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1492 IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-104, No.

6, June 1985



Paul C. Krause, Fellow, IEEE

School of Electrical Engineering
Purdue University
West Lafayette, Indiana 47906

Abstract - In 1965 it was shown that all known real induction machine analysis were contained in one general
transformations commonly used in the analysis of induction change of variables which transforms the stator and rotor vari-
machines were contained in one general change of variables. It ables to a frame of reference which may rotate at any angular
is now shown that complex transformations, in particular the velocity or remain stationary. All known real transformations
method of symmetrical components, are also contained in this may then be obtained by simply assigning the appropriate
same general transformation. Hence all change of variables speed of rotation to this so called "arbitrary reference frame."
(transformations), real or complex, commonly used in ac Later [8] it was noted that the stator variables of a synchro-
machine analysis stem from one general transformation. More- nous machine could also be'referred to the arbitrary reference
over, even without prior knowledge of the existence of sym- frame.
metrical components, this method naturally evolves from the Eleven years before Park's publication, C. L. Fortescue [91
general transformation as the logical technique to solve unbal- published his classic paper on the method of symmetrical co-
anced operation of induction machines. This rigorous ordinates (components). This complex transformation found
approach to the sOblution of unbalanced stator or rotor condi- immediate application in the analysis of steady-steady opera-
tions enables one to appreciate the power and flexibility of the tion of unbalanced induction machines which probably pro-
method of symmetrical components in induction machine vided the impetus for his work. There has been a host of pub-
analysis. The general transformation (arbitrary reference lications applying symmetrical components to numerous unbal-
frame) is used to establish the positively and negatively rotat- anced modes of operation of induction machines and other
ing balanced sets for multi-frequency phase variables which complex transformations have evolved in an effort to improve
need only be periodic. The method of symmetrical components or supplement this method; Lyon's [10] work on instantaneous
is then derived from the expressions in the arbitrary reference symmetrical components and Ku's [11] forward and backward
frame. -An open circuited stator phase and unbalanced rotor components are perhaps the best known.
resistors are used as two specific examples to illustrate the When studying the method of symmetrical components
facility of this approach in establishing the symmetrical com- there often appears to be a lack of theoretical basis for the
ponent voltage equations necessary to analyze these modes of application of this concept to the analysis of unbalanced condi-
operation. tions of induction machines such as an open circuited phase or
INTRODUCTION unbalanced rotor resistors. If one accepts that an unbalanced
set of phasor may be represented by two balanced sets (posi-
In the late 1920's, R. H. Park [1] revolutionized electric tive and negative sequence) and a set of zero sequence phasors
machine analysis when he formulated a change of variables it is often difficult to understand the limitations of this tech-
which transformed the stator variables of a synchronous nique and to adapt this trigonometric picture to the analysis of
machine to a reference frame fixed in the rotor. In the late a particular unbalanced mode of operation of an induction
1930's, H. C. Stanley [2] employed a change of variables which machine.
transformed the rotor variables of an induction machine to a Although many have noted a relationship between the
stationary reference frame. He then transformed the stator symmetrical component variables and Clarke's steady-state
variables to the same reference frame by Clarke's [31 transfor- variables, this has been only an observation and both the com-
mation. G. Kron 141 introduced a change of variables which plex symmetrical component transformation and Clarke's real
transformed both the stator and rotor variables of a symmetri- transformation are treated as separate, unique transformations
cal induction machine to a reference frame rotating in syn- [6]. Consequently, the complex transformations (Fortescue,
chronism with the rotating magnetic field (synchronously Lyon, Ku, etc.) have been considered as separate from the real
rotating reference frame). D. S. Brereton [51 first used a transformations (Parks, Stanley, Clarke, Kron, Brereton,
change of variables which transformed the stator variables of etc.) and thus separate from the general transformation to the
an induction machine to a reference frame fixed in the rotor. arbitrary reference frame. In this paper it is shown that this
This is essentially Park's transformation applied to induction same general transformation also contains the symmetrical
machines. component transformation and thus it encompasses complex
The change of variables formulated by Park, Stanley, transformations. Not only is the symmetrical component
Clarke, Kron and Brereton are real transformations each transformation contained within this general transformation it
of which appeared to be unique. Consequently, each was is the natural transformation or mathematical tool which
derived and treated separately in literature [61 until in 1965 [71 evolves from this general transformation to analyze steady-
when it was noted that all known real transformations used in state unbalanced operation of an induction machine even
without prior knowledge of its existence. This derivation
analytically establishes the theory of symmetrical components
A paper recommended and approved
and it provides a straightforward theoretically based approach
84 SM 661-5 to stator and rotor unbalances. Hopefully this information will
by the IEEE Rotating Machinery Committee of the
IEEE Power Engineering Society for presentation encourage Fortescue's work to be more readily applied and
at the IEEE/PES 1984 Summer Meeting, Seattle, therefore more fully appreciated.
Washington, July 15 - 20, 1984. Manuscript sub- In this paper the arbitrary reference frame is used to iden-
mitted February 1, 1984; made available for print- tify the positively and negatively rotating balanced sets which
ing May 4, 1984. occur due to stator or rotor unbalances. The phase variables
may each be of different waveform, containing different fre-
quencies; they need only be periodic, however, the periodicity
of each phase may each be different. This development enables
0018-9510/85/0006-1492$01.00© 1985 IEEE
one to determine the appropriate reference frame to analyze
each unbalanced condition. Also, the expressions are given for fd= E [fdskA) COS (Weskt 0) - + fd.kB S" (Weskt e)J -

