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COOF :03



Time: 3 liulIl'~ llO.JU A.M. lo L}U 1',1\1.) D.ur: ~.tju !)t"':,-· ':1:i;5.

( r.:;·,:,c!..SC1":_o, .. ~.")

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i,l ax. i\!j 11I·k s : I )(J

I :(rn:.~·:

I. Attempt FI '13 Ouesuons in all.

ii. At!empt Two Question from Part-l and one Quesl!cf' each rim:;

Part -11.111 & IV

iii. nil Questions cany equal marks.

1\1. Illustrate your answer with neat sketches.

v. AI! answers are to be written in English only.

vi. This Question paper contains Nin~ Question and is (If two pages.


(Attempt any TWO questions) Q.1. Vvrite short notes on any two of the following?

a) Arhai Din Ka Jhopra

b) lbrahlm Rouza BijaplJr

c) Tomb of Sher Shah Sun. Sasaram

~. _ .... ":I"


Q.2. Discuss tne architectural features of Fatehpur Sikri and give de~lis of 8;"1:' two buildings of lhis complex.


Q.3. Discuss the evolution of mosque design grving examples coverirq

Sultanate, Provincial and Mughal period. Give ske ches, (20)


{Attempt any ONE question}

Q.4. The Industrial revolutlon provided a tremendous impetus to the _-se of ir(. ..... steel and glass In buildings. Describe any two typicc:11 building exavioles ci this period.



COO' '0, 2()·'


Time: ) Hours (LO.30 a.ur. to 1.30 p.m.) Dntc: 21Jt December 2005(\Vcu!1csd:l.') Ma, .i\I:trk.: IOl]


1. AnclIlpl Five Quesuens in nllincluding Q.l, which is compulsory.

2. Attempt One Question each from Part-I,ll, III & TV.

3. All Questions carryequal marks.

4. Hiustrnte your answer with neat sketches.

S. All answers ure to be written in English only.

G. This Question papercontains 2 pages and 9 questions.

Q.l. Explain any rour or the folluwing:-

:'I) Incincrntcrs

b) Act ivnted sludge pro cess

c) IJII.I rni 0:1 tion

d} Rain Water Harvc tinv .) Reservoirs


(Attempt nn . ONE question)

Q._. Wrile short notes 011 anr two of th following?

:1) luspectiun chamber

b) CCSSIl ol

c) Sl"Hic talll, (10 2 =20)

Q.J. Uillcn'lIli:11 IJ 'Iwe'" om ...... "ipt· Ollltl two-pipe system of dr:1illngc

gi \'i,,~ :tjl pi ica I inns :lml at! nllllllgcs/d isndva n tag s of each (20)


.om: ·0.2UI (I ~KI':TCII)

'11 III: 12 II OUf'S ( 1 n.30 :1.111. 104 .J,O rUII.) M:lx.i\'1:lrks: :wo

Thul'Sliny c r.::. Frid!\jl

o:\!c: 22ml & 23"' December 2005.

1llstrucliOlls 10 Cnudidat

1. You are r quir'cd 10 submit rat the end of the first day sketches sho ving layout plan plans and sections and ~Iey~tions to explain concept of the scheme, which. will not b r turned.

2. No major deviation from the above will be permitted.

3. Prescribed scnlcs should be foHowed.

4. Assume nny data not given and state the same cle:trJy. S. This paper contains 1 page and I sketch,

You nr'e required to design C TURAL CE TRE on the sue as per given site plan.


I. Reception Un!!

Scrnin.Ilr 190m

s. Librnry

4. Art Cailery S. Art Studio

6. 'dio ludic

I. Cafelaria with Kitchen

8. Toilets for Ladies and Gents

9. Open air theatre for 200 nersons vith stage and Ch:Hlging Rooms/Toilets for Ladies arrrl GenIs.

150 sq.l11 •
ISO sq.m,
150 sq.m.
150 sq.m.
ISO q.rn.
200 sq.rn. n, DRA WlcNG' RF.QUrnEI>

I. Lnyout Jilau I: SOt) . 50 III arks
2. Plans, £J('v'lliOlls and • eli .. ns 10
r:<pl;,ill Ih (Icsigll 1:200 . [UII 111;\ rks
3. Pc rSJI I!"CI i c View :-u III rks
iii" If· ~ ,. ~ "'". .. II'! ,. ···2 .. -



150 /17


t_-- ~-

I- PPIl..O AcH

20 f.I Iv I DE Rol' b


II S ,.,


L_ - -_

30 m WIDE: R.ollb




Max. Ground COVCf'ilgC Max. Permissible Ileight




cour. NO. W2


Time; 4 Hours (10.30 'l.I1I, to 2.30 p.m.) 1\1:I,..Ma.rh.:;: 150


Ibtc: 211,1, December 2005.

