B. ever ©. never O. rare 92. A peeping at B. glancing at C. staring at D. seeing 93. A involved B. occupied . taken D. absorbed 94. A.done B.had C.made D. taken 95. A. promise 8. assure ©. secure D. claim 96. A.commit B stick C. follow D. hold 97. Atules B. procedures C. steps D. regulations Page 4 of 10 pages 98. A actually B. heavily ©. seriously D. urgently 99. A. speak B. discuss, C. tak D. debate 100. A. possibly B. consequently C. probaly D. necessarily Your answers: . at [83 % s eo : L Part 2: Read the following passage and answer the questions from 101 to 110. 101 Telephone, television, radio, and the telegraph all help people communicate with each other. Because of these devices, ideas and news of events spread quickly all over the world. For example, within seconds, people can know the ‘esults of an election in Japan or Argentina. An international soccer match comes into the home of everyone with television set. News of a disaster such as an earthquake or @ flood can bring help from distant countries. Within hours, help is on the way. 102. How has speed of communication changed the world? To many people, the world has become smaller. Of Course, this does not mean that the world is physically smaller. Two hundred years ago, communication between the continents took a long time. All news was carried on ships that took weeks or even months to cross the oceans. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, it took six weeks for news from Europe to reach the Americas. This time difference influenced people's actions. For example, one battle in the war of 1812 between the English and the United ‘States armies could have been avoided if the warring sides had known that a peace agreement had already been signed, Peace was made in England, but the news of peace took six weeks to reach America, During those six weeks, the large and serious Battle of New Orleans was fought and many lives were lost. 103, ‘An important part of the history of the world is the history of communication, In prehistoric times, people had limited knowledge of the world. They had litle information about geography, the study of the Earth. People knew very litle beyond their small groups except what was happening near their homes. Later, people were organized into villages, and verbal communication between small towns was possible. Stil, the people's knowledge was limited because they had no outside information. Kingdoms and small countries then developed, with a king directing the people, Cities developed, too, but still communication was limited to the small geographical area of the country. Much later in history, affer the invention of the printing press, many more people leamed to read, and communication was improved 104 In this modern age, communication is so fast that itis almost instant. People's lives have been changed because of the immediate spread of news. Sometimes the speed is so great that it does not allow people time to think. For example, leaders of countries have only minutes, or, at most, hours to consider all the parts of a problem. They are ‘expected to answer immediately. Once they had days and weeks to think before making decisions. 108, The speed of communication demands @ new responsibilty from all people of the world. People in different Countries must tty harder to understand each other. An example is that people with different religions must try 10 Understand each other's beliefs and values, even if they do not accept them. Sometimes their cultures are quite different. ‘What one group considers a normal part of lfe is strange to another culture. In some cases, a normal part of one culture ‘might be bad or impolite to people of another culture. That kind of difference is a possible basis for misunderstanding, People must iearn not to judge others, but te accept them as they are, As the world grows smaller, people must lear to {alk to each other more effectively as well as communicate more rapidly. Match the headings given in the box below with their appropriate numbers (101 - 105) that lead the five paragraphs and write the letters A-H in the corresponding numbered boxes, (The headings outnumber the paragraphs, so you will not use ai of them). 7 cisadvanaga of fact communication igh speed of cormurication an Ba bene Our shining wor | Communication devices A bre history of communication development Modem communication anda change in thinking pate The changing world resuting from fast communication Modem communication and expected responsibiy ZO™mooe> Page 5 of 10 pages Then choose the correct answer to each of the following questions by cireling A, B, C, or D. 1106. Modern communications have ‘A affected the resulls of elections and news of disasters, 8. only allowed people to see world sports events at home . kept people better informed of their world and beyond, . made people happier, busier, but ess informed 107. Before the invention of communication devices, ‘A, people gave better care to their local affairs 8. there was no transportation between countries . people were much interested in world affairs ©. people were mostly kept in the dark about the world 108. A negative aspect of fast communication is that it ‘A. makes people think too fast B. will push governments into dead ends CC. deprives decision makers of correct information 'D. may rush governments into decisions 108. There were instances in which lives could have been saved if, A intercommunication had been established B. there had not been a delay in communication . officers’ demands of information had been met D. carrier pigeons had arrived in time 1110. The speed of communication has helped create opportunity for ‘A. mutual understanding and cultural tolerance 8. better understanding and freer trade . the expansion of cultural differences . the growth of the physical world Your answers: ee 104 702: 703: 104. 108. 106: 07 108: 108. 