the instantaneous electromagnetic torques including all pulsat- 00

ing components. Although some simultaneous stator and rotor

unbalances may be handled by symmetrical components, stator + S skC cOS (Weskt + 0) + fdskD sin (Weskt + 0) (5)
and rotor unbalanced conditions are treated separately. An k=O
open circuited stator phase and unbalanced external rotor
resistors are used as two specific examples to illustrate the ease
of establishing the symmetrical component voltage equations fos= Y faska + fbska + feska) cos Weskt
appropriate to analyze these modes of operation.
+ (faskO + fb8k,6 + fesk,6) sin Weskt = X
fOsk (6)

It is convenient to consider stator and rotor unbalanced where1

conditions separately. Although some types of simultaneous
stator and rotor unbalances may be handled quite readily using fqskA = [faska 2 fbskc -
2fcska + (fbsk,t - fcsk,6)I
symmetrical components there are other types, such as simul-
taneous unsymmetrical stator and rotor circuits, which cannot.
Moreover, simultaneous unbalance is quite unlikely in practice = -fdskB (7)
and perhaps a rigorous analysis is only of academic interest.
In the analysis of unbalanced stator conditions, it is
assumed that either unbalanced applied stator voltages or fqskB = [fask 2 fbsk,6 2 fcskf6 (fbska fcska)J
unsymmetrical (unbalanced) external stator circuit conditions
may occur, however, the rotor circuits are assumed to be sym-
metrical. If external rotor resistors are present they are bal- (8)
anced and may be incorporated with the internal rotor phase - fdskA
resistance; if the machine is doubly fed the rotor source vol-
tages are balanced and contain only one frequency. Although
the assumption of symmetrical rotor circuits is necessary in fqskC = -faska 2 fbska jfcska 2- (fbskg fcsk,6)
order to apply the method of symmetrical components, the
latter assumptions are made for notation convenience and, if
necessary the resulting voltage equations may be extended to =- fdskD (9)
include unbalanced and/or multi-frequency rotor source vol-
Transformations - Arbitrary Reference Frame fqskD -fask,8 2 fbsk,6 2f5skf 2-(fbska fcska)

