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Sculptris 1.

/Tomas Pettersson,



MMB Rotate View

Shift+MMB Pan View
Ctrl+Alt+LMB Zoom View

Alt+LMB Rotate View

Alt+RMB Pan View

Scroll Wheel Zoom

Z Lock camera to nearest view

Free Camera This used to toggle between Trackball/Turntable, not any more apperently.
Auto Pivot I can't see the difference :)
Tablet Navigation Note, in Tablet Navigation 'Space Bar' menu is disabled!

[ The Trackball/Turntable navigations seem to have been incorporated into one. If your Click for
'Rotation' is outside of centre and you roll around an imaginary ball ... you will rotate the
view as in 'Trackball', it will AutoPivot as soon as you approach an axis. Clicking in centre
when Rotating will rotate as 'Turntable'. ]



Brush Controls UI on top (drag gizmo to adjust)

Space Pop-up brush controls (drag gizmo to adjust)

Space+LMB U/D Brush Size
Space+LMB L/R Bresh Strength

[] Brush Size
,. Brush Size
3 Toggle Size (Tablet Preassure dependant)
4 Toggle Strength (Tablet Preassure dependant)

1 Toggle Mask (PAINT Only)

2 Toggle Texture (PAINT Only)

L Lazy Mouse Toggle



- Pressing tool hotkey again when tool is active will toggle its main property
- Pressing S will toggle the secondary

Ctrl+LMB Inverse Sculpt

RMB Inverse Sculpt

X Inverse Sculpt Lock Toggle

A Airbrush
L Lazy Mouse
Q Toggle Detail to Zero (when on zero 'dynamic localyzed tessalation' will be off)

D Draw
E Crease
B Smooth
F Flatten
G Grab
C Inflate
Y Reduce Brush (autoActivates Wireframe)

M Mask
Ctrl+I Invert
Ctrl+A Select all
Ctrl+D Deselect all
Backspace Clear/Fill Mask Toggle
Ctrl+F Clear/Fill Mask Toggle

R Rotate
T Scale
P Set Rotation/Scale Pivot Point (when Global is activated on Rotate/Scale)


W Wireframe Toggle

H+LMB Hold and click or drag to hide areas or objects.

H+RMB Isolates area
Ctrl+H Show All


TAB Show/Hide UI



LMB Select Object

Shift+LMB Add Object to Selection
Ctrl+A Select All
Ctrl+D Deselect All
Ctrl+I Invert
Del Delete Selected Object
Ctrl+N Add New Sphere

9 Disable Rendering of mirrored Half

0 Update/Refresh geometry (after using reduce brush, sometimes you need to refresh the
displayed geometry with it!)


PAINT Mode Specific

D Paint Color
B Paint Bump
Ctrl+F Fill

C+LMB Color Picker

S Color Selector

1 Toggle Mask (PAINT Only)

2 Toggle Texture (PAINT Only)

T Brings up UV View

Show Advanced Tools:

Export PSD Use this for prejection painting in an external app (like ZApp Link)
Import PSD Use this to pick up the projection painting back to Sculptris

Combine Color and Bump Allows you to paint both at the same time

If tablet sensitivity feels wierd in PAINT mode (you have to press way too hard on buttons etc), go to OPTIONS
Pressure Sensitivity - max it out.



F1 Quick Help
F6 Brings up memory usage info



Most tools will be relatively easy to understand by just experimenting with them for a little bit. They are not very

- Grab, Scale and Rotate can be switched into "Global mode", in which they will manipulate the whole selected
region rather than just the area you're pointing at.

Crease Draw creases or folds. Inverse will make a ridge.

Rotate Rotate brush region. Click and drag outside the circle.
Scale Scale brush region horizontally and vertically.
Draw Draw/lift smooth features on the surface. Inverse will push down or draw holes.
Flatten Push surface towards the local plane. Inverse will deform and amplify details.
Grab Move a region freely in the image plane. No inverse.
Inflate Expand in the direction of the surface. Inverse will deflate/contract.
Pinch Squish the surface towards cursor, tightening creases and corners. Inverse will do the opposite.
Smooth Soften features to make an area smoother and rounder. No inverse.
Reduce brush Remove triangles to decrease mesh density in the area touched.

ReduceSlctd Automatically reduce detail of the selected areas. Will primarily remove small triangles from flat
areas where you won't notice it very much. This helps to maintain performance and memory usage

Subdivide all Split all polygons to increase detail of the whole scene.

Symmetry Mirror all operations to make an object with complete horizontal symmetry. Note that enabling thi
will delete the right half of your mesh and any shapes you may have sculpted there. Use undo to
disable it and get them back.
New Sphere Create a new sphere to make a new scene or add it to the current one.
New Plane Create a new plane to make a new scene or add it to the current one.

Import OBJ Import an existing OBJ file. Useful if you want multiple objects for sculpting, or somewhat more
complex topology than a sphere. Compatibility is limited. Use single closed triangulated mesh(es)
without sharp corners, and with less than 24 connections per vertex (no high-resolution spheres,
unless they are geospheres)

Export OBJ Export model as Wavefront OBJ, for use in other applications. The exported model will have
vertices, triangles and vertex normals. Texture coordinates if painted.

Save Save project.

Open Open project.


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