710. Part 3: Read the following passage and complete the statements that follow by circling A, B, C, or D to Indicate your answer which you think fits best. Bringing up children Where one stage of child development has been left out, or not sufficiently experienced, the child may have to {go back and capture the experience of it. A good home makes this possible - for example, by providing the opportunity {or the child to play with a clockwork car of toy railway train up to any age if he stil needs to do 0. This principle, in fact, Lunderties all psychological treatment of children in dficultes with their development, and is the basic of work in chid clinics. ‘The beginnings of discipline are in the nursery. Even the youngest baby is taught by gradual stages to wait for food, to sleep and wake st regular intervals and S0 on. I the child feels the wortd around him is a warm and friendly one, he slowly accepts its rhythm and accustoms himself to conforming to its demands. Leaming to wait for things, particularly for food, is @ very important element in upbringing, and is achieved successfully onl iftoo great demands are ‘Rot made before the child can understand them. Every parent watches eagerly the chila’s acquisition of each new skil the frst spoken words, the first independent steps, or the beginning of reading and writing. It is often tempting to hurry the child beyond his natural learning rate, but this can set up dangerous feelings of failure and states of anxiely in the child. This right happen at any stage. A baby might be forced to use a tollet too early, @ young child might be ‘encouraged to learn to read before he knows the meaning of the words he reads. On the other hand, though, i a child is left alone too much, or without any learning opportunities, he loses his natural zest for ife and his desire to find out new things for himself Leaming together is a fruitful source of relationship between children and parents. By playing together, parents lear more about their children and children leam more from their parents. Toys and games which both parents and children can share are an important means of achieving this co-operation. Building-block toys, jigsaw puzzles and crosswords are good examples, Parents vary greatly in their degree of strictness or indulgence towards their children. Some may be especialy strict in money matters; others are severe over times of coming home at night, punctuality for meals or personal Cleanliness, in general, the controls imposed represent the needs of the parents and the values of the community as ‘much as the child's own happiness and well-being, With regard to the development of moral standards in the growing child, consistency is very important in parental teaching, To forbid a thing one day and excuse it the next is no foundation for morality. Also, parents should realize that Page 6 of 10 pages “example is better than precept’. I they are hypocritical and do not practise what they preach, thelr children may grow ‘confused and emotionally insecure when they grow old enough to think for themselves, and realize they have been, to ‘some extent, deceived. A sudden awareness of a marked difference between their parents’ ethics and their morals can be a dangerous disillusion. 111. The principle undertying all treatment of developmental difficulties in children. ‘A. isin the provision of clockwork toys and trains B. is to send them to clinics C. {sto capture them before they are sufficiently experienced D. offers recapture of earlier experiences 112. Learning to wait for things is successfully taught ‘A. inspite of excessive demands being made B. only if excessive demands are avoided C. because excessive demands are not advisable D. is achieved successfully by al children 143. The encouragement of children to achieve new skils ‘A. should be focused on only at school B._cannever be taken too far . will aways assist their development ._ should be belanced and moderate 114. Parental controls and dlsciptine ‘A. serve a dual purpose B. are designed to promote the child's happiness . reflect only the values of the community 0. should be avoided as far as possible 1148, The practice of the rule “Example is better than precept” ‘A. only works when the children grow old enough to think for themselves 8. would help avoid the necessity for ethics and morals C._ will free a child from disillusion when he grows up D._is too dificult for all parents to exercise 116. In the 1* paragraph, the author lays some emphasis on the role of the in helping the child in trouble, A. psychiatrists 8. community C. family D. nursery 117. The phrase ‘conforming to’ in the 2" paragraph means ‘A. adapting to B. accepting C. agreeing with D. following 118. The word ‘zest in the 2 paragraph can be best replaced by. A appetite B. excitement CC. enthusiasm D. enjoyment 119, The word ‘imposed in the 4” paragraph is closest in meaning to A. excepted B. introduced ©. made ©. constrained 120. Hypocrisy on the part of the parents may ‘A. resutt in thelr children's wrong behaviour B. make their children lose faith in them C. disqualify their teachings altogether D. impair their children's mind | 118. 14 Ws a) (te ~ ~ ie : fiegeeee 720: | Write T if the statement is true according to the passage; is not given in the passage. if the statement is not true, and NG ifthe Information 121. Iti important fora child to gradually get used to his dally demands in the process of mental development. 122, To force children toleam different skls beyond their natural learning cate is encouraged by parents. 123, The understanding between parents and children plays an important role in mental development. 124, Parents should leave their children's mental development for school education. 126. Parents are advised to do everything for their children right from early childhood. Youranswers: [ret [ize Page 7 of 10 pages Part 4: Road the following passage and choose the most suitable sentence from the list A to G for each gap from 126 to 130. There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use. Then answer the questions from 134 to 140 that follow. The days when only men would hold management positions are over. (126)___. Despite a slowing ‘economy, the number of women in management has risen to 16% in 1895, when it used to be less than 9%, One result Of this tendency is that women are now more accepted in these roles, and it has also been found that women in ‘management ease tension and gender conflict in the workplace. ‘A comprehensive nation-wide study of executive performance accidentally found that women scored higher in ‘almost all areas of performance evaluation, while compiling a large-scale analysis of 425 hightevel managers. (127) They tend to work harder behind the scenes, while men prefer the glamorous, more aggressive side of Management. The masculine approach is more sulted to the traditional style of business, where the boss would work alone and simply dictate orders to his staff. Now, in