In this analysis it is assumed that the stator variables

(voltages, currents and flux linkages) may be defined by a =: -fdskC (10)
series of sinusoidal functions with coefficients which may be
time varying. 00 Regardless of the waveforms of the 3-phase variables, (4) and
fas= X (faska cos Weskt + fask, sin Weskt) (1) (5) reveal that the qs- and ds-variables form a series of 2-phase
k=O balanced sets in the arbitrary reference frame [12]. The only
00 restriction is that the 3-phase variables must be of the general
fb8= (fbska cos Weskt + fbsk sin weskt) (2) form given by (1) - (3). They may be balanced or unbalanced
k=O with constant or time varying coefficients and each may con-
tain the same or different frequency components.
fcs =
(fcska cos Weskt + fcskfk sin weskt) (3)
It is noted that (4) and (5) are written with the sinusoidal
In the series expansions, wesk are constant. The a and 6 sub- functions of (Weskt - 0) separated from the sinusoidal functions
scripts denote, respectively, the coefficients of the cosine and of (Weskt + 0). This grouping helps to emphasize the fact that
sine terms. Our primary interest is in the analysis of steady- the qs- and ds-variables consist of balanced sets of different
state operation wherein these coefficients are constants. In time sequence. In particular, for any value of k, four, 2-phase
general, however, the coefficients may be time varying to balanced sets are possible; fqskA cOs (weskt - 9) and
account for functions such as exponentially decaying sinusoidal fdskB sin (Weskt- 0); fqskB sin (Weskt-0) and
functions. Nonsinusoidal components are the coefficients of the fdskA COS (Peskt - 0); fqskC COS (Weskt + 0) and
cosine terms with k = 0 where, by definition, wesO = 0. Simi- fdskD sin (Weskt + 0); fqskD sin (weskt + 0) and
larly, k = 1 is generally used to denote the coefficients associ- fdskC cos (Weskt + 0); which of course may be combined into
ated with the fundamental frequency. The equations are writ- two, 2-phase balanced sets. In the case of the balanced sets
ten to accommodate multi-frequency variables which will occur which have the argument (Weskt - 0) the qs-variables lag the
in electric drive systems where the stator is supplied from a ds-variables by 900 for k > 0 and W < wesk, and lead by 900
converter. for k > 0 and W > wesk. Similarly, for the balanced sets with
Transforming the stator variables to the arbitrary refer- the argument (Weskt + 0) the qs-variables lead the ds-variables
ence frame by (A-1) yields the following relationships. by 900 for k > 0 and w > Wesk, and lag by 900 for k > 0 and
W < Wesk. It is possible to relate these balanced sets to the
fqs = X fqskA cos (weskt - 0) + fqskB sin (Weskt - 0) positive and negative sequence variables. It is assumed that
k=O the magnetic axes of the induction machine are arranged so
that a balanced 3-phase set of currents of abc-sequence (posi-
tive sequence) will produce an air-gap MMF which rotates
+t [fqskC COS (weskt + 0) + fqskD sin (Weskt + 0) (4) counterclockwise at an angular velocity of We. In this case the
magnetic axes of the qs- and ds variables are such that for
k > 0 the balanced sets of currents with the argument
(Weskt - 0) will produce an air-gap MMF which rotates counter- The A and B subscripts are associated with the positively
clockwise relative to the stator windings and are referred to as rotating balanced sets while the C and D subscripts are associ-
positively rotating sets. It follows that the balanced sets with ated with the negatively rotating balanced sets.
the argument (Weekt + 0) are negatively rotating sets for k >
0. Analysis of Steady-State Operation
With the assumed constraints, the stator and rotor vari- It is convenient to use the stationary reference frame to
ables will be in the same form when expressed in the arbitrary analyze steady-state unbalanced stator conditions, since it
reference frame. Hence, (4) - (10) may also be used to express provides a direct relationship between the reference frame vari-
the rotor variables in the arbitrary reference frame by, simply ables and the stator variables. The equations, which are writ-
replacing the s subscript with r, except in the case of Week, and ten in terms of arbitrary reference frame variables, may be
adding a prime to denote rotor variables referred to the stator written in the stationary reference frame by setting G = 0,
windings by a turns ratio. It is useful, however, to express the whereupon the variables contain only one frequency for each
rotor phase variables in terms of fqrIu&rk)qrkBi
f' and IqrkD- IIf value of k. Using uppercase letters to denote steady-state vari-
fIqrkC adfqk
the equivalent of (4) - (6) are substituted for the rotor variables ables we can write the qs- and ds-variables in phasor form, for
into the inverse of (A-7) -with 0,0) = 0 the rotor phase vari- k > 0, as
ables for unbalanced stator conditions become
Fqsk =_=v qs+k
s 1
+ F'qe-k
far= £ rkA COS( Week -Wr)t + fqrkB sin (Week -
wr)t Fdsk = ds+k + Fd,k (17)
where (16) comes from (4) and (17) from (5). The phasors with
fqrkC cos (Wesk r)t + fqrkD sin (Wesk + +Ir)tk (11) the + k subscripts come from the first summation on the
right-hand-side of (4) and (5); the phasors with the -k sub-
scripts come from the second summation. It is clear that
identical equations may be written for the rotor variables in
the stationary reference frame; we need only replace the s sub-
script with r and add the primes. It should be pointed out,
00 1 ' 3 however, that the above equations are not valid for constant
+ (-- fqk + -ffqkA)sin (WeekWr)t (dc) quantities where k = 0. This of course is not a serious
restriction since a dc voltage is generally applied to the stator
only for the purpose of dynamic braking. The analysis for this
+ (- fqrkC +- fqrkB) COS (Week +Wr)t type of operation may be handled as a special case.
If we consider (4) and (5) along with (7) - (10) we can
2 qrkD j t3rkO) sin (wesk + Wr)t + (12) write
v/X Fqqj+k = FqskA -jFqkB
V jFd5kB = J A Fq:+k (19)
fcr = k 2
- fqrkA + 2 fqrkB) cos (Wesk - wr)t ds+k = F qskA
Vi Fqs_k = Fqskc -
jFqskD (20)
+ (- fqrkB- j fqrkA) sin (Week - Wr)t Vf2
/ FdskC -FdskD = j d t
= (21)
1 I 4/ Again, it is clear that identical expressions may be written for
+( f
fqrkc fqrkD) (Week + Wr)t the rotor variables expressed in the stationary reference frame.
2 - cos
Substituting (18) and (21) into (17), gives (16) and (17) as
+ I fqrkD
f + 2 fqrkc) sin (We1k + w1t 1 foq:+k1(22)
In the ab ove equations f0rk has been included even though it+ is+k FFd5kI [jl ji
no+wa:+o ;oA +~~~~~~dskqsk F
zero aue to tue corstraiuts imposea ou tie rotor circuits.
This equation establishes a complex transformation for a 2-
Electromagnetic Torque phase system. Actually (22) is the inverse of the well known
2-phase symmetrical component transformation which is
The electromagnetic torque, positive for motor action,
may be expressed as
Fqss+k 1 -jil qsk
Te = ( 2 )( 2 )(Wb) (iqsidr idsiq) (14) Imi
S Fqrky j j j F (23)
where P is the number of poles. If we use (4) and (5) for i Similarly, for the rotor variables
and id., respectively, and equivalent equations for iqr and i4r
and if an uppercase index (K) is used in the expressions of iqr
and i', since a double summation is necessary, the torque may (24)
be expressed in terms of arbitrary reference frame variables as
2 1 jl J[Fdrkj