I use ruel iOlls:

I. Answer :lny THREE questions including Question Number J which is compulsoN in Part I andanswer any 2 questiens with labeled sketches from Part-H.

2. All answers 10 the Questions should be written in ENGLISH only.

3. This paper contains J page and -, questions.


Q.l. 'Yrlte short notes with sketches on IIny Feur of the foliowing:

(20 MRI'ks)

:1) Concrete c.asting c) Type.sof glasses c) P.V.C

g) Plnster ef Paris Panels

b) Ferrous & Non-Ferreus metals

d) Difference between painr & varnish I) Fibre rcinfcrced plastics

11) Pnrquet flouring

Q.z. Exp,lain with sketches the uses, enre and raninreaance .of ... :trious

!ypes· of Cnn crete. (15 i\!.~rks)

Q.3. Analyse and itlustrate the use ofchcmicnls in conSh"tH:tion such as

epoxy, polymers, plnsti eizers, hardeners :l od tb e like. (15 Marks)

QA. Describe with sketches the varicus mnterjnls used for floor covering

;t nd pavIng ill construct ion. (IS r arks)


nS\'t'er any h 0 questions with labeled sketches.

Q.s. IUustr;l:c Ihe va.riuns types or and foldmg duors 811e! window~.

(SO Marks] Q .. 6. E.xllia i nth e Ii csi!-;u, cons (l"lIcliu II ,IUd fiu ishi "I! lit-III ils of I he vnrious

IY[lc.~ of H.Cc. s(uircasl:S. (SO Mnks)

Q.7. Ex.plain \\-·i.(ll sketchest he co filii rUCI iou detail!; of f;lisC' ccilillj!:" i neilleli ug

III e dc.\ij.!u cr11 !"ill lIml 8 (I prup ri.lllc fllill eri 111s. (50 M nrlt )

CODE 0.205

Time: 3 Hour" (10.30 a.rn, to 1..30 p.m.) Date: 26Y' Decernb r 2005(Mondny) i\la;:o:_Marks: lOO


1. All questions carry equal marks" answer questions of both the sections in one Auswerbook,

2. Answer to brief & specific, \ ith illustrations if 311)' .:

3. Credit will be given only for individual observations and understanding of th subject.

4. All nnswers (0 the. uestions s·houJd be vrittcn in E GLI H only.

5. his paper contains 2 pages and 7 questions ..

SECTION-1 {An~wer an" three}

.1. :,> "What are the distinct characterisrics of three major climatic zones as

ugg ted b.' .t\" AU inson in 1953? (1 )

b) . plain \ ith dillgram the usefulness of n climate gr:lph 0 n region. 5)

Q.2. 1I1u5· rat with sketches the different types of sh ading devic radiati n in the design of office buildings in India,

to rcdue solar


Q.3. Dis .uss various techniques to be adopted for ensuring dn. lightino and natur-al ventilation ill [he desizn of a school building ill arm humid zone

or lrrdia. ( .... O)

A. a) \ hat i 111· m· Jlsure of III rnn J comfort of India?

IJ) hlclltif: 1:1I"iOIiS lnnd capin clements (hnl directly or indirect! impro e

the thermal com ort conduionin N building in hos-d ry cljrnntc, (lS)









SECTlON-1I (Answer nny two)

Q.5. How does the form and shape of residenriat building ary in nrrn humid

CJimnt over hot dry clim:lIe.? (20)

.6. Discuss the important natural resources to be considered while deslznin

public: building in India. (20)

.7. n) Outllne lhe. major steps or rrocedlJ~e ror " .... k!!!n the Environmental

mpact taternent ror Iarze projects. (1-)

b) Why E.I.A is more r levant over and above Benefit-Cost an .• lysis for

nrchi ecturnl projects? (5

.. ""...... ...