the global information age, teamwork and partnership are increasingly important, and these are exactly the areas where women excel. (128) . It may be that the same qualities that make women more effective as managers are also hholding them back. Most women get stuck in Jobs which involve human resources or public relations, while their skits ‘make them highly suitable for this type of work. However, the posts in these areas rarely lead to the top. Ambitious ‘women are frustrated by this, and many left to start their own companies. Another reason why women are overlooked for Promotion is that men are seen ae more dynamic and competitive. Women tend to work for the good of the company as ‘whole, while men are looking out for themselves. Some bosses may interpret the feminine approach a8 showing a lack Of vision. A woman wil offen adopt the strategy of making people think that they are the authors of new ideas, so that they will co-operate with her plan. Although this is an effective way of achieving an objective, the result is that she will {ose credit for her ereativty and innovation Its also surprising to learn that the greatest prejudice against female bosses comes from women themselves. ln a ‘recent Gallup poll, 70% of men said that they would be prepared to accept a female boss, compared to 66% of women. (129) Since neary all bosses used to be mele, women feel more comfortable being supervised by a man than by another woman. Some women also feel that a male boss is less demanding and he feels more relaxed about being in @ position of authority, Since women have to work harder to get tothe top, they expect more oftheir staf when they get there, |i conclusion, although more and more women are rising to higher positions, there are still many deep-rooted prejudices and double standards that Keep them from achieving the very top positions. Companies may say that they Value interpersonal skile, but they stil look for a leader who is decisive and a risk taker. (130) Athough ‘women have proved that they are capable of leading a company, it seems that they will not get the chance to do so until they are prepared to start their own businesse: ‘One possible reason for this is that of tradition ‘Areas where women are particularly effective are in supporting their staff, and sharing information More and more women are moving into top jobs in the USA ‘Aithough women are not as decisive as men, they stil play an important role in social work ‘Atthough the number of women in middle management is on the increase, there are still few women running large companies ‘These qualities are perceived as being mainly masculine ‘These positions are held by females Comptete the following statements by circling A, 8, C, or D. 131. The participation by women in business management has ‘A increased a sexist attitude among men B. started new business conficts C. caused gender confict among the staff . made the workplace more agreeable 132, Wornen managers are found more skilful it moow> on 33 where they can promote their ability to ‘A. build relationships with people BB. fight their way to the top C. deal with their mate bosses D. give directions to the staft 183. Women are often overlooked for the top jobs because. ‘A. other women do not lke working for them B. they do not take credit for their own ideas C. they cannot make big decisions . they leave to start thelr own businesses. 134, Wornen prefer a male boss because. ‘A. male bosses work harder B. men are more competitive . itis more usual to work for a man D. female bosses are more demanding 125. A female boss often demands more of her staff because ‘A. other women do not like working for them B. she herself has to toll her way to the position ©. she can always make big decisions . her staff do not tend to submit themselves to her Page 8 of 10 pages Write T if the statement is true according to the passage; F if the statement is not true, and NG if the information is not given in the passage. 136. Working with other people has become more important in modem business. 197. Businesses owned by women are more successful than those owned by men. 1138. Moet women work for thelr own promotion, not for the good of the company. 199, More men than women work for female bosses. 140. Companies may not tel the truth about the qualities they look for in a manager. Your answers: 126. 127. - 128. - 129, - _ | 130. [ae 133. 3 [iss [Re 1, 3. 738 [a0 IV. WRITING (6/20 points) Part 1: (0.8720 points) Use the word{s) given in brackets and make any necessary additions to complete a new sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, Do NOT change the form of the given words). Look at the example in the box. 141. Attendance at the additional evening lectures is not obligatory for studgnts, (under) > Students . .=.the additional evening lectures. 142. You cant find ptr ke this in anyother part ofthe county (ype) > Thisis the only part of the COUNTY... 143. Al are aig forthe contest. There is no discrimination of ace and sex. (regardless) > Allare eligible 144. Asa resut of the bad weather, there may be delay to some international Rights oubject) found. Due to the bad weather f possible delay. 145, We were very much surprised to leam that Brian had become @ monk. (To) >. . Brian had become a monk. Part 2: 2/20 points) Below Is the data showing the students’ choice of colleges and universities in the country of Dispairans. Wiite a report (of about 150 words) on the changes over the period of ten years. You may add comments and reasons to ‘enliven your report Choice of institution 1000 m0 Page 9 of 10 pages Part 3: (3.8/20 points) Highschool students are expected to participate more in extracurricular activities and community service in addition to achieving high grades. Some educators suggest extonding high-school education to four years so that students can achieve all that is expected of them. Others are against the proposal because they think students would lose interest in school and attendance would drop in the end. |n about 350 words, wnte an essay that ends with the remark “High-schoo! education should be extended to four years” to assert your point of view on this question. Use reasons and examples to support your position. You may continue your vwnting on the back page if you need more space. -THE END - Page 10 of 10 pages Kj thi chon HSGQG lop 12 THPT Mén thi: TENG PHAP nim 2011 Ngay thi 11/01/2011 BAN COI THI (Tinh/TP, truéng