P XM 00 00 V .1
Y (iqskAlqrKB - lqskBiqrKA The zero-quantities may be written in phasor form from (6) as
2 2(X
Te = ()( ,,) k=OK=O
2 Wb
vi Fresk = FOeka jFOek# (25)
qskCiqrkD +lqskDiqrKC) Cos (Wesk - eK)t- where Foeka and FOek# are defined by (6).
(iqskAiqrKD iqskCiqrKB + iqskBiqrKC-iqskDiqrYjA)COS(Wesk + WesK)t + We can write (A-14) in the stationary reference frame by
setting w = 0 and for steady-state conditions by assuming the
(qskAi'qrKA +iqskBiqrKBiqskCiqrKC-iqskDiqrKfD)sin(Wesk-WesK)t + rotor speed is constant and setting p = jiwsk. If we then sub-
(lqskAiqrKC1iqskBlqrKD IqskCqqrKA- lqskDlqrKBr (resk +WesK)t (15) stitute the inverses of (23) and (24) for the voltages and
currents we obtain
where S is the familiar symmetrical component transformation
Vqs+k rS+j Wb
X5S j
XM for a 3-phase system.
r 12

Vqr+k . Wesk rr ' Wesk i

I a a2
+jWWb XTr = I
l 1a2 a
3 1 l l
qs-k 0 O
I, In (33) "a" is complex, denoting a counterclockwise rotation of

Vqr k 22r radians.

Clearly, (32) may also be used for steady-state
2--~Sk 0 rotor quantities expressed in the stationary reference frame.
The phasors representing the stator phase quantities may
be expressed from the +k and -k components by the inverse of
0 0 (32). However, due to stator unbalance the rotor phase vari-
ables will contain two frequencies for each value of k as noted
Iqs +k
in (11) - (13). Since we cannot use a real transformation to
0 0
transform phasors from the stationary reference frame to a
qr + k (26) reference frame fixed in the rotor, it is necessary to write the
phasors from the expressions for the instantaneous rotor vari-
.Week iWeek X I
,qs-k ables. Therefore, from (11) - (13), along with the relationships
r5 +j
Wb I °b (3) and (5) written for qr- and dr-quantities, we can have
. Wesk rr . Wesk i
J-XM 2S +J
(<}WOb rr ~=
FarkFqr+kJ ~ + ~ W)+ [k (34)

With Sk
Sk = =
eSk Wr (27) 2bkjFr+J (Wesk Wr)
+(aqrJ+IF(Wesk + Wr)
J (35)
The Os-voltage equation is
Fcrk = laFq:+kJ _ +aqr-k+1
+ Fork (3)1
WeSk (Weekr__) +Wr) L Or iek Wr)
VOsk = (rs + (L,
XlS) 1Osk (28) In the above equations the subscripts associated with each
For the assumed conditions of balanced, single frequency
bracket indicate the frequency of the instantaneous quantity
applied rotor voltages, Vqr+k = Vqr+1 and Vq =k 0 if the being represented by the phasors.
machine is doubly fed. We have derived the well known posi- The steady-state electromagnetic torque may be expressed
tive and negative sequence voltage equations for unbalanced in terms of the stationary reference frame component phasors
stator conditions. It is clear from symmet,rical component by appropriate substitution into (15). In particular,
theory that Fqs+i =F S+ F5 = Fa F5 = Far+ and
Te P3(XM1
-' I
.qs a