I f


('0 !n: N () lilt. 'IIITECTS

Time: 3 HOIII'S (10.30 n.m, (0 1.30 p.rn.) ;\ In •. IVI;1 ks: IOU

Date: 2.7''' December 2.005 (Tuc.scJny)

IIlSI ru ct ions to C:llldid arcs.

I. Ans\ crTHRE.£ QUESTIO S from PAnT-I nn d TW QUESTIONS rrom P RT-IL

2. Usc or IS: 456-2000, DIS: 800-1998 & reel

Tables i permitted.

J. Assume missing data if any.

-to All answers to rhe question should be written in ENG.U H anguage, 5. This paper contains 7 questions find 2 pages,


Q.l. a) A fixed beam ofspnn 5 m carrie. a concentrated 10. d of200 k at_) meters from tit left end. If the right end sinks by 10 mrn, find fixing moments :11 [he supports. Find also the reactions nt the supports nnd draw B.I L find

S. F diagrams. Take 1 = 3xl01 mm4 and E = zoo k '/mml. (J 0)

b) A cantin unus beam consists uf three successive spans AD, Be and CD of

rn, 10m and 6m. Beam carries loads 'of 60 kN/m 40 !,i'\'/rn and SO kNlm respectively on the spans. If ends and D nrc simpl) su pported,

cnlculnt the support moments, support reactions and draw D.1\·I and .F. di. gl'":lrflS.

( 1.»

Q.II:\) A RC beam 'T' be:un has an effccti .. ·c flange \\ idth of. m and the thickness of slab is 150mm. TIle db is .300mm wid and 600mrn deep.

The b am is reinforced with 6 No.25mm din HYSD bars at an effective depth of 700mm. If the arnde of concrete is 1-20, Calculate the maximum

~', pcrmissiule live load on the beam over an effecti span of 10m. (:3


h] A simply supported rcclangulnr RCC beam Ian :, cI ar span of 6.5m :lntl carries :\11 udl or 34 kl1/m (inclusive of its self weight). The size of the beamis restricted to 3UOmlll x 7S0mlll due (0 nrchitecrurnl requirement " hcnrn is r inferced with 8 NO.10IllTl1 dia BY D bars in l\ 0 layers 011 tension f:ln ;'11 a (1(':11" cover of J0Il1111, :tnd 4 No.30 rum llia IlYSD b:lI's 011 cumprcssiou [nee at an effective cover of·40mlll. Concrete used is M-20 g.-:uJc. Design the sbcar rciuforccmcnt ill the Icrm ofbclIl-llp bars plus

l·."ti-lIl,"IIiTUPS It ill,!: I1YSD 11."1'1 n nt] S'lu~lrh the r infore 'ment dctnils, (10)





Time: 3 II olin (10.30:l.In, (u L30 p.IlI.) Date: 28u, December l005('Vcdll~sdayJ . l nx.Mnrks: J 00

Instrncrions (0 Cnndidnres:

L AU mpt 5 Questions, 3 Questions from Part 1 & 2 questions from Part-It,

2. All the questions (arr), eq unl marks.

3. All answers to the question should be written in ENG· ISH nngu: tic. -J. This paper contains 7 questions and 2 pages.

Q. J. Deline the aims, importanc (,;' term of estimation 1." costiua in tbe buildjll~ indusll"y.

Q.2. xplnin tbe types of estimates commonly used for building works.

Q.3_ Wnr-k out the rate :111:11)'515 of the [ollowing.

a) Excnvation in normal soil.

b) ~'I IS COIICf'Cle for R.Cc. Beams.

c) 12 nun. Th, Cement plasters 1:5 mortar lix.(£:ncrnal Piaster')

d) 40mnL Th. Flooring with sub Iloor.

Q.-l. "'rice hart notes,

a) Dctniled E rimutc,

OJ Oasic principles of economies :IS npphcd 10 bu ildin s & r:lcio;-:. nlTcCliug COSl of building.

c) l)iITcrencc lJch eel! 1'.\".1) & C.P.W.D schedules.

tI) WII:" is III rn thud of recording civil \ ort s & its importnncc?