dai hoc) 1 Giam thj sb 2 (Ky va ghi® ho tén) —— Ho va tén thi sinh: $6 bao danh i Nanv/ntr: r —__—. — Neay sinh: | SX Noi sinh | NS Hoc sinh truéng: L a Dang hoc lop: oni N "= Thi sinh phai ghi dy dit céic mue 6 trén, - Thi sinh khong duoc ky} tén hay ding bat cit ky hiéu gi dé dénh du bai thi. a - Bai thi khing diege vier bing mic do, biit chi; khong viét hang 2 thie mye. Phan viét hong, ngoii ctich dig thiese gach chéo khéng disc tdy xa bing bat ky cach gi khde (ké cd bit xod). = Tréi véi ede diéu trén, thi sinh sé bj loat. BOGIAO DYCVABAOTAO —_KY THI CHQN HQC SINH GIOI QUOC GIA pe THI CHINA THUC LOP 12 THPT NAM 2011 Mén thi : TIENG PHAP : Théi gian thi £180 phut (khdng ké thai gian giao dé) ‘$0 PHACH Negay thi : L/0L/2011 Dé thi cé 09 trang © Thi sinh khong duoc sit dung tai ligu, ké cd tie dién, © Gidm thi Khing gidi thich gi them, |, COMPREHENSION ORALE (4 points) Thi 3 lin, sau mdi Lin nghe c6 2 phit dé tra 160i cau hoi. Répondez aux questions en cochant la bonne réponse (WZ). Document 1 1. Qui parle a qui ? Qa. Unami a sa copine. Qb. Le pére a son enfant. Qc. Le mari a sa femme. Od. Un homme sa collégue. 2, De quoi parlent-ils ? Qa, D'un changement de travail. 1b. Din changement de climat. (Cc. D'un changement de poste. Od. D'un changement de logement. 3. L*homme a pensé Ga. qu'il resterait longtemps dans cette ville. Ob. que sa famille partirait dans le sud. Qc, qu'il déménagerait dix ans plus tard. Od. qu'il faudrait trouver une ville plus agréable avant de quitter sa ville. 4. La femme parle d’un ton Da agressif. Qb. suppliant. De, moqueur. Od. amical 5. La femme ne veut pas que I’homme parle de son travail parce que Ca. ce travail n’apporte pas beaucoup d’argent. 1b. ce travail est monotone. Qe. ce travail est insupportable. O 4. ce travail est un prétexte pour un refus. 6. L’objectif final de la femme est Ga. aller chercher du soleil a la plage. 1b. d’avoir une belle maison a la campagne. Uc. aller voir sa famille I’ étranger. Od. de quitter tout de suite 1a ville oi elle habite, 7. Pour arriver a une décision adéquate, I’homme pense Qa, que c’est facile. Qb. qu'il faut peser le pour et le contre. c. qu'il faut consulter I’avis de ses collegues. Od. qu'il faut attendre un bon moment. 8. Comment se montre la femme, & la fin de ’histoire ? Qa Elle est contente. Ob Elle est indifférente. Qc. Elle est en colére. Od. Elle est joyeuse. Document 2 9. La scéne se passe a. au service des renseignements, b. au service aprés-vente. Gc. au service de contréle technique. Od. au service clientele 10. Quels en sont les personages ? Qa. Unemployé et une de ses amis. 1b. Un employé et une de ses collegues. Qc. Unemployé et son chef des ventes. d, Un employé et une cliente. 11, La femme est venue Ga. parce qu’elle voulait échanger son appareil photo. Ob. parce qu’elle voulait récupérer son appareil photo. Qe. parce qu’elle voulait changer de modéle. Od. parce qu'elle a oublié son appareil photo. 12. Son appareil photo Qa. marche assez bien. Ob. marche bien. Cc. marche tant bien que mal. Od. ne marche plus du tout. 13. Quel(s) papier(s) doit-elle montrer a "homme ? Qa. La facture de son appareil Ob. Le bon de garantie de son appareil. Qc. La facture et le bon de garantie de son appareil. Od. Le mode d’emploi de son appareil. 14, D’aprés la premiére réaction de l'homme, Ga la femme peut étre remboursée. Ob. Ia femme peut échanger son appareil. Dc. la femme ne peut étre remboursée ni échanger son appareil. 1d. la femme peut étre remboursée en achetant des pellicules. 15. Quelle est attitude de la femme devant cette situation ? Qa. Elle est contente, Ob. Elle est assez contente. Qe. Elle est indifférente. Od. Elle n'est pas contente du tout. 16. Finalement, la femme Qa. apuéchanger son appareil photo, 1b. est rentrée décue. Oc. a été remboursée. Od. attend la réparation de son appareil. Il, COMPREHENSION ECRITE (6 points) Texte 1: Lisez le texte puis répondez aux questions. (4 points) Il faut assumer une spécialisation dés la classe de premiere... Cédric Villani (C.V.), enseignant-chercheur en mathématiques, directeur de l'Institut Poincaré, a recu la médaille Fields fe 19 aot. It est signataire de la pétition « La France a besoin de Scientifigues », qui dénonce la baisse du volume horaire des matiéres scientifiques au lycée suite la réforme Chatel*. ‘Comment voyez-vous la filiére scientifique au lycée ? CV. : Diabord, par tradition frangaise, la filire d'excellence est la filigre scientifique. Cette tradition présente certains bons cétés, mais elle a aussi plusieurs conséquences que 'estime nuisibles : la dévalorisation de ta filigre littéraire choisie souvent « par échec », et puis labondance de matiéres non scientifiques dans la filiére dite scientifique. Autant il est important qu'au collége et au début du lycée on ait un tronc commun bien maittis¢, autant il semble légitime d'assumer une spécialisation a partir de la premiére avec une filiére scientifique, une filigre littéraire, etc. Et chacune devrait étre excelente ! Les filiéres technologiques aussi, bien sir. Et quelle place devraient & vos yeux avoir les sciences dans la formation des littéraires ? C.V. + La présence dienseignements scientifiques a petite dose en classes littéraires me semble cependant vitale. I est plus facile, je pense, de se cultiver en littérature, en géographie, en 2 philosophie qu’en sciences ; le langage mathématique, par définition, abstrait, demande un certain «temps dacclimatation » qui est déroutant pour beaucoup. On peut dire, c’est vrai, quiil n'est guére utile dans la vie de tous les jours (méme cela est discutable). Mais il est d'une efficacité inégalée pour former la rigueur et la clarté des idées, qui sont utiles dans toutes les branches. Et les sciences dans la formation des futurs maitres du primaire ? GY.