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102/- - ___ Construction DX CRYSTAL RADIO RECEIVER | By JOSEPH AMAROSE OF THE BEST-PERFORMING LOW-PRICED, ALL CHANNEL ANTENNA ON THE MARKET! THE FRINGE AREA ‘You con enjoy perfect long-range television reception for 10 days with a Fringe ‘Area Buttery — and it STAL rad Won't cost you @ cant for its use, fer. They. search everlasting’r fora newer, better elrenit shat sammer mights, dx came in with in- To acquaint you with this outstond- iL oxeel_ their previous best pressive regulaiity ing new all-channel antenna, Tel-a- | etort. They want better volume, greai- No Tess Hmpressive is the selecticty Ray will ‘send you o Fringe Area jer selectivity, higher sensitivity. Sver- of this rig. All six of the Rickmont Buiterfly you can use for 10 days, |lastingly, t09, thay miust_ com Ineals aze foveived clearly with no 2 f ze for 10 devs. for no. sash’ optimum state. ean -be noving hash or erosetaik, And three ct Hf you want to keep the Buttery | cseved. Oecaslonslly. an experimentes there stations aro only 40 ke apart! efier 10 days, you may do so ct @ |ioes find s einenit that 5s o@ ‘Worse stil, one is 2 soak sister be rice of only $29.95 (list price) for | Suen is the hookup shown. Non fhveen tro stsong ones wets he four-bay aay shown above. if caver, basicaly the cis sll-with ease, With proper eo-ordinatio rot, send it right back Hsmnts of control i lene ro 510 fo 1 : Geom addee. Nor most the reader ke) can be buned in with just the ont Your only cost fer using this match | expect that rain tuning isl. Tested im Baltimore Jess, long-range, all-chenne! antenna | the desived chavacterist by BA Schuman, ancther old-timer for 10 days isthe shiping charge ox (Who. has. spent (ovho bus ehis eet), the vaceiver Give “your family o7 customer TY testing ond building ¢ igbt reception at its best Tea Telso-Ray exclusive : Orleans and Cleveland were most ite quently logged. Even on the hottes ustomer TV, | Supetsdoopens?) does pon nore ditant WEOP. tn Washinetor ya Bunterfy! | Otol, versatile veeeiver that has D.C. Consisieitly given fine results Volume on the (CUE inne Ginter Lin Vinginis) this mond!'s WANE, 5,000-watt te ; secures Linen stations from Canada ee miles: aut, operated a. magnon TE Bm Bw RAY ccs esc the dete to the Speaker tou eum to bo heard coat | . eet Ga Somestmar as cory as 8 25 Jeet from ths roproducer. Tt doesnt ENTERPRISES, INC. pm. ‘ivaremitters in Atlanta, Louls- shake the wafters but every word of nitters in Atlanta, Louis shake vie xe lisible at that distance Js is high, Rich stteny these results achieved: Suse | wt for good dx, the anteane | wt eof tho bese, A 125-Fot om “as used, 31 feet high, with the jan from the iar ends this pan tak " (Eos than the osu SL espe ver ntenna wire to the set was 25¢ yaeria's are 0. ff high SoeePantenna weave feeb, Lay Le BO Se vend only whey Seo gO ions interfere, Set CL so it | BE Se mose srostlesome station Bax work, eliminate this trap en- yt is higher. pyc rps "Fhe main toning coil, L3, 1s an URL odern. Radio Laboratories, 1131 V4 lite Drive, Redwood City, Cab.) “pwsloss" type, The consiatictor can F make his own by winding $0 tums of ‘ouble-catten-covered wire on a Bich (accual winding is 9 inches). Br aleyer of very thin coil cement to rseke IKstick to the coil and tap both ant anf seemdary sides. Tap the antenna Side evers three turns from the Srd to lie Slst, and tap the secondary every five turns from the Sth to the S0¢h, Lit the tums with an ice pick to sold ‘A standard 2-gang capacitor is for C2 and C3, with @ 500-nuE te serosa the second #4 spreading on high freq n, for tand- | ney end, Ade fiat this trimmer, C4, for best vetame | a a 1000 Switeh 1 5 Drimers-coil. tap. hath he. impe Tone in all locals, Bist gives best. solocti Volume, and leave. set fad esvieen 2 Deals sensit Ts the variable trap, Li, 4 Cervon S645 coil 18 avy, seoondary and variable cop are series hooked, An “optional co tion! is shown. If used, if makes a co JP Yentiona! wave trap of the section. Not sa), another tupable ciecult. is pro- VideG, geting like a series-tuned loading coll and capacitor, With this arrange- | individual, until he ean loo! ent, tuning is better. OctoseR, 1952 vs THE MODERN a OWIG TECHNIGIAN HAS A NEW VIEWPOINT! Achanging attitude on the part of the radio and television service teeh- nician is the thing that is pulling the electronic service profession out of the doldrums. He is learning that he cannot call himself 2 success. a= au around and see other techmieians who have he can admire or compare with his own. As long as there are too many in his profession operat- ing without scruples, and trying to get along under a “hand to mouth” economic operation without ade- quate testing instruments and other technical aids, there is not mach to His interest and attendance at the local service astociation meeting showe that the modern Electronic ‘Technician is beginning to look be. yond the “tip of his soldering iron.” ‘Through these associations, he is rapidly geining recognition. not only in his own community, but also in the vast electronic industry, a3 hheing an essential link between the manufacturer and consumer Jn addition