Fqsi = Fqr where F,s + and Far+ are the positive sequence 2 Wb k=1 K=1
phasors associated with a-phase and F, and F are the

(iqs+klqr+K jlqs-klqr-K)]
* 5*j' COS (Wesk
negative sequence phasors.
We have yet to derive the 3-phase symmetrical com-
Re -
ponent transformation. F s FdS and Fo5k are algebraically
related to Fask, Fbsk and FCek by K. From (A-i) + Re [i(-Iqs+kiqr-K + Iqs-kIqr+K)J cos (Wesk + WesK)t
[Fqsk Fdsk FOekf = Ks Iask Fbsk Fcesk
+ Re [Iqs+kiqr +K -Iqekiqr-KJ sin (esk WWesK)t
2 2

1- l ~- Fas
=31 2 2 Fbsk (29) + Re 11q:+kIqr-K -Iqs-klqrs+KJ sin (Wesk + Wese)tJ (37)

2 21 2l where the asterisk denotes the conjugate.
where T denotes the transpose. From (23) and (25) Open Circuited Stator Phase
qs+k Fqs-k Foskf = S3qd [Fq:k Fd:k FOskf (30) The analysis of an open circuited stator phase is rather
well known and is not given here for the purpose of new infor-
_1 ljlIO mation. It is instructive, however, to observe the straightfor-
ward manner in which the voltage equations necessary to
with S3qd = j O (31) analyze this unbalanced condition can be established in light of
O 0 2 the material set forth in this section and in [7]. For this pur-
Substituting (29) into (30) yields pose let us consider the stator circuits of a 3-phase, wye-
connected induction machine as shown in Fig. 1. Phase a is
frqs+k Fqsk Fos |T S3qd Ks |askk = Fbsk Fcskf open circuited at a normal current zero. Since the stator cir-
cuit is a 3-wire system ios and vos are zero. With = 0,
fq =fa and
-= S ~F2ask FbSk FcSk (32)
voltage equations which can be used to analyze the steady-
state operation of an induction machine with phase a open cir-
cuited and with the source voltages balanced or unbalanced.
- r+j WeyWee
- +Xr 2 b q: +
las qr + e r We .
Fig. 1. Open Circuited Stator Phase

V= Vq = P lbq (38)
With iq = 0,
results substituted into (15) to obtain the instantaneous torque
?qs = XMi'r (39) which of course includes constant and pulsating components.
It is noted in (52) that the positive and negative sequence vol-
and vM = P XMifs (40) tage equations are coupled. With the rotor circuits symmetri-
Wb cal, this occurs whenever the stator circuits become unsym-
Therefore, if, at the instant ia is zero, the voltage ^ is Xmi"s
applied to phase a, the current i. will be forced to remain at UNBALANCED ROTOR CONDITIONS
zero [71. From Fig. 1 The application of reference frame theory to the analysis of
Vbs egb - Vng (41) unbalanced rotor conditions parallels that for unbalanced sta-
tor conditions but with distinctly different results. Here it is
vs = e5c - vng (42) assumed that the stator circuits are symmetrical (balanced)
In this system vos is zero, therefore, adding the above equations and for convenience of notation the stator applied voltages will
and solving the result for vng yields be assumed to be balanced and contain only one frequency.
vn = 2 (es + e..) + vI (43) Transformation- Arbitrary Reference Frame
As in the case of unbalanced stator conditions it is
Substituting (43) into (41) and (42) gives assumed that the rotor variables may be defined by a series of
vbs =2gegb- egc 2 Vas (44) sinusoidal functions with coefficients which may be time vary-
= II00 + infeht
Cs 2 gb
2 gc 2 a(45) far = (farha cos Werht + farhd sin Werht) (53)
The above relationships are valid for transient and steady-state
conditions. A computer can be used to solve the nonlinear f 0r Wbrhct erht + frh' sin Werht) (54)
differential equations for the complete electromechanical h=O
dynamics. Constant speed electric transients and steady-state 00 ' i W t
operation may be analyzed by the method of multiple reference cr = (fcrha cos Werht + fcrh erh (55)
frames [121. h=O
For convenience of steady-state unbalanced analysis, let As in the case of unbalanced stator conditions, nonsinusoidal
us now assume the source voltages contain only one frequency. components of f fir and fc are the coefficients of the cosine
Substituting the steady-state phasor equivalent of (40), (44) terms with h = 0 since by definition, werO = 0. If (53) - (55)
and (45) into (32) gives are transformed to the arbitrary reference frame by (A-10)
wherein d = 0 - Or with Or = Wrt, we obtain
qs+ j
22 W XM Iqrq + E (46)
fqr = h=O~[ffrhACOs I(Werh + Wd)t- eJ+ fqrhB sin I(Werh + Wr)t OJ}
Vqs- j21We
Vs q=J~2 -XMlIqrs-E(47)