+ Cest un point trés important pour l'avenir du pays. Les trois quarts des professeurs de Técole primaire actuellement sont issus de filiéres non scientifiques. Et ce sont eux qui enseignent les sciences 4 nos enfants. Alors, il faut que ces enseignants soient & l'aise dans ces disciplines pour pouvoir transmettre ! Le probleme est particuligrement sensible en mathématiques Ce n'est pas une logique de sélection ou de performance qui doit prévaloir dans ces disciplines {enseignement scientifique en filigre littéraire), mais il faut que les futurs enseignants y aient passé suffisamment de temps pour étre simplement a Taise au moment d'inculquer ces notions aux enfants, sur lesquels repose tout l'avenir. Pourquoi faut-il beaucoup fréquenter les maths pour les apprivoiser ? C.V. : Lienseignement en mathématiques comporte deux grands volets : l' acquisition de nouveaux concepts (on forme esprit abstrait...) et Yentrainement qui permet d'affermir ces notions et d'aller au-dela. Il ne faut sous-estimer aucun des deux. Cela implique du temps; des exercices, des problémes, des séances de travaux dirigés... Une erreur classique est de transformer les nouveaux concepts en recettes pour éviter de faire peur aux éleves face & quelque chose d'inconnu : peut-étre qu‘on les rassure sur le coup, mais on ne leur rend pas service sur le long terme : un grand enjeu de lenseignement mathématique consiste ne pas avoir peur des concepts inconnus, cela sert toujours. Comme cela sert de sentir Ia puissance du formalisme abstrait face a certaines situations conerstes. Alors on peut peut-étre éviter la répétition d'exercices ? C.V.:Non ! Une autre erreur classique est de se concentrer sur les concepts en laissant de cété les, exercices jugés « mécaniques » : c'est aussi une erreur car c'est par la pratique que l'on apprend, quitte a se répéter un peu (de la méme fagon qu'on s'entraine avant un match de football Pour les autres sciences, il y a également I'aspect expérimental qui ne peut étre négligé, et 1a encore, cela prend du temps. Les connaissances évoluent trés rapidement dans certaines sciences, comme la biologie ; ce que l'on apprend a l'école peut étre plus tard contredit par les progres scientifiques. Pour autant, cela ne remet jamais en cause Tenrichissement que constitue la familiarisation avec la démarche expérimentale, 'apprentissage de la sensation de réflexion face & un probléme inattendu. Pour tout cela, il faut que les horaires ne soient pas trop amaigris, pour qu'un éléve se sente en sécurité en sciences, qu'il apprivoise la matigre peu peu, quill se sente soutenu et accepte alors de faire des efforts intellectuels qui pourraient étre effrayants. Pour beaucoup d'enfants et d'adolescents, les sciences sont comme un territoire inconnu, et c'est normal, il faut penser a tous les siécles qu’a nécessités leur mise au point ! Il ne faut done pas hésiter A passer du temps pour apprivoiser le sujet avec ses difficultés, sans les contourner ; accepter d'@tre déstabilisé pour découvrir que Ton peut résoudre, avec de l'aide si besoin est, un probléme non familier. ; Diaprés Maryline Baumard, Le Monde, 4 novembre 2010 * Lue Chatel : Ministre de Education nationale francaise Questions 17, Ce document est extrait Da.d’une revue. 2b. d’unquotidien, Oc.d’unhebdomadaire. Q d. d'un magazine 18. Ce document appartient plut6t a la rubrique Qa Sciences. Ob. Education. Qc. Sport. Od. Politique. 19. Le texte est plutat de type Qa. informatif. Ob. injonetif. Oe. argumentatif. Od. narratif. 39 20. Quelle phrase résume le mieux |’idée essentielle du texte ? Ca. Le probléme vital des filigres scientifiques au lycée frangais. Cb. L’importance des enseignements scientifiques dans les écoles frangaises. Qc. Le volume horaire des matigres scientifiques au lycée frangais. Da. L’enjeu de Penseignement mathématique chez les éléves frangais. 21. La réforme Chatel vise & Da, baisser le nombre des filigres scientifiques au lycée. Qb. diminuer le nombre d’heures des matiéres scientifiques au lycée. Oc. présenter des conséquences nuisibles du systéme éducatif frangais. Od. assumer une spécialisation au début du lycée. 22. La filigre n’a pas été mentionnée dans le document. Qa technologique Ob. scientifique Qc. économique Od. littéraire 23. D'aprés Cédric Villani, quel public opte pour la filigre littéraire ? 26. Quelles sont les matigres non scientifiques mentionnées dans le texte ? 27. Citez au moins deux raisons pour illustrer la nécessité de la pétition « La France a besoin de scientifiques » 28, Selon Cédric Villani, faut-il transformer les nouveaux concepts en recettes ? Pourquoi ? 29, Tous les instituteurs en poste sont-ils bien formés pour enseigner les sciences ? Justifiez votre réponse en citant un élément ou un passage du document, 30. La mise au point des sciences peut-elle se faire du jour au lendemain ? Justifiez votre réponse en citant un élément ou un passage du document. 31. Quel est le réle des exercices mécaniques dans l’apprentissage des matiéres scientifiques ? 49 32. Les connaissances scientifiques changent-elles constamment ? Justifiez votre réponse en citant un élément ou un passage du document. Texte 2: Complétez le texte avec les mots donnés. (2 points) informatique - préciewx - désormais - fonctionnement - dans - fabricants - celle - réservoir - acheter - vente ~ nécessaires - changements - francais - cartouches - vache - institut - consommables - consommateur - imprimante - beaucoup Les cartouches dencre a prix dor Aussi (33) que le pétrole : voici le nouvel or noir. Celui-la ne sert pas a remplir le (34) de votre voiture, II se place (35) votre imprimante. Et il se déoline aussi en jaune, cyan (bleu) et magenta (rose), les trois teintes primaires . (36) a V'impression couleur. Trés chére encre. Alors que de nombreuses imprimantes sont (37) vendues sous la barre des 100 €, il suffit de deux ou trois G8) du jeu de cartouches pour avoir dépensé & nouveau le prix de la machine. C’est Lexmark qui pousse le bouchon le plus loin. L’ .. (39) a jet @enere 2615 est vendue 59 € A la Fnac, alors qu’il faut débourser 64 € pour .... (40) les cartouches de capacité .»- (41) de ce modale. . (42) chuté en quelques années. Pas celui des .. (44). Et une véritable rente (45), HP, Canon, Epson et Lemark. Le marché (47) de standard (une noire et une couleur), nécessaires au... Le prix des imprimantes a .. (43). Imprimer reste un luxe pour le de situation pour les quatre grands (46) génére deux fois plus de chiffre d'affaires avec Ia... consommables (enere et papier) qu'avec ... ee .« (48) des imprimantes. La conclusion de oe (50) (51) @ lait de cette industrie, avec une sane (49) d'études GAK, qui livre ces chiffres, est abrupte : les . informatiques « sont plus que jamais la croissance de 24% » en un an, L’amaque (52) du siécle ? D'aprés un article de Benjamin Douriez, 60 millions de consommateurs, janvier 2005. WW. CONNAISSANCE DE LA LANGUE (5 points) A. Quel est le synonyme le plus approprié du verbe faire dans les phrases suivantes ? 