to getting vsluable technical. “know-how” from non commercial sponsored lectures and demonstrations, he ic finding out how to make his business bring a fair rewumn on his rather Jerge ine yestment in training, experience, and testing instruments, He ie alco Ieraing hw 0 he fale 1 hath Mo Gusteuters aod hiawell hy Keeping Sie sknow-how” and test equipment tupterdate anil not resorting to price chesiog for his service bn diagnosh pou echnicians gain that fecling of i reepect and esteem among theuvelves by reeasding each ather a business astoeites instead of Fae Competition, theis most velusble ae fet_teghniesl “knawehow"™—vill no Tonger be obscured, The teclsieian’s tin matters which affect velfaye ill lead himn avd 7 The th to pour service ooganization Sour hitave thet sill he patd Back Toay, many times Oar 25th Your SUPREME Testing Instruments “SUPREME BY COMPARISON TUBE TESTERS » SIONAL OENERATORS DPaNt Evens =. MULTIMETERS fosciucscorts ‘reemwood 2, Misisipgt 104| PHOTOFACT USERS TELL THE EXPERT WAY | Merten! Be saree: BS applicable PHOTO. 8 aion, woduatving. er ONE TOOL YOU'LL USE OH EVERY J08 Hees what round in PHOTOEACT Fates: 4 the eilsive fears Suanaare Notaan Sehe= Gacram chassis view photos top and bottom Shes comple ment nstasions in iedag som oreep eeu sdlutnems se) -veh eg NOW HERE'S HOW YoU AVE TIME AND EARN MORE You ready to tackle the SSPHOTORACT treare it sseons be oeation chart shows yo. which one on the achomatc-avatasle st placement” Tos answer Hist For these ani ¢ hundred other proers FHOTOPACE peovidea tho naan coor sl om That's Why the experts ase PHOTOPACE Svat deel seilarelent paletalit cher fa if you're not using the Expert Way— we'll prove you'll save time and earn more with PHOTOFACT service data SERVICE TECHNICIANS HERE'S OUR OFFER: Well sand you any Photo- fact Folder listed in Technical Digest.” dex, get a Free copy from your local Photofect distributor ce writo ve For i to- day. To obtain Fres Folder, be sure to Siete Photofact Set end Folder Number ‘exactly as shown in the Index. NOW—learn fo expert tervice is invalusble data F succesful, prof: our epee folder ve. Then try the 7 ery nest job Expert Way on x ous can't afford 20 You'll discover whe be without Pitotoricr NOTE: Our FREE Foie oe ied to Service Techniians eaty,Atach coupon mention your jobost name, Exper fort and others may shisin the shown below. ee are as | P nowaro w, sans 4 co, ic E2086 teh iy leno i “hepacorn tetas BSS LL Gr ined a he ae Elen entigernene. tvs § Pane Re ia E Phojefoet Sor nace t1vEeT OO, F sget conn § ee donee Sten PAY AS TOU EARII Ark your Sntitorebout Ih devrait lars Only $18.39 pul the ene your Tv and Radio repair | Construction he ground for thie eet was the 9 in a wall. This makes the best possi round connection algal me Showed slmest twice ‘as much ssa Strength st with other" grounds | aban dweler should" ase cold nse? pes, wth the wice altiched ele fhe earth. Aatitonal grounds aig boost signat ‘strength and ave ween. | mended Operating the set |. The settings obviously will diter in j éach locality, depending upon the fee. gaencies employed by the local trane. miitters. Individual experimyert is nes ssary to determine optimiim settings of contrals. Generally, for ax works liminate the antenna wave trap, throw 82 to the BROAD position, and ‘do nob ko. the “optional. conection.” For | best selectivity, use the antenna wave trap, move $2 fo the stuecrive position and hook up the deTaNaL CONNECTION | With ‘the connection closed, tune the teimmer C8 to loudest volume on 1000-ke station, Tais completes all ade portant to position both wave-trap eu 4 fay as possible rom the main taste Gvil Tne scleesioisy ail be peor if tho seagnetio felds are allowed fo affect each other A word about “signal meters" The serious ds fan will do well tp cosicer ‘sng solve micecanmer exe the phone post, 7 determine peak sg. nal strength. All thy unaeusl rest achieved by this receiver ave due fo he 1st of wich a ston Many mont sige wnt the sheuitsrrangemett vas, aries more tine was spent in deternrinng the lest aerial and groond esrangements i the optim conditions were quice ip revealed hy the meter rontings. By the cutand-ry aural method. ually | bse) optimam conditions could not be very readily determined, These mutes Ere ll available ar prices under S10. Surplus houses. A 200smieroampere it Strument is ideal, Especially usefl | this device in pieking out the tpt se | sitive detestoct some ersstals give twice as mich output no thers, and a meter an spot Fon best ove than ita For wask stations and dx werk, this srost important, The valve of fuce Inserament helping to get dstan cannot be overemphasized, Finally, super ecient a6 th reationed Serer anigh travagant cia Se made for weiter can of the la frop of asi Soph the yee [EEE ne stands head and. spoulaen above the orowi. Made according Seevifcations, it should ‘provide, entertainment | cont TABLE ELSE supne No 30 eaaneldwie wound ever t2 ETERS Et Nee W ecatced Wee as see Tie Settee als Cheats SEES [STor-tmpedance antians gel will werk wel | EESpMufea deublecstng-coieed yiee eee fetes Le hobbyist with no end of pleneure ond

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