Q.5. xJll.1in the importanc functions & methods of, riting .specification of the

mater]: Is.

Q.6. How )'I)U \ rite: the specifications for sen-ices like electrical wiring, sanitary fi:<illles.

Q.7. \Vrile short notes.

;!~ Cnnl rncr documents.

b} \V ,-iring sperificnrions for ci il works Or::l sJl11111 project of a house ~ ;Ir(in~ from excavation to finishing.

b} \\'riling specifications of brick & ':lnd in details.



Q,l! I. a) Ucsigu;1 snitnblc HCC column of rectangular section to support Jill axial 10;IU or (200 kN. "" upported len (h of column is 4m, il is effectively held in position nt both ends, restrain tI ag:linst rotation nt one end olily.

U~C M 2S grade concrete nr d HYSD steel. (13)

b) Explaiu v ith nem ikcrchus lhe Iongitudirral nnd transverse beam action

in the context of "Folded Plates", '( 11)

Q.IV n) Design a roof slab of size 3 m x 6m having two adjacent edges discontinuous.

Roof covering \ eighs 2.5 kN per sq m and .roofis appronchnhle, I (IS)

b) Discuss in brief the concept of "P.- tressed Concrete" and Dislinguisl'

between pretensioning and post ten~ion_ing systems of prestressing. (5)


Q, V, Design 1.56m long tie. of!l roof truss using " 0 unequal angle seeticns 'Hided n both sides of 12m thick gusset plate '0 caery an axia force of350k .

Also design Lhe. \ elded conneclion. (1.:')

f). VI. Design a strut in :r roof truss using two unequal nngle sections riveted on both sides of 20m III thick gusset plate to carry :\11 axial o rce of 180 k. '. he lengih of strtu between the-points of intersection is 2 . .)fll. Also desizu

the rive led connection using power driven shop rivets. 1:)

Q. vr I. Calculate the axial lund carrying capacity of f- section ISMD 300 column of length .zSOOmrn. H is cCfceli I)' held in position nd restrained ngninst rutn t ion :11 one end and is DO( held in position lIor restrained :rgnins(

rot;1 tiou !H other en d. ( I -)

P,\ Ifl ~1I l~XAM I



E question}

( t ~npt any

0...1. Describe v. rious (1UI'CCS or water', gi\'ing lhe charncteristics of each. Also xplnin (he process of purificarion and trcatruent of water . any source

you kuow. (IO)

Q.5. Glv details of~ ater supply system for a 3-storeyed building, Also discuss,

various flUios nod pipes used herein. (20)

Q.6. \ rile short notes on any two of the following?

:l) i\lC!l & F.LC'


cntrnl Panel e) Lightening Conductors. l0x2=20)

Q. T, " h. t nrc the various types of wiring systems used in buildings? Exphlin

the nf t)' and precaution while l~ying out, iring. 20)


(Attempt any ONE question)

Q. '. \ h:]( arc the different methods [or disposal of solid waste for ~I ln r cr lown?

DisclI'S Ole ndvantugcs ~1I1l1 disadvantnges of each rn '(hod in brief. (20)

Q.IJ. Discllss in hrief nrethod of rcq ling solid waste. Aloe pl:liu lin:

Collection untl lr.11I5JlOnati "' of solid \ astc, (20)


0.5 Wrile short notes on any (wo of Ih';'! fnilo',Lll: Ir'l

a) Crystal Palace, London

b) Eilfel Tower, Paris

c) Great Exhibitions



(Attempt any ONE question)

0.6. Explain the role and works of any two Master architects from the following?

a) Frank lloyd W~·ght

b) Le Corbusier

c) Mies Van Der Rohe

. (10X2=20)

0.7. Discuss the contnbution of Bahus and thearchitectural philosophy of Vvalter Gropious to the development of modern architecture.



(Attempt any ONE question)

0.8. What we~e the forces that influenced the evolution of post-indendent architecture in India? Giving pertinent examples describe the various kinds of styles practiced in this period. (20)

a,9. Explain in detail the works of anylwo of the (ollowing archi eels through various examples:

a)' Chartes Correa

b) 8. V. Doshi

c) A.P Kanvinde

(1 Dx2=2.0)

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