53. Marie souhaite vivement faire le métier d’enseignant comme sa mére. Qa réaliser Ob effectuer De. exereer Od. exécuter 54, Pierre a fait de nombreuses erreurs dans son devoir. Qa effectue Ob. réalisé De. commis Od. accompli 35. IL fait un roman autobiographique de 200 pages Da. accompli Ob. établi De. réalisé Od. rédigé 56, Les autorités locales ont fait un premier bilan de la catastrophe. Oa. effectué Qb. commis Qc. établi Qd. assumé 57. Le malade fait un régime alimentaire depuis son retour en France. a. assume Ob. suit Oc. effectue Od. accomplit 39 B. Complétez les phrases suivantes par un mot (verbe, substantif ou adjectif) de sens opposé & celui du mot souligné. 58, Les Vietnamiens préférent le superflu tans que les Francais le 59, Ne sois pas si impatient ' Prends plutdt...... 60. Avoir une maison de campagne présente beaucoup davantages : le calme, l'espace mais aussi quelques . comme les frais d’entretien et les impéts. 61. Le travail posté est dur & supporter, car i faut parfOis ....0.cennenee &Pheure od la plupart des gens se couchent. 62, Tel qui fit vendredi, dimanche C. Associez les expressions & leur définition. 63. ne pas avoir la langue dans sa poche —_[ a. ne pas avoir de quoi s’habiller (64. avoir la téte sur les épaules , etre courageux, énergique 65. se mettre le doigt dans l’eil ¢. se tromper grossiérement 66. n’avoir rien & se mettre sur le dos R*, oP 2. Tim gia tri o dé s6 chi cha ampe- ké la nh nat. Biét Cau 3. (4,0 diém) ‘Cho mét quang h@ gdm hai théu kinh mong Li va Lo gidng nhau cé cing tiéu cy f dat dng truc. Trén Hinh 3, ©) va O; li quang tam ciia hai thdu kinh, F; 1a tiéu diém anh ofa thdu kinh L2. Mét diém sang S dat tai diém cota thau kinh Li. 1, Tim khoang cach gitta hai thdu kinh sao cho khi ‘mét ban mat song song déng chat, chiét sudt n, dt trong, ving gitta $ va O; hoe gitta O2 va F; theo phyong yudng géc véi quang true thi anh cba S qua hé déu o cing mgt vi tr — 2, Dat trong khoang gitta hé bai thdu kinh L) vaL2 S mgt ban mat song song vudng gde véi quang truc dé tao thinh mot quang h méi (Hinh 4). Ban mat song song nay c6 bé day h, chiét suat n thay d6i theo quy luat li La : n=ny+ky (mgva k 1a hang 36, k > 0), véi truc Oy vudng géc voi quang true va clit quang true cia hé thau kinh. Bé qua sy thay déi chiét sudt dge theo durmg truyén cila tia sang trong ban mat song song, a. Xée dinh vi tri anh ea $ qua quang he. : b. Tir vj tri déng trye, quay thu kinh La mgt g6e @ nh, sao cho true chinh cia L2 van nim trong mat phiing chiza Oy va Oz (Hinh 4). Xac dinh vj tri méi cita anh. Cau 4, (7,5 diém) 1. (2,5 diém) Xie by sd ligw : . Mot hn hop gbm hai Ki acgon (Ar) va hidrd (Ha) 6 khbi Luang 8.5 gam, durge chia trong thé tich Vo=10 dm’ & dip sudt po= 10° Nim’. \én doan nhiét khdi khi trén ta duge cde cp gid tri thé tich V va dp suat p tong img theo bang sé ligu sau: vim) | 9,00 | 8,20 7.40 6,70 610 | pd Nim’) | 117 | 135 157 | 183 | 201 Biét nguyén tir lrgng cita acgon 1a 40 g/mol va hidré 1a 1 g/mol. Gid thiét trong qua trinh nén doan nhiét, khi khOng bi phan i. Hay xde dinh khéi Iugng khi Ar va Hp trong hén hop. 2. (5,0 diém) Khdo sdt d¢ic tinh cia pin quang dién Pin quang dign cé cu tgo gdm lop chuyén tiép p - n va hai ign cye trong sudét dign cyc (Hinh 5). M@t trong hai dign cyc lam bang chat 06 tinh dan ign tét va anh séng c6 thé xuyén qua, Khi chiéu Jl 7 B sing thich hp vao lop chuyén tiép p - n sé xuat hign higu dign thé mét chiéu 6 hai din cue cia pin. A merce Khdo sét pin quang dign nhu 1a mét linh kién dign ti. Néu inh 5 gitta hai dign cue A va B cia pin 6 higu dign thé Use thi dong dign qua pin c6 dang Ing =1,(e ~1) +I,, voi Ig dic tramg cho thanh phin dong dign sinh re do sy chiéu sing vao l6p chuyén tiép (I, = 0 khi khény chiéu sang), a va Ig 1a cde hé sé dae tung cho pin (I> 0, a > 0). Gid thiét a va Ty ludn KhOng déi. Khi pin duge chiéu sing 6n dinh thi Tp khéng dai va trong trudng hop chiéu sang manh thi {t,| >a ‘Yeu cau: 1. Véi pin quang dign khi durge chiéu sang thich hop va én dinh: 4) Tinh dign 4p ha mach Up cita pin theo Ip, Iy va a. b) Mac truc tiép pin voi mét bién tré. Cong suat tiéu thy trén bién tré dat gid tr] cye dai Pm khi bin trd cé dign trd Rp, va dign ap gitta hai dau bién tro li Un. ~ Viét phuong trinh xéc dinh Up theo I,, Iy va a. = Xéc dinh Pm theo Rr Tp, 1a va a. 2. Cho eae dung cy sau: = 01 pin quang dign; = O1 ampe ké va 01 von ké mot chiéu déu c6 nhiéu thang do, 01 bién tro; ~ 01 ngudn dign m6t chiéu én dink; = O1 ngudn sng 06 thé thay lurge cudng dO sang trong khoang gid trj rong; ~ Gi dé, day ndi, khod K va thiét bi che chin cdn thiét a) Vé so dé thi nghiém dé khao sat duémg dic trumg vén - ampe cia pin. Vé phéc dang dudng dd thi dc trung von - ampe ciia pin khi pin duge chiéu sing 6n dinh va chi ra gid trj dong I, dign 4p Us trén 46 thi. b) Trinh bay phuromg én thi nghiém dé xée dinh céc dai lugng dic trung ly va a cia pin. -HET--- © Thi si © Gidm thi khéng gidi thich gi thém. BOQ GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO KY THI CHON HQC SINH GIOI QUOC GIA pe THI CHINA THUC LOP 12 THPT NAM 2011 7 1 Mon: HOA HQC i ‘Thoi gian: 180 phi (khdng ké thoi gian giao dé) BAN CHINH gay thi thi hai 12/01/2011 é thi c6 02 trang, gom 05 céu Cau 1. (4,5 diém 1. Xitral (CH3),C“CHCHCH,C(CHs)=CHC a) Cu tao phan tir xitral c6 tuan theo qui tée isoprenoit hay khéng? Hai chat a va b thudc logi dong phan nao? Hay viét cng thite cdu tric va goi tén hé théng hai déng phan dé. a b) Dé tach rigng hai déng phan a va b, ngudi ta sir dung semicacbazit va axit v6 co. Hay néu van tat qué trinh thye nghigm 6. ‘chuyén hoa sin phim A theo so dd: aA ty B te c (CroHigO) (CoH, dang mach he) 2,5.5-Trimetylbixiclo[4.1.0Jhept-2-en H=O cé trong tinh diu chanh, gdm 2 déng phan a va b. céng thite cdu tao ca A, B, C vat hoan thanh so dé céc phan ting. Gidi thich qué trinh chuyén hda tgo thanh C. 2. Cho n-butylmetylete phan img véi dung dich Hi (ic), ngudi ta nhin durge hai sin phim A va B. Khi cho mét trong hai san phdm d6 phan tmg véi bazo manh thi thu dugc C. Thuy phan C trong méi trudng axit, duge D. Oxi hod C bing KMnO., chon lay san pham E tao thinh cho phan img, voi D, duge F (¢6 7 cacbon). Mat khéc, chuyén héa C thanh G, sau 46 G thanh H. Néu cho Hi phan img véi F roi thay phan sé thu duge I (CiH240). Viét so dé cae phan img chuyén héa tir A dén I (dang cong thie cdu tao) va goi tén cdc hop chat hiru co nay. 3. Viét cde dng phan lap thé cia metylxiclohexanon. Déng phan nio ¢6 tinh quang hoat? Gidi thich Vi sao dudi téc dyng cia bazo, xeton quang hoat bj raxemic hoa? Cau 2. (4,5 diém) 1, Viét tae nan, diéu kign phan img (néu 6) thay cho du chdm héi (?) va edng thite cdu tao cia cae hop chat httu co A, B,C, D dé hoan thanh so dé phan img sau: oe ieneos wore eS . : Colle Pe CoHsC2Hs Leemoeto’ a HNO, gy PesHCl GIN, z ° a oe Hay so sinh nhigt dé nong chay va so sénh lye axit cia céc chit A, B, C, D. Gidi thich, 2. cisl-Decyl-2-(5-metylhexyletilenoxit (hay disparlure) la mét pheromon cia mot loai buém. Hay a) Vé cOng thite c&c déng phan lap thé cua dispalure. b) Viét so dd tang hop dispalure tir axetilen, cdc chat vO cg, hit cv (chira khéng qué 5 cacbon). 