with E -
= 1 + S fqrhC COS [Werh WUJr)t + I + 0i
fqrhD sin Werh rWt + 5B)
(Egb Egc)

The 1 subscript is dropped for convenience. It is clear that
(16) is also valid for I'5s therefore we can write fdr = j fdrhAcos IWerh + Wr)t + idrhs sin |erh + W*t -01
qr~ 00 o dh ~r i i
Iqr =
= is., +
qr+ +qr- (49)
There is one other relationship which we can use. lqs may also + l
h=0 I
fdrhC COS I(erh Wr)t + ol + fdirhD sin [(erh Wr)t + 41(57)
be expressed in terms of its components, from (16), as
Iqs =Iqs+ + Iqss (50) for= farha + fbrha + ferhcs) cos Werht
Howeverh is zero
i and since 0 and
L as .0
are both zero then I s
which is Iaw is zero. Thus + (farhp + %brh# + fcrh#) sin Werhtl = f6Orh (58)
= qs + (51) The ABCD-quantities are defined by (7) - (10) with the
If we substitute (49) into (46) and (47) and then substitute the appropriate change in subscripts. The balanced sets which
results into (26) and if we incorporate (51) we can write the appear in the arbitrary reference frame have the arguments of
(Werh + Wr)t - 0 and (Werh - Wr)t + 0. Generally we - wr is superscripts and subscripts, we can write phasor relationships
denoted Weri where We corresponds to the frequency of the bal- for the rotor and stator variables identical in form to (18) -
anced stator source voltages. In this case,.Werl + Wr = We and (21). It follows that relationships identical to (22) - (24), with
Weri - Wr = We - 2Wr. Thus, for h = 1, two rotating air-gap the appropriate change in notation, may be written for the
MMF's are produced by the two balanced sets. By letting rotor and stator variables. We can write (A-14) in the rotor
0 = 0 in (56) and (57) we see that one rotates at we and the reference frame by setting w = wr and then by setting
other at 2W, - wS. In other words, one balanced set produces P = JW)erh we will obtain the voltage equations for steady-state
an air-gap MMF which rotates positively at We relative to a conditions. Substituting the inverses of (23) and (24), with the
stationary observer. The second balanced set produces an air- appropriate changes in notation, into the steady-state equa-
gap MMF which rotates negatively for 2wr < We and positively tions yields
for 2Wr > we relative to a stationary observer. In general,
unbalanced rotor conditions give rise to air-gap MiMF's which
vq:+h r rW)Xesrh+r
j Werh
+ Werh+W M
rotate at wr + Werh and Wr - Werh with respect to the stationary r

With the constraint of symmetrical stator conditions the We rr WeX
stator variables expressed in the arbitrary reference frame will
be of the same form as the rotor variables expressed in the
Vqhr Wb Sh WJb
arbitrary reference frame. Hence, (56) - (58) may be used to 0 0
express the stator variables in the arbitrary reference frame by ~
qr-h 00
replacing all r subscripts with s, except in the case of Werh, and
removing the primes. The stator phase variables may now be
expressed in terms of f9shA) fqshBp f sC and fqshD by substituting 0 0
the stator variable equivalents of (56) - (58) into the inverse of qs+h
(A-1). Thus, for unbalanced rotor conditions the stator phase 0 0
variables may be expressed qr+h (62)
WJerh-Wr Werh Wr
r _ _j( .eh
fir)XB Wb qs-h
fas = fqshA cos (Werh + Wr)t + fqshB sin (Werh + Wjt
We qr-h*
(Werh - Wr)t + fosh] (59) j-XM
+ fqshC COS (Werh - Wr)t + fqshD sin Wb Sh Wb
Expressions for fb5 and f,, are not given since they may be with Sh - Wr (63)
ascertained by comparing (59) with (11) and then writing the We
coefficients of fb5 and f,,s from (12) and (13), respectively. We have derived a set of positive and negative sequence vol-
Although fosh is included, it is zero for the constraints assumed. tage equations valid for unbalanced rotor conditions. Since
symmetrical stator circuits and balanced stator source voltages
Electromagnetic Torque are assumed, fOsh is zero. The Or-voltage equation is
The expression. for the electromagnetic torque may be
derived by a procedure identical to that used in the case of sta- VOrh = (r + j -eb X;r) iOrh (64)
tor unbalance. The result of this derivation may be obtained
by simply changing k to h, K to H in all subscripts of (15) and It is assumed that the stator is supplied from a balanced, sin-
s to r in the subscripts of Weak and WeaK. If only the fundamen- gle frequency source, thus Vq+h qs+h= Vqr+1 and V F = -0 =

