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571214 - Management information system


1. What is meant by information system & list out any 3 benefits of IS?
2. What is the scope of information systems?
3. Define management information system
4. Distinguish between data and information.
5. What are structured programs?
6. What is spiral approach of system development?
7. Define structure programs.
8. What is system flow chart?
9. Identify the popular structured design tools.
10. What is meant by decision making process?
11. What is EIS?
12. What is transaction processing systems?
13. Explain the process of long range planning?
14. How planning and control are related?
15. What is SDLC?
16. What is use case modeling?
17. What is cost-benefit analysis?
18. What is input validation?
19. Distinguish between transcription error and transposition error.
20. What are biometric controls in Information systems?
21. Name any 3 coding techniques?
22. What is n-module code?
23. Why validation is required?
24. What are the techniques used for estimating cost of a software project?
25. Define software quality assurance.
26. What is top down structured development?
27. What is meant by software metrics?
28. Differentiate verification and validation.
29. Briefly explain about CRM.
30. Briefly explain about SCM.
31. What is meant by pervasive computing?
32. Differentiate CRM from e-CRM?
33. List out the changes that have come in e-governance comparing the traditional

1. What are the major challenges an organization faces in developing an information

system? Also explain the types of information systems in detail.
2. Differentiate between the strategic, tactical and operational information system.
3. Explain the evolution of information system in detail?
4. Discuss the steps of system life cycle method of developing application.
5. What are the basic principles of Dataflow diagram and also explain the context
diagram in system analysis?
6. Explain the advantages of CASE tools and explain logic modeling, also differentiate
it from process modeling.
7. What is DSS? Discuss the components of DSS
8. What is Expert System? Explain the component of it in detail.
9. List and explain different coding techniques.
10. What are the different coding techniques? What is encryption? How does it serve
security purposes?
11. Why computer security is vital to the survival of the business?
12. How is value and risk of information system assessed?
13. What is cost-benefit analysis? Illustrate it with an example.
14. List and explain the software life cycle phases.
15. Discuss the dimensions of software quality.
16. Describe briefly the concept of software specification with suitable illustration and
also differentiate software quality assurance and software quality control.
17. Discuss the relevance of application software packages and productivity software.
18. What are the subsystems of financial and accounting information systems? Describe
any one sub system and explain it.
19. Differentiate Data Warehousing from Data Mining.
20. What is knowledge representation? What is the role of knowledge engineer?
21. What is E-commerce? Explain the B2B, B2C, C2C E-commerce and benefits of it.
22. What is an ERP System? Explain the tools of an ERP system.
23. Explain in detail about Business Intelligence and CMM.

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