3, Tir qua bd két, ngudi ta tach duge hop chat K (CisH;4¢). Khi cho K tic dung voi CH3VAg20 (du) roi thuy phan véi xiic tée a-glycozidaza thi thu dugc M (C5HisOs) va N. Hop chat M thuge day L véi cfu hinh tuyét d6i cia C2 gidng C3 nhung khéc C4 va C5. Néu oxi hod M bing axit nitric thi trong hdn hgp san pham cé axit axetic mi khéng co axit propionic hodc dan xuat ctia né. Khi cho N tic dng véi dung dich KMnO, thi tgo thinh mét cip dong phin threo c6 cig céng thie phan tir CoHioOy déu khong lam mat mau nude brom. Hay xée dinh céng thite Kip thé cla K, M, N va vé chu dang bén cla K. C&iu 3. (3,5 diém) 1. Viét cdc tée nhain, diéu kign phan ting (néu c6) thay cho dau chdm hoi (?) va ‘viét cOng thite cfu tao ca cdc hop chat hitu co F, G, H, I, J dé hoan thanh so 46 chuyén héa sau: On No, RN, NO. Newt No, HO. No, HO NU, ei Ore ye OY LL \ J 2 x % cs é ‘ ZO yp OH | LEI eson9 Trang 1/2 2. Hay giai thich co ché cia cde phan ting sau: » ° a cHO gud » 1.08, : “, 9 0 7 210 H,C(COOH) nC D2 y Cau 4. (3,5 diém) 2, D-Galactopiranozo duge chuyén hod thanh axit ascorbic theo so 48 sau: oHLon HO, on OW ow Q C) o @ HO waa “OF OH HO ,, COOH D-Galactopiranczs ca c uf M1 {coon ol LN gy " Oy, @ HO Ce HO“ Nao eet ae aw 0 Cy ty Ls ie c HO OH Axit ascorbic Viét cdc tée nhan (a), (b), (), (B, (g) va cong thite 1ap thé phd hop voi dé bai cla cae hop chat htru co D-galactopiranozo, A, B, F, H. Biét ring, & giai doan cudi cing xay ra sy thiy phan, tautome héa va lacton héa. Cau 5, (4,0 diém) 65-25 °C, cho dong dign mét chiu c6 cudmg dO 0,5A di qua binh dign phiin chia 2 dign cue platin ning trong 200 mL dung dich gbm Cu(NOs)2 0,020 M, Co(NOs)a 1,0 M, HNOs 0,010 M. 1. Viét phuong trinh cée nira phan img c6 thé xay ra trén catot va anot trong qué tr inh dign phan. 2. Khi 10% lugng ion kim logi dau tién bj dign phan, ngudi ta ngét mach dign va ndi dodn mach hai ove cca binh dién phiin. Hay cho biét hign tuomg xy ra va viét phurong trinh phan ting minh boa. 3, Xéc dinh khoang thé cia ngudn dign ngoai dat vio catot dé c6 thé dign phan hoan toan ion thir nit trén catot (coi qua trinh dién phin 1a hon toan khi néng 46 cita ion bj dién phan cdn Iai trong dung dich la 0,005% so voi ndng dé ban dau). 44 Tinh thé tich khi thoat ra (Aktc) trén ant sau khi dign phn durge 25 phiit. Khi d6, gif tr thé catot 1a bao nhiéu? Chdp nhdn: Ap suét riéng phan cia khi hidro py, = 1 atm; khi tinh todn khong ké dén qua thé; nhigt dO dung dich khéng thay déi trong sudt qué trinh dign phan. “ho: Eo neo Cho: ED, ary 0337 Vs Be aticg™ “0277 Vs hang s6 Faraday F = 96500 C.mol"!, 6 25°C: 2a008F 0592. = —-— HET * Thi sinh Khong duege ste dung tai ligu; * Gidmm thi khong gidi thich gi thém. Trang 2/2 VADAO TAO KY THI CHON HQC SINH GIOI QUOC GIA Ba ee LOP 12 THPT NAM 2011 } y CHINE jan: 180 phit (khdng ké hoi gian giao dé) Nedy thi thirhai: 12/01/2011 (Dé thi c6 02 trang, gdm 15 cau) i u due xuat phat tir mét té bao bj dét bién nhiéu ln din dén mat kha ning digu hoa phan bao, hily gid thich tai sao tdn 6 ngudi bj bénh ung thu & ngudi gid cao hon so véi & ngudi tre, b) Thye nghigm cho thay, néu nudi cdy té bao binh thuing cla ngudi trong mdi truéng nhan tgo trén dia petri (hép long) thi céc té bao chi tiép tue phin bio cho t6i Khi tao nén mot Iép don bao phii kin toan bé bé mat dia petri. Tuy nhién, néu hy 1 bao bj ung thu cia cing loai mé nay va nudi ss trong di kign tuong ty thi cdc té bao ung thu sau khi phan bao phi kin bé mat dia petri van tiép tuc phan chia tao thanh nhigu ldp té bao chéng lén nhau. Tir két qua nay, hay cho biét d9t bién da lam héng co ché nao ctia té bao khién ching tiép tuc phan chia khéng ngimg. Gidi thich. Cau 2. (1,0 diém) a) Logi ARN nao la da dang nhit? Logi ARN nao cé s6 lugng nhiéu nhat trong té bao nhan thuc? Giai thich. 'b) Co mét dét bién xay ra trong gen quy dinh mét chudi polipeptit chuyén b6 ba 5*-UGG-3" ma hoa cho axit amin triptophan thanh b6 ba 5’-UGA-3" 6 gitta ving mi hod cia phan tir mARN. Tuy vay, trong 1€ bao Iai cdn cé mOt dét bién thit hai thay thé nucleotit trong gen ma hod tARN tao ra cdc tARN c6 thé “sita sai” d6t bién thir nhét. Nghia la dot bién this hai “ét ché” dugc su biéu hign cia dét bién thir nhat, nhd tARN lic nay vain doc duge 5°-UGA-3" nhu la b6 ba ma hoa cho triptophan, Néu nhu phin tir tARN bj dot bién nay tham gia vao qua trinh dich ma cia gen binh thutmg khée quy dinh chudi polipeptit thi s® dan dén hau qua gi? Chu 3. (1,0 diém) Néu hai khéc bigt chinh gitta m@t gen cu tric dién hinh cda sinh vat nhan so (vi khudn) voi mgt gen ign hinh cia sinh vat nhan the, CAu tric cba céc loai gen nay ¢6 ¥ nghia gi cho cdc sinh vat nhan so va nhan thyc’ Chu 4. (1,0 diém) a) Lai thugn-nghich c6 ¥ nghia gi trong nghién citu di truyén hoc? Gidi thich. b) Trong chon gidng, nhiéu khi nguéi ta thyc hign phép lai tré lai: Vi dy, lai déng thuan ching A voi ding thuin ching B ri sau dé cho con lai lai trd Iai v6i ding A. Dai con sinh ra sau dé Iai tiép tue cho lai tré Iai véi ding dong A ban dau va qua trinh lai tro lai nhur vay duge lap di lp lai nhidu lan. Hay cho biét cach lai tré lai nhu vay nhim myc dich gi? Giai thich, CAu 5. (1,0 diém) © mét loai thye vét, c6 ba kiéu hinh cénh hoa khéc nhau: Cénh hoa tring chm d6 (TD), edinh hoa 46 sim (DS) va cénh hoa 46 nhat (DN). Cé hai dong thudn TD khéc nhau (ki higu la TDI va TB2) khi tién hanh dem lai véi hai dong thudn DS va DN thu duge két qua nhu sau: Saaull Cap bd, me dem lai (P)_ | Kigu hinh Fy bap Seana 1 TDI x DN 100% TD 480) 40119 [ieee TDI x DS 100% TD | 99 0 32 3 DS x DN 100% DS 0 B 132 4 TD2 x DN 100% TD" 193 | 64 a 5 TH2 * DS 100% TD 286 | 24 74 Quy lut di truyén chi phdi kiéu hinh cdnh hoa 6 loai thyc vat nay lA gi? Hay cho biét kiéu gen cla bin cd bd, me (P) duge dem lai & cde phép tai trén Cau 6, (2,0 diém) 1) Cac nha khoa hoc nhéin thay céc 46t bién di béi do thira mgt nhiém sc thé khde a 6 ngudi thuong gay cchét 6 cde giai doan khée nhau trong qué trinh