tal frequency is present in the rotor currents (h = H = 1),

With Or = , Kr =K. Thus, (32) may be written
then, during unbalanced conditions, the terms in the equation
for torque with the argument (Werh + WerH)t give rise to a Fqr+h Fqrh FOrhf = S3qd Kr tarh Fbrh Fcrhj
steady-state pulsating torque that varies at twice slip fre-
quency or 2(we - Wr).
arh F brh F crh (65)
Analysis of Steady-State Operation
It is assumed, that the stator circuits are symmetrical and The phasors representing the rotor phase quantities may
the stator applied voltages are balanced and have only one fre- be expressed in terms of the +h and -h components by the
quency. Since the analysis of steady-state operation during inverse of (65). The stator phase quantities may be expressed
unbalanced rotor conditions is similar in many respects, to the in terms of the phasors calculated from (62) by relating the
analysis for unbalanced stator conditions, the relationships will phasors to the coefficients of fa (59), fb8 and fc8
be given without lengthy discussion. The principle difference is
the reference frame in which the analysis is carried out. It is F5h = [Fr(+hJ + + [FqrhJ ) + FOshJ (66)
convenient, in the case of rotor unbalanced conditions with
symmetrical stator circuits, to conduct the analysis in the rotor
reference frame since therein the variables are of one frequency Fb,h = aqr+hJ Wr) + [FOShI (67)
+ [aFq_hJ
for a given h. From (56) and (57) we can write the following
phasor relationships for h > 0 and with 0 = wrt. FFr
+ F r + LI 8
F8h [|atq:+hJ +W ) [qh(erh ](i hi(h (68e)
Fqrh = Fqr+h + Fqrh (60)
Fdrh = Fdr+h + Fdr-h The subscripts associated with the brackets denote the fre-
(61) quency of the instantaneous quantity represented by the pha-
In the rotor reference frame the frequency of all variables sor. The electromagnetic torque given by (37) may be used to
corresponds to Werh. Relations identical to (60) and (61) may express the torque in terms of phasors in the rotor reference
be written for the stator variables in the rotor reference frame. frame if the superscript s is replaced with r, k with h, and K
From (56), (57) and (7) - (10), with the appropriate change in with H.
Unbalanced Rotor Resistors The stator is assumed to be balanced, hence Vqs in the above
The analysis of an induction motor with unbalanced rotor equation is zero and Vqs+ is VM,. The electrical angular velo-
resistors has been of interest for many years [13, 141. The city corresponds to the frequency of the stator source vol- We

derivation of the sequence voltage equations valid for a general tages and Wer is Werl- Also, Wer +Wr we and
unbalance of rotor resistors will be used for the purpose of - Wr = - 2wr. The above equation may be used to Wer We

illustration. From Fig. 2, the rotor phase voltages may be determine the sequence currents for any unbalance of the rotor
written resistors and (15), with the appropriate change in notation,
var = Vpm larRar (69) may then be used to determine the instantaneous torque.
When both stator and rotor circuits are unsymmetrical,
' lbrRbr70
Vbr = vpm i'
R' ~~~~~~~~~~(70)
such as unbalanced stator source impedances (or an open cir-
ver = vpm irRcr -
(71) cuit) and unbalanced rotor resistors, it becomes necessary to
transform unbalanced impedances which gives rise to time
V'br varying impedances. This type of unbalance cannot be han-
icr + dled using symmetrical components. However, a stator (rotor)
source voltage unbalance and a rotor (stator) with unbalanced
Vbr = 1Rr Rbr +~~~~~ br(
external impedances may be analyzed using symmetrical com-
R rr R'or ponents along with the principle of superposition. For exam-
ple, if the rotor resistors are unbalanced and the stator source
voltages are also unbalanced but the stator circuits are sym-
Fig. 2. Unbalanced Rotor Resistors metrical, then a negative sequence voltage would appear in the
rotor reference frame (Vqr). The frequency of this voltage is
-2Ra~r Rr
Since the rotor is assumed to be cR
Yar ir Hence, the currents can be determnined by first consid-
3-wire system, io= 0 and We + WL*

hence vin 0. Adding (69) (71) and solving for vpm gives
= ering Vqr+ and then V r with the appropriate changes to
account for the frequency of we + Wr, and the two results
vpm =arRa +rRb
|r i+ CrRr) (72) added.
Substituting (72) into (69) (71) yields CONCLUSIONS
var Rbr R cr lar Reference frame theory has been used to derive the
|br -
=RSr lbr

method of symmetrical components and to show that it is the
ar Rcr
logical change of variables to analyze steady-state unbalanced
[V +IR
vcr Rar R Rbr -2R crI .(
'cr~ operation of an induction machine. It was previously esta-
blished that all real transformations used in machine analysis
For the analysis of steady-state operation with h 1 it is stem from one general transformation. This paper establishes
convenient to omit h. and express (73) as that the complex transformation commonly used in machine
analysis also evolves naturally from this same general transfor-
br 4rT=c [if i (74) mation. This rigorous approach to the analysis of steady-state
unbalanced operation of induction machines clearly illustrates
where if is defined by (73). Substituting (74) into (65) yields
the convenience of the method of symmetrical components
which is too often not fully appreciated.
qr+ qr- Or a
4r c~rf(

Substituting the inverse of (65) for the rotor currents yields APPENDIX A
r$+ V,' VO'~r SfR( +
(76) A change of variables which formulates a transformation
of the 3-phase variables of stationary circuit elements to the
Since Vorand lor are, zero, the above equationt may be written arbitrary reference frame may be expressed [7]
fqdOs = -sfabcs (A-i)
qr + [Rabcr RABi0 bRer 1qr +1

abcr qr-j
I (77) with (fqdos)T = [fqs Ids fosJ (A-2)

with R bcr (R' + Rbr + Rr) (78) (Tabcs)T =

fbs ffs (A-3)

Cos 6 Cos( _ 2r ) Cos (6 + 2-)

RABCr = 3 (-Rar + 2Rbr
+ 1

2 Rcr) (79) 3 3

K = 2
sin sin (a_ 2ir) sin (0 + 2r ) (A-4)
Rbcr = (Rb Rc) (80) 1 1 1

2 2 2
Substituting (77) into (62) yields
W +W W
cr +W r.)X
rr+j( r )X
et 0 0
Wb Wb
Vqs +

Wie rtrr +R

'labor . Se t
0 qs +

j Wb X qr +

5s Wb
r j W(ierW )r s
er wr)X
0 0 b6 Wb

-RA'BCr +jRjbcr r +Rfbcr (de

+j wX,r
O = f w()de + O(0) (A-5) 0
0 rW+P YS Wb Y,
where ( is a dummy variable of integration. It can bye shown -XSS r, + X-.. 0
-b-XM WbXM
qs - W
that for the inverse transformation
Wb Wb
Wb 0b

cos a sin 0 1 Vos= o 0 rs+ Wb

w X,.
0 0 0

(K.)-l = cos ( - 27) sin ( -27) 1 (A-6) Vdr.d
( qr p


r, + 2YX~r
(-Wr )X;,
0 iqr

-(Wb'O)X,r r'+Wb
p XM
_( -( 0
2 sisin (6
(6 + -) +-)27r jI Wb Wb
33 o 0 0
Wr+ Xl
In the above equations, f can represent either voltage, current,
flux linkage or electric charge. The superscript T denotes the
transpose of a matrix. The s subscript indicates the variables, with XsX = Yjs + XM (A-15)
parameters and transformation are associated with stationary
circuits. The angular displacement, 6, must be continuous; Xrr = Xir + XM (A-16)
however, the angular velocity, w, associated with the change of In the above equations X15(X;) is the stator (rotor) leakage
variables is unspecified. The frame of reference may rotate at
any constant or varying angular velocity or it may remain sta- reactance, rs(rr) is the stator (rotor) phase resistance, XM is the
tionary. The connotation of arbitrary stems from the fact that magnetizing reactance and Wb is the base electrical angular
the angular velocity of the transformation is unspecified and velocity, generally 377 rad/s.
can be selected arbitrarily to expedite the solution of the sys-
tem equations or to satisfy system constraints. REFERENCES
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