phat trién cia od thé bi dt bign. Giai thich tgi sao lai o6 sur khée nhau nhur vay. b) Cac thé dot bién chuyén doan gitta céc nhiém sac thé c6 nhimg dae diém gi khée biét véi cdc loai thé dot bién cau tric nhiém séc thé khac? Néu y nghia cia dét bién nay trong chon gidng va trong tién héa. Cfiu 7. (1,0 diém) Dyra trén co sé khoa hoc no mé ngudi ta tién hanh lai phan 7? Néu va gi Jai phan ti. thich cde img dung thye tin cia Au 8, (2,0 diém) Trong mét quin thé ngudi, co toi 84% dan s6 co kha ning nhfin biét mai vj coa chat héa hoc phenyltiocarbamide, s6 cdn Iai thi khéng. Kha ning nbén biét mui vj cla chét nay la do alen tri A nim trén nhiém sc thé thuémg quy dinh; khéng cé kha nding nay Id do alen a quy dinh. a) Quan thé nay phai c6 nhimg digu kién ndo méi cé thé tinh duge tin se alen A va a? Gidi thich. ) Trong quan thé néu trén, mot ngudi din Gng o6 kha n&ng nhan biét duge mii vi chat phenyltiocarbamide ldy ngudi vg khéng c6 quan hé ho hang voi anh ta va cling c6 kha ning nhén biét chét héa hoc trén, Hay tinh xac sudt cp vg chdng nay sinh con trai dau long khéng ¢6 kha ning nhan biét chét phenyltiocarbamide, néu quan thé nay cn biing di truyén. ©) Gia sir trong s6 nhiéu c&p vg chéng ma ca vg va chong déu la dj hgp tir vé cp alen néi trén (Aa) va déu co 4 con, thi ti I phan tram sO cp vg chdng nhur vay c6 ding ba ngudi con c6 kha ndng nhgn biét mai vi cia chit héa hoc phenyltiocarbamide vi mgt ngudi khéng c6 kha ndng nay la bao nhiéu? CAu 9. (2,0 diém) a) Trong digu kign nao thi sy da dang di truyén cia quan thé sinh vat sinh sén hitu tinh sé bj suy gidm? Giai thich. b) Higu qua cia chon gc ty nhién phy thude vao cdc yéu 16 nado? Giai thich, Cau 10. (1,0 diém) ‘Néu nhiing diém khéc nhau co ban gitta qué trinh hinh thanh loai méi bing céch Ii sinh thai va qua trinh hinh thanh Todi bling da b9i héa. Cfu 11. (1,0 diém) Céc ving khic nhau cita cing mét gen & sinh vat nhan thyc c6 thé tién héa voi téc 46 khée nhau. Hay thich. Cfiu 12. (2,0 diém) a) Phan biét méi quan hé vat an thit-con mdi véi mdi quan hé vat ki sinh-vat chi. Cho mét vi du vé mg ‘dung cia méi quan hé vat an thit-con mdi trong phong trir cén tring gay hai bing bign phép sinh hoc. b) Vi sao rua tai dé ofing nhu éc buou ving da nhp vao Viét Nam lai cé thé gay nén nhiing tac hei to Ign trong néng nghiép? Gisi thfch. Cau 13. (1,0 diém) ) Gidi thich tgi sao qué trinh dign thé sinh thai trong ty nhién Jai thuéng din ra theo mot trinh ty xée dinh va c6 thé dan dén hinh thanh mt quan xa tuong 46i dn dinh. b) M6t s6 dan tc mién mui thutmg dét rly dé lay dat trong cdy Iuong thyc, nhung chi canh tac duge vai nam rdi lai phai chuyn di noi khéc. Hay cho biét ba con nng dn phai lam gi dé cé thé trong céo cy ong thyc lau dai ma khéng phai chuyén i noi khdc? Giai thich. C&u 14. (2,0 diém) a) Néu va gidi thich nhiing tée dng cia con ngudi khién mt loai ong vat c6 nguy co bj digt vong. Néu mt loai dang cé nguy co bj digt vong thi ching ta can phai cé bign php gi dé duy tri va phat trién loai nay? b) Hinh bén ghi lai sy bién dng s6 Iuong cia quan thé tring dé gidy durge nudi trong phing thi nghigm. S6 lugng cé thé (cde cham den trén hinh) rat phi: hop véi dang dé thj hinh char S, Diéu kign thi nghiém phai thé nao thi mdi cé duge kiéu tang truémg cla quan thé nhur vay? Vao ngay thé bao nhiéu trong ° 3 ro 15 thai gian thi nghiém thi quan thé c6 t6c d6 tang truéng nhanh ‘Thet sinwasiy nhat? Giai thich. séwagting inst 8 Cau 15, (1,0 diém) : + Hinh bén mé ta cde dao dai dong duge xuat hign gn nh cling mét thei diém, ki higu A, B, C, D va E. Hay cho biét 4, dao nao c6 46 da dang thanh phiin loai cao nhét va dao nao 6 d6 da dang thanh phan loai th4p nhét, néu thoi gian tién hod ca cdc loai sinh vét 6 trén cdc dio la nh nhau? Gidi thich, HET-— * Thi sinh khing duge sit dung tai ligu. * Gi thi khong gid thich gi thém. BO GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO. KY THI CHON HQC SINH GIOI QUOC GIA. LOP 12 THPT NAM 2011 Mén: TIN HOC Thoi gian: 180 phiit (khdng ké thai gian giao dé) thi thi hai: 12/01/2011 6 03 trang, gdm 03 bai) DE THI CHINH THUC TONG QUAN NGAY THI THU HAI | I Tén bai Fite chong trinh | File die liéu vao File két qua [Baia | Néidiém den trang BWPOINTS. BWPOINTS.INP | BWPOINTS.OUT [BMS Tr horn PARIGAME.” | PARIGAME,NP | PARIGAME.OUT | Baié | Nang cdp mang _[UPGRANET.” | UPGRANET.INP | UPGRANET.OUT Diu * duge thay thé boi PAS ho§e CPP ciia ngon ngitI§p trinh duge sir dung twong ting la Pascal hofe C++, Hay lap trinh gidi cdc bai todn sau: Bai 4. (6 diém) N6i diém den trang Trén tryc sé thye cho n diém den va n diém tring hoan toan phan biét. Cae diém den 6 toa do nguyén ay, ap, ..., dy con cde diém tring 6 toa dd nguyén 5), hz, .... By. Ngudi ta muén chon ra k diém den va k diém tring dé néi mdi mét diém den véi mot diém tring sao cho k doan thing tao duge ddi mét khong ¢6 diém chung. Yéu cdu: Cho toa d6 cia n diém den a), a, ..., dq Va toa dO cita n dim tréing 6), Bp, ... by, hy tim gid tri k lon nhat thoa man yéu cu néu trén, Dir ligu: Vao tir file van bin BWPOINTS.INP: © Dong thir nhat chira sé nguyén duong n(n < 10°): © Dong thir hai chita cde $6 ay, dp, .., dy (lai $10", 1= 1,2... 0); * Dong thir ba chita cdc 86 bj, bo, .., Pa(|b;| $10", f 1,2, sn). Cac sé trén cling mét dong duge ghi cach nhau it nhat m6t ddu cach. Két qua: Ghi ra file vin ban BWPOINTS.OUT mét sé nguyén duy nhat la sé & 1én nhét tim duge. Vidy: . EWPOINTS. INP | BNPOINTS OUT Rang bude: 50% sé tests ting v6i 50% s6 diém cia bai 06 1 0) ta phai tri m9t chi phi dling bing A. Vigc nang cp mang phai dim bao la sau khi hoa tt, thong lugng eiia m&i doan cép i déu bing thong lugng cia dudng truyén tin c6 thong hong lon nhat ti may us t6i may vi. Yéu cu: Tim phuong n nang cp cae doan cép mang sao cho tng chi phi nang cdp 1A nhé nbiét. Dé ligu: Vao tir file van ban UPGRANET.INP © Dang thir nhat chita hai sé nguyén duong n, m (n, m < 10°); © Dong thir / trong sé mz dong tigp theo chtta ba s6 nguyén duong 4; v5 w; (w; $ 109, 7= 1,2, Cac s6 trén cing mét dong duge ghi cach nhau it nhét mét dau céch, Két qua: Ghi ra file van ban UPGRANET.OUT mét s6 nguyén duy nhat li téng chi phi nang cép theo phuong 4n tim duge. Vidy: [UpcRaNer. inp | UPGRANET. our 67 5 2 126 3-2) ; ee 3 4) 7 243 349 —G nod o~ © ace 567 Rang bude: 50% sé tests img vai 50% sé diém ciia bai 06 n < 100. ete Het © Thi sinh khong duoc sit dung tai ligu © Céin b6 coi thi khéng gidi thich gi